What to do with the old computer. What to do with your old computer: recycle, sell for parts or sell

How long have you seen a huge and awkward desktop computer monitor, one of the first ones that could not be squeezed compactly even on the largest desktop? What about Electron TVs or its relatives, natives of the 90s - oldies from Supra, Panasonic, Sony? Maybe you still use a phone that was commonly called a “nut cracker” in everyday life - a huge push-button device from the electronics dinosaur Nokia? Most likely, this “good” is gathering dust in your garage, at the dacha, or even settled in a landfill. If you still haven’t raised your hand to throw it away mercilessly, then it’s time to earn a little money, for this you need to find out where you can sell your old equipment for money.

Valuable trash

In our time of super-thin phones, computers weighing no more than two kilos and tablets, the power of which is enough to play games that gamers could not even dream of ten years ago, outdated household appliances seem ridiculous and even ridiculous. Powerful processors and cool batteries with enormous life potential in microelectronics, energy-saving technologies that are used to create refrigerators and washing machines, do not leave old things a single chance for further use.

But you shouldn’t rush to take it out to the nearest trash can; someone might find it very useful if it doesn’t have a place in your house. So, where can you sell your old equipment for money?

  • Sell ​​working units using Internet sites, or by placing an ad in a newspaper.
  • Sell ​​equipment to junk dealers or collectors (however, only very old household appliances, a rarity from the last century, are suitable for this).
  • Sell ​​to workshops for spare parts.
  • Sell ​​for scrap metal.

Refrigerators, televisions, computers and office equipment have the greatest value among buyers. Small things like a mixer or a burnt iron have no value. The fact is that manufacturers sell such goods in huge quantities, and repairing them is an expensive and unjustifiable undertaking. It is much easier and more reasonable to sell the TV for spare parts, but if its age exceeds 15-20 years from the date of release, you will have to look very hard for a buyer, and the transaction amount will most likely be symbolic.

Give a second life to unwanted equipment

Many readers may be interested in the following question: “Who needs all this junk, who is willing to pay real money for it?” If we are talking about the sale of working household appliances, as used goods, to the common person, then it will be useful to students, visitors, business travelers or people who find themselves in a cramped financial situation. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a refrigerator for 20 thousand, but paying 1-2 tons for a working “Minsk” or “Dnepr” is a feasible burden for any family budget.

Accepting old equipment as raw materials for recycling is a completely different matter. Scrap metal collection points see their interest in this; after careful disassembly, valuable metals can be extracted from ancient household or office items. This is not only copper, tin or aluminum, but sometimes gold and silver.

Repair shops are ready to buy even non-working equipment or machinery, the main thing is that it contains “running” parts. It is much more profitable to sell your TV there for spare parts if it has a working kinescope and the connectors for plugs and cables are in satisfactory condition.

The surest way to “place” your pets in good hands, so that they are treated with due respect and care, is to give them to collectors. It is unlikely that they are looking for something that was in mass production, but you can never reject the option that the first computer in your family, which was brought from abroad back in Soviet times, will not go under the hammer at an auction for crazy IT specialists for 1000 .e.

How to start?

So you've decided to clean out your pantry. The next question is where can you sell your old equipment. Not all companies will take it from you for money. You need to look for those that specialize in recycling obsolete equipment or its subsequent resale (“Megautil”, “Eco Fund”, “Buy Used”, “Metes” and others).

Another option is to sell online; you can use the services of such services as “Skupka”, “Molotok.ru”, Baywe. In this case, however, you will have to take care of delivering the goods to the buyer or find the person who will come to your home to pick up their purchase.

Often the removal of household appliances is a serious problem. It’s one thing to “fuse” your outdated laptop, but transporting a bulky refrigerator is quite another. If large-sized equipment clutters up your living space like dead weight, and your goal is to get rid of it with little expense, then finding a company that will remove it at its own expense will not be a problem.

Is it really true?

Many people think that there is nothing wrong with leaving an old washing machine or TV near the trash can near the house. In fact, for this, the negligent owner faces a fine or administrative liability. Massive household appliances fall under the category of bulky household waste, the owner of which must take care of the removal himself. Yes, unfortunately, our legislation in this area is not entirely loyal and fair, but this does not mean that by violating it you will make your life easier.

The removal of single household appliances can be arranged by agreeing with the janitor; he knows exactly who will recycle it, and most likely he will even be able to make money from it.

It is much more difficult to recycle junk from offices. In this case, you will have to deal with a couple of dozen antediluvian printers and other office equipment, the condition of which is undoubtedly deplorable. In addition to the fact that companies need to get rid of a large amount of equipment, this must be done in accordance with the accompanying documentation.

Give a gift and pay money for it

Freight transport owners sometimes make a mistake: they don’t think about where they can sell their old equipment for money, but take it straight to the nearest landfill. Upon arrival, they are surprised to discover that the employees of such institutions do not wait for the new arrival with crisp bills in their hands and open arms. On the contrary, for accepting garbage (and for them, a refrigerator from the dacha and grandma’s favorite sewing machine are just rubbish) they demand payment for the services provided. The fact that the cargo will then be unscrewed and everything valuable will be taken away is the business of the processing companies; the client does not need to know about this, the main thing is that he will also pay for it out of his own pocket.

A discount is also money

The easiest way to get rid of used household appliances is to use the services of appliance dealers. Each of us at least once in our lives has seen an advertisement for the Eldorado company, from which it is clear that the store is ready to take away the owner’s old TV, refrigerator or mobile phone. The only subtlety of this deal is that the client will not receive real money for this; on the contrary, he will have to buy something new in the store, albeit at a good discount.

This action is called “exchanging old equipment for new”, and it is part of the state program for waste disposal. In addition to this noble goal, it carries another, more mundane and mercantile goal - the population must exchange old technology for modern models. Residents of the country are also being pushed to do this in order to save energy resources, because new refrigerators and washing machines will consume an order of magnitude less electricity.

The soul is not a wallet, you can’t fool it

When thinking about where to throw away or sell old household appliances, you can always follow the path of kindness and caring for your neighbors. You can give something that you personally don’t need to another person. To do this, you should contact charitable foundations or publish an advertisement on resources organized for such cases. The item will find its owner even thanks to an advertisement posted at a bus stop or on a board at the entrance.

True, you need to give away equipment that is in working order, or one whose repair does not require a lot of effort or money. Such a gift will certainly please a needy person, and you can rightfully be proud of yourself.

Our specialized company “Buy-Dear” has been working in the buying market for several years and helps everyone profitably,

Sell ​​your computer expensively and quickly in Moscow with almost any technical characteristics no older than five years.

We confidently declare that we are ready to buy used computers, as well as laptops from organizations and individuals,

who decided to sell equipment wholesale or retail.

Call our managers at any time, leave your request for the sale of computers,

which we will immediately consider and make an adequate decision on it.

Buying used computers is expensive

The main activity of the pawnshop “Kupim-expensive” is the repurchase and purchase of used computers at an expensive price. For example, we will promptly purchase used computers and provide their further repair.

Let’s say right away that the cost of a failed computer is no more than 60% of its market value, but it will still please each of our customers. All you need to do to order a purchase is to provide your computer to a full-time certified specialist to carry out an assessment and calculate the cost.

It is he who will carry out the diagnostics and name the price that the company will be willing to pay. Of course, if you decide to give us a used bundle of a six-core processor with a Core i7-5820K, as well as a GeForce 980 Ti accelerator with six gigabytes of memory, a 2 TB hard drive and a Blu-Ray writer, you will receive an excellent reward.

You can, of course, look for a buyer in Avito or on the pages of the newspaper “From Hand to Hand,” but in case of failure, the doors of our center are always open for you.

Buying used computers for spare parts

Undoubtedly, the purchase of used computers for spare parts that we offer is perfect for companies that have decided to get rid of an entire fleet of used PCs.

Agree, it is quite difficult to find the best buyback options and sell computers not in bulk, but individually, and even those in need of repair.

That is why the easiest way is to order the purchase of used computers for spare parts at our authorized pawnshop.

Today, more and more attention is paid to mobility, mobility in everything - smartphones, tablets, e-readers and other gadgets have gained popularity due to their productivity and ease of transportation.

Indeed, it is very convenient to keep abreast of all events and stay online using just one device that can easily fit into your trouser pocket.

On the other hand, due to the comfort of moving with new generation devices, they are increasingly used even at home. Naturally, the question arises - what to do with old bulky computers? Most likely, many people have an old, useless system unit and a bulky monitor gathering dust at home. Indeed, it is a pity to throw away an old assistant and friend, but how to use it these days is a mystery. In fact, there are several ways out in this situation. Firstly, you can sell your old computer. Who needs it nowadays, you ask. But in fact, there are various purchases, some are only interested in system units, others are only interested in buying monitors, and still others will buy everything from you together at a reasonable price.

The next way to get rid of old equipment is to recycle it. Only specialized organizations that have permission to do so can dispose of old office equipment. This is due to the fact that any office equipment contains precious or semi-precious metals, so their disposal and circulation is under state control. Accordingly, if a company does not keep records of these same precious metals in its office equipment, sanctions in the form of a fine may be applied to it. When you contact an organization that specializes in recycling office equipment, you will not only get rid of unnecessary old computing equipment, but also receive in return all the necessary documents confirming the fact of proper disposal.

As for other ways to get rid of unnecessary office equipment, they continue to be invented with enviable regularity. For example, often old computers and monitors are given to schools and other child care institutions. On the one hand, this move can improve the image of the organization (if the equipment is not very old), on the other hand, there is no need to pay for disposal. Naturally, an ethical question also arises; it turns out that unnecessary, outdated technology is being passed on to children. In addition to this method, they often try to sell equipment at retail, but this method especially delays the process of getting rid of unnecessary equipment and does not guarantee that they will eventually buy this equipment from you.

Where should I put my old computer? Today, more and more attention is paid to mobility, mobility in everything - smartphones, tablets, e-readers and other gadgets have gained popularity due to their productivity and ease of transportation. Indeed, it is very convenient to keep abreast of all events and stay online using just one device that can easily fit into your trouser pocket. On the other hand, due to the comfort of moving with new generation devices, they are increasingly used even at home. Naturally, the question arises - what to do with old bulky computers? Most likely, many people have an old, useless system unit and a bulky monitor gathering dust at home. Indeed, it is a pity to throw away an old assistant and friend, but how to use it these days is a mystery. In fact, there are several ways out in this situation. Firstly, you can sell your old computer. Who needs it nowadays, you ask. But in fact, there are various purchases, some are only interested in system units, others are only interested in buying monitors, and still others will buy everything from you together at a reasonable price. The next way to get rid of old equipment is to recycle it. Only specialized organizations that have permission to do so can dispose of old office equipment. This is due to the fact that any office equipment contains precious or semi-precious metals, so their disposal and circulation is under state control. Accordingly, if a company does not keep records of these same precious metals in its office equipment, sanctions in the form of a fine may be applied to it. When you contact an organization that specializes in recycling office equipment, you will not only get rid of unnecessary old computing equipment, but also receive in return all the necessary documents confirming the fact of proper disposal. As for other ways to get rid of unnecessary office equipment, they continue to be invented with enviable regularity. For example, often old computers and monitors are given to schools and other child care institutions. On the one hand, this move can improve the image of the organization (if the equipment is not very old), on the other hand, there is no need to pay for disposal. Naturally, an ethical question also arises; it turns out that unnecessary, outdated technology is being passed on to children. In addition to this method, they often try to sell equipment at retail, but this method especially delays the process of getting rid of unnecessary equipment and does not guarantee that they will eventually buy this equipment from you.


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Replacing a computer is an infrequent, but necessary measure. All equipment becomes outdated and breaks down. However, when purchasing a new computer or laptop, we begin to puzzle over what to do with the old one.

Why can't it be thrown into a landfill?

Having no desire or ability to store outdated equipment at home, some simply put the system unit in a trash container. This approach is unacceptable for the following reasons:

  • When old computers and laptops end up in a landfill, they release toxic substances into the soil, air and water: carcinogens, lead, cadmium, etc. All of them have a detrimental effect on the environment and human health.
  • Throwing away household appliances is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. There is even an impressive fine of 5 thousand rubles for this.
  • Computers contain rare and valuable materials that can be reused. For example, metal. This will save natural ore reserves.

How does one discarded PC affect nature?

Even one computer that ends up in a landfill can cause significant harm to the environment with its components:

  • External body. Made from aluminum or tin. The decomposition period of such metals is more than 10 years.
  • Plastic parts. This material can take 100 years to decompose, releasing toxic substances.
  • Radiator. Made from copper or aluminum. The decomposition period is 10 years or more.
  • Motherboard and other electronic components. They consist of different metals and compounds that are also dangerous to nature.
  • Wires and insulating materials. Made from PVC. Can cause cancer in humans and destroy the nervous system.

How to get rid of an unnecessary computer

Free thinking on the topic of an old PC

There are many options for how to recycle an old computer without harming the environment. Thanks to them, you will not only get rid of things you don’t need, but also receive monetary benefits. Let's consider these options in more detail.

Working computer: sell, give away


The most popular way to resolve the issue with an old PC is to sell it. Of course, the equipment must be in working order. Often used computers are purchased by students and small companies with a limited budget.

You can place a sale ad on the following websites:

  • Avito;
  • JUNK.net;
  • From hand to hand;


If you are not interested in profit and just want to transfer the item into good hands, then you can give a computer to those who need it:

  • Relatives;
  • Orphanage;
  • Nursing home.

Give it to a buyer or pawn shop

Another financially beneficial solution to resolving the issue of unnecessary equipment is to sell it at a buyer or pawn shop. There are such organizations in every city. You can get a good amount there for a computer or laptop.

Non-working computer: exchange, hand over

If your home computer has completely broken down and can no longer be used, don't despair. You can also get rid of it profitably.

What's on the motherboard

In-store recycling program

Many electronics hypermarkets periodically organize recycling promotions. You bring your old computer to the store and receive a discount on your next purchase. All collected PCs will be sent for recycling.

Hypermarkets where promotions are taking place:

  1. El Dorado;
  2. M Video;
  3. Technosila;
  4. Yulmart;

Scrap metal collection point

Since any computer contains various metals, it can be taken to a collection point.

In order to find a suitable collection point, you can use the search engine on our website. On the main page, in the top menu bar, find Collection Points, and then Scrap Metal. On the page that opens, indicate your city. In the list that appears, you will find all the recycling collection points in your city, you will be able to see prices, addresses and telephone numbers, and based on this, choose the collection that suits you best.

Disposal by specialized companies

In some cities there are special companies for recycling old office equipment. Employees themselves come to your home and pick up an unnecessary computer, printer, scanner, etc. Thus, you not only get rid of equipment, but also the need to remove it.

Operation of equipment collection points

Prices for renting out computers

Disposal at a collection point or with the help of a special company implies receiving a monetary reward. As a rule, the cost for a delivered computer, laptop or individual parts is different for everyone and is clarified by phone or on the spot.

Average prices for used computer parts

Cooperation with a collection point or recycling company allows you to get rid of non-working electronics and office equipment, free up space in your home or office, and also earn money.

Computer Recycling

Recycling computers and laptops is of great importance for the environment and the conservation of natural ore reserves.

The process of recycling PC and its components can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Disassembly. Each computer and laptop is disassembled into parts.
  2. Sorting. All elements of equipment are collected into groups depending on the type of material (metal, plastic).
  3. Recycling. Raw materials are sent to metal and plastic processing plants, where they are melted and used to produce new parts.

Thus, all materials are returned to the production process and do not rot in landfills or pollute the environment.