Lower uac user account control level. Why is UAC needed and how to disable it

UAC (User Account Control) is a service that notifies the user of actions that require Administrator rights. If you are confident in all the software you install on your PC, you can deactivate it. You will learn how to disable UAC in Windows 10 or enable it on a PC in this article.

What is UAC?

UAC protects the Windows 10 user from installing and running software that can harm the OS, as well as from potentially dangerous actions. This service is activated automatically, so it always requires a request to perform any operations that may affect the performance of the OS.

Reasons for shutdown

We do not recommend disabling User Account Control. The only situation in which a user can take such a step is when the service is interfering fast work at simultaneous use large quantity files and programs.

In other cases, you should not deactivate the service, because it additionally protects the PC.

How to disable?

There are several ways to disable UAC. For the new settings to take effect, restart your computer.

Control Panel

  1. RMB on the Start menu → → install View: small icons → User Accounts.
  2. Click “Change User Account Control Settings” → a window will open in which you can configure notifications about changes in computer settings by setting the slider to one of four suggested positions:
    • Always notify;
    • Notify when applications try to change settings (default values);
    • Notify without dimming the screen;
    • Never notify.

Healthy! Alternative way open account management options: press Win+R and enter:

Command line

This command makes the appropriate changes to the Windows Registry Editor.

Registry Editor

To set a specific UAC value, use the lookup table required parameters DWORD.

Never notify 0 1 0
Notify without dimming the screen 5 1 0
Notify when applications try to change settings 5 1 1
Always notify 2 1 1

How to turn it on?

Enabling User Account Control is done in the same way as disabling it. You just need to select any value other than “Disable UAC”.

Many users operating system Windows 7 is asking how to disable User Account Control (UAC). UAC is a useful service developed by by Microsoft to ensure system security, control over installation, changing the state of programs, and preventing unauthorized management of files in general.

Despite all the benefits of this service, some experienced users, as well as owners antivirus programs, want to disable User Account Control. The reasons for deactivation may vary. From the desire for complete control and management of the system to eliminating annoying windows with warnings.

The system provides several different methods for disabling UAC.
We'll look at two simple methods. The first one is suitable for the majority of G7 owners. The second is for more experienced users.
So let's get started.

Method No. 1

The first thing you need to do is click on the familiar “start” button. After that, find and select the “control panel” tab from the list.

It should appear in front of you active window panels with computer settings settings.
Next, select and click on the “User Accounts and Family Safety” section

After transition not next active screen, select “user accounts”.

When the selection is made, an interface with an icon of the current (active) authorized user will appear. At the end of the list various settings You should find and select “Change User Account Control settings.”

The scale provides options for choosing from 4 ready-made modes:

top position– this is maximum protection and constant notifications;

second position from top. Indicates standard mode;

in the third position notifications occur when changes are attempted;

fourth(lowest position) completely disables protection.

For complete shutdown User Account Control we need to move the slider to the lowest position and click on the “ok” button.

The entire procedure for disabling security control is almost completed. All that remains is to reboot the system for the new settings to take effect.
As you can see, everything is quite simple and fast.

Method No. 2

The second method of disabling, just like the first, involves moving the slider to the lowest position. The only difference is that to call the notification settings dialog box, you need to enter a specific command in the Windows command line.

To open the command line, you need to click on the “start” button, go to right menu and click on the “Run…” tab

will appear small window of the following form: Our goal is to call command line. To do this, enter “cmd” in the text input field.

After the command line appears, write or paste the following value:


press the “enter” key.

A dialog box already familiar to us appears, with a school for manual settings. We select the option we need, save the result, and restart the computer.

At this point all work is completed.

Note! Disabling your operating system's security mode (UAC) is recommended only when experienced users. If you don't realize possible consequences shutdown or have a lack of knowledge in the area computer security, we strongly recommend that you do not change the system default settings.

Windows has many protections against unwanted changes to computer settings, the registry, and other parameters that can dramatically affect the performance of the operating system. One such security feature is User Account Control (UAC). As often happens with similar system functions, for all their usefulness, they can become annoying, constantly reminding them of themselves, which can interfere with the user when working with the computer. In this article, we will look at how to disable User Account Control in Windows 10 and above. earlier versions operating system.

What is User Account Control (UAC) in Windows

User Account Control is a security utility built into the Windows operating system. She first appeared in Windows Vista, and remains in modern variations of the system, up to Windows 10. Disabling the User Account Control utility will seriously reduce the level of computer protection, so these actions must be performed consciously.

This utility manifests itself as a window that appears when installing a program or game on a computer, as well as when making fundamental changes to the computer settings. The user is informed that during installation of this file the publisher may make irreversible changes to the operation of the computer, which is unsafe. Depending on the UAC settings, the utility can work on all applications or, for example, only on suspicious programs from unverified publishers.

Proper use of the account control function Windows records allows you to protect your computer from the penetration of virus applications, spyware, Trojans, malware and adware programs and so on.

How to set up User Account Control in Windows 10

It is recommended to disable User Account Control in Windows only in extreme cases, it is much better this option configure it so that it reminds you of its presence only when there is a truly real threat of infection. Default in Windows utility exhibited on high level protection, but this is easy to fix.

To set up User Account Control in Windows 10, click right click Click on the Start menu and select “Control Panel” in the pop-up window. At the top of the window, set the view mode to “Icons” and go to “User Accounts”.

A window will open where you need to select “Change User Account Control Settings.”

After this, a window will open where the User Account Control utility is configured. In total, the security system can operate in 4 modes:

Note: By reducing the level of account control to a minimum, there is a risk of introducing third party applications irreversible consequences in Windows settings. This is also fraught with data loss.

How to disable User Account Control in Windows 10 through the registry

All User Account Control settings can be configured through the registry, if for some reason the configuration option through the “Control Panel” described above is not suitable. To configure through the registry, you need to launch the registry by pressing the Windows + R combination on the keyboard and entering the regedit command. Next in the registry follow the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Policies\ System

On the right side of the Registry window there will be many options. The following 3 parameters are responsible for the operation of the User Account Control function: PromptOnSecureDesktop, EnableLUA, ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin. Accordingly, the final operation of the utility will depend on their settings. To configure a parameter, you need to double-click on it with the left mouse button and enter the appropriate values.

Here are the basic values ​​for different levels User Account Control Security:

  • Maximum – 1, 1, 2;
  • High – 1, 1, 5;
  • Average – 0.1, 5;
  • Low – 0, 1, 0.

Important: It is prohibited to delete these registry settings. When they are removed it is possible incorrect work systems.

is a component of the Windows 10 operating system designed to protect your computer from malware. UAC opens pop-ups asking you to confirm the action every time you start it unknown programs or making changes to operating system settings.

UAC pop-ups can be quite annoying, but disabling UAC is not recommended. Because it really increases the level of protection of your computer. But, if you still decide to disable UAC in Windows 10, then this article should help you.

In order to disable UAC in Windows 10 you need to first. To do this, right-click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” from the menu that appears.

After opening the Control Panel, go to the User Accounts section.

And then open the subsection with the same name.

You should then be taken to your account management page. Here you need to click on the “Change User Account Control Settings” link.

As a result, a window with UAC settings will open in front of you. In order to completely disable UAC in Windows 10, you need to move the slider to the very bottom and click on the “OK” button. You can also lower the level of protection; to do this, simply move the slider down one notch. If you lower your security, UAC will continue to work, but you will be less bothered by pop-ups.

After clicking the “Ok” button, UAC will ask you to confirm the change in settings, in this window just click “OK”.

How to disable UAC through the Windows 10 registry

You can also disable UAC in Windows 10 using the registry. To do this, go to the section:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

IN this section you need to find and open the parameter called “EnableLUA”.

After this, a window for editing the parameter will appear. To disable UAC, enter zero and save.

After editing the registry, restart your computer to disable UAC.

Many users, after installing the new dozen, are wondering: How to disable User Account Control (UAC) in the OS. In this article we will describe various options disabling UAC in Windows 10, which sometimes makes it very difficult to configure the OS. You can disable it either using the usual dozen controls or using CMD console and registry file.

Disabling UAC in Windows 10 using standard controls

In this chapter, we will describe a method to disable UAC using the standard settings of Windows 10. For this method, we will use a PC with a freshly installed Windows 10. For UAC to work, we'll load executable file to install video player VLC Media Player . After opening the file, we will see a message on the darkened screen as shown below.

If we click the Yes button, the installation file with the program will launch. We need to get rid of the appearance of this message. So let’s click on the link “ Configuring the issuance of such notifications" located at the bottom of the message window. After this action, a window will appear where you can edit UAC settings.

To completely turn off User Account Control, you need to lower the left slider to the very bottom and save these settings with the OK button. You can also see from the window that the slider can be set in four positions:

  1. The first option is completely activates UAC to protect tens. In this option, a message is issued whenever there are any changes in the OS.
  2. In the second option, the message is triggered only when trying to make changes third party programs into the system.
  3. The third option differs from the second only in that The user's screen does not dim.
  4. Fourth option completely disables UAC and no messages are displayed.

You can also get to the User Account Control settings window through the control panel.

In the panel itself, you can find the shutdown settings in the “ user accounts».

In this section, we fully answered the question of how to disable UAC in Windows 10.

We solve the problem using the registry file

To disable UAC we will create special file with registry data. This file has the extension "*reg". Below is a file open in Notepad with the registry settings we need.

In the file line ""EnableLUA"=dword:00000000" hexadecimal value « 00000000 " means that UAC should be disabled. At UAC enabled this value will be " 00000001 " Next, let’s run the registry file we created and update the data in the registry.

After updating the registry, the PC must be restarted, after which User Account Control will be disabled. You can enable UAC in the same way by changing the value from “00000000” to “00000001”. In addition to the registry file, you can solve our problem in the registry editor itself.

Using a registry file, you will be able to complete the task faster, and also use this file on other computers.

We solve the problem using the command line

For this example, we will need a console running as administrator. Thus, you can launch the console through the context menu, called up by a combination of WIN keys+ X . In the running console, we need to execute the command shown below.

After typing the command, execute it, and then restart the computer. This command will completely disable UAC. To re-enable it via the console, you need to type the same command again and change its parameter from /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f to /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

We solve the problem using the PowerShell console

To disable UAC, first launch the console PowerShell on behalf of the administrator. This can be done using the built-in Windows 10 search. Below is how to open PowerShell as an administrator.

In a running console PowerShell you need to type the command shown below.

After executing this command, you need to enter the Restart-Computer command which will restart the PC

You can turn UAC back on in PowerShell using the same command, only you need to change the zero to one.

This example will be especially interesting for beginners system administrators and advanced PC users.


In this article, we talked about all the possible ways to disable User Account Control. It is also worth paying attention to the safety of turning off UAC, because it was initially activated to protect against malware. We hope that our readers will appreciate this material and after reading it they will be able to disable UAC.

Video on the topic

User Account Control in "Ten" is needed to inform us that any program or process is trying to access system files. Naturally, this is necessary in order to protect the PC from the activities of malicious software. Initially, UAC works and requests confirmation of any software actions that may disrupt the operation of the operating system. But not all users like such control, and here the question arises - how to disable UAC in Windows 10? This is exactly what we will talk about in the article, and a little lower you will find a video on the topic.

ShutdownUACWindows 10 via control panel

This is the simplest option, which is suitable even for a beginner, which is why we will describe it first. If things don't work out, try one of the options below.

To use this method, you must have administrator rights.

  1. To get started, launch the Control Panel. This can be done by entering its name in search bar. In order to launch it, click on the magnifying glass icon, marked with the number “1” in the screenshot. Then write a request and click on to the desired point issuance.

  1. In the window that opens, click on the entry that we marked in the picture with a red frame.

  1. Press again on the inscription circled in the picture.

  1. Next, select the item that we have highlighted with a red rectangle.

There is a much easier way to get into desired menu. To do this, press the buttons simultaneously [ knopka]Win+R and enter the command: UserAccountControlSettings , and then press Enter.

Here you can adjust the functioning of User Account Control, or deactivate UAC (in this case, notifications will no longer be displayed). You can choose from 4 profiles described below:

  1. Notifying about all attempts by third-party software to install any software or make changes to the operating system is the safest option; you will be notified of any attempts to make changes to the system. If you are not an administrator you will also be required to enter a password.
  2. This profile is installed by default. Notifications here appear only when the software tries to make changes to the system itself. User actions are not checked.
  3. The same option as in point “2”, however, when notifications appear, the desktop does not darken. This approach is less secure and in some cases a virus may enter the PC.
  4. Notifications from the User Account Control Center (UAC) completely disabled. It is not recommended to use this option, otherwise the security of your PC will be at risk.

If you decide to remove UAC in Ten only because of annoying notifications, we advise you to immediately turn it back on. Before you put it away parental control on Windows 10 With You should think twice before making your OS an easy target for attackers.

How to disable UACWindows 10 in the registry editor

You can also deactivate UAC in Windows 10 through the registry. Let's take a closer look at how this is done:

  1. We launch the registry editor itself (use the key combination Win + R, when the Run utility starts, enter the word regedit in the line).

  1. When the Registry Editor opens, we need to navigate to the path that is marked with a red frame.

  1. All notifications work - 1, 1, 2.
  2. Notifications when the software tries to influence system parameters (used by default) - 1, 1, 5.
  3. The same as in point “2” but without dimming the screen - 0, 1, 5.
  4. Completely disabling UAC (not recommended) - 0, 1, 0.

It’s not difficult to understand how to use the list, just write down the values ​​​​indicated in it for all the keys responsible for the operation of the user account control system, also known as UAC.

Additional Information

In the article, we looked at how to disable User Account Control in Windows 10. But we do not recommend deactivating them under any circumstances, because by doing this, you make your computer vulnerable to virus attacks.

In any case, if after reading you still have any questions, ask us in the comments, and we will try to give the correct answer as quickly as possible.

User Account Control (UAC) allows you to protect your computer from intruders and malware. First appeared in Windows Vista. This component prompts you to confirm actions that require administrator rights to help protect against unauthorized use of your computer.
On Windows, the main danger of using an administrator account is that malware, having penetrated the system, it is executed with full rights, which allows it to intercept control and deprive the user of control over the system. In Windows XP, switching to a regular account was not so easy, since many system settings and, even more importantly, applications were designed only to work with administrator rights.

UAC notifies you of every significant change to your computer and asks for permission. For example, prompts are issued when you try to change the system time, install a program, edit the registry, or change the Start menu.

User Account Control in Windows 7/Vista is enabled by default. When UAC is running, you must run the program as an administrator to obtain full rights, even if you are running with an administrative account.

This is due to the fact that when User Account Control is enabled, the administrator and the user come in one package. The administrative account has all the necessary rights, but when UAC is enabled, absolutely all tasks are launched with normal user rights. And this happens until it is required to continue working full rights administrator. It is at this moment that the User Account Control prompt appears, which serves as a signal that the program requires administrative rights.
UAC allows users to do general tasks without administrator rights and with administrator rights without having to switch between accounts, log out, or use the Run As feature.

User Account Control is based on applying different levels of permissions to account user. If User Account Control is enabled, before you run a program or task that requires a token full access administrator, Windows system prompts you to either continue the operation or enter the credentials of a valid administrator account. This request eliminates the possibility of unnoticed installation of any malicious application. The whole difference between working as an administrator and a regular user comes down to the fact that in the first case, to continue working, you just need to click the “Yes” button, and in the second, you will need to enter the password of any administrator available in the system.

The UAC message that appears should be read carefully and checked whether the name of the action (program) being performed matches the one that is actually being performed (launched). By checking these actions before startup, UAC helps prevent malware from being installed. software And spyware, as well as attempts by these programs to make unauthorized changes to the OS.

If permission or a password is required to complete the job, UAC will display a warning in the form of one of the following messages:

"Windows requires your permission to continue" - A feature or Windows program that may affect other users of this PC requires your permission to run. This icon indicates that the program or component is part of Windows, i.e. element has a valid digital signature certifying that it is published by Microsoft Corporation. If this dialog box appears, you can usually continue working without worry. If you are unsure, check the name of the program or feature and decide whether you should run it.

“The program requires permission to continue working” - a program that is not part of Windows requires permission to run; This program has a valid digital signature that verifies its authenticity and that of its publisher. When this dialog box appears, make sure that you are running the correct program whose publisher you trust.

"An unidentified program is trying to access this computer" - an unidentified program is a program that does not have a valid digital signature from the publisher to verify the authenticity of the program; This does not necessarily mean danger, since in many older legal programs There are no signatures. However, you should review the program carefully and only allow it to run if it comes from a trusted source, such as the original CD or the publisher's website. If you are unsure, search the program's name online to determine whether it is famous program or malware.

"The program has been blocked" - a program that is specifically blocked from running on this computer by the administrator because it is not trusted. To run this program, you must contact your system administrator directly.


IN Windows Vista User Account Control can be turned on or off in the User Accounts Control Panel applet.

IN Windows 7 User Account Control has been improved, in particular, in the control panel, instead of a single setting that either turned it on or off, four operating modes appeared:

  • "Always notify."
  • “Notify only when programs try to make changes to your computer.”
  • “Notify only when programs attempt to make changes to the computer (do not dim the desktop).”
  • "Never notify."

Why is UAC disabled?

User Account Control has a very significant drawback- annoying "intrusiveness". User Account Control “triggers” for any reason and does not allow you to work in peace, so many users prefer to disable UAC.

The fact is that many drivers, programs, games were released long before the creation of Windows Vista or Windows Seven. As a result, there is incompatibility with this operating system service. The installation either stops completely or proceeds with errors (many important files are simply not copied to the system) or during installation you constantly have to answer annoying requests UAC and reboot. In addition, when the window with a request from the service appears Windows control, the user is provided with extremely scant information about the error.

How to disable User Account Control

There are several ways to disable the UAC feature. The easiest way to disable UAC is through the Control Panel.

To disable User Account Control (UAC) , follow these steps:

For Windows 7

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the button Start (Start) .

2. Select a menu item Control Panel (Control Panel) .

3. In the window Control Panel Choose a section ( User Accounts and Family Safety) .

4. In the window User Accounts and Family Safety click on the link User accounts (User Accounts) .

5. In the window user accounts Windows 7(For example, user).

If in this moment The UAC function is active, a dialog box will appear on the screen Account Control. You just have to press a button OK(if required, enter the Administrator password).

7. In the window to turn off User Account Control) the slider must be lowered to the lowest position " Never notify»

8. Click on the button OK.

9. A message will appear at the bottom right of the screen: "To turn off User Account Control, you must restart your computer". Left-click on the message to restart your computer.

In the window Support Center click on the button Reboot now to apply the changes made.

For Windows Vista

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on menu Start (Start (via command line)

Login as administrator

Launch the command line: Start --> Execute(or press the logo key Windows + R);

In the window Execute in field Open enter msconfig - OK;

In the dialog box that appears system configuration go to the tab Service.;

Find the name of the tool in the scrollable list Disable User Account Control (UAC) - Launch.
Use the mouse to select an item in the list Setting up User Account Control and press the button Launch.

Then a window will open Account Management Settings, in which you need to do the same actions as in the first method (just lower the slider). Be sure to reboot the system.

After rebooting the PC, UAC will be disabled.

Disabling UAC Using Registry Editor

- Start - in line Find programs and files/ To start searching enter regedit;

Under the heading Programs right click regedit.exe ;

From context menu select Run as administrator;

In the window that opens Registry Editor find the section ;

Find REG_DWORD-parameter EnableLUA;

Set its value to 0 .

How to enable UAC

Click Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Turn User Account Control (UAC) on or off

Enter the administrator password if prompted;

Check the box Use User Account Control (UAC) to protect your computer - OK(for Windows Vista);

In the window User Account Control Settings set the lever to one of the operating modes: “Always notify”, “Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer”, “Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer (do not dim the desktop)” (for Windows 7) .

After rebooting the PC, UAC will be enabled.

PS. If you disable the User Account Control feature, the level of confidentiality and integrity of programs and data will be significantly reduced. To improve your safety Microsoft computer We do not recommend disabling UAC.

The user may need to learn how to disable UAC in Windows 7 in cases where he wants to get rid of messages that constantly appear when starting programs.

IN previous versions operating system from Microsoft did not have such alerts, however, to reduce the vulnerability of computers and the likelihood of theft confidential information, the seventh generation of the OS was supplemented with a user account control (UAC) tool, relieving network administrators of the need to configure access settings on each computer.

Features of using UAC

The purpose of the UAC service is to prevent unauthorized interference in the operation of computer system files.

Therefore, before launching applications that have a potential danger to the system, the tool requests confirmation of the user's action or, in special cases, even the administrator password.

To ensure that the protection works even on a computer used by one person, it is not recommended to log in as an administrator.

A user account will be enough, which will limit the execution of programs dangerous to the system, giving the opportunity to freely work with basic applications - the MS Office suite, browsers, most games and game clients.

When using a user account, each time you launch a program that is suspicious from the system’s point of view, a certain UAC message will appear, which it is advisable to read and take appropriate measures.

Application launch control options

Checking the program before launching it leads to the following messages from the system when UAC mode is running:

  • Please allow the program to continue running. An alert indicates an attempt system program or Windows functions make changes to the operation of the entire operating system.
    When this message appears, it is advisable to make sure that you are running the right program.
  • Requiring permission to continue working from a program that is not related to Windows. In this case, the application has a corresponding digital signature from the publisher, but its actions still need to be controlled.
    Basically, such programs do not cause any harm, and the message appears when starting almost all games and even useful utilities;
  • Notification about an attempt to change the operation of the system by an unidentified application. This option carries the maximum danger for the computer, since this is how viruses spread.
    Moreover, sometimes messages about the program making changes appear even if the user has not launched anything.
    Self-start applications, an unknown publisher and the source of the application should force the user to click “no” (unless, of course, he is absolutely sure of the reliability of the file) and run a virus scan.

  • Blocking information. Launching the application is not allowed by the system administrator.
    Most likely, this is not a virus, but some kind of specific program browser type (if access to the network is prohibited), game client or even a multimedia player. Typically, such prohibitions are established in office workplaces.

UAC Configuration Options

When you run the UAC setup, you can configure the notification mode (only if the user is a system administrator), as a result of which they will appear much less frequently. Windows provides 4 options:

  • Constant notification (top position of the slider on the scale).
    Messages appear on the screen in any case - and when standard programs try to make changes to the system or registry, and when downloading the software necessary for Windows operation.
    This mode allows maximum control over all processes occurring in the system, but frequent use computer and installing new applications may seem too intrusive;
  • Notification of program actions only. When making Windows changes the user does not receive notifications in his system files. Most often, this option is the default - that is, it does not require configuration when starting to work with the computer.
    However, launching games will still darken the screen and bring up the UAC window;

  • Warning of serious actions (including changing system files) applications without screen dimming.
    This setting option is recommended for outdated and relatively low-power computers on which darkening the desktop takes a long time;
  • No notifications. Messages from UAC will not appear when installing new applications or when changing Windows settings. In fact, this item means turning off the User Account Control mode - and it is its selection that leads to the cessation of annoying messages.
    It is recommended to select it only if you constantly use programs that are not certified for using Windows 7.

Disabling UAC

Need for disabling UAC may appear, first of all, due to the user’s reluctance to put up with constant notifications.

By launching 10–50 programs a day and confirming every action for them, you can spend completely unnecessary time on things that are unclear and not always necessary actions.

The constant prompts become annoying, and the user decides it is better to risk being left with almost no protection than to continue working with UAC.

Moreover, disabling the mode does not mean that the system is completely defenseless.

The utility itself is called by entering in the execution window cmd commands. To change UAC settings use the command

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /.

If you need to disable notifications completely, after this text you should add d 0 /f, and if you want to return the mode back, then d 1 /f.

Naturally, after all changes you need to restart your computer.