Java programming tests. Java Knowledge Test - Basics

Testing is not always fun and interesting.

This process is usually quite lengthy and sometimes full of monotonous work.

It seems that just recently programmers used standard output or a debugger to test java classes.

In this article I will describe the JUnit 4 library, which greatly simplifies and automates the process of writing tests.

To demonstrate the main capabilities of the JUnit Framework, let's write a primitive class in Java and mock it.

This class will have two methods - finding the factorial of a non-negative number and the sum of two numbers.

  • In addition, the class instance will contain a method call counter.
  • Public class MathFunc ( int calls; public int getCalls() ( return calls; ) public long factorial(int number) ( calls++; if (number 1) ( for (int i = 1; i

Now let's write Unit tests. To do this, we will create a class with a number of test methods.

Naturally, a class can also contain ordinary auxiliary methods.

In order for the test runner to determine who is who, test methods must be annotated with @Test.

An annotation can have the following parameters:

Public class MathFuncTest ( private MathFunc math; @Before public void init() ( math = new MathFunc(); ) @After public void tearDown() ( math = null; ) @Test public void calls() ( assertEquals(0, math .getCalls()); math.factorial(1); assertEquals(1, math.getCalls()); assertEquals(2, math.getCalls()); ( assertTrue(math.factorial(0) == 1); assertTrue(math.factorial(1) == 1); assertTrue(math.factorial(5) == 120); ) @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void factorialNegative() ( math.factorial(-1); ) @Ignore @Test public void todo() ( assertTrue(, 1) == 3); ) )

The calls method tests the validity of the call counter.

The factorial method checks whether the factorial is calculated correctly for some standard values.

  • The factorialNegative method checks that an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown for negative factorial values.
  • The todo method will be ignored. Try removing the @Ignore annotation when you experiment with the code.
  • The assertTrue method checks whether the result of an expression is true. Some other methods that may come in handy:
  • assertEquals - the expected result and the received result match;
  • assertNull - the result of the expression is null;

assertNotNull - the result of the expression is different from null;

assertSame - the expected and received objects are the same object.

fail - the method generates an AssertionError exception - we add it where the program execution should not go.

In our modern world, IDEs can find and simply run tests in a project.

But what if you want to run them manually using program code.

In earlier versions of JUnit, to write a test class, you had to create a descendant of junit.framework.TestCase.

Then it was necessary to define a constructor that takes a String as a parameter - the name of the method - and pass it to the parent class.

Each test method had to start with the prefix test. The setUp and tearDown methods were used to initialize and release resources. In short, horror. Well, now everything is simple, yes.

That's all for today. I'm sure the JUnit Framework will help you a lot. Comments and questions about the article are welcome. Each test method had to start with the prefix test. The setUp and tearDown methods were used to initialize and release resources. JUnit

Each test method had to start with the prefix test. The setUp and tearDown methods were used to initialize and release resources.- library for unit testing of Java programs. Created by Kent Beck and Eric Gamma, JUnit belongs to the xUnit family of frameworks for different programming languages, originating from Kent Beck's SUnit for Smalltalk. JUnit has spawned an ecosystem of extensions - JMock, EasyMock, DbUnit, HttpUnit, etc.

Library Each test method had to start with the prefix test. The setUp and tearDown methods were used to initialize and release resources.

has been ported to other languages, including PHP (PHPUnit), C# (NUnit), Python (PyUnit), Fortran (fUnit), Delphi (DUnit), Free Pascal (FPCUnit), Perl (Test::Unit), C++ (CPPUnit) , Flex (FlexUnit), JavaScript (JSUnit).

is a Java framework for testing, i.e. testing individual sections of code, for example, methods or classes. The experience gained from working with JUnit is important in developing software testing concepts.

Example test Each test method had to start with the prefix test. The setUp and tearDown methods were used to initialize and release resources. Import org.junit.Test; import junit.framework.Assert; public class MathTest ( @Test public void testEquals() ( Assert.assertEquals(4, 2 + 2); Assert.assertTrue(4 == 2 + 2); ) @Test public void testNotEquals() ( Assert.assertFalse(5 = = 2 + 2);

The need to use JUnit JUnit allows you to quickly verify that your code is working at any time. If the program is not completely simple and includes many classes and methods, then testing it may take considerable time. Naturally, it is better to automate this process. Usage

allows you to check the program code without significant effort and does not take much time.

Software testing can be divided into two types:

  • black box testing;
  • white box testing.

When testing a program as a black box, the internal structure of the application is not taken into account. All that matters is the functionality that the application must provide. When testing a program as a white box, the internal structure is taken into account, i.e. class and methods. In addition, testing can be divided into four levels:

  • unit tests - testing individual sections of code;
  • integration testing - testing the interaction and collaboration of components;
  • system testing - testing the entire system as a whole;
  • acceptance testing - final testing of the finished system for compliance with the requirements.

Unit testing by definition is white box testing.

Unit testing is used in two versions - JUnit 3 and JUnit 4. Let's consider both versions, since older projects still use version 3, which supports Java 1.4.

JUnit 3

To create a test, you should inherit the TestCase test class, override the setUp and tearDown methods if necessary, and, most importantly, develop test methods whose names should begin with the abbreviation “test”. When running a test, an instance of the test class is first created (for each test in the class a separate instance of the class), then the setUp method is executed, the test itself is launched, and finally the tearDown method is executed. If any of the methods throws an exception, the test fails.

Note: test methods must be public void, but can be static.

Tests consist of executing some code and checking. Checks are most often done using a class Assert although sometimes the assert keyword is used.

As an example, consider a string utility that includes methods for checking for an empty string and representing a sequence of bytes as a hexadecimal string:

Public class JUnit3StringUtilsTest extends TestCase ( private final Map toHexStringData = new HashMap(); protected void setUp() throws Exception ( toHexStringData.put("", new byte); toHexStringData.put("01020d112d7f", new byte(1,2, 13,17,45,127)); toHexStringData.put("00fff21180" , new byte(0,-1,-14,17,-128 )); //... ) protected void tearDown() throws Exception ( toHexStringData. clear(); ) public void testToHexString() ( for (Iterator iterator = toHexStringData.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) ( final String expected = (String); final byte testData = (byte)toHexStringData.get(expected); final String actual = StringUtils.toHexString(testEquals(expected, actual) ) //... )

Additional features, TestSuite

JUnit 3 has several additional features. For example, you can group tests. To do this you need to use the class TestSuite:

Public class JUnit3StringUtilsTestSuite extends TestSuite ( public JUnit3StringUtilsTestSuite() ( addTestSuite(StringUtilsJUnit3Test.class); addTestSuite(OtherTest1.class); addTestSuite(OtherTest2.class); ) )

You can repeat the test several times. RepeatedTest is used for this:

Public class JUnit3StringUtilsRepeatedTest extends RepeatedTest ( public JUnit3StringUtilsRepeatedTest() ( super(new JUnit3StringUtilsTest(), 100); ) )

By inheriting the test class from ExceptionTestCase, you can check the code for throwing an exception:

Public class JUnit3StringUtilsExceptionTest extends ExceptionTestCase ( public JUnit3StringUtilsExceptionTest(final String name) ( super(name, NullPointerException.class); ) public void testToHexString() ( StringUtils.toHexString(null); ) )

As you can see from the examples, everything is quite simple and nothing superfluous - a minimum of code for JUnit testing.

JUnit 4

JUnit 4 adds support for new features from Java 5.0; tests can be declared using annotations. At the same time, there is backward compatibility with the previous version of the framework. Almost all of the examples discussed above will work in JUnit 4 with the exception of RepeatedTest, which is missing in the new version.

What changes have been made in JUnit 4? Let's look at the same example, but using new features:

Public class JUnit4StringUtilsTest extends Assert ( private final Map toHexStringData = new HashMap (); @Before public static void setUpToHexStringData() ( toHexStringData.put("", new byte); toHexStringData.put("01020d112d7f", new byte(1,2,13,17,45,127)); toHexStringData.put("00fff21180" , new byte(0,-1,-14,17,-128)); //... ) @After public static void tearDownToHexStringData() ( toHexStringData.clear(); ) @Test public void testToHexString() ( for (Map.Entry

entry: toHexStringData.entrySet()) ( final byte testData = entry.getValue(); final String expected = entry.getKey(); final String actual = StringUtils.toHexString(testData); assertEquals(expected, actual); ) ) )

  • What's changed in JUnit 4? Assert To simplify the work, you can inherit from the class
  • , although this is not necessary. annotation@Before denotes methods that will be called before the tests are executed. Methods must be public void . Presets for the test are usually placed here, in our case this is the generation of test data (method).
  • setUpToHexStringData Annotation can be used@BeforeClass , which denotes the methods that will be called before the test class instance is created; methods should be public static void
  • , although this is not necessary. . This annotation (method) makes sense to use for testing in the case when the class contains several tests that use different presets, or when several tests use the same data, so as not to waste time creating them for each test.@After denotes methods that will be called before the tests are executed. Methods must be denotes the methods that will be called after the tests are executed. Methods must be . This is where the post-test resource release operations are located; in our case, cleaning test data (method).
  • , although this is not necessary. tearDownToHexStringData@AfterClass Annotation can be used related in meaning to Annotation can be used, but executes methods after testing the class. As is the case with , which denotes the methods that will be called before the test class instance is created; methods should be.
  • , although this is not necessary. , methods should be@Test denotes methods that will be called before the tests are executed. Methods must be stands for test methods. As before, these methods should be

. The checks themselves are located here. In addition, in this annotation you can use two parameters: expected - sets the expected exception and timeout - sets the time after which the test is considered failed.

Examples of using annotations with parameters, JUnit Test:

@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testToHexStringWrong() ( StringUtils.toHexString(null); ) @Test(timeout = 1000) public void infinity() ( while (true); )

Ignoring test execution, JUnit Ignore @Ignore. If you place this annotation on a class, then all tests in that class will be disabled.

@Ignore @Test(timeout = 1000) public void infinity() ( while (true); )

Testing rules, JUnit Rule

Each test method had to start with the prefix test. The setUp and tearDown methods were used to initialize and release resources. allows you to use developer-defined rules before and after test execution, which expand functionality. For example, there are built-in rules for setting a timeout for a test (Timeout), for setting expected exceptions (ExpectedException), for working with temporary files (TemporaryFolder), etc.

To declare a rule you need to create public Not static a type field derived from MethodRule and annotate it with a keyword Rule.

Public class JUnitOtherTest ( @Rule public final TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder(); @Rule public final Timeout timeout = new Timeout(1000); @Rule public final ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Ignore @Test public void anotherInfinity( ) ( while (true); ) @Test public void testFileWriting() throws IOException ( final File log = folder.newFile("debug.log"); final FileWriter logWriter = new FileWriter(log); logWriter.append("Hello, "); logWriter.append("World!!!"); logWriter.flush(); logWriter.close(); ) @Test public void testExpectedException() throws IOException ( thrown.expect(NullPointerException.class); StringUtils.toHexString (null) )

Test Suites, JUnit Suite, SuiteClasses

Test run can be configured using annotation @RunWith. Test classes, which contain test methods, can be combined into test suites (Suite). For example, two object testing classes have been created: TestFilter, TestConnect. These two test classes can be combined into one test class

Package com.objects; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Suite; @RunWith(Suite.class) @Suite.SuiteClasses (( TestFilter.class, TestConnect.class )) public class TestWidgets ()

To configure the tests to be run, the @SuiteClasses annotation is used, which includes test classes.

Abstract Categories

, although this is not necessary. Categories allows you to combine tests into categories (groups). For this purpose, the test defines a category @Category, after which the test categories to run in the Suite are configured. It might look like this:

Public class JUnitStringUtilsCategoriesTest extends Assert ( //... @Category (Unit.class) @Test public void testIsEmpty() ( //... ) //... ) @RunWith (Categories.class) @Categories.IncludeCategory ( Unit.class) @Suite.SuiteClasses (( JUnitOtherTest.class, JUnitStringUtilsCategoriesTest.class )) public class JUnitTestSuite()

Abstract, JUnit Parameterized

, although this is not necessary. Parameterized allows the use of parameterized tests. To do this, a static method is declared in the test class, returning a list of data that will be used as arguments to the class constructor.

@RunWith (Parameterized.class) public class JUnitStringUtilsParameterizedTest extends Assert ( private final CharSequence testData; private final boolean expected; public JUnitStringUtilsParameterizedTest(final CharSequence testData, final boolean expected) ( this.testData = testData; this.expected = expected; ) @Test public void testIsEmpty () ( final boolean actual = StringUtils.isEmpty (testData); assertEquals(expected, actual); ) @Parameterized.Parameters public static List isEmptyData() ( return Arrays.asList(new Object ( ( null, true ), ( "", true ), ( " ", false ), ( "some string", false ), )); ) )

Method parameterization: Theories.class, DataPoints, DataPoint, Theory

, although this is not necessary. Theories parameterizes the test method, not the constructor. Data is marked with @DataPoints And @DataPoint, test method - using @Theory. A test using this functionality might look something like this:

@RunWith(Theories.class) public class JUnitStringUtilsTheoryTest extends Assert ( @DataPoints public static Object isEmptyData = new Object ( ( "", true ), ( " ", false ), ( "some string", false ), ); @DataPoint public static Object nullData = new Object ( null, true ); @Theory public void testEmpty(final Object... testData) ( final boolean actual = StringUtils.isEmpty ((CharSequence) testData); assertEquals(testData, actual); ) )

Test execution order

If you need to run tests in a specific order, you can use the @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) annotation defined in JUnit 4.11. For example:

@FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class MyTest ( @Test public void test01())(...) @Test public void test02())(...) ... @Test public void test09())(...) )

Otherwise, you can use the following 2 approaches.

Void test01(); void test02(); ... void test09(); @Test public void testOrder1() ( test1(); test3(); ) @Test(expected = Exception.class) public void testOrder2() ( test2(); test3(); test1(); ) @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testOrder3() ( test3(); test1(); test2(); )

@Test public void testAllOrders() ( for (Object sample: permute(1, 2, 3)) ( for (Object index: sample) ( switch (((Integer) index).intValue()) ( case 1: test1( ); break; case 2: test2(); break;

List of main annotations

public void testMethod()
the method is test
public void testMethod()
if the execution time exceeds the timeout parameter, the test will fail
@Test (expected = MyException.class)
public void testMethod()
the method must throw an exception belonging to the MyException class, otherwise the test will fail
public void testMethod()
ignore test method
a method called once for a class before executing test methods; here you can place an initialization that needs to be performed only once, for example, reading data that will be used in test methods or creating a connection to the database
public static void testMethod()
a method called once for a class after executing test methods; here you can place a deinitialization that needs to be done only once, for example, closing a connection to the database or deleting data that is no longer needed
public static void beforeMethod()
a method called before each test method in the test class; here you can perform the necessary initialization, for example, set the initial parameters
public static void afterMethod()
a method called after each test method in the test class; here you can perform the necessary deinitialization, for example, delete data that is no longer needed

List of Asserts check types

Type of checkDescription
fail(String message)
aborting the test with an error, i.e. the test will fail
assertTrue(boolean condition)
assertTrue(java.lang.String message, boolean condition)
checking if condition is equal to true
assertFalse(boolean condition)
assertFalse(String message, boolean condition)
checking if condition is equal to false
assertEquals(String message,<тип>expected<тип>actual)
equality check;<тип>- these are Object, int, double, etc.
assertArrayEquals(byte expecteds, byte actuals)
assertArrayEquals(String message,<тип>expecteds<тип>actuals)
checking arrays for equality; similar to assertEquals;<тип>- these are Object, int, double, etc.
assertNotNull(Object object)
assertNotNull(String message, Object object)
checking that Object is not null
assertNull(Object object)
assertNull(String message, Object object)
checking that Object is null
assertSame(Object expected, Object actual)
assertSame(String message, Object expected, Object actual)
checking for equality of two objects expected and actual, i.e. the same object

JUnit testing example

To demonstrate the main capabilities of JUnit, we use the primitive java class FuncMath, which has two methods - finding the factorial of a non-negative number and the sum of two numbers. In addition, the class instance will contain a method call counter.

Public class FuncMath ( int calls; public int getCalls() ( return calls; ) public long factorial(int number) ( calls++; if (number< 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); long result = 1; if (number >1) ( for (int i = 1; i< = number; i++) result = result * i; } return result; } public long plus(int num1, int num2) { calls++; return num1 + num2; } }

Sometimes each test case needs some context to run, such as pre-created class instances. And after execution, you need to release the reserved resources. In this case, the @Before and @After annotations are used. The method marked @Before will be executed before each test case, and the method marked @After will be executed after each test case. If initialization and release of resources needs to be done only once - respectively, before and after all tests - then use a pair of annotations @BeforeClass and @AfterClass.

A test class with several scenarios will look like this:

Import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; public class JUnit_funcMath extends Assert ( private FuncMath math; @Before public void init() ( math = new FuncMath(); ) @After public void tearDown() ( math = null; ) @Test public void calls() ( assertEquals(" math.getCalls() != 0", 0, dao.getConnection()); math.factorial(1); assertEquals(1, math.getCalls()); math.factorial(1); assertEquals(2, math. getCalls()); ) @Test public void factorial() ( assertTrue(math.factorial(0) == 1); assertTrue(math.factorial(1) == 1); assertTrue(math.factorial(5) == 120); ) @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void factorialNegative() ( math.factorial(-1); ) @Ignore @Test public void todo() ( assertTrue(, 1) == 3); ) )

The calls method tests the validity of the call counter. The factorial method checks whether the factorial is calculated correctly for some standard values. The factorialNegative method checks that an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown for negative factorial values. The todo method will be ignored.

In conclusion, it should be noted that not all possibilities for using JUnit are presented in the article. But as you can see from the examples given, the framework is quite easy to use, there are few additional features, but it can be expanded using rules and launchers.

While looking for test tasks for Java programmers, I came across an interesting site (Avast users should not go, a script Trojan is detected, others are apparently fine) - It tests the qualifications of Java programmers in the simplest but most automatic way: offering to write several functions (methods) of increasing complexity and copy the code into the TextArea. Next, the site engine does something with the tasks (no less than a unit test), calculates a certain qualification index based on the “speed-quality” criteria and gives the final score in the following form:

Then the questions begin. I myself programmed in Java for the second time in my life (and therefore simply skipped complex tasks), so 82% on this test correspond to the level non-java programmer. How much, then, should Java Junior, Java Programmer, and even more so Java Senior recruit?! What result can you expect from present java programmer - 90, 95, 99? And finally, what if the “programmer” scores less than 82, but nevertheless applies for some kind of job?!