How to call at the expense of your interlocutor Beeline: The quick way. Description of the Beeline service “Call at the expense of the interlocutor

Sometimes you run out of money on your mobile phone just when you urgently need to contact someone. In this situation, the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service will save you; Beeline provides it to all its clients to always stay in touch.

All clients of the operator can use this option and dial a friend using his funds.

To do this, you don’t need to connect or configure anything; you just need to enter the required combination of numbers. There is also no additional fee for use.

How to call on Beeline at the expense of another subscriber?

To do this, you need to enter the following combination: “05050+phone number without 8” and make a call. Next you will need to wait until it is accepted or cancelled.

In case of cancellation, the operator will inform the reason for the unsuccessful completion of the operation. If you can’t talk, you can send the person you’re calling a message asking them to call back using the command: *144*subscriber number#.

How to accept or cancel a call?

When a person receives a request to make a conversation at his own expense, he is offered to accept it - press button 1, or refuse by pressing the cancel key. Tariffing will occur immediately after the conversation starts. The price of one minute depends on the terms of the tariff plan.

If the client does not want to receive such calls, you can disable such requests. To do this, you need to send a USSD command once with a set of numbers: *155*0# .

Then all incoming people who want to make transactions with his money will automatically be rejected. If there is a need to renew this service, dial: *155*1# .


If you have no money on your phone and need to contact another person, it is important to remember some restrictions:

  • The service is available only to Beeline users. It will not be possible to dial a user from another operator using this method.
  • You can only communicate using someone else’s means if you call from your home region. This feature is not available while roaming.
  • At zero, you can make only 15 calls per day on your mobile phone, using the balance of the interlocutor. After this limit is exhausted, when you try to dial a friend, an SMS message will be automatically sent about the attempt to contact.

Beeline provides its subscriber with several ways to dial another person if the balance is exhausted.

This will help resolve important issues in times of emergency, when you need to contact, but the money has run out.

If this was not possible, you can use the “Trust payment” service, which will replenish your account with a loan. When the required amount is received on your mobile phone, it will be withdrawn as debt repayment.

Mobile operators today offer many different ways to top up their phone account for the convenience of subscribers. For example, you can assign a phone number to a bank card and set up automatic replenishment of your account when its limit reaches zero. You can also use various payment systems, electronic wallets and ATMs. But sometimes it happens that there is not enough money in your account to complete an important call. In such situations, you can make a call at the expense of the Beeline interlocutor.

This payment method has become popular even in foreign countries, and it is popular with cellular subscribers of various companies. The cost of such a call is paid according to the rates of the connected tariff plan. Let's take a closer look at how this service works, its connection features, as well as restrictions on use.

The VimpelCom company offers subscribers a special mobile service, with the help of which they will have the opportunity to communicate for free, since the call is supposed to be paid for by another subscriber. The considered option “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” is provided by default for all subscribers connected to tariff plans with prepaid payments. Let's consider its main advantages in more detail.

The terms of this service are not particularly difficult to understand:

  1. The service does not require payment, since money will be charged to the called subscriber.
  2. There is no subscription fee for this service.
  3. No action is required to activate it; to make a call you just need to make a simple request.

This is a service that does not require advance configuration or steps to connect and launch. The essence of its work lies in the following principle.

  1. You send a request to the subscriber you want to communicate with.
  2. If the called subscriber agrees to pay for communication with you and confirms this action, then the mobile operator establishes a connection with him for a conversation.
  3. You can communicate for an unlimited time, since you will not pay for this conversation.

If the connection with the subscriber fails for some reason, you will receive a corresponding message. The lack of connection may be due to the fact that the called subscriber is unavailable, or there is a failure in the cellular network. In addition, if you have a negative or zero balance, you can use the useful service for the “Call Me” subscriber, which will be discussed another time.

Features of the service

You can make a call to any subscriber in our country, but registered only with Beeline. This method is not suitable for calling subscribers of another connection, since the system is not intended for other operators.

If you often find yourself in situations where your account unexpectedly runs out of funds, then it is advisable to activate the special “Autopayment” service, with which you can top up your account from an attached bank card. In this case, the balance will be replenished automatically according to the settings. If your social circle consists largely of Beeline network subscribers, then the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service will be the best option, since it does not have a subscription fee and you do not need to pay for its activation.

You should also remember that the service functions normally if you are in your home region. If you are traveling around the country or abroad, then you should not rely on the service in question, as it will not work. Many will think that there are a lot of restrictions and it is difficult to use this service, but not everything is so bad. If you cannot send a request for a call at the interlocutor’s expense, the operator will send him a “Call me” notification, the service of which is provided separately and is similar in function to a call at the interlocutor’s expense.

How to make a callat the expense of the interlocutor

To use this service you must complete the following steps:

  1. On your mobile gadget, you need to dial the number of the client who will presumably pay for your communication. To do this, first dial the phone number 05050 , then indicate its number in ten-digit format. For example, your friend has a phone number +79668451212 , then you need to specify 050509668451212 , then click on “call”.
  2. After dialing the phone and clicking on call, an incoming call is sent to him. When he picks up the phone, communication will not begin yet. The system will give him information that this call will be paid at his expense. If the subscriber agrees with these conditions, he must click on the number “ 1 "in tone mode. If the subscriber does not want to pay for communication, he simply cancels the call or drops it.
  3. Please note that if you refuse to communicate, the subscriber will receive a notification in accordance with the current default “Call me” service. It will contain a text asking you to call back at a specific phone number.

If the interlocutor does not answer, then communication will not work. However, you can use this procedure again. This option can be managed through the “Personal Account” in the “My Beeline” mobile application installed from the Play Market for Android, or through the official Beeline website. Also, to find out how to dial a call to a subscriber at his expense, the support center operator can tell you.

How to accept or refuse a call

When a cellular communication client receives a request to communicate for his money, he can accept this offer by pressing the “ 1 ", or refuse and click on the "cancel" button. The debiting of funds will begin immediately after the start of communication. Rates per minute are set by the terms of the connected tariff plan.

If the called party does not want to receive such calls, you can block them. This is done by sending a request with the character set * 155 * 0 # . In this case, all incoming calls from subscribers who offer communication for his means. They will be rejected automatically. If you need to activate this service, a similar command with the symbols is sent * 155 * 1 # .

Restrictions on the use of the service

If you do not have funds on your phone account and need to make a call to another subscriber, you need to know about the existing restrictions on the “Call at the interlocutor’s expense” service:

  1. The service works only for subscribers of the Beeline cellular network. Making a call to a number on another cellular network will not lead to the desired result.
  2. It is not always possible to communicate with a subscriber located in another region; this service is not valid for all regions, which can be clarified on the official website of the Beeline company.
  3. If your phone account balance is zero, you can do no more than 15 calls during the day using funds from another subscriber. After exceeding this number of calls, when dialing the interlocutor’s number, an SMS message will be sent automatically about an attempt to connect for communication.

The VimpelCom company offers its clients different ways to call subscribers with a zero balance.

This makes it possible to resolve many issues in extreme situations, when you need to make a call but there is no money in your account.

How to make a call at the expense of the interlocutorin roaming

To call a subscriber located in another region of the country, you need to dial the following set of characters 05050 “subscriber number” and press the “call” button. If your call is accepted and the subscriber agrees to pay for it, then the cost of the call will cost him according to the rates for long-distance calls. Typically this amount is within 20-80 rubles per minute of communication, depending on the region.

“Call at the expense of the interlocutor” expands the capabilities of cellular communication clients, which can be used with a negative or zero balance. If you have received a notification that the called subscriber refuses to pay for the call, then you can use the functions of the “Trust payment” service, which will be discussed separately.

How to disableservice

The subscriber is given the opportunity to refuse this service at any time. If it is deactivated, none of the subscribers will be able to send him a request asking for payment for the call. To deactivate, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Specify symbols on the phone keyboard * 155 * 0 # and press the “call” button.
  2. You will receive a notification from the operator.
  3. In a few minutes the service will be deactivated for your account. If you want to activate it again, then dial the combination * 155 * 1 # and press the "call" key.

Disabling the option can be done through your Personal Account, or by contacting the customer service center.

Additional features

The service in question, which provides for a call at the expense of the called interlocutor, is far from being the only communication option if there is not enough money in the account. The VimpelCom company offers its subscribers other useful services for full-fledged voice communication:

  1. Service " Call me» does not require an additional connection, and automatically sends a notification to the subscriber with a request to call back to the specified number if you do not have money on your phone.
  2. To use the service " Top up your account", you need to send a request * 143 * "phone number", and click on “call”. The number is dialed in international format.
  3. Service " Trust payment» allows you to top up your phone account with a loan from the operator for a certain amount. The validity period of this payment is three days, then it is written off by the operator.
  4. Service " Living zero"Enables Beeline subscribers to receive text messages and voice calls even with a negative or zero account balance.

An important point: these features are provided without any payment, and the “Call Me” service is valid for all cellular networks when you are in your home region.

Top up your account from a bank card

If you run out of money on your phone, a bank card can help in this matter. The easiest option is to use an ATM. The required amount will be debited from the card and credited to the subscriber’s account. There is usually no fee for this procedure, it depends on the type of bank. This method has its negative aspects. It takes some time to find an ATM, and there may be a queue near it. This is more of an inconvenience for non-resident citizens. In addition, it is not always possible to go to an ATM, especially at night.

If you have a personal or tablet computer with the ability to access the World Wide Web, then this procedure is greatly simplified. You need to go to the official Internet resource of the Beeline company, specify the password and login from your Personal Account. Next, you need to select the page where you top up your phone from the card. Then you need to fill in the fields with your bank card details and amount of money, and send the transfer.

There are also no commission interest charges. This method is protected by a security protocol. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the funds on your bank card. The advantage of this method is the ability to top up your phone while at home.

If you attach a bank card to a phone number, the following options appear:

  • using the “Autopayment” option, the amount is set independently and is automatically credited to the mobile gadget when the account approaches zero;
  • prompt account replenishment on the official website of the operator;
  • transferring money from a bank card to a phone when you are in other regions, and even abroad;
  • sending short requests, as a result of which money will be debited from a bank card and credited to the phone account, without any commission.

Owners of bank cards should not pass on their details to other persons and should not disclose the amount of money on the card. Also, you should not ignore messages from Beeline, as they may contain useful information about advantageous offers and services.

Having read all the conditions for providing this call service at the expense of the interlocutor, it should be said that this service is a convenient and simple way to stay in touch if you run out of money on your phone account. The service applies to all Beeline operator clients in their home region.

Among the negative factors, it is worth noting that the service does not apply to subscribers registered in other cellular networks. The best option would be to link your bank card to your phone number. This will allow you to replenish your mobile account in different ways.

It often happens that we do not have time to replenish our balance on time. But what to do when you need to call right now, but the money runs out at the wrong time? Fortunately, Beeline has a service that allows you to make almost free calls at any time.

Let's talk in more detail about how to use this service, as well as what exactly it is.

How to use the call service at the expense of the interlocutor?

Any Beeline subscriber can use the “call at the expense of the interlocutor” service. Procedure for activating the service:

  • 1. Command to activate the service - 05050 + subscriber number. The only condition is that the phone number must be entered without the number eight, otherwise the call will not be made.
  • 2. Now all you have to do is wait until the interlocutor agrees to pay for the call you are making. If the call is not made, the operator will explain why this is happening.

Thus, this service will help if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation and you urgently need help, but there are not enough funds in your account to make a call. Beeline takes care of its subscribers, each time creating more and more profitable services and tariff plans for them.

For what reason may the service be unavailable?

First of all, it is worth noting that all Beeline subscribers can make 15 such calls per day. If you exceed this limit, you will not be able to make calls at someone else's expense. This is largely done so that one subscriber does not get bored with calls from another.

Thus, Beeline took care of both sides. It is also important to type the command correctly, because an incorrectly typed command will not allow you to make a call.

Reasons why a call at the operator’s expense may not be made:

  • the command was entered incorrectly;
  • exceeding the limit of 15 calls per day;
  • the second subscriber could prohibit making calls at his expense;
  • the interlocutor is served by another telecom operator;
  • The service is also not available in roaming.

However, even if you exceeded the limit, the other subscriber will in any case receive a notification that you wanted to call him. An SMS notification with the text “ “ will be sent to his number. But the problem is that people do not always immediately notice that they have received an SMS. Therefore, it may take quite some time until your friend dials you again, which may not be convenient.

If such a service is not necessary for you, you can ban it.

In this case, subscribers will not be able to make calls at your expense, but instead you will simply receive a notification in the form of an SMS message. However, we do not recommend refusing this service, since in many cases it is very useful and can even help someone out of a difficult life situation.

The cost of the call service is at the expense of the interlocutor

The cost of a regular call is zero. After the subscriber picks up the phone, the call will be charged depending on his tariff plan. If the interlocutor has a tariff plan that provides free calls, then he will not be charged for this conversation.

It would not be amiss to emphasize that only Beeline subscribers can use this service. Today it is impossible to call subscribers of other operators in this way.

If the subscriber refuses to pay for the call, and you still need to talk to him urgently, we recommend that you use the “ ” service and receive additional funds into your account. This service has its own nuances, which should also be taken into account when activating it. You can find out more about such services by calling the operator or contacting the nearest Beeline office.

Thus, the “call at the subscriber’s expense” service can help someone make an important call with a zero balance. Enjoy your communication with Beeline!

Everyone has found themselves in a situation where they urgently need to make an important call, but there is no money on their balance and it is impossible to top up their account. To get out of this situation, the Megafon operator offers the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service. We’ll look at how to use it and how much it costs in the article.

Description and cost of the service

You can call without connections at the expense of the interlocutor. Accordingly, this proposal does not require disabling. To use this option, dial a combination of three zeros before the phone numbers. The connection order will look like this – 0009245896325.

Important! To connect in this mode, the combinations “0880” or “05050” are also used and then the subscriber number is placed.

You can call both Megafon and Beeline, Tele2, MTS or other operators using the same combinations of commands.

The service is triggered automatically if there is not enough money on the phone balance to make an outgoing call. In this case, you will hear a corresponding voice message, which will say that the call is being made for the money of another client. The subscriber to whom the call is addressed will hear the same notification after receiving the signal. The system will inform the person being called that they are trying to reach him. The connection will not occur until the recipient agrees to accept the incoming call. Before you do this, the voice of the system will inform you about the prices for the connection. For this call, money will be charged from the SIM card of the called user.

Attention! “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” does not work for outgoing calls to landline phones.

The service operates on all tariff plans. Coverage area: Megafon network. When in national roaming, the called subscriber will have to pay for both outgoing and incoming calls. The cost is set with the terms of the plan.

Attention! You can only receive calls while roaming from contacts that are whitelisted.

If you dial a number in the format 00089145269632, then you will not have to pay for outgoing directions. An incoming call using a friend's funds will cost 3 rubles/min. The same long-distance connection will cost 10 rubles/min.

Features of use and a detailed description are contained on the company’s official website in the corresponding section.

Settings options

In order not to constantly waste time confirming acceptance, allow specific subscribers to call at your expense or, conversely, prohibit such incoming requests. For this purpose, white and black lists are formed. You can set up the service by sending an SMS with the text “LIST” to number 5084. To confirm permission to receive calls at your own expense, send “ON”, to deny “Off”. If you want to check the status of the option, send the text “Status”. Prohibit receiving incoming messages via “000” if there is no money on the phone – “refusal”, allow – “Order”.

White and Black lists

To speed up the connection with family and friends, allow them to call via “000” without additional confirmation. In this case, you will immediately accept an incoming call. By default, you agree to pay for the conversation with these people. To add a contact to the “White List”, who will receive the right to make calls at the subscriber’s expense, send the word “yes” and the phone number of this person, starting with 9, to number 5084. To remove from the list, send the subscriber’s number and the word “delete”. Request the numbers of all contacts that are allowed to connect unhindered - “Sheet YES”. Users are deleted using the “RESET Yes” command.

If you want to limit communication with certain subscribers, then prohibit calls to the phone using this service. To do this, create a blacklist. To add a contact to it, send the word “STOP” to 5084 and indicate the phone number. If the user was entered there by mistake or you want to change access, then send a command like “Delete 924 xxx-xx-xx”. You can view contacts with whom you do not want to pay for conversations using the “STOP List” request. Clear the list – “Reset STOP”.

On Megafon you can call at a friend’s expense using number combinations. This service will allow you to contact other people, even if your balance is zero or even in the minus.

There may be situations in everyone's life when you urgently need to make a call, but, as luck would have it, the money on your balance has run out! And this usually happens at the most inopportune moment! However, if you are a Beeline subscriber, you always have the opportunity to stay in touch.

Beeline provides several services that will help with a zero balance:

2. Call me.
3. Top up my account.
4. Trust payment.

There are several services for Beeline subscribers,
which will help with zero balance

Who can use the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service?

The service does not require a special connection, it is valid from the moment the number is activated and is provided free of charge. It is important to remember the following features of the service: it is available only to subscribers of the prepaid payment system and for numbers registered to an individual. In addition, you can send this request while you are only on your home network.

Important! If you have a business phone number registered to an organization or individual entrepreneur, the service will not be available to you.

The service is available for prepaid payment system numbers registered to an individual

How to make calls at the expense of the interlocutor: detailed instructions

The instructions for using the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service are not at all complicated, but it is important to remember a few points.

In order to make a call at the expense of another Beeline subscriber, you need to dial 05050 , then enter number subscriber without +7 or 8, for example, 050509064440000 and press the key "call" .

The called subscriber, as usual, will see an incoming call from your number, but having accepted it, he will first hear a warning from the answering machine that he will pay for the call.

Agreeing with these conditions, you will need to press the “1” key; you can refuse the call by pressing the cancel call key.

You can set a ban on receiving such calls using the command *155*0#call .
To restore calls to the service, you need to dial the command *155*1#call .

Remember: if you have a tariff plan with included Beeline minutes, and you agreed to pay for such a call, money will be debited from your balance at the base cost of the tariff, and the minutes will not be spent!

You can use the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service from the mobile application

Limitations of the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service

Although the service is available, there are limitations to its use that you need to keep in mind. You can call at the expense of another subscriber no more than 15 times a day.

Service unavailable:

  1. For subscribers of the postpaid payment system.
  2. For numbers registered to a legal entity.
  3. While roaming.
  4. If there is not enough money on the number of the called subscriber.
  5. If the called subscriber has set a ban on receiving such calls.

If at least one restriction is in effect, the answering machine will inform you of the reason for the refusal, and a “Call me” request will be sent to the subscriber’s number.

If you have any questions, please call for detailed information about the service 064012

Do you plan to make frequent calls at the expense of another subscriber? Thenenter the command 05050 with the required number in the telephone directory. Follow the instructions, and the service will help you resolve complex issues in any circumstances.

Add useful Beeline numbers to your telephone directory, and they will help you out more than once in difficult situations.

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