How to blacklist a user. How to add unwanted users to the blacklist on VKontakte? What is the “Black List” and what is it used for?

For many people, the VKontakte website is practically a second home. The creators of the social network provided the opportunity for people to share their photos, upload videos, express their thoughts and tell news. And, of course, communicate with friends in real time.

The VKontakte blacklist resembles the blacklist in. When a person does not want to communicate with someone, with one click on the phone button he sends this person to ignore. The essence of the VKontakte blacklist is the same: all unwanted users are sent to a ban.

Why is a blacklist needed?

Every user is different. There are well-mannered people, and there are those who definitely need to do something nasty or be rude. In order not to spoil the nerves, a black list was invented.

Once on the ignore list, a person sees only the first and last name, as well as the user’s photo. All photographs, videos, and wall posts remain closed to him. He also has no right to write comments, personal messages, or invite people to meetings. In the middle of the ignoring person’s page, the message “The user has restricted access to his page” is displayed.

The blacklist is a kind of protection against unwanted communication, spam and annoying users.

How to blacklist a person

On the main page, in the menu on the left, select the line “My settings”. The “Black List” tab will appear on the page that opens. In the line you need to enter the name of the person you want to block, or a link to his page. Click “Add to Blacklist” and you’re done. The person will no longer be able to bother you.

Administrators of groups and communities can also add users to the ignore list. Under the group avatar you need to click the “Manage Community” button. A window will open with the “Black List” tab. Further actions are the same.

Using the “Remove from blacklist” button you can unblock the user and again give him the ability to see and write.

You can find out which users you are on the blacklist by going to their pages. Limited access means you are ignored. If the person is not a friend, when you try to add him, the message “You cannot add this user as a friend” will appear.

In the modern world, almost every person has a smartphone. Thanks to this, you can almost always contact the user simply by calling his number. Unfortunately, in addition to the necessary subscribers, the user can almost always get through to “unwanted” numbers. That is why almost every modern smartphone has a “black list” function, thanks to which the phone will automatically reject calls from unwanted numbers without causing inconvenience to the owner.

Blocking calls on an Android smartphone

In order to block incoming calls on an Android device you need to:
  • Open the “Phone” program from the program menu or simply click on the dial icon.
  • In the program that opens, go to the “Journal” or “Recent” tab. On most phones it is displayed as a clock icon. This tab will display all phone calls.
  • In the list you need to find the number you want to block and long press on it until the pop-up menu appears.
  • In it you need to select the “Block number” option.

    On some smartphones, you can block a number through the phone settings menu. To do this the user will need:
  • Open the Phone app

  • At the top of the program, find an icon in the form of three vertical dots. Click on it.

  • In the window that opens, select “Settings”.

  • In the submenu that appears, you need to click on the “Call Blocking” button.

  • By selecting it, another menu will appear, which will display already blocked numbers and the “add number” option. By clicking on it, a window will appear in which you need to enter the number required for blocking.

    Since Android is an open operating system and each manufacturer configures it differently, how to blacklist a mobile phone number may differ on some phones. For such cases, there are many third-party applications that essentially perform the functions described above. You can find them in the Play Market by searching for “Black list” or “Call blocking”.

    Block incoming calls on iPhone

    To block a number on iPhone you need to follow these steps:
  • Open the phone application.
  • Select "Recent" at the bottom of the screen. This will open a call list in which you need to find the number you need to block.
  • Find the number, click on the “i” button to the right of the phone number.
  • The number menu will open, at the bottom of which there will be the “Block subscriber” item. By clicking on this item, the phone will be added to the “black list”

    The iPhone also has the ability to block an entire contact with all numbers “linked” to it. This requires:

  • Open the Phone app
  • At the bottom of it, select “Contacts”.
  • In the tab that opens, select the required contact and log into it.
  • At the bottom of the screen the “Block contact” item will be displayed, clicking on which will add it to the “black list”

    Now that you have added the number to your phone's blacklist, you will no longer receive calls.

    If you received SMS spam

    Your smartphone often receives SMS messages from advertising agencies. To prevent them from disturbing you anymore, you can block the subscriber directly through “messages”. This requires:
  • Open a message from the number you want to block
  • At the top of the display, select “Details”
  • A subscriber card will open in which you need to press the “i” button to the right of the number.
  • In the “Data” section, you need to click on the “Block subscriber” button.

    Nowadays, the concept of “personal space” has practically disappeared from human life. Having ordered any service by phone once, your phone number will forever be stored in the database of the company whose service you used. In the future, this data will be used to advertise new products and services, conduct surveys, etc. Most often, it is to avoid such intrusive advertising that they use the “black list” function on the phone.

  • The social network has a so-called black list, with which you can block a particular user. Thanks to blocking, the user will not be able to visit your page, view photos, write messages, see posts on the wall, etc. The thing is very useful, especially if you have a lot of fans who are too annoying. Today I’ll tell you how to properly block a user, that is, add him to the blacklist.

    So, first of all, you must decide who exactly you want to block. There are two ways to block and I will start the story with the simpler one.

    We go to the user's page. If he is among your friends, first of all we remove him from friends, otherwise nothing can be done. Now scroll down the page and look for the phrase “Block username”. Username - username, in my case it is Anastasia.

    If you see such an inscription, it means that the user has indeed been added to the blacklist. Now he won’t be able to do anything to you, unless, of course, he accesses the page from another account.

    To check whether a user has been added to the blacklist, click “Settings”, “Blacklist” tab. Here you will see a list of all those users who have been blocked by you.

    As you can see, you can immediately unblock any of the blocked users by clicking on the “Remove from list” link.

    And now the second way in which you can blacklist a user. In the same menu item, find the line “Enter the user name or a link to his page”, next to which there is a button “Add to blacklist”. Just copy the user's link here and click the "Add to blacklist" button, after which the user will be blocked.

    As you can see, adding a person to the blacklist is as easy as shelling pears, as is removing him from the latter. Go for it. The main thing is not to block the wrong user.

    In the settings of your personal VKontakte page, there is a section “Black List”. It is needed so that users who bother you or interfere with you can no longer access your page. This restriction will allow you to exclude unwanted visitors.

    So, how to add a person to the VKontakte blacklist?

    How it works?

    Once you add a person to the blacklist, they will have limited access to your page (see). When trying to access it, the user will see this message.

    A person will only have access to 3 functions on your page: , or add to bookmarks.

    How to add to the blacklist on VK

    We go to our page and go to the “My Settings” section. Here we go to the “Black List” tab.

    You will see a tool like this.

    Here in the search bar, you need to enter username or page id.

    Keep in mind that when you specify the id (see), the user will be added immediately by clicking the corresponding button. If you start writing his name, then after pressing the button "Add to blacklist", all matches will be displayed. An example can be seen in the picture below:

    Among the people found, find the one you want to block. And next to his avatar, click the link "Block".

    Regardless of whether you use id or full name, the result will be similar.

    We use the blocking link directly from the user’s page

    You can go another way. Go to the page of the person who needs to be added to the blacklist. Scroll down a little to the additional menu block. Click the link here “Block...(will be username)”.

    After this, he will be blacklisted and will lose access to your page.

    Unfortunately, the question of how to add a person with whom you no longer want to communicate to the blacklist on Odnoklassniki is quite popular among users of this social network. Therefore, the developers of the service have provided this opportunity - anyone can protect their page from people who are unpleasant to them.

    What will you get as a result? The person you add to the blacklist:

    • Will not be able to write you private messages;
    • Your guests will not be angry;
    • Will not be able to rate you, leave comments, etc.;
    • His actions will no longer appear in the news feed.

    What will a blocked user see when trying to contact you?

    If a friend tries to write you a message or visit your page, he will see a notification that he has been added to the blacklist. This will make it clear to the annoying interlocutor that he is not welcome here at all.

    If the user was your friend, then after being added to the ban, he will remain there and will not receive any notifications. If you don’t want to see him make your friends angry, then find him in the list, point to the photo and select “End friendship.”

    Please note that the service is provided free of charge!

    How to add to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki?

    Let's look at some of the simplest and fastest ways.

    Via private messages

    If someone is bothering you with annoying messages and won't stop, you can block this user in just three clicks. How to do it?

    • Go to private messages;
    • In the upper right corner of the dialog box, find the settings and select “Block” from the drop-down menu;

    • In the window that appears, confirm once again that you really want to blacklist your enemy.

    The hater will no longer have access to your page. But you should know that when you block a user, all your correspondence with him will be deleted.

    Through the "Guests" tab

    It happens that a user does not bother you with messages, but constantly visits your page. You feel like you are being watched. Without a doubt, no one will like such close attention from a person who is unpleasant to you. But there is a simple solution for this case too!

    How to blacklist a person who does not leave comments or ratings, but is displayed in your Guests? To do this you should:

    • Go to the menu called "Guests".

    • Hover your mouse cursor over the person you want to add to the Black List.
    • From the proposed action options, select “Block” - he will no longer appear in your “Guests”.

    On the user's personal page

    The above methods are effective and simple. However, how can you add a person to the blacklist on Odnoklassniki if he has not written to you or you have already deleted all these messages? But you probably still have ratings for photos and comments for posts that you would prefer not to see.

    Everything is simple here!

    Here is another way to blacklist a person on Odnoklassniki. Do you agree, it's simple?

    What else do you need to know?

    To ensure that you don’t have any questions about working with the blacklist, please read the additional information:

    • - if you mainly use a mobile application, then these instructions will be relevant for you.
    • - you can always remind yourself who is in your emergency.
    • - we tend to change our attitude towards people, so all blockages are always reversible.

    How to add to the blacklist

    18 comments on “ How to add to the blacklist

      I can’t find where the blacklist is in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki?

    • Bring it in, just bring it in. How to remove it? Personally, I had some problems with this.

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