How to recover a damaged disk sector. Programs for recovering bad sectors of a hard drive

No matter how quality your hard drive, sooner or later problems may arise with it. Incorrect deletion programs, viruses and malicious applications, wear and tear - all this can lead to breakdown of the hard drive and the appearance of so-called. The latter do not make themselves felt instantly; it will most likely take months before you notice the problem.

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What are bad sectors?

For a clearer definition of a bad sector, it’s a good idea to understand the design of your hard drive. In general, it consists of rotating magnetic disks, which are divided into tracks, and these same tracks are in turn divided into sectors. They contain any information that you copy to your hard drive. Disk sectors have one unpleasant property - they deteriorate over time and you lose access to them. And this process is accelerated by incorrect work with the computer.

About the existence of several bad sectors without application special programs you most likely won't know. They have virtually no effect on the operation of the computer and become real problem only in large quantities.

Computer freezes when trying to access any files, long copying from one partition to another, errors and PC reboots - all this can be a consequence large quantity bad blocks on your “screw”. Some of them can be corrected, and some cannot be treated. Based on this feature and the nature of the damage, all bad sectors can be divided into two types: physical and logical.

  • Physical problems are the result of damage (for example, dust getting inside) hard drive and normal wear and tear of equipment. The main thing to understand is that in such cases, which can no longer be restored. Even ordinary data recovery from such sectors will be a miracle;
  • Logical problems appear under the influence of viruses and errors file system and incorrect recording of information to disk (for example, sudden shutdown computer while copying files or other active work). In such cases, it is not the magnetic coating of the sector that is damaged, but its data. Such bad sectors can be treated and can be fixed using various programs in normal home conditions.

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Programs for recovering bad sectors of a hard drive

Microsoft provides a built-in utility chkdsk for working with hard drives. By default, the utility only checks for file system errors, but if you add the key /f, That chkdsk will check the disk for bad blocks and try to fix them automatically. Of course there are many alternative solutions from third party manufacturers For hard checks disk and fixes bad sectors, which can be easily found on the Internet. Let's talk a little more about the most popular of them:

  • - probably the most popular program for testing hard drives and restoring damaged sectors on the hard drive. Can be used not only for treatment, but also for testing equipment. As the developers themselves note, when interacting with a hard drive, it ignores the file system and works at the level of I/O ports. This property ensures the most efficient and high-quality work. In addition, there are two versions of the program, one of which runs directly under Windows, and the other under DOS. The latter is more universal, but is also recommended for use by experienced users.
  • - another popular program that works with equipment through controller ports. It also has two versions (Windows and DOS), both of which are completely free. Very different fast speed work that does not in any way affect its quality. In addition, it displays complete statistics on your device: the number of on and off cycles, the number of spindle revolutions, etc. One downside is the unfriendly interface of the program, which will become a problem for inexperienced users.
  • unique program, which, according to the developers, can even restore physical damage. The point is that often physically bad sectors have incorrect magnetization, which is eliminated this program. The rest of the set of characteristics and capabilities is similar to the above utilities.

Frequent users personal computers face problems of hard disk that affect the operation of the system. Main reasons breakdown of hard disk are: bad sectors in HD D and faulty file system. In this material we will describe in detail HDD problem fixing process, and also describe methods of data recovery hard drives , if it is faulty or completely out of order. I would also like to note that the problems associated with hard drive, special attention must be paid. For example, if the HDD becomes completely faulty, then you are unlikely to be able to recover information from it. That is, all your documents, personal videos and photographs, as well as other files may be lost forever.

Reading SMART readings from the hard drive

If files are not copied on your computer, programs freeze after opening, then possible reason this could be faulty HDD. Typically this behavior of the operating system is due to with bad sectors in the hard drive. To be sure that the problem is related to broken HDD sectors, not with malware, the first step is to confirm this guess. If the situation described above is observed on your computer, we will install the utility on it CrystalDiskInfo. This utility describes the status of all hard drives installed on your computer. You can download CrystalDiskInfo from its official website The utility supports Windows OS, from XP to Windows 10.

To check information about the hard drive, the utility uses self-diagnosis technology SMART. SMART technology used on all manufactured HDDs. Below is an example of checking SMART readings using the CrystalDiskInfo utility in the hard drive WD1200JS. From this window you can see that the program has detected its status as " Fine" - this means that this hard drive is in in perfect order and there is no need to worry about it.

In the following image in SMART readings The CrystalDiskInfo utility detected the status of the screw with the message “ Anxiety" This message means that the hard drive already has bad sectors or is overheating.

If you see the message " Bad", then this will mean that all the bad sectors on the hard drive have been reassigned and soon it will be completely covered.

In both cases, when the program detected messages " Anxiety" And " Bad", you should make a backup copy of all data on your computer, as the screw will soon become unusable.

One solution that can temporarily fix your screw is the utility Victoria. This utility can do REMAP BAD sectors , that is, it will reassign bad sectors to backup ones. In the next section we will describe in detail the process of REMAP BAD sectors using the Victoria utility.

Recovering a hard drive using the Victoria program

Utility Victoria created by a Belarusian programmer and distributed free of charge. You can download the utility on its official website The Victoria utility is distributed in two versions for Windows and DOS. In our case, we will download the Windows version. After launching the Victoria utility on Windows, we will be taken to such a window.

For hard fixes disk, we need to go to the “Tests” tab. On this tab we are interested in the area with the radio buttons Ignore, Erase, Remap and Restore, as well as the Start button. To fix it, we need to select the Remap radio button and click Start.

After these steps, the Victoria program will begin the process of repairing sectors, which can take quite a long time.

After reassigning the sectors, Victoria may be able to restore the bad sectors, and the CrystalDiskInfo utility will display the value “Good”. But a magical fix may not happen, since the reserve sectors may simply be absent and Victoria will not be able to help. In this case, there is only one way out - do full HDD replacement . In addition to screw treatment, Victoria also provides checking readings SMART on the “ tab SMART».

I would like to note that all the operations that you perform with with the help of Victoria, you do at your own peril and risk. Using the utility, an inexperienced user can damage the hard drive and also deprive it of warranty service.

Fixing file system problems on your hard drive

Many users on Windows computers often experience problems related to file system errors NTFS. File system problems occur due to malicious utilities and various software . Also, file system problems most often occur due to inexperience the PC user himself. For example, incorrect handling of the utility Acronis Disk Director . To solve this problem, Windows itself will help us. Windows provides file system repair tool. To fix the file system on a specific partition, you need to go to its properties. In our case it is system partition operating room Windows systems 10. To run the fix we need to go to the “ Service».

On this tab there is a button Check that we will click.

After this action, a window will appear in which you need to confirm our actions.

After confirming the action, Windows will scan this partition.

After scanning, the system will display a message with the results of scanning the partition for errors.

Using this method, many users restored the operating system to normal operation without having to reinstall it. If the problems lie in the HDD itself, then no amount of checking the disk or reinstalling the OS will help in this case. The only option in this case is that you can resort to the Victoria utility or completely replace the screw with a new one, while reinstalling Windows.

Recovering disks using Acronis True Image 2016

The software is the ideal tool to create a full backup all local partitions, including the system one. This feature is used by many administrators around the world. Created backup local disks can be restored in a very short time. For example, if the system is infected with a virus or the HDD is broken, in this case you will restore all OS disks in a short period of time. Find Acronis True Image 2016 is available on its official website By launching the program in question, we will be taken to such a window.

First of all, we will show our readers how to create a backup copy of local partitions Acronis True Image 2016. On the first tab “Backup” you can see that the entire computer is selected for backup. That is, a complete backup of all local partitions, including the system one, will be carried out. In the next block you need to select a backup location. In our case it is local disk E. After selecting the type of backup data and where to save it, click the Create a copy button located in the lower right corner.

Depending on the amount of data being saved, the time it takes to create a backup will depend.

Having completed backup, we will describe the process of restoring a computer. To do this we need to create boot disk or an Acronis True Image 2016 flash drive. You can do this by going to the “ TOOLS/BOOTABLE DRIVE CREATION WIZARD" Below is the wizard that should open.

In this wizard, we will select the first option and continue. In the window that appears, select where we will save the boot drive: into the image or to a flash drive.

After saving boot drive The wizard will display a final window.

Having created bootable USB flash drive or optical disk with Acronis True Image 2016, you can start data recovery. To do this, we will boot from the bootable USB flash drive when the computer starts. After booting from the boot drive, we find ourselves in the Acronis True Image 2016 menu. Select the first item in this menu, after which we find ourselves in the main Acronis True Image window.

In the program window, go to the “” tab and find the backup copy of the entire system we previously created.

Now to restore system disk from Windows and local drives, press the button Disk recovery.

In the wizard that appears, select the item “ Recover disks and partitions" and continue.

In the next window, select all local disks and continue the wizard.

In paragraphs " Destination"For the first and second disks, select the original HDDs. If there are many hard drives installed in the system, be careful not to mix up the screws. In the final window, click the Proceed button.

The time it takes to restore a backup depends on the size and HDD speeds. In our case it took 10 minutes.

The example shows how easy it is to back up your entire computer, so if you master software package Acronis True Image 2016, then you can easily restore its functionality in cases where the system is infected or the hard drive is broken. Also, after mastering the program, you will not have questions about how to recover data from a hard drive.

Data recovery using Recuva

There are cases when reinstalling Windows or when using Acronis software, users mistakenly erase all information from the hard drive. If this is exactly the situation you have, then you shouldn’t be upset, since all the information can be found restore. A free utility will help us with this task. Recuva. You can download the utility on its official website After launching the utility, the user is taken to a wizard that will help you restore all your data. Below is the sequential work of the master.

The example shows that recovering information from using Recuva It’s a fairly simple process and almost any PC user can handle it.

Let's sum it up

From this article it can be emphasized that restoring a hard drive is not a very simple task, but depending on the situation, even regular user PC. I would also like to advise laptop owners to handle it as carefully as possible. For example, if the laptop is dropped or receives a strong impact, the HDD may be damaged. In addition, if you yourself have identified the problem screw, then do not be afraid to open the laptop case yourself or desktop computer, since replacing the HDD is quite simple task. And we, in turn, hope that our material will be useful to our readers and will allow you to restore your hard drive.

Video on the topic

Read about the reasons for the appearance of bad sectors on a hard drive, how to detect and fix them. How to recover data that is damaged or lost due to bad sectors. A bad sector of a hard drive is a tiny piece disk space, which crashes during operation. This sector does not respond to read or write requests.

Bad sectors can occur on both traditional magnetic hard drives and modern solid-state drives. SSD drives. There are two types of bad sectors - some are the result of physical damage to the disk and cannot be fixed, others are the result of software errors and can be corrected.


Types of bad sectors

There are two types of bad sectors. They are often called "physical" or "logical" broken sectors.

Physical bad sectors are hard space disk that is physically damaged. The hard drive head may have come into contact with the moving plate and damaged it, or moisture or dust may have gotten into the drive and clogged it. In the case of SSD drives Broken sectors can occur as a result of wear or overheating of microcircuits or moisture. This type of bad sectors cannot be fixed.

Logical bad sectors are hard drive space that is not working properly. The operating system, trying to read data from such a bad sector, receives an adjustment error code that does not match the contents of the sector. This means something went wrong. Such sectors are marked as damaged and Windows more does not use them to store information. However, such areas can be restored by overwriting the disk with zeros (the so-called low level formatting). Windows' built-in Check Disk utility can also fix bad sectors.

Reasons for the appearance of physical bad sectors

Your hard drive may have bad sectors straight from the factory, especially for cheap Chinese-made models. Modern manufacturers techniques are not perfect, so everything has an error. This is why SSDs are often delivered with several bad blocks. Such blocks are marked as defective and the data is moved to additional memory cells on the SSD.

IN solid state drives Bad sectors appear naturally as a result of a large number of write attempts. The contents of such sectors are moved to additional SSD memory cells until the memory is exhausted. After this, as new failures appear, the storage capacity begins to decrease.

In traditional magnetic hard drives, bad sectors are often the result of physical damage. Hard drives may have manufacturing errors, moving parts of the drive are susceptible to natural wear and tear, the disc may be dropped, which will cause the head of the magnetic plates to scratch; air with dust and moisture may get inside the disc and damage the disc.

Reasons for the appearance of software (logical) bad sectors

Logical bad sectors appear as a result software errors. For example, if the power supply is turned off or the power cable is unplugged while writing to the computer's hard drive, writing data to the sector is interrupted in the middle of the operation. In most cases, this results in sectors with data that fails the data write test. Such sectors are marked as bad. Viruses and other malicious software can also cause system errors and bad sectors.

Data loss due to hard drive error

In reality, bad sectors lead to a frightening fact - even if your hard drive continues to work properly, your data can be seriously damaged, leading to loss important information. Whether it's work documents or family photos, all data stored on a computer is valuable to us. This is another reason why you should always do backups your data. Only having several backup copies on different storage media can protect you from data loss as a result of bad sectors or other disk failures.

When the computer detects a bad sector, it ignores it further work. The data that was in this sector will be moved, so the system will not read or write this sector. Modern hard drives support S.M.A.R.T technology and keep records of the number of moved sectors. The accounting variable is called “Reallocated Sectors”, its value can be found in free utility CrystalDiskInfo. It is possible that the contents of a bad sector cannot be read and moved. This will corrupt the file and you will no longer be able to open it.

Several bad sectors are not an indicator that the hard drive will soon fail. However, if the disk's bad sector counter regularly increases and the computer warns about this with a S.M.A.R.T. error. You should replace your drive as soon as possible.

How to check and fix bad sectors

Windows has a built-in Check Disk utility (also known as chkdsk). The program checks your hard drive for bad sectors, marking sectors with physical damage as bad, and corrects sectors with logical errors, making them available for further use.

If Windows believes that there is a problem on the hard drive related to bad sectors, the Chkdsk utility will be launched automatically when the system starts. But you can also run this utility manually at any time.

Other operating systems, including Linux and OS X, also have their own built-in disk utilities to detect bad sectors.

Broken sectors are a cruel reality hard drives and don't panic when you encounter them. However, you should always make backups important files in case of a sharp increase in the number of bad sectors. It should be remembered that the presence of a large number of bad sectors signals the imminent failure of the hard drive.

A hard drive is a fairly fragile device. Bad sectors are damaged cells for storing information on a hard drive. After some time using hard The disk may have a problem with bad sectors. This is why it is so important to repair bad sectors from time to time.

This is easily done using various programs, but first you need to determine whether there are bad sectors. Our article is about this, as well as how to restore the boot sector of a hard drive.

How to recover damaged disk sectors

There are many ways to restore broken boot sectors disk. Let's look at several of these methods in detail.

How to restore sectors via Windows

If it is possible to enter the OS, then restoring the hard drive will not require special effort. To do this you need to call context menu hard drive and select “Properties”.

In the new window that opens, select the “Service” tab, where we click on the “Run check” item. Check the boxes next to “Automatically correct” system errors" and "check and repair bad sectors." After this we run the check.

If the disk is a system disk, a reboot will occur and the verification process will begin. If the disk is not a system one, then the check will pass without reboot.

The system itself will find all errors and perform recovery. After which it will display statistics of the work done.

But sometimes it happens that the OS does not boot due to bad sectors.

How to recover bad sectors if the OS does not start

If Windows does not start, you can take a disk with virtual system and download the virtual OS. It contains all the actions restoration of hard disk are produced in the same way as in the previous section.

If you don't have virtual disk with the OS, it will help installation disk Windows. After downloading it, you need to select “System Restore”. The recovery console will appear, where you need to select the local disk with your OS. Usually this is the “C:” drive.

After the reboot, a console will appear where you need to enter the command “CHKDSK [drive:]”, where:

  • /F is disk check and bug fixes,
  • /R is a search for and repair of bad sectors.

After that, press "Enter" and wait for the recovery to begin. Then we exit the console and restart the computer. Everything is ready.

How to restore sectors using programs

To restore bad sectors on a hard drive, there are many programs that can be easily downloaded from the Internet. Let's look at their operating principle using the HDD Regenerator program as an example.

The program restores bad sectors by remagnetizing them again. This is achieved by creating a virtual flash drive.

After installation, launch the program. In the window that opens, several selection options will appear in Russian. You can restore bad sectors both in the Operating system itself and using a flash drive or regular disk from the console.

The program will check bad sectors (broken) and restore them. For maximum effective use For programs, it is better to use a bootable USB flash drive or disk, which is created after installing the program.

A hard drive contains millions of sectors. Once any of them is damaged, the data cannot be read or written. There are two types of damage: physical and logical. If this is the first option, then the disk cannot be restored and you need to buy a new one. Otherwise, bad sectors can be fixed in two ways.

Broken areas can cause the loss of important information. Therefore, make sure that you back up the data written to the damaged sector before taking steps to restore it and prevent subsequent writes.

Method 1: Repair bad sectors using the built-in Windows tool

  • Check "Check disk". An automatic scan will start.

This tool simultaneously analyzes and repairs bad sectors. When the process is completed, the faulty areas will be restored. By the way, if you want to fix file system errors at the same time, then select this option. A situation may arise when the program reminds you that the disk cannot be recovered because it is already in use. This is usually the C: drive where your operating system. The next time you start your computer, you can repair it automatically.

Method 2: Fix Bad Sectors Using Software

In most cases, bad areas can be repaired using the above method. However, it happens that they appear again, especially when you next try to start the system, and you will again have to take up the old one. If you encounter this, then seek the help of a professional software designed to repair bad sectors. Such utilities solve the problem in one go. Wondershare Liveboot 2012 is a good choice.

Using a bootable CD or flash drive, you can fix bad sectors with one click. This is the right choice if the device has problems starting:

After the check and repair are complete, restart your computer. Now you won't have to fix broken areas again.

Moreover, Wondershare LiveBoot 2012 is also capable of booting a broken or severely damaged computer when black or blue screen, system braking, etc.

How to recover data from an external hard drive

If you can't fix the damaged areas and haven't backed up your data, but still want to restore it from external storage, then try using the above program. This tool will return data written in bad sectors:

Step 1. To run Partition Recovery, open Wondershare and select the file type.

Step 2. Find the partition with the lost data.

Step 3. All will then be detected and listed sections of hard disk. You can select the one you are going to restore. To scan lost data, click "Start".

Step 4. After scanning, all recoverable files will appear in the window. You just need to select the ones you need and click “Recover” to save them on your computer.

How to use the DBAN program to clean up your hard drive

Please note that you can only use the keyboard to manage DBAN and continue the disk cleanup process:

Pressing F2 will show information about DBAN, and F3 will show a list of available commands.

Pay attention! Running the command will destroy data on all connected drives simultaneously. And you won't be able to return them.

So if you are trying to clear internal disk, make sure to delete the connected storage. When restoring an external drive, ignore this option, otherwise it will also destroy the data on your internal drive.

In addition, the program has an autonuke option, which by default uses the DOD standard. Enter autonuke in command line and press Enter. Then the process will begin cleaning hard disk without any confirmation.

How to use the interactive mode of the DBAN utility to repair your hard drive

Video - How to recover bad sectors on a hard drive