Laptop battery recovery program. Programs and utilities for calibrating a laptop battery

Special program for charging a laptop battery will provide control over the power supply process and help monitor battery wear. Utilities make working with your laptop easier and help increase battery life. There are several such programs, most of them are in free access, and you can download them for free.

BatteryBar program for battery management

BatteryBar - convenient program to monitor laptop battery charging with low level resource consumption. You can download it for free, but users also have access to an extended version. paid version, which opens up more options for obtaining information about battery status and power settings.

After installation and startup, a battery icon will appear in the bottom panel, indicating the level of remaining charge. The degree of discharge is displayed as a percentage, and if you hover the cursor over the icon, the program will show the amount of time remaining until the device is completely discharged. When you open the BatteryBar program, you will see a window with useful information. The program will show the current battery level as a percentage, and you will also receive information about the best option changing the mode to save battery.

Using the utility allows you to more accurately determine the time remaining before the battery is discharged; it is very convenient for monitoring the power supply.

BatteryCare program for laptop

BatteryCare - a program for better charging laptop battery, it is also made publicly available. This utility has the following features and benefits:

  • Monitoring battery charge and discharge cycles. From them you can judge the remaining period of use.
  • Informing the user on all issues related to power supply. In the program window you can see the estimated capacity, degree of wear, battery type, manufacturer information and other information.
  • Automatic switching meal plans. This feature allows you to change settings when working offline and when connected to the network.
  • Calculation of remaining working time and tooltips. This is convenient for saving important data in a timely manner.
  • Automatic shutdown energy-intensive services and programs to ensure maximum savings.
Using the utility increases the time battery life devices, in addition, it allows you to provide correct mode charging.

BatteryInfoView program

BatteryInfoView is another one free application, allowing you to control the state battery. The report includes full information about the battery: its type, manufacturer, name, release date, number, estimated capacity, degree of wear, voltage and other useful data.

Using the program makes it possible to monitor the decrease in capacity and make a timely decision to change the battery. The utility also keeps an event log, which records all important changes in battery performance. Despite the fact that there is no Russian version, the interface is intuitive, so there are no difficulties with obtaining information and settings.

All these and many other utilities allow you to set up the correct charging and discharging mode for your laptop battery to significantly increase its service life. Normally, it is up to 600 charge and discharge cycles, but improper operation can reduce this value several times. Conversely, careful attention to the battery ensures stable use over a long period of time.

Battery capacity and operating time on a single charge are some of the important parameters laptop. They influence the final price and the buyer’s choice. No matter how high-quality these characteristics are, any battery is designed for 300–400 charge-discharge cycles. It is important to try to discharge the battery before recharging it again. Shorten the period normal operation The battery can become overheated, hypothermic, or left on until the battery is completely discharged. If the charging quality deteriorates, the battery should be restored.

What is a laptop battery

The battery serves as the power supply for all functional elements laptop. To increase the duration of operation in the absence of electricity, it is necessary to reduce the number of operating components to a minimum, turn off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, close unnecessary applications. The battery can have an elongated rectangular or square shape. The battery is located on the back of the laptop and has a spring latch for easy installation and removal. This element is sensitive to overheating, so you should not store your laptop near heating devices.

Restoring a laptop battery

If the operating time of the computer after charging the battery rapidly decreases or the computer does not turn on, this indicates that the battery has failed and the laptop battery needs to be restored. Self-recovery Batteries are a process that requires tools and skills for such work. In the absence of both of these components best choice there will be an acquisition new battery or contacting a service company that repairs laptop batteries. Restoration is possible by completely disassembling / replacing the battery cells with new ones.


If you decide to repair the battery yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • multimeter - a pointer or electronic device for voltage measurement direct current;
  • knife or thin screwdriver - for disassembling or opening non-separable battery models;
  • soldering iron, solder, flux - for disassembling and joining new cans together;
  • multifunctional charger type iMAX B6, necessary for checking the charge level, firmware, and balancing batteries;
  • glue, electrical tape - will be needed when assembling the battery.

Laptop battery recovery program

They will help you make a decision about the need to restore your laptop battery. software products which, when installed on a computer, begin monitoring charge-discharge cycles and are able to determine the quality of the battery and the degree of their wear. The most popular utilities for these purposes are:

  1. BatteryMon;
  2. BatteryCare.

BatteryMon - free Windows program for monitoring laptop batteries, determines battery performance and tendency to breakdown. The program will provide the user the following information:

  • battery charging schedule in real time;
  • battery level log file for analysis;
  • information about the status of each battery;
  • results of the BurnInTest test produced by this software - testing battery performance under load.

BatteryCare is a utility that, based on monitoring results, will provide:

  • statistics of charge-discharge cycles;
  • calculate the percentage of wear;
  • battery capacity;
  • voltage and battery charge/discharge power;
  • current temperature of the processor, hard drive;
  • message about critical charge level;
  • information about the need to calibrate batteries.

DIY laptop battery repair

If you decide to balance or repair your laptop battery yourself, you will need to do the following:

  • Disassembling the battery - some models require screwdriver disassembly; in most cases, the batteries have a glued structure, for disassembling which you will need a knife or a sharp screwdriver.
  • Balancing - is carried out when there are distortions in the residual voltage or its value at fully charged individual cans.
  • Replacement of batteries can be done partially or all batteries. When purchasing new elements, pay attention to the voltage, capacity and date of manufacture.
  • Assembly - it will be easier if you have screws, otherwise you will need instant glue for plastic.

Disassembling a laptop battery

The easiest way is to disassemble the screwed battery. To do this you will need a Phillips screwdriver. small size. It is more difficult to disassemble a glued structure - for this you will need a sharp knife, which bright light you need to find the glued place, cut a gap, remove the battery cover. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the cans, temperature sensor or controller board on which the connector is often installed. A standard laptop battery kit consists of 8 cells. To balance, do not rush and disassemble the banks - they can be recharged separately.

Replacing batteries

In popular laptop batteries Samsung brands and Lenovo use cylindrical lithium batteries 18650 with a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts, a capacity of 2200 mAh, connected via sequential circuit. After 1-2 years of operation, the properties of battery banks begin to differ from the nominal values. Changes maximum charge batteries (SZB), capacity, self-discharge appears. The multimeter will be able to identify jars that need replacement - they will have:

  • minimum residual voltage (less than 3.6 V) in the discharged state;
  • high voltage when charged.

If you purchase necessary batteries, it is possible to replace the batteries in the laptop battery. You can revive a battery with working banks if you push each of them using charger or car battery. At the same time, it is possible to repair the battery without buying new cans. Having connected the negative side of the can to the positive side of the battery, you need to short-circuit its plus to the negative side of the car battery for 1-3 seconds, and then measure the voltage on the can. In this way, it is advisable to check all the banks and bring the potential to nominal on each one.

Battery assembly

The factory connection of battery cans is made with thin busbars and contact spot welding, which can be replaced at home by soldering. To disassemble, heat up the welding areas with a soldering iron and use a knife to disconnect the cans. When repackaging, the heated busbar is treated with flux to remove the oxide film, then solder or tin with rosin is applied to the contact point on the can and the busbar. Connect them and heat the joint with a soldering iron. After the solder has melted on both joining elements, remove the soldering iron, but keep pressure on the joint until the solder hardens.

The latest Battery Care allows you to view detailed information regarding the laptop battery and configure its parameters (perform calibration for laptop models acer, hp, asus, etc.) to ensure maximum efficiency while maintaining minimal energy consumption.

Any user can download Battery Care for free. This software works on almost all laptop models with the Windows operating system.

Time uninterrupted operation The laptop's battery life can be increased if the battery is properly monitored (sometimes calibrated) and the preferred power plan is used correctly. The Battery Care app was created for this purpose, and its functions are aimed at monitoring and optimizing battery usage. If you want to take better care of your laptop battery, use this software with certainty. This useful tool

helps you take care of your battery and set the right settings to make it last longer. By tracking discharge cycles, the application allows you to calibrate the battery

Advanced options can be calibrated in the Settings window, where you can set Aero to turn off when the laptop is running on battery, or even pause high power usage. In the Notifications section, you can configure Battery Care to recommend calibration when a set number of discharge cycles have passed, notify you when the battery is low, or when it is in critical condition (with a certain capacity remaining).

It should be noted that these notifications are not related to those issued by Windows. In addition, power plans can be configured to automatically select based on your current energy source. Other settings allow you to run the application in administrator mode or configure usage statistics.

In general, the laptop battery program represented by Battery Care acts as a full-fledged assistant for your hardware device. This application monitors the condition and health of the battery constantly, thereby extending its service life.

If you are a fan of ASUS laptops, then you have probably heard the legend about the origin of this brand. Name trademark was given by the ancient mythical winged creature Pegasus, sharing the last four letters with the inventors. Apparently, the creative team initially decided to convey to users the idea of ​​truly unique performance of this device through a mythical image.

The flight of thought was adjusted by marketers who were looking for a way to highlight their brand, make it recognizable and something that would catch the eye in the first place. Of course, the letter A in any alphabet is guaranteed to be higher than the letter P, so the proposal to eliminate the first three letters was accepted.

What is calibration?

What is calibration and how does it help you? Calibration is the process of zeroing the readings of a battery voltmeter. Resetting allows you to return the controller back to normal if the battery is, in principle, still alive. The point is this. A charge indicator of 100% means that the voltage in the battery cells has reached maximum value. This is 4.2 V. It is at this moment that the controller - the electronic brain of the battery - signals that the battery is fully charged. However, if the readings are not taken entirely correctly, the signal will arrive much earlier than the battery is charged.

The controller, like any brain, sometimes needs to be rebooted and rethought its usual algorithm of actions. Simply because after many months of work, this brain begins to lose count and incorrectly count volts and percentages. If you fully charge it, then completely discharge it, and then charge it again to capacity, then this may well help the controller restore its functions and no longer let you down false information about the battery being fully charged. Again, we repeat again, if the battery itself is normal. Myths and legends that calibration will help revive a dead battery are not relevant here.

How to restore the battery?

Calibration didn't help and your laptop battery still doesn't hold up? This means that you will have to disassemble and restore! Consultants of specialized companies - in particular, - warn that repairing laptop batteries should be trusted to professionals. In general, it’s better to buy a new one right away. In any case, it will last longer than the restored one.

Do you intend to deal with unruly equipment yourself? Well, then get your scalpel, soldering iron, multimeter and car light bulbs ready. Divide the battery into two parts along the seam, measure the voltage on each element inside the case, and discard those where the voltage is less than 3.7 volts. In their place, install new “barrel” elements (battery elements are exactly what the battery elements look like in appearance). The marking of new elements should be similar to the old ones. After this, seal the body.

Is the laptop working, the battery is charging and has started to hold a charge longer than before? Congratulations! No? Then the offer from the online store is still valid. Contact us and our consultants will help you choose a new battery compatible with your laptop!

Most laptops have a built-in battery, which allows you to work on the device for some time without connecting to the network. Often such equipment is configured incorrectly, which leads to irrational use of charge. You can also optimize all parameters and set up a suitable power plan manually using built-in tools operating system. However, it is much more convenient and correct to perform this process through specialized software. We will look at several representatives of such programs in this article.

The main purpose of Battery Eater is to test battery performance. It has a built-in unique testing algorithm that will determine the approximate discharge rate, stability and condition of the battery in a short time. Such diagnostics are carried out automatically, and the user can only observe the process itself, and only then get acquainted with the results obtained and, based on them, adjust the power supply.

From additional functions and tools, I would like to note the presence of a general summary of the components installed in the laptop. In addition, there is also a test that allows you to determine the condition of the equipment, operating speed and load on it. You will also find more detailed information about the battery in the window system information. Battery Eater free program and is available for download on the official website of the developer.


Immediately after launching BatteryCare, the main window opens in front of the user, where basic data about the state of the laptop battery is displayed. There is a scale of operating time and the exact battery charge in percentage. Below is the temperature central processor And hard drive. Additional Information about the installed battery is in separate tab. The declared capacity, voltage and power are displayed here.

The settings menu contains a power control panel, which helps each user set the necessary parameters that would be suitable for the battery installed in the device and maximize its operation without connecting to the network. In addition, BatteryCare has a well-implemented notification system, which allows you to always be aware of various events and battery charge levels.

Battery Optimizer

The last representative on our list is Battery Optimizer. This program automatically diagnoses the battery status and then displays detailed information about it and allows you to configure the power plan. The user is asked to manually disable some equipment and functions in order to prolong the operation of the laptop without connecting to the network.

Battery Optimizer allows you to save multiple profiles, making it possible to instantly switch power plans to suit different conditions. The software in question stores all completed actions in separate window. Not only their monitoring is available here, but also rollback. The notification system will allow you to receive messages about low battery or remaining time without connecting to the network. Battery Optimizer is freely available on the developer's official website.

Above we looked at several programs for calibrating a laptop battery. They all work using unique algorithms, provide a different set of tools and additional features. Choosing the right software is quite simple; you just need to start from its functionality and pay attention to the availability of the tools you are interested in.