Step-by-step instructions for tricolor TV. How to properly install a tricolor satellite dish yourself

The question of how to set up Tricolor TV channels yourself if the settings are lost can take almost any subscriber by surprise. Fortunately, it is not difficult to cope with the difficulty that has arisen; the main thing is to be patient and calm. Excitement, worry and haste will definitely not help you cope with the task at hand, and then the user will have to waste time, money and call a professional.

To avoid this, it is necessary to prepare in advance the instructions or manual that came with the satellite equipment. It can come in very handy and significantly simplify the task facing the viewer. This is especially true for situations when television has to be tuned not automatically, but manually.

What to do if the Tricolor TV channel settings are lost

When faced with the absence of your favorite channels on your TV, you need to find out why they disappeared. Often the cause of trouble is a rotated antenna. In such situations, you should start by returning the plate to the correct position.

To achieve stable signal reception from space, you will need:

  • turn on the receiver and open the signal search section (subscribers should see two scales of communication quality);
  • invite an assistant who will monitor changes in indicators;
  • gradually rotate the antenna, each time changing its position by a few millimeters;
  • After each turn, you need to pause for 5-10 seconds to see if a signal has appeared.

A big plus will be the presence of satellite dishes from your neighbors. They can serve as a clue to the correct position of the antenna.

Automatic setup of Tricolor satellite TV on the receiver

To connect to free, public TV channels, users will have to perform the same steps as required to find a paid package. The entire procedure takes place in automatic mode and does not require significant intervention from the satellite company's clients.

For automatic setup, subscribers will need:

  1. turn on the receiver;
  2. open custom menu;
  3. switch to the settings section;
  4. select an item offering automatic search TV channels or their settings;
  5. start the process.

From what has been said, it is clear that almost any Tricolor TV user can handle connecting channels; setting up channels on your own will not cause any difficulties.

The main thing is not to rush into making decisions and strictly follow the above instructions.

Free manual tuning of Tricolor TV channels - yourself

If the automatic search does not bring the desired results, you can try to connect the required TV channel yourself.

To do this you will need:

  1. take a pre-prepared user manual and find the channel frequency in it;
  2. load the already familiar settings menu on the receiver;
  3. choose manual search TV channels;
  4. indicate the correct parameters in the fields that open;
  5. make sure you get the desired results;
  6. save changes.

It is important to note that the final result depends on a lot of factors, the most important of which is the position of the satellite dish. The better the signal it receives, the more reliable and clear the display will be. The image in bad weather conditions also depends on the position of the antenna. The broadcast will not fail if both indicators were previously at the maximum level.

Difficulties and difficulties

It is important to note that different receivers, of which there are a huge number in 2019, have slightly different broadcast settings. Only the essence and approximate order remain general and uniform; users will have to figure out the details and nuances on their own.

Those who were unable to figure out the connection without outside participation should call contact center Tricolor TV, help setting up channels will arrive without delay. The main thing is to tell the consultants the model of the equipment you are using. Sometimes it is necessary to transfer the client's personal data. They are required to identify the caller.

Additionally, it must be indicated that free channels may not be available in situations where the provider or subscriber has decided to terminate the service agreement. In other cases, they are required to be present in the client’s standard television program.

Connecting Tricolor television

Help with connection satellite television can simplify the task facing subscribers, but often it is not required. Modern equipment allows users to understand the setup procedure without outside participation and the involvement of specialists. To watch your favorite channels and TV shows, you just need a little patience and attentiveness. If the client has these qualities, positive result It won't take long to wait.

Many people who live in Russia have started using Tricolor satellite television. The kits that the company sells are in demand among the population, because thanks to such television, the signal is always strong and stable, while the cost of the kit is reasonable, and you can buy it via the Internet. After purchasing a satellite dish with a receiver, you can additionally order installation and configuration through special companies, but you can also do this work yourself. IN this review Information on how to configure the Tricolor TV antenna yourself will be discussed in detail.

To begin with, the purchased kit should be assembled. You can do the work yourself even without special experience and knowledge in technical field. First, you should study the instructions that are included and understand the names of all the parts that are included in the kit.

Initially, you should prepare the cable for the TV and plugs. You need to place the converter in the holder. It is worth visually inspecting the connector, which is best directed downwards, so that rain will not get into it.

The installation coupling must be securely installed to the converter platform. Before installing the antenna, you must additionally check the bolts and, if necessary, tighten them. To correctly adjust the head and determine the direction to the satellite, you will need to carry out manipulations more than once during installation.

Antenna installation

In order for users to receive the highest quality picture on their screens, which comes through the receiver output, they will need to correctly configure the tricolor antenna to the satellite and avoid interference. Before installing the antenna, you should read the instructions from the kit and find the name of that kit. They are sold in two types:

  1. Center.
  2. Siberia.

The plate itself should “look” towards the south and it is mounted only on the outer wall or on a special mast. It is not allowed to be installed between trees, high-rise buildings or other objects that can visually obscure it.

If you decide to install the receiving device yourself on the wall, you will need to secure the brackets only with high-quality anchors. If this rule do not use, then due to strong winds or other unfavorable conditions, the fastenings may be torn off and the antenna will stop working, which will cause a lot of difficulties. The installation location should be selected using basic calculations: as close as possible to the installation site of the receiver.

Even if a cable is used that has a double braid and a thick copper core inside, the distance is limited to a hundred meters. If there are no options for close installation, then you will need to buy, install and configure an additional signal amplifier. As a rule, such amplifiers are available, and buying them will not be a problem.

After purchasing the kit, you need to assemble the antenna and install it on the previously installed bracket. Next, you should protect the wire from the top ball of insulation. On both sides you need to apply additional insulation of 1.5 cm. The cable should be wrapped in braid to the middle and screwed onto the free part of the F-connector. The main core of the cable should be left a couple of millimeters, and it will have to protrude beyond the connector itself; anything beyond that should be cut off. Once the antenna is installed, you can connect the receiver using the cable that goes to the converter.

Connecting the receiver

In order to turn on the receiver, you can use a couple of methods:

  1. High frequency connection. This is done using an antenna cable.
  2. Low frequency connection. It is carried out using an ordinary cable with so-called “bells” or a “scart” connector.

If the first method is selected, then the connection is made as follows:

  1. The cable should be plugged into the antenna socket, which is on any TV, and then connected to the “RF Out” output on the receiver itself.
  2. Next, connect the receiver using a cord to network 220 and you can turn on the power.
  3. If everything is done correctly, the word “BOOT” will appear on the screen, as well as the number for the channel.
  4. After this, you should select channel search on the TV, you can use automatic method. Channels should be searched for with the text “No signal”. This will indicate that the receiver is correctly installed and connected.

If a low-frequency connection is used, then you need to follow these rules:

  1. The receiver should be plugged into the network and wait until “BOOT” appears on the TV screen, then the numbers for the channels should appear.
  2. Use your TV settings to select video mode. It is designated on the remote control as A/V.
  3. If the text “No signal” appears, then the connection is made correctly.
  4. Next, you need to check strong signal, which comes from the satellite to the receiver itself. To do this, you need to display any TV channel on the screen.
  5. The channel number appears on the screen and the picture and time begin to be displayed. Since the antenna is not yet configured, a blue screen will be displayed.
  6. Then on the remote control you need to find the button marked “i” and press it. At this time, a pair of scales will be displayed on the TV: signal quality and strength. You should make subsequent adjustments based on them.


You can set up Tricolor TV yourself quite quickly if you use a device called SatFinder. It needs to be connected directly to the antenna, and further from it it sends a signal about the correctness of the actions. If the device is missing, then do not be upset. You can set up your television using the receiver.

The receiver itself, using the menu, is configured to search for all channels using a window, with the quality and strength of the signal. If the antenna is not adjusted, there will be no signal on the screen. For normal setup, it is recommended to position the TV so that it can be seen while working with the dish itself. If the receiver is configured, there will be a “No Signal” icon on the TV. Next, we set up the channels. To do this you have to turn satellite dish, to simplify the work you need to:

  1. The satellite signal is very susceptible to weather conditions. If it is raining or bad weather outside, it is better not to tune in to the television. Because drops or clouds may give a weak signal.
  2. Tune satellite dish It is better in the middle of the day, since the sun will be the guide for installation.

Aligning the antenna is not a complicated process; it is important not to simply turn it left or right, but to adhere to certain rules:

  1. The mirror of the plate should look at the point in the sky where the sun stands at lunchtime. That's why it's better to do the adjustment at lunchtime and focus on the position of the sun.
  2. The vertical position should be set to the highest possible position. In this position it is necessary to tighten the nuts.
  3. Next, you can twist the plate or move it with smooth movements of a couple of millimeters. It moves horizontally in the position of the sun.
  4. Each movement should be accompanied by pauses of 5-10 seconds, this allows you to catch the signal.
  5. The main thing is that there are no obstacles, such as hands or trees, in the path of the visual line from the plate to the sky.

If the antenna was tuned from lunch to 2 o'clock in the afternoon and the signal was not found, then you need to loosen the vertical nuts a little and move the position by 1 mm. After that we set it up again. This procedure will need to be done until a scale showing the strength and quality of the signal appears on the screen. After settings, a good signal is about 70% or more for each scale.

If you succeed in adjusting the plate, then you need to tighten the nuts and loosen the clamp of the convector and with its help you can strengthen the signal. After this, the setup will be completely completed and the TV will be assigned a certain amount tricolor channels


Owners of the kit should register the receiver, for this they use:

  1. Tricolor TV card number.
  2. Receiver number.
  3. The code that is on the card.
  4. Buyer's passport.
  5. Address where installation took place.

The easiest way to register is through the official website of Tricolor TV. When the form is completed, the window will display required number agreement and the card will be included. The agreement can be saved on your computer, then printed and signed. Then send it to the company for signature at the address provided in the post office.

You can also register by telephone; the company number is on the website. The procedure takes a little time, but the result will be the same. The contract will arrive by mail. The main thing in all this is the guarantee for any set.

Among the many advantages of the television system is “ easy setup on one's own". That is, without being able to contact an authorized service dealer or relying on own strength and experience, the buyer, after purchasing the antenna, can install it himself and set up broadcasting.
What should be the algorithm for the average user to make the setup really easy and without the help of specialists? The main requirement in this case is strict adherence to the instructions.

The entire process of connecting and setting up television from Tricolor consists of four stages. Namely:

  • determining the location for installing the antenna;
  • antenna assembly and installation;
  • adjusting the antenna operation;
  • broadcast setup;
  • setting up channels.

If you have purchased an antenna in fully equipped, there will be no problems with the listed steps.

Determining the location for installing the antenna

When choosing the location where the antenna will be located, you should first of all take into account the accessibility of the device to the satellite. That is, there should be no obstacles between the antenna and the signal transmitter from orbit. Since the beam from the satellite hits the device at a certain angle, the field of view must be extensive to receive the signal.
In other words, the antenna should be placed in the most open space without objects blocking reception (buildings, trees, terrain). Thus, the best options The roof and outer walls of balconies or loggias are used for placement.
The second placement factor that is important for user convenience is the accessibility of the antenna. If you install the device on a blank wall of a multi-story building, then only industrial climbers will be able to reach it.

An important requirement for installation is that the antenna should be placed at such an angle that precipitation does not fall into it. Therefore, places under the roof slope or near a rain drain will not be a good solution.

Antenna assembly and installation

Detailed instructions make assembling the antenna quick and simple. After completion this process, in the selected location of the wall, brackets are installed corresponding to the load from gusts of wind and precipitation.
The converter is installed in a special holder. In this case, the connector of the device must be directed downward so that moisture and dust from atmospheric phenomena do not damage the device.

After this, a cable is connected to the converter. An F connector is used for this. The connection point must be sealed (a layer of electrical tape + sealant or special rubber). To prevent the cable from moving away due to the wind, it must be attached to the converter holder. Duct tape or cable ties work well for this role. All that remains is to install the antenna on the bracket, tighten the nuts (not all the way to be able to adjust the position) and fix the remaining free part of the cable on it.

Adjusting the antenna operation

Depending on the nearest large city and the selected communication satellite, it is necessary to adjust the tilt angle and azimuth of the antenna according to data from the Tricolor TV company. IN in this case you can use a compass.
After completing the angle and azimuth adjustments, you can connect the converter cable to the receiver. For this purpose the F-connector is used again. The receiver itself is then connected.

Broadcast settings

When you turn on the receiver for the first time, the device will operate in standby mode. To switch it to operating mode, you need to press the power button on the remote control and wait a couple of seconds.
At double click On the receiver remote control, press the “f1” or “i” key on the TV screen to display an information banner window that will help you understand the quality of the signal entering the antenna. After it appears, you can begin adjusting the broadcast.
So that television broadcasting is in required quality, the signal level must be at least 70%. To achieve this, you need to rotate the antenna mirror in the horizontal and vertical planes until a clear image appears.
If quality indicators are low and automatic setting does not give results, manual adjustment is necessary. Based on the banner data, it is worth moving the antenna in the azimuth direction. In this case, the movement step should be no more than a centimeter. At each point in the device’s position, you should wait a couple of seconds to monitor the change in the signal indicator. After reaching the desired acceptance percentage, the nuts on the bracket are tightened to the end. You can start setting up channels.

Setting up channels

When the satellite signal is configured, the installation wizard calls. This program offers step-by-step setup(select your preferred menu language and list of channels). Moving through the items is done using the volume buttons, and by pressing the “OK” button on the remote control, you can simply enter the basic settings.

The installation wizard automatically searches for and displays all available television and radio channels, displaying them on the screen. At the same time, the signal level of each broadcast channel is also visible. At the end of the search, the entire found list will be saved in the receiver’s memory and will be available for viewing.

Subsequent turns on of the receiver will take place in viewing mode. To display the list of channels, just click “OK”.
Special attention should be paid to updating software Tricolor TV. Every year, and 2017 was no exception, it comes out new version software for digital television Tricolor TV. The updated version is good because it:

  • cleared of the shortcomings of previous versions;
  • has an expanded list of channels;
  • features a large selection of options.

To start the software update, you need to turn off the receiver from the network, then restart it. As soon as the receiver is turned on, an information banner will appear on the TV screen asking you to start updating the program. You need to click “OK”, after which the process will begin, during which the receiver must be turned on! Once the installation is complete, the receiver will restart.
If following all the described procedures does not lead to a successful result, you should contact a company representative for help. The help of a specialist in this case will save time and nerves. Tampering with the antenna structure on your own can lead to damage.

After purchase satellite equipment Tricolor TV, first of all, the antenna is assembled and installed. The company's employees take care of the connection themselves, but if the subscriber wishes, they can set up Tricolor TV independently.

The quality of the signal received from the satellite depends on the correct location of the antenna. Important condition– direct visibility of the information signal beam from the satellite to the dish. If it is not possible to mount the antenna on the wall next to the window of the apartment where the satellite receiver will be installed, a rational option would be to install the antenna system on the roof of the building. It is prohibited to place the antenna on a balcony or indoors.

Satellite dish assembly

Based on the included instructions, you need to assemble the plate and securely fasten it with suitable fasteners. Connects to the receiving device located in the holder tv cable, which should be attached to the bracket with ties.

An F-connector is screwed onto a 1.5 cm cable stripped of insulation from both ends. Next, you need to connect the receiver to the antenna converter and configure it using the remote control.


After pressing the “Menu” key, in the section of the main menu displayed on the TV screen, you should go to the “Settings” line, and then to “ System settings" IN at this point required to enter right time region. The desired satellite name will be displayed in the “Satellite” item. In the “Search type” line you need to set Tricolor TV.

Once the satellite is selected, you should confirm the selection by pressing “OK”. If the actions are performed correctly, two scale bars will appear on the screen, characterizing the signal level and its quality. For excellent broadcasting of channels, the parameter values ​​should not be lower than 70%, otherwise the picture quality will deteriorate or the broadcast will be unstable. By changing the angle of the antenna mirror, you need to achieve maximum signal characteristics. It is important to wait a few seconds after each adjustment step. This action is provided so that the signal has time to change.

After successfully installing the dish, it is necessary to securely tighten the fasteners of the antenna structure, otherwise it will move in strong winds. It is also possible that the signal may deteriorate during precipitation. Before exiting the menu, you need to save the settings.

Connecting the receiver

The Tricolor TV receiver is connected in two ways:

  • high frequency (HF) connection using an antenna cable;
  • low-frequency (LF) connection using a regular cable with bell or scart ends.

Having selected an RF connection, the receiver’s output (indicated as “RF Out”) must be connected to the antenna socket of the TV. Next, you need to connect the receiver to voltage and turn on the power button. If everything is done correctly, the word “BOOT” will appear on the monitor, as well as the channel number. Now you need to run an automatic channel search to find the channel with the line “No Signal”. The presence of this phrase will indicate that the device is connected correctly.

The LF connection uses a cable with “tulips” or “skart”. After the same message appears on the screen, you should set the video mode on the TV remote control with the “A/V” button. The appearance of the message “No signal” indicates that the receiver is connected correctly.

Reception check satellite signal The receiver displays any channel on the screen. Its number, time and name of the program broadcast by the satellite should be displayed. at the moment. Since the antenna is not aligned, the background image on the screen will appear blue.

After pressing the “i” key, both signal adjustment scales will be displayed on the screen. The plate needs to be adjusted to the maximum. Produce fine tuning The exact direction of the antenna to the south will help you. The presence of neighboring antennas nearby makes it easier to correctly point the dish and tilt it.

After the most advantageous antenna position has been found, click “OK” and the Tricolor TV channels will automatically be added to the receiver menu. They need to be preserved.

In order to find free channels, as well as those not included in the package, you need to select “Settings” in the menu, enter digital code 0000 and go to automatic search.

In this case, the search type should be set to “Network” and the line “Skipping encoded channels” should be highlighted. Next, press the “Search” button. After completing the registration of programs, you need to save the list. If desired, the subscriber can sort channels alphabetically.

Ways to troubleshoot possible setup problems

If there is no signal, the first thing you should do is look at the power supply to the receiver, its connection to the TV, the integrity of the cable, and the tightness of the connectors. It is recommended to press the “AV” button on the TV remote control more than once, since there is more than one input.

If the “Tricolor TV” menu appears on the screen and at the same time the message “No signal” is present, then communication with the satellite is not established. The antenna needs to be adjusted. Another option may be operator-administered prophylaxis.

On any channel, the message “Coded channel” appears, indicating that access has not been paid for or the receiver is not registered. Encoded signals are included in the overall package or broadcast separately. Such channels are considered the property of the provider and therefore require paid decoding.

After completing the setup, when you turn on the receiver, the subscriber is prompted to download the update indicating full list channels. Newly purchased equipment must be registered with Tricolor TV.

Registration of receiving equipment

After completing the antenna setup, you need to press the “Exit” button twice to exit the menu. On the company's official website you need to fill in the user and receiver data. Equipment installation can be registered by calling the company number listed on the website.

Self-configuration TV: Tricolor TV

Self-installation and configuration of the antenna will not cause much trouble, provided you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations Relatively recently, we could only watch a few channels whose signal was picked up by our antenna. Now that television has become so advanced that access to channels is transmitted via satellite, the rays of which are caught by satellite dishes, we can see an endless variety of programs. One of the most famous companies providing satellite television is Tricolor TV. However, to take advantage of this scientific achievement, you need to not only purchase it, but also connect it correctly. Read on to learn how to do it yourself.

Some information about the Tricolor TV satellite

To understand how to connect satellite television, you need to understand what such technology is and how it works. Only in this case will you be able to understand the meaning of all the actions we describe and perform them as accurately as possible.

Satellite antenna installation kits have a complete set of all necessary parts for self-installation

To simplify the description of the operation of such a system, the transmitting center encodes the information and sends it to the satellite, which in turn reflects the received data to the satellite dish. This way, your TV will have access to channels whose quality is at the highest level.

The main component of such a device is a satellite dish. It is usually made of metal and shaped like a concave lens.

Due to the shape of the antenna, all the signals it catches are reflected to one point where the converter is installed. Next, the signal is redirected to satellite tuner, which is called the receiver. This device decodes the received information into an understandable form and sends it to the outputs of your TV.

You can purchase the entire kit, which can be installed on one TV instead of the old receiver. Buy missing parts. Also, such a device connects to two TVs and a tablet using one subscription fee.

These components are purchased in specialized stores. Next, the connection is made by the wizard. You can also install satellite TV yourself.

Satellite television can be installed even where there is poor signal reception. For example, if you spend a lot of time at the dacha, then nothing will stop you from connecting it there. Also this type television operates in Kazakhstan. Satellite services Even Siberia can use it.

Satellite position and setting up Tricolor TV

The satellite sends a signal to the dish from an altitude of 38,000 kilometers. Its signal resembles a thin searchlight beam, which, unfortunately, cannot pass through walls, so if you choose the wrong place to install the antenna, it will not be able to be adjusted.

Before installation, carefully calculate the location for installing the antenna.

So that installing the dish does not cause you any questions, you should know that all satellites are located above the equator line. Based on this, you can understand that the mirror part of the dish should face the south side, so if your windows face north, it is better to point the antenna to the north. In this case, you must route the wires yourself in a manner convenient for you. This is the only way you can install the device correctly and get an uninterrupted signal.

In addition to the fact that you need to accurately determine the direction, you need to calculate the diameter of the device. Most best size for a dish that catches the Tricolor TV signal is 0.6 meters. You can use antennas and larger size, but it will be problematic to install them yourself.

To properly install a satellite dish, you need to choose the right fasteners for the bracket. It is mounted on anchor bolts, which will protect the device from vibration. Otherwise, any gust of wind can leave you without a signal.

How to connect Tricolor TV to your TV yourself

Once you have determined the location where the antenna will be installed, you need to assemble it. For self-installation of such a device, the kit includes detailed instructions installation You can also use our tips.

The installation kit contains detailed instructions for assembling the antenna.

Satellite dish assembly:

  1. Using anchor bolts, a bracket is mounted on the wall or roof of the house. The size of the anchor bolts is selected depending on the strength of the wall and the strength of the prevailing winds.
  2. Next you need to put the converter in the holder. In this case, the holder must look down, otherwise snow and rainwater will accumulate in it, interfering with signal reception.
  3. Next, you need to connect the ends of the cable and the converter with an F-connector. This is done as follows: the outer insulation of the cable is stripped by 20 mm, and the inner insulation by 12, a shielding braid and foil are placed parallel to the cable, the connector is screwed in as much as possible, and the sections protruding by more than 2 mm are cut off.
  4. We attach the cable to the recess of the holder arc with electrical tape.
  5. We seal the entire F-connector with three layers of electrical tape or a heat-insulating tube. For best quality To seal, you can use silicone sealant.
  6. Next you need to connect the plate to the bracket. To fix it, bolts are used that are not screwed in completely.
  7. Now you can secure the cable to the bracket, leaving 1.5 meters of cable.

If you are installing a satellite set yourself, then when choosing the azimuth and antenna installation angle, be guided by the data in the table, which is always included in the kit, for your city or settlement. According to the instructions, run the cable from the converter to the receiver, and then connect the device directly to the TV. Try to do all the work correctly, as reconfiguring the device will be quite difficult.

Preparatory steps before setting up Tricolor

After you have installed the satellite dish yourself and connected the receiver to the TV, you can begin setting up the antenna. However, before doing this, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of this work.

The satellite dish receiver does not differ in appearance from other similar devices

If you are concerned about the question: “Can I pick up a signal on my own?”, then you need to know that the satellite moves at the speed of rotation of the earth, constantly being in one place relative to your home. Thanks to this situation, setting up satellite television is within the power of the average person.

If you want to configure the antenna without outside help, then it is advisable to purchase a new device called SatFinder. This attachment is installed on the antenna, and it informs the tuner about the correctness of his actions.

To set the cymbal to maximum short terms It is important to know that it is easiest to find the correct antenna position at noon. Also keep in mind that on a rainy and cloudy day, clouds weaken the signal, so on such days it is better to refuse to carry out this work.

Setting up the receiver occurs through a search in the menu, where indicators of quality and signal strength are located. To find a signal you need to see the TV screen, or have a partner who will tell you which way to move.

Instructions: how to set up the Tricolor antenna yourself

When you have installed the antenna and done all the other preparatory work, you can proceed directly to searching for a signal. Don't forget to make sure your partner sees all the necessary indicators.

The company produces kits designed for simultaneous connection two TVs

In what order should you search for a signal:

  • Turn the mirror of the plate in the direction where the sun usually is at lunchtime;
  • Next, place the plate in a vertical position, lift its “head” as high as possible and tighten the nuts.
  • Rotate and move the plate gradually, 2 mm, towards the position of the dinner sun;
  • When moving these millimeters, do not forget to stop in each position for a few seconds in order to have time to detect the signal;
  • Remember that you must stand where you will not interfere with the signal getting to the dish.

If after you have moved the antenna from the position of the sun to twelve o'clock until it is at 14 o'clock, and you are unable to restore the signal, then you need to loosen the vertical nuts and move the plate down 1 mm, and perform all the steps again. If you get lost, you will have to repeat the entire setup process again.

When a signal quality scale or a tricolor TV picture appears on the screen, you can make final settings. To do this, you need to move the mirror little by little; the picture on the TV screen will tell you in which direction. An ideally tuned antenna should produce parameters of each scale of 70%.

Let's figure out how to set up channels on Tricolor TV yourself

To properly set up the satellite dish, you need to adjust it using the marks on the screen. To do this, you need to perform some actions with the TV itself and the receiver.

It is better to configure the antenna without special equipment with an assistant

How to include a mark in the menu indicating the signal level:

  • Take the receiver remote control and click on “Menu”;
  • When the menu opens, find the “Install” item and click the “Ok” button;
  • Change the password, for example, to 0000;
  • Next, select “System settings” and click “OK” again;
  • In the new menu, select the “Antenna installation” item and select it by clicking the “Ok” button.

Next, we set up the satellite dish according to the instructions described earlier. In this case, both scales indicating the signal strength must be filled to at least 70%. If you cannot align the plate correctly, check the cable connections.

Once you are connected, you can enjoy quality television. To keep your signal intact over time, constantly sweep away accumulated dirt, water, and snow from the antenna.

How to set up the Tricolor TV antenna yourself (video)

Installing satellite television Tricolor TV is not like that difficult task, as it may seem at first glance. You can easily set up the antenna yourself. The main thing is to carefully and efficiently follow all our advice, and such work will take no more than 2.5 hours!