Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state registration have been submitted. Information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents have been submitted to the state

Making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 2018-2019 - step-by-step instructions are contained in this article. From it, the reader learns about the procedure for completing the documents necessary to correct the information stored in the database, as well as ways to obtain information about the presence or absence of updates in the registry.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities: general information

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) is a database containing information about all companies operating in Russia. Information about individuals is not included in it, but it is quite possible to find the details of non-profit organizations or peasant farms.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 5 of the Federal Law “On State Registration...” dated 08.08.2001 No. 129, information about the company stored in the register includes:

  • its name;
  • date of state registration;
  • location address;
  • reorganization and liquidation procedures carried out in relation to the enterprise;
  • changes made to the company's constituent documents and other sources of information;
  • data of founders and managers;
  • types of economic activities carried out by the enterprise;
  • in the event that a company is undergoing bankruptcy proceedings, the stage at which it is located.

During its operation, an enterprise can correct information previously entered into the register. For example, the company may change its director or one of its participants may decide to sell its share to a third party. Such changes must be promptly registered with the tax office, since the relevance of the information contained in the register is important not only for government agencies, but also for counterparties working with the enterprise.

Types of changes made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Depending on whether the information contained in the company’s statutory documents is corrected or not, the procedure for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is somewhat different.

Amendments to the charter that are subject to inclusion in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities include amendments that change:

  • company name;
  • organizational structure;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • representative offices of the company and its subsidiaries, etc.

The following changes do not require inclusion in the charter, but are subject to registration with the tax service:

  • a person holding the position of director;
  • composition of participants of the legal entity;
  • registration documents previously submitted to the tax office if errors were made in them.

Registration of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: sequence of actions

To make changes to the register of legal entities related to amendments to the charter, you must perform the following steps:

  1. By a general decision of the company's participants or the sole decision of its sole founder, amend the current charter of the organization.
  2. Prepare the documents necessary for state registration of changes made to the charter (their list is given below) and submit them to the tax authority. This can be done in the following ways:
  • by personally contacting the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service where the enterprise is registered;
  • by sending a postal item to his address with notification of delivery to the recipient;
  • by transmitting an electronic transport container encrypted with a digital signature through telecommunications channels.
  1. Receive a Unified State Register of Legal Entities sheet containing updated information about the company.

Based on the results of consideration of the application, adjustments are made to the register.

For reference. In February 2019, the government developed a simplified procedure for registering changes in the composition of LLC participants in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

List of documents required to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

In order to make amendments, the need for which arose as a result of adjusting the information contained in the statutory documents, to the Federal Tax Service, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 17 Federal Law No. 129, it is necessary to transfer:

  • a statement certified by a notary in form P13001;
  • 2 copies of the updated version of the charter;
  • copies of documents on the basis of which the charter was changed (minutes of the general meeting of founders or the decision of the sole participant);
  • minutes of the meeting of the founders of the legal entity or the decision of the sole founder;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a power of attorney to perform actions on behalf of a legal entity, if the documents are submitted by a person who does not have the right to perform such actions.

Making changes that are not related to the correction of statutory documents is not subject to a fee. In this case, the Federal Tax Service will need to submit:

Don't know your rights?

  • an application drawn up in form P14001;
  • copies of documents on the basis of which new information is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for example, a copy of a gift agreement, purchase and sale agreement, minutes of the meeting of founders, etc.);
  • if necessary, a power of attorney issued in the name of the person submitting information to the registration authority.

The forms of applications submitted by an entrepreneur to the registration authority are established by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@.

Application form for amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities when changing the charter (R13001)

Amendments to the charter entail the need to submit current information to the Federal Tax Service, on the basis of which its employees will independently make adjustments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The document containing such information is an application drawn up in form P13001, given in Appendix No. 4 of Order No. MMV-7-6/25@.

The application must indicate:

  • name, INN and OGRN of the legal entity;
  • legal address of the company;
  • a note that the basis for the changes being made is compliance with the requirements of current legislation;
  • details of individuals, organizations, other participants of the legal entity;
  • details of the management organization, manager or individual who can represent the interests of the organization without issuing a power of attorney;
  • applicant details.

After filling out the document, it will need to be certified by a notary.

Application for amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: form P14001

In the event that the changes that must be recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are not related to the statutory documents, an application drawn up in form P14001, given in Appendix No. 6 to Order No. MMV-7-6/25@, is submitted to the tax office. The application is drawn up according to the algorithm given above, with the exception that it must indicate the reason for applying to the Federal Tax Service (indicated by entering the number “1” in the appropriate field of the document).

You can fill out the document either manually or using a computer. Federal Tax Service specialists have developed a software product that allows you to automate the process of filling out the documents necessary to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. You can download the program, as well as read detailed instructions for filling it out, by following the link

State duty for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in 2018 - 2019

In accordance with sub. 3 p. 1 art. 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, amendments to the constituent documents are subject to a state duty in the amount of 20% of the amount of the duty charged for registering a legal entity. According to sub. 1 clause 1 of the same article, the amount of the fee paid upon registration in 2019 is 4,000 rubles. This means that you will have to pay 800 rubles to make amendments to the charter.

The amount of the mandatory payment collected from legal entities when they make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities that are not related to the statutory documents is not established by law. This means that changes of this kind can be made to the registry absolutely free of charge.

It is worth remembering that you will have to pay to receive a current extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities containing updated data. In accordance with clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the amount of payment...” dated May 19, 2014 No. 462, the payment will be:

  • 200 rubles - for issuing information in the form of a paper certificate in compliance with the deadline established by law for the provision of information;
  • 400 rubles - for issuing information in the form of a paper certificate on the day of application.

You can receive an extract for free by using the capabilities of the service provided by the Federal Tax Service, located at

Deadline for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

It is necessary to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in compliance with the deadlines established by the legislator. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 5 Federal Law No. 129, such information must be submitted to the registration authority within 3 days from the date of change in the information to be included in the register. The specified period may not be observed if the information changes:

  • about the licenses held by the legal entity;
  • Taxpayer's TIN and the date of its registration with the tax office;
  • number and date of registration of the person as an insurer in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund.

Violation of the specified deadline for submitting changes to the tax authority entails, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, issuing a warning or imposing a fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles on a representative of the organization who committed such a violation.

The Tax Service, in turn, is obliged to register the changes made within 5 days from the date of receipt of the application from the representative of the legal entity (clause 16 of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2016 No. 169n).

How to check that the entry of new data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities has been completed, and to find out whether the data was entered correctly

It is mandatory to check changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and it is better to have documentary evidence of completion of the procedure. After changes have been made to the register, the applicant is given a current Unified State Register of Legal Entities sheet containing the information included in the database. If for some reason the sheet cannot be obtained directly from the tax authority (for example, if the applicant is in another region and cannot personally visit the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service), information can be obtained in other ways.

Whether changes have been made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - you can find out by ordering an extract from the register via the Internet. The finished document will reflect all the information in the register at the time of the request. Also, to find out whether changes have been made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you can use the service, which allows you to obtain up-to-date information about the legal entity in respect of which documents have been submitted for registration with the Federal Tax Service.

So, in order to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you need to contact the tax service with an application drawn up in the form established by the legislator (P13001 - if changes are made to the charter, P14001 - if only the information contained in the register is subject to adjustment). An application to correct information must be submitted within 3 days from the date of changes in the organization. Failure to comply with this deadline may result in the imposition of a fine on the representative of the organization who committed such a violation. You can find out whether changes have been made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by receiving a registration sheet in the register or using a special online service.

You will also be interested in reading the materials that we wrote specifically for our Zen channel.

The change logging mechanism is used for data exchange. When performing an exchange from the source database to the destination database, not all data is transferred, but only those for which changes have been registered. In 1C, registration of changes is available for the following objects:

  • constant;
  • directory;
  • document;
  • chart of accounts;
  • plan of types of characteristics;
  • plan of calculation types;
  • business process;
  • task.

And also for recordsets:

  • information register;
  • accounting register;
  • accumulation register;
  • calculation register;
  • recalculation.

Where is information about registered changes stored?

Each change is recorded in special service tables, the names of which contain the word at the end Changes, for example, the table of changes for the directory of counterparties will be called Contractors.Changes.

The change table structure is similar for all objects:

  • the key of the data item for which changes are logged;
  • link to the node for which the change is registered;
  • number of the message in which the change was transmitted.

An entry in the change table undergoes the following transformations:

  1. When you register a change to an object, records are created for all exchange nodes in which this object must be registered. Moreover, in the graph Message number the value is set to NULL.
  2. When sending data to another infobase in the column Message number The serial number of the transmitted message is set.
  3. When receiving data from another infobase, the number of the last received message is transmitted. In this case, rows in which the message number is less than or equal to that received in another database are deleted from the change tables. This removes the registration of changes that have already been sent and acknowledged.

How to query a change table

Change tables are not visible in the query designer by default. But they can be displayed using the button Show change tables.

Example of a query to the change table:

Request. Text= "
|Directory.Counterparties.Changes AS CounterpartiesChanges"

How to register a change to an object in 1C

There is processing for manually registering changes to objects.

Data changes can be recorded automatically. To do this, when including a metadata object in the exchange plan, you must allow automatic registration: set the property to Auto-registration meaning Allow.

In order to register changes manually, the exchange plan manager programmatically has a function RegisterChanges() . The function has two parameters:

  • node;
  • data.

How to log all changes for a node

In order to register all changes for a specific node, you need to pass a link to the node in the first parameter, and a value in the second Undefined.

Exchange Plans. RegisterChanges(Node, Undefined) ;

How to log all changes to objects of a certain type

In order to register changes to objects of a certain type, you need to pass a link to the node in the first parameter, and a metadata description object in the second.

Exchange Plans. RegisterChanges(Node, Metadata. Directories. Nomenclature) ;

How to register all changes to specific objects

In order to register a change to a specific object, you need to pass a link to the node in the first parameter, and a link to the object in the second parameter.

Exchange Plans. RegisterChanges(Node, ReferenceLink) ;

To register changes to sets of register records subordinate to the registrar, you must call the method RegisterChanges() Data a set of records with established selection, in which the selection element Registrar The value of the recorder of this recordset is set. However, reading the recordset data before registering it is not necessary.

To register changes to independent register record sets, you must call the method RegisterChanges() exchange plan manager by passing it as a parameter Data set of records. The composition of the selection elements must strictly correspond to the main selection of the register.

Set = InformationRegisters. ComponentsNomenclatures. CreateRecordSet() ;
Kit. Selection. Nomenclature. Value = Nomenclature;
Kit. Selection. Nomenclature. Usage = True ;
Kit. Selection. CharacteristicsNomenclature. Value = CharacteristicNomenclature;
Kit. Selection. CharacteristicsNomenclature. Usage = True ;

Exchange Plans. RegisterChanges(Node, Set) ;

How to delete a change log

In order to delete information about registered changes, the exchange plan manager has a function DeleteRegistrationChanges() . The function has two parameters:

  • node;
  • message number.

How to remove change logging completely

If you need to delete all information about registered changes for a specific node, then the second parameter should be left empty:

Exchange Plans. DeleteRegistrationChanges(Node) ;

How to delete a change registration with a message number no greater than the specified one

If you need to delete information about registered changes and you know the number of the last message received by the second database, then you need to pass this message number as the second parameter:

Exchange Plans. DeleteChangeRegistration(Node, MessageNumber) ;

For example, if the message number is 2, then all records with numbers 1 and 2 will be deleted from the change tables.

) based on 1C 8.3, data exchange with Accounting 3.0 is very different from version 2.5. In version 2.5, the exchange took place according to the rules of exchange through an XML file at the initiative of the user. In version ZUP 3.0, we are no longer talking about exchange, but about data synchronization.

Now you don’t need to upload and download every time, you only need to set up synchronization between databases once. Moreover, it became possible to configure a synchronization schedule, without excluding forced data exchange.

So, let's look at the instructions on how to set up data synchronization between 1C ZUP 3.0 and Enterprise Accounting 3.0.

Uploading data from 1C ZUP 3.0

Let's launch the ZIK 3.0 configuration , go to the “Administration” menu and select “Data synchronization settings”.

And here many stumble upon the first “pitfall” - the flag Data synchronization unavailable! And the reason is simple: there are not enough rights to configure synchronization. To access the settings, it is not even enough Full rights. Only a user with the role can configure synchronization System administrator. In this case, you should contact a 1C specialist or your system administrator, or assign this role to yourself. Let's look at how to do this (those who have the checkbox available can skip the next part of the article).

To enable a role System administrator let's take advantage Configurator. IN Configurator you need to go to the menu Administration, then submenu Users and select the user who will configure the synchronization. Then in the window that opens, go to the tab Others and check the box next to the role System administrator.

Click OK and exit the configurator. Restart the ZIK 3.0 configuration and make sure that the checkbox Data synchronization now available. Let's install it.

Now you can proceed to setting up synchronization settings. To open the start setup window, click on the link Data synchronization. In the window that opens, set a prefix for numbering documents and directories (for example, “ ZK"), transferred to the Accounting Department. On the list Set up synchronization select data Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0.

The Settings Assistant window will open. Here the program will prompt you to make a backup copy of the database before starting the settings. I advise you not to neglect this procedure. We will make the settings manually, and not from a file created in another program, which we will indicate with the appropriate selection.

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Click Next. In the next window we indicate that we intend to connect directly to the Accounting 3.0 database and where it is located. If the database is located on the same computer or on a computer on the local network, you need to specify the path to it.

If the path is not known, you can find it as follows. We launch 1C 8.3 and select in the launch window the Information base from which the exchange will take place. At the bottom of the window the path to the database will be indicated; you need to copy it without quotes and paste it into the field Information base catalog in the synchronization settings window.

If the Infobase is located on the 1C Enterprise Server, the necessary data for the connection can also be found in the launch window.

When connecting to a database on the server, two parameters are required:

  • Server cluster
  • Infobase name

In the launch window, place the cursor on the name of the Infobase, and connection parameters will appear at the bottom of the window.

After you have set all the necessary parameters, click the button Check connection. If everything is correct, you should see the following picture:

Click Next. The program will check the connection again and prompt you to select Organizations, for which data should be uploaded to Accounting (link Change data upload rules), in one window and Organizations, which will be used to upload from Accounting to ZUP 3.0 (next window).

And then I came across the second pitfall. When the button is pressed Next I got this error message:

It turned out that in the configuration Enterprise accounting, with which we are going to synchronize, you also need to check the box Data synchronization. We go to the Accounting information database (again, be sure to use a user with System Administrator rights), then the Administration menu, select Data synchronization settings. Check the box Data synchronization. Accounting can be closed and returned to ZUP.

Uploading to 1C Accounting 8.3

After clicking the Next button, a window will appear asking you to perform synchronization. You can immediately press the button Ready and synchronize immediately, but I first unchecked this checkbox to find out what else the program would offer me, namely the promised exchange schedule.

Click Ready and we get to a window where you can view and change all previously made settings, as well as set up a schedule.

Setting up the schedule did not cause any particular complaints. After pressing the button Tune The settings window appears. Check the box Automatically according to schedule and follow the link to the window Schedule. After setting, click OK. The schedule can be configured for each Information base its own for both uploading and loading data.

It remains to mention one more important point. The first time you synchronize, you need to do a data mapping. This is necessary to avoid duplication of elements of reference books or documents. This is mainly true for reference books.

Why might the "Log Changes" warning window appear with the text "0 changes logged out of 1 on node 'Node Name'"?

My experience.

1. Where does the window come from?

You should go into the configuration in the Configurator mode - processing - "Registration of Changes for Data Exchange" - "Form" code in the client procedure of the form module:

ReportRegistrationResults(Command, Results) If TypeValue(Command) = Type("Boolean") Then If Command Then AlertHeader = НStr("ru = "Registration of changes:""); WarningText = НStr("ru = "%1 changes from %2 have been registered |on node ""%0"""");

Also, please note that each configuration has a built-in “Registration of Changes for Exchange” processing, but there are also three external processing:

"Registration of Changes for Exchange82 (regular application)",

"Registration of Changes for Exchange82 (managed application)",

"Registration of Changes for Exchange83 (managed application)"

in the template directory "tmplts" of the "Data Conversion" configuration.

2.1. Possible reasons for the "0 changes registered out of 1 on the node" window to appear is that the data has not been updated.

2.2. For example, to test exchange plans, I take two copies of the database: Source - a more recent copy, which already contains new data for exchange, and Receiver - an earlier one, i.e. new data has not yet appeared in it.

And I test the exchange on these copies of the databases.

2.3. I also copy a document or directory element into a copy of the Source database. Then, in order to register it for exchange, I go to exchange plans, find the exchange plan between the Source and Receiver configurations, then select and open the exchange element, then in the managed form of the menu “All actions” - “Load object registration rules”.

In the “Object registration rules” window that opens, I click the button on the top command panel “Save registration rules to a file” and upload it to disk with the .xml extension.

Also, elements of exchange plans can be opened in new editions of configurations on managed forms along the path:

chapter Administration – Data synchronization settings In this case, to work together with the specified configurations, you should check that the checkbox is checked Data synchronization .

3.1. How to decide: change the key fields or register the object for unloading unconditionally. For more information, see paragraph 4.

3.2. How can I find out what the key fields might be?

You can use the "Data Conversion" configuration. If it is not installed, then you should first download it from the ITS website or copy it from the ITS disk and install it.

On the website "" you can find the configuration for downloading at the following path:

Home - Development and administration - Methodological support for developers and administrators of 1C:Enterprise 8 - Contents - For developers - Data exchange, applied technologies - Universal exchange technology - "Data Conversion 2.1" configuration.

Path to the "Data Conversion" configuration on disk:

\1CITS\EXE\Conversion\\setup\ .

Then you should upload the metadata of the "Source" and "Destination" configurations into files with the .xml extension by external processing "MD82Exp.epf" for regular forms or "MD83Exp.epf" for managed forms.

Next, we will load these metadata structure files into the “Data Conversion” configuration using the built-in processing “Loading configuration metadata structure”. Processors "MD82Exp.epf", "MD83Exp.epf" are located in the "Data Conversion" configuration template directory after installing this configuration from the "setup.exe" file. By default, processing is located in the templates directory at the following path: tmplts\1c\Conversion\2_1_8_2\

After the metadata is loaded, object registration rules should be loaded into “Data Conversion”. These rules can be downloaded from the exchange plan.

Then you should open the “Registration Rules Settings” workplace and see by what criteria objects are registered for uploading according to the object registration rules.

Rules register changes to data elements in the Source database for subsequent sending to the recipient node in the Receiver database. Data items will only be registered if they match the object registration rule filters set in the destination node properties, so the Data Conversion configuration should be loaded with object registration rules from both the source and destination nodes! And look at what key fields are being checked: should the object be registered for uploading or not.

4.1. If step 3 did not help and you have, for example, Accounting 3.0, Trade Management 11 or Salary and Personnel Management 3, then perhaps if you uncheck the “Use data migration restrictions when registering object changes” checkbox in the settings, you will bypass the problem and be able to register object to migrate.

This flag is located here: processing "Registration of Changes for Data Exchange" - "Register" - "Request Results",

after this, the “Settings” question window will appear with the question “The settings do not specify processing for executing requests. Configure now?”, in which we click “Yes”

then the “Settings” processing window will appear, in this window you can uncheck the “Use data migration restrictions when registering object changes” checkbox.

After removal, the object will be registered for unloading unconditionally.

4.2. What does the checkbox do?

If you clear the checkbox (set it to "False"), then no additional check will be performed for compliance with the general settings of the exchange node when registering objects for uploading in the Source configuration. And you will be able to register the object for unloading.

But at the same time, please note that it is better to register a new document that is not in the Receiver database!