Windows 7 system rollback does not work. How to create a restore point in Windows and perform a system rollback

Often, after installing a program, the computer is under Windows control 7 begins to behave strangely. Glitches, interface slowdowns, failure to start the system - all this indicates that you have installed malicious software or your PC has been subject to a virus attack. What to do in this case? How to rollback Windows systems 7?

In fact, system rollback is the only the right way solving problems with Windows glitches after installing any software. Windows automatically creates a restore point before installing programs. If the system is enabled automatic creation restore points, then you can roll back the system from Windows. If the computer does not turn on, you will have to restore the system from safe mode. In case of damaged system files, you will have to connect to Windows recovery boot disk With Windows distribution 7.

Let's look at each recovery method separately and highlight their advantages.

1. System rollback from Windows

The simplest and quick way system rollback - use special program recovery in Windows 7. But it has one significant drawback: you won’t be able to roll back the system without a restore point.

Open “Start”, select “All Programs” and follow the path “Accessories >> System Tools”. Find the “System Restore” program in the list and run it.

You can open “System Restore” in another way: click the “Start” menu and start typing the word “recovery” in the search. After 4-5 Windows letters will offer you programs where we select “System Restore” from the list.

After launching the program, a window will open that briefly but clearly explains what system recovery is. Click “Next”.

If there are restore points on the PC, the system will offer the entire list. Select the latest point by date and click the “Next” button. If you need to view a list of programs that will be “affected” during the recovery process, click on the “Search for affected programs” button.

In the next window, confirm the system rollback with the “Finish” button.

The system will again warn you that the recovery cannot be interrupted. Click “Yes” and wait for the process to complete. During a system rollback, the computer may reboot several times.

2. Recover using Safe Mode

Most users roll back the system in “hopeless” cases. With them, the PC refuses to boot, but there is a solution for this problem safe mode, which allows you to roll back the system to working condition. In order to enter the system’s safe mode, when starting the PC, you need to press the F8 button and use the up/down buttons to select “safe mode” and click Enter.

Windows will start with a black desktop and "degraded" graphics. After which you can begin the system rollback process described in the first paragraph.

3. Restoring Windows using a boot disk

Minus this method The problem is that you should always have a boot disk with Windows 7 on hand. But this method can restore the system in the most severe cases, even when safe mode is not working.

Insert the Windows 7 boot disk into the drive. At Windows startup press F12 on the keyboard and select from the list optical drive. After loading the disk, select the Russian language and click “Next”. After which Windows 7 will offer installation. But you need to click on the “System Restore” link.

After searching installed systems In the new window, select “System Restore”.

When you launch this program, the same system rollback process will begin as in the first paragraph of the article.

After restarting the computer, remove the disk from the drive and enjoy the restored Windows 7.

How to perform a system rollback on Windows 7 if a checkpoint has not been created? This question torments many people, but there is no solution to this problem. Without a checkpoint, Windows recovery is impossible. As a result, the only option left is to reinstall Windows.

System rollback Windows 7 – standard procedure recovery, allowing you to return workable configuration in case of occurrence software errors. When you use this tool, you return the system to a state where it was working correctly; all changes made after the selected restore point are lost.

System rollback in Windows environment

Before we begin to figure out how to roll back a Windows 7 system, it is necessary to note important factor: To perform this procedure, you must have the checkpointing feature enabled.

To activate the recovery function:

The more space you allocate for recovery points, the more options you will have for system rollback. However, there is no need to be zealous, because you are borrowing free space on the hard drive.

If the feature was enabled before (it is always enabled by default), then you can rollback to a previous working configuration:

A warning will appear on the screen that the recovery process cannot be stopped. Click Yes to continue and wait for the computer to restart.

Users often ask how to roll back the system to a day ago. This can be done if a control point was previously created for this date. If there is no restore point, then return the configuration yesterday it won't work.

Using Safe Mode to Roll Back the System

Now let's see how to roll back a Windows 7 system if it stops working correctly: for example, . In this case, “ ” will help you, which launches in the menu for selecting boot options ( - F 8 immediately after turning on the computer).

The desktop in safe mode will have a slightly different appearance from the usual one, since everything visual effects will be disabled. However, you can find the “System Restore” function and use it in the same way as with a regular booting Windows, – through the “Start” menu.

If Windows refuses to boot even in safe mode, you can roll back the system to specific date by using installation media. You can find out more about this procedure in the article about. In this case, system rollback is carried out according to the same scheme: you find a suitable control point and return the computer to a working configuration.

Any modern novice programmer is capable of creating a virus program that causes malfunctions in various types of computers. In these cases, often the only solution to the problem other than full formatting, is to restore the system by rolling back.


System restore (rollback) - what is it and when to use it

New installed programs or driver updates sometimes turn out to be incompatible with computer hardware. Each computer owner must be aware of why he carries out certain operations with his operating system, with individual system files or the registry. And as a precaution, it is useful to know how to roll back a Windows 7 system.

The usual “littering” of the system also provokes problems with the functioning of the computer.

Viruses of all kinds also do not help improve the operation of the system. If, when working with a computer, the user encounters constant failures and spontaneous changes settings, it makes sense that a virus program has appeared, which for some reason was not recognized and eliminated by the antivirus program.

When the computer refuses to work as before, return to previous versions operating system without reinstalling it, it performs the built-in recovery service. If it is active, then Windows itself creates restore points before automatic updates. The user can do the same manually if he decides to take a risk and install some program, update the driver to the latest, change or clean the registry, or make other serious changes to the running system.

Restore point and its creation in Windows 7 manually

Restore point returns the system to a specified point without affecting user files. A correctly operating operating system automatically creates such points on a weekly basis when installing or updating programs, drivers, etc. You can set a different period for creating these points. You can do this yourself, manually.

To create a restore point in manual mode the user needs to save and close the files and programs he was working with. Then you need to click the “Start” button in the lower left corner of the desktop and write the word “create” in the text field under the list of programs.

A list will appear on the screen in which you need to find the item "create a restore point". In response to its click, the “System Protection” tab of the system properties window will appear. In the text field, the user must write something identifying this point; the operating system itself will automatically add the date and time. Then click the “Create” button.

When the process is completed and a window with a corresponding notification appears on the screen, the user must close all open windows. Dot Windows recovery 7 created.

Preparing for a system rollback

So, the user noticed that his computer was too often freezes, stops listening, slows down, “forgets” settings, etc. Realizing that formatting is too much cardinal decision, the computer owner decides to rollback and return computer system to an earlier and more efficient state.

To do this you need to select best configuration date, which will become the date of the selected restore point. This effective procedure, built into Windows itself, is provided by the function of creating a restore point discussed above.

First of all, it is better to save personal data and archive on a third-party (external) storage device. This is useful if during recovery something does not go as planned and you have to format everything. It is especially important if the archive and OS are located on the same disk.

The next user action before a system rollback should be to launch deep scan for the presence of a virus infection in order to avoid viral interference during the rollback and avoid complete formatting or hardware failure.

How to perform a system rollback on Windows 7

Restoring from under Windows

This option is good when the restore point procedure is enabled and operates successfully.

  • To roll back the OS a day back, the user clicks the “Start” button in the lower left corner and the input field writes “recovery”, and then selects the “System Restore” program. You can click on “Start”, enter the “control panel” and select “Recovery” there.
  • In the “System Restore” window that opens, in the lower right corner the user clicks “Next”.
  • A list of previously created restore points will open that you can roll back to. The computer owner selects the appropriate date, clicks on the inscription so that it is highlighted, and then clicks “Next.”
  • The OS will open a restore point confirmation window. If everything is as specified and the user has not changed his mind, he clicks “Done”, and then, in response to the warning that appears about the impossibility of canceling the process after it has started, clicks the “Yes” button, confirming his choice.
  • The operating system will display a window displaying the preparation process and recovery progress, and then display a message indicating the successful completion of the recovery procedure, which must be closed and then restarted.

Perhaps, if the problem is not solved, you will need to repeat the rollback procedure, choosing another, more early date recovery points.

How to roll back Windows 7 system in safe mode

If, as a result of careless user actions or the efforts of a virus program, the computer is normal mode refuses to boot, it makes sense to roll back a day or several ago by logging into Windows via safe mode.

  • To do this, you should reboot the computer, and then press the F8 key in the top row of the keyboard when turning it on.
  • The OS will display a window with a black background and offer boot options. You need to click on “safe mode” with the cursor, and then press the “Enter” key.
  • When booting into safe mode is complete, you can rollback as described above, and then reboot the system in normal mode.

How to roll back an OS using a boot disk

When the computer does not want to work either in normal or safe mode, a pre-prepared Windows 7 boot disk.

  • To do this, you need to install the disk with the system in the drive, and at the moment of turning it on, enter the BIOS by pressing the appropriate key (it is usually indicated on the screen at the very beginning of boot).
  • Then you should check the box to boot from the CD/DVD drive and boot the computer from it.
  • If a language selection window appears, select it and click “Next”.
  • Then you should select the “System Restore” option, select the desired operating system option, if more than one OS is recorded, click “Next” again, select “System Restore” and perform a rollback as described above.

When finished, you should reboot the system and remove the disk. The computer will boot in normal mode as of the selected date.

When working with a computer, failures often occur. Some of them can lead to bad consequences, even complete system failure. To fix this problem you need to perform a system rollback. In this article we will tell you how to roll back your Windows 7 system to a specific date. It is quite possible to perform such actions and there is nothing extra natural about it.

When working with a computer, failures often occur. Some of them can lead to bad consequences, even complete system failure. To fix this problem you need to perform a system rollback. In this article we will tell you how to perform a system rollback to a specific date. It is quite possible to perform such actions and there is nothing extra natural about it.

There are many reasons for this. First of all, this is the incompetence of the user himself. Knowledge about the computer and working with it is not enough, but the desire to delve into the folder under named Windows, where all information about a given system is stored, takes over. Situations arise when, due to inexperience or carelessness, necessary data is deleted and, starting from the first reboot, the computer stops working.

The second reason is. The computer is constantly exposed to significant amounts of virus attacks, and viruses can easily penetrate the system. This should never be forgotten, especially when working with the Internet.

Recovery using system tools
Restore the system using standard program It’s quite possible, if the cause is not viral damage to the operating system. Before you perform a rollback, you need to check your computer for viral infection. If this occurs, then the system simply needs to be cleaned. After complete removal everyone virus programs You can begin to roll back the system.

Actions begin by going to the Start menu. Next you need to click on the line “All programs” and find the “Standard” section. Having opened the section, click on the “Service” folder. In the menu you need to select the “Windows 7 System Restore” section. After this, the system will scan your computer within a few minutes and open a system recovery program. In the pop-up window, select the date you want to rollback to. Then click Next and wait until your computer restarts.

It is worth noting that a system rollback cannot be performed on certain time, since this requires creating restore points. To successfully complete the process, you must ensure that the computer system itself has the ability to create restore points. Typically, this feature is enabled by default in the factory settings of the computer. In addition, there are programs that allow you to create such points yourself.

Rollback using disks
This method is used in cases where an attempt to perform a rollback using system tools was unsuccessful. To do this you will need a resuscitator disk. After turning on the computer, you need to insert the media and load the first stage. Next, you just need to sequentially carry out the commands according to the instructions that appear on the screen. That's it, the system rollback is complete!

Now you know how to roll back a Windows 7 system to a specific date. It is advisable to create a restore point yourself before installing each program or check whether there is one at all. This way, you can avoid serious consequences by maintaining previous settings and programs installed previously.

The article will talk about three ways to return the system to a working state:
1. Recovery directly from under the system;
2. Recovery using safe mode;
3. Recovery using the installation Windows disk 7.

Recovering directly from under the system
This method is useful for those whose system boots and works, and it doesn’t matter how, the main thing is that it starts. For example, if some problems appeared after you installed several programs or drivers. However, deleting the programs did not bring back anything. In this case, a system rollback will save the situation.

To do this, click "Start" search bar enter "recovery". Among the search results we look for “System Restore”:

A list of recovery points will be displayed in the window that opens. Select the one that is most convenient for you and click “Next”:

Now we will need to confirm the restoration. To do this, click the “Finish” button:

Windows will be a little annoying and ask you to confirm your actions again:

After this, system recovery begins. Be prepared to wait because it may take some time. Once completed, the procedure will be completed and a message indicating a successful operation will appear:

This is the end of the first method. If the problem persists, try choosing a different restore point.

Recovering using Safe Mode:
So, the second method should help those whose system does not boot normally in the usual way. Practice has shown that this method is most often the most effective.

To enter Safe Mode, you need to restart your computer and immediately press the F8 key. If everything is done correctly, a menu will appear in which you need to select an option to boot the system. We will need to “Safe Mode” and press the “Enter” key.

We wait a little while for the system to boot. Now open “System Restore” exactly as described in the first paragraph. If you have done a restore before, then a new item will appear on the page that opens that will roll back the system rollback (a tautology, but it’s true). We will need the item “Select another recovery point” and click the “Next” button (if there was no recovery before, then you just need to immediately click “Next”).

The remaining actions do not differ from those described in the first paragraph.

Restoring using the Windows installation disc:
This method is described last, since for it you must have installation disk(or) systems. This method has its pros and cons. For example, it will help if safe mode does not start. Such cases can be called the most severe.

So, insert the disk into the drive and boot from it. If everything is done correctly, a window appears with a choice of language. Select the most convenient one and click “Next”. On the next window you need to select “System Restore”.