Frequently asked questions about browser settings. Setting Yandex as the start page How to change the start page in Yandex

When it comes to web browsers, the start page serves as the starting point for your internet browsing session. Regardless of whether you set Yandex, Google, or your favorite site as the home page, most Windows browsers provide the ability to specify the browser's home page.

Instructions for changing the home page at startup

Google Chrome

Google Chrome allows you to set up a custom home page, as well as toggle the corresponding button on the toolbar in the browser's appearance settings. You can also specify what action Chrome will do each time it launches.

Yandex browser

Unfortunately, you cannot install your own websites in the Yandex browser, but there are several options. Here's an example of how to make Yandex your home page.

There is another way to make your website the start page in Yandex browser, here are the instructions:

The final version in the Internet Explorer long line, IE11 home page and launch options can be customized using the general options.

  1. Click on the Gear icon, also known as the Action menu, located in the top right corner of your browser window.
  2. When the drop-down menu appears, click on Internet options.
  3. Now the interface Internet Explorer IE11 should be visible, overlaying your browser window. Go to the " Are common" if it is not already selected.
  4. Find a section home page located at the top of the window. The first part of this section is an editable field containing the URLs of the current home page. To change them, simply enter the URLs you want to set as your home page or pages. Multiple home pages, also called home page tabs, must be entered on a separate line.
  5. Directly below are three buttons, each of which modifies the URLs in this edit field. They are as follows.
    Use current: Sets a value to the URL of the page you are currently viewing.
    Use as default: Sets the Home Page value to Microsoft's default landing page.
    Use new tab. Sets the home page value approximately: tabs, which display thumbnails of your most frequently visited pages, as well as links that can reopen your last session or open other interesting sites.
  6. Below the section " Homepage" located " Launch" containing the following two parameters followed by radio buttons.
    Start with the tabs from the last session: instructs IE11 to relaunch all open tabs from your previous browsing session on startup.
    Start from home page: by By default, IE11 UI opens the Home Page or Master Page tab on startup.

If you often use services from the most famous Russian search engine, it makes sense to make Yandex your starting page automatically now, so as not to waste time opening it in the future. Moreover, the adjustment is carried out literally in a minute in any of the modern popular browsers - through standard mechanisms for changing application settings or using a resource specially created for this, where the application or add-on is responsible for setting the settings.

Make Yandex the start page through an automatic service

Especially for those who do not want to delve into the settings, but at the same time want to quickly get results, Yandex has developed a separate service. It programmatically detects which browser is being used and offers the appropriate option.

For example, in Chrome you can install Yandex automatically on the start page like this:

Similar to how this is done in Chrome, you can make the Yandex start page in the Firefox browser:

Please note that the functionality of the icons is very simple - just open a new tab with your preferred site. Don't expect miracles from them.

In the Internet Explorer browser that is still in use, making Yandex the start page in the same way as in its competitors will not work with this service - you will have to install the program it offers:

If you look at the registered address, you will notice that the search engine collects usage statistics.

But Opera was “unlucky”: when opening the same Only instructions for manual registration are displayed (detailed description below in this article).

Yandex browser

By default, you won’t need to do anything: if there were no open tabs, the browser will launch its native search engine. If for some reason it doesn’t work for you, open the settings menu.

Google Chrome

The easiest way to make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome every time you turn it on is to open the portal and click on the corresponding link at the very top (Google Chrome usually shows it).

If it is not there, then everything can be done manually:

Life hack: If you have already opened the portal, you don’t have to rewrite/copy the resource URL, but simply click on the link to use open tabs. The settings tab itself is not added to the start list.

Another way to get to Yandex is to make the search engine not the start page, but the place where the button with the house is redirected. To do this, go to the settings in the appearance and activate the corresponding control element. Then switch the selection to enter URL and enter the search engine address there (by the way, you can also use the simplified version of

After that, to go to it, you just need to click on the icon with the image of a house that appears on the toolbar.

Mozilla Firefox

As soon as you open a search portal in Firefox, Yandex itself will ask you to become the start page. You can accept the offer.

But it’s just as easy to make Yandex the start page in Mazil manually as in Chrome - it’s no coincidence that Mozilla Firefox is quite successfully opposed to the leader in the browser market. Proceed like this:

Hint: If the portal is already open, then with one click of the button about using the current tab (directly below the input field) it will be registered in the settings.

You can also debug the action of the “Home” icon right in the interface so that it leads to Yandex. To do this, open the portal, then “pick” the tab with the mouse and drag it onto the button.

In the dialog box that appears, agree to change the setting.


In Opera, you can make Yandex the start page either through the menu or using hotkeys. If you want to use the first option, click on the branded icon at the top left and select “Settings”. If the second one, press Alt and P.

Scroll down to define startup actions. Select the last option, then click on add address.

Enter the desired Yandex site.

Or click on use already open tabs if you have already switched to the portal.

Internet Explorer

Despite the fact that this browser often receives unflattering reviews from users, it is easy to configure. In IE, launch options are accessed through properties, which are hidden under the gear.

On the general settings tab, enter the desired URL.

You can also note that you need to start by opening your home address, then after turning on the browser will not return to the previous session.

Microsoft Edge

The Yandex start page in the Microsoft Edge browser is also configured through the parameters (only not behind the gear, but behind the three dots). To correctly display the new window, you need to specify a specific URL and save it by clicking on the floppy disk icon.

Setting up the Yandex start page on Android

On an Android phone, the procedure for making Yandex the start page depends on the browser used. If you use software from Yandex, then the default settings are sufficient.

In mobile Chrome, you need to open the settings and specify the appropriate search engine.

In mobile Opera, the adjustment is performed in a similar way.

But for Xiaomi fans who decide to use the included Mi Browser and not switch to common analogues, it will be a little more difficult:

When the user double-clicks a program shortcut, the browser loads. The first thing we see on the screen is the initial panel, which displays the sites most frequently visited by the user. There may also be links to pages that were added manually and are not loaded often enough. A person working at this computer can either delete, change or install any page on the panel, while setting up the program in the most optimal way.

The second option for the navigator program is to open pages visited the last time it was loaded. This is not always convenient, especially in cases where a person forgot to remove confidential information.

In this case, to go to the panel described above, you will need to additionally create a new tab. In order to install it, in the Yandex browser there is a button with the “+” icon located at the top of the screen.

Most browsers provide the user with the ability to get started by loading a home page, which can be set or modified manually to customize the program to suit their needs. In the Yandex browser in question, this will require some effort, bypassing the standard options, which cannot be removed.

Changing the operating modes of the Internet browser

Adding a new download method yourself

To do this, you must first clarify in which folder on your computer the installed Yandex browser is located. Typically this is a folder on the system drive whose name matches the name of the program. You can clarify its location by selecting the “Properties” item, which opens when the shortcut context menu is displayed (right-click on it).

Open the file called browser.bat for editing. Usually it is located in the Application subfolder of the YandexBrowser folder. The most convenient way to do this is with the Total Commander file manager, which has a hotkey that helps you delete unnecessary parts of the contents of any file.

The last line, which looks like this: “c:\users\B91B~1\appdata\local\yandex\YANDEX~1\APPLIC~1\browser.exe” must be changed to the following: “c:\users\B91B~1\appdata \local\yandex\YANDEX~1\APPLIC~1\browser.exe" -

The home page of the Yandex browser is designated in the example as the site This name must be removed, replacing it with the one that appears in the address bar when loading the site, which will be used as the start page for subsequent work with the browser.

Setting Yandex as the main page means loading a web resource every time you start the browser. In practice, this gives quick access to the popular search engine and its related products. You don’t have to manually launch the page with the search engine, because the web browser will turn on automatically. Installation methods and possible problems with replacing the start page are discussed below.

If Yandex is the main search page in the browser, then it opens every time the web browser is launched. The required tab will also appear if you click on the “Home” key, which can be called up with the combination Alt+Home or Ctrl+Space.

You can set absolutely any site as the initial page. Users often put:

  • popular social networks;
  • email services;
  • sites with lists of required pages;
  • news feeds;
  • search engines;
  • translators and so on.

One of the best solutions is to install Yandex instead of the current home page, since the user will be able to immediately find any information through the search engine. The company’s main domain also has quick links to email, displays the weather, current news with the ability to personalize the results. It’s difficult to find such a set of features on another service.

Automatic method

There is one method that allows you to install Yandex as the main page automatically for free. The user needs to install a suitable extension that will do everything without human intervention.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to the “Start - Yandex” extension.
  2. Click on “Install” and confirm the start of the installation.
  3. After installation is complete, wait 20 seconds and restart the browser.

By the way! A similar extension is available in the Mozilla Firefox store here.

How to manually make Yandex the start page in different browsers?

All web browsers have the ability to customize the start page; you just need to change it manually. The editing procedure will not take much longer than the automatic method. The principle is the same everywhere: enable the display of the page at the time of launch (if you want to show previous tabs) and install Yandex in its role.

An easy way to install the Yandex home page for free and without registering in Chrome:

  1. Click on the icon with the vertical ellipsis (on the right side of the browser) and go to “Settings”.
  2. In the “Appearance” column, activate the “Show Home Page button” item.
  3. Insert into the displayed line with the link.
  4. Go to the “Launch Chrome” column and check the box next to “Specified pages”.
  5. Click on the “Add page” button and insert

Important! All browsers do not require changes to be applied. All changes are applied in real time automatically.

There are no difficulties when replacing the start page in the Mozilla Firefox web browser. It makes the procedure even simpler to implement.


  1. Open the browser menu (symbolized by a button with three lines) and go to “Settings”.
  2. In the “Home page and new windows” column, check the box next to “My URLs”.
  3. Enter a link to .
  4. Make sure that “Firefox Home Page” is active next to the “New Tabs” element.

You can set Yandex ru as the main page in Safari like this:

  1. Launch a web browser.
  2. Go to the “Settings” section in the “Basic” tab.
  3. Next to the “Home Page” item, enter


The principle of replacing the initial page differs little in the realities of Opera:

  1. Click on the red “O” in the upper left corner and select “Settings”.
  2. In the “Basic” column, find the item called “At startup”.
  3. Place a highlight next to “Open a specific page...”.
  4. Click on the “Add new page” link.
  5. Insert the address

In the new IE, pre-installed in Windows with version 8 of the operating system, the installation principle is similar to previous browsers. The instructions apply to IE 10 and 11.

What do we have to do:

  1. Click on the settings launch button (top right) and select “Internet Options”.
  2. You can specify a suitable start page address, or several at once.
  3. Go to the “Startup” section and set it to “Start from Home Page”.
  4. Click “Ok”.

To make Yandex the starting page, the main page, you need to:

  1. Left-click on the ellipsis next to the cross to close the program and go to “Options”.
  2. Next to the “Show in a new Microsoft Edge window” element, set the value to “Specific page or pages”.
  3. Paste the link and click on the save element.

In the now unsupported browser, the algorithm of actions is similar to Google Chrome, which is not surprising, given the same core in both - Chromium.

Replacement procedure:

  1. In your browser, click on the button labeled “Amigo” and open “Settings”.
  2. Inside the “Select start page” column, select “Make next pages”.
  3. Enter the Yandex address and click on the plus sign.

You can set Yandex as the main page for free for the Rambler browser as follows:

  1. In your web browser, click on the stack of bars indicating access to the menu and go to “Settings”.
  2. Find the “Initial Group” section and put a highlight next to the “Next Pages” item.
  3. Click on the “Add” inscription.
  4. Enter the search engine address and click OK.

Despite the conceptual difference in privacy, the TOR web browser is visually similar to other applications.


  1. Open the browser menu and click on the option from the “Options” list.
  2. Pay attention to the “General” column and find “Startup”.
  3. Specify the value for “Home Page” –
  4. A restart of the web browser is required for the change to take effect.

Home page in Yandex browser

Yandex is engaged in the parallel development of many products, among them there is a web browser, which is called Yandex.Browser. Programs and services from the same manufacturer work together faster and are better synchronized. If you like Yandex and what the company does, you should consider switching to a modern browser they developed.

Important! This web browser is the only one that does not support setting the start page. You will have to use workarounds, analogues of the standard function for most browsers.

Registration or login to your Yandex account

It's worth starting with the fact that it is possible to customize the search engine page for yourself. But the changes apply only if you have your own account. If it is not there, then you can register, the form is standard and will not cause problems. On the right in Yandex there is a button “Login to mail” and “Create mail”. You need to select the appropriate method and log in.

After logging in, a gear is displayed in which the following options are available: theme replacement, widget management, search engine settings and other parameters.

Configuring the display of the quick access page when opening

The method works with one caveat: the start page is displayed only if there are no previously open tabs in the browser. If the program does not detect tabs that were not closed during the last session, it launches the search engine. By default, the function does not work, it needs to be enabled.

How to do it:

  1. Open the menu and go to “Settings”.
  2. Find the “Tabs” item, check for the checkbox next to “When you start the browser, open...”.
  3. Activate the sub-item “Open”.

Healthy! There is another way to install the Yandex home page on your desktop - this is to edit the browser shortcut. You just need to open “Properties” and add to the “Object” line separated by a space. The difference in the method is that the page opens in addition to previously unclosed tabs.

Setting up the Yandex browser start page

An alternative option is to pin tabs. They are recorded in the web browser and do not disappear after restarting the browser.


  1. Open the website
  2. Right-click and select “Pin Tab.”

What to do if the start page does not change?

Sometimes it is not possible to make changes to the browsers' home page. Most likely, the reason is that extensions or programs prevent you from doing what you intended.

What can be done:

  • Turn off add-ons. It is better to deactivate all extensions and try to make adjustments. It worked? The problem is definitely in the additional modules; you should start enabling addons one at a time until the problem appears again. If you find a problematic extension, you should remove it.
  • Scan your system for viruses. Some virus software controls browsers and can interfere with the operation of all web browsers. The AdwCleaner antivirus program will help eliminate the infection.
  • See if the labels are written correctly. In “Properties”, namely in the “Object” line, there should not be any links after the exe extension. If there are addresses of any pages that the user does not know about, it is better to cut them out.

What should I do if Webalta, etc. opens instead of Yandex?

Webalta is just one representative of bundling and shadow promotion, but there is a lot of similar software. It changes browser settings without asking and sets its own page as the start page. This is a kind of virus that is not easy to remove.

Actions to eliminate Webalta and others:

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon to the right of Start.
  2. Enter the word Webalta and delete all results.
  3. Right-click on the Start button, select “Run” and run the “regedit” command.
  4. Click on the “Edit” element and enter Webalta in the “Find” option.
  5. Remove all entries with the name of the malicious software.
  6. Go to your browser settings and change the home page.

The listed actions are in addition to scanning the system with antivirus software. These types of infections are best dealt with by Malwarebytes for Windows and AdwCleaner.

Setting up the Yandex start page on Android

Not all mobile browsers support replacing the start page. Most work on the principle of opening previously unclosed tabs. However, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome allow you to set the start page.

Instructions for Mozilla Firefox on Android:

  1. Open the menu and go to “Options”, specifically to the “General” column.
  2. Click on the “Home” section.
  3. Tap the “Set Home Page” item.
  4. Select “Other” and indicate

Something similar can be used in Chrome:

  1. From the menu go to “Settings”.
  2. Next, go to the “Home Page” item.
  3. In the “Open this page” item, set
  4. Check that the setting is “ON”.


From all of the above, you can see that changing the home page is a simple task that anyone can do. The only exception is in the Yandex browser, where this functionality is not available, but there are similar capabilities. All instructions apply to any operating systems and relatively current versions of web browsers.

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Hello friends. Today, I will tell you how to change the start page in the Yandex browser in one interesting and, if I may say so, tricky way. The thing is that in the settings of this browser there is no way to specify the start page; the developers simply did not provide for this.

But let's go through it in order, perhaps other launch methods will also be useful to you.

Launch the Yandex browser and in the upper right corner click the button with 3 horizontal stripes, then select Settings.

In the window that appears, we need a block called “Open at startup” and its two options:

1) Scoreboard with favorite sites– when you start the browser, a window with site bookmarks will be displayed, the so-called quick access panel to sites.

2) Previously opened tabs– when you select this option, the tabs of the last session will be automatically opened when you start the browser. Here, if you wish, you can check the item Open if there are no tabs.

As you can see from the proposed options, there is no way to set the start page. But, especially for you friends, I figured out how to change the start page in the Yandex browser in one interesting way.

So, in your browser, go to the site or its page that you want to make your home page. After that, move the mouse cursor over the open tab and right-click it, select Pin Tab.

Important point! For this method to work, you need to select the option in the “Open at startup” settings block -.

Board with favorite sites