What alternative work is there for the word anchors? Link anchor and its impact on link ranking

The concept of anchor can most often be heard on SEO forums, seminars and places where they talk about website promotion in general. In this article we will look at what an anchor is, why they are so important and how to compose them correctly. Let's start with the definition:

For example


Most often, this concept can be found in articles on SEO website optimization and in link exchanges. The concept " near-link text". Let us explain its meaning using the following example

Moscow - capital largest country in the world.

In this example, the word “capital” is an anchor. And all the other words around it: “Moscow”, “largest”, “country”, “in the world” - this is near-referential text.

1. What types of anchors are there?

There are several main subtypes of anchors. Let's look at each of them separately

1.1. Anchor links

  • One-word
  • Verbose

One-word anchors- These are anchors consisting of one word. For example, the example with Moscow discussed just above.

When it comes to verbose anchors, this is where things get more interesting. They consist of two or more words. Most often, optimizers use just such anchors, because key phrases almost always consist of several words.

You can often hear about such a concept as exact occurrence key phrase. This means that the anchor consists of exactly the keyword phrase. If you add some other word, then they say about diluted anchors.

For example:

Qualitative website promotionin Yandex Qualitative promoting your websitein Yandex

In the second case, the word “your” is added. This will be a diluted anchor for the request “site promotion”.

In the example, we inserted only one word for dilution. And in general there can be a lot of them.

1.2. Unanchored links

To do a large number of anchors, they can be composed, for example, as follows:

thematic text +key phrase thematic text +text1 + key phrase thematic text +keyword + text1 thematic text +text1 + keyword + text2 thematic text +key phrase+ thematic text

Similarly, you can add some thematic text after the anchor. You can combine thematic text before and after the anchor. It is not advisable for the thematic text to contain a key phrase. This may reduce the effect of such a link.

There are a huge number of options for how to create an anchor. #/a# . For example:

thematic text#a#key phrase #/a#

4. Answers to frequently asked questions about anchors

How many links can you buy per anchor?

This question can often be heard from beginners. Answer: the more anchors, the better. If you have 100 anchors and bought 200 links, i.e. 2 anchor links are absolutely NORMAL. But if you have 10 anchors and 200 links, then this is no longer normal. There are no strict standards for the number of links per anchor. However, I advise you to stick to the norm 1-5 links per anchor.

What length should the anchor be?

Anchor + near-link text should be no more than 100 characters. Again, these are not strict standards. It’s just that within this limit there is a great chance of buying a link (webmasters set an average limit on link length of 100 characters). I believe that buying boring links with anchors that only consist of a “key phrase” is not very smart. It is much more effective to add the words “I advise”, “Look”, “on the site”, etc.

What should be the ratio between anchor and non-anchor links?

You can safely allocate 30-50% of all links to non-anchor links. The main thing is variety of links! It is clear that search engines know very well when you buy links. The main thing here is to get into the “norms” of search engines. And the norm is that all anchor or all non-anchor links cannot lead to a site.

Where can I order anchor writing?

There was an ANKORS exchange on the market for compiling anchors (paid). The cost depends on the task and requirements. Therefore, you can use their services and get a lot of anchors for pennies. At the moment it is not working.

This article can be very useful for novice rewriters and SEO copywriters, that is, people who write texts for specific requests. Also, knowledge of this term is extremely necessary for novice website creators. Today we will talk about such a concept as anchor.

First you need to find out what it even is. The most common formulation is the following: “ anchor is text enclosed between link tags" To put it simply, this is text that is a link (when we click on it, we go to another site or to another page of the same site). That is, this text, one way or another, relates to the link. Let's give an example. There is a phrase “from us you can buy plastic windows with a 35% discount in installments.” As a rule, the link itself is inserted only into the phrase “plastic windows” (provided that the link leads to the site where these windows are sold). It acts as an anchor in this sentence, and the words nearby are called “surrounding text.”

How to create an anchor and enter it?

The anchor is often a keyword, that is, a query for which the specific page we are linking to is promoted. Therefore, it is always closely related to texts, based on this, then we will tell you how to correctly insert an anchor into the text.

When composing anchors, you need to take into account the most important rule - the anchor and “surrounding text” should be written for people, and not for search engines. In other words, the text should be as organic as possible (fit well into the article). If you manage to do this as discreetly and naturally as possible, then there will probably be more clicks on the link.

If you write articles to order or work in the GoGetLinks system, then there is one more important rule– this is compliance with the customer’s requirements, because this is what he pays money for. Often the customer talks about what kind of key occurrence in the anchor he needs (direct, diluted, morphological, etc.). He can also specify approximately what text should be contained next to the link. The total length of the anchor usually does not exceed 100 characters without spaces. But this is not a strict directive, but only a recommendation that should be followed if there were no other instructions in the assignment on this matter.

How to create an anchor in the case when the customer or optimizer in the GoGetLinks or MiraLinks system does not make any specific requirements, but only gives you key phrase, for example, “buy plastic windows"? First, try to find out all the details from him (or on the website) yourself. As for technical issues, the most important thing here is that you need to find out exactly what occurrence of the key should be present in the text (direct, diluted, etc.).

Anchor in SEO

If we consider anchor as an element of website promotion, then this is a very important thing to remember. There are several rules for composing the ideal anchor to enhance its effect:

  1. The anchor must contain keyword, but at the same time it should be diluted with 1-2 other words;
  2. The anchor should not be repeated, and if this is unavoidable, then at least try changing the case or its number.
  3. If you need to insert a link instead of text, then do not forget to specify image attributes such as Alt and Title.

Another concept that future SEO optimizers will have to deal with is an anchor list. Anchor list– this is essentially a list of anchors that lead to one page of the site. Such a list can be compiled both by search engines, to analyze backlinks, and make a decision on the distribution of positions in the results, and by the optimizer himself, to provide links to his site. The anchor list will be useful to you, firstly, when purchasing links; if you do not dilute this list with new words, other cases and conjunctions, you can get sanctions from search engines(and if previously only Yandex complained about spamming links, now Google is indignant about this).

If you have already purchased links, but haven’t created an anchor list, this is also not a problem - just find all the links linking to your project, make a list of anchors, and after analysis, draw a conclusion - you need to dilute the spam with new links or vice versa - strengthen the optimization with clear occurrences keys to anchors.

And the last thing we would like to tell you about in this article is about non-anchor promotion. For advancement low frequency queries, as well as for diluting links by high frequency queries, you should use links without an anchor, or rather, instead of text, write the address of the page to which we are linking. Such links are perceived by search engines as

There are many factors for successful promotion in search engines, one of which is link (anchor) ranking. It is the concept of “anchor” and its impact on promotion that raises a fairly large number of questions and disputes among optimizers.

A little theory:

Anchors(anchor - English anchor or binding) is the text of the link, its text version, behind which the URL is hidden. This text is located inside the opening and closing tag.

Let’s assume that the anchor for promoting this article will be the phrase “using anchors.” For search engines it looks like HTML code: use of anchors.

Internet users, in turn, see only the phrase “using anchors.” If you click on it, you follow the link.

Anchors can be found both in the text of an article and directly on the main pages of the site.

Depending on the spelling, all anchors can be divided into several types:

  • Diluted anchors (contain in their structure, in addition to the promoted query, other words).

    For example:
    Website promotion inexpensively inexpensive website promotion.
    Website promotion in Irkutsk website promotion in Irkutsk.

  • Undiluted anchors (only exact occurrences are used without any additional words).

    For example:
    Website promotion website promotion.

  • Natural anchors (the content is the address of the page itself (URL) both with and without http).

    For example:
    We invite you to visit the site .

In addition, there is another classification of anchors, which is based on the frequency of keyword requests by users (checked through the service Yandex.Wordstat).

For example:

  • high-frequency - from 1-2 words, undiluted
  • mid-frequency - from 2-4 words, diluted
  • low-frequency - from 3-5 words, diluted

Anchors are compiled by an optimizer or SEO copywriter using query statistics from Yandex, Rambler, Google and other search engines.

Basic requirements for composing anchors and their distribution in the text:

1. Uniqueness. Anchors should be different from each other. Diversify the text in order to avoid “gluing” identical links into one.

2. Readability. Make the anchor clear and adaptable to people. Do not make up meaningless strings of words, as search engines will consider this spam.

3. Thematic. The anchor must match the theme of the site. You should not send a link with the text “anchor” to an entertainment portal or the website of a company that installs plastic windows.

4. Length. Don't make anchors too long. The weight of words should be distributed evenly.

5. Absence of grammatical and punctuation errors.

6. Uniform distribution. Anchors for one site, placed in large numbers on one page, do not make the site attractive to the search engine. Promotion will be more effective if links to it come from different domains and pages.

Why is anchor so important?

If you correctly compose and select link anchors and place them, you can get to the top positions in search engine results.

External website optimization is based on purchasing links from other resources. But it is very important to correctly formulate anchors – link texts , which directly affect transmitted dynamic weight, and therefore on the position of the site in search results. What an anchor is, what types of anchors exist, what an anchor list is and how to carry out competent anchor and non-anchor promotion will be discussed in this article.

Anchor(English anchor - anchor) is the text of the link that is seen by site users. This text is between the tags And(opening and closing hyperlink tags). When buying links, internal linking and cross-posting, it is very important to choose the right anchors. Link text directly affects the link ranking of sites in search engines.

1.1 What is anchor links


In this case, we will not see the site address (http://site.ru), instead we will see the inscription “anchor link”, clicking on which will take us to the specified link.

Anchor is taken into account by search engines when ranking a site and determining the relevance of site pages for a particular request. In other words, correctly selected anchors help the site to break into the TOP of search engines and. Moreover, there are cases when a certain document (website page) reaches the TOP of search engines for a query that does not appear in the text of this document at all, but there is a link to it with an anchor containing this query (this is also called anchor ranking). In this case, the Yandex search engine writes “Found via link.” This famous Yandex phrase is also known by the abbreviation NPC (found via link).

Thus, link anchors help promote a site’s position in search engines. This is what is based on anchor promotion – a set of actions aimed at promoting a website in search engines through the use of link anchors (which are taken as search queries). In other words, anchor promotion improves the relevance of a page. There is also non-anchor promotion , which is essentially the same, but the link texts are not search queries, but so-called “natural anchors”. Read more about all this in the sections , .

The following factors influence a site’s position in search engines:

  • site/page trust;
  • internal website/page optimization;
  • external website/page optimization.

And one of the types of external optimization is anchor promotion. Thus, Anchor promotion is one of three factors influencing a site’s position in the TOP of search engines.

Now let's take a closer look at the impact of links on site rankings. Any link that does not contain , i.e. open to search engines, transmits two types of weight to the page.

  1. Static weight. Transmitted by any active hyperlink that does not contain the nofollow attribute. Static weight affects the position of a page in search engines, so the more it is, the better. Indirectly, the static weight of a page is equivalent to the weighted citation index (WCI) for Yandex and PR (pagerank, English - page importance) for Google.
  2. Dynamic weight. This is anchor ranking. Dynamic weight depends on the anchor and directly affects the site’s position for the query, which is the link text. It is for this reason that search queries are used as anchors.

1.2 Types of anchors

Anchors can be divided depending on what types of search queries they are.

  1. Undiluted anchors– these are anchors with an exact (direct) or morphological (inclined) occurrence of a search query without any additional words. They convey the greatest dynamic weight, but they cannot be used in large quantities: if there are many links to the site with the same link texts, then search engines will produce "gluing anchors", as a result of which the dynamic weight of all these links will be significantly reduced.
  2. Diluted anchors– those anchors that, in addition to the search query, contain some additional text. In this case, the dynamic weight is reduced, but the use of diluted anchors allows you to diversify the anchor list. An anchor list is a collection of all anchors leading to a page.

For example, I am promoting this page for the search query “anchor links”. Then, when purchasing links, I will order undiluted anchors (“link anchor”, “link anchors”, “link anchor”, etc.) and diluted (“what is a link anchor”, “how are link anchors used”, “types of anchors” links”, etc.).

1.3 Anchor sheet

Anchor sheet (or anchor sheet) of the page – the collection of all anchors leading to this page.

The anchor list is compiled by search engines by taking into account all external (and possibly internal) links leading to the page. After this, the anchor of each indexed link is “attached” to this page, increasing its relevance.

It is known that the anchor list needs to be diversified, since links with the same text are often glued together by search engines, as a result of which the dynamic weight transmitted by them decreases. That is why when promoting a site with links, it is very important that the anchors differ from each other. The uniqueness of anchors can be ensured by diluting search queries with other words, adding adjectives, using synonyms, etc.

When composing anchors, it is very important to avoid grammatical and punctuation errors, and also not to use unreadable anchors (plastic windows Moscow order) - search engines may consider such link texts as spam, and as a result sanctions will follow.

There is no ideal ratio of undiluted, diluted and natural anchors in an anchor list, but SEO optimizers try, as a rule, to adhere to the 1 to 3 scheme (for every undiluted anchor there should be 3 diluted or natural ones). But this relationship is only applicable when promoting competitive requests, i.e. when a large number of links are required. If a low-competition key is promoted, then you can use several links with a direct entry of the promoted query.

2. Features of anchor promotion

2.1 Anchor promotion

Before describing the features of anchor promotion, you should introduce a few basic concepts. First of all, you should know what are HF, MF, LF, as well as VK, SK and NK queries and how they differ from each other. You can read about this in great detail. And a few more important concepts:

Donor site (donor)– a site that links to another site. Those. if site “A” has a link to site “B”, then site “A” is a donor for site “B”.

Acceptor site (acceptor)– a site to which another site links. By analogy with the previous example, site “B” is an acceptor for site “A”.

Now you can move on to the features of anchor promotion.

Anchor promotion – this is a set of actions aimed at promoting a website in search engines through the use of links, the anchors of which are promoted queries.

Obviously, a lot depends on the link texts that will be bought on donor sites, but first of all, the dynamic weight of the link. This is what you should aim for when promoting your site with anchor links.

All of the above is also true for internal linking - internal links sometimes have no less potential than external ones.

2.2 Features of anchor promotion

When promoting low frequency queries There is no need to try too hard when creating an anchor list - as a rule, to achieve the desired result, a few links with a direct entry of the search query are enough. Here you can combine internal links and purchased links. If the request is low-frequency, use several undiluted anchors.

When promoting mid-frequency queries The anchor sheet should be given more attention, because... you will need significantly more links to reach the TOP for it. Due to the fact that more links are required, the anchor list should consist of both undiluted and diluted anchors. In this case, they usually try to use one diluted anchor for one undiluted anchor. You can add a few natural anchors if you intuitively feel that this is necessary. If the request is mid-frequency, use diluted (45-55%) and undiluted (45-55%) anchors.

When promoting high frequency queries the anchor sheet should be designed very well. Use all kinds of link anchors: diluted, undiluted, natural. Try to inflect anchors, change the endings of words, use prepositions between them, etc. If the request is high-frequency, diluted (20-30%), undiluted (10-15%) and natural (55-70%) anchors are used.

The given ratios (proportions) of diluted, undiluted and natural anchors are very approximate. You can adhere to them, but it is better to rely on your own experience and intuition.

So, summarizing the above, we can formulate the rule for anchor promotion: The more link texts are included in the anchor list (when promoting a request), the more it needs to be diversified. From here it becomes clear that since it is very easy to promote a low-frequency query (2-3 links with a direct entry of the query are enough), there is no need to “bother” too much with its anchor list. And if the request is high frequency, then vice versa - the anchor list should be well developed.

3. Features of non-anchor promotion

Unanchor promotion – this is promotion with links, the texts of which do not use direct occurrences of the promoted keys, but alternative texts or natural anchors.

Unanchor promotion is such a subtle thing that it deserves separate consideration.

Natural anchors include:

First of all, it is worth noting that the goals of non-anchor promotion are:

  • increasing static weight;
  • diversity of reference mass;
  • variety of anchor list;
  • extension .

When using non-anchor promotion, the role of near-link text increases significantly. Firstly, it gives the link a thematic feel. Secondly, the near-link text may end up in the Yandex anchor list (Google does not include the near-link text in the anchor list). Therefore, by placing a search query in the adjacent text, you will kill two birds with one stone: get dynamic weight for the query you need and at the same time avoid gluing.

An excellent experiment on how near-link text is taken into account by search engines when using non-anchor promotion was conducted by Devaka. You can view the results on this page.

Anchors play a huge role in website promotion in search engines, so it is very important to select them correctly. I hope that I was able to clearly explain what an anchor is, what types of anchors there are, and also what anchor and non-anchor promotion is used for.

Warm greetings to all readers of my blog! Today's post will be devoted to answering the question, what is anchor links what types of anchors are there and how they affect link ranking sites by search engines.

First of all, I want to remind you that even seemingly insignificant things can have a serious impact on website promotion, say, if you spend a little time and. What can we say about the meaning of the anchor! It must be said that anchor links, despite their simple structure, give rise to a huge amount of controversy among webmasters and optimizers, since they have a significant impact on the actions of search engines in the link ranking mentioned above.

What is link ranking

In the general case (compliance with a specific request) of the document. That is, the greater the relevance of a particular website page, the higher the position it occupies in search results. In other words, the top search results consist of pages that are most relevant to a specific query that the user enters into the search field.

In relation to link (or anchor) ranking, we can say that the more a resource page matches the anchor (containing the keywords by which you are promoting the web page) of a link that leads from another web page of your project or from a third-party resource, the more relevant it will be look in the eyes of search engines.

This is quite natural, since it is beneficial for Yandex and Google that users receive the information they are looking for. Readers for a blog or website are the main wealth, so first of all you need to respect their interests. What I mean is that, if necessary, we should not forget to provide links to external resources where you can learn something useful.

And in order to regulate the distribution of page weight, links or text fragments can be blocked from indexing by search engines. In addition, proper use of anchors will give a significant advantage over a certain competitor, which you will use when promoting a particular page of the project.

Anchors and their types for link ranking

In this example, the anchor will be: Link text (anchor). In accordance with the definition of link ranking, the keywords that are part of the text will be taken into account by the Yandex and Google search engines when determining compliance (relevance) to the query that users enter into the search field. Thus, link ranking plays a very important role as part of website SEO optimization.

First, we will consider the situation when links lead from third-party sites to the promoted page of your resource for certain search queries. All link anchors that are placed on your article are taken into account by search engines as an addition to the text of the post. This article can be included in Yandex or Google search, even if it does not contain words that are part of this search query, but the anchor of the link contains this phrase or words. Very often you can see, for example, in a Yandex search, the following picture:

This is the result of link ranking. Based on their content, all possible links with anchors can be divided into 3 types:

1. Links containing anchors with exact occurrences of keywords. In no case should you overdo them, because you can get caught in the search engine filter for link spam. It is believed that this type should make up about 1/3 of all link anchors. In this case, links with the same texts may be subject to "gluing", that is, all these links will be counted as one (of course, a large number of links with the same anchor will not be merged into one, a certain coefficient is used here). As a result, you will not receive a large share of the “weight” transferred to the promoted article.

2. Hyperlinks with diluted anchors. To the CS on which this web page is promoted, you can add some definitions that will characterize them. For example, if you are promoting any project page for the request “Platinum Seo Pack plugin”, then you can add a number of additional words to this key phrase, in which case the anchor will take the following form: “wonderful Platinum Seo Pack plugin for wordpress”.

3. Unanchored links. They are considered as such if the anchor does not include key phrases or words, for example, the text contains the URL address of the acceptor (the web page to which the link leads) necessarily with "http://":


Or words like: here, here, etc. are used:


These links do not contain text with key phrases, they are the most natural from the point of view of Yandex and Google, so they will always act and transmit “weight” as the values ​​of the site’s VIC and Google PageRank (), however, such links do not take part in link ranking will be because they do not have text consisting of words relevant to the search query.

The algorithm for calculating the WCI (weighted citation index) for a separate page is kept in deep secrecy by Yandex, so by default it can be taken to be close to Google’s, since the ranking principles of both giants, if not identical, are very close. This situation exists in theory. But we are primarily interested in the practical side of the matter. So, in practice, everything looks a little different, towards a more optimistic outcome, which involves participation in the link ranking of non-anchor links.

This happens when we surround non-anchor links with well-written peri-link text. In this case, there is a high probability that search engines will take into account part of the near-link text (certain keywords) as an anchor. Well, for example:

You can view Picasso's paintings here with a pass to our gallery.

Where the search term is "Gallery of Picasso's paintings", which is part of the near-reference text. But it is only possible to foresee how Yandex or Google will behave in one case or another during link ranking.

I don’t have a firm conviction yet about how to position the near-link text (to the right or left of the link, for example) to achieve the most optimal result. All this is achieved through experimental testing over a long period of time, while I have not yet been closely involved in this, but I plan to, I will certainly report on the results.

Now a little about how link ranking is taken into account when using internal. In this case, you can regulate the number of links leading to the promoted article from other web pages of the resource and add various types of anchor links described above. Thus, we kill two birds with one stone: firstly, the task of transferring “weight” to the target acceptor page (to which the link leads) is achieved; secondly, the same web page is taken into account in the link ranking.

There are many topics of internal linking, which I will not describe yet, because I simply physically do not have enough time for this. I just try to add anchor links from newly written posts to old ones and vice versa. I think that such linking can also bring certain benefits.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to one more nuance, namely, participation in internal linking created using name attribute. The fact is that if two or more links from the same post are placed on the same page (sometimes this is necessary for the convenience of readers), then Google, for example, only takes into account the first of them, ignoring the rest, and this is very unprofitable webmasters. It is not known for certain how Yandex behaves in this case, although I suspect it is similar.

If you enter the # sign in the link address of the acceptor page, then the page will open in different places when you click on different hash links, which is extremely convenient for visitors. I had an idea whether the application would have a positive effect on how these links were taken into account by search engines. Having spent a little time clarifying this situation, I came to the conclusion that the overwhelming majority of optimizers are inclined to think that such hyperlinks are actually taken into account by Google separately on an equal basis with regular links, which is very important for project optimization.

Thus, I tried to outline everything I know about link anchors and types of anchors, as well as their impact on the link ranking of sites by search engines. Therefore, let me take my leave, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates and use the social network buttons, if, of course, you found the article informative.