Twitter language. How to change the language on Twitter, your account settings

Today I want to talk about such a popular phenomenon as Twitter. For webmasters, this social network can help attract additional visitors to your site, as well as other social networks. For example, such as, and, as well as Twitter can serve as a kind of analogue.

For example, as far as I know, many visitors to my blog site follow its updates through this microblogging service. But in order for this to work as it should, you will need to understand what Twitter is, how to register with it and how to use it.

By the way, recently the registration form and interface of this service have been completely translated into Russian, which is good news. True, when this article was written, this social network was not yet friendly with the Russian language, so I had to rewrite and add something.

What is Twitter and how to use it?

So, what is Twitter? First of all, it is a service designed for communication. It has replaced (or in addition to) the tired traditional social networks, and its audience is growing like a snowball. Nowadays, it is probably difficult to meet a person who has never heard of it or similar microblogging services (FriendFeed, etc.).

However, for many, the essence of these services remains unclear and therefore it is worth answering the question “What is Twitter” in a little more detail. In this series of articles, I will try to talk in detail about how to register in it (now in Russian), how to work with it, how to gain subscribers (followers), how to automatically post the titles of new materials on your site into it (this will be) .

Twitter was created in 2006, and by the beginning of 2007 it had already gained sufficient popularity. It is sometimes characterized as microblogging due to the fact that the size of the message left in it is limited to 140 characters. Due to this limitation, Twitter messages using special services look something like this:

Due to the short length of messages, communication via it is very convenient from a mobile phone. Actually, Twitter was designed for this, because... it has a limit of 140 characters per message, and in a mobile phone, as you know, the limit is 160 characters (in SMS messages). The remaining 20 characters can be used for the sender's name.

But to do this, you will have to provide your login and password to access your Email. My main mailbox is located on Gmail, but somehow I didn’t dare to transfer its password to Twitter.

If you decide to take this step, then, apparently, based on your address book, all users from it who also have an account in this microblogging service will be found. Well, you can add them to your friends.

In the time since this article was written, Twitter has not only begun to support the Russian language, but has acquired a new interface. Therefore, immediately after successful registration, you will be taken to a page at the very top of which there will be icons for your next steps.

The step described in the previous paragraph is now called “Friends” and is numbered 3:

The new interface has a new step that opens after registration - “Interests”. On this tab you can tell us which topics are interesting to you. By opening one of the proposed topics, you will see the feeds available in it.

To subscribe to them you will only need to click on the button "Read" located nearby. As a result, the button will change its appearance and the inscription “Reading” will appear on it:

How to change the background for Twitter?

By default, your profile background will be blue, but you can change it, as well as the color of the panels, font color and links on your page at your discretion. For example, my Twitter looks like So.

You can also see what the interface of this service looked like before. To do this, you will need to select the “To old Twitter” option from the drop-down list next to your “Username” (located in the upper right corner):

To customize the design of your page, select the “Settings” item from the top menu (see screenshot above), and in the window that opens, select the “Design” item.

To customize the background of your Twitter page, you can use the options provided by simply clicking on them. If none of the proposed backgrounds are to your liking, then you can use your graphic file as a .

To do this, click on the “Change background image” button under the background thumbnails, click on the “Select file” button and find the desired graphic file on your computer.

By clicking on the “Change design colors” button in the Twitter settings on the right under the thumbnails, you will be able to:

  1. fill the background with one color, which you can select by clicking on the square labeled “background”
  2. set the text color on your account pages by clicking on the square labeled “text”
  3. select a color for all links by clicking on the square labeled “links”
  4. You can select the background color and border color for the right sidebar on your Twitter webpage by clicking on the “bar” and “border” squares, respectively.

After you finish doing aesthetic delights, do not forget to save the changes by clicking on the appropriate button at the very bottom. I didn’t notice it at first and, as a result, I had to set up the background and design of my Twitter account all over again. In the same settings window, on the “Profile” tab, you can attach an avatar by selecting the desired picture in the “Image” area.

Select “Profile” from the top settings menu. Here you can make changes to your existing profile data, and I also recommend adding the address of your web project to the “More Info URL” field. Remarkably, he will.

But lately, search engines may still take into account, to one degree or another, backlinks from this microblogging service, which has .

How to use Twitter (now in Russian)?

By selecting the “Notifications” item from the top settings menu, you can configure: about what events you will be sent messages by email, for example, when someone subscribes to your feed (follows you). Directly from the sent letter, you can go to this person’s web page by clicking on his name:

After reading the content of his messages, you can decide whether to subscribe or not subscribe to his Twitter feed. To subscribe you will need to click on the button "Read"(in the English version of the interface - “Follow”, which is where the terms follow, follow or follower come from) in the upper part of the window:

Subscribing to messages from a user or, in other words, “Following” someone on Twitter (Follow) means adding someone to your contact list. This is what we just did by clicking on the “Follow” button.

But that user won't be able to see your news until they add you to their contact list. The easiest way to create a list of contacts on Twitter is to add people with similar interests. You will add them, and they will add you.

To do this, you can use Twitter search - Enter your interests in the search bar and as a result you will receive a huge list of inhabitants of this service who are interested in the same thing. Requests, of course, can be entered in Russian too.

As soon as you add people to your contact list, their messages will appear in your feed. To get into your news feed you just need to go to TWITTER.COM, click on the “Login” link at the very top of the window and enter your username and password specified during registration.

If the browser remembers your login and password, then after going to the above address you will immediately be taken to the news feed with messages from those Twitter users you follow.

If you don’t like the posts of a user and you don’t want to read them anymore, you can unsubscribe from receiving messages from this user by going to his page (feed). To do this, you will need to click either on his name or on his avatar in the message. On his Twitter page, hover your mouse over the “Following” button, which will change to "Cancel", and click on it:

There are a few other little buttons there that will help you receive messages from that user on your cell phone, etc. You can write your message on Twitter in the form provided at the very top home page with an inscription "What's happening?". When you start typing a message, you will see the number of characters that can still be typed to the bottom right of this form. In, but for this you will always have to have them at hand, because you will not find a built-in tooltip like VKontakte in this social network.

To reply to an existing message on Twitter, simply move your mouse cursor over it and click on the inscription that appears at the bottom of the message "Answer"(in English - “Reply”).

After this, the name of the user whose message you are going to write a reply to will automatically be added to the reply form, and this name will be preceded by an @ sign, meaning that this is, in fact, a reply.

Often messages are read through specialized programs, and not through an Internet browser. There are quite a lot of such programs. Can send private messages via Twitter that other users will not see. To do this, the recipient must follow you, then you can on his web page, by analogy with the unsubscribe method discussed just above, click on the arrow next to the button resembling a sun and select “Direct message username” from the drop-down list.

To summarize, we can make a generalization and say that Twitter is a service that is an explosive mixture of a blog and ICQ. But still, this is not really a blog. It is a means of communication and obtaining information. With it, you can meet people you are interested in, even if you are not added to each other’s contact list.

If the person you want is not subscribed to your updates, you can still reply to their messages by simply pasting them into the reply form name with @ sign in front. As a result, he will notice you and you will be able to finish using any form convenient for you (icq, etc.).

Well, besides this, of course, Twitter can bring visitors to your site in an amount proportional to the number of your followers if, for example, you set up automatic posting of the headlines of your new materials. But I’ll tell you about this and that and setting up posting there the titles of new articles from your website in the next article.

By the way, Twitter developers recently launched another social project, albeit one aimed at users of mobile gadgets - . It is now rapidly gaining popularity, so I advise you to read the article linked to it in order to, so to speak, keep up with life...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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The Twitter social network is quite popular among users from all over the world, as it allows you to keep abreast of current events and follow interesting topics without spending a lot of time on it. By default, the interface of the site and client applications corresponds to the default installed in the OS and/or used in the region. But sometimes, due to an accidental error or due to third-party interference, the language changes to something other than Russian. In our article today we will tell you how to get it back.

Most users interact in two ways - through the mobile client or the official website, accessible from any desktop browser. In the case of applications for and, the need to change the interface language simply does not arise; it always corresponds to the system one. But in the web version you can encounter such a problem, fortunately, it is solved very simply.

So, in order to change the language to Russian on Twitter, no matter what it was initially, you need to perform the following steps:

Note: Our example shows the site interface in English, but yours may be different. We will outline the differences that are important in the topic under consideration separately.

  1. Once on the main page of the social network in question (or on any other, this is not important here), left-click (LMB) on your profile image located in the upper right corner.
  2. In the drop-down list that opens, find the item "Settings and Privacy" and click on it with LMB to go.

    Note: If you have a website language set other than English, the required menu item can be determined by alone from the following guidelines:

    • it is seventh on the list of available options;
    • the first of those that do not have an icon;
    • the first in the third block of options (the blocks themselves are divided by horizontal stripes).
  3. Expand the dropdown list in the block "Language" and scroll down a little.

    Note: If the language is not English, just select the first item opposite which there is a drop-down list. Below it is the time zone, and in front of it there are two more items containing two fields each.

  4. Select from the list of available languages "Russian - Russian", and then scroll to the bottom of the page.
  5. Click the button "Save changes".

    Enter your Twitter account password in the pop-up window, then click again "Save changes"– this is necessary in order to confirm the changes you make.

  6. After completing the steps described above, the site language will be changed to Russian, which can be seen not only in the settings section,

    but also on the main page of the social network.
  7. This is how you can simply return the Russian language on the official Twitter website if, for some reason, it was previously changed to any other.


In this short article we talked about how to change the language on Twitter to Russian, no matter what it was before. The task is quite simple and can be implemented in just a few clicks of the mouse. The main difficulty is to find the menu items necessary to solve it in the case when it is not possible to understand the meaning of interface elements. It is for these purposes that we have indicated the exact location of the necessary options “on your fingers”. We hope this material was useful to you.

Beginners don’t know how to change the language on Twitter, and therefore a number of additional questions arise on this topic. In this article, you will be presented with complete instructions that will help you solve this problem.

What is Twitter in simple words

Hello, friends! Twitter is a social network that is designed for communication between people using short messages. Information among Twitter users is transmitted instantly. The usual length of one message is 140 characters, but this is according to the old version. Last year, 2017, the text volumes of characters already exceeded the value of up to 240 characters.

Today, Twitter is developing successfully. According to statistics from 2018, there are already about 288,000,000 million people on this communication platform. But, there are also clicks on links made by non-registered users to this resource. Transitions amount to more than 500,000 thousand.

Every user with even a little computer knowledge can use Twitter. Next, you will learn how to change the language on Twitter.

How to change the language on Twitter from English to Russian

Not all novice users know how to change the language on Twitter. They especially face this problem after registering on a social network. New settings and functionality of the site sometimes scare away beginners, and people forget where to click correctly. In this case, I will show you detailed instructions that will help you make twitter in Russian.

So, in order to organize Twitter in Russian, first of all you need to log into your account using your username and password. Go to the official website and click on the login button. When authorization is completed, you need to click on the icon of your photo (Figure 1).

After that, go to Twitter settings and select privacy settings. (Figure 2).

Subsequently, you will be redirected to the language change settings. Look for the Language item and select the language you need from the list. (Figure 3).

If you are not yet sure that you have solved the question of how to change the language on Twitter from English to Russian, refresh your browser page. This action happens quite quickly. Press the F5 key on your keyboard and you will notice that the main Twitter page is in Russian.


In this article, I showed you more detailed information on how to change the language on Twitter. Follow the clear instructions above and then you will be able to translate the page in your browser into your native language. The most important thing is not to be afraid to put theory into practice, since this option is considered the best way to acquire skills in this area.

Using Twitter will help you solve many problems, not only in terms of communication. This language translation method will also be useful for experienced people who have already made money via the Internet. Thank you for reading to the end!

Best regards, Ivan Kunpan!

P.S. If you wish, you can look at articles on the blog about working on the social network Twitter,