Windows 10 laptop Internet connection error 651. What to do if the computer does not connect to the Internet

Many users very often encounter the problem of lack of Internet connection. In many cases, the provider is to blame for the lack of Internet access to a computer, but user errors when working with a computer cannot be ruled out. In my practice, very often I encountered situations: a user complains that the Internet suddenly disappeared. After identifying the cause, it turned out that someone had pulled out the network cable from the computer. Therefore, many people do not even think about checking such banal things. In today's article, we will talk about the error connection failure with error 651. If you encounter this problem, then we will try to solve the problem ourselves.

What causes connection failure with error 651?

Users are facing the problem of connection failure with error 651. The problem often arises with the Rostelecom provider or others who use subscriber connections to the Internet, through PPPoE protocol. Users, not knowing how to deal with the problem, begin to reinstall the Windows operating system. But after reinstalling the error appears again. Because the solution to the problem was chosen incorrectly.

Let's look at a specific example:

  1. If you are experiencing connection error 651 on a computer running Windows 7, 8, 10, it means that the network cable is not connected. Check the connection between the network cable and the network card is secure. Unplug the network cable from the network card port and insert it again, perhaps the contact has simply disappeared. If this does not help, then at least visually check the integrity of the cable.
  2. Check if it is enabled LAN card in the system settings. To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Sharing Center” shared access" - "Changing adapter parameters." We find the network connection we need, click right click mouse and select “Enable”.

These are two basic rules that need to be followed immediately as soon as the Internet is lost.

The most common reasons for lack of Internet connection.

Let's look at the most common reasons for lack of Internet:

  • Blocking the connection by installed antivirus software. Quite often, the Internet connection disappears after installing or updating antivirus programs. Since the goal of antiviruses is to protect your computer from various types of threats, sometimes they do this not entirely correctly, as a result of which they create certain problems to users. Therefore, in order to exclude this fact need to stop for a while or completely
  • The network connection is not enabled correctly. Quite often, there are cases when more than one network connection is installed on a computer. In most cases, additional virtual connections, are created after installation various programs: VPN clients, virtual machines and so on. The user, unknowingly, can enable the wrong network connection, but the necessary one will be disabled. Therefore, check this item. I wrote how to enter the network adapter settings in the previous paragraph;
  • PPPoE client software failure. It often happens that connection failure with error 651 appears after incorrect operation PPPoE Windows client. In order to eliminate this problem, you need to delete the existing connection and create it again;
  • Connecting the cable to another network card. This is also a fairly common case. If you have 2 network cards installed in your computer, then you may have inserted LAN cable not to the network card for which the connection was configured. To solve the problem, it will be enough to connect the cable to the correct network adapter;
  • The problem is with the drivers. It is possible that the network card driver is to blame for the problems of lack of Internet. In order to check if there are problems with the drivers, go to “Start”, right-click on “My Computer”, and select “Manage”. The “Computer Management” window will open. You need to find the “Device Manager” item, there we look for the line “Network adapters” and expand the drop-down menu. A list of network adapters will open. If you see that a driver is not installed for some adapter, you need to install it. How to install a driver via Driver Pack, ;
  • The network cable is damaged. Often, the provider's cable is laid in the entrance or on the street, so if everything is in order at home, then check the condition of the cable outside your home. Also check if the connector or port on the computer or switch is damaged;
  • Problems on the provider's side. Often, Internet failures occur on the provider’s equipment. Therefore, if the tips described above did not help resolve the connection problem, then call the provider’s technical support.

Error 651 occurs in different versions of Windows.

Different versions of operating systems, although similar in interface to each other, have their own characteristics. Therefore, a failure with connection error 651 can be resolved in different ways.

In Windows 10, connection failure with error 651 may occur to you after installing or updating drivers on Wi-Fi adapter, problems sometimes occur in more earlier versions. In order to solve this problem, go to “Connection properties by local network" and uncheck all the boxes except "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" in the "The selected components are used by this connection" item. Then restart your computer and modem.

In this version of the operating system, our error often occurs after installing 64-bit Windows versions. As a rule, users did not encounter this error in the 32-bit version of Windows 8. Also, in order not to immediately blame the bitness of the operating system, check all the points described above.

In the seven, there were often cases when strange devices appeared in the device manager, in the network adapter settings, which users did not install themselves. They appeared due to the work of viruses. Therefore, we delete everything suspicious devices and restart the computer.

Eliminating the causes of error 651.

  • We check the serviceability of the network card. The network card may be damaged after a thunderstorm or due to problems with the computer. In order to eliminate the problem in the performance of the network card, you can put in PCI slot another network card and set up an Internet connection. If the problem is resolved, then the built-in network adapter is probably not working.
  • Check the integrity of the network cable. As mentioned above. It is necessary to check the integrity of the network cable both in the house and in the entrance or on the street. Sometimes unscrupulous provider employees use a cable intended for indoor use outdoors, resulting in its damage.
  • Check if the drivers are installed correctly. If there are suspicious and unknown devices in the list of network adapters, then remove them.


As you can see, there are quite a few reasons why the connection fails with error 651, but you can find a solution to the lack of Internet connection yourself. As a rule, it is enough to follow all the recommendations that I outlined in this article and the Internet should appear on your computer again. Also, if you can’t solve the connection problem at all, then first of all call the provider’s technical support, and only then contact service centers for PC repair. This way you can avoid spending extra money on computer maintenance.

operating room Windows system full of surprises. Today everything works fine, but tomorrow the computer produces a bunch of different errors that we didn’t even expect to hear about. If there are any problems individual programs Somehow you can come to terms with it, but problems with the Internet connection are very difficult to tolerate.

Today we will talk about a fairly common error that has the serial number “651” in the Windows system. The message says - “The modem or other communication device reported an error.” But we can only guess what error the device reported. Be that as it may, next we will talk about all possible (for the average user) ways to solve this problem. Let's begin.

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet in many cases occurs due to a failure of one of the communication equipment with which the computer is working. this moment. Therefore, the first thing to do is simply reboot your modem. This can be done using the standard shutdown button located on the back of the device (usually). If there is no button or it does not work, simply turn off the device from the network and turn it on again. After this, it is advisable to restart the computer too.
While the equipment is rebooting, be sure to check the network cable (or USB) coming from the computer to the modem - it must be inserted into its socket.
If this doesn't help, you can try another one easy option– recreate the PPPoE connection (if in your case it was used to connect to the network). You can do this by following the instructions below (let's take the process of creating a connection on Windows 7 as an example):

If error 651 appears again when connecting to the Internet, try to resolve it using more complex methods.

Resetting system network settings

The TCP/IP communication protocol is responsible for connecting a computer to the Internet or generally for its operation on any network. In some cases (perhaps due to the user's fault or even malware) internal settings this protocol gets lost. In this case, of course, neither the operation of the modem nor any network device cannot be guaranteed.

A small program that can be downloaded directly from the official Microsoft website at will help fix this problem.

The program does not require installation or any operating skills. Just run it, follow the simple instructions, after which you will need to restart your computer. After the program exits, try connecting to the network again. If you do not have the opportunity to download this application, you can perform the operation of resetting the “TCP/IP” parameters yourself. For this:

Did not help? So, let's try the next option.

Reinstalling the network card driver

A driver is, simply put, a set of instructions for the operating system on how to control a particular device connected to the computer. Whether it's a mouse, keyboard, webcam or network adapter, their operation is impossible without drivers. It also happens that the driver becomes damaged, after which the device stops working normally, displaying various errors, like "651".

If this was the problem in your case, then we’ll try to fix it by reinstalling the driver.

Attention! To complete this step, you must have a driver disk on hand, which usually comes with motherboard. If you have a laptop, then such drivers should be on the hard drive. In any case, drivers can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website motherboard or laptop (netbook). You can also install them using various driver managers (for example, the program Driverpack Solution). The program can also be downloaded online.

Error 651 may occur due to technical problems from the provider or your network equipment. This all involves a computer's network card, router or modem. If Windows 7 is installed on your computer, there may be even more sources of problems. After reading this article, you will be able to achieve the desired result, that is, connect the Internet to your computer quickly and independently.

What it is

Many people wonder what error 651 means when connecting to the Internet. This means that the system has a failure of some piece of equipment that is responsible for the network connection, that is, it is the connecting part between the network and the computer. You can be 100% sure that you did everything correctly, but still the signal cannot reach your PC or laptop. So how to fix this problem?

The first thing to do is call your provider and ask what's wrong. If he says that everything is fine on the line, then the problem will need to be solved at home or, as a last resort, invited to a specialist who understands such situations. This article will describe everything in detail, so first you need to try to cope with this task yourself.

Video: Error 651 in Windows 8, how to fix it

Causes and solutions to this problem

There are two types of network equipment that connects the signal from the provider to your computer. From this you can also find out what error 651 means when connecting to the Internet.

So, there are 2 types of connecting network equipment:

You are only responsible for equipment that is your private property. Correcting the error yourself can happen if a failure occurs on your equipment (this happens in 85% of cases).

If you have turned to the Internet for help, then you are wondering what error 651 means when connecting to the Internet and how to deal with it. Let's start with the network card.

LAN card

How to fix an error if it occurred through a network card? Let's figure it out.

Situations due to which a failure may occur:

You need Ubuntu installation from a flash drive? How to install .

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet via a router

What does error 651 mean when connecting to the Internet through a router? It means that this equipment out of order. The first thing to do is reboot the router. Most likely, the problem is its freezing. This can happen quite often, especially if the equipment is running without being turned off.

The router breaks down very rarely, so the reason for the long absence of Internet is most likely something else.

Network cable

Through a cable, the connection to the Internet may also be lost. What are the reasons for this:

Changing the registry

Error messages when connecting to the Internet plague even modern high-speed connections. Such problems are often noticed Windows users, where each failure has its own digital code. With its help, the user has to independently find the problem and its causes.

What to do if your computer does not connect to the Internet

Your first action when a modem or other communication device reports an error is to check the physical integrity of the connection. Cables between personal computer, modem, router and socket (or the place where the cable enters the apartment) should be checked for damage. The cause of the problem may also be a contact falling out of the connector. After checking the connectors, try connecting again. A recurring situation indicates that a problem has arisen at program level. Write down or remember the digital code in the message.

Do you use VPN or PPPoE connection, there is a common set of three-digit digital codes to define possible reason failure. The code itself does not provide accurate information, because the problem may be a hardware malfunction or incorrect configuration software, and sometimes due to restrictions on the part of the provider. Purpose digital code consists in narrowing possible options, which you can check for yourself. Error 651 when connecting to the Internet, for example, means that the problem is with the high-speed PPPoE method or its equivalent.

What is error 651 when connecting to the Internet

In operating systems Windows Vista and previously a similar situation had codes 678 and 815. New code assigned starting from Windows 7. This message appears with the text about the impossibility of using WAN Miniport (PPPoE) to access the services of the provider. The failure may be on your side - in the modem or the configuration of the connection itself. Interruptions in the provider's network will demonstrate the same failure. The only fact reported by the code is that there is no Internet connection. Connection failure with error 651 is resolved on our own, if the devices and cables used are not damaged.

How to fix this problem

To diagnose and resolve error code 651, start by checking your antivirus or built-in firewall settings. The connection might be on the list of suspicious connections. You will have to manually remove the lock. If the message continues to appear, turn off everything one by one. antivirus programs, and also add your Internet access to the list of trusted connections for the firewall and antivirus. Error 651 when connecting to the Internet often disappears after correct settings security programs.

Check the settings of the Internet access itself, or delete and recreate it manually so that connection error 651 disappears. You should have the instructions provided by the provider when concluding the contract. To recreate the connection, use Windows tools. In the main menu, find create new network connection: You are interested in high-speed (DSL, cable modem) using the PPPoE standard. The creation and configuration wizard will prompt you to enter provider data.

Checking the reasons for code 651 can be carried out by the provider at the request of the client - send a written request or call support. After checking the port assigned to your contract and the equipment on the line, you may be asked to look at the parameters of the modem or router. Such settings are accessed by entering the address 192.168.x.x in the browser. The last digits of the modem address, login and password are specified in the contract, or they are reported by the support service. In the Internet or specifically WAN section you can see the current parameter values.

Video: How to fix error 651 in Windows

Good day, dear friends! If you are also active and advanced users computer technology and the Internet, like me, you probably encountered connection errors.

Error 651 when connecting to the Internet occurs when trying to start high speed connection or when using WAN Miniport technology (PPPoE) on Windows 7 or 8, and sometimes 10.

IN previous versions An analogue of this error was 678 in Windows XP and 815 in Vista.
Let's look at how we can deal with similar problem on one's own.

Error 651 occurs when connecting to the Internet. Often, with such a problem, users of Rostelecom, Ttk, Byfly, or using PPPoE try to immediately reinstall the system.

But this does not help, since the error is often associated with a problem with the network access equipment.

How to fix the failure depends on the source of the problem - in the equipment itself or on the provider’s network.

Here are the main reasons why it says 651 when connecting:

  1. Conflict network cards.
  2. Problems with operating system Windows.
  3. Failure on the part of the provider, for example, a line break.
  4. The connection may be blocked by a firewall or antivirus.
  5. Sometimes the error is hidden in the router or in a damaged network cable.

How to fix connection error?

Now let's figure out how to fix the problem.

  1. Delete and recreate high speed connection to the Internet. This can be done in the Network and Sharing Center. Delete the old connection. Then in the Network Settings Wizard, go to setting up a new connection, where you can make a new connection and .
  2. Disable your antivirus and standard firewall.
  3. Check all connections. Inspect network cables and connections.
  4. If you have multiple network cards, try disabling one of them, but only the one that is not being used by your broadband connection.

If it still gives an error, then the problem may be incorrect setting router, modem or router.

To get into the modem settings, go to address bar browser enter the IP address: http:// or http://
After the username and password entry window appears. Enter: admin/admin.
In the settings, check that everything meets the provider's requirements. Pay attention to the type of connection and method of connecting to the Internet.

It is important that the indicator lights on the modem glow green.

The best option is to reset all factory settings, and then configure the equipment taking into account the recommendations of the provider.

After this, reboot your device.
If the problem is related to the provider, then contact the service technical support. Specialists will check the line and tell you how to fix the problem.

But remember that technical support can help if the problem is with the provider. In the features of your home network they won't understand.

Ways to resolve the error

Let's take another look simple ways solutions to the problem:

  • reboot. Close all windows first and save the information. Then click start and reboot. If there was some short glitch that affected the functions of the network card, then this action will help;
  • try updating your network card drivers. Go to the start menu, then the computer icon - properties - device manager. Find network adapters and then through context menu update the driver on the network card;
  • the error may be related to network cable. Therefore, check it for physical damage. It is important that its integrity is not compromised. Try unplugging the cable from the socket and then reinserting it. Maybe the contacts just got lost. After these manipulations, restart your computer.

Do you know what error 629 means? This means there is a problem with the provider.

Problems with antivirus software

A common cause of this error is problems with the firewall and antivirus software. Sometimes the connection is blocked at the firewall or antivirus software level.
In this situation, try disabling your antivirus for a while. More problems delivers a firewall that needs to be disabled altogether.

In this case, a standard control panel is used.

Availability of a second network card

If you use several computers, then it becomes necessary to use a local network. In this case, connection to several providers is used for various reasons.

In two cases you may need a network card. It is this that can provoke such an error.
To solve the problem follow these steps:

  1. Disable the second card. Go to " network and access control center", and then to the item " changing driver settings" After that, press the shutdown command.
  2. Click on the main connection and then reconnect again.

Problems with modem or router settings

When working through a router or modem to connect using PPPoe, you need to check the settings.

To do this, go to administrative panel and then to the section Wan and Internet. Then type the IP address and code in the address bar.
You can look at the addresses on the sticker at the bottom of the router case. It is better to configure the router in bridge mode "Bridge".
If you have an ADSL modem, you need to check the DSL or Link indicators, which should be lit steadily.

If you enter incorrect data, a similar error may also occur.
Try resetting your settings TCP/IP. In this case, you can use the utility Microsoft Fix It.
You can try changing the TCP/IP settings in the Registry Editor.

In this case, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Launch Registry Editor. To do this, press Win+R and then regedit.
  2. Open the tab at this address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Services \Tcpip\Parameters.
  3. Then select "create 32-bit dword parameter". Name the parameter EnabelRSS and set its value to 0.
  4. After that, create a DisableTaskOffload.
  5. Exit the editor and reboot.

What kind of problem is error 651 and how to fix it, you can watch the video. I hope my advice will help you cope with high speed internet fly, and with other systems.
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