The account certificate is missing or incorrect. Error when logging in from digital signature to electronic platforms

  • How long will it take for me to receive accreditation for the ETP?

    Applications for accreditation are reviewed by the Operator within no more than 5 working days from the date of acceptance of the documents and information required for accreditation.

    Based on the results of consideration of the application for accreditation, a notification of the decision will be sent to the organization’s email address.

  • How much does registration cost?

    Registration on the site as an applicant (procurement participant) is free of charge.

    Funds are written off if the Participant is recognized as the Winner (the only participant) of the electronic procedure in the amount of a certain percentage, depending on the initial maximum price of the electronic procedure, in accordance with the approved tariffs (Appendix 1 to the Regulations of ETP Avtodor - Trading Platform).

  • I completed the user registration procedure, but I did not receive an email with an activation code.

    You need to make sure that your mail server is not blocking incoming mail messages from To do this, contact your system administrator.

    If it is not possible to unblock an email address, then you must specify another email with an external server (mail, gmail, yandex, etc.). Log in to the site using your username and password. In the email address activation form, select “Specify another email.” In the form that appears, enter a new email and click OK.

  • I sent a registration request more than 5 days ago, I still have not received a response.

    You either have not activated your email address or have not electronically signed your accreditation application.

    The procedure for obtaining accreditation consists of two stages:
    1. Registration of a new user in the System and activation of an email address
    2. Submitting an application for accreditation of the organization as an Applicant / Organizer of the auction.
    Confirm your email, sign and submit your application.

  • How to submit an application for reconsideration after receiving a refusal of accreditation?

    To edit an application, you need to log into the site using the login and password specified during registration initially. There is no need to create a new account. The previously submitted application will be available for editing. It is necessary to correct the reasons for the refusal and submit the application for consideration.

  • How many times can I apply for accreditation?

    You can submit an application for accreditation an unlimited number of times until you receive registration on the ETP Avtodor - Trading Platform.

Using an electronic signature

How to take part in the auction

  • How do I apply for the procedure?

    1. In order to apply for participation in the procedure, you need to go to your personal account, then select Procedures - Current procedures.
    2. From the list that opens, select the procedure you are interested in. In the operation column, select the “Prepare application” icon.
    Submitting an application – Set the offer price and attach the necessary documents, if a requirement is established – Generate and send an application.

  • How many times can I apply for the procedure? / How to adjust the submitted application for participation in the procedure?

    A procurement participant may submit only one application for a procurement procedure.

    You also have the opportunity to correct a previously submitted application. To do this, you need to go to your personal account, then select Procedures – Current procedures. From the list that opens, select the procedure you are interested in. In the operation column, select the “Apply for participation” icon. In this case, the previously submitted application is canceled and only the new application is displayed in the system.

  • Do I need to secure an application to participate in the procedure? / Is participation in procedures paid or free?

    You can find out whether the requirements for securing an application have been established in the documentation (notice) about the procedure: Procedures – Current procedures – Select the required procedure – View the Notice of the procedure.

    Participation in the procedures is free. Funds are written off if the Participant is recognized as the Winner (the only participant) of the electronic procedure in the amount of a certain percentage, depending on the initial maximum price of the electronic procedure, in accordance with the approved tariffs (Appendix 1 to the Regulations of ETP Avtodor - Trading Platform).

Technical features when working on ETP

  • When entering the site (signing documents), an error occurs: .... “On your computer, the tools for working with electronic signatures are missing or incorrectly configured. Contact the supplier of your certificate and CIPF...”

    1. Make sure that you are working with the client application (browser) Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher. Other browsers do not have the ability to use ES.
    2. Open Tools – Internet Options, Security tab – trusted nodes – nodes – “ ” nodes must be added, and the checkbox for checking nodes in this zone must be unchecked. Close the "Trusted Sites" window and set the security level for this zone to "low".
    3. Go to the “general” tab - “delete”: delete temporary Internet files and cookies. Close Internet Options and Internet Explorer.
    4. Open Internet Explorer. Go to . When a yellow bar appears at the top of the screen (CAPICOM) when working with the system, right-click on this bar and select "Install...". This must be done every time such a streak occurs.
    If CAPICOM does not install at all, uninstall the CAPICOM security update: start - control panel - add\remove programs - view installed updates - select security apdater for capicom and click uninstall. You may need to restart your PC after this.

  • How to configure the functionality of signing electronic signatures on electronic signatures in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Chromium, Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Yandex Browser browsers

    To correctly use the electronic signature on the Avtodor-TP electronic trading platform in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Opera or Yandex Browser browsers, download and install the latest version of CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in and follow these steps:

    In Internet Explorer version 8.0 and higher:
    1. Restart your browser and return to the login page;
    2. Select Full signing mechanism mode using the “Limited functionality for working with electronic signature” option located at the bottom of the page and try logging into the system using electronic signature.

    In the Microsoft Edge browser available on the Windows 10 operating system:
    1. Restart the browser and try to log in using your email address;
    2. In the browser menu you need to launch the “Open in Internet Explorer” function;
    3. Select Full signing mechanism mode using the “Limited functionality for working with electronic signature” option located at the bottom of the page and try logging in using the digital signature.

    In Google Chrome, Chromium or Yandex Browser:
    1. Install the extension in your browser;
    2. Follow the link chrome://extensions/

    3. Restart the browser and try to log in using your email address.

    In the Opera browser:
    1. Follow the link and add the Download Chrome Extension to your browser;
    2. Install the CryptoPro Extension for CAdES Browser Plug-in in your browser;
    3. Follow the link opera://extensions and make sure that the CryptoPro Extension for CAdES Browser Plug-in is enabled;
    4. Restart the browser and try to log in using your email address.

    In the Mozilla FireFox browser:
    1. In the browser menu Add-ons - Plugins (or via the about:addons link) enable the CryptoPro Extension for CAdES Browser Plug-in plug-in;
    2. Restart the browser and try to log in using your email address.

  • ... The CAPICOM library could not be loaded, possibly due to low permissions on the local machine / object error.

    1. Try moving the Token to a different USB connector.

    2. Open Internet Explorer Tools - Internet Options, go to the Contents - Certificates - Personal tab - your personal certificate should be displayed (if it is not there, then you need to install it).

    3. Check through Start - Programs - CryptoPro - CryptoPro PKI - license management, license expiration date.

    4. Check through Start - Programs - CryptoPro - CryptoPro CSP - service - view the certificates in the container to see if there is a signing key for the Token. If the key is missing, you must contact the CA.

  • ... Insert key media.

    1. Invalid certificate selected. Try again by selecting the correct certificate.
    2. If the certificate is selected correctly, but you still get the same error, you need to reinstall the certificate and try signing again.

  • ... The operation was canceled by the user.

    In the “security alter” window, click “No” and check the box. You need to reset Internet Explorer settings. Go to the "general" tab - "delete": delete temporary Internet files and cookies. Close Internet Explorer. Open Internet Explorer. Try signing again.

  • ... There are no available digital signature certificates installed in your browser.

    Make sure that you are working with a client application (browser) Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher. Other browsers do not have the ability to use an electronic signature.

  • ... The certificate is invalid. It may have expired.

    1. Check the date and time on your computer.

    2. Check through Start – Programs – CryptoPro – CryptoPro PKI – license management, license expiration date. If the deadline has passed, you need to contact the CryptoPro supplier.

    3. Open Internet Explorer - Tools - Internet Options, go to the Contents tab - Certificates - In personal - your personal certificate should be displayed (check the validity period of the certificate). If the certificate has expired, you need to renew (purchase a new) key certificate.

  • CryptoPro does not see Token.

    Check if the ruToken driver is installed. Open the ruToken control panel.

    1. If the reader is not detected, try installing it in a different USB connector. Undecided otherwise - contact the ruToken supplier (where you purchased the ruToken).

    2. If the reader is identified, click the “Information” button. Pay attention to the size of the media and the amount of free memory: the electronic signature takes up at least 5000 bytes. By simple subtraction, you can understand whether it is available in full or partially deleted (For example: On the ruToken 8Kb media there should be no more than 3104 bytes of free memory).

  • Installing the ruToken driver: Error. Calling function RTSC_Start_Service. Function called: OpenService. error code: 1060: The specified service...

    Check if the Smartcard service is running:

    Start/Control Panel/Administration/Services. Find the Smartcard service here. If it has a status of not working, then turn it on. If the status is working, then disable and re-enable.

    In an unlicensed version of Windows, the service may be initially removed.

  • Error. Calling function: RTDRVS_Register_Rutoken_Reader_Divice. Function called: SetupDiCallClassInstaller error code: -536870387.

    This error is caused by a failure in the system library winscard.dll. Contact your system administrator, because... This problem can be solved by reinstalling the service pack or installing service pack 3.

  • When installing a certificate, the message "Keyset not defined" or "Keyset does not exist" appears.

    1. Open Start – All programs – CryptoPro – CryptoPro PKI – click “license management”, in the right window click on CryptoPro CSP, in the panel at the top click on the rightmost icon “Enter a new license serial number”. Enter the serial number from your license agreement.
    2. Click Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP.
    Go to the “Service” tab and click on the “Remove remembered passwords” button. Select the “User” option and click OK.

    Click “View certificates in the container” - Browse, in the “Select key container” window, check “Unique names” and repeat the installation of the certificate.

    If the key media is a floppy disk or flash card, you need to view its contents. At the root of the media there should be a folder with six files with the extension .key

  • Internet Explorer cannot display the page / Error:

    10053 – Error connecting to the server.

    Check the stability of the Internet connection (low speed or no Internet). Complete the required settings for working on site.

Financial transactions / work with accounts

List of documents for a legal entity:

1. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) no older than 30 days.

2. Passport

3. Company details

4. SNILS (Insurance certificate of state pension insurance)

5. TIN certificate

List of documents for an Individual Entrepreneur (IP):

1. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP)

2. Passport

3. SNILS (Insurance Certificate of State Pension Insurance)

4. TIN certificate

List of documents for an individual:

1. Passport

2. TIN certificate

2. SNILS (Insurance certificate of state pension insurance)

2. A window pops up: "Error! The CAPICOM library cannot be loaded, possibly due to low access rights on this local machine."

If, when working on the website, a window pops up: “Error! The CAPICOM library cannot be loaded, possibly due to low access rights on this local machine” You need:

1. Click on the yellow bar under the site address with the text “This website is trying to install the following add-on: “CAPICOM User Download v2.1.0.2” from “Microsoft Corporation”. If you trust this website and add-on and want to install it , click here...";

2. Select "Install ActiveX control";

3. Click on the "Install" button; This procedure must be performed until the window with this message stops popping up (this is individual for each computer). This is a one-time setup.

3. How to install a personal certificate?

Installing a personal certificate (your organization's certificate) can be done in the following way:

Via the "View certificates in container" menu

1. Select Start / Control Panel / CryptoPro CSP, go to the Service tab and click on the button View certificates in a container(see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. “CryptoPro CSP Properties” window

2. In the window that opens, click the Browse button to select a container to view. After selecting the container, click on the OK button (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Window for selecting a container to view

3. In the next window, click on the Next button.

Rice. 3. “Selected private key container” window

4. If the version of CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R2 (product version 3.6.6497) or higher is installed, then in the window that opens, click the Install button, and then respond affirmatively to the notification about replacing the certificate (if it appears).

Rice. 4. Certificate viewing window

5. In the window that appears about the successful installation of the certificate, click OK

Rice. 5. Window “Message about successful certificate installation”

6. then press the ready button

Rice. 6. Window for viewing the selected certificate

5. Close the CryptoPro CSP window by clicking OK

Detailed information on installing the certificate is available at the following link.

4. How to set up email.

Configuring security settings for Outlook Express is carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Select the menu item Tools -> Accounts and open the Mail tab.

2. In the displayed list of accounts, select the one you want to configure and click the Properties button.

3. In the displayed dialog, select the Security tab, which allows the user to specify his personal certificates, which will be used when selecting the user’s personal keys for generating an electronic digital signature and decrypting incoming messages. The certificate selection dialog only displays certificates that have a matching email address and are allowed for email security

5. In the displayed dialog, select the Security tab:

6. In the displayed dialog, set the following modes:

a. Always encrypt messages when sending encrypted mail . Setting the enable mode allows the sender to decrypt the messages he has sent.

b. Include my digital ID when sending singed messages. Setting this mode to automatically add the sender's certificate to all messages. This mode allows you to exchange certificates using a signed message, and then use the resulting certificates to subsequently encrypt messages between recipients.

c. Send messages with an opaque signature / Encode message before signing. When Message Mode is enabled, all attachments will be combined into a single attachment with a digital signature included. If the mode is disabled, the signature is generated as one separate attachment for all attachments.

d. Automatically add a sender certificate to my address book. When enabled, certificates sent as part of a signed message will be automatically added to the address book.

e. Check for revoked Digital Ds:

i. only when online. Installing a verification token means that each operation of generating or verifying an electronic digital signature will be accompanied by a certificate revocation check. To check for revocation, a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is used, information about the location of which is recorded as an addendum in each user’s certificate. By default, this option is not enabled, and Outlook Express does not track whether user keys have been compromised.

ii. Never/Never.

No revocation check is performed.

5. How to sign a document.

There are 2 types of sending a signed document.

The first way is to sign the document itself and the second is to sign the entire letter.

To create and send a signed message:

1. Click the Create Mail button or select the menu item File -> New -> Mail message.

3. To send a signed message, check the status of the Sign button. It should be pressed and the signed message sign should be visible on the right side of the screen.

4. Once the message is ready to be sent, click on the Send button:

The second method is when the file itself is signed. Microsoft Office allows you to attach digital signatures to a specific document. To do this you need:

1. From the Tools menu, select Options, and then open the Security tab.

2. Click the Digital Signatures button.

3. Click the Add button.

4. Select the certificate you want, and then click OK.

For other data formats, you must use the CryptoArm program.

6. CryptoPro expires.

During installation, you did not enter the product serial number according to the license you purchased.

7. Mail does not see the certificate.

When setting up email, at the stage of signing the document, the email does not find the required certificate. This happens when the email address that is specified when producing the digital signature does not match the current email address.

8. When installing CryptoPro at the last step, the system displays a message about the incorrect installation of the program and rolls back. What should I do?

The problem occurs due to incomplete (or incorrect) removal of the previous version of Crypto Pro from the computer. To remove files remaining from the previous version, you must use the CryptoPro clear.bat trace cleaning program. You can download the program from here:

9. Where can I find the public digital signature signature key?

In all signatures issued by our company, the public key is located inside a container on a secure medium. In order to remove it from the container you need to:

When the media is included in the system unit Through the CryptoPro program Start à Control Panel à CryptoPro à Service à View the certificates in the container. In the dialog box that appears, select the required container through the overview à Next. In the window for viewing digital signature public key data, select properties à “Composition” tab à Copy to file and specify the path to save the certificate.

10. CryptoPro does not see the container on the flash drive. Prompts you to select another media.

Depending on what type of media you use, the solutions are different. If you use smart cards such as Rutoken, MSKey, Etoken, then most likely you do not have the drivers installed to work correctly with the key.

If your key is on a USB 2.0 flash drive, then you need to look at the version of the CryptoPro kernel. If you are using CryptoPro 3.0, then you have lost your way. In order to configure it you need to:

When the media is included in the system unit Through the CryptoPro program Start à Control Panel à CryptoPro à Equipment Configure readers Add. In the Reader Installation Wizard window that appears, select Floppy Drive on the right side of the screen (since in CryptoPro all USB drives are defined as floppy disks). In the next window, select the correct name of the flash drive, that is, the name under which the flash drive was identified in “My Computer”.

If you are using CryptoPro 3.6 and the container is not visible, then the media is damaged. It should be provided to the office to determine the status of the key.

11. We have received an electronic signature, what to do next? How to register on the trading platform?

The entire procedure for accreditation, submitting an application to participate in the auction and conducting the auction itself is described in the operating regulations of a specific electronic trading platform, which can be found on the website of this platform. There are also various supporting video materials and instructions for working in the system. Or you can contact us to purchase our accreditation assistance service on any electronic platform.

12. To check what operating system is installed on your computer

- Go to My Computer in Explorer.

— Right-click on the display and select “Properties” from the menu that appears.

— The window that appears contains information about your system.

13. To find out which version of Internet Explorer is installed on your computer

— Launch Internet Explorer.

— Select Help from the horizontal menu at the top of the browser.

— The window that appears contains information about the current version of the browser.

— Possible option

14. To install a newer version of Internet Explorer 8

— Specify the following address on the command line:

— In the window presented, click “Download for free.”

— Click “Run” in the window that appears.

- Then click “Run” again.

— When installation is complete, you must restart your computer.


When working with an electronic trading platform (ETP), one of the following errors occurs:

  • "Your computer does not have or is configured incorrectly the tools for working with digital signatures. Contact the supplier of your certificate and CIPF."
  • "Error! The CAPICOM library cannot be loaded, possibly due to low permissions on this local machine"
  • "CAPICOM object not installed"
  • "Unable to create object by Object Programming Server"
  • "Your browser does not have permission to use ActiveX objects"


If the error appears on EETP and you are not working in Internet Explorer (IE), make sure that “CryptoPro Browser Plug-In” is selected in the plugin selection.

If you are using Internet Explorer below version 9, make sure you are running 32-bit IE. Capicom does not work on 64-bit IE.

You need to make the following Internet Explorer settings:

1. Add ETP addresses to Trusted nodes.

In Internet Explorer, “Tools” - “Internet Options” - “Security” tab;

Select "Trusted Sites" ("Trusted Sites"); - button "Nodes" ("Sites");

Remove the flag at the bottom “For all nodes in this zone, server verification (https:) is required” (not all ETPs work over a secure https:// connection);

In the line "Add the next node to the zone" enter the ETP address (via http and https);

"Add" button.

2. For the Trusted Sites zone, allow the use of Active-X controls.

In Internet Explorer, “Tools” – “Internet Options” - “Security” tab; select "Trusted Sites" ("Trusted Sites"); click the "Other..." button;

In the "Active-X controls and connection modules" section, check "Enable" for all parameters (for IE 6 - "Allow").

3. Install and register the capicom.dll library.

Download the file

Copy the capicom.dll file to the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder (for Windows XP, Vista, Win7 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32);

Click the "Start" button and select "Run";

In the "Run a program" window, in the "Open" field, type or copy: for Windows XP, Vista, Win7 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32 capicom.dll

Click OK.

Library registration may be prohibited by local permissions policy. In this case, you need to contact your system administrator.

4. Check certificate status

Go to the "Rutoken Control Panel" - the "Certificates" tab

Select the certificate - the certificate status should be "Valid"

Errors are possible: “The certificate is unreliable”/“Could not check the revocation status” or “”, follow the solution from the instructions.

5. Check the rights to the capicom.dll library

Open the directory C:\Windows\System32,

Find capicom.dll,

Right-click "Properties" - tab "Security" - "Advanced" - "Change permissions".

Find the current computer user in the list, check what status is in the “Permissions” column. If other than "Full access" - select the line and click "Change". Check the "Full access" checkbox and save.

If, when saving, a message appears about insufficient rights, go to the “Owner” tab, Change, select the current computer user, try to assign “Full Control” again.

6. As a rule, you must use a browser to participate in the auction Internet Explorer version 6.0 and higher. In IE 9 and higher, errors may occur that can be resolved by using the compatibility view ("Browser Options" - "Tools" - "Compatibility View Options" - add the site address.

These are general settings for all ETPs. Some sites require additional components to be installednecessary for correct operation.

Select section Configure for work on electronic trading platforms.

Possible errors

If, when working on the ETP, one of the error windows appears:

"Error! The CAPICOM library could not be loaded, possibly due to low permissions on the local machine."

"CAPICOM object is not installed"

“On your computer, the tools for working with digital signatures are missing or incorrectly configured. Contact the supplier of your certificate and CIPF."

"Unable to create object by Object Programming Server."

"Your browser does not have permission to use ActiveX objects."

then you need to follow the steps described below.

How to configure Internet Explorer

1. Make sure you are using Internet Explorer. If your version of Internet Explorer is lower than 10, then you need to run the 32-bit version (to do this, open the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer and run the iexplore.exe file).

If you're using Windows 10, make sure you're not opening the Microsoft Edge browser, which has an icon very similar to Internet Explorer.

2. It is necessary to add ETP addresses to Trusted nodes.

  • In Internet Explorer, “Tools” - “Internet Options” (“Browser Options”); go to the “Security” tab;
  • select “Trusted Sites” (“Trusted Sites”); click the “Nodes” button (“Sites”);
  • uncheck the box below “For all nodes in this zone, server verification (https:) is required” (not all ETPs work over a secure https:// connection);
  • In the line “Add the next node to the zone” enter the ETP address (via http and https);
  • insert the website address, after the double slash // put *. and website address. The entered address should look like “http://*”;
  • Click the "Add" and "OK" buttons.

3. For the “Trusted Sites” zone, allow the use of Active-X controls.

  • in Internet Explorer “Tools” - “Internet Options”; go to the “Security” tab; select “Trusted nodes”; click the “Other...” button;
  • In the “Active-X controls and connection modules” section, check “Enable” for all parameters.

4. Download and install CAPICOM-KB931906-v2102.

5. In IE 9 and higher, errors may occur that can be resolved by using the compatibility view (Go to Browser Options - Tools / compatibility view settings / add site address).

Note: these are general settings for all ETPs. On some sites, it is necessary to install additional components (for example, the KriptoPro EP browser Plug-in) necessary for the site to function correctly.

  • Electronic digital signature (EDS) for Rosreestr - UTs JSC "EETP"
  • Certification authorities
  • How to protect yourself from electronic signature fraud?
  • What electronic signature is needed for online cash registers - TC JSC "EETP"
  • Electronic signature (EDS) for reporting
  • Digital signature for information disclosure
  • Digital signature for participation in electronic trading
    • Digital signature for Rosneft on the TEK-Torg site
    • Digital signature for government tenders
      • Digital signature for RTS tender
      • EDS for AGZRT
      • EDS for MICEX
      • EDS for Sberbank-AST: where and how to get it?
      • Electronic signature: key for EETP
    • Digital signature for the Russian Auction House site
    • EDS for ships: where to use and which ones are suitable?
    • EDS for bankruptcy bidding: where else can it be useful and how to get it?
    • Customer's digital signature for commercial bidding
    • Supplier's digital signature for commercial bidding
  • Electronic interaction
    • EDS for GIS housing and communal services
    • Digital signature for public services
    • EDS for the EFRSB
    • EDS for PTS
    • EDS for RosAccreditation
    • Digital signature for government agencies
    • Electronic signature for individuals
  • Cloud signature
  • Installation instructions

    To configure your computer to work with electronic signatures, you must use Electronic signature installation wizard.

    It offers full and custom installations. During the custom installation process, you can specify the components that you want to install or update. A full installation does not provide this option.

    Automatic installation

    Custom installation

    • User's Guide for Software Installation: Rutoken Software, CryptoPro CSP, Root Certificates

      Step 1. Installing Rutoken software

      2. If, after running the installation file, you are prompted to reinstall or remove existing Rutoken software, this means that this software is already installed on the computer. No re-installation required. Close the window by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner of the window. Skip this section of the instructions and go to step 2.

      In the window that appears, click " Install".

      4. The installation of drivers and software necessary for working with Rutoken will begin. This may take a few minutes.

      5. After successful installation, a corresponding window will appear where you will need to click “ Close."

      6. Installation of the Rutoken software is completed.

      Step 2. Installation of CryptoPro software

      2. If, after running the installation file, you are prompted to reinstall or remove existing CryptoPro software, this means that this software is already installed on the computer. No re-installation required. Close the window by clicking " No", and in the next window - “ Cancel". Skip this section of the instructions and go to the next step.

      3. If the software has not yet been installed, follow the instructions.
      In the window that appears, click “Install (recommended).” After successful installation, restart your computer

      4. If you need to change installation parameters, select “Advanced options”. Then click Next.

      5. Read the CryptoPro License Agreement and select “I accept the terms of the license agreement.” Then click Next.

      7. In the installation type selection window, select “Typical” and click “Next”.

      8. The program is ready to begin installation, click “Install”.

      9. The process may take several minutes. When the installation is complete, click "Finish".

      10. Installation of the Crypto Pro CSP program is completed.

      Step 3. Installing the owner's personal certificate

      1. Launch the CryptoPro CSP application: Start –> All Programs –> CryptoPro –> CryptoPro CSP.
      In the CryptoPro properties window, go to the Service tab, on this tab click the “View certificates in the container” button.

      2. Make sure that the personal electronic identifier is connected to the USB port of the computer, and click the “Browse...” button.

      3. In the next window, select the key container located on the Activ Rutoken lite 0 reader and click the “OK” button.

      5. In the window that appears, click the “Install” button.

      6. If necessary, enter the Rutoken PIN code. In the next window, click the “Ok” button.

      7. Installation of the personal certificate is completed.

      Step 4. Installation of root certificates of GUTS, Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, CA JSC EETP

      Step 5. Install the Capicom plugin

      2.If, after running the installation file, you are prompted to reinstall or uninstall the existing Security Update for CAPICOM (KB931906) software, this means that this software is already installed on the computer. No re-installation required. Close the window by clicking “Cancel”. Skip this section of the instructions and go to the next step.

      3. If the software has not yet been installed, follow the instructions. In the window that appears, click “Next”.

      4. Read the Microsoft License Agreement and select “I accept the terms in the License Agreement.” Then click "Next".

      5. At the next installation stage, click “Next”.

      6. Click “Install” to complete the installation.

      7. The program has been successfully installed, click “Finish”.

      Step 6. Installation of Crypto Pro EDS Browser plug-in

      2. If, after running the installation file, you are prompted to reinstall or remove the existing CryptoPro Browser Plug-In software, this means that this software is already installed on the computer. No re-installation required. Close the window by clicking "No". Skip this section of the instructions and go to the next step.

      3. If the software has not yet been installed, follow the instructions. In the window that appears, click “Yes”.

      4. The process may take several minutes. When the installation is complete, click “Ok”.

      Step 7: Setting up Internet Explorer

      1. Launch Internet Explorer browser (version 9.x or later).

      2. From the main menu, in the Tools menu, select Internet Options.

      3. In the settings window that appears, go to the “Security” tab and select the “Trusted Sites” zone to configure security settings. Set the security level for this zone to “Low”

      4. In the input field, enter the following address “*.site” (without quotes), uncheck the “Server verification is required for all nodes in this zone” checkbox and click the “Add” button and then “Close”.

      5. Returning to the “Security” tab, click the “Other” button.

      6. In the parameters of this menu, you must enable all ActiveX connection elements and modules and click the “OK” button. In the notification that appears, you must agree to accept the changes made by clicking the “Yes” button.

      7. When you return to the main settings window, go to the “Privacy” tab, uncheck the “Enable pop-up blocker” checkbox.

      8. When returning to the main settings window, go to the “Advanced” tab, uncheck the “SSL 2.0” item (if such a parameter is present) and check the “SSL 3.0” and “TLS 1.0” checkboxes

      9. Then click OK. The browser setup is complete.

      Step 8: Setting up Google Chrome Browser

      1. Open Google Chrome browser

      3. If “CryptoPro Extension for CAdES Browser Plug-in” is not in the list of extensions, go to the chrome online store and install it