Hideme VPN doesn't work. Servers all over the world

In many countries, the state blocks access to seemingly harmless resources. Sometimes, on the contrary, the developers themselves close their services to users from certain countries. Today, almost everyone hears words such as VPN, Proxy or anonymizer. In this article, I will introduce you to the Russian-language VPN service HideMe, which is perfect even for inexperienced computer users.

What is a VPN and why do I need it?

VPN - Virtual Private Network (in Russian, a virtual private network). In fact, this means that your connection to the server will occur through a separate network. When connecting to such a network, the server will think that you are in another country, and all your traffic will be hidden from the provider. Thanks to this, you can easily use any necessary resources.

Why HideMe


The principle of operation of all VPN services is the same - it is full encryption of your traffic after connecting to the server and masking your IP. The whole point is how the developers implement these functions and what additional features they offer. HideMe uses free and open OpenVPN technology for encryption with an RSA 2048-bit encryption key and a 256-bit AES channel. In addition to it, the protocols used are PPTP - MPPE 128 bits and L2TP - AES 128 bits.

For those who are completely unfamiliar with these words, it is enough to know the following. OpenVPN's open source code is a guarantee that there are no government bugs to intercept your data, and its security can and has been verified by the global community. Plus, you can connect to the VPN from almost any device, even without a client.

Servers all over the world

HideMe has a large “portfolio” of servers all over the world. Today they have 93 servers located in 68 cities in 42 countries. This means that you can always choose the desired country of residence and get a stable and fast connection.

Additional "chips"

VPN services hide your real IP address and randomly give out one of the free server IP addresses when registering. For owners of a (six-month and above) subscription, HideMe offers the “personal IP address” option. This means that when you connect, you will always receive the same address on the server. This is often necessary to access resources that block access for dynamic addresses.

As I wrote above, HideMe will work on any device, be it game consoles, smartphones or Smart TVs with an Internet connection.

And the Russian-language interface will help even beginners master the program.

Working with HideMe

From the HideMe website you can download a client for popular operating systems or get instructions for setting up a connection using system tools.

Since experienced users will figure it out themselves, I won’t talk about the intricacies of manual configuration. An ordinary user just needs to download the desired version of HideMe and simply run the program. On any device you will only have one button “Connect” and select the country of connection. After which all blocked resources automatically become available.

Subscription to HideMe starts from 37 rubles per hour or 349 rubles per month. By promotional code "THEMARFA17" you can get a 17% discount on any of the tariff plans. The code is valid until January 31, 2017.

Hello! I’ve been meaning to prepare this article for a long time and talk about how and why to protect your connection when connecting to Wi-Fi in public places. I’ll tell you about the ways you can protect your data and go into more detail on the most effective solution – setting up a VPN server. As always, with screenshots and simple language :).

The fact that wireless Wi-Fi networks are already almost everywhere does not surprise anyone. In the city (especially in the center) It is already more difficult to find a place where there is not at least one available wireless network than to find this very network. Cafes, shopping centers, shops - almost all have their own Wi-Fi networks. To which we can connect and use the Internet for free. But is it safe? Now, we'll try to figure it out.

Why is it dangerous to connect to public Wi-Fi?

When connecting to a wireless network in a public place, we are exposed to danger. More precisely, our personal data, which is stored on the computer and which we transmit to the Internet, or receive it from there. After all, you don’t just connect to the Internet, you go to some sites using your data (login and password) and even make payments on different websites or online banking systems.

So, all this data can be intercepted by attackers, and of course, they intercept this data for a reason, they know what to do with it. Believe me, it is not very difficult for attackers to gain access to your data. It is enough that your device (laptop, phone, tablet) connected to the network they need. And in some cases, this applies to the network of the most intruders.

And it doesn’t matter at all whether this public network is password protected or not. After all, even if it is protected, almost anyone can get the password.

Therefore, if you often connect to public Wi-Fi (especially if you have to log in to some sites and make payments), then you definitely need to think about security. And configure your device in such a way as to protect your personal information as much as possible.

How to secure your connection?

The most effective way is to set up a VPN connection on your device and work through it. We will talk about this in more detail further.

1. Try to remember the names of wireless networks and connect only to them. I will introduce that when you are sitting, for example, in some cafe, then connect to their network, and not to some other, unknown networks.

2. Please indicate that you are connected to a public network. If you are working from a laptop, then when you connect to a new network, the following window should appear:

Select item. This will allow the operating system to protect your computer as much as possible.

3. Try not to have any major surgery. I will enter to log in to different sites, especially online banking systems.

4. Antivirus and Firewall. It is necessary. You must have a good antivirus installed, preferably a paid one. And it needs to be updated. The Firewall must also be configured. But it can also be an antivirus with a built-in Firewall. For example, I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2014.

Setting up a connection through a VPN server is the best protection

As I wrote above, the best way to secure your connection is to work through a VPN server. What is it, where can I get it and how to set it up? Let's figure it out now.

VPN (Virtual Private Network)– this is a network that can operate on top of the main network (internet connection). Great, you tell me, but why?

The fact is that all the data that you transmit and receive on the Internet is transmitted through this virtual, secure network (VPN). Your data is protected by powerful algorithms that are almost impossible to break.

But there are other advantages to VPN:

  • Changing your IP address (for all programs and sites).
  • You can access sites that are blocked for you.
  • You become completely anonymous online.

And this is not the whole list. The main advantages are anonymity And safety. That's it, enough theory :).

VPNs are available both free and paid. Typically, free VPN servers have many restrictions. Therefore, today I will show you how to set up a paid VPN server (they are inexpensive, and you can test them for free).

In my opinion, the best VPNs are offered by (and also, they have a very cool and informative website :)).

Setting up a VPN connection from HideME.ru

Let's first try setting up a VPN for one day, for free. And if you like it, you can already buy a subscription.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I’ll try to help!

Best wishes!

Also on the site:

How to protect your connection when connecting via public Wi-Fi networks? Setting up a VPN from HideME.ru updated: February 6, 2018 by: admin

Your IP:

I like

Questions about the anonymizer

What it is?

An anonymizer or web proxy is an intermediate link between your computer and a third-party site.

The way an anonymizer works is quite simple: your browser ↔ anonymizer ↔ a third-party site, while without an anonymizer you work directly with third-party sites: your browser ↔ a third-party site. Adding such a link as an anonymizer to the chain of work with websites is in most cases justified and necessary.

Why is it needed?

Using an anonymizer is justified in many cases.

The most popular of them:

  • access to blocked sites (by providers in countries with Internet control, by an admin at work or in an Internet club);
  • access to sites accessible only to regional IP addresses (for example, online TV or Yandex.Music);
  • changing your real IP address to someone else’s (ours);
  • hiding from everyone the fact of visiting a site (encryption of addresses, lack of history and cache) and much more;

What's special?

The anonymizer site was developed from scratch by our programmers and provides the most comfortable and functional work.

All websites work through our anonymizer, with any internal structure, any interactive elements (JS, Ajax, Flash, full support for YouTube!) and any authorization system (unlike free and publicly available analogues, like Glype and PHP Proxy).

Among the additional settings, you can select a country (it is from these countries that other sites will see you), as well as domain encryption, which will help if somewhere there is a restriction on visiting certain sites by domain name.

In addition to the anonymizer, we created our own proxy checker script, which, in addition to its usual work (checking ready-made IP:Port proxy lists), can recognize proxies in any list format (html, tables, text), as well as parse (download and recognize) entire pages third-party sites, take proxies from them, check for many parameters and display everything in a visual form with the ability to export!

We also offer the most extensive and up-to-date proxy list available on the Internet.

Since 2016, our anonymizer, proxy list (except API) and proxy checker have become completely free. You can contact our technical support for advice on using these services.

VPN Questions

General issues

What is a VPN?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network or Virtual Private Network in Russian. At its core, it is a logical (virtual) network that is created on top of some other (real) network (in our case, the Internet).

When using a VPN, all connections to the external Internet (incoming and outgoing) do not occur directly, but through our server.

Why is it needed?

Do you use a proxy and don't know why you might need a VPN? The answer is simple! VPN replaces any proxy, and does its job much better.

The main advantage of a VPN over any proxy is that it provides anonymity and security for the entire computer at once.

After installing the program you receive:

  • changing the country and IP address in all programs (browser, mail, icq, skype, games, etc.);
  • freedom of movement on the Internet and access to ports that are blocked by any filters at home or at work;
  • encryption of all traffic with strong algorithms without the possibility of breaking the encryption;
  • secure exchange of files and messages of any privacy level between users of our VPN;
  • inconspicuous and transparent operation for the entire computer, without the need for additional configuration of any third-party software.
Support for the main VPN protocols (OpenVPN, IKEv2, PPPT and L2TP) allows you to connect and get all the delights of working in a VPN on almost any modern device, be it a computer, router, smartphone and even some TVs.

How to start using it?

The starting point for connecting any device is on the VPN page. Enter your code, click “Connect” (if there is no entry field, click “Other device”) and follow further prompts. The code can be purchased or received as a free test for 1 day.

What if you don't like it?

In this case, we provide you with the opportunity to test VPN access and other site services for free by requesting a test code to your email. This code is issued for a day (24 hours) and allows you to try absolutely everything that will be available in the future in a paid subscription. We would like to note that if you do not have time to test our service within 24 hours for any reason, write to us and we will issue you another code.

How to open an incoming port?

You can open an incoming port on IP addresses available through our VPN. By default, on IP addresses shared with other clients, it is possible to open any ports numbered above 1000, if this port is not occupied before you by another user.

On personal dedicated addresses (purchased as an additional option when purchasing a six-month or annual subscription, or upon separate request), you can open any port.

Opening a port on public addresses:

  1. Connect to the desired VPN server and open the panel, log in with your code.
  2. Go to section Port forwarding.
  3. Enter the required port in the field Ext.port: and press Add/replace.
Ports are added one at a time. If the port is not occupied by another user, it will successfully open for you and the rule will be added to the table below. The openness of the port should be checked from another computer not connected to our VPN.

If the port is already occupied by another user, you will see an error This port is already used by another user. In this case, select another port, or another server, where, perhaps, this port will still be free. You can also rent a personal IP address on which any ports will be free.

Using email clients to send mail

SMTP ports for sending mail from mail clients are closed to prevent spam, and they cannot be opened in demo access. At the same time, you can freely send mail through the web interfaces of mail services, such as: GMail, Yandex.Mail, Mail.ru, etc.

If you have a paid VPN subscription and want to send mail using email clients (Outlook Express, Thunderbird, The Bat!, etc.), follow these steps:

  1. Connect via VPN to the desired server
  2. Open the web panel and go to the section NAT Firewall
  3. Click the button Add/replace
Check if sending mail works. If necessary, repeat the steps on other servers that you want to use and send mail from.

Using torrents

To return the torrent program to full functionality after connecting to the VPN, it needs to open the port:

  1. Open the settings of the torrent program and see what port is specified there (uncheck the “random port at startup”) and remember/copy it.
  2. Open the VPN web panel at (you must be connected to a VPN).
  3. Log in, enter the port to open and click “Apply”.
  4. Restart the torrent program (make sure its settings are set to the same port that you opened in the previous step).
We kindly ask you not to use VPN to distribute files, at least leaving them for a long time (distributing more than downloaded), because this clogs the channel with pointless traffic and inconveniences all VPN users. Thank you in advance for the responsible and conscientious use of our service!

Please note that P2P connections are not prohibited by our terms of use, but due to a flood of complaints from copyright holders, the ports used by this type of connection are closed by default on some servers.

Programs that conflict with VPN

Some ISPs are trying to limit users' ability to use VPNs. Most often, this is implemented using special programs that are used to connect to the Internet. One such well-known program is Ruijue Supplicant (used mainly in China).

If you find yourself in a similar situation, the solutions may be as follows:

  1. If possible, configure the connection without using special programs, or transfer the settings to the router.
  2. Install a second OS on a virtual machine (for example VMware or VirtualBox), and connect to the VPN on it.
Most often, it is the second solution that is the most effective and simple.

How do I change the default DNS?

When using OpenVPN or our VPN wrapper, your DNS will automatically change to Google Public DNS.

If you want to use the DNS of a third-party and independent company, even if the VPN is disabled, you can register the DNS accordingly. setting in the properties of your main network adapter.

  • Google Public DNS: + (on Wikipedia)
  • OpenDNS: + (on Wikipedia)
To configure, as already written above, you should select the main network adapter with which you access the Internet.

Step-by-step instructions with pictures for Windows and Mac OS.

Does a VPN change the DNS servers it uses?

Depends on the connection protocol and shell program used.

When using OpenVPN, regardless of the connection program used, Google DNS will be used: - this rule is written in our OpenVPN configuration files. Using Google DNS has a positive effect on website availability if your provider's DNS is not entirely honest.

At your own discretion, you can change the DNS used by editing the configuration files.
By default this is the string dhcp-option DNS

In the case of PPTP or L2TP and connection using the system, the default DNS specified in the properties of your main network adapter will be used. In this case, you can change the DNS yourself to the desired one (for example, Google DNS or OpenDNS).

NEW DNS configuration for any of the protocols is implemented in our own VPN program.
Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.

Do you support Double VPN?

Double VPN is a configuration in which you connect to one server and traffic leaves from another.
As a rule, there is no point in using Double VPN, because... it does not add any additional anonymity, but only slows down your Internet. If it is very important for you that the connection IP address does not coincide with the final external IP address (this is usually why DoubleVPN is used), we recommend that you simply change the IP address to something different from the connection address in a special web panel after connecting to the VPN.

But if you still want to set up DoubleVPN, or you're just wondering how it can be done, then read the instructions below.

The DoubleVPN scheme is: [Client] ↔ [Server A] ↔ [Server B] ↔ [Internet]
You can create the configuration yourself. Before you begin, there are some disadvantages to consider:

  • A connection through a dual VPN will be slower than with a single VPN server (more on this above).
  • The VPN panel will not work correctly, the external IP address will be the default for this server
To create a new configuration:
  • Take the server configuration as the source file A(copy, rename).
  • Remove redirect-gateway def1
  • Add:
    route 10.xx.xx.xx
    route 10.xx.xx.xx
    , where 10.xx.xx.xx is the local IP address of the server B as a gateway.
You can find out the list of local IPs of our servers by connecting to the server and looking at the gateway. For example:
RUSSIA, Saratov - Canada, Montreal - Norway, OSLO - Switzerland, Zurich - SPAIN, Madrid - POZNAN - RUSSIA, MOS Cow S9 - Austria, Vienna - Russia, Moscow S1 - Hungary, Budapest - Bulgaria, Sofia S1 - Ukraine, Kharkov S1 - Germany, Munich S1 - France, Paris S1 - Italy, Milan S2 - Netherlands, Meppel - France, Gravelines - Luxembourg, Steinsel - Italy, Milan S1 - Sweden, Falkenberg - .0.1 Latvia, Riga S1 - Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh - Russia, Moscow S2 - Latvia, Riga S2 - Czech Republic, Kladno - Indonesia, Jawa - Sweden, Stockholm - Russia, Moscow S5 - Turkey, Istanbul - India, Bangalore - Germany, Frankfurt S1 - United Kingdom, Berkshire - Finland, Helsinki S1 - 10.12 0.64.1 Finland , Helsinki S2 - Kazakhstan, Almaty S2 - Slovenia, Ljubljana - Romania, Bucharest S2 - Russia, Moscow S6 - Russia, Moscow S7 - Russia, Moscow S10 - USA, New York S2 - Belgium, Oostkamp - Bulgaria, Sofia S2 - Moldova, Kishinev S1 - Chile, Vina del Mar - Russia, Moscow S11 - France, Strasbourg - Lithuania, Siauliai - USA, Clarks Summit - Netherlands, Dronten - Estonia, Tallinn S1 - Ukraine, Kiev S2 - 10.98.192 .1 Egypt, Cairo - Poland, Gdansk - Russia, Moscow S3 - Hong Kong, Sai Wan - United Kingdom, Manchester - Romania, Bucharest S1 - Estonia, Tallinn S2 - Netherlands, Kampen - Ukraine, Kharkov S2 - Iceland, Hafnarfjordur - Isle of Man, Douglas - South Korea, Seoul - Canada, Toronto 10.1 02.0.1 Poland , Warsaw - United Kingdom, Ilford - Russia, Moscow S8 - Netherlands, Amsterdam S2 - Israel, Tel Aviv - United Kingdom, London - Netherlands, Amsterdam S3 - Singapore, Western District - Russia, Moscow S4 - Singapore, Tanglin - 10. 104.128.1 USA, Tampa - USA, New Jersey - Czech Republic, Prague - USA, Chicago - Japan, Tokyo S2 - France, Paris S2 - USA , Wilmington - USA, San Francisco - Germany, Dusseldorf - Netherlands, Amsterdam S4 - Netherlands, Amsterdam S1 - Latvia, Jurmala - Latvia, Riga S3 - 1 0.107 .192.1 Moldova, Kishinev S2 - Germany, Frankfurt S3 - Germany, Frankfurt S2 - Japan, Tokyo S1 - Ukraine, Kiev S3 - Ukraine, Kharkov S3 - 10.109. 64.1 Australia, Sydney - United Kingdom, Melbourne - Thailand, Bangkok - Austria, Graz - Russia, Moscow D1 - Russia, Moscow D2 - USA, New York S1 - Germany, Munich S2 -

Is it possible to use a VPN only for a specific application?

No. VPN does not distinguish between applications and does not route traffic at all, but only provides a network interface with a gateway.

Your operating system is responsible for routing, which, as a rule, distinguishes only IP addresses and other rules are not possible. If you only need to run some programs over the VPN, you can install the VPN and the necessary applications on a virtual machine (for example, VMware or VirtualBox).

Directing connections to some IP addresses bypassing the VPN

By changing the routing in the system, you can route connections to certain IP addresses, bypassing the VPN. For example, if you need to connect directly to IP X.X.X.X, run the command:
route add X.X.X.X mask Y.Y.Y.Y , where Y.Y.Y.Y is the IP address of the gateway (if you are using a router, this will be the router’s IP).

If you know how to use the route command, you can set any routing schemes, and even change the default gateway. You can delve deeper into the study of the route command from this article.

Adding routes can be automated by registering them in the configuration of the selected server.

How to edit routing rules?

In the case of OpenVPN, you can change the routing rules added when connecting. For example, if you have a non-standard network configuration, or you need to get some non-standard result.

First, open the configuration file of the server you are interested in and delete redirect-gateway def1 , after which you can add your own rules.

The redirect-gateway def1 parameter is an abbreviation of several rules, by default it corresponds to:
route remote_host net_gateway
route vpn_gateway
route vpn_gateway
You can add any routes in the same way:
route (ip) (mask) (gateway)
For convenience, there are 3 variables:
remote_host — external IP address of the VPN server
net_gateway - your previous default gateway (before connecting to the VPN)
vpn_gateway - internal (local) IP address of the VPN server (used as a gateway)

How to set up automatic connection when the computer boots?

Below are the methods of auto-connection when using the OpenVPN protocol and OpenSource OpenVPN GUI shell for Windows.

  1. OpenVPN can run in the background, starting immediately when Windows boots without user interaction and without loading a tray utility.

    You can enable autorun through Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services.
    Find OpenVPN and open Properties → Startup Type → set to Automatic.

    To connect to the desired server, you can delete unnecessary configs.

  2. Create a shortcut for a command
    "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn-gui-1.0.3..ovpn"
    , where "site ServerName.ovpn" is the selected server,
    and openvpn-gui-1.0.3.exe is your current GUI version (can be found in the Program Files\OpenVPN\bin folder).
    Place the shortcut in autorun.

Execute commands when connecting and disconnecting VPN

The method described below works when using the OpenVPN protocol and the OpenSource OpenVPN GUI shell for Windows.

Create a file C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\connect.bat and place commands there that should be executed after connecting to the server. For example, to launch the browser:
start "" "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
Create a file C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\disconnect.bat and put there the commands that should be executed when the connection is closed. For example, terminate the application:
taskkill /im iexplore.exe /t
After this, open the configuration of the server for which the commands are required (you can edit all .ovpn files one by one) and add to the end of the file:
script-security 2 system
route-up "connect.bat"
down "disconnect.bat"
This way you can automate various tasks.
Please note that applications are launched in Windows using the start command. This prevents OpenVPN from stopping until the application is closed. In other words, scripts should not delay the connection. There are similar techniques for Linux.

How to limit the Internet when the VPN breaks?

If you use the OpenVPN protocol and work in Windows XP (it is possible that it will work in other versions of Windows), you can limit the Internet when the VPN breaks using a special utility that works like a firewall: Extended IP Filter

Setup instructions:

  1. Run the program, install the filter driver: Configuration → Driver → Install Driver
  2. Download this configuration: ipf_vpn.eif
  3. Import: File → Import from...
  4. Edit the first rule (right click → Edit) so that it applies to the virtual TAP adapter (click on the [...] button and select the desired adapter).
  5. Click the Apply changes link in the lower right corner of the window.
  6. You can turn the filter on/off like this: Configuration → Filter → Start or Stop.
The last update of the program was released by the author in 2007, so only Windows XP is fully supported. If this utility works on a system other than Windows XP, let us know.

NEW Internet restriction when the Internet is interrupted is implemented in our own VPN program.
The feature is currently available in applications for Windows, Mac OS and iOS.

Possible mistakes

The IP address did not change after connecting

In the case of Windows Vista, 7 and 8, the OpenVPN GUI shortcut must be launched via right click on it → .

To run as a regular shortcut, you need to check the “always run as administrator” checkbox in its properties on the “Compatibility” tab.

If the program is running, it must be closed and restarted according to the instructions above.

Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.

Error All TAP-Win adapters on this system are currently in use

All possible errors are usually displayed in the connection log. You can get the log using the following path: Right click on the OpenVPN icon in the tray (next to the clock) → Server you are trying to connect to → View Log

The error “All TAP-Win adapters on this system are currently in use” may occur for the following reasons:

  1. Trying to connect to 2 servers at the same time.

    In this case, remember to disconnect from the previous server before choosing a new one.
    Also, do not use simultaneously with other VPN providers.

  2. Virtual adapter crashes or hangs.

    To solve, run one by one in Programs\TAP-Windows (or Programs\OpenVPN\Utilities for older versions of programs):
    Delete ALL TAP virtual ethernet adapters
    Add a new TAP virtual ethernet adapter

If the problem persists, reinstall OpenVPN GUI.

NEW The problem described above is completely solved in our own VPN program.
Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.


Also known as "The requested operation requires elevation."
The solution is described in paragraph "".

NEW The problem described above is completely solved in our own VPN program.
Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.

Error 'Ёв ЄбЁзҐбЄ p ®иЁЎЄ ў Ё¬ҐЁ d ©« , Ё¬ҐЁ Ї ЇЄЁ Ё«Ё ¬ҐвЄҐ ⮬ .

Also known as “The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.”
To solve the problem, try reinstalling OpenVPN GUI following the instructions.

NEW The problem described above is completely solved in our own VPN program.
Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.

Error CreateProcess failed, exe="invalid program path\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn.exe"

Setting up a VPN


Our own development! Supports protocols OpenVPN UDP & TCP, L2TP, PPTP, IKEv2.

Has many additional useful features, for example:

  • Disabling the default gateway when the connection with the VPN is broken (“Kill Switch”).
  • Automatic server updates and display of their status.
  • Selection of connection protocol, including automatic selection.
  • Changing IP addresses within each server.
  • Displays the remaining account validity and connection status.
  • Testing speed and ping to servers.
  • Setting up OpenVPN routing. For example, you can open some sites without a VPN.

OpenVPN using a shell program

We strongly recommend using our own shell (see above) optimized to work specifically with our service, but if you wish, you can use third-party developments: OpenVPN GUI or Viscosity(one month free, then $9 lifetime license). We will tell you how to connect via OpenVPN GUI.

Installation and configuration is quite simple and will take you no more than 3 minutes:

  1. If you haven’t downloaded the archive with configurations yet, then enter your code on the VPN page and click the green “Connect” button (if there is no input field, click “Other device”), a window with step-by-step actions will appear. Click Next, select "OpenVPN GUI", Next, and then this button will change to "Download Configuration".

  2. Download and install OpenVPN GUI client from the official website.

    Enter the name “OpenVPN GUI” in any search engine to get to the download page.

  3. Unzip downloaded (in the first step) archive. Inside there will be a windows folder, and in it config. Select it and press Ctrl+C

  4. Open the program folder C:\Program Files\ OpenVPN\ and press Ctrl+V → be sure to agree to replace folders.

Connecting to VPN and checking its operation:

  1. We find the OpenVPN program shortcut on the desktop and launch it through right clickrun as administrator.

  2. The program will start and a tray icon will appear (next to the clock). Right-click on it and select any desired server.

  3. After connecting (from 10 to 40 seconds, depending on the server), open the page and check whether the IP address has changed. If it has changed, then the VPN is configured and working correctly.

If it doesn't work, other frequently asked questions:
  • The connection occurred, but the IP did not change:
  • Using additional IP addresses on servers:
  • Error in the All TAP-Win adapters on this system are currently in use log:
  • Use on multiple computers/devices:

  • Alternative shell to OpenVPN: Viscosity (first month free, lifetime license $9)
  • Alternative way to connect to VPN: (easier)
If your situation or question is not described in our FAQ, write to us!

In case of problems with VPN, do not forget to attach the connection log:
Right click on the OpenVPN icon in the tray (next to the clock) → Server you are trying to connect to → View Log.

PPTP via phone book file

If for some reason the OpenVPN option does not work for you, you can use a connection using PPTP technology. This technology is supported by the operating system itself, so installation of additional programs is not required.

This solution also helps users in China who have recently lost their OpenVPN connection due to heavy filtering by some ISPs.
and, enter the code in the “Already have an access code?” block. and click the green "Connect" button (if there is no input field, click "Other device")

  • Select "Windows", then "IKEv2" and click "Download". Save the archive.

  • Setting up using Windows 7 as an example:

    Step 1: Import the certificates into the system. It is very important to do this in the following way and no other way., otherwise nothing will work, and you will get a vague error from Windows, in no way explaining what exactly went wrong...

    1. Unpack the archive with IKEv2 certificates
    2. Click Start, type mmc, press Enter
    3. Click File - Add or Remove Snap-in (or Ctrl+M)
    4. Select "Certificates", then the Add button, "computer account", Next, "local computer", Finish
    5. Click OK
    6. In the list that appears, expand the Certificates category
    7. Right click on Personal - All tasks - Import...
    8. Next - Browse - select *.p12 format - specify *.p12 file from the archive
    9. Further
    10. Enter the password from the p12_password.txt file from the archive
    11. Next - Next - Done - OK
    12. In the list, expand the category Personal - Certificates
    13. Find the CA site, drag it to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities section
    14. At this point, you can close the Console and click No when prompted to save the current view.
    Step 2: Create a new IKEv2 connection. Unfortunately, there is no way to create IKEv2 right away; you will have to first create PPTP, then edit:
    1. Open Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center
    2. Click Set up a new connection or network
    3. Select Workplace Connection - Create a new connection - Use my Internet connection (VPN)
    4. In the Internet address field, enter the IP address of the selected server. The list of servers is in the archive in the file servers.txt
    5. In the Name field you can enter any name for the connection
    6. Check the Don't connect now box and click Next
    7. Without filling anything in, click Create, then Close
    8. In Network and Sharing Center on the left, click Change adapter settings
    9. Find the created connection, right-click - Properties
    10. Security Tab, VPN Type - IKEv2, Authentication - Use Computer Certificates
    11. Click OK
    12. Right-click on the connection again - Connect
    13. If connected - congratulations, you did everything right
    14. To change the server - disconnect, go to the connection properties, insert the IP of the desired server, and connect again

    When filtering the Internet

    A fairly simple and effective method for residents of China and other countries where there is increased Internet filtering and problems arise when working through our VPN shell.

    Our own VPN wrapper

    A convenient application for fast and comfortable work on any computer based on the Mac OS and OS X operating systems from Apple. A modern and reliable protocol is used IKEv2.

    Key amenities and features:

    • Automatic connection setup after logging into the program using an access code.
    • Auto-update of servers and display of their status, visual connection process.
    • Changing IP addresses within each server
    • Displays the remaining account validity time, quick reconnections when changing networks, and much more.
    • “Connection protection” (also known as “Kill Switch”) prevents browsing the Internet from the original IP address when the connection with the VPN is lost.
    The setup and connection process is reduced to a few clicks and does not require any special knowledge from you.

    OpenVPN using a shell program

    OpenVPN is the most popular, flexible and reliable VPN protocol. You can use the free app Tunnelblick or the slightly paid and slightly more convenient Viscosity (one month free, then $9 lifetime license). We will tell you how to connect through the free version of the shell.

    Installing the program and downloading connection files:

    1. Download and install the latest stable version of Tunnelblick from tunnelblick.net (check carefully to ensure it fits your system version).

    2. Download our archive with servers.
      To do this, open the VPN section, in the block “Already have an access code?” Click "Other Device", enter the code and click the "Connect" button. In the window that appears, select Computer → Mac OS → Next → Next → Download

      The archive will contain a “mac os” folder containing files like:
      Bulgaria, Sofia.tblk
      Canada, Montreal.tblk, etc.

    3. One by one, launch (double-click) those servers that you want to add to the program.

    VPN connection:

    In approximately 15-30 seconds (depending on the distance to the server) the connection will be made

    You can check the success of the IP change on the page geoiptool.com

    After the first successful launch and connection - downloaded folders, including .tblk, can be deleted or moved to another location (the data from them has been uploaded to Tunnelblick and the folders are no longer needed). You can download the config again at any time on the VPN page using your code.

    If it doesn't work:

    PPTP using the system

    Video " How to set up PPTP VPN on Mac OS» on our page

    Your IP:

    I like

    Questions about the anonymizer

    What it is?

    An anonymizer or web proxy is an intermediate link between your computer and a third-party site.

    The way an anonymizer works is quite simple: your browser ↔ anonymizer ↔ a third-party site, while without an anonymizer you work directly with third-party sites: your browser ↔ a third-party site. Adding such a link as an anonymizer to the chain of work with websites is in most cases justified and necessary.

    Why is it needed?

    Using an anonymizer is justified in many cases.

    The most popular of them:

    • access to blocked sites (by providers in countries with Internet control, by an admin at work or in an Internet club);
    • access to sites accessible only to regional IP addresses (for example, online TV or Yandex.Music);
    • changing your real IP address to someone else’s (ours);
    • hiding from everyone the fact of visiting a site (encryption of addresses, lack of history and cache) and much more;

    What's special?

    The HideMy.name anonymizer was developed from scratch by our programmers and provides the most comfortable and functional work.

    All websites work through our anonymizer, with any internal structure, any interactive elements (JS, Ajax, Flash, full support for YouTube!) and any authorization system (unlike free and publicly available analogues, like Glype and PHP Proxy).

    Among the additional settings, you can select a country (it is from these countries that other sites will see you), as well as domain encryption, which will help if somewhere there is a restriction on visiting certain sites by domain name.

    In addition to the anonymizer, we created our own proxy checker script, which, in addition to its usual work (checking ready-made IP:Port proxy lists), can recognize proxies in any list format (html, tables, text), as well as parse (download and recognize) entire pages third-party sites, take proxies from them, check for many parameters and display everything in a visual form with the ability to export!

    We also offer the most extensive and up-to-date proxy list available on the Internet.

    Since 2016, our anonymizer, proxy list (except API) and proxy checker have become completely free. You can contact our technical support for advice on using these services.

    VPN Questions

    General issues

    What is a VPN?

    VPN stands for Virtual Private Network or Virtual Private Network in Russian. At its core, it is a logical (virtual) network that is created on top of some other (real) network (in our case, the Internet).

    When using a VPN, all connections to the external Internet (incoming and outgoing) do not occur directly, but through our server.

    Why is it needed?

    Do you use a proxy and don't know why you might need a VPN? The answer is simple! VPN replaces any proxy, and does its job much better.

    The main advantage of a VPN over any proxy is that it provides anonymity and security for the entire computer at once.

    After installing the program you receive:

    • changing the country and IP address in all programs (browser, mail, icq, skype, games, etc.);
    • freedom of movement on the Internet and access to ports that are blocked by any filters at home or at work;
    • encryption of all traffic with strong algorithms without the possibility of breaking the encryption;
    • secure exchange of files and messages of any privacy level between users of our VPN;
    • inconspicuous and transparent operation for the entire computer, without the need for additional configuration of any third-party software.
    Support for the main VPN protocols (OpenVPN, IKEv2, PPPT and L2TP) allows you to connect and get all the delights of working in a VPN on almost any modern device, be it a computer, router, smartphone and even some TVs.

    How to start using it?

    The starting point for connecting any device is on the VPN page. Enter your code, click “Connect” (if there is no entry field, click “Other device”) and follow further prompts. The code can be purchased or received as a free test for 1 day.

    What if you don't like it?

    In this case, we provide you with the opportunity to test VPN access and other site services for free by requesting a test code to your email. This code is issued for a day (24 hours) and allows you to try absolutely everything that will be available in the future in a paid subscription. We would like to note that if you do not have time to test our service within 24 hours for any reason, write to us and we will issue you another code.

    How to open an incoming port?

    You can open an incoming port on IP addresses available through our VPN. By default, on IP addresses shared with other clients, it is possible to open any ports numbered above 1000, if this port is not occupied before you by another user.

    On personal dedicated addresses (purchased as an additional option when purchasing a six-month or annual subscription, or upon separate request), you can open any port.

    Opening a port on public addresses:

    1. Connect to the desired VPN server and open the panel, log in with your code.
    2. Go to section Port forwarding.
    3. Enter the required port in the field Ext.port: and press Add/replace.
    Ports are added one at a time. If the port is not occupied by another user, it will successfully open for you and the rule will be added to the table below. The openness of the port should be checked from another computer not connected to our VPN.

    If the port is already occupied by another user, you will see an error This port is already used by another user. In this case, select another port, or another server, where, perhaps, this port will still be free. You can also rent a personal IP address on which any ports will be free.

    Using email clients to send mail

    SMTP ports for sending mail from mail clients are closed to prevent spam, and they cannot be opened in demo access. At the same time, you can freely send mail through the web interfaces of mail services, such as: GMail, Yandex.Mail, Mail.ru, etc.

    If you have a paid VPN subscription and want to send mail using email clients (Outlook Express, Thunderbird, The Bat!, etc.), follow these steps:

    1. Connect via VPN to the desired server
    2. Open the web panel and go to the section NAT Firewall
    3. Click the button Add/replace
    Check if sending mail works. If necessary, repeat the steps on other servers that you want to use and send mail from.

    Using torrents

    To return the torrent program to full functionality after connecting to the VPN, it needs to open the port:

    1. Open the settings of the torrent program and see what port is specified there (uncheck the “random port at startup”) and remember/copy it.
    2. Open the VPN web panel at (you must be connected to a VPN).
    3. Log in, enter the port to open and click “Apply”.
    4. Restart the torrent program (make sure its settings are set to the same port that you opened in the previous step).
    We kindly ask you not to use VPN to distribute files, at least leaving them for a long time (distributing more than downloaded), because this clogs the channel with pointless traffic and inconveniences all VPN users. Thank you in advance for the responsible and conscientious use of our service!

    Please note that P2P connections are not prohibited by our terms of use, but due to a flood of complaints from copyright holders, the ports used by this type of connection are closed by default on some servers.

    Programs that conflict with VPN

    Some ISPs are trying to limit users' ability to use VPNs. Most often, this is implemented using special programs that are used to connect to the Internet. One such well-known program is Ruijue Supplicant (used mainly in China).

    If you find yourself in a similar situation, the solutions may be as follows:

    1. If possible, configure the connection without using special programs, or transfer the settings to the router.
    2. Install a second OS on a virtual machine (for example VMware or VirtualBox), and connect to the VPN on it.
    Most often, it is the second solution that is the most effective and simple.

    How do I change the default DNS?

    When using OpenVPN or our VPN wrapper, your DNS will automatically change to Google Public DNS.

    If you want to use the DNS of a third-party and independent company, even if the VPN is disabled, you can register the DNS accordingly. setting in the properties of your main network adapter.

    • Google Public DNS: + (on Wikipedia)
    • OpenDNS: + (on Wikipedia)
    To configure, as already written above, you should select the main network adapter with which you access the Internet.

    Step-by-step instructions with pictures for Windows and Mac OS.

    Does a VPN change the DNS servers it uses?

    Depends on the connection protocol and shell program used.

    When using OpenVPN, regardless of the connection program used, Google DNS will be used: - this rule is written in our OpenVPN configuration files. Using Google DNS has a positive effect on website availability if your provider's DNS is not entirely honest.

    At your own discretion, you can change the DNS used by editing the configuration files.
    By default this is the string dhcp-option DNS

    In the case of PPTP or L2TP and connection using the system, the default DNS specified in the properties of your main network adapter will be used. In this case, you can change the DNS yourself to the desired one (for example, Google DNS or OpenDNS).

    NEW DNS configuration for any of the protocols is implemented in our own VPN program.
    Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.

    Do you support Double VPN?

    Double VPN is a configuration in which you connect to one server and traffic leaves from another.
    As a rule, there is no point in using Double VPN, because... it does not add any additional anonymity, but only slows down your Internet. If it is very important for you that the connection IP address does not coincide with the final external IP address (this is usually why DoubleVPN is used), we recommend that you simply change the IP address to something different from the connection address in a special web panel after connecting to the VPN.

    But if you still want to set up DoubleVPN, or you're just wondering how it can be done, then read the instructions below.

    The DoubleVPN scheme is: [Client] ↔ [Server A] ↔ [Server B] ↔ [Internet]
    You can create the configuration yourself. Before you begin, there are some disadvantages to consider:

    • A connection through a dual VPN will be slower than with a single VPN server (more on this above).
    • The VPN panel will not work correctly, the external IP address will be the default for this server
    To create a new configuration:
    • Take the server configuration as the source file A(copy, rename).
    • Remove redirect-gateway def1
    • Add:
      route 10.xx.xx.xx
      route 10.xx.xx.xx
      , where 10.xx.xx.xx is the local IP address of the server B as a gateway.
    You can find out the list of local IPs of our servers by connecting to the server and looking at the gateway. For example:
    RUSSIA, Saratov - Canada, Montreal - Norway, OSLO - Switzerland, Zurich - SPAIN, Madrid - POZNAN - RUSSIA, MOS Cow S9 - Austria, Vienna - Russia, Moscow S1 - Hungary, Budapest - Bulgaria, Sofia S1 - Ukraine, Kharkov S1 - Germany, Munich S1 - France, Paris S1 - Italy, Milan S2 - Netherlands, Meppel - France, Gravelines - Luxembourg, Steinsel - Italy, Milan S1 - Sweden, Falkenberg - .0.1 Latvia, Riga S1 - Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh - Russia, Moscow S2 - Latvia, Riga S2 - Czech Republic, Kladno - Indonesia, Jawa - Sweden, Stockholm - Russia, Moscow S5 - Turkey, Istanbul - India, Bangalore - Germany, Frankfurt S1 - United Kingdom, Berkshire - Finland, Helsinki S1 - 10.12 0.64.1 Finland , Helsinki S2 - Kazakhstan, Almaty S2 - Slovenia, Ljubljana - Romania, Bucharest S2 - Russia, Moscow S6 - Russia, Moscow S7 - Russia, Moscow S10 - USA, New York S2 - Belgium, Oostkamp - Bulgaria, Sofia S2 - Moldova, Kishinev S1 - Chile, Vina del Mar - Russia, Moscow S11 - France, Strasbourg - Lithuania, Siauliai - USA, Clarks Summit - Netherlands, Dronten - Estonia, Tallinn S1 - Ukraine, Kiev S2 - 10.98.192 .1 Egypt, Cairo - Poland, Gdansk - Russia, Moscow S3 - Hong Kong, Sai Wan - United Kingdom, Manchester - Romania, Bucharest S1 - Estonia, Tallinn S2 - Netherlands, Kampen - Ukraine, Kharkov S2 - Iceland, Hafnarfjordur - Isle of Man, Douglas - South Korea, Seoul - Canada, Toronto 10.1 02.0.1 Poland , Warsaw - United Kingdom, Ilford - Russia, Moscow S8 - Netherlands, Amsterdam S2 - Israel, Tel Aviv - United Kingdom, London - Netherlands, Amsterdam S3 - Singapore, Western District - Russia, Moscow S4 - Singapore, Tanglin - 10. 104.128.1 USA, Tampa - USA, New Jersey - Czech Republic, Prague - USA, Chicago - Japan, Tokyo S2 - France, Paris S2 - USA , Wilmington - USA, San Francisco - Germany, Dusseldorf - Netherlands, Amsterdam S4 - Netherlands, Amsterdam S1 - Latvia, Jurmala - Latvia, Riga S3 - 1 0.107 .192.1 Moldova, Kishinev S2 - Germany, Frankfurt S3 - Germany, Frankfurt S2 - Japan, Tokyo S1 - Ukraine, Kiev S3 - Ukraine, Kharkov S3 - 10.109. 64.1 Australia, Sydney - United Kingdom, Melbourne - Thailand, Bangkok - Austria, Graz - Russia, Moscow D1 - Russia, Moscow D2 - USA, New York S1 - Germany, Munich S2 -

    Is it possible to use a VPN only for a specific application?

    No. VPN does not distinguish between applications and does not route traffic at all, but only provides a network interface with a gateway.

    Your operating system is responsible for routing, which, as a rule, distinguishes only IP addresses and other rules are not possible. If you only need to run some programs over the VPN, you can install the VPN and the necessary applications on a virtual machine (for example, VMware or VirtualBox).

    Directing connections to some IP addresses bypassing the VPN

    By changing the routing in the system, you can route connections to certain IP addresses, bypassing the VPN. For example, if you need to connect directly to IP X.X.X.X, run the command:
    route add X.X.X.X mask Y.Y.Y.Y , where Y.Y.Y.Y is the IP address of the gateway (if you are using a router, this will be the router’s IP).

    If you know how to use the route command, you can set any routing schemes, and even change the default gateway. You can delve deeper into the study of the route command from this article.

    Adding routes can be automated by registering them in the configuration of the selected server.

    How to edit routing rules?

    In the case of OpenVPN, you can change the routing rules added when connecting. For example, if you have a non-standard network configuration, or you need to get some non-standard result.

    First, open the configuration file of the server you are interested in and delete redirect-gateway def1 , after which you can add your own rules.

    The redirect-gateway def1 parameter is an abbreviation of several rules, by default it corresponds to:
    route remote_host net_gateway
    route vpn_gateway
    route vpn_gateway
    You can add any routes in the same way:
    route (ip) (mask) (gateway)
    For convenience, there are 3 variables:
    remote_host — external IP address of the VPN server
    net_gateway - your previous default gateway (before connecting to the VPN)
    vpn_gateway - internal (local) IP address of the VPN server (used as a gateway)

    How to set up automatic connection when the computer boots?

    Below are the methods of auto-connection when using the OpenVPN protocol and OpenSource OpenVPN GUI shell for Windows.

    1. OpenVPN can run in the background, starting immediately when Windows boots without user interaction and without loading a tray utility.

      You can enable autorun through Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services.
      Find OpenVPN and open Properties → Startup Type → set to Automatic.

      To connect to the desired server, you can delete unnecessary configs.

    2. Create a shortcut for a command
      "C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn-gui-1.0.3.exe" --connect "HideMy.name ServerName.ovpn"
      , where "HideMy.name ServerName.ovpn" is the selected server,
      and openvpn-gui-1.0.3.exe is your current GUI version (can be found in the Program Files\OpenVPN\bin folder).
      Place the shortcut in autorun.

    Execute commands when connecting and disconnecting VPN

    The method described below works when using the OpenVPN protocol and the OpenSource OpenVPN GUI shell for Windows.

    Create a file C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\connect.bat and place commands there that should be executed after connecting to the server. For example, to launch the browser:
    start "" "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
    Create a file C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\disconnect.bat and put there the commands that should be executed when the connection is closed. For example, terminate the application:
    taskkill /im iexplore.exe /t
    After this, open the configuration of the server for which the commands are required (you can edit all .ovpn files one by one) and add to the end of the file:
    script-security 2 system
    route-up "connect.bat"
    down "disconnect.bat"
    This way you can automate various tasks.
    Please note that applications are launched in Windows using the start command. This prevents OpenVPN from stopping until the application is closed. In other words, scripts should not delay the connection. There are similar techniques for Linux.

    How to limit the Internet when the VPN breaks?

    If you use the OpenVPN protocol and work in Windows XP (it is possible that it will work in other versions of Windows), you can limit the Internet when the VPN breaks using a special utility that works like a firewall: Extended IP Filter

    Setup instructions:

    1. Run the program, install the filter driver: Configuration → Driver → Install Driver
    2. Download this configuration: ipf_vpn.eif
    3. Import: File → Import from...
    4. Edit the first rule (right click → Edit) so that it applies to the virtual TAP adapter (click on the [...] button and select the desired adapter).
    5. Click the Apply changes link in the lower right corner of the window.
    6. You can turn the filter on/off like this: Configuration → Filter → Start or Stop.
    The last update of the program was released by the author in 2007, so only Windows XP is fully supported. If this utility works on a system other than Windows XP, let us know.

    NEW Internet restriction when the Internet is interrupted is implemented in our own VPN program.
    The feature is currently available in applications for Windows, Mac OS and iOS.

    Possible mistakes

    The IP address did not change after connecting

    In the case of Windows Vista, 7 and 8, the OpenVPN GUI shortcut must be launched via right click on it → .

    To run as a regular shortcut, you need to check the “always run as administrator” checkbox in its properties on the “Compatibility” tab.

    If the program is running, it must be closed and restarted according to the instructions above.

    Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.

    Error All TAP-Win adapters on this system are currently in use

    All possible errors are usually displayed in the connection log. You can get the log using the following path: Right click on the OpenVPN icon in the tray (next to the clock) → Server you are trying to connect to → View Log

    The error “All TAP-Win adapters on this system are currently in use” may occur for the following reasons:

    1. Trying to connect to 2 servers at the same time.

      In this case, remember to disconnect from the previous server before choosing a new one.
      Also, do not use simultaneously with other VPN providers.

    2. Virtual adapter crashes or hangs.

      To solve, run one by one in Programs\TAP-Windows (or Programs\OpenVPN\Utilities for older versions of programs):
      Delete ALL TAP virtual ethernet adapters
      Add a new TAP virtual ethernet adapter

    If the problem persists, reinstall OpenVPN GUI.

    NEW The problem described above is completely solved in our own VPN program.
    Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.


    Also known as "The requested operation requires elevation."
    The solution is described in paragraph "".

    NEW The problem described above is completely solved in our own VPN program.
    Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.

    Error 'Ёв ЄбЁзҐбЄ p ®иЁЎЄ ў Ё¬ҐЁ d ©« , Ё¬ҐЁ Ї ЇЄЁ Ё«Ё ¬ҐвЄҐ ⮬ .

    Also known as “The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.”
    To solve the problem, try reinstalling OpenVPN GUI following the instructions.

    NEW The problem described above is completely solved in our own VPN program.
    Currently available for Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.

    Error CreateProcess failed, exe="invalid program path\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn.exe"

    Setting up a VPN


    Our own development! Supports protocols OpenVPN UDP & TCP, L2TP, PPTP, IKEv2.

    Has many additional useful features, for example:

    • Disabling the default gateway when the connection with the VPN is broken (“Kill Switch”).
    • Automatic server updates and display of their status.
    • Selection of connection protocol, including automatic selection.
    • Changing IP addresses within each server.
    • Displays the remaining account validity and connection status.
    • Testing speed and ping to servers.
    • Setting up OpenVPN routing. For example, you can open some sites without a VPN.

    OpenVPN using a shell program

    We strongly recommend using our own shell (see above) optimized to work specifically with our service, but if you wish, you can use third-party developments: OpenVPN GUI or Viscosity(one month free, then $9 lifetime license). We will tell you how to connect via OpenVPN GUI.

    Installation and configuration is quite simple and will take you no more than 3 minutes:

    1. If you haven’t downloaded the archive with configurations yet, then enter your code on the VPN page and click the green “Connect” button (if there is no input field, click “Other device”), a window with step-by-step actions will appear. Click Next, select "OpenVPN GUI", Next, and then this button will change to "Download Configuration".

    2. Download and install OpenVPN GUI client from the official website.

      Enter the name “OpenVPN GUI” in any search engine to get to the download page.

    3. Unzip downloaded (in the first step) archive. Inside there will be a windows folder, and in it config. Select it and press Ctrl+C

    4. Open the program folder C:\Program Files\ OpenVPN\ and press Ctrl+V → be sure to agree to replace folders.

    Connecting to VPN and checking its operation:

    1. We find the OpenVPN program shortcut on the desktop and launch it through right clickrun as administrator.

    2. The program will start and a tray icon will appear (next to the clock). Right-click on it and select any desired server.

    3. After connecting (from 10 to 40 seconds, depending on the server), open the hidemy.name/ip/ page and check whether the IP address has changed. If it has changed, then the VPN is configured and working correctly.

    If it doesn't work, other frequently asked questions:
    • The connection occurred, but the IP did not change: hidemy.name/faq/#a2-9
    • Using additional IP addresses on servers: hidemy.name/vpn/#a2-31
    • Error in the log All TAP-Win adapters on this system are currently in use: hidemy.name/faq/#a2-10
    • Use on multiple computers/devices: hidemy.name/faq/#a2-7

    • Alternative shell to OpenVPN: Viscosity (first month free, lifetime license $9)
    • Alternative way to connect to VPN: hidemy.name/faq/#a7-2 (easier)
    If your situation or question is not described in our FAQ, write to us!

    In case of problems with VPN, do not forget to attach the connection log:
    Right click on the OpenVPN icon in the tray (next to the clock) → Server you are trying to connect to → View Log.

    PPTP via phone book file

    If for some reason the OpenVPN option does not work for you, you can use a connection using PPTP technology. This technology is supported by the operating system itself, so installation of additional programs is not required.

    This solution also helps users in China who have recently lost their OpenVPN connection due to heavy filtering by some ISPs.
    and, enter the code in the “Already have an access code?” block. and click the green "Connect" button (if there is no input field, click "Other device")

  • Select "Windows", then "IKEv2" and click "Download". Save the archive.

  • Setting up using Windows 7 as an example:

    Step 1: Import the certificates into the system. It is very important to do this in the following way and no other way., otherwise nothing will work, and you will get a vague error from Windows, in no way explaining what exactly went wrong...

    1. Unpack the archive with IKEv2 certificates
    2. Click Start, type mmc, press Enter
    3. Click File - Add or Remove Snap-in (or Ctrl+M)
    4. Select "Certificates", then the Add button, "computer account", Next, "local computer", Finish
    5. Click OK
    6. In the list that appears, expand the Certificates category
    7. Right click on Personal - All tasks - Import...
    8. Next - Browse - select *.p12 format - specify *.p12 file from the archive
    9. Further
    10. Enter the password from the p12_password.txt file from the archive
    11. Next - Next - Done - OK
    12. In the list, expand the category Personal - Certificates
    13. Find HideMy.name CA, drag it to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities section
    14. At this point, you can close the Console and click No when prompted to save the current view.
    Step 2: Create a new IKEv2 connection. Unfortunately, there is no way to create IKEv2 right away; you will have to first create PPTP, then edit:
    1. Open Control Panel - Network and Sharing Center
    2. Click Set up a new connection or network
    3. Select Workplace Connection - Create a new connection - Use my Internet connection (VPN)
    4. In the Internet address field, enter the IP address of the selected server. The list of servers is in the archive in the file servers.txt
    5. In the Name field you can enter any name for the connection
    6. Check the Don't connect now box and click Next
    7. Without filling anything in, click Create, then Close
    8. In Network and Sharing Center on the left, click Change adapter settings
    9. Find the created connection, right-click - Properties
    10. Security Tab, VPN Type - IKEv2, Authentication - Use Computer Certificates
    11. Click OK
    12. Right-click on the connection again - Connect
    13. If connected - congratulations, you did everything right
    14. To change the server - disconnect, go to the connection properties, insert the IP of the desired server, and connect again

    When filtering the Internet

    A fairly simple and effective method for residents of China and other countries where there is increased Internet filtering and problems arise when working through our VPN shell.

    Our own VPN wrapper

    A convenient application for fast and comfortable work on any computer based on the Mac OS and OS X operating systems from Apple. A modern and reliable protocol is used IKEv2.

    Key amenities and features:

    • Automatic connection setup after logging into the program using an access code.
    • Auto-update of servers and display of their status, visual connection process.
    • Changing IP addresses within each server
    • Displays the remaining account validity time, quick reconnections when changing networks, and much more.
    • “Connection protection” (also known as “Kill Switch”) prevents browsing the Internet from the original IP address when the connection with the VPN is lost.
    The setup and connection process is reduced to a few clicks and does not require any special knowledge from you.

    OpenVPN using a shell program

    OpenVPN is the most popular, flexible and reliable VPN protocol. You can use the free app Tunnelblick or the slightly paid and slightly more convenient Viscosity (one month free, then $9 lifetime license). We will tell you how to connect through the free version of the shell.

    Installing the program and downloading connection files:

    1. Download and install the latest stable version of Tunnelblick from tunnelblick.net (check carefully to ensure it fits your system version).

    2. Download our archive with servers.
      To do this, open the VPN section, in the block “Already have an access code?” Click "Other Device", enter the code and click the "Connect" button. In the window that appears, select Computer → Mac OS → Next → Next → Download

      The archive will contain a “mac os” folder containing files like:
      Bulgaria, Sofia.tblk
      Canada, Montreal.tblk, etc.

    3. One by one, launch (double-click) those servers that you want to add to the program.

    VPN connection:

    In approximately 15-30 seconds (depending on the distance to the server) the connection will be made

    You can check the success of the IP change on the page geoiptool.com

    After the first successful launch and connection - downloaded folders, including .tblk, can be deleted or moved to another location (the data from them has been uploaded to Tunnelblick and the folders are no longer needed). You can download the config again at any time on the VPN page using your code.

    If it doesn't work:

    PPTP using the system

    Video " How to set up PPTP VPN on Mac OS» on our page

    This is not the first and probably not even the tenth time that the topic of VPN has been raised on Lifehacker. In the comments to such posts, questions sometimes appear like “what is this anyway and why,” and therefore it will be useful to provide an introductory one.

    VPN in clear language

    A VPN for a user is, roughly speaking, a proxy + anonymizer + encryption, but not for some individual applications and browser, but in general for all data on any device. VPN is when you don’t care about all the restrictions, prohibitions, risks, threats and generally everything.

    VPN for those who do not set up servers

    There is always a certain “aura of geekiness” around VPNs. It seems like only a seasoned techie can make such a useful thing for himself. Not really. VPNs are a business these days, and any service that appeals to a mass audience needs to be simple.

    In the comments to this post there will definitely be a person who will say that it is better to get your VPN server up and running. Okay, let's say. But what if you need to use IP addresses from different countries? Will you rent many servers in different parts of the world for your personal use? This is not financially feasible.

    And it can be difficult to explain to such a fan of his own VPN servers that besides him there are millions of people who don’t want and don’t need to bother with this. Hundreds of simple, universal and much more flexible out-of-the-box solutions work for them, which do not need to be lifted and configured. And you don’t need to think about them either. Select, connect and forget. By the way, about choice.

    The world's best VPN

    There is no such VPN and cannot exist. Different people have different needs. In general, all services are somewhat similar, each has some features and attracts with something of its own.

    At one time, our editor-in-chief was delighted because there was an iOS application. Personally, I don’t quite understand the value of mobile applications for working via VPN on iOS or Android, since both operating systems have built-in tools for working via VPN. That is, setting up a VPN on your iPhone, iPad or Android is no more difficult than entering your login and password on some website.