What does the ms word toolbar include. What to do if the toolbar has disappeared in MS Word

Almost all users who have at least once opened the Word editor remember the program’s workspace: at the top there is a control panel with various sections and functions. After analyzing the sequence of user actions, the developers grouped the commands into separate blocks, thereby making it easier to find the required option. In this article we will tell you how to pin the toolbar in Word if it is “hidden” under a document.

The hidden tape mode is especially convenient to use on netbooks and laptops with a small screen. It allows you to increase the view of the page and not be distracted by unnecessary details.

Proven methods:

  • Method number 1: you can pin the toolbar in Word by double-clicking on the panel, and you can display it again in the same way.
  • Method number 2: near the quick access panel, which is responsible for saving the document and canceling actions, you will see an arrow, clicking on which will open the context list. By checking the box next to the “Collapse Ribbon” command, you will hide the panel, and by removing it, you will display it again.
  • Method number 3: right-clicking on any empty field will bring up a short list of commands, including “Collapse Ribbon”.

The state of the ribbon remains after closing the document, regardless of which of the listed methods you used. In the collapsed position, the menu will open commands when you hover the mouse over the required tab, and then “hide” the commands again.

The ability to independently configure the MS Word program and display the necessary commands in the form of buttons on the toolbar greatly facilitates the user’s work with documents.
For example, to quickly format a font, you can use commands to increase or decrease the size of characters by one point. This is usually done using the Size drop-down menu on the Formatting toolbar, where only selective sizes are presented: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and then increase only after 2 or 4 points.
This is just one example of a command that you can “pull” onto the toolbar and use constantly in your work. Next, it’s up to you to choose which function is most often encountered in your work.
So, the setup principle itself is as follows:
Execute the Service/Settings command and a dialog box will open (see Fig.).

Drawing. Settings Dialog Box Toolbars

Bookmark Toolbars allows you to enable or disable (by checking the box) almost all available commands on toolbars (see Fig.)

Drawing. Included Toolbars

Naturally, the user cannot cover such a volume of information and learns everything gradually, and not everyone needs commands to work in the Word program, but everyone has their own use of programs and therefore there is the following Commands tab in the dialog box (see Fig.).

Drawing. Settings/Commands

In this option, it is possible to “move” only those buttons to the toolbar that you use most often. To do this, select Category on the left side of the Bookmark, for example, Format, on the right side of the Bookmark there are Commands. Next, left-click on the command Increase size by 1 pt and, holding down the left mouse button, “drag” the command onto the Formatting toolbar.
Do the same actions with other button commands (see Fig.).

Drawing. Setting up button commands on the toolbar

When you close the document, the button command settings are saved.

If you do not need these commands, you can easily remove them from the toolbars in the reverse way, i.e. open dialog box Settings/Commands and “pull” unnecessary buttons from the toolbar.

The third tab, Settings, in the Settings dialog box is quite accessible for the user to study independently and allows you to set additional options when working with Menus and icons (see Fig.).

Drawing. Setup/Options

The Keyboard button on all tabs allows you to assign hot keys, we discussed this in previous posts

The ability to independently configure the MS Word program and display the necessary commands in the form of buttons on the toolbar greatly facilitates the user’s work with documents. For example, to quickly format a font, you can use the commands to increase or decrease the size of characters by one point. This is usually done using a dropdown menu Size on the toolbar Formatting, where only selective sizes are presented: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and then there is an increase only after 2 or 4 points. This is just one example of a command that you can “pull” onto the toolbar and use constantly in your work. Next, it’s up to you to choose which function is most often encountered in your work. So, the setup principle itself is as follows: Run the command Service/Settings and a dialog box will open (see Fig.). Drawing. Settings Dialog Box Toolbars Bookmark Toolbars allows you to enable or disable (by checking the box) almost all available commands on the toolbars (see Fig.) Naturally, the user cannot cover such a volume of information and learns everything gradually, and not all commands are needed to work in the Word program, but everyone has their own use of programs and therefore there is the following tab Teams in the dialog box (see Fig.).
Drawing. Settings/Commands In this option, it is possible to “move” only those buttons to the toolbar that you use most often. To do this, select Category on the left side Bookmarks, For example, Format, on the right side Bookmarks are Teams. Next, left-click on the command Increase size by 1 pt and, holding the left mouse button, drag the command onto the toolbar Formatting. Do the same actions with other button commands (see Fig.).
Drawing. Setting up button commands on the toolbar When you close the document, the button command settings are saved. If you do not need these commands, you can easily remove them from the toolbars in the reverse way, i.e. open dialog box Settings/Commands and “pull” unnecessary buttons from the toolbar. Third tab Options in the dialog box Settings is quite accessible for the user to study independently and allows you to install additional features when working with Menu And icons(see Fig.).
Drawing. Setup/Options Button Keyboard on all tabs allows you to assign hot keys,

    Templates in MS Word: letters, resumes, calendars, etc.

Templates Word are files containing styles, structure, page settings, etc., based on which you can create new documents.

Templates MS Word is already included in the program by default and among them there are, for example, notes, reports, letters and faxes, publications. Moreover, each section also includes design options (exquisite letter, modern fax, etc., or in other words, document formatting.

    Wrapping text around an image; cropping unnecessary edges of an image in MS Word. Changing brightness, contrast, converting a color image to an image with shades of gray.

When you select a picture, a toolbar appears on the screen Image Settings , which you can use to crop an image, add borders, and adjust brightness and contrast. Color formats

Tool Image allows you to set the graphic format for the selected picture

There are four options to choose from:

Auto - automatically selects the image format, leaving the original colors of the picture;

Shades gray - converts the drawing to black and white and replaces each color with a specific shade of gray;

Black and white - converts the selected picture into a pure black and white image; this mode is often used to highlight lines;

Substrate - converts the drawing into a light, low-contrast image that can be used as a background for text and shapes.

Wrapping text around a picture

There are several options for the relative position of text and graphic object. They can be selected either through the menu command Format / Pattern (AutoShape) / Position , or directly in the panel Image Settings where there is a team Text wrapping , which has the following subparagraphs:

Around framework - text flowing around the selected object along the border enclosing the square frame object;

By contour - wrapping text around the selected object around the perimeter;

Behind text - the selected object is placed under the text;

Before text - the selected object is placed on top of the text;

Above And from below - wrapping text around the selected object from above and below, but not from the left and right;

Through - wrapping text around the selected object around the perimeter, as well as from the inside.

In the panel Image Settings there is also a special team Change Wraparound , which lets you change the path that text follows around the picture.

    Construction in MS Word: tables, graphs or diagrams.

Insert chart (table or graph) A window will open in front of us, where we will need to select parameters, and then build a chart.

Insert-table-insert. At the top of this window you need to print how many columns and rows there should be in our table. And in the modern version of Word (2007-2010), you should also click on the “Insert” tab at the top, and then click on the “Table” inscription. From the list, select “Draw table”.

In addition to regular tables, you can insert an Excel table in Word. This is a type of table in which you can not only enter the required values, but also “calculate” (add, multiply, calculate percentage, etc.). In modern versions of Microsoft Word (2007-2010), in order to insert an Excel table, you need – again – to click on the “Insert” tab, then on the “Table” inscription. From the list, select “Excel table. In modern versions of Microsoft Excel (2007-2010), there is another type of table - “Express Tables”. This is a set of ready-made tables with a design that can be inserted into a document and edited - change numbers and values, add or delete rows and columns. Also in Word 2007-2010 it is possible to quickly insert a table. To do this, you need to go to “Insert”, click on the inscription “Table” and use the upper part of the window that appears.

    Changing styles, applying paragraph and character styles in a MS Word document.

Style is a set of formatting options that you apply to document text to quickly change its appearance. Styles allow you to simultaneously apply an entire group of formatting attributes to document text. There are three types of styles: character style, paragraph style, table style. So, after the document is automatically formatted, you can use the style library and assign the required style to the document and its paragraphs. You can perform the following operations on paragraph and character styles:

 apply other styles (style overlay - one style is superimposed on another and replaces it) to paragraphs or characters;

 change (make changes to an existing style) styles;

 create new styles;

 copy styles into the template.

Developers from Microsoft, starting with Office 2007, have radically changed the familiar application interface.

Instead of the familiar list of menus, a whole ribbon appeared in Word.

At one time, many copies were broken in disputes about how convenient this innovation was.

But the firm position of the designers of the most popular office suite, who included a similar interface in all newly developed programs, made all conversations pointless.

I just had to calm down and learn to work with a new tool.

The ribbon has many customizable options. And one of them is the ability to collapse the menu into a small line when there is no mouse selection.

The function is convenient in principle, but for some it is a source of unnecessary irritation during operation. The ribbon constantly disappears from view; the user has to make unnecessary mouse movements to open it and select the necessary tool.

Knowing the features of Microsoft applications, it is clear that to change a parameter you need to check or uncheck the box. Let's look for where she could be.

Let's try right-clicking on the collapsed toolbar.

We now have a context menu that looks like this.

Now if you try to uncheck the “Collapse Ribbon” item, it will appear on the screen and remain there, even after clicking on the free space of the document.

The context menu will look like this.

As a result, the tape does not disappear anywhere, and you can concentrate on preparing the necessary document.

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Let's take a closer look at the two toolbars - and Formatting toolbar, because they appear by default in Word and give you quick access to most of the commands you use frequently. Toolbar Standard shown in the figure below:

- Create . By clicking this button you can create a new empty document.

- Open . This button opens a file already saved somewhere on disk or other storage device file. After clicking the button, a window opens, usually by default this is the folder My Documents , in which you select a file to open. Having found the file you need, double-click and the file begins to download.

You can download multiple files by holding down the key Ctrl , and then each file will load into its own separate window.

- Save . This command saves an already existing document under its name, that is, it saves the changes made to the document. If you haven't given the document a name yet, Word will open a dialog box. Saving a document , in which you will need to give a name to the new file. The same command can also be executed using the key combination: Shift-F12 . Remember this combination and press it often to avoid data loss if your computer suddenly turns off.

- Seal . Prints all pages of the current document. Be careful as the printer prints everything. Let’s say if you have 100 pages, then he will print 100 pages for you. If you are sure that you have one or two pages and you want to print the entire document, then feel free to click on the button. If you want to print selectively, that is, individual pages, you should first open Menu File - Print . The following window will open:

In the top window Name select a printer if you have several of them, or via a local network. In parameters Pages there are three provisions: All - prints the entire document, this is the same if you click on the button seal toolbars Standard ; current - the page of the document where the cursor is currently located; numbers - you can specify page numbers separated by a comma, several pages separated by a dash, or a page number and a dash, that is, from a given page to the end,

For example: 1,2,5,9-11,16,21,33- .

In parameters Copies , if there is a check mark in the line sort into copies , then the entire first copy will be printed first, then the entire second, etc., if there is no checkmark, then all the first pages will be printed first, then all the second, etc.

When printing a document on two sheets of paper, include the line Odd pages .

After you print the odd-numbered pages, turn the stack of papers over and put them back in the printer tray to print the even-numbered pages without having to juggle the pages. Parameters check the box in reverse order .

Print modes can be viewed by clicking the button Options... .

You can set the print quality in the window Printer Properties by clicking on the button Properties .

- Preview . Before printing a document, you need to review it, determine the indentation margins, and edit it so that you don’t have to print twice, which in turn wastes paper, ink, and time. There is a command for this Preview , which shows the document as it will be printed.

- Spelling . Checks the spelling of the entire document or a selected part of it. Word can correct errors while typing; it underlines unfamiliar words with a red line, and grammatical errors with a wavy green line.

To correct an error, just right-click on the word underlined in red and select the correct word from the dialog box and the error will be corrected immediately. For example, in the word Maloko an error was made, the program asks you to choose the appropriate one from several words, choose the correct word.

The underlined word may be correct, then it can be added to the dictionary, after which it will be recognized.

- Cut . Using these scissors, we cut out the selected text or image from the document and place it on the Windows clipboard. The clipboard is a storage space that can contain various data in different formats for copying or moving. You can also cut using the key combination: Ctrl-X

- Copy . This button copies the selected text or image to the clipboard. Key combination: Ctrl-C

- Insert . until you have cut or copied a piece of text, the button Insert will be pale, that is, inactive. And after the commands Cut or Copy you can paste a piece of text or graphics from the clipboard to the location you need. Ctrl-V . You can also make inserts with one key - Ins . To do this, go to the menu Tools-Options-Edit and check the box - use the INS key to insert .

- Copy format . Copies formatting and applies it to the selected text. How it works? For example, you typed some document, in this document you format some of the text at your discretion. If you want to format the text in the same way elsewhere in the document, then click the cursor in the place where the format has already been created, the cursor takes the form of a brush, then select the fragment of text that you want to change, as a result, the entire design will change as in the sample.

- Cancel . This command cancels the previous operation or key combination - Ctrl-Z . By pressing this button several times, you can cancel as many operations as you like. the small triangle gives a drop-down list of command history. By selecting a particular line from the list, you can cancel several commands at once or completely cancel all actions.

- Return . This button "undoes undo", that is, scrolls the list of undoes in the opposite direction. Keyboard shortcuts: F4 or Ctrl-Y .

- Insert hyperlink . In the hyperlink window, you must enter the path to the file on your disk, for example: C:\My Documents\Letter.doc or the Internet address http://kursymaster.ru/word.php, after which the typed text will turn blue and underlined, indicating is a sign of a text hyperlink. To launch a link, you need to press the Ctrl key and click on the link; the contents of the file, if it exists, or a page on the Internet will open.