Various ways to set up MTS Internet on phones. Correct Internet settings (APN) MTS for smartphones and tablets

The advent of the mobile Internet has made life much easier for most people. Thanks to access to the World Wide Web using a smartphone, there is no longer any dependence on a desktop computer and local network. At home, at work, on a trip and while walking, you can download files, exchange data, communicate on social networks and much more.

Not so long ago, the capabilities of the mobile Internet were severely limited by low data transfer speeds. However, technology does not stand still, and with the advent of the new generation of 3g access, downloading files, loading pages and pumping audio and video clips is much easier and faster. However, mobile Internet on a smartphone requires certain settings.

The MTS operator offers a large selection of tariffs and options that allow subscribers to use high-speed Internet. But before you start using it, you should add the necessary parameters to your gadget. 3g technology does not require any separate settings on MTS. You need to make sure that your current location is within the high-speed Internet coverage area and that 3g mode is turned on on your phone. The rest of the settings remain standard.

Android tablets and phones can be configured in two ways. This is receiving automatic parameters from the mts operator or manual configuration. The first is the simplest and does not require the subscriber to have special knowledge and skills.

It is often very difficult for a person who has nothing to do with programming and IT systems to remember and correctly enter all the parameters for accessing the network. That is why every time a user changes a phone or another device, he needs to set up 3g on MTS on the Android platform. The company's specialists are aware that this is not easy, so they have developed an automatic system for sending parameters as soon as the SIM card gets into the new device.

It happens that the system does not send a message, or the subscriber mistakenly rejects them. Also, the settings may simply disappear, so you need to know how to order them again. To do this, you can use any of the available methods.

Methods for ordering settings:

  • call the autoinformer at 0890;
  • empty message to number 1234;
  • online assistant.

Each of the listed methods is free. After receiving the request, the system will send the necessary parameters, and all that is required from the subscriber is to save them.

Manually setting up your phone

Today, situations rarely occur when you need to enter parameters into your phone yourself. Most models are compatible with automatic settings. However, situations are different, and it is better to find out in advance how to set up the Internet without automatic settings. All you need to know for this is the type of 3g network, the name of the access point (in phones it is designated as APN) and connection parameters. All this information can be obtained on the MTS website or from the operator by calling technical support. The process itself will not take much time, and if everything is done correctly, the installation will be successful.

First of all, in the settings menu you need to find the item with mobile networks, where the APN sub-item is located. Next, you need to create an APN, enter the name MTS Internet, the access point indicates, and the data transmission channel is 3g. The remaining points can be left unchanged. The changes made must be saved, and for correct operation the smartphone must be rebooted.

In the event that you cannot independently set up the Internet on your smartphone, each MTS subscriber has the opportunity to seek help from an operator who will tell you how to set up 3g, or visit a service center where specialists will provide all the necessary assistance.

Many clients have recently increasingly connected themselves with additional options or tariff plans with traffic that allows them to access the Internet. The time has already passed when a mobile device was used only for communication. Today it is a means for work or entertainment. In any case, to use the phone as comfortably as possible, you will need the Internet. All television systems monitor new trends and offer to connect only profitable services or tariff plans.

MTS offers its subscribers several types of options that allow them to use the Internet on their phone. However, before connecting to the service, you need to set up your phone and network access. As part of this review, we will consider methods of how to connect the Internet to an MTS phone, as well as what offers you can use from the communications company.

Before connecting to options or tariffs, you need to configure your device. Two methods are used for this:

  1. Automatic setup.
  2. Manual setting.

As a rule, modern gadgets, after placing a SIM card in them, independently configure all the necessary parameters, and as for access to the Internet, the settings are received in the form of an SMS with data. After opening, the client is asked to save the information. When the data is saved, you need to restart the device and you can enjoy surfing the Internet. But this doesn’t always happen; sometimes the SMS doesn’t arrive, and subscribers need to configure everything themselves.

In order to get automatic settings, you must use one of the methods:

  1. You can go to the MTS website, and then go to the support tab. Then go to the phone settings section and enter your mobile phone in the menu, as well as answer the question that will be indicated. Next, you need to wait a few minutes, and the information will be sent in the form of SMS to the specified number.
  2. You can also use another method. For this purpose, MTS has a special key combination * 111 * 18 #. After entering, you should make a call to send the request.
  3. Another activation method is to send a message to service number 111 with code 2122.

When the settings arrive, you need to save them and reboot your mobile phone. After this, you will need to check your network access. If access is blocked even after automatic settings, you will need to proceed to manual, independent settings. To do this, you will need to go to your phone settings and go to the mobile networks tab. After that, enter the following information in the lines:

  1. You must put any name in the profile line, for example, MTS internet.
  2. Then GPRS is indicated in the column with data channels.
  3. The address is registered as an access point.
  4. MTS is entered in the login and password lines.
  5. The remaining cells should be left unchanged.

Now that access has been established, you can proceed to selecting and connecting services with a certain amount of traffic.

Options for mobile Internet

The MTS provider offers its users to activate a couple of services to access the World Wide Web, namely BIT and SuperBIT. These options differ in cost and traffic volume provided.

For more detailed information, please study the information on services:

  1. The BIT service will allow customers to use 75 MB of mobile Internet every day. It will be credited daily, and there are no restrictions on speed, except for the exhaustion of the entire megabyte capacity. After spending the daily amount of megabytes, the speed will decrease to 64 Kbps. The price of the service is 200 rubles. If there was no money at the time the subscription fee was written off, then the charge will be 8 rubles on a daily basis until the client replenishes his balance. The service only works within its region. The option does not apply to Russia. You can connect the service to your mobile phone by entering the request * 252 #.
  2. The SuperBIT service will allow you to use more traffic, and it is provided not every day, but once a month, in the amount of 3 GB. The offer does not include speed limits, except for the full consumption of gigabytes. The subscription fee for the service will be 350 rubles per month. If there are not enough funds to write off the subscription fee, then 14 rubles will be charged every day until the balance is replenished. Connecting the Internet to MTS on your phone using the option is possible by dialing * 628 # on your device.

Tariffs with included traffic packages

MTS Russia allows customers to connect to one of the tariffs from the Smart family. These tariff plans include Internet traffic, SMS and a package with a certain time for calls within the region and beyond. Below you will find information on each plan and on how to connect the Internet to MTS on your phone within the selected tariff.

Smart mini

This tariff and MTS mobile Internet are suitable for budget-conscious subscribers. The cost of such an offer will be 300 rubles/month. The included traffic package will be 1 GB for clients in the Moscow region, as well as unlimited communication within the network, within the home network and 250 minutes, which can be spent to communicate with any numbers in the home region and MTS throughout the country. In addition, 250 SMS are provided, which can only be sent on a home network. All packages are provided for a month. You can switch to the plan using the combination * 111 * 1023 # or through your MTS personal account. It is better to check details on the cost of services above the package on the company’s website for your specific region.


This offer has large package volumes. Thus, if the subscriber has a smartphone, then it is worth connecting this tariff or others that will be provided later in the article.

In such an offer, the mobile operator included:

  1. 3 GB mobile internet.
  2. Unlimited within the network throughout the country.
  3. 600 minutes of calls and messages for use in any direction on any numbers.

The fee for such an offer will be 550 rubles for residents of the Moscow region. Costs for other areas should be checked with the operator or on the website. In addition, there may be a different scope of services provided. Details on the tariff schedule in addition to package services are best detailed on the MTS website. Connecting to MTS mobile Internet within the framework of such a plan will be carried out by entering the request * 111 * 1024 # or in your account on the operator’s website.

Smart Unlimited

This tariff is intended for those who mainly only need access to the World Wide Web. After all, it includes a few package services, namely 200 minutes per month for calls to any numbers in your region and a similar number of messages throughout the region. Unlimited MTS numbers throughout the country are also included. But the Internet is provided unlimited, without traffic and speed restrictions. The cost of such an offer will be 12.9 rubles per day during the first month of use and 19 rubles per day, starting from the second month. Clients will be able to use the Internet only on a mobile device. By inserting a SIM card into a modem or router, access to the network will be blocked. You can connect to mobile Internet within the tariff upon request * 111 * 3888 #.

Smart Nonstop

It will allow subscribers to use 10 GB of traffic per month for daytime surfing and unlimited at night. Additional packages of additional services are provided, namely 400 SMS and minutes for use in your home region. MTS Russia remains unlimited. The subscription fee according to the plan will be 500 rubles per month. You can enable such a plan by entering the request * 111 * 1027 #.


For active clients, you can use Smart +. The cost, which will be charged once a week, will be 250 rubles. For this money, subscribers will receive unlimited access on the Internet for 7 days and unlimited communication with MTS clients throughout the country. Also, in a week you can spend 350 SMS within Russia and 350 minutes for calls to any numbers in your region. You can enable a similar offer on your phone by entering the request * 111 * 1025 #.

Smart TOP

The most voluminous offer. Ideal for businessmen, since its price is 1,600 rubles. The fee will be charged every month. At the same time, subscribers have access to the following per month:

  1. 15 GB mobile internet.
  2. Unlimited within the network throughout the country.
  3. 3000 text messages to send within your home region.
  4. 50 hours of time to communicate with subscribers of any mobile operator throughout the country.

Switching to a tariff plan is possible by dialing the combination * 111 * 1026 #. Other details can be clarified on the company’s website or from the MTS operator.

Before connecting a tariff or option, it is recommended to clarify the cost that will be charged for a specific region, and you also immediately need to clarify the volume of services for the option or tariff. To check the balance of services for any Smart tariff, use the command * 100 * 1 #.

The tariffs offered by the company allow you to use the network virtually no restrictions in any place where the subscriber did not have to be. But before use you need to set up MTS Internet.

Receiving MTS Internet settings in auto mode

Remember everything access parameters it is usually difficult for an ordinary person to access the Internet, so after purchasing a new one phone or tablet Trying to remember how to set up the Internet on MTS begins. The operator understands this inconvenience and automatically sends settings after installing a new SIM card into the device.

Unfortunately, this function does not always work, and sometimes the parameters simply disappear. In this case it is necessary automatic settings order MTS Internet again using one of the available methods for ordering them. All of them are provided to the subscriber absolutely free, and automatic receipt of parameters takes just seconds.

Let's look at how you can get MTS Internet settings automatically:

  • call the number 0860 ;
  • sending a short message without text to your phone 1234 ;
  • usage Internet assistant.

After sending the request, MTS will send the Internet settings in the form special SMS messages , which will write down all the necessary parameters in the phone.

There are situations when automatic settings turn out to be not compatible with model phone. In this case, you should enter the Internet settings on MTS manually. Fortunately, this takes minimal time.

Let's look at how to set up MTS Internet without using automatic parameters:

  1. Create a new profile called “MTS-Internet”.
  2. Specify as access point This parameter is called APN in some device models. Remember that http:// is not necessary here.
  3. Select as channel GPRS data.
  4. In the login and password fields, enter “mts” without quotes.

So that the completed MTS Internet settings work correctly better reboot the device . If there are other options in the menu, you can leave specified default.

Important! Do not enable the proxy server in your phone settings. It is not used in the operator's network, and its activation will lead to a lack of access to the network and the operation will be repeated.

Recently, the market has appeared wireless routers to access mobile Internet. They are convenient to use in the country, when moving frequently, or in new homes where Internet access may be temporarily unavailable. Set up this device absolutely easy and users usually do not have the question: “How to order Internet settings on MTS for a router?”

The device can operate as a modem or router, or combine them. Before making initial settings, you must connect via USB mobile router to computer. The required cable can be found in the box with the device. The software will be configured, after which the application will start, where you can fill in the parameters of the access point: password, encryption type, name.

You can find the original password that was set from the factory at any time on the device box . In most cases, there is no need to change settings on the router. They registered from the factory, but if they suddenly disappear, you can do this by typing in your browser and entering your login and password.

You can install everything here required parameters . MTS made the Internet settings on the phone and the router almost identical, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties. You also definitely need to create access profile to the network. It indicates the access point and registers the telephone number for dialing *99# .

Setting up the Internet on Android

Android is one of the most popular systems for mobile devices . It is not surprising that the question of how to set up the Internet on Android MTS arises among the company’s subscribers very often. But there is nothing complicated about them.

MTS Internet settings similar on Android to everyone else. On your device, go to the “Settings” tab in the “Wireless” section. After this, you need to check the box next to the parameter "Internet from mobile" and go to the “Mobile networks” section. At the last stage, you need to select an MTS-Internet profile or create one if you don’t have one. The parameters are indicated in it standard:

  • Name: MTS-Internet;
  • Access point, which is often also called APN -;
  • You should use “mts” as your password and login.

If a subscriber knows how to set up the Internet on an MTS phone, then he will not have problems setting up other mobile devices. But not everyone is experienced users, so let’s look at setting up Internet access step by step on a tablet :

  1. Open the “Settings” menu and go to the “ Basic».
  2. Click on “Cellular Data” and click on “ Data network».
  3. Enter information in the form that opens: APN - In the fields to indicate your login and password, simply type “mts”.

Setting up other models

The Russian market offers a huge number of models of mobile devices with access to the global network. It is impossible to consider them all in one review. In most cases access configuration to the Internet maybe done independently using standard parameters and device documentation.

Let's give standard parameters Internet for the MTS network of any region:

  • name for the access profile: MTS-Internet;
  • channel type: GPRS;
  • address or access point:;
  • The password and login are the same - mts.

MTS provides all its subscribers with the opportunity to use the mobile Internet. But for many, attempts to connect to the Internet do not lead to a positive result. How to set up MTS Internet and how to set up MTS Internet on a tablet is a question that interests those who cannot cope with this task in any way. Let's look at ways to connect and set up the Internet on mobile phones, tablets and set up a wireless modem.

How to set up MTS mobile internet

All subscribers of the MTS operator can use the Internet when they purchase a card, and at the same time, they do not need to configure their phone. In order for the MTS Internet setup on your mobile phone to be correct and the network to work satisfactorily, you need to order automatic setup. This can be done on the company's website. To do this, you need to enter your mobile number. After which you should receive an SMS message with the settings on your phone. You can configure the Internet manually. Using the manual method, it is possible to configure MTS mobile Internet, configure MTS Internet on a tablet.

There are typical settings that can be supported by most phones and tablets. GPRS/EDGE settings have the profile name MTS Internet, the access point must be manually set to “ ", and the password and name are " mts ". Next we set up MMS. To do this, go to the device settings menu and create another new access point there. The parameters should be specified as follows:

  • profile name - MTS MMS;
  • home page - http://mmsc;
  • data channel - GPRS;
  • access point -;
  • username and password - mts.

You will also need to configure such parameters as WAP ports: WAP1.x - 9201, WAP2.0 - 9201 or 8080. Specify the address in the protocol - Similar settings for WAP, only the IP protocol address will be different -

This is how MTS Internet is configured manually. It will be difficult for many to understand and configure the Internet manually. For those who cannot cope with this, you can contact communication shops, where these settings will be carried out for you on the spot.

How to set up MTS Internet on a tablet

In order to set up MTS Internet on your tablet, you need to carry out certain tasks. MTS Internet can be configured on both Android and iOS. To set up the Internet, go to the settings menu and select the “wireless networks” function and select “mobile network”. Next, specify the access point - APN. Or according to this scheme: go to settings, select “Basic”, then “Network”. Then select the “Cellular Data Network” function. You also need to specify:

  • APN -, that is, we indicate the access point we need;
  • name - enter the required nickname;
  • access password - mts.

After you have completed all the manipulations, you need to make sure that mobile data transmission is turned on. The Internet may not work for you the first time. If this happens, reboot the device, that is, turn it off, and after 10-15 seconds turn it on again.

Usually, when you install a new SIM card in your phone, after a few seconds it receives MTS Internet settings. Therefore, as a rule, the user does not need to configure anything - the necessary settings for accessing the Network are automatically saved in the phone. But sometimes the system fails, or maybe the user himself has done something wrong in the device settings. Then the question arises of how to set up the Internet. From this article you will learn how to order Internet settings on MTS and how to set up the Internet on your phone yourself.

How to get MTS Internet settings

Before delving into your phone settings and creating access points with logins and passwords, you should try ordering automatic Internet settings for your phone. Moreover, this service is provided free of charge.

You can order the correct MTS Internet settings in the following ways:

After sending a request using any of the methods, automatic MTS Internet settings will be sent to your phone in the form of SMS in a few seconds. Save them and be sure to restart your device for the settings to take effect.

If for some reason the Internet settings do not arrive or you are unable to save them, you need to configure the Internet on MTS manually.

How to set up Internet on an MTS phone manually

To set up mobile Internet manually, you need to create a connection profile, specify an APN access point and specify a login and password. This may sound complicated, but I assure you that you will spend no more than two minutes setting up the Internet on your phone!

Here are the parameters that need to be entered into the phone settings for the mobile Internet to work:

Profile name— MTS Internet
Data channel- GPRS
APN access point—
Username- mts
Password- mts

The process of creating an Internet profile, which will contain all the necessary settings for accessing the Network, depends on the operating system of the smartphone.

Setting up MTS Internet on Android (Android)

  • Open the main menu of your phone and go to the section "Settings""More…""Mobile networks""Internet Access Points (APN)".
  • In the upper right corner, click on the plus sign icon, which means adding a new access point. If there is no such icon, then call up the additional menu by clicking on its icon (it is also located in the upper right corner) and select the option to create a new access point.
  • Specify the following options:
    Name— MTS Internet
    Login- mts
    Password mts
    Leave the remaining fields blank.
  • Save the created access point and return to the section "Settings""Data transfer". Check the box next to the item "Mobile data".

    If you have an Android with two SIM cards, then to enable mobile data transfer, you need to go to the menu "Settings" go to "Network Manager""Data Network" and check the box next to the MTS SIM card you are using.

This completes the MTS Internet setup on your Android phone. Don't forget to restart your phone for the settings to work.

Video on how to set up mobile Internet on an Android phone using the MTS 955 smartphone as an example:

Setting up MTS Internet on iPhone

  • Open "Settings" smartphone and go to the section "Cellular". Move the slider to the “on” position opposite the line "Cellular Data".
  • Return to the "Cellular" section and go to "Data Options""Cellular data network". Fill in the fields:
    Username- mts
    Password- mts
  • Save your changes and reboot your device. This completes the setup of MTS mobile Internet on iPhone.

Internet access without settings

It turns out that the operator has a “Access without settings” service, which allows you to access the Network, even with incorrect Internet settings or in their absence!

The operator does not recommend using it constantly, so it is advisable to set up the Internet on your phone as soon as possible. But as a temporary measure, when you urgently need access to the Network, but you can’t set it up yourself, you can activate “Access without settings.”

You can activate the service in three ways:

  • USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 2156 #.
  • Via SMS with the text 2156 to number 111.
  • In "Personal Account"

The “Access without settings” service is free of charge and has no subscription fee.

As you can see, setting up the Internet on MTS is extremely simple! In addition, with the “Access without settings” service, you will be able to access the Internet and send MMS, even if you are unable to set up the Internet on your phone yourself.