Why do you need a VPN? Description of connection and correct configuration. What is a VPN connection and how to set it up

The concept of private virtual networks, abbreviated as VPN (from English, appeared in computer technology relatively recently. The creation of a connection of this type made it possible to combine computer terminals and mobile devices into virtual networks without the usual wires, regardless of the location of a particular terminal. Now let’s consider the issue of How a VPN connection works, and at the same time we will provide some recommendations for setting up such networks and related client programs.

What is a VPN?

As is already clear, a VPN is a virtual private network with several devices connected to it. You shouldn’t delude yourself - connecting two or three dozen simultaneously working computer terminals (as can be done in a local area) usually doesn’t work. This has its limitations in the network setup or even simply in the bandwidth of the router responsible for assigning IP addresses and

However, the idea initially inherent in the connection technology is not new. They tried to substantiate it for a long time. And many modern users of computer networks do not even imagine that they have known about this all their lives, but simply did not try to understand the essence of the issue.

How a VPN connection works: basic principles and technologies

For a better understanding, we will give the simplest example that is known to any modern person. Take the radio, for example. After all, in essence, it is a transmitting device (translator), an intermediary unit (repeater) responsible for the transmission and distribution of the signal, and a receiving device (receiver).

Another thing is that the signal is broadcast to absolutely all consumers, and the virtual network works selectively, uniting only certain devices into one network. Please note that in neither the first nor the second case, wires are required to connect transmitting and receiving devices that exchange data with each other.

But there are some subtleties here too. The fact is that initially the radio signal was unprotected, that is, it can be received by any radio amateur with a working device at the appropriate frequency. How does a VPN work? Yes, exactly the same. Only in this case, the role of the repeater is played by a router (router or ADSL modem), and the role of the receiver is played by a stationary computer terminal, laptop or mobile device equipped with a special wireless connection module (Wi-Fi).

With all this, data coming from the source is initially encrypted, and only then, using a special decryptor, is reproduced on a specific device. This principle of communication via VPN is called tunneling. And this principle is most consistent with mobile communications, when redirection occurs to a specific subscriber.

Local virtual network tunneling

Let's understand how VPN works in tunneling mode. At its core, it involves creating a certain straight line, say, from point “A” to point “B”, when, when transmitting data from a central source (router with a server connection), all network devices are automatically identified according to a predetermined configuration.

In other words, a tunnel is created with encoding when sending data and decoding when receiving. It turns out that no other user who tries to intercept this type of data during transmission will be able to decrypt it.

Means of implementation

One of the most powerful tools for this kind of connections and at the same time ensuring security are Cisco systems. True, some inexperienced administrators have a question about why VPN-Cisco equipment does not work.

This is primarily due to incorrect configuration and installed drivers of routers such as D-Link or ZyXEL, which require fine tuning only because they are equipped with built-in firewalls.

In addition, you should pay attention to the connection diagrams. There can be two of them: route-to-route or remote access. In the first case, we are talking about combining several distribution devices, and in the second, we are talking about managing the connection or data transfer using remote access.

Access protocols

In terms of protocols, configuration tools are primarily used today at the PCP/IP level, although the internal protocols for VPNs may vary.

VPN stopped working? There are some hidden options to look at. For example, the additional protocols PPP and PPTP, based on TCP technology, still belong to the TCP/IP protocol stacks, but to connect, say, when using PPTP, you must use two IP addresses instead of the required one. However, in any case, tunneling involves transferring data enclosed in internal protocols such as IPX or NetBEUI, all of which are equipped with special PPP-based headers to seamlessly transfer data to the appropriate network driver.

Hardware devices

Now let's look at a situation where the question arises as to why the VPN isn't working. It is clear that the problem may be related to incorrect equipment configuration. But another situation may also arise.

It is worth paying attention to the routers themselves, which monitor the connection. As mentioned above, you should only use devices that meet the connection parameters.

For example, routers like the DI-808HV or DI-804HV are capable of connecting up to forty devices simultaneously. As for ZyXEL equipment, in many cases it can even run through the built-in ZyNOS network operating system, but only using command line mode via the Telnet protocol. This approach allows you to configure any device with data transmission on three networks in a common Ethernet environment with transmission of IP traffic, as well as use the unique Any-IP technology designed to use a standard table of routers with forwarded traffic as a gateway for systems that were originally configured to work in other subnets.

What to do if VPN does not work (Windows 10 and below)?

The very first and most important condition is the correspondence of the output and input keys (Pre-shared Keys). They must be the same at both ends of the tunnel. It is also worth paying attention to cryptographic encryption algorithms (IKE or Manual) with or without an authentication function.

For example, the same AH protocol (in English - Authentication Header) can provide only authorization without the possibility of using encryption.

VPN clients and their configuration

As for VPN clients, not everything is simple here either. Most programs based on such technologies use standard configuration methods. However, there are pitfalls here.

The problem is that no matter how you install the client, if the service is turned off in the operating system itself, nothing good will come of it. That is why you first need to enable these settings in Windows, then enable them on the router (router), and only then start setting up the client itself.

You will have to create a new connection in the system itself, rather than use an existing one. We won’t dwell on this, since the procedure is standard, but on the router itself you will have to go to additional settings (most often they are located in the WLAN Connection Type menu) and activate everything related to the VPN server.

It is also worth noting the fact that it will have to be installed into the system as a companion program. But then it can be used even without manual configuration, simply by selecting the nearest location.

One of the most popular and easiest to use is a VPN client-server called SecurityKISS. The program is installed, but then you don’t even need to go into the settings to ensure normal communication for all devices connected to the distributor.

It happens that the fairly well-known and popular Kerio VPN Client package does not work. Here you will have to pay attention not only to the operating system itself, but also to the parameters of the client program. As a rule, entering the correct parameters allows you to get rid of the problem. As a last resort, you will have to check the settings of the main connection and the TCP/IP protocols used (v4/v6).

What's the result?

We looked at how a VPN works. In principle, there is nothing complicated about connecting or creating networks of this type. The main difficulties lie in setting up specific equipment and setting its parameters, which, unfortunately, many users overlook, relying on the fact that the entire process will be reduced to automation.

On the other hand, we were now more focused on issues related to the operating techniques of the VPN virtual networks themselves, so setting up equipment, installing device drivers, etc. will have to be done using separate instructions and recommendations.

VPN (Virtual Private Network), or translated into Russian, a virtual private network, is a technology that allows you to combine computer devices into secure networks to provide their users with an encrypted channel and anonymous access to resources on the Internet.

In companies, VPN is used mainly to unite several branches located in different cities or even parts of the world into one local network. Employees of such companies, using a VPN, can use all the resources that are located in each branch as if they were their own local resources, located nearby. For example, print a document on a printer located in another branch in just one click.

For ordinary Internet users, a VPN will come in handy when:

  • the site has been blocked by the provider, but you need to log in;
  • you often need to use online banking and payment systems and want to protect your data from possible theft;
  • the service only works for Europe, but you are in Russia and don’t mind listening to music on LastFm;
  • you want the sites you visit not to track your data;
  • There is no router, but it is possible to connect two computers to a local network to provide both with access to the Internet.

How VPN works

Virtual private networks work through a tunnel they establish between your computer and a remote server. All data transmitted through this tunnel is encrypted.

It can be imagined as an ordinary tunnel, which is found on highways, only laid through the Internet between two points - a computer and a server. Through this tunnel, data, like cars, rushes between points at the highest possible speed. At the input (on the user’s computer), this data is encrypted and goes in this form to the recipient (to the server), at this point it is decrypted and interpreted: a file is downloaded, a request is sent to the site, etc. After which the received data is encrypted again server and are sent through the tunnel back to the user’s computer.

For anonymous access to sites and services, a network consisting of a computer (tablet, smartphone) and a server is sufficient.

In general, data exchange via VPN looks like this:

  1. A tunnel is created between the user's computer and a server with installed VPN software. For example OpenVPN.
  2. In these programs, a key (password) is generated on the server and computer to encrypt/decrypt data.
  3. A request is created on the computer and encrypted using the previously created key.
  4. Encrypted data is transmitted through the tunnel to the server.
  5. The data coming from the tunnel to the server is decrypted and the request is executed - sending a file, logging into the site, starting the service.
  6. The server prepares the response, encrypts it before sending it, and sends it back to the user.
  7. The user's computer receives the data and decrypts it with the key that was generated earlier.

Devices included in a virtual private network are not geographically tied and can be located at any distance from each other.

For the average user of virtual private network services, it is enough to understand that logging onto the Internet through a VPN means complete anonymity and unlimited access to any resources, including those blocked by the provider or inaccessible to your country.

Who needs a VPN and why?

Experts recommend using a VPN to transfer any data that should not end up in the hands of third parties - logins, passwords, private and work correspondence, work with online banking. This is especially true when using open access points - WiFi in airports, cafes, parks, etc.

The technology will also be useful for those who want to freely access any sites and services, including those blocked by the provider or open only to a certain circle of people. For example, Last.fm is available for free only to residents of the USA, England and a number of other European countries. A VPN connection will allow you to use music services from Russia.

Differences between VPN and TOR, proxy and anonymizers

VPN works globally on a computer and redirects the work of all software installed on the computer through the tunnel. Any request - through chat, browser, cloud storage client (dropbox), etc., passes through a tunnel and is encrypted before reaching the recipient. Intermediate devices “mix the tracks” through encrypting requests and decrypt it only before sending it to the final destination. The final recipient of the request, for example, a website, records not the user’s data - geographic location, etc., but the VPN server data. That is, it is theoretically impossible to track which sites the user visited and what requests he transmitted over a secure connection.

To some extent, anonymizers, proxies and TOR can be considered analogues of VPNs, but they all lose in some way to virtual private networks.

What is the difference between a VPN and TOR?

Like VPN, TOR technology involves encrypting requests and transmitting them from the user to the server and vice versa. Only TOR does not create permanent tunnels; the paths for receiving/transmitting data change with each access, which reduces the chances of intercepting data packets, but does not have the best effect on speed. TOR is a free technology and is supported by enthusiasts, so you can't expect stable operation. Simply put, you will be able to access a site blocked by your provider, but it will take several hours or even days for HD video to load from it.

What is the difference between a VPN and a proxy?

Proxy, similar to VPN, redirects the request to the site, passing it through intermediary servers. It’s not difficult to intercept such requests, because the exchange of information occurs without any encryption.

What is the difference between a VPN and an anonymizer?

Anonymizer is a stripped-down version of a proxy that can only work within an open browser tab. You can use it to access the page, but you won’t be able to use most of the features, and no encryption is provided.

In terms of speed, proxy will win among the methods of indirect data exchange, since it does not provide for encryption of the communication channel. In second place is VPN, which provides not only anonymity, but also protection. Third place goes to the anonymizer, which is limited to working in an open browser window. TOR is suitable when you don’t have the time or ability to connect to a VPN, but you shouldn’t count on high-speed processing of large requests. This gradation is valid for the case when non-grid servers are used, located at the same distance from the one being tested.

How to connect to the Internet via VPN

In RuNet, VPN access services are offered by dozens of services. Well, there are probably hundreds all over the world. Basically all services are paid. The cost ranges from a few dollars to several tens of dollars per month. Specialists who have a good understanding of IT create a VPN server for themselves on their own, using servers provided by various hosting providers for these purposes. The cost of such a server is usually about $5 per month.

Whether you prefer a paid or a free solution depends on your requirements and expectations. Both options will work - hide the location, replace the IP, encrypt data during transmission, etc. - but problems with speed and access in paid services occur much less frequently and are resolved much faster.



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The technology that creates a logical network on another network is given the abbreviation “VPN,” which literally stands for “Virtual Private Network” in English. In simple terms, VPN includes different methods of communication between devices within another network and provides the ability to use various methods of protection, which significantly increases the safety of information exchanged between computers.

And this is very important in the modern world, for example, for networks of large commercial corporations and, of course, banks. Below are detailed guides on how to create a VPN, instructions on the procedure for making a VPN connection, and how to properly configure the created VPN connection.


To make it easier to understand what a VPN is, you just need to know what it can do. A VPN connection allocates a specific sector in an existing network and all computers and digital equipment located in it have a constant connection with each other. But the most important thing is that this sector is completely closed and protected for all other devices in the large network.

How to connect a VPN

Despite the initial apparent complexity of defining a VPN, creating it on Windows computers and even setting up the VPN itself will not be particularly difficult if you have a detailed guide. The main requirement is to strictly follow the strict sequence of the steps below:

Next, the VPN setup is carried out, taking into account the various associated nuances.

How to set up a VPN?

It is necessary to configure it taking into account the individual characteristics of not only the operating system, but also the operator providing communication services.

Windows XP

For VPN to work successfully in the Windows XP operating system, the following sequential steps must be taken:

Then, when functioning in the created environment, you can use some convenient functions. To do this you need to do the following:

Note: entering parameters is always carried out differently, since they depend not only on the server, but also on the communication service provider.

Windows 8

In this OS, the question of how to set up a VPN should not cause much difficulty, because here it is almost automated.

The sequence of actions consists of the following steps:

Next you need to specify network options. To this end, perform the following actions:

Note: Settings entered may vary significantly depending on your network configuration.

Windows 7

The process of making settings in Windows 7 is simple and accessible even to inexperienced computer users.

To make them, a Windows 7 user needs to take the following sequential steps:

Note: for correct operation, careful individual selection of all parameters is necessary.


To set up the normal functioning of a gadget running Android OS in a VPN environment, you need to do several steps:

Connection characteristics

This technology includes different types of delays in data transmission procedures. Delays occur due to the following factors:

  1. It takes some time to establish a connection;
  2. There is a constant process of encoding the transmitted information;
  3. blocks of transmitted information.

The most significant differences are found in the technology itself; for example, VPN does not require routers or separate lines. To function effectively, all you need is access to the World Wide Web and applications that provide information encoding.

Today, Internet users increasingly use the term VPN. Some recommend using it more often, while others recommend avoiding it. Let's take a closer look at what is hidden behind this term.

VPN connection, what is it?

VPN(Virtual Private Network) is technology, which provides communication closed from external access in the presence of a high connection speed. This connection is carried out according to the principle “ dot - dot" In science, this connection method is called tunnel. You can join the tunnel at PC with any OS, wherein VPN client installed. This program “forwards” a virtual port using TCP/IP to another network.

To implement such a connection, you need a platform that quickly scales and ensures data integrity and confidentiality.

In order for the PC to IP address connected via a gateway to an external network, you need to set the connection rules on the router. When a VPN connection is made, the message header contains the address of the remote PC. The message is encrypted by the sender and decrypted by the recipient using a shared key. After this, a secure connection is established between the two networks.

How to connect a VPN

A brief diagram of the protocol's operation was previously described. Now we’ll find out how to connect a client on a specific device.

On a computer and laptop

Before you set up VPN connection to Windows 7 PC, should specify IP address or server name. To do this in " Network Sharing Center" on " Control panels" need to " Create a new connection».

Select item "" - " (VPN)».

At the next stage you should specify Name And server address.

You need to wait for the connection to complete.

Let's check the VPN connection. To do this in " Control Panel" In chapter " Network connections» Call the context menu by double-clicking on the shortcut.

On the " Details" need to check IPv4 address. It must be within the IP range specified in the VPN settings.

On your phone, iPhone or tablet

Now let's look at how to create a VPN connection and configure it on gadgets running Android OS.

For this you need:

    smartphone, tablet; login, network password; server address.

To set up a VPN connection, you need to select “” in your phone settings and create a new one.

An icon with a new connection will appear on the screen.

The system requires a login and password. You need to enter the parameters and select the "" option. Then at the next session you will not have to confirm these data again.

Once the VPN connection is activated, a characteristic icon will appear on the toolbar.

If you click on the icon, the connection details will appear.

How to set up a VPN to work correctly

Let's take a closer look at how to automatically configure VPN on computers with Windows 10 OS.

Go to PC settings.

In chapter " Options"go to the subsection "".

... and add a new VPN connection.

On the next page you should specify the VPN connection parameters:

    Service provider - Windows;Connection name;Server address;VPN type;Username and password.

Once the connection is established, you need to connect to it.

How to create a VPN server

All providers record the activities of their clients. If a request is received from law enforcement agencies, they will provide complete information about which sites the offender visited. Thus, the provider relieves itself of all legal liability. But sometimes situations arise in which the user needs to protect his data:

    Companies transmit their data via the Internet via an encrypted channel. Many services on the Internet operate based on geographic location. For example, the Yandex.Music service operates only on IP from the Russian Federation and CIS countries. A Russian living in Europe will not be able to listen to his favorite music. In offices, access to social networks is often blocked.
You can, of course, clear your browser history every time you visit a site. But it’s easier to create and configure a VPN server. To do this, call the command line ( Win+R), and then enter your query ncpa.cpl and press Enter. In a new window click Alt and select "".

Next, you need to create a user and give him limited rights only to the VPN. You will also have to come up with a new long password. Select a user from the list. At the next stage you need to select the connection option " Through the Internet" Next you need to specify the connection parameters. If you don’t need access to files and folders when working with a VPN, you can uncheck all the boxes and click on the “” button.

How to use a VPN

After a new connection has been created, all you need to do is open the browser and load any page. Beginners can skip creating the connection and immediately download the VPN client from the Internet or install a special extension in the browser. After downloading the program, you need to launch it and click the “ Connect" The client will join another network and the user will be able to view sites prohibited in his region. The disadvantage of this method is that the IP is issued automatically. The user cannot select a country. But the connection is set up very quickly, by pressing just one button. The option of adding an extension also has disadvantages. Firstly, the user must be registered on the official website of the program, and secondly, the extension often crashes. But the user can choose the country through which the connection to the external network will be made. The connection process itself also does not raise any questions. Just press the button " Start" and the browser will reboot on the new network. Let's look at how to install the extension using an example ZenMate VPN.Download the program from the official website. After installation, the following icon will appear in the browser:

Click on the icon. The extension window will appear:

If you move the mouse cursor to icon with the Russian flag, then the screen will display current IP. If you move the cursor over the icon with the Romanian flag, the IP of the selected server will appear. If desired, you can change the connection country. To do this, click on the globe and select one of the automatic addresses.

The disadvantage of the free version of the program is the small number of available servers and the imposition of advertising.

The most common mistakes

Various antivirus programs and firewalls may block the connection. In this case, an error code is displayed on the screen. Let's look at the most popular problems and ways to solve them.
Error Cause Solution
678 Encryption is not allowed in the OS You need to open the command line and check the “ProhibitIpSec” parameter in the registry “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\RasMan\Parameters”. It should be equal to 0. If the provider itself uses an encryption channel to provide services, then changing this setting will affect Internet access.
691 Incorrect login/password entered You need to log in to the network again
692 Firewall Error Disable your firewall
720/738 User is already connected Error 720 occurs only on Windows 7. All other operating systems display code 738. If you have to work from different PCs through one client, then you need to create several user names.
734 Automatic VPN You need to change the connection type from “Automatic” to “L2TP IPSec VPN” in the connection properties. If the error does not disappear, you need to re-create the connection.
766/781 Key not saved/not entered Open the VPN properties, on the “Security” tab, select “Advanced settings” and enter the key in the new window
768/789 (Windows 7, Vista, XP) IPSec doesn't work RMB on the shortcut “My Computer” - “Management”. In the “Services” section, select “IPSec”. Set the connection type to Auto.