Why letters are not sent and what to do. Why aren't my emails being sent? Yandex mail gives an error sending data failed

When working with the Yandex.Mail email client, users may encounter unexpected errors. To avoid any confusion, today we’ll tell you about error Code: 3, which appears when you try to send a letter. This failure may also be accompanied by the text “The letter cannot be sent because it appears to be spam.” In both cases, the essence of the problem is the same, so first we will tell you about the possible causes of this error, and below we will give instructions on how to fix it.

Reasons for the error

If you receive error code 3 or spam messages, there are several options: your mail was hacked to send messages, there was an error in the work of the mail robot that accidentally mistook the letter for Spam, or you yourself are abusing the mailing. In any case, blocking occurs if you have violated one or more rules:

  • Identical or template letters are being sent to different addresses;
  • You have sent a large number of emails in the last 24 hours;
  • The mail robot considered your letter suspicious;
  • You are trying to send an email to a non-existent address;
  • Users are complaining about your account due to emails being sent from your address.

The first thing you should check is the sender address field. The address must not contain Cyrillic characters or unacceptable characters. And also end with the correct email client address. For example: “@yandex.ru”, “@gmail.com”, “@mail.ru” “@rambler.ru”, “@list.ru”. If you copied the address into the sender field, try typing it manually. Perhaps there was an extra Cyrillic letter.

Mistakes are wonderful, we are given a hint that something went wrong, and this is a signal to action. After all, it’s easier to solve the problem; it will be worse if your email is delivered to an existing or incorrect address, and you won’t even know about it. Now let's listen to Yandex's recommendations in solving this problem.

Since search robot algorithms are constantly updated, your email could be mistaken for spam. To avoid this in the future, you will need to go to the desktop web mail interface.

The desktop interface means using the website of the email client, rather than a mobile application or program for working with letters.

To do this, from your computer or phone, go to: https://mail.yandex.ru, log into your account and send any letter for the test. This will tell the email robot that our account is good.

What to do if your email is blocked?

If a mass mailing was carried out from your account, the email could be blocked for subsequent sending. In this case, only sent messages are blocked. You are allowed to receive and view letters. The blocking itself is removed automatically after 24 hours. If you send emails during this time, it will last another day. While the blocking is expected to be lifted, it is recommended to perform a number of standard actions:

  1. Change your email client password.
  2. Fill in your personal information: first name, last name, date of birth.
  3. Link the correct mobile phone number.
  4. Scan your computer for viruses, for example with the free program from Dr.Web CureIt.

Write in the comments whether you managed to fix the problem, and whether the information was useful. If you encounter other errors, please use the “Report a problem” form in the side column of the site.

Despite all the advantages of email, there are often difficulties when sending letters. Either the letter is not sent, or the post office cannot deliver it to the addressee.

Let's try to figure out why such problems can arise and how to deal with them.

Invalid email address

The most common cause of problems with sending letters is an error in the mailbox address (the “To” field). Although usually the user thinks of anything, but not of this.

If you miss or type at least one “wrong” letter in the mail name, the letter will not be delivered!

In the best case, the mail site will immediately report this, that is, the corresponding inscription will appear, and you simply will not be able to send the letter.

But it could also be different: the letter is sent, but then a notification arrives that it was not delivered (see Undelivered message).

And there is a third option: the letter will “go” to the address, but not to the one needed. This is the most unpleasant thing, because you may not even know about it.

For example, I need to send a letter to the address

But when typing, I accidentally miss one letter in the name. It turns out not , but .

If I do not notice the error and send this letter, then at best it will not be delivered and I will immediately receive a notification about this.

And in the worst case, my message will still be sent, but it will go to another person. To someone who has a box with a name

Common mistakes

The most common address errors that cause problems with shipping and delivery:

Another common mistake is an incorrectly typed email site (the part after the @ sign). That is, if instead of the yandex .ru part you type yandeks .ru or simply yandex (without .ru), then the letter will not be delivered. And again, we may not even know about it.

Here's how to spell the most popular email sites:

  • yandex.ru
  • gmail.com
  • mail.ru
  • bk.ru
  • inbox.ru
  • list.ru
  • rambler.ru

Undelivered message

If the post office was unable to deliver your letter, it will inform you about this in a special notification.

It happens like this: some time after sending, a letter arrives in which it is written in Russian or English that your message was not delivered.

Here's what it looks like in Yandex.Mail:

And so - in Mail.ru:

So - in Gmail.com:

And so - in Rambler:

Thus, the mail tells us that the sending was unsuccessful - no one received the letter.

This happens for two reasons:

1. The address does not exist

This means that such an address does not exist in nature. It may have been deleted, or perhaps you made a typing error.

Quite often it happens that when they left you an email address, it was accidentally entered with an error. That is, it was not even you who made the mistake, but the one who left it.

2. Box is not available

Unavailable - this means that it is working, but for some reason cannot currently receive mail.

This is usually due to overcrowding. That is, there are too many letters in the mailbox and there is simply no room for new ones. In this case, the recipient should delete at least one or two letters from the mailbox.

Another reason: problems with the mail site. That is, the site on which the box is located has stopped working. This is usually a temporary phenomenon that goes away within a few hours.

What to do . It is impossible to independently determine what exactly happened. Therefore, if such a notification arrives, you just need to repeat the sending after some time.

If resending fails, then nothing can be done about it - you will have to contact the recipient in some other way.

How to avoid problems with sending and delivering mail

According to statistics, the most common cause of problems with mail delivery is an incorrectly specified address. That is, in essence, it is not the one who receives the letter who is to blame, but the one who writes it.

Therefore, you must be very careful not only when typing the address in the “To” field, but also in the process of “receiving” it.

If, for example, an address is dictated to you over the phone, do not hesitate to clarify whether you understood this or that letter correctly. It is advisable, of course, to receive it in text form, and not try to understand it by ear (via SMS, via a social network, etc.).

You should also remember that email addresses have a specific syntax. That is, there is, so to speak, a set of rules by which each mailbox address on the Internet is formed.

  • Any address consists only from English letters, numbers and some characters (dot, hyphen, underscore). No Russian letters!
  • It cannot contain spaces.
  • In him there is always an @ sign(approximately in the middle) and this sign is only one.
  • After the @ sign there is always the name of a site. And in this title there is always a point, followed by a few more English letters (for example, mail.ru, gmail.com).
  • There is no period at the end of the address.

It is advisable, of course, to remember these rules. Then you will not receive the “Invalid email address” error.

It's very easy and convenient to read and send emails through the built-in application on your iPhone. This way you can always see the important letters that have come to you and easily write a response to them. But this method still has a disadvantage: you cannot send photos from it. To use the built-in mail, you do not need to install any applications on your smartphone, but you will have to tinker a little with the settings for normal operation.

Yandex.ru is considered one of the popular email services among Internet users, so in this article I will try to describe this process in detail. For other email clients the principle is no different.

Setup instructions:

1. Let's go to " Settings" and find there the item " Mail, addresses, calendars».

3. In the next menu, click on the item “ Other" Alas, Apple does not favor Yandex.

4. Select " New account».

5. In the window that opens, you will need to fill in all the fields.

Name– your name, which people will see in messages from you.

Email– your mailing address, which was created for you on yandex.ru.

Password– Your real password for the mailbox.

Description– a brief description of our account, enter yandex or yandex.ru

After all fields are filled in, click “Next”. Our mail setup will begin.

6. In the window that opens, click on “ Save».

7. In most cases, automatic settings are enough for mail to work correctly. Close “Settings” and go to our standard application “ Mail" All our letters should be loaded there immediately and for a more reliable check we send a test letter for reliability. If everything works, then the mail setup was successful.

If mail does not work, then you will need to delve a little further into the settings:

More precisely:

1. Let's go again to " Settings» — « Mail, addresses, calendars"—the mail we created.

2. In it, select SMTP, which is located in the “ Outgoing mail server».

3. If you already have a configured yandex.ru mailbox, then you just need to click on smtp.yandex.com which is located in the “Primary server” section (if you do not have mailboxes, then select “Not configured”, and in the “Node name” field write smtp.yandex.com. Next, save and click on smtp.yandex.com ).

4. We check that we have activated the “ Use SSL "and the server port is registered 465 . As you can see in the picture, my mail works well with the port 587 .

5. Click on " Ready»-« Back" and go to the tab " Additionally».

6. Make sure you have in the " Inbox settings"item activated" Use SSL "and the server port is registered 993 .

Now our mail is completely ready and ready to go.

I hope you found this article useful.

So, thousands, and perhaps millions of people all over the Earth in June 2016, an alarming year, encountered an error sending mail on behalf of...

On behalf of, as it turned out, the source of this... phenomenon in THIS CASE - mail.ru group. Or, more simply put, in terms of “improving” the mail.ru postal system, which is far from the smallest postal system in this country.

The essence of what is happening is that... the notorious Mail.ru Group has tightened the filtering of the so-called DMARC.

This dirty word means a lot to the pros, but for us, more or less ordinary users, it “means absolutely nothing.” We need a clear and simple answer: “WHAT SHOULD YOU DO!????”

I would like to note that this type of filtering (DMARC) or simply “this crap” was enabled May 18, 2016 in Mail.Ru Mail.

Why did I highlight the date in red? Yes, everything is very simple... because after more than a month (!) there are NO articles anywhere in the TOP of the main search engines on the topic of what it is and how to treat it for a simple user!

Which in itself is surprising, isn’t it?? Millions of people suddenly, overnight, are deprived of the opportunity to send letters from various collectors, such as Yandex, Google and others on behalf of (attention!) mailboxes ending in mail.ru, list.ru, bk.ru and others.

Those. Roughly speaking, if I am a businessman, I have mailings set up to clients, say, on Yandex, since May 18, 2016, I suddenly discover that in the “from whom” field you cannot put [email protected] (list.ru, bk.ru etc.), and the letters are not sent, instead this comes out:

Thus, you see, Mail.ru “fights scammers and spam senders who substitute any names (addresses) in the FROM field.” Oh, how! Have you seen it?

Only... cough, cough, they forgot to point out that at the same time they are also fighting in this way with representatives of thousands of businessmen, companies, firms and simply users, individuals. faces so to speak...

Who are perplexed when they type into search engines “Yandex mail: An error occurred Sending data failed, what should I do?”

And what should they do??? And really...? What? (It all came to a head one day) It turns out there are only two ways out... [Attention, shovel!!!]

  1. here I’ll just quote mail.ru itself: “companies can change settings, for example, by registering their domain email to "Mail.Ru for business", set up authorization for your mailings using SPF and DKIM technologies, publish your own DMARC policy (https://help.mail.ru/mail-help/postmaster/dmarc) and use an address from your own domain in all automatic mailings. This will bring the mailings in line with market standards.”
  2. Stop using mail on mail.ru.

That's it…

For me personally, as a pro in such things, points 1 and 2 are equivalent. Because The vast majority of small and small companies do not have IT specialists on staff, and therefore, the expression “set up SPF and DKIM” for people doing business (and this, as you understand, is thousands of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in general) and ordinary users will cause round eyes, then ridicule, then anger, swearing, and further down the text...

Well, you understand everything already, right?

My independent advice in this situation would be:

  1. We completely refuse to use mail on mail.ru until better times.
  2. We create our own domain of any level, even if this requires the paid help of a specialist, but in the future your company will look more reputable in the eyes of clients and will save you from such shocks from any mail services, because in this case, you will have your own mail service, where YOU, mind you, are the king, God and master.

I hope you found what you just read useful, and all the best to you!

When sending a message to Yandex mail, an error may occur and the letter may not be sent. This issue can be dealt with quite simply.

There are few reasons why letters are not sent to Yandex mail. In this regard, there are several ways to solve them.

Reason 1: Browser problem

If an error window appears when you try to send a message, then the problem is in the browser.

To solve it, you will need to do the following:

Reason 2: Problem with Internet connection

One of the possible factors causing the message sending problem could be a poor or missing network connection. To figure this out, you'll need to reconnect or find a location with good connectivity.

Reason 3: Technical work on the site

One of the few options. However, this is quite possible, since any service may experience problems that will require users to restrict access to the site. To check if the service is available, go to and enter mail.yandex.ru in the check window. If the service is not available, you will have to wait until the work is completed.

Reason 4: Incorrect data entry

Quite often users make mistakes when entering "Destination" Incorrect e-mail, incorrectly placed signs, etc. In such a situation, you should double-check the printed data for accuracy. If such an error occurs, a corresponding notification from the service will be displayed.

Reason 5: The recipient cannot receive the message

In some cases, sending a letter to a specific person is not possible. This can happen due to banal overcrowding of the mailbox or a problem with the site (if the mail belongs to another service). The sender will only have to wait for the recipient to sort out the difficulties that have arisen.

There are a small number of factors that cause problems with sending emails. They can be resolved quite quickly and simply.