Character codes according to the code table. Encoding text information

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ASCII table

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

Summary table of ASCII codes

ASCII code table Windows characters(Win-1251)


specialist. Tabulation

specialist. LF (Carriage Return)

specialist. CR( New line)

clutch SP (Space)


Extended ASCII Code Table

Formatting symbols.

Backspace (Return one character). Indicates that the print mechanism or display cursor is moving back one position.

Horizontal Tabulation. Indicates the movement of the print engine or display cursor to the next prescribed "tab stop".

Line Feed. Indicates movement of the print mechanism or display cursor to the beginning next line(one line down).

Vertical Tabulation. Indicates the movement of the print engine or display cursor to the next group of lines.

Form Feed. Indicates the movement of the print mechanism or display cursor to the starting position next page, form or screen.

Carriage Return. Indicates the movement of the print mechanism or display cursor to the home (leftmost) position of the current line.

Data transfer.

Start of Heading. Used to define the start of a header, which may contain routing information or an address.

Start of Text. Shows the beginning of the text and at the same time the end of the title.

End of Text. Applies when ending text that began with the STX character.

Inquiry. Request for identification data (such as "Who are you?") from a remote station.

Acknowledge. The receiving device transmits this character to the sender as confirmation of successful reception of the data.

Negative Acknowledgment. The receiving device transmits this character to the sender in case of denial (failure) of data reception.

Synchronous/Idle. Used in synchronized transmission systems. When there is no data transmission, the system continuously sends SYN symbols to ensure synchronization.

End of Transmission Block. Indicates the end of a data block for communication purposes. Used to split large amounts of data into separate blocks.

Dividing marks when transmitting information.

Other symbols.

Null. (No character - no data). Used for transmission when there is no data.

Bell (Call). Used to control alarm devices.

Shift Out. Indicates that all subsequent codewords must be interpreted according to the external character set before the arrival of the SI character.

Shift In. Indicates that subsequent code combinations must be interpreted according to the standard character set.

Data Link Escape. Changing the meaning of the following characters. It is applied for additional control or to transmit an arbitrary combination of bits.

DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4

Device Controls. Symbols for operating auxiliary devices (special functions).

Cancel. Indicates that data that precedes this character in a message or block should be ignored (usually if an error is detected).

End of Medium. Indicates the physical end of a tape or other storage medium

Substitute. Used to replace an erroneous or invalid character.

Escape (Expansion). Used to expand code by indicating that a subsequent character has an alternative meaning.

Space. A non-printing character used to separate words or move the print engine or display cursor forward one position.

Delete. Used to remove (erase) the previous character in a message

In order to use ASCII correctly, it is necessary to expand your knowledge in this area and about coding capabilities.

What it is?

ASCII is an encoding table of printable characters (see screenshot No. 1) typed on computer keyboard, to transmit information and some codes. In other words, the alphabet and decimal digits are encoded into corresponding symbols that represent and carry the necessary information.

ASCII was developed in America, so the standard character set usually includes the English alphabet with numbers, for a total of about 128 characters. But then a fair question arises: what to do if encoding of the national alphabet is required?

Other versions of the ASCII table have been developed to address similar issues. For example, for languages ​​with a foreign language structure, letters of the English alphabet were either removed or added additional characters in the form of a national alphabet. Thus, the ASCII encoding may contain Russian letters for national use (see screenshot No. 2).

Where is the ASCII coding system used?

This coding system is necessary not only for dialing text information on keyboard. It is also used in graphics. For example, in the ASCII Art Maker program graphic images various extensions consist of a range of ASCII characters (see screenshot No. 3).

As a rule, such programs can be divided into those that perform the function graphic editors, inverting an image into text, and those that convert an image into ASCII graphics. The well-known emoticon (or as it is also called “ smiling human face") is also an example of an encoding character.

This encoding method can also be used during writing or creation HTML document. For example, you enter a specific and necessary set of characters, and when viewing the page itself, the symbol corresponding to this code will be displayed on the screen.

Among other things this type encoding is necessary when creating a multilingual website, because characters that are not included in a particular national table will need to be replaced with ASCII codes. If the reader is directly connected with information and communication technologies (ICT), then it will be useful for him to familiarize himself with such systems as:

  1. Portable character set;
  2. Control characters;
  3. EBCDIC;
  4. VISCII;
  5. YUSCII;
  6. Unicode;
  7. ASCII art;
  8. KOI-8.

ASCII Table Properties

Like any systematic program, ASCII has its own characteristic properties. So, for example, the decimal number system (numbers from 0 to 9) is converted to binary system calculus (i.e. each decimal digit is converted to binary 288=1001000 respectively).

The letters located in the upper and lower columns differ from each other only by a bit, which significantly reduces the level of complexity of checking and editing the case.

With all these properties, ASCII encoding works as eight-bit, although it was originally intended to be seven-bit.

Using ASCII in programs Microsoft Office:

If necessary this option information encoding can be used in Microsoft Notepad and Microsoft Office Word. Within these applications, a document can be saved in ASCII format, but in this case it will be impossible to use some functions when typing.

In particular, bold and bold fonts will not be available because encoding only preserves the meaning of the typed information, and not general form and shape. You can add such codes to a document using the following software applications:

  • Microsoft Excel;
  • Microsoft FrontPage;
  • Microsoft InfoPath;
  • Microsoft OneNote;
  • Microsoft Outlook;
  • Microsoft PowerPoint;
  • Microsoft Project.

It is worth considering that when typing the ASCII code in these applications, you must hold down keyboard key ALT.

Of course, all the necessary codes require a longer and more detailed study, but this is beyond the scope of our article today. I hope that you found it really useful.

See you again!

Good bad

Each computer has its own set of characters that it implements. This set contains 26 capital and lowercase letters, numbers and Special symbols(dot, space, etc.). When converted to integers, symbols are called codes. Standards were developed so that computers would have the same sets of codes.

ASCII standard

ASCII (American Standard Code for Inmormation Interchange) - American standard code for information exchange. Each ASCII character has 7 bits, so the maximum number of characters is 128 (Table 1). Codes 0 through 1F are control characters that are not printed. Lots of unprintable ASCII characters needed for data transfer. For example, a message may consist of the start-of-header character SOH, the header itself and the start-of-text character STX, the text itself and the end-of-text character ETX, and the end-of-transmission character EOT. However, data over the network is transmitted in packets, which themselves are responsible for the beginning and end of the transmission. So non-printable characters are almost never used.

Table 1 - ASCII code table

Number Team Meaning Number Team Meaning
0 NUL Null pointer 10 DLE Exit from the transmission system
1 SOH start of title 11 DC1 Device management
2 STX Beginning of text 12 DC2 Device management
3 ETX End of text 13 DC3 Device management
4 EOT End of transmission 14 DC4 Device management
5 ACK Request 15 N.A.K. Non-confirmation of reception
6 BEL Acceptance confirmation 16 SYN Simple
7 B.S. Bell symbol 17 ETB End of transmission block
8 HT Step back 18 CAN Mark
9 LF Horizontal tabulation 19 E.M. End of media
A VT Line translation 1A SUB Subscript
B FF Vertical tab 1B ESC Exit
C CR Page translation 1C FS File separator
D SO Carriage return 1D G.S. Group separator
E S.I. Switch to additional register 1E R.S. Record separator
S.I. Switch to standard case 1F US Module separator
Number Symbol Number Symbol Number Symbol Number Symbol Number Symbol Number Symbol
20 space 30 0 40 @ 50 P 60 . 70 p
21 ! 31 1 41 A 51 Q 61 a 71 q
22 32 2 42 B 52 R 62 b 72 r
23 # 33 3 43 C 53 S 63 c 73 s
24 φ 34 4 44 D 54 T 64 d 74 t
25 % 35 5 45 E 55 AND 65 e 75 And
26 & 36 6 46 F 56 V 66 f 76 v
27 37 7 47 G 57 W 67 g 77 w
28 ( 38 8 48 H 58 X 68 h 78 x
29 ) 39 9 49 I 59 Y 69 i 70 y
2A 3A ; 4A J 5A Z 6A j 7A z
2B + 3B ; 4B K 5B [ 6B k 7B {
2C 3C < 4C L 5C \ 6C l 7C |
2D 3D = 4D M 5D ] 6D m 7D }
2E 3E > 4E N 5E 6E n 7E ~
2F / 3F g 4F O 5F _ 6F o 7F DEL

Unicode standard

The previous encoding works fine for in English, however, it is not convenient for other languages. For example, German has umlauts, and French has superscripts. Some languages ​​have completely different alphabets. The first attempt at extending ASCII was IS646, which extended the previous encoding by an additional 128 characters. Were added letters with strokes and diacritics, and received the name - Latin 1. The next attempt was IS 8859 - which contained a code page. There were also attempts at extensions, but this was not universal. UNICODE encoding was created (is 10646). The idea behind the encoding is to assign each character a single constant 16-bit value, which is called - code pointer. In total there are 65536 pointers. To save space, we used Latin-1 for codes 0 -255, easily changing ASII to UNICODE. This standard solved many problems, but not all. Due to the arrival of new words, for example, for the Japanese language, it is necessary to increase the number of terms by about 20 thousand. It is also necessary to include braille.

Character overlay

The BS (backspace) character allows the printer to print one character on top of another. ASCII provided for adding diacritics to letters in this way, for example:

  • a BS "→ á
  • a BS ` → à
  • a BS ^ → â
  • o BS / → ø
  • c BS , → ç
  • n BS ~ → с

Note: in old fonts, the apostrophe " was drawn slanted to the left, and the tilde ~ was shifted up, so they just fit the role of an acute and a tilde on top.

If the same symbol is superimposed on a symbol, the effect is bold, and if an underscore is superimposed on a character, then underlined text is obtained.

  • a BS a → a
  • aBS_→ a

Note: this is used for example in help system man.

National ASCII variants

The ISO 646 (ECMA-6) standard provides for the possibility of placing national symbols in place @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~ . In addition to this, on site # can be posted £ , and in place $ - ¤ . This system is well suited for European languages ​​where only a few extra characters are needed. The version of ASCII without national characters is called US-ASCII, or "International Reference Version".

Subsequently, it turned out to be more convenient to use 8-bit encodings (code pages), where the lower half of the code table (0-127) is occupied by US-ASCII characters, and the upper half (128-255) by additional characters, including a set of national characters. Thus, the upper half of the ASCII table, before the widespread adoption of Unicode, was actively used to represent localized characters, letters of the local language. The lack of a unified standard for placing Cyrillic characters in the ASCII table caused many problems with encodings (KOI-8, Windows-1251 and others). Other languages ​​with non-Latin scripts also suffered from having several different encodings.

.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .A .B .C .D .E .F
1. DC 0 DC 1 DC 2 DC 3 DC 4 ERR SYNC L.E.M. S 0 S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 S 5 S 6 S 7
4. BLANK ! " # $ % & " ( ) * + , - . /
5. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
A. @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
B. P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]
E. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
F. p q r s t u v w x y z ESC DEL

On those computers where the minimum addressable unit of memory was a 36-bit word, 6-bit characters were initially used (1 word = 6 characters). After the transition to ASCII, such computers began to contain either 5 seven-bit characters (1 bit remained extra) or 4 nine-bit characters in one word.

ASCII codes are also used to determine which key is pressed during programming. For a standard QWERTY keyboard, the code table looks like this:

Dec Hex Symbol Dec Hex Symbol
000 00 specialist. NOP 128 80 Ђ
001 01 specialist. SOH 129 81 Ѓ
002 02 specialist. STX 130 82
003 03 specialist. ETX 131 83 ѓ
004 04 specialist. EOT 132 84
005 05 specialist. ENQ 133 85
006 06 specialist. ACK 134 86
007 07 specialist. BEL 135 87
008 08 specialist. B.S. 136 88
009 09 specialist. TAB 137 89
010 0Aspecialist. LF 138 8AЉ
011 0Bspecialist. VT 139 8B‹ ‹
012 0Cspecialist. FF 140 8CЊ
013 0Dspecialist. CR 141 8DЌ
014 0Especialist. SO 142 8EЋ
015 0Fspecialist. S.I. 143 8FЏ
016 10 specialist. DLE 144 90 ђ
017 11 specialist. DC1 145 91
018 12 specialist. DC2 146 92
019 13 specialist. DC3 147 93
020 14 specialist. DC4 148 94
021 15 specialist. N.A.K. 149 95
022 16 specialist. SYN 150 96
023 17 specialist. ETB 151 97
024 18 specialist. CAN 152 98
025 19 specialist. E.M. 153 99
026 1Aspecialist. SUB 154 9Aљ
027 1Bspecialist. ESC 155 9B
028 1Cspecialist. FS 156 9Cњ
029 1Dspecialist. G.S. 157 9Dќ
030 1Especialist. R.S. 158 9Eћ
031 1Fspecialist. US 159 9Fџ
032 20 clutch SP (Space) 160 A0
033 21 ! 161 A1 Ў
034 22 " 162 A2ў
035 23 # 163 A3Ћ
036 24 $ 164 A4¤
037 25 % 165 A5Ґ
038 26 & 166 A6¦
039 27 " 167 A7§
040 28 ( 168 A8Yo
041 29 ) 169 A9©
042 2A* 170 A.A.Є
043 2B+ 171 AB«
044 2C, 172 A.C.¬
045 2D- 173 AD­
046 2E. 174 A.E.®
047 2F/ 175 A.F.Ї
048 30 0 176 B0°
049 31 1 177 B1±
050 32 2 178 B2І
051 33 3 179 B3і
052 34 4 180 B4ґ
053 35 5 181 B5µ
054 36 6 182 B6
055 37 7 183 B7·
056 38 8 184 B8e
057 39 9 185 B9
058 3A: 186 B.A.є
059 3B; 187 BB»
060 3C< 188 B.C.ј
061 3D= 189 BDЅ
062 3E> 190 BEѕ
063 3F? 191 B.F.ї
064 40 @ 192 C0 A
065 41 A 193 C1 B
066 42 B 194 C2 IN
067 43 C 195 C3 G
068 44 D 196 C4 D
069 45 E 197 C5 E
070 46 F 198 C6 AND
071 47 G 199 C7 Z
072 48 H 200 C8 AND
073 49 I 201 C9 Y
074 4AJ 202 C.A. TO
075 4BK 203 C.B. L
076 4CL 204 CC M
077 4DM 205 CD N
078 4EN 206 C.E. ABOUT
079 4FO 207 CF P
080 50 P 208 D0 R
081 51 Q 209 D1 WITH
082 52 R 210 D2 T
083 53 S 211 D3 U
084 54 T 212 D4 F
085 55 U 213 D5 X
086 56 V 214 D6 C
087 57 W 215 D7 H
088 58 X 216 D8 Sh
089 59 Y 217 D9 SCH
090 5AZ 218 D.A. Kommersant
091 5B[ 219 D.B. Y
092 5C\ 220 DC b
093 5D] 221 DD E
094 5E^ 222 DE YU
095 5F_ 223 DF I
096 60 ` 224 E0 A
097 61 a 225 E1 b
098 62 b 226 E2 V
099 63 c 227 E3 G
100 64 d 228 E4 d
101 65 e 229 E5 e
102 66 f 230 E6 and
103 67 g 231 E7 h
104 68 h 232 E8 And
105 69 i 233 E9 th
106 6Aj 234 E.A. To
107 6Bk 235 E.B. l
108 6Cl 236 E.C. m
109 6Dm 237 ED n
110 6En 238 E.E. O
111 6Fo 239 E.F. P
112 70 p 240 F0 R
113 71 q 241 F1 With
114 72 r 242 F2 T
115 73 s 243 F3 at
116 74 t 244 F4 f
117 75 u 245 F5 X
118 76 v 246 F6 ts
119 77 w 247 F7 h
120 78 x 248 F8 w
121 79 y 249 F9 sch
122 7Az 250 F.A. ъ
123 7B{ 251 FB s
124 7C| 252 F.C. b
125 7D} 253 FD uh
126 7E~ 254 F.E. Yu
127 7FSpecialist. DEL 255 FF I

ASCII Windows character code table.
Description of special (control) characters

It should be noted that ASCII table control characters were originally used to ensure data exchange via teletypewriter, data entry from punched tape, and for simple control of external devices.
Currently, most of the ASCII table control characters no longer carry this load and can be used for other purposes.
Code Description
NUL, 00Null, empty
SOH, 01Start Of Heading
STX, 02Start of TeXt, the beginning of the text.
ETX, 03End of TeXt, end of text
EOT, 04End of Transmission
ENQ, 05Enquire. Please confirm
ACK, 06Acknowledgment. I confirm
BEL, 07Bell, call
BS, 08Backspace, go back one character
TAB, 09Tab, horizontal tab
LF, 0ALine Feed, line feed.
Nowadays in most programming languages ​​it is denoted as \n
VT, 0BVertical Tab, vertical tabulation.
FF, 0CForm Feed, page feed, new page
CR, 0DCarriage Return, carriage return.
Nowadays in most programming languages ​​it is denoted as \r
SO,0EShift Out, change the color of the ink ribbon in the printing device
SI,0FShift In, return the color of the ink ribbon in the printing device back
DLE, 10Data Link Escape, switching the channel to data transmission
DC1, 11
DC2, 12
DC3, 13
DC4, 14
Device Control, device control symbols
NAK, 15Negative Acknowledgment, I do not confirm.
SYN, 16Synchronization. Synchronization symbol
ETB, 17End of Text Block, end of the text block
CAN, 18Cancel, canceling previously transferred
EM, 19End of Medium
SUB, 1ASubstitute, substitute.
Placed in place of a symbol whose meaning was lost or corrupted during transmissionESC, 1B
Escape Control SequenceFS, 1C
File Separator, file separatorGS, 1D
Group SeparatorRS, 1E
Record Separator, record separatorUS, 1F
Unit SeparatorDEL, 7F