Ordering and further information is available. Usability tips: online store checkout page

To place an order, you need to go to the cart and click the “Place an order” button, if you are not yet registered in our store, you will be asked to enter your email address and come up with a password.

You can also register using your account on one of the social networks.

After registration, you can go directly to the ordering procedure. Below you will find answers to all questions related to placing an order.

"1C Interest" is a retail chain and does not deal wholesale sales. Therefore, we reserve the right not to confirm orders containing more than 3 copies of 1 item. To purchase more goods, please send a request in free form to the address

    In order to buy something, the selected product must first be added to the cart. This can be done both in the product catalog by hovering the mouse over the product card and clicking the “Add to Cart” button that appears on it, and on the product page itself.

    Clicking the “Add to Cart” button does not obligate you to anything. You can always remove the item from your cart or simply not place an order. After you click the “Add to Cart” button, the product will be added and you can continue to select or proceed to checkout.

    Attention! Pre-orders are placed bypassing the shopping cart. When you click on the “Pre-order” button, you will immediately go to the ordering process.

    If you want to remove some products, just click on the button with a cross located to the right of each product in the cart. The order amount will be automatically recalculated.

    You can also add a product to Favorites if you want to return to its page later. All your favorite products are displayed on your personal page in the corresponding tab.

    If you want to change the quantity, you can either click on the arrows in the “Quantity” column to increase or decrease goods by one piece, or enter the required quantity manually. The order amount will be automatically recalculated.

    If you don’t have much time or don’t want to bother with the registration yourself, you can select the “Quick order” form. In the pop-up window, enter your name (how to contact you), contact number, address Email and a short comment if necessary.

    The online store manager will contact you as soon as possible to clarify the delivery address, payment method and other information about the order.

    After registration (or authorization), you will be taken to a page where you will be asked to select a delivery method: courier delivery, pickup from the nearest store or delivery point, as well as delivery by postal services - Russian Post or EMS.

    Depending on the order amount and region, you may have access to different ways delivery.

    Please note: delivery to any of the 1C Interest chain stores or partner pick-up points is free.

    Depending on whether you are an individual or a legal entity, the selected delivery method, whether you are making a regular or downloadable purchase in electronic format product, you will be offered different payment methods.

    When placing an order for individual The following fields are required: last name, first name, patronymic, E-mail, phone number and delivery address*. The exception is orders received at one of the stores of our retail network “1C Interest” or pick-up points, where the address in the order is filled in automatically when choosing a delivery method.

    For legal entities In addition to the above, the following fields are required: name and type of organization, tax identification number, checkpoint and legal address.

    Pre-orders prior to release date may require additional confirmations relevance of the order. For this purpose we send e-mail letter with a request to confirm the relevance of the pre-order. If there is no response, we reserve the right to cancel such order.

    * Attention! When placing an order, you undertake to provide correct contact information. If, based on the information provided, it is not possible to promptly contact us to confirm the order or clarify important information, we reserve the right to cancel an order with such contact details.

    When choosing any delivery method other than courier, you have access to the SMS notification service. A message will be sent to you when your order is ready at the store or pickup point, or when it has been transferred to the delivery service, depending on which delivery you have chosen. The service is provided free of charge.

    If you would like to receive such SMS notifications, please provide your phone number when placing your order. mobile phone in the special “SMS notification” field.

    Introduction subscriber number means that you give your consent to Clean Soft Center LLC to carry out the mailing ( SMS text messages) on specified number about the progress of the order, for which third parties may also be involved, and also confirm that you are using it legally.

    You can always make changes to your order, go back one or more steps by clicking on the appropriate tab - product basket, delivery or payment methods.

    If all the specified data and the contents of the order are correct, click the “Confirm order” button and it will be sent for processing.

    After you place an order, you can follow the process of its assembly and shipment both on the website and by letters that will be sent to your email address.

    On the website, current information about orders is displayed in the section in your Personal account(authorization required).

Friends, greetings. I deeply apologize for the fact that over the past two months I have only two articles. The simple fact is that at the end of September my son was born and I am just now slowly getting used to the new rhythm of life.

Today’s article is on the topic “ Take it and implement it quickly!”. And, it would seem, what does the sheet in the picture on the left have to do with it? You'll find out soon

And today I want to touch on a topic related to the text and graphic design of pages with delivery information. After all, this is one of the few pages that forms the visitor’s final decision about purchasing in your online store, and many simply underestimate its importance.

I have seen so many options for presenting this information, and I am increasingly convinced that imagination is not limited by anything.

What we'll talk about:

  1. Formulation of the problem;
  2. How NOT to do it;
  3. Simple presentation of information (choose your implementation option);
  4. Good role models;
  5. Conclusion.

Why is this so important anyway?

It is not for nothing that I draw your attention to the “Delivery” page, since by reading these pages, the visitor often makes the final decision to buy from your online store or not. And our task is to make this reading easy for him and not cause difficulties. Don't underestimate content marketing (which gets a lot of attention in mine), even on the shipping page.

When the question arises about presenting this or that information, we immediately begin to think about how best to do it.

For example, in every article on this blog I struggle to restrain myself from oversaturating my readers with information. After writing, I edit almost any article several times and reduce the amount of information provided for better assimilation and minimizing the mess. Yes, writing each article takes about 10 hours in total, but I’m sure it’s better than publishing a semi-finished article every day.

Therefore, every time you get ready to go to the site, post some information page (speech doesn't work about articles on the online store’s blog), then try to fit maximum information in a minimum of words or, even better, graphics.

And today we will try to put this information in such a way that with just one glance the visitor will understand that you are successfully delivering the goods to his city or village.

Bad example

Not the best best example for imitation.

To the left of this text you see a screenshot of the “Delivery and Payment” page from the ProSkater.ru website, reduced several times.

Most likely, this page was updated as information became available and new directions in delivery were discovered, but when the page is more than 13,000 pixels high (more than 10 screens long!), this no longer seems funny.

IN in this case this online store can afford this, since it already has a huge army of buyers and followers who already remember by heart all the conditions and rules for delivery with payment.

The first example clearly shows the most common mistake when compiling this type of page: to contain as much as possible more information and get in the end unreadable sheet of text.

Summary: don’t lump everything into one pile, structure the information!

But that's all general tips, which mean nothing until we get down to business. In the next chapter, we'll start building the backbone of this page and find some really worthwhile solutions.

Simple presentation of information

Each online store has its own types of delivery and there is simply no single solution that will cover all options.

Let's look at the most common options:

Same rules for everyone

First impression.
At the first glance at the “Delivery” page, the visitor should immediately have an understanding of whether you are in his city or not.

If you have a fixed or no free shipping throughout Russia, then a similar elegant solution will suit you (live example at the end of the article):

It’s easy to guess that just one glance at this page will make it clear that the online store provides delivery throughout the country and absolutely free. Yes, you can write about this in text, but with an image it’s much more effective, and visual users will also appreciate you

Call to action!
At the end of the page, be sure to place a link or button calling for further actions. Usually this simple link with the text “Go to shopping”, which leads to the main page.

Option #1. Courier only.

If you only have courier delivery to your own and additional cities, then it is often enough to simply list these cities in the description text.

When a user lands on this page, he immediately sees a map with cities marked on it. And if he sees his city, then his gaze falls below, where there are already links to detailed conditions for each city, which are located on the same page just below.

If you decide to use interactive Google maps, then it makes sense to use Info Windows for Google Maps. Example:

In each city where courier delivery is available, place a similar marker and in the pop-up window you can place any information: delivery speed, delivery time and other conditions. More about Google Maps API you can read it.

Fortunately, few online stores work only with courier delivery and usually there are significantly more types of delivery. In the next example we will add .

Option #2. Courier and pickup.

If you work with both courier delivery and pickup throughout the country, then I suggest slightly modifying the first option.

In this case, you can most likely also get by text page with an interactive map at the very beginning.

Again, once visitors land on the page, they will see interactive map, on which cities are marked. By clicking on his city, the visitor can immediately see what options are available for him: courier, pickup, or both.

Option #3. Courier, pickup and mail.

You understand that placing everything on the map post offices there is no point and some other solution is needed here.


  1. When landing on the delivery page, the user should immediately understand that delivery is carried out throughout Russia;
  2. Let's separate right away Postal delivery from other methods. And to do this, we will divide the information into tabs.

The first tab “Courier delivery and pickup” is completely taken from option No. 2. But the second tab is fully prepared for Russian Post:

Those who live in remote regions know that mainly only Russian Post delivers to them. And that’s why we immediately suggest watching:

  1. Cost of delivery;
  2. Delivery terms;
  3. As well as delivery deadlines on the diagram.

That is, when you get to this page, we will answer the user’s questions on the first screen of the monitor. This is wonderful!

Other delivery schemes.

This article covers the general case, but still, each online store has its own delivery methods to the buyer and you can’t get enough for everyone at once

Therefore, here are some tips to help optimize the presentation of information:

  1. Key Recommendation: Use tabs to separate information. If you want to add a description of delivery by transport companies, it is better to place this information on a separate tab;
  2. From experience, the simpler general scheme delivery, the easier it is to work. Some introduce delivery calculators by Russian Post and persistently enter the weight of goods into , and some simply set a fixed cost of delivery by Russian Post. The average cost of delivery for both is approximately the same;
  3. Try to make sure that at the first glance at the delivery page the user immediately has an answer to his question: “Will you deliver to my city?”;
  4. At the end of the page, place a “Proceed to Shopping” link.

Some good examples

I think it would be nice to put some great examples of “About Shipping” pages at the end:


The tab system in action. Link .

Here we have a slightly different approach. Just enter your zip code or city and the online store will display everything possible ways delivery. Link .


Look how elegantly the delivery is described. Just looking at the banner, no other questions arise. Link .

Another confirmation of this is the scroll map of this page:

As you can see, for most users it is enough graphic display Not everyone reaches the delivery conditions and detailed delivery conditions. Moreover, in this online store they are very simple.


I strongly advise you not to neglect the “Delivery” page and complete it fully. This page is studied by almost everyone who wants to place an order in your online store.

Therefore, audit it and immediately use the recommendations from the article you just read. Do a good deed for your visitors

In this article, I’ll tell you about such an important thing for the usability of an online store as the interdependence of fields on the checkout page in the cart.

I'll use an example to explain what it is. Let's assume your online store is geographically located in St. Petersburg, where you have a pick-up point or an offline store. In St. Petersburg, you deliver by courier and provide the option of self-pickup. But besides this, you deliver throughout Russia. How to implement in this case correct design ordering on the website, so that it is convenient for everyone, including those of your clients who are in the same city as you (can use self-pickup or courier delivery) and others who can only receive their order through postal services.

It turns out that all clients can be divided into two groups - local(from St. Petersburg) and out-of-towners(from any other city in Russia).

Knowing this, let's determine which minimum set fields on the checkout form will be needed in your store for each of these groups.

As you can see, the ordering fields are different for local online store buyers and for nonresident buyers.

This is exactly the same dependence of the fields in the basket that I spoke about at the beginning. After the buyer has indicated his city, taking into account this city, we give him to fill out only the fields that are needed in this case and give him a choice of only those methods of payment and delivery that we can accept and carry out.

Simply put, the store should not show the buyer fields that the buyer does not need to fill out or select. For example, if a store delivers to Moscow only through postal services, but cannot deliver by courier, then you do not need to show the “Courier” delivery method for the city of Moscow. Further, if when choosing the delivery method “Gruzovozoff” you technically cannot accept payment by “Cash on Delivery”, then you do not need to show this payment method for the delivery method through “Gruzovozoff”. I think the logic here is clear.

It's the same with the "locals". It is inhumane for a local buyer who wants to pick up an order himself (if he has chosen “Pickup”) to be forced to fill out the “Address” and “Zip Code” fields. Next, when Pickup is selected, we should not show that customer payment methods that are not available for Pickup. It will be strange if, when picking up, the buyer chooses to pay in cash through Euroset.

Although at first glance this relationship between fields may seem confusing, in reality everything is very simple. Especially if this feature is supported in the CMS. So, in my favorite CMS 1C-Bitrix, a similar ordering in an online store can be configured with the mouse in 10-15 minutes. Without any problems, you can specify for which city which fields to display, which delivery services and payment methods to connect, etc. Moreover, the dependence does not have to be on the city from which the buyer is from. Depends on the shipping method. I chose “Pickup” - you won’t see any extra fields in the payment methods. At the same time, from the client’s side, everything looks logical, there are no questions “why am I filling out the address” if I pick up the order myself, etc.

“Linked fields” can have applications beyond just improving checkout usability. You can display different delivery methods for different cities. For example, there is a convenient delivery service that delivers only to 15 cities with a population of over a million. You can configure this service to be available only to buyers from these cities.

It would seem that the above is obvious. But in many online stores these obvious things are not applied and, as a result, receiving and placing an order has so many fields, by filling out which you can not only order beauty products, but also receive a foreign passport :-).

Everyone has probably read the popular cases in which in large American stores (Amazon, Zappos, eBay), by swapping two forms, the conversion rate increased tenfold. Typically, such examples are given in favor of the need to make as few fields as possible when placing an order.

The cases are beautiful and arouse interest. But they usually have no backstory. Let's take an example where two forms were swapped on the checkout page.

Do you think they weren’t changed at random, but based on some kind of assumption?

Let's try to give an example of such an assumption. Do you think (remembering what was said above about the interdependence of fields), there is a difference between what needs to be displayed on the ordering page first of all, the “Index” field or the “City” field? At first glance, there is no difference.

Now let’s add the initial data from the example described above, when the store is located in St. Petersburg. There is self-pickup, it delivers by courier only in St. Petersburg, and ships orders to other cities through postal and transport companies ( courier delivery No). Now does it make a difference which field comes first, the zip code or the city?

Yes, now there is. Moreover, new information greatly influences the entire ordering process. Now we need to make a number of fields dependent. Namely, the “City” field should be the first. While the “City” field is not filled in, we do not show the “Zip Code”, “Address”, “Delivery Methods” and “Payment Methods” fields. They will appear only after any city other than “St. Petersburg” is selected. Because in St. Petersburg, as we said above, the store delivers only by pick-up and by courier. And if so, then he does not need his zip code and address from the client (fill in two less fields at once).

Let's look further at what else has improved. We also do not show all delivery methods and payment methods, but only show those that we can actually accept. For Peter, as mentioned above in the example, this is upon receipt payment in cash or by bank card. For non-residents, whose orders will be shipped through a transport company, there will of course be no “cash on delivery” payment. So we saved the client from unnecessary confusion with choosing from options that are obviously not available to him, and we saved the store manager from unnecessary, with this related issues and customer dissatisfaction.

Thus, by simply adding a relationship of fields to the checkout page, it is possible for a number of users to reduce the number of fields required to fill out, reduce the negativity associated with misunderstanding of some points regarding payment and delivery, and as a result increase cart conversion. No one doubts that the number of sales is related to the usability of the shopping cart?

Check out the post about placing an order without registering in Bitrix. It complements this article perfectly.

We at WordFactory believe that what we sell is not ornate word structures, headlines that are not strikingly creative, or creative ideas, but information. If you find out everything that interests a potential client and answer all his questions, you will receive a selling text. What does the reader want to see on the “Delivery” page?

Delivery methods. Obviously? Trite? Logical? I completely agree. But the text about delivery often does not say that store employees are ready to send the parcel in any way, including transfer by minibus. Some people think that the possibility of self-pickup is something self-evident and do not write about it at all. So if you are one of those site owners who want “Rozetka-like”, start with the “Delivery” page, like Rozetka’s:

  • 5 delivery methods;
  • names of options and courier services;
  • short and extended descriptions;
  • easy-to-understand visual design.

Beauty isn't it? They didn’t even forget to write about...

Pickup– a point that goes without saying. Those stores that provide the opportunity to independently pick up goods from a store, point of delivery or warehouse believe that this is already understandable, so they do not write about it at all. And only a few understand that this is both a benefit for the online store itself and an advantage for many potential clients. For example, here's how city.com.ua explains why pickup is cool for a client:

Example. We urgently needed a laptop for a new employee. The desired model We were selling in dozens of stores, but it was possible to pick it up right today, without waiting for delivery tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, in only one - that’s what we chose.

And one more good example. The website http://jysk.ua/ immediately shows where you can pick up the product you see in the online store.

During a standard night online shopping, not only did I choose an excellent set of bed linen, but I also gave it to my husband in the morning precise instructions about where to go to get it.

Carrier companies. You can briefly write “we deliver” courier services", or you can indicate all the carriers with whom you are ready to work. Large online stores, as a rule, sign special agreements with one or two large delivery services, while online stores with a small flow of orders are ready to send goods in any way convenient for the client.

I know that the nearest Novaya Poshta branch is located in the next house. Therefore, if two online stores sell the same product at the same price, I will choose the one that works with “ by Nova Poshta" If I need to order an orthopedic mattress with home delivery, I would completely agree with Mist Express. But in the village where my grandmother lives, the only option to receive a parcel is Ukrposhta. Therefore, which delivery service an online store works with is sometimes a matter of convenience, and sometimes it is the answer to the question of whether or not to order here, in principle.

Delivery to your door. To the door of the entrance or apartment on the 12th floor? Does the delivery cost already include the ascent to the 12th floor? An elementary question with no unimportant nuances.

Example. I weigh 53 kilograms. Cast iron bathtub - 96. I believe that “delivery to the door” means delivery to the door of the apartment, and the courier of an online store means the entrance door by “door”. Question: what to do now with a hundredweight of cast iron?

Delivery with fitting. Only after leaving the maternity hospital does a woman truly understand not only what “nothing to wear” means, but also “no time to go shopping.” It was in this situation that the online store http://musthave.ua/ really helped me out. Their wonderful courier delivers the goods to your home, and he is the only man in the world who can patiently endure a half-hour trying on one dress. This service costs nothing if you buy at least one unit of goods, and if nothing fits, pay only 50 UAH. Dear MustHave, you are really cool! Hint: Add information to the "Delivery" section. You do something so simple and so priceless that it makes sense not only to talk, but to shout about it!

And an anti-example. The store, which we will not name, is also a Ukrainian manufacturer of the most beautiful (judging by the catalog) dresses, operates only in the format of a closed showroom. You need to agree on the fitting in advance (I agreed twice, but the fitting was postponed twice because the goods did not arrive and did not arrive). You can also send someone and pick up dresses for fitting, paying 100% of the cost.

Prompt delivery. Delivery time depending on the chosen method is another super-important thing for making a purchasing decision. And this is also a way to speed up the client’s decision-making (“Order today before 17:00 - and you will have the product tomorrow”). In addition, this can help focus the client’s attention on the delivery method that is most convenient/profitable for the online store (“Order delivery this way and receive your parcel today”).

The heating season begins on October 15. But it always gets cold in the apartment much earlier and always suddenly. For many years now, somewhere in between these two events, I have been ordering the thinnest, warmest, most pleasant-to-touch thermal underwear from a Nikolaev manufacturerhttp://kifa.com.ua/ . The coolest thing is that I always know: my order will be delivered exactly within one business day. And this means that tomorrow I will be warm and comfortable, no matter how many more days the mayor will advise to “get ready to hit the ground.”

Payment by cash on delivery. It will be useful for the client to know that:

And again an example, and again Rozetka. When placing an order, I learned from the operator that when paying by cash on delivery, no commission is charged. It was just a nice bonus, since the purchase cost was small. But when ordering an expensive product, for example, Macbook Pro for 90,000 hryvnia, a savings of 2% (1800 hryvnia) would be very noticeable. And, unfortunately, they were modestly silent about this on the “Delivery” page.

Exchange and return. This is one of those items that is often published on other pages of the site: “Order conditions”, “Payment”, etc. But the awareness that the product can be easily exchanged can be an additional incentive to buy “here and now”, especially if the client needs get 2 sizes of one dress to make a choice, or the product is expensive and the client does not dare to make a purchase right away.

And againMust have. When ordering goods at home with fitting, you can immediately buy the things you like, and give away everything that doesn’t suit you right away. All! But in another store, which I already wrote about, you can order delivery by courier or ask someone to pick up the items by paying 100%, and for some reason you can return dresses that did not fit only by sending by Nova Poshta and expect a refund in within 2 weeks.

Permanent courier.My husband for a long time delivery was infuriatinghttps://www.eden.com.ua/ . Not only did the couriers appear on our doorstep at 7:00–8:00, as agreed, but they also looked indecently fresh, cheerful for such an early time, energetically carried heavy bottles of water, released some joke and, shouting “Shiro dyakuyu!” at the top of their lungs, they hurried on. What infuriates my husband even more is that for some reason we have now been replaced with a delivery team. There are no complaints about the new guys, but no jokes, no humor, no enthusiasm, no mood for the whole day - we just got used to the previous team.

For services that require frequent deliveries (water, dry cleaning, ironing, diet food, detox menu), a “personal” courier is a big plus: he already knows your wishes, he is a member of your home, he prevents misunderstandings if the operator made a mistake when accepting your order (for example, you ordered delivery at an unusually early time for you).

http://ytuzhka.ua/ – ironing and laundry service. Just imagine that you no longer have to stand every evening and iron your husband’s shirt. You no longer need to blush in front of people because your husband has two arrows on his trouser leg. There is no need to buy a new blouse because I burned through my old one when I found out that Ronaldo is gay. And the best part: the things dear to your heart are always picked up and returned by the same courier, so “native” that the concierge and neighbors greet him.

Assembly, installation upon delivery. And one more important thing when ordering large purchases, furniture, equipment. The cost of goods in the most large online stores countries are often higher than those of small shops. At the same time, the largest ones often include assembly, installation and debugging in the delivery cost. For some product categories this is an important advantage.

Do not call back to clarify order details. I sincerely don’t understand why, but for some clients it is extremely important that they are not called back to clarify the details of the order. What is the problem if the operator dials you and, just in case, double-checks whether you indicated the correct number of bottles of water? But still, if your target audience is paranoid about this, it’s better to know and indicate this option.

So, the checklist for the “Delivery” page:

  1. Have you indicated all delivery methods? Exactly? Even those that go without saying, for example, pick-up from a showroom, store or warehouse?
  2. If you offer self-pickup, have you provided clear instructions about where and at what time the item can be picked up? Have you added landmarks? Have you loaded the map?
  3. indicated full list carrier companies you cooperate with?
  4. Have you covered everything? important details about “delivery to the door”: to the door of the bathroom/apartment/entrance/city gate?
  5. Is it possible to try on/test the product upon delivery before payment?
  6. Is there a possibility of prompt delivery? What does “promptly” mean in the case of your product? 30 minutes for pizza delivery? Laptop within 24 hours? New iPhone straight from the States a week after the official presentation?
  7. Payment by cash on delivery: is it possible, are there any special conditions, for example, no commission?
  8. Is it easy to exchange or return the goods? Where and how should it be sent if necessary?
  9. Is a permanently assigned courier important to your client?
  10. Will the product be unpacked, assembled and installed upon delivery?
  11. Is your target audience paranoid about follow-up calls?
  12. Are there any shipping methods that are most beneficial for your store? For example, sales happen faster if customers use curbside pickup. Or the order processing cost is cheaper if it is delivered by a certain courier service.
  13. Have you indicated all the customer benefits of a particular delivery method (can it be delivered faster or cheaper)?

What are the specifics of delivering your product (for example, is delivery into the apartment, assembly or installation important for the client)?