What does it mean that the connection cannot be established. Reasons for lack of access

One of the most popular operating systems today mobile devices is "Android". It has a number of huge advantages over its competitors and is an almost undisputed leader. However, relatively recently, reports began to arrive about problems with one of the main services of Android devices, namely Google Play. When logging in, the application began to show an error: "Cannot install reliable connection". The help with the system provided by suppliers does not give anything. Then how to solve the problem that has arisen?

Fast and easy

To begin with, we will present a method that will not require you to perform any complex or dangerous operations with the gadget. The simplest solution to the "Unable to establish a reliable connection" error is based on system settings. You just need to check the system date and time in your Android device. They must coincide with the real ones within one minute. This is due to restrictions on the validity of program certificates. If the date is incorrect, the phone will consider that the validity period of the certificate has not yet arrived or has already passed.

Clean up

This method is suitable for those who do not have any important data saved on their device. Although, in fact, you can always transfer photos and videos to your computer and download applications again, especially if you have synchronized your data with your Google account. Then, even if you reinstall, all application data should be preserved. So, there are two ways to resolve the error "Unable to install reliable connection with the server."

  1. Reset your phone to factory settings. You can use special programs that application developers offer, or find instructions that are specific to your Android device model. After all, each manufacturer has its own tricks and protection mechanisms.
  2. Add new account. As you understand, old data will not be copied to new versions of applications, but you can avoid problems with transferring other information that needs to be saved when complete cleaning phone. To add a new account, do the following:
  • Download the AddAccount application via your computer or phone browser.
  • Write the downloaded apk file to the initial directory on your phone's memory card.
  • IN standard browser enter: content://com.android.htmlfileprovider/sdcard/add_account.apk.
  • Follow the link.
  • Launch the program. Enter your email on Google and click Add Account.
  • When a message appears about wrong password enter it and continue. That's it, you have a new account.

In addition to drastic methods, there is also a less dangerous solution. “A reliable connection to the server could not be established” is an error that is related to the temporary and personal data of the application. That's why possible exits From a problematic situation, you can look in another area.


Statistics show that sometimes problems with Google Play can be related to other applications. In particular, the Freedom program. She is responsible for purchases in the application we are considering. The problem where you can't establish a reliable connection to the server can occur if you downloaded and uninstalled Freedom without first forgetting to turn it off. As is clear from the above, to return everything back, download and install this utility. After that, enter it and stop it by clicking on the Stop button. Then you can safely delete it.


If previous method didn't help you, it's worth checking your Internet connection settings. Problems like “Cannot establish a reliable connection to the server” may occur with some providers, but incorrectly. Before trying to solve the problem using this method, try opening Google Play by connecting to another Internet source. If you still need to return to the initial option, download the Set DNS application. Install DNS address This should help in cases where Wi-Fi is used to connect to the Internet. In any case, first try to test your device on a different connection.

Another possibility for why a reliable connection to the server cannot be established is that the server may be blocked. In order to check this method, you will need superuser rights on your device. Open Explorer and find the file /system/ect/hosts. We need to open it with anyone text editor. By default, the file should only contain - localhost. We delete any remaining data.


The last method to solve the problem lies in additional programs. It is assumed that the user cannot log into Google Play due to incorrect addressing settings in the Google account.

A utility pre-installed on many Android devices for viewing videos from YouTube (or any other program that uses for registration) will help you cope with this problem. Google account). The bottom line is that you just need to launch the application and go through it to your GMail account.

other methods

And finally, it’s worth mentioning two more extreme measures. The first of them is “Hard Reset”. Full reset device settings. To do this, go to the application menu, select "Settings" - "Backup and reset". After that in last window click "Reset". And delete everything. After which the device should come to its original condition. You will have to download all the programs again and set up an account.

Flashing. Update operating system or reflash the device. The second option is undesirable, since after it you may well be denied warranty service. It's best to just update the OS. Many manufacturers try to independently correct errors that occur to users.

That's probably all that we could tell you and advise you to do when the error “Cannot establish a reliable connection to the server” occurs. We hope our article helped you.

Sometimes users may experience the following error: Skype could not establish a connection. Why is there such a problem with Skype?

The fact is that when launched, after entering the login and password, the program sends data to the server, where information about all users is stored.

If such an account is found, the login is performed, otherwise the program simply does not log into the account.

But the error “The connection could not be established” means that the program cannot contact the server at all - a signal from program is underway, but does not arrive on the server.

That's why the account menu in Skype doesn't open.

So, we have already figured out what the error “The connection could not be established” means, now it’s worth understanding what to do.

Solution #1. Checking your Internet connection

First you should check whether there is an Internet connection at all. Maybe the problem is not with Skype. This can be done by opening a website in your browser, for example, Google.ru.

If the site does not start, then you should check whether there is enough money in your account to use it worldwide network or call technical support of the company whose client you are.

Solution #2. Check program version

Another elementary problem is that the old Skype.

To check your version, you need to select “Help” in the toolbar and click on “About Skype”.

In the window that appears, you can see the version (underlined green in the figure below).

Therefore, you need to try to turn it off, at least for a while.

To do this, go to the same “Control Panel”, where select “System and Security”.

After this, you need to click on “Windows Firewall”.

Now all that remains is to check the boxes “Turn off Windows Firewall” - 2 times (circled in red in the figure) and click the “OK” button.

Now you need to try to launch Skype and if the program again writes: “The connection could not be established,” you can try further ways.

Solution #4. Disabling antivirus

To exclude this option, you should go to your antivirus program, look in the settings, for example, “ parental controls" or others additional functions Skype antivirus.

To exclude this option, you should temporarily disable the antivirus - if Skype works with it turned off antivirus program, that means that's the problem.

As for how to disable the antivirus, it all depends on specific program.

In Kaspersky antivirus this is done as follows: you need to click on the icon Kaspersky Internet Security right click mouse and select “Exit” (underlined in green in the photo below).

This approach is applicable to almost every modern antivirus.

It is possible that the antivirus has automatically added it to the blocked list. Skype programs. How to fix this problem?

It all depends on the specific antivirus. If it is possible to reset it, do so. You can also remove the antivirus.

This is done in exactly the same way as described above for Skype.

Solution #5. Router settings

If Skype says “The connection could not be established,” the reason may be in the router settings. To remove this error, you must do the following:

  • Go to the router settings. To do this, type in the address bar of your browser (depending on the router, this address may change, see the information in the documentation).

Advice! You should go into the router settings via Google browser Chrome, Mozilla or any other, but not through Opera - settings very rarely work through this browser.

  • Depending on the router appearance of this window may be different. If nothing has changed in the router settings before, the login and password will be the same – “admin”. Enter and click “Login”.
  • After this, you need to find the “Virtual Servers” item. Depending on the router model, this item may be in different menus. For one of the most popular routers today, DIR-300NRU, the search looks as shown in Fig. No. 12.
    There you need to go to the menu on the left to the item “ Firewall", and then "Virtual servers".

  • After going to the “Virtual Servers” item, you need to find the “Add” button. We remind you: the names of the lines may vary depending on the router model. There in the “Name” field we write skype or whatever we want (underlined in red in the photo above).
    In the “Port” field (“ External port" - underlined in green) write, for example, 4960. Save the received settings. To do this, find the “Save”, “Change” or something similar button on the page.
  • Now you need to open Skype and go to the settings menu there. To do this, go to the “Tools” item in top menu program and go to “Connection problem...”.

  • Here in the “Use port” field we write the port we specified in the router settings. We indicated, as we remember, 49660. Click “Save” (circled in green in the figure below) and try to log in again.

Specifying the port in Skype settings

While working with Skype, a message often appears stating that a connection cannot be established. Appearing at the wrong moment, the message breaks the connection, preventing you from finishing the conversation. Getting Skype back to work is easy. You need to understand the causes of the problem and perform a sequence of actions.

Reasons for the error

After entering your login and password, this data is sent to the server for verification. After confirming the data, the server informs the program on the computer that the data is reliable and authentication has been completed. If a connection error occurs, this means that the program cannot synchronize with the server and does not allow the user to access the network.

Among the reasons for the lack of connection are the following:

  1. The version is outdated and no longer relevant.
  2. The program is blocked by the Windows Firewall.
  3. The computer is not connected to the network.
  4. The provider has blocked Skype.
  5. The program server is not responding.
  6. The program has crashed.


I will analyze cases in which a malfunction occurs in Skype.

Checking your Internet connection

The first thing to do if Skype is unable to establish a connection is to check your network connections. Launch any browser and try to access any website. If there is no Internet, we see a corresponding message.

Checking the program version

Microsoft regularly releases updates for its product. The company is interested in ensuring that users use only new versions of the product. Therefore, older versions are unstable and often crash. Information about the current version is available in the “Help” section. In the pop-up window, click About Skype.

In addition to the version, the manufacturer indicates the year the update was released. Versions released last year are considered out of date.

The update is made through the official website. Go to Skype.com and click “Download”.

Disabling the firewall

Another reason why Skype says “The connection could not be established” is Windows lock. Firewall - standard protection, which is present in all Windows versions. It blocks suspicious activity from the network. Firewall - useful application, but its work also affects stability useful programs and applications. In particular, it can cause problems with Skype. To check the impact of the firewall on the software, you need to temporarily disable it:

Disabling antivirus

The antivirus has a list of programs that it blocks or prohibits access to the Internet through them. Skype sometimes falls into their number. If this happens, add the program to the antivirus exclusion list, and network access will be restored.

Router settings

Crashes in Skype work are caused by improper operation of the router. To eliminate this possibility, do the following.

This material tells you how to resolve one of the errors that pops up when connecting your iPhone to iTunes. It's about about such an unpleasant situation when iTunes was unable to connect to this iPhone.

If, when connecting the device to a PC, a message with a similar error is displayed, do not be upset. There are a number of steps you can take to help resolve the problem. Below, each method is discussed in detail, and the causes of the problem are given.

If iTunes was unable to connect to the iPhone, before you begin to resolve the error, you need to understand its causes. Often, a way out of a situation is discovered by itself when the cause is determined.

The first thing you need to do is check the functionality USB cord. This is the most common factor causing an error. The cord must be intact, there should be no suspicious kinks or damage on it. The best solution is to check the accessory on another iOS device.

It happens that iTunes cannot “recognize” the iPhone due to problems with the latter. The phone may experience glitches that negatively affect its functionality. The solution to the problem in such a situation is very simple: you need to implement restart iOS- device. In 99% of cases this helps.

Sometimes the reason lies in the “stuffing” of the PC. The USB socket may be damaged. You should connect the cord to a different port.

If the source of trouble is in the USB socket or its contacts, the best solution is to connect the cord to the connector located on the back of the system unit.

Software and operating systems can also “fly”. The source of the problems here may lie in the incorrect startup or operation of iTunes. The easiest way out of the situation is to restart the PC. As mentioned above, this primitive procedure almost always leads to success.

You can make sure that the source of the problem is a PC/laptop by connecting the iOS device to another computer.

For devices on Mac OS X

To eliminate the error on this operating system, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • Disconnecting all iOS gadgets from the PC and closing iTunes.
  • Launch Finder, select the section to navigate to the folder.
  • Entering the command var/db/lockdown and pressing the input element.
  • Open the View section and choose to show folder items as icons.
  • The Finder window will display a single or group of items with impressive names, including different types characters.
  • Move along the path of editing and selecting everything. Selecting the command to move the file to the trash. When the request pops up, enter the characters of the administrator password.
  • Restart PC.

Attention! There is no need to erase the Lockdown folder. Need to get rid of files from this folder.

For Windows XP owners

  • Disconnecting all iOS devices from the PC and closing iTunes.
  • Opening a partition on your computer.
  • In the pop-up window, select the service section and folder properties. Proceed to the view section and change the parameter hidden elements. You need to make them visible.
  • Clicking the consent button.
  • Follow the path C: /Documents and Settings /All Users/ Application Data/Apple.
  • Move the Lockdown item to the trash.
  • Restart PC.

Troubleshooting Windows Vista/7

  • Disconnecting any iOS device from the PC and closing iTunes.
  • Opening PC from the Start menu.
  • In the pop-up window, select the organizing section and the folder and search options. Navigate to the view menu and change the item not displayed option. The latter should become visible.
  • Clicking the consent element.
  • Open the Apple folder by following the path C:/ProgramData/Apple.
  • Erase the Lockdown element.
  • Restart PC.

This will complete the operation. The iPhone should, as before, exchange data without problems.

Cleaning iPhone

If you have tried all the methods above, but the problem is not resolved, you can only resort to last option. The problem is probably not in the PC, but in the iPhone. And this means you need to clean the elements that interfere with data exchange. Taking into account the fact that the iOS device does not connect to the PC via iTunes, other software will be required. iFunBox or iExplorer will do.

  • You will need to disconnect the iPhone from the PC.
  • After produce iTunes update to the most recent version.
  • Connect the iPhone and launch the previously installed file manager and find the VAR element.
  • The owner of the device must copy this element and its contents to the PC.
  • Erase the folder and restart the iPhone. Owners of the fifth iPhone must erase another element - iTunes_Control.
  • Connect your device and exchange data with iTunes.

It should be remembered that when you erase a folder, a number of elements will disappear from the iPhone. Restoring lost data is possible from a backup located on a PC. Saving the folder is a mandatory procedure. This will not only save the lost data, but also return it to the iPhone if it fails.

If this method does not help, there is only one thing left to do - go to a repair shop. The owner of an iPhone cannot always cope with the problem on his own. Often a complex diagnosis of the device is required, which only a specialist can carry out. Let's say that at home it is very problematic to detect the functionality of USB sockets or flash the device's firmware. The only drawback is high price repair work.


Before contacting a repair shop, the iPhone owner can try to fix the situation himself. And the easiest way to eliminate such an error is when, when connecting a PC to iPhone connection not installed. Usually the device does not connect in any way due to trivial problems that can easily be resolved on their own. But any actions on the iOS device must be approached as responsibly as possible so as not to damage the iPhone or its internal parts.

Internet messenger Skype is the most popular program for users to communicate online. With its help you can make voice and audio calls, exchange text messages and files, organize online conferences and even call landline and mobile phones. The main advantages of this program are that it is free, simple and high level security.

But even such a reliable and high-quality tool as Skype cannot guarantee that at some point its operation will not fail. Problems with the messenger are not such a common occurrence, but they still occur. One of the most common is network connection failure. The error that appears is that when logging into Skype, it says that the connection could not be established.

The causes of the problem may be different, related to both global network settings, and with the program itself, which happens much more often. At the same time, Skype usually does not connect to the Internet, although there is Internet, and other programs that use it connect perfectly to it. Let's figure out why Skype sometimes writes “The connection could not be established,” and what can and should be done to restore it normal work. We will move from simple to complex.

Temporary unavailability of the service

It's unlikely, but it could be that your ISP, network administrator (on corporate computers), or even your own firewall is blocking access to Skype domains. Then it is not surprising that the user cannot log into Skype. To eliminate this possibility, log in through Internet Explorer(!) to the page www.skaip.su/proverit-dostup-k-skaypu and click the "Check" button. The status of all servers should be “Connection successfully established”.

If a connection could not be established for at least one of the servers, this will indicate one of the three reasons listed above.

If everything is in order with the firewall (how to check it below) and Skype still cannot establish a connection, contact your system administrator or contact your Internet service provider's support service. We also recommend checking the functionality of the Skype servers themselves on the page www.skaip.su/status-serverov-skayp. The servers must have the “Working” status, otherwise you need to wait until the technicians themselves fix the problems.

Outdated version of Skype

By default, Skype is updated automatically and this is important, since the messenger works correctly on local computer directly depends on server services.

If you are using an older version, at one point the program will not be able to connect to the remote host, and you will receive the error described above. It is not difficult to determine the version you are using, you just need to select it in the main menu Help - About Skype.

You can also check availability there. new version applications.

If your messenger is out of date, go to the official website of the developer and download current version. Close broken program and run the web installer. The latest version will be downloaded to the PC and installed immediately, while old version will be deleted. If installation problems occur, it is recommended to completely uninstall Skype, including the user directory %userprofile%/AppData/Roaming/Skype, then perform cleaning CCleaner registry or other similar instrument.

Note: Skype folder, more precisely a file main.db in the directory AppData/Username, contains correspondence history. If you don't want to lose it, create it just in case backup copy, but in general, for starters, try limiting yourself to deleting the shared.lck and shared.xml files.

Outdated version of Internet Explorer

Since Skype desktop uses MSIE components, the connection error may be due to Internet browser Explorer. It is noted that in some cases Skype does not work and says “check your Internet connection” in Windows with the sixth and seventh versions of IE. For a successful connection, at least the eighth version of the standard browser must be installed on the system. Update your built-in browser to version 8 or latest version, available for your OS.

Resetting IE settings won't hurt either. To do this, open its properties (via the classic control panel or by pressing Alt and selecting Tools – Browser Options).

Next, switch to the “Advanced” tab in the window that opens and click “Reset.” Before resetting, we recommend checking whether the SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.0 checkboxes are checked in the same tab. If not, install the birds, restart the browser and check the operation of Skype.

Blocking by firewall or antivirus

If you are using the built-in or third party firewall, try turning it off for a while.

Restoring the connection will indicate that Skype is blocked by a firewall. Disabling this protection completely for the sake of Skype alone is not the best best idea, but you can create a separate rule for the messenger that allows incoming and outgoing connections. You should also check whether Skype is accessible in the settings for allowing interactions between applications and components.

At the same time, it’s worth checking your antivirus’s “loyalty” to Skype and, if necessary, adding the application to its white list.

Action of viruses and modification of the HOSTS file

The cause of the problem may be a banal virus that has overwritten the contents HOSTS file. Carefully scan your system with an antivirus program, check if there are any specified file"left" servers. The HOSTS file is located at C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc, you can open the file itself with any text editor.

By default, the contents of this file should look like the one shown in the screenshot.

If there are any addresses listed below, delete them.

Ports and proxies

If you use IP address spoofing programs on your PC, temporarily disable them or create (if the appropriate option is available) an exception. Users who have previously configured a messenger connection through a proxy should check the validity of the IP address and port. Skype will not work and the connection will not be established if the port is blocked or has low throughput. We remind you that the proxy settings are changed on the “Connection” tab in additional settings applications.

For correct operation messenger, ports 80, 443, 3478-3481 UPD and 49152-65535 UPD+TCP must be open on the computer. Check them in any online port scanner, for example, 2ip.ru/check-port and, if any of these ports are closed, open it by creating a separate firewall rule for it or a group.

Interestingly, some users reported that the connection was restored when they unchecked the boxes that allowed the use of ports 80, 443 and the upnp protocol. Try this option too.

Router settings

Incorrect router configuration is another reason why the “Connection could not be established” message appears in Skype. The ports may be blocked in the network device. To enter the router settings, go to the browser at or, the default login and password are admin/admin. In most routers, the subsection you need is called “Virtual Servers,” but there may be another name. For example, in D-Link it is “Firewall”.

Virtual servers or VPS are special service, simulating the work of a real physical server. On separate computer it provides complete and independent control over local network and can be used to set up various restrictions, for example, parental controls. In theory, the “Virtual Servers” subsection should be empty. If there are already settings there, try to find out who made them and for what purpose. Perhaps you yourself ordered this service from your provider and forgot about it.

Pay attention to the “External port (end)” parameter. Let's say it's 49650.

So, this value must be specified in additional Skype settings on the “Connection” tab, namely “Use port [number] for incoming connections.”

If the “Virtual Servers” subsection is empty, you can create your own VPS to resolve the Skype connection error. IN in this case values ​​for the initial and final external ports are taken from the range 3478-3481 UPD and 49152-65535 UPD+TCP. Select the appropriate protocol.

Perhaps this will be interesting

Above, we looked at the main causes of problems and learned what to do if Skype writes “The connection could not be established.” For the most part, the tips offered were related to desktop and portable versions messenger, but this program also has a web version, which can be used in IE, Chrome and Firefox. It is available at web.skype.com. In general, the web version duplicates the functions of the desktop version, but for it to work correctly you need to install a plug-in. You will be prompted to install it when making your first incoming or outgoing call. If you have Windows 8.1 or 10, don't forget about the universal version of the messenger.