Facebook terms of use. How to use the social network Facebook

Robert Scoble, one of the leading technology bloggers on the planet, has created a very useful cheat sheet that will make using Facebook convenient even for a beginner.
I am publishing a translation of this cheat sheet made by the Lifter blog.

1. Share three posts from other people about something that interests you. If these are photos of someone's children, you will have more children's photos in your feed. If these are posts about technology, there will be more technologies in the feed. And so on.

2. Write five original posts on one topic. It will immediately appear in your feed more information exactly about this topic!
3. Keep your biographical information up to date and open to everyone. This will make it easier for your friends and colleagues to find you.

4. Sort all your friends into the lists of “close friends” and “acquaintances”. Then you will see much more interesting and much less slag in your feed!

5. Unfriend those who never post or comment. You'll see - your posts will become more read! How so? Here's how: first, Facebook randomly shows your posts to several people, and then, based on their reactions (likes and comments), it judges how interesting it might be to others. If there is no reaction, Facebook considers your post uninteresting!
6. Don't forget to like, comment and share other people's posts. This helps Facebook select relevant content for you in your feed.
7. Hide what is not interesting to you. In every post on the right top corner There is an option to “Hide Post”. Then you will be less likely to see unwanted posts.
8. Once a month, check all your settings and make sure that they do not change. IN mobile applications Settings often disappear when uninstalled and reinstalled.
9. Turn on different settings security type confirmation of login to the phone. Then you are unlikely to be hacked.

10. Don't let anyone post anything on your timeline without permission. This is usually spam.
11. Most of the content doesn't reach you. Would you like to see more information from specific people? Create a separate list for them! The list will be displayed in the left panel, and by selecting it, you can track all the posts of people you are interested in.

12. Disable unnecessary settings privacy. In particular, let people follow you rather than friend you. Then start posting publicly. You'll see: your audience will increase dramatically!
13. Turn off the display of people who post too much garbage in your feed. Even if these are your real friends and relatives. You can put them in a list (as mentioned above) so you can always check what they write, but on normal days your feed will be much cleaner.

14. Check the events page at least once a month. Decline invitations that don't interest you and accept all others. This increases the popularity of relevant events online.
15. If you want to make friends, you must have at least 10 open posts. Preferably meaningful and handwritten. If your timeline contains only selfies and reposts, don’t be surprised that no one responds to your friend requests.
16. List different functions in the left panel you can reconfigure to your taste. There is a small gear next to each line - click on it to open the settings.

17. Try to post directly on Facebook, not through third party applications like Twitter. This makes them much more visible!

It is difficult today to find a person who is not registered on any social network. And how can you resist spying on how your friends, colleagues and classmates live? Facebook is rightfully considered one of the most popular social networks around the world. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and already has over a billion users.

In order to become the owner of a Facebook account, you will have to go through a simple registration. Anyone over 13 years of age with internet access can register. First and last names written in Russian are automatically translated into English language. When specifying your email, you need to take into account that it can only be used on Facebook once. That is, subsequently no one will be able to authenticate under it. After you officially become the owner of a Facebook account, set your photo on the user page. She is also called “avatar”. You can also add information about yourself to the page if you wish. Indicate your city, school, university, place of work, places of leisure. All this data will help you find possible friends.

Upon completion of registration, a confirmation letter from the social network Facebook will be sent to your email address. As a rule, a message arrives in short term, and if it's been missing for too long, check your spam folder. Having personal page, you can use all the services and features of the Facebook interface. The top horizontal panel will help you control personal account. There are buttons for setting up personal data and setting the privacy of finding friends. You can search for friends on Facebook using email, on Skype, by ICQ or QIP number and importing from other social networks. If your friends are already registered on Facebook, then you can add them to your account, otherwise, invite them to this social network. The main information panel is located on the vertical left. She is responsible for entertainment and communication with friends. There you can find access to music, games, messages, photos, news, and also interesting pages. There is also a list of friends, which for convenience can be divided into loved ones, relatives and acquaintances.

The parallel between Facebook and the VKontakte network is obvious. There are similarities in both design and functional use, but the main difference and advantages of a foreign social network from others is that it is long-distance and allows you to communicate with people all over the world.

Hi all. Today in the materials of the article you will find up-to-date information about what Facebook is, why we need it and we will learn how to use it. We will also look at how it will be useful to us and what its advantages are, and we will also consider the basic concepts.

In the second part of the article we will talk about how to use Facebook as a tool for business promotion.

Social media is a place open communication with an audience, a source of news, a means of communication and self-expression. Millions of users around the world view posts and like posts they like.

Why Facebook?

Many of us are inclined not only to communicate with people whom we know by sight, with whom we communicate, are friends, and spend time, but also to expand our contact base, for example, with those with whom it is useful to communicate in the professional sphere, to exchange experiences, knowledge and skills .

Facebook allows you to increase your circle of acquaintances and enter a professional environment comfortably and without much difficulty. Colleagues and those who are interested in certain areas professional activity, conduct discussions on issues related to economics, finance, politics, leisure, sports and others interesting topics within profiles and pages.

Creation of pages and groups containing information about the company and their active promotion in social media. networks are a form feedback for your clients and partners. This powerful tool, which allows you to cover huge audience, needed for at the moment exactly for you.

The number of users of the social network Facebook is only increasing every day, and the trend continues to grow and develop. Despite this, I still quite often encounter users on the Internet who are not sufficiently aware of wide possibilities Facebook and methods of communication not only with companies and partners, but also with each other. This is what our material is about today.

What does it represent?

Facebook is a unique Internet platform, one of the largest social networks in the world, a tool for fast, instant interaction between people from different parts of the planet. This is a widely developed platform with well-thought-out functionality that allows users to actively communicate and interact with each other at any time of the day, in any place, city, or country in the world.

Facebook has multifaceted functionality for interaction between people: users share knowledge and experience, exchange news, photos and videos in personal and professional areas.

Let's get straight to the point. If you don't already use Facebook as a... useful tool, then read on.

High-quality and timely, regular use of a certain number of Facebook technologies and tools inevitably leads to results without large material costs. In the following articles we will definitely cover the topic of promotion tools on Facebook.

Agree, in any business it is very important to find the shortest path to your target audience and use it. Business pages and groups, which you can easily create on Facebook yourself, without the involvement of specialists, do an excellent job of this.

I think many people are also concerned about how to attract additional traffic to the site, because we all ultimately fight for conversions and want grateful customers to line up for our products or services. We all want prosperity and material well-being. The speed at which information spreads on Facebook is truly phenomenal.

To effectively use it as a tool, you need to formulate a clear plan and promotion strategy, and think through the positioning in advance: your personal role or the role of an organization or company.

  • opportunity to attract useful people to your business
  • rich set of functions,
  • special offers,
  • setting necessary contacts and online connections,
  • targeted advertising,
  • possibility of direct contact with consumers,
  • video and audio,
  • viewing the feed, marking “Like”,
  • creating reposts of your favorite posts,
  • discussion of interesting topics,
  • opportunity to share opinions,
  • open communication with the audience,
  • immediate response to published information,
  • mobile version of the site,
  • ease of use,
  • posting information about professional activities,
  • active participation in discussing topics with friends and subscribers,
  • quick ad setup,
  • the ability to promote the page itself or its internal functions,
  • instant testing of demand.

Basic Concepts in Facebook

  • Your wall is the space inside your profile where you post posts created using texts, photos or videos.
  • Post - publication on a social network.
  • A friend or friend is a friend added by mutual consent. The person who clicks “Like” on your page is a subscriber.
  • The news feed is a part of your profile where news from the pages of your friends you are subscribed to is located.
  • “Like” button - by clicking on it, a person not only becomes a subscriber, but will also receive notifications in the future about new photos and news on your page and see them in their feed.
  • Personal profile - a profile containing information about you. Facebook uses real first and last names. Based on your personal profile, you can later create pages and groups.
  • Facebook page - a community is formed on the page - a place where people communicate. You can set a short, beautiful address, it is well indexed by search engines, and is the main tool for various types business.
  • Facebook group - created for communication on a specific issue. Has limited functionality, however, allows you to share opinions and find friends with similar interests.

Difference between personal profile and page

The main and, perhaps, main difference is that personal profile contains information specifically about you as an individual. All posts and news that you share are posted on your own behalf.

On the contrary, a Facebook page is primarily designed to talk about a product, service or product, and can also be dedicated to the activities of companies and business communities. The functionality of the pages is designed so that without wasting time, quickly and efficiently, convey information to the consumer and win the sympathy of the audience.

There are a number of rules and tricks on how to find your target audience on Facebook. Especially for you in the near future, I plan to select material on this topic, so do not forget to visit the blog pages.

Continuing the topic, it is also worth noting that, unlike a profile, the page is available to the general public, which plays important role in attracting grateful clients to your business. In addition, the page is well indexed in different systems search, which in my opinion is a major benefit and can have a positive impact on conversions and profits.

If you are still determined and ready to conquer new heights in the Internet space, then we continue to explore today’s material.

Instructions: where to start promoting?

Step 1. We define a task for ourselves and honestly answer the questions:

  • Do I need a presence on social networks and Facebook in particular?
  • If so, what tasks do I set for myself?
  • Is there any social media? my networks target audience(TA)?
  • If so, is she prone to open communication?
  • How much time am I willing to spend per day?
  • Do I do everything myself or with the help of a specialist?
  • What result do I expect?

Step 2. We set realistic goals step by step and in accordance with our business category, for example:

  • Create and develop an interesting and visited community on Facebook.
  • Reach 50/100/200 subscribers in the first month.
  • Ensure a monthly increase in the number of subscribers by 10/20/30...50.
  • Organize traffic to the site after the community gains strength and becomes active and vibrant.
  • Plan your next goal.

By creating a page and letting its development take its course, you cannot achieve high efficiency. Facebook gives good results after some time, patience and competent work they win here. You may need to constantly monitor and adjust your strategy over and over again.

Step 3. Experimenting with content

Content is content information resource, necessary and significant. The more diverse the content, the more interesting and visited your community will be.

  • People want to receive information from service consumers like themselves.
  • Post information in a structured and intelligible manner.
  • Constantly answer questions, thank for comments, communicate with subscribers, respond to comments correctly.

Step 5. Think through your strategy in advance:

  • Properly built advertising campaign allows you to significantly reduce costs for other advertising platforms or avoid them altogether.
  • Create an atmosphere of trust, strengthen the connection with the client through open communication.

To summarize, it must be added that Facebook is powerful marketing tool. Facebook pages, profiles and groups allow you to achieve amazing results! Examples large quantity companies on Facebook prove this many times over.

If we managed to convey to you the importance of the presence of you and your business on Facebook, then the next article will describe it in detail, where we will focus on the basic points of registration and filling out personal data.

Good luck to you! Easy and grateful subscribers on the Internet.

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It is difficult to imagine a modern Internet user who does not know what social networks are. “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki” are precisely the sites on which we spend most of our time. But this is not the entire list of popular social networks. In foreign countries, for example, everyone uses Facebook. And if you also want to try it, but the interface seems somewhat complicated and incomprehensible to you, we will show you how to use Facebook.

Facebook is...

Let's first understand what Facebook is. This is a global social network originally from America. She is the progenitor of the VKontakte network, famous in Russia and nearby countries, which appeared later. And its creator adopted the idea from -

Facebook was invented in 2004 by an ordinary student. No one yet knew how to use Facebook. And at first it served as a means of communication between different students of this, and later other universities. And only after Facebook began to enjoy great popularity, it was decided to open it to the whole world. This happened in 2008. At the same time, the Russian-speaking population of the planet also learned how to use Facebook.

How to register

To register, you need to go to the main page of the site, select the appropriate section and accurately fill out the provided fields of the questionnaire. Please indicate:

  • first and last name;
  • email address;
  • password;
  • your gender;
  • date of birth.

After which a special letter should arrive in your mailbox. You must open it and confirm your registration. That's it, you have completed the main task. Now you are part of yet another social network.

Fill in information about yourself

In order for your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, classmates and relatives to quickly find you, you need to enter information about yourself as completely and accurately as possible. You can enter your name in Russian and English. Two options will allow you to be found faster in searches. Information about where you study or work is also important, because thanks to this, most of your surroundings will be able to find you.

If you fill out the information correctly, the system will automatically filter out users and offer you to add some of them as friends. They are selected based on the similarity of the data presented: a single educational institution or place of work, as well as by the number of mutual friends.

One of the most important steps is adding an avatar. It is by photography that you will be recognized first and distinguished from your many namesakes.

If you want to provide as much information as possible about yourself in order, for example, to find new friends with similar interests or meet the opposite sex, this can also be easily done. Add the following data:

  • place of residence;
  • marital status;
  • political preferences;
  • religion;
  • favorite quotes, movies and books, etc.

How to use

After all the information in your profile is filled out, you can move on to the operational part and master the principle of operation of this social network. Understanding how to use Facebook is not difficult. Over time, each action will become automatic, and the interface will become painfully familiar, you will navigate with eyes closed. But if you are an inexperienced user, you need to know general plan actions.

How to write a message on Facebook:

  • go to the “Friends” tab and select the required recipient from the list provided;
  • go to the page of the person you need to write to, and at the top right (just below the avatar) click on “Message”;
  • in the dialog box that appears, you can write everything you need and press the Enter key to send.

One more important aspect The thing you need to learn is the privacy of your profile. You need to go to the page settings and select the privacy column. There, opposite the necessary interface elements (block of photos, friends, videos, etc.) you need to check the boxes. And then these sections will be inaccessible to unauthorized users.

If you want to learn how to use social Facebook network(Facebook), then this article is for you.

In terms of its interface, Facebook is in many ways similar to the VKontakte network. In addition to communication, on Facebook you can exchange photos, follow news, participate in discussions, join interest groups, listen to music, play, and much more. etc.

The main difference between Facebook and the familiar social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte is that it is an international network, available in almost every corner of the earth, with the exception of several countries where, for religious or political reasons, it is prohibited by the state (Iraq, Iran, Syria, China).
Facebook was created back in 2004 and during this time it gained the ability to search for friends using many parameters: by email address, ICQ or QIP number, Skype, through import from other social networks.

Registration on Facebook is absolutely free and accessible; now just over one billion people communicate on the network.

1. How to register on Facebook.

Anyone over 13 years of age can register on Facebook.. To do this, you need to have access to the Internet, know your email address and number mobile phone.
The registration process itself is simple.
Let's look at it in detail:
In any search engine, enter Facebook. In the list of links that opens, look for the one you need with the address - https://ru-ru.facebook.com/ and follow it.

1.2. The first thing we will see is the registration (login) window, in which you will need to enter your data.

(Figure 1)

You can write your first and last name in Russian; in the future, they will be automatically translated into English. The password can be anything, but at least 6 characters and strong enough. An email address can only be used once, that is, if someone in your family is already registered on Facebook with that address (or number cell phone), then your attempt will be rejected.
The registration window usually opens immediately in Russian, but if some kind of failure suddenly occurs, desired language can be selected on language bar at the bottom of the page.

1.3. You will now be prompted with 4 steps, allowing you to immediately clarify personal information, find possible friends, create a news feed depending on your interests and supplement the created page with a photograph, better known as an “avatar”.

Step 1. Find friends using email and Skype contacts.

(Figure 2)

Step 2. Specification of personal information: hometown, school, university, place of work. According to the entered data search engine Facebook will select possible friends. Why possible? The world is big, and you will be asked to find your friends among huge amount people who could live in the same city with you, study at a school with the same name, or work in an organization of the same name.

Step 2 - Enter personal information

(Figure 3)

Step 3: Select interesting pages. To do this, you need to select the links you like with the mouse and confirm by clicking the “Save and Continue” button. You can select an unlimited number of pages that interest you; all news on the selected topics will automatically appear in the news feed.

Step 3 - search for interest groups

(Figure 4)

Step 4. Adding a photo (including from a webcam).

(Figure 5)

You can skip the actions (steps) listed above and return to them later.
1.4. To complete registration you need to log into your email. There should be a confirmation letter asking you to follow the link.

(Figure 6)

I received the letter right away, but it happens that due to mail settings it ends up in the Spam folder. Therefore, if there is no letter, look for it there first.
After these simple steps Registration is completed and you have become a full member of the Facebook social network.

2. Facebook interface. Page navigation.

WITH home page You can navigate to all the main Facebook features.
The top horizontal panel provides access to information and management of your account. There are buttons on the left quick access: "Friend Requests", " Latest Posts", "Notifications".

(Figure 7)

If new information numbers appear next to these buttons, indicating how many new events relating to the account owner have appeared on the network.
In the right corner of the same panel there are buttons: “Find friends”, “Home”, “ Quick Settings Privacy" and "Privacy Settings and Tools".

I would like to draw your attention to the last two buttons. Since Facebook has been repeatedly accused of violating user privacy, its developers have offered the ability to change information access settings, namely, choose who can see published materials. Here you can go to your account settings, which allow you to change your personal data (for example, last name) and exit your page.

Privacy - page access settings

(Figure 9)

For that, To change your first or last name, you need to do the following:
Select Privacy Settings and Tools/Account Settings/General Account Settings, then in the required field click “Edit”
In the window that opens, change your personal data, enter your Facebook password and save the changes.

Under the top horizontal panel there is a status window, below it - news feed. A few lines of annotation allow you to understand what the article is about, and with a click of the mouse you can open the entire article.

(Figure 10)

The left vertical panel is needed to quickly navigate to messages, music, games, etc., and also to see which of your friends winked at you.

Panel on the left - for quick access

(Figure 11)

The right vertical panel contains avatars of possible friends. By clicking on the cross in the upper right corner, you can delete an unnecessary photo (in a couple of seconds a new avatar will appear in its place), and by selecting “Add as friend” you can send a friend request in one motion.

3. How to add friends on Facebook.

Let's look at several ways to find or import friends into Facebook.
3.1. By last name (friend's name). To do this, enter the data into the search box at the top. horizontal panel.

(Figure 12)

The search window works on the Yandex principle: it displays the most popular results for the entered query. If among them the right person no, click “Show more results”. If necessary, you can use a filter that will allow you to clarify the data and remove unnecessary results.

3.2. By email addresses, Skype name, ICQ or QIP numbers. To do this, select “Find friends” on the top horizontal panel (or in the left vertical panel), enter the data (for mailboxemail address and email password, for Skype - Skype name and password, for ICQ - number and password, etc.). After a while Facebook time will pull out all your contacts, and all you have to do is add friends if they are already registered on Facebook, and invite friends if they are not already registered.

3.3. Through “Other tools”, which allow you to upload a file with friends’ contacts, send an individual invitation to a friend’s email address or mobile phone number, using the data specified during registration (school, university, place of work).
3.4. Using the social network “VKontakte”. Immediately after Facebook registration will offer to find friends who are simultaneously registered in “Vkontakte” and on “Facebook”. After you allow Facebook access to your VKontakte account will be selected possible friends, whom you will only have to invite to be friends on Facebook.

(Figure 13)

4. How to delete your Facebook account.

On Facebook, you can temporarily block your account or delete it permanently. In the first case, your page will be deactivated (that is, it will not be visible to anyone) until you visit it again. After this, it will automatically return to all the settings that were before deactivation, saving contacts, photos, correspondence, etc. In the second case, the page will be deleted permanently, the password and login will be invalidated, and re-entry is possible only through a new registration.
4.1. How to delete your Facebook account temporarily.
To do this, select Privacy Settings and Tools (asterisk in Figure 8) / Account Settings / Security / Deactivate Account.

Facebook will then ask you to explain why you are leaving the social network, confirm your password, and enter letters and numbers for a security check. Only after this the message “Your account has been disabled” will appear, and an email will be sent to your email address with a link, by clicking on which you will be able to restore your page again.

4.2. For that, to delete your Facebook account permanently, you will have to contact help center Facebook (Privacy Settings and Tools/Help).
In the request window, write “Delete account” and follow the link “How to delete your account forever.”

(Figure 14)

There we select the link: “fill out this form” and proceed to deleting your account:
(If you did not find the link, then copy this one - http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=delete_account to address bar browser.)

Button - delete account

(Figure 15)

(Figure 16)

After this, you need to go to your Facebook page and confirm the deletion. All information about your page will be deleted after 14 days. If you log into Facebook during this time, something will happen: automatic cancellation deleted and the account will be restored.

5. How to recover your Facebook password.

To log into your Facebook page, you need to enter your email address and password. If your password is hacked or forgotten, you will have to use the “Forgot your password” link.

(Figure 17)

Next, following the prompts, write a letter with a request to send a link to reset your password to your email address.
After this, you will receive an email with a digital code, which you need to type into the password recovery window.

Enter digital code and click continue

(Figure 18)

In the next window enter New Password and confirm it.

Enter a new password and click the button - continue

(Figure 19)

After clicking on the “Continue” button (unless, of course, you made a mistake when confirming your password), your Facebook page will open with a friendly inscription:
"Welcome to Facebook!"