Which female pirate is the best? Cursed Legacy: World of Warcraft Pirate Server Wars

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In the world. The famous series of games from Blizzard over its long history has grown from an extraordinary strategy into the most massive, recognizable and important game in the genre. Warcraft became incredibly popular for a reason - only a truly high-quality project can create such a sensation. What awaits you in the game is a gigantic universe, an advanced battle system, an amazing storyline and 12 carefully thought-out game classes, and this is just a small part of what awaits you. A real paradise for both avid gamers and beginners.

Everything good comes at a price

Like any other, it was created to make money, and multiplayer games are no exception. Gradually, users are getting used to the fact that they need to pay for games, and piracy is becoming less, but it is one thing to pay once for a disc or digital copy, another thing is for subscription games such as World of Warcraft. Blizzard requires a monthly payment to access Is it possible to play for free? Many players who did not want to share money managed to find the answer, and it is positive.

Official server

There is a main game server (divided into a number of worlds), which is supported by Blizzard, as stable, fast as possible, with the latest innovations and patches. To play on it you need to pay 549 rubles monthly. But even on it there is an option to play without investing.

How to play World of Warcraft for free with restrictions? To do this, you need to create a Battle.net account, select the appropriate game world and create a character. The created character will have a number of restrictions on communication and interaction with other players, and the maximum level is also limited. With a free account you can:

  • move freely around the map;
  • level up to level 20;
  • fully appreciate the system of fights and dungeons;
  • Try different races and classes.

How to play World of Warcraft for free without restrictions? There is another option, but to implement it you will have to invest at least once. The fact is that recently Blizzard has been offering players to sell at auction not only game items, but also game time, which other, more experienced players can buy for game gold. That is, if you have a pumped-up character on the server, then you probably spend enough time in the game and in a month you can earn the required amount of gold necessary to buy a month of game time. In fact, the game will be free for you.

Pirate servers

Yes, yes, the phenomenon of piracy has overtaken MMORPGs. In many countries you can find a lot of sites offering both to play World of Warcraft for free and for more modest amounts than Blizzard requires. The game is played on their own servers, but the same game client is used to log in as on the official server, only the data in the realmlist.wtf file (list of game worlds and their addresses) is replaced.

At first glance, this offer may seem very tempting and interesting. Of course, this is World of Warcraft - a free server! Playing on such a server, unfortunately, is not at all as comfortable as on the official one, which is quite logical, because their owners assemble servers on their own, without knowing all the intricacies of the game. How can such amateur activity turn out for those who like to covet free cheese?

  1. Be prepared for the fact that your server will not support the latest updates. Perhaps a year, perhaps two, perhaps it will not be updated at all.
  2. Errors, non-working quests, abilities, talents, lack of certain functions. You will have to come to terms with all this, and all this will definitely happen.
  3. Donat, “drawn” equipment. The creators of free servers also want to eat, and therefore introduce additional items into the game (which are not and cannot be on the official server) to give an advantage to those players who are ready to support the server financially.
  4. No technical support. It is impossible to contact the Game Master in the game (unless he himself drops by at his own request).
  5. It is unknown how long this or that server will live: lately they are often closed, taking your progress with them.

List of Russian pirate servers

If all of the above does not scare you or the thirst for freebies has taken over, then you need to at least pick up a good one of Warcraft. You can play for free in Russian: just look at MMOTOP - and you will see an extensive list of servers, but only the first 3 are worth attention.

  1. Sirus is a very specific server, running on patch 3.3.5 (2009), but at the same time using a modified “launcher” that brings new features to the game that are not typical for this version, including several new races, abilities and dungeons.
  2. Uwow is a fairly large Russian server with a rich history and an experienced team of administrators. The server is quite stable and supports a more modern version of the game (5.4.8).
  3. Aldoran is another long-lived player, boasting expensive equipment and a lot of modifications in the game. Supports two versions: 3.3.5 and 5.4.8.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know how to play World of Warcraft for free. The first option (official server) requires some skill and more free time, but it will give you a truly high-quality gaming experience. The second option in most cases does not require any financial costs at all, but be prepared for the fact that the “pirate world” is significantly different from what Blizzard came up with and implemented.

We figured it out what pirates of the Legion are there now, where you can already play for free?. We have collected in one article the advantages and disadvantages of each free pirate World of Warcraft Legion server.

It turned out that there are still few pirates. It’s not surprising - after all, even in the off-game, WOW Legion will only be released on August 30th.

So, what free Legion servers are there at the moment?

1. Epicwow

It is believed that this is the first Legion pirate launched in Russia. The Legion server from Epicwow is positioned as a test server, loot from monsters and some quests are not working yet, but the artifact system is working.

  • Rates: x1

Video on installing the Legion pirate client:

2. Stormheim

Currently, this pirate WOW Legion server is in closed alpha testing mode. The only way to get free access to the Legion pirate from Stormheim is to take part in the access draw in the VK group.

The open beta test for all players was planned to begin in July, but due to problems with Blizzard it had to be postponed.

Now The launch of a free pirate Legion server open to everyone is planned for mid-August 2016.

  • Rates: x1 (maybe increased)
  • Game client: the administration provides a download link to those who have access.

Several free servers (WoW Only, Blood Rose) also announced the development of Legion pirates, but at the moment their WOW Legion servers are not working.

When can we expect working free Legion servers?

As a rule, most errors on World of Warcraft Legion pirate servers are fixed within 5-6 months. Thus, the appearance of working Legion pirates can be expected at the beginning of 2017.

It is worth noting that free Legion servers will appear immediately after the official release of the game (August 30), but 10-20% of the content will work on them.

How to start playing pirate WOW Legion

To start the game, you need to download the current version of World of Warcraft for the selected server - it differs for different servers.

After this, you need to launch the game with a special shortcut in the folder where you downloaded it (just not the official one!).

What are the differences between a Legion pirate and an off-girl?

Free WOW Legion servers are being launched for those who do not want to pay for the official version of the game. But due to the “unofficial” nature, pirates often have many bugs or broken aspects of the game (for example, quests, battlefields, arenas, etc.).

The main differences between pirates and offs:

  • The server is free - no need to pay to access the game
  • Presence of bugs and shortcomings
  • Donation system: the opportunity to buy cool things for real money.

Do you know any free Legion servers that are not in our article - tell us about them in the comments! We will also be glad to hear your opinion about those pirates named above.

And play on a full-fledged official one. The following types of servers exist:

It would seem that the advantages end there, but no! Another important advantage of the free version is the ability to “go back in time.” And, perhaps, even I wouldn’t mind playing this at least a little bit to plunge into the vanilla atmosphere again. But they have many more disadvantages:

  • Instability, when every evening with an influx of people the world can fall and lie for an unknown amount of time. On the offline, however, this also happens and happens a lot afterwards, but in any case, if you fall, your progress will not be rolled back a week.
  • Slow updating - it’s almost impossible to wait for a new patch to appear on them. After all, you need to emulate it, write spell scripts, and so on.
  • Donation is one of the most terrible scourges of freeshards, which discourages them from playing. Yes, he needs to live on something, so players who pay money get advantages. But in such a situation, all balance is lost, especially in. Although... if you remember the purchase of gladiator items / dragons / titles, then the off is also filled with donations =)

The list can be endless, because I myself played pirated for a long time due to problems with the Internet and the banal inability to get a box. But I don't think pirates are that bad. After all, if there were no emulators, would data miners like Boubouille and mmo-champion be able to delight us with excavations of new data?

Addons like WotLK were installed on home servers long before the official version was released. But it’s hard to judge how pleasant it is to run around new locations alone.

Therefore, if for some reason you still cannot afford to play on the official world, I recommend that you adhere to the following tips when choosing:

  • Find out about the version (original, BC, WotLK) and the patch version on it. This will help you navigate the choice of the right alternative.
  • Read the rules to make sure that in a couple of weeks they won’t start taking money from you for the game on a semi-voluntary basis
  • Choose the option with the appropriate rates. Many free WoW servers offer rates from x1 to x1000 and even higher. The rate indicates the speed of pumping, so if you are not interested in , but only PvP, then you can safely choose higher rates.
  • Try to get to know the audience better. Even large servers can rarely be compared with the official ones in terms of the number of players and online presence. Therefore, you should immediately get to know the population in order to be able to get in and out.
  • Think about switching to off =). Believe me, this is an incomparable pleasure! This is especially felt after standing in line for an hour to enter the game world.