Password recovery wizard. What to do if you forgot your computer login password

Today I would like to tell you how to create a bootable USB flash drive to reset the Administrator password in Windows. Previously, I told you How to create a floppy disk for resetting a forgotten Administrator password in Windows. Now let’s talk about creating a special bootable flash drive. We will create it using the Rufus utility and the Passware Windows KeyEnterprise 11 program.

To create a bootable USB flash drive, download the Rufus utility link above, the Passware WindowsKey Enterprise11 program can be . The program itself is packaged in iso image. Using this program you can reset your password on Windows operating systems starting from 2000, except Windows 8 .

Having launched the Rufus utility, select a removable disk (flash drive),

We launch the Passware Windows Key Enterprise password reset program; for this you need to go into the BIOS , using the F2 or Delete key and in the BOOT section select the “Boot from USB” option, press the F10 key and ENTER. When you first launch the program, it will detect the disk on which the operating system is installed.

To continue, click 1 at the bottom of the window. At the next step, you need to specify the user who needs to reset the password.

Having selected the user at the bottom of the window, press the Y key (agree) to reset the password. Confirm password reset Y and press the N key at the bottom of the window

We remove the flash drive, reboot the PC and log in.

Nowadays, there are practically no fundamental means of protecting against hacking computer devices and gaining access to the user’s personal confidential information.

Setting an administrator password is also not very effective in protecting your computer, since there are at least several ways to hack and bypass it.

Hack the Administrator's password and log in using his account - easily and effortlessly

What these methods are will be discussed in this article.

Tip 1. Reset your password using the Command Interpreter in Windows

To do this, we sequentially perform the following steps:

  • Click “Start” and select “All Programs”;
  • in the tabs that open, click “Standard” and literally in the first lines of the list we see the “Run” option;
  • in the “Run” command line, enter “cmd” and “Ok”;

    In the “Run” command line we write “cmd”

  • A Command Interpreter window opens in front of us, into which we write the command “control userpasswords2”, then press “Enter;

    In the Command Interpreter window, enter the command “control userpasswords2” and click “OK”

  • “User Accounts” appears on the screen – in the “Users” field, select the account we need;

    In the "Users" field, select the account we need

  • uncheck the option “Require username and password”, then “Apply” and “Ok”;

    Uncheck the "Require username and password" checkbox

  • in the “Automatic login” window that opens, enter and confirm the password or leave these fields empty, click “Ok”, “Ok” again;

    In the "Automatic login" window that appears, enter the password or leave the field empty.

  • close the command line window and restart our computer.

Tip 2. Reset the password for the Administrator account in Safe Mode

To reset the built-in “Administrator” account, we proceed step by step according to the instructions below.

Step 1. Restart the computer and press the F8 key while loading.

To enter Safe Mode when you turn on or restart the computer, press the F8 key

Step 2. In the menu that appears, we are asked to select one of the additional options for loading the Windows operating system - select “Safe Mode”.

In the menu of additional boot options, select Safe Mode

Step 3. Next, log in to the system using the built-in Administrator account, which usually does not have a password by default. To do this, enter “Administrator” or the same word in Russian in the login field. Leave the password field blank and simply press “Enter.”

In safe mode, select the non-password-protected built-in Administrator account

Step 4. In the window that appears warning that Windows is in Safe Mode, click “Yes” to confirm.

Click "Yes" to continue working in Safe Mode

Step 5. We start working in security mode - as soon as the desktop loads, click the following sequence of options:

Start –> Control Panel –> User Accounts

In Safe Mode, select "User Accounts"

Step 6. Place the cursor over the user name whose password you need to edit or reset, and click on this account icon.

Step 7. In the menu that appears on the left, select the “Change Password” item, enter a new password and confirm it. If we are simply resetting the password, then we leave this field empty.

In the menu on the left, select the “Change Password” option, then enter a new password and then confirm it

Step 8. Click the “Change Password” button.

Enter the password and confirm it

Step 9. First close the “User Accounts” window, then the “Control Panel” window.

Step 10. Reboot the computer.

Tip 3. How to reset the password for the built-in Administrator account

This advice will be useful to those who are faced with a problem when the built-in account is protected by a password, which we, of course, conveniently forgot. So, we act according to the instructions below:

  1. We need a CD (or flash drive) with a set of resuscitation programs to restore Windows, which we insert into the drive, and then reboot our computer.

    A recovery disk is ideal for system recovery.

  2. When starting the computer, enter the BIOS by pressing the “Dilete” key.

    Entering the BIOS using the Dilete key while restarting the computer

  3. In the BIOS, we change the installation priority and assign the computer to boot from the CD-ROM. Next, we place our boot disk with the operating system in the drive and reboot the PC.

    In the BIOS we set boot priority from CD-ROM

  4. After the computer boots from the CD-ROM, the recovery disk menu appears on the screen, in which we select the edited copy of Windows and go to “System Restore”.

    In the edited copy of Windows, select "System Restore"

  5. Next, in the dialog settings of this window, click “Command Line”.

    In the System Recovery Options dialog box, select Command Prompt

  6. In the command field that opens, enter “regedit” and confirm the command with the Enter key.
  7. Find and select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section, and select File from the menu, and then Load hive.

    Find and select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section

  8. We need to open the SAM file, then select the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\hive_name\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\000001F4, then double-click on the F key and go to the very first value in line 038 - the number 11, as shown in the photo.

    Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.. and double-click on the F key

  9. We replace this number with the number 10, while being very careful, since only this number needs to be changed; other values ​​are strictly prohibited from being touched.

    We replace this number "11" with the number "10"

  10. In the same section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\hive_name\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\000001F4, select the File menu, then Load hive and then “Yes” - confirm the unloading of the hive.

    Select the menu File - Load hive and confirm unloading the hive

  11. Now we close the registry editor, as well as the entire installation process, take out our disk and reboot the computer.

Hack the Administrator password in Windows 8

The Windows 8 operating system has its own simple way to reset the Administrator password. All you need to do to do this is follow the steps below:

Step 1. Go to the “System Restore” section, and then the “Diagnostics” console, where we select the “Advanced options” section.

Go to "Diagnostics" and select "Advanced options"

Step 2. Go to the command line and enter the following command:

copy from:\windows\System32\sethc.exe from:\temp – and copy the sethc.exe file so as not to accidentally lose it.

Copy the file "sethc.exe" to avoid losing it

Step 3. Now on the command line we write the following:

copy c:\windows\System32\cmd.exe c:\windows\System32\sethc.exe, that is, instead of “sethc.exe” we enter “cmd.exe”.

Replace the file “sethc.exe” with “cmd.exe”

Step 4. Exit the command console using the “exit” command.

Step 5. Reboot our computer and boot with the usual parameters.

Step 6. Press the “Shift” key five times to launch the command line.

Press the Shift key five times

Step 7. Enter “lusrmgr.msc” into the command console and see the administrator’s name.

Enter “lusrmgr.msc” into the command console and see the administrator’s name

Note: if the account is disabled, it can be activated using the command “net user “Admin_name” /active:yes”

Step 8. Set a new password - type the command “net user “Administrator name” password”.

Using the command net user Administrator name password set a new password

Step 9. Reboot the computer and log into the administrator account with a new password.

Login to the administrator account with a new password

It should be noted that this method is equally suitable for earlier versions of operating systems.

In these simple ways you can reset the administrator password on a computer and laptop in Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating systems.

Useful video on the topic

The videos below will clearly demonstrate how you can also hack the Administrator password.

Reset the Administrator password in Windows 7 using a small program

How to reset your Windows 8 login password

Resetting the Administrator password in Windows 10

Once again I am back to work on resetting account passwords, this time I will talk about a bootable USB flash drive with the Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home program, after which I will continue to search for new effective ways to reset the administrator password.

The program does not have a Russian interface, but this is not a problem, especially since in this article I will show everything and tell you with an example. Also, work will occur without problems both on a regular computer with a BIOS and on a device with a UEFI BIOS.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive from the Lazesoft Recovery Suite Home image

Well, let's go to the official website of the utility and download the version Home– the only free version is

Run the installation of the program and follow the installation instructions, everything is very easy. Then launch the icon program.

In this window we need to select the item "Disk Image & Clone".

A password is the most important tool to protect user data from viewing and use by third parties. However, an unlearned password can also turn against the user himself. And if, for example, recovering a password for an account on any website is not a problem, then gaining access to a Windows account may raise questions. But there is a solution, and this is the Windows Password Recovery utility.

In fact, quite a few users find themselves in such a situation as losing the password for their Windows login account. In most cases, users resort to a complete reinstallation of the operating system, which can be avoided if you use the Windows Password Recovery utility to recover your password.

The Windows Password Recovery utility is an effective tool that allows you to recover or completely reset your password, as well as create a new administrator account or completely delete an existing one. The utility successfully recovers passwords for Windows 10 and lower versions of this operating system.

Password recovery progress with the Windows Password Recovery utility:

1. First of all, you will need to install the utility on any other working computer in order to create bootable media.

2. After launching the utility, you will be prompted to create a boot disk or flash drive. Please note that the trial version of the program can only create a bootable CD, and to create a bootable USB flash drive you will need to purchase the full version of the program.

3. Go to tab "Advanced Recovery" , where you will need to select the version of Windows for the computer on which the password will be recovered.

4. Return to the first tab. You will see that a third item has appeared on the screen, allowing you to save an ISO image with the utility to your computer. Subsequently, you can create a bootable disk or flash drive using any other program convenient for you.

5. If you create a boot disk (in the free version) through the Windows Password Recovery program, then all you have to do is click the button "Next" , and then "Burn" for the program to begin creating bootable media.

6. The process will begin, which will take a few minutes.

7. Once the process of writing bootable media is completed, a window will appear on the screen indicating the success of the procedure.

8. Now, armed with bootable media, you will need to connect it to the computer on which the password will be recovered, and then enter the BIOS and set the disk or flash drive as the main boot device.

9. If everything was done correctly, the following window will appear on the screen:

10. After waiting for the utility to finish loading, you will need to select the Windows disk on the screen on which the password will be reset.

11. Select the account in which the password will be reset, and just below, select the appropriate action: remove the password, change the password, delete the administrator account, create a new administrator account.

12. In our example, we are changing the old password to a new one, so, accordingly, in the next program window we will need to enter the new password twice.

13. After completing the procedure, you just have to restart your computer as usual. Ready!

Features of Windows Password Recovery:

  • The utility has a free version, but there is one caveat: it works purely in trial mode, not allowing you to delete and reset passwords for Windows 8 and other versions of this OS, as well as delete an administrator account or create a new one. To complete these steps, you will need to purchase the paid version;
  • The utility works with operating systems Windows XP and higher;
  • The utility successfully resets and recovers the administrator password for Windows 10 and lower versions of this OS;
  • Allows you to delete an existing administrator account or create a new one.

Windows Password Recovery is an effective tool for both ordinary users and professionals who repair computers. Despite the lack of Russian language support, the utility is extremely easy to use, and therefore can be recommended to everyone for quickly gaining access to a locked computer.

admin 2013-10-08

A simple way to access a computer with Windows 7 (8) to reset the admin password. To gain access to a locked computer, we will perform several steps.

Method one

Create a bootable USB flash drive and remove the password using it. (all data on the flash drive will be destroyed)

Download the program and image. Unpack the contents and run the file rufus_v1.4.1

In the open program window, click on the disk icon, select the image in the unpacked folder called BootPass and press the start button.

We are waiting for the bootable flash drive to be created.

Now we insert the USB flash drive to reset the password into the password-protected computer and select “boot from USB” when booting.

For complete instructions, watch the video

Method two(This method is suitable for advanced users.)

1. We gain access to windows with administrator rights.

rename the file c:/windows/system32/sethc.exe to sethc.ex_
rename the file c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe to sethc.exe

(If you can’t rename the file, use the Unlocker program, it is in the boot disk, you can download it here)

reboot the computer.

A login window appears before us, requiring you to enter a password.
On the keyboard, press the right SHIFT button and do not release (10 seconds) until the command prompt window appears.

We are in the system command prompt with administrator rights. This means that we can do whatever we want with the computer.

Create a new user hacker

write on the command line
net user hacker /add press Enter

Now we give him administrator rights
net localgroup administrators hacker /add press Enter

That's it, we have a hacker user with administrator rights.
We restart the computer and see the hacker account in the login window, click on it and get into the system.

Today we will consider a situation that many computer users have already encountered and/or may still encounter. Namely, what to do if you forgot the password to turn on your computer. This can happen to anyone. You can also forget or lose a note with a password in no time. Especially when this password often has to be changed, as some users do (for example, mothers trying to limit the time their children spend on the computer).

So, today we’ll look at one of the ways to effectively solve this problem. Of course there are many methods resetting or recovering (or hacking) a forgotten Windows login password or user unlock. Gradually I will add descriptions and others.

This method is distinguished by its versatility. That is, This method of resetting a forgotten computer password is suitable for various Windows operating systems : 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, etc.

Let's use the utility.

Accordingly, in the first case, we write the image file to disk (read how to burn an iso image to disk), in the second, we create a bootable flash drive (in this case, we simply copy all the files in their archive to a blank flash drive). Choose which option is more convenient for you.

After this is done, we insert our disk or flash drive into the computer (we need to boot from one of these media) and turn it on. If your operating system still starts and asks you to enter a forgotten password, then you will have to do a little more magic to launch the utility from the disk/flash drive. Read how to boot from external media.

If such a picture appears on the screen, it means that everything was done correctly, and you were able to load Offline NT Password and Registry editor from the disk/flash drive.

Click Enter and wait. Now the program prompts us to select the partition on which the operating system is installed (in other words, where we will reset the password). The disk is selected by entering the desired number. The screen tells us how many partitions the program currently sees and what their sizes are. Actually, this is the only information available to us here about the sections, so we can only rely on it. But don't worry, if you select the wrong partition by mistake, the utility will simply not be able to erase the password, and you will return to this menu, where you can enter a different partition number and try again.

In my case, two partitions are displayed: 1 - 10.7 GB, 2 - 5490 MB. If you remember how big yours was Local drive C , then choose a partition with a similar size. I select section 1. I enter a number from the keyboard 1 and press Enter .

Next you need to specify the directory where the file is located SAM(storing the registry branch). The program itself offers us a default directory ( Windows/System32/config ), where this file is usually located. We agree, click Enter .

Next, we are asked to choose what action we want to perform. Enter the number 1 , which corresponds to password reset (Password reset), and press Enter .

The next step is to also choose the desired action. Enter the number 1 - change accounts and passwords (Edit user data and passwords ). Click Enter .

A sign appears in front of us, which lists everything usernames (Username) and them identifiers (RID) . The program prompts you to enter a username from the list for which you want to reset the password. The program immediately offered me Admin- It is on this account that I want to erase the password. So I just click Enter .

Retreat. You, of course, can enter a different username, but it’s probably better to unlock the administrator account, and only then change the passwords for everyone who needs it.

If your username is written in Russian, then it is normal that it will not be reflected due to the Cyrillic alphabet. In this case, instead of the username, indicate it RID in the following form: 0xRID. That is, in my case: 0x01f4. Click Enter .

Now the program offers us the following options for action for the selected account: 1 - clear the password, 2 - change the password, 3 - make the user an administrator, 4 - unlock the account, q - exit and return to selecting the account. Enter 1 and press Enter .

Password removed! The job is done, all that remains is to exit the application. Enter Exclamation point and click Enter .

Enter q and click Enter .

We confirm the changes have been made. Enter y and press Enter .

We refuse to continue working in Offline NT Password and Registry editor and enter n , then click Enter .

We remove the disk from the wire or the flash drive from the usb socket, restart the computer and enjoy the result. Windows login password has been reset!

Naturally, the article is intended to help those who really forgot password and would have had no other choice but to reinstall the system. Under no circumstances does the information provided can not use for any harmful purposes.