System restore in Windows 7. Create a restore point yourself

The method is suitable if the system is stable starts And included the function of creating points without user intervention or there is a backup collected by the system itself.
To start the process, you need to open a special software utility. To run it, use the instructions:

In the window that opens select drive protected against data loss. Usually the volume on which the OS is directly installed is selected.

Afterwards, you need to press the button "Recovery…"

A program will open to restore the previous state of the OS. Click the button " Further" and we see a menu that requires select a point recovery. The menu presents those that were created by the operating system itself.

To see all available rollback points, check the box " Show other restore points»

Let's follow further instructions, we agree with reboot system and the fact that it will be impossible to cancel the restoration in the future. System will reboot and there will be a rollback.

Please remember that after the rollback the password, which was in use at the time. To avoid problems with logging in, make sure you have utility password reset. When will it happen return OS to previous state previous points will disappear, but a new one will appear, created immediately before the reset attempt.

Returning original settings

If items recovery missing, or return to previous states did not help, then you should try returning the PC to factory condition.

Often, most Windows laptops have this option, regardless of the version; instructions can be found from the manufacturer.

If you are the owner stationary PC, with installed Windows 7, then the method is unlikely to work, since usually in this case the OS requires a disk.

For latest Windows, beginning from the eighth version, you can use the following algorithm:

Open the menu " Options" - Go to the section " Update and Security» — « Return the computer to the initial state » → Button « Begin»

System rollback using disk

This option is suitable if the operating system categorically refuses to start. The disk can be almost any external storage data, even a USB flash drive.

For creation recovery media you will need to go to control Panel and in the category " system and safety» select the item « Backing up computer data". After that, click on the inscription “ Create a recovery disk". In the new window, select the drive you want to use, then click " Create disk».

Now you will always have the opportunity to fix a system problem without resorting to a complete reinstallation.

Creating an image

This method is also suitable for those who have lost the ability to start the OS, important honors this option from the previous one is that using full image disk, absolutely everything is restored custom settings, files and applications. Recommended make an image at a time when the PC has all the basic drivers and programs, but no unnecessary software.

To create an image follow the same instructions as described in previous method. Just on last stage you should follow the link " Creating a system image«.

In the window that opens offered select a location to save the image. The typical storage location is DVD as it can be used if damaged hard drive, which is very convenient. The best way is an entry in network storage , it would be better to use this particular point, since in in this case, the probability of losing the image will be reduced to zero.

The recovery itself begins in the following way when the computer is rebooted: “ Diagnostics» — « Extra options » — « Restoring a system image».

When problems arise with the operating system, sometimes situations occur in which system recovery does not work. Many of us have found ourselves in situations where, for some reason, we needed to restore operating system.

This is the most easy way fix any problems in the computer's operating system or problems associated with the operation of certain programs.

You start the operating system recovery process and see that System Restore does not work in Windows. The operating system recovery process starts, goes through all recovery stages, and at the end of the process you see, instead of a window with information that the system was successfully restored, a window with information that the system could not be recovered.

Why System Restore Doesn't Work

If system restore is not disabled, then the reason why system restore does not work may be the antivirus installed on the computer.

To solve this problem, you need to disable your antivirus self-defense. This incident also happened to me. I also needed to do an operating system restore, but the operating system restore did not happen. In my case, the cause was Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012. With more earlier versions This antivirus did not have such problems.

Restoring the operating system only works if performed in “safe mode”. If you restore the operating system in normal mode, if you simply pause the antivirus protection, it will not work; at the very end of the operating system recovery process, you will see a message that the operating system was unable to restore the system to an earlier state.

To solve this problem in Kaspersky Anti-Virus, you need to go to “Settings” => “Advanced settings” => “Self-Defense”. In the “Self-Defense Options” tab, you need to uncheck the box next to “Enable Self-Defense”, and then click on the “OK” button.

After these steps, you can begin restoring the operating system.

After the operating system recovery is complete, the antivirus is turned on automatically.

Keep in mind that this is only one of the possible reasons.

Conclusions of the article

System Restore may not work due to the self-defense of the antivirus installed on the computer.

Operating system crashes occur due to various reasons: incorrect installation of drivers and applications, computer viruses, problems in hardware. Let's figure out how different ways start operating recovery Windows systems 7. These methods are divided into two categories: with and without the use of a medium Windows recovery 7.

Windows 7 Recovery Environment

Windows Recovery Environment, which translates to “Windows Recovery Environment,” provides the recovery tools we need. Further in the text we will use the abbreviation Windows Recovery Environment - WinRE.

Let's try to access WinRE tools:

The absence of an option in the additional boot options menu is a sign that there is no WinRE Windows 7 environment on your system disk. The reason is the removal of a protected hard section disk that is created for WinRE when installing Windows OS.

In this case, select one of the download options:

Once you have access to WinRE, you can try to restore Windows 7 using environment tools.

Method #1: Last Known Good Configuration

The simplest method is based on the fact that the system stores information about the latest successful download computer.

If you can't return Windows to working condition method No. 1 - go to method No. 2.

Method number 2. WinRE: startup recovery

In this mode, faults that interfere with normal loading OS. To start the mode you need to go to select the option. The following window will appear, in which we click the first item:

Startup Repair in System Recovery Options automatically fixes problems that prevent Windows from starting

If problems are found in the boot parameters, you need to confirm the need to make corrections by pressing the button Fix and restart.

Method No. 3. WinRE: System Restore

This method allows you to “roll back” the system to the time when it worked normally by selecting one of the restore points. But first these “points” must be created.

The recovery point is a kind of “cast” working environment V certain moment time. The records of this point include only system and software Windows settings. User files (documents, images, music files) are not saved in the records.

Such points are created automatically by the operating system every 7 days. The user can create this point independently. It is recommended to do this before starting work that you are not sure will be completed successfully: installing an unknown software, drivers. If the job fails, a restore point will allow you to return Windows to its original state.

Does Windows create restore points?

In order for Windows to automatically create points for system disk System Protection must be enabled.

Create a restore point yourself

Now, in case of failure Photoshop installations, we can “roll back” the system to this point.

Performing a rollback

Method number 4. WinRE: image recovery

This is a data recovery mode from a backup copy. Let's try to create it.

Good day!

Whatever it is reliable Windows- sometimes you still have to face that the system refuses to boot (for example, the same one pops up), slows down, glitches (note: all sorts of errors pop up) etc.

Many users decide similar problems ordinary reinstalling Windows(the method is reliable, but quite long and problematic) ... Meanwhile, in most cases, you can quickly fix the system using Windows recovery (fortunately, such a function is included in the OS itself)!

In this article I want to look at several options for restoring Windows 7.

Note! The article does not discuss issues related to computer hardware problems. For example, if after turning on your PC nothing happens at all (note: more than one LED is off, you can’t hear the sound of the cooler, etc.), then this article will not help you...

1. How to roll back the system to its previous state (if Windows has booted)

If Windows has loaded, then that's half the battle :).

1.1. With the help of special recovery wizard

By default, Windows has system checkpointing enabled. For example, you install new driver or some program (which can affect the operation of the system as a whole) - then “smart” Windows creates a point (i.e., remembers all system settings, saves drivers, a copy of the registry, etc.). And if after installing new software (note: or when virus attack) if you have problems, you can always return everything back!

To start recovery mode - open the START menu and search bar enter “recovery”, then you will see the required link (see screenshot 1). Or there is an alternative link (option) in the START menu: start/standard/system/system recovery.

Screen 1. Starting Windows 7 recovery

Note! Restoring the OS does not affect documents, images, personal files etc. Recently installed drivers and programs can be removed. Registration and activation of some software may also fail (according to at least the one that was activated was installed after creation control point, with the help of which the PC will be restored).

Then comes the most crucial moment: we need to select the point to which we will roll back the system. You need to select the point at which Windows worked as expected for you, without errors or failures (it’s most convenient to navigate by dates).

Note! Also check the box " Show other restore points". For each restore point you can see which programs it will affect - there is a button for this. Find affected programs«.

When you select a point to restore, just click “Next”.

After which all you have to do is confirm the OS restoration (as in screenshot 4). By the way, when restoring the system, the computer will restart, so save all the data you are currently working with!

After rebooting the PC, Windows will “roll back” to the right point recovery. In many cases, thanks to such a simple procedure, it is possible to avoid many problems: various screen blockers, problems with drivers, viruses, etc.

1.2. Using the AVZ utility

An excellent program that doesn’t even need to be installed: just extract it from the archive and run it executable file. It can not only scan your PC for viruses, but also restore many parameters and settings in Windows. By the way, the utility works in all popular Windows: 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits).

Screen 4.1. AVZ: file/recovery.

By the way, the list of restored settings and parameters is quite large (see screenshot below):

2. How to restore Windows 7 if it won't boot

The case is difficult, but we will fix it :).

Most often the problem Windows boot 7 is associated with damage to the OS bootloader, disruption of the MBR. To return the system to normal operation, you need to restore them. More on this below...

2.1. Computer Troubleshooting / Last Known Good Configuration

Windows 7 is quite a “smart” system (at least compared to previous Windows). If you haven't deleted hidden sections(and many don’t even look or see them) and your system is not “Start” or “Initial” (in which these functions are often not available) - then if you press it several times when turning on the computer F8 key, you will see additional options downloads .

The bottom line is that among the boot options there are two that will help restore the system:

  1. First of all, try the item “ Last good configuration ". Windows 7 remembers and saves data about last power on computer when everything worked as expected and the system was loaded;
  2. if the previous option did not help, try running “ Troubleshooting your computer«.

2.2. Recovery using a bootable USB flash drive

If nothing works and the system still does not work- something for further recovery Windows we will need installation flash drive or a disk with Windows 7 (from which, for example, this OS was installed). If it doesn’t exist, I recommend this note, it tells you how to create it:

To boot from this bootable flash drive(disc) - you need to configure the BIOS accordingly (details about BIOS setup- ), or when turning on the laptop (PC), select boot device. Also, how to boot from a flash drive (and how to create one) is described in detail in the article about installing Windows 7 (especially since the first step in recovery is similar to the installation step :)).

Window Windows installations 7 appeared... What's next?

In the next step we choose not to install Windows, but to restore! This link is located in the lower left corner of the window (as in screenshot 7).

After you follow this link, the computer will search for OSes that were previously installed for some time. After which, you will see a list of Windows 7 operating systems that you can try to restore (usually there is one system). Choose the right system and click “Next” (see screenshot 8).

  1. Startup recovery- boot recovery Windows records(MBR). In many cases, if the problem was with the bootloader, after working with such a wizard, the system begins to boot normally;
  2. System Restore- system rollback using checkpoints (discussed in the first part of the article). By the way, such points can be created not only by the system itself in auto mode, but also by the user manually;
  3. Restoring a system image- this function will help you restore Windows from a disk image (if, of course, you have one :));
  4. Memory diagnostics- testing and verification random access memory (useful option, but not within the scope of this article);
  5. Command line- will help carry out manual recovery(for advanced users. By the way, we will also partially touch on it in this article).

Let's look at the steps in order that will help return the OS to its previous state...

2.2.1. Startup recovery

See Screen 9

This is the first thing I recommend starting with. After launching this wizard, you will see a problem search window (as in screenshot 10). Through certain time The wizard will report whether problems were found and resolved. If your problem is not resolved, move on to the next recovery option.

2.2.2. Restoring a Previously Saved Windows State

See Screen 9

Those. roll back the system to a restore point, as in the first part of the article. Only there we ran this wizard in Windows itself, and now using a bootable flash drive.

In principle, after selecting the bottom option, all actions will be standard, as if you had launched the wizard in Windows itself (the only thing is that the graphics will be in the classic Windows style).

The first point is to simply agree with the wizard and click “Next”.

Screen 11. Recovery Wizard (1)

Screen 12. Restore point selected - Restore Wizard (2)

Then you confirm your intention to restore the system and wait. After restarting the computer (laptop), check the system to see if it boots.

Screen 13. Warning - Recovery Wizard (3)

If the restore points did not help, the last thing left is to rely on the command line :).

2.2.3. Recovery via command line

See Screen 9

Command line- there is a command line, there is nothing special to comment on here. After the “black window” appears, enter the two commands below in sequence.

To restore the MBR: you need to enter the command Bootrec.exe /FixMbr and press ENTER.

To restore the bootloader: you need to enter the command Bootrec.exe /FixBoot and press ENTER.

By the way, note that on the command line, after executing your command, the response is reported. So, for both commands above the answer should be: “ Operation completed successfully". If you get a different response from this, it means the bootloader was not recovered...


If you don’t have restore points, don’t despair, sometimes you can restore the system like this: .

That's all for me, good luck to everyone and a quick recovery!Thanks in advance for any additions on the topic.

Windows 7 System Restore - standard procedure, included in the kernel of the most popular family of operating systems. Restoring the system of Windows 7 and other versions will not require from you, dear readers, any special skills, just a couple of minutes of free time, a blank or flash drive, as well as work mouse and a keyboard. Why is there a System Restore program? It's quite simple! System files, essential for normal operation computer, return to original condition, as if our PC is traveling in time. System restore does not in any way affect user files - music, personal photos, videos. Today I propose to familiarize yourself with this useful function, as well as options for launching it, even if the computer has completely stopped booting.

Running System Restore through Windows.

Restoring a Windows 7 system may be necessary if your device is running too slowly, some programs refuse to start, or simply, you want to roll back a certain action. Starting system recovery is very simple, first, make sure that the operating system has booted completely. Next, we need to open the Start menu and find the required function.

I suggest doing this exactly the same as in the next screenshot.

We launch the System Restore program and this is what should pop up on your monitor.

Here you can see how the system kindly invites us to select one of the automatically created system restore points. Here they may be: automatic points rollback, and points created manually by the user himself. We'll talk about the latter a little later. By the way, here you can select other points by selecting the corresponding function in the lower area of ​​the window. So, select the desired line and click “Next”. The working window of the System Restore program will change as follows:

On at this stage System Restore shows brief information about the selected point, as well as the hard drive partition for which recovery will be performed. Click “Finish”.

Afterwards a small warning window will pop up, feel free to click “Yes”.

After the action is completed, system recovery will be launched, and file rollback will begin during the reboot. Once the machine has completely rebooted, you will see the following message:

This is the traditional method of the System Restore program, which is performed only in cases where the main vital Windows features were not affected.

Creating a checkpoint in the System Restore program.

In cases where you want to create your own restore point, to be on the safe side, you will need to run the following actions. First of all, you need to make sure that Windows 7 system recovery is enabled on your machine. How to do it? Yes, very simple!

First, go to Computer - Properties - Advanced system settings, then go to the "System Protection" tab. Please note that protection for one hard drive partition must be enabled.

This is the same recovery of a hard drive partition. If this function is disabled, select required section and open the “Customize” mode.

Here you will need to select the amount of memory required for recovery. When finished, click “Apply”. Reboot the PC and this function is ready to work! Likewise, users can disable this option, although it is best not to do so.

Restoring Windows 7 system through the console.

Command line is another one important element any operating system. About its differences and advantages over graphical interface We can talk for a long time, but our goal is different - to start system recovery on Windows 7 with its help. So, open CMD through the Start menu - all programs - standard - command line. Then we type the command Rstrui.exe, as in the following screenshot.

Immediately after this, the “Windows 7 System Restore” function will be launched in graphic mode. Well, the principle further work described in detail at the beginning of today's article.

Starting Safe Mode and restoring the system to Safe Mode.

In case of emergency startup of the operating system, in Windows kernel any version, the developers have built in “Safe Mode”. This mode is used if you cannot fully load the operating system. Safe mode differs from the main mode in that in this case, only the basic, vital necessary services and programs. But this is quite enough to perform a system restore. So, how to launch “Safe Mode”?

Immediately after the manufacturer’s logo appears when you turn it on, start actively pressing the F8 key. As soon as the image appears, as in the screenshot above, select the first option and proceed to the “System Restore” item.

As soon as the operating system boots, you will probably notice that the graphics component looks very primitive. This is what a system with the most necessary set of programs and services looks like. Next, we launch system recovery, as in the first chapter, and wait until the PC reboots. Upon completion, the system will boot into normal mode with a message indicating that the system restore was successful (or not successful. In this case, I would advise you to select a different rollback point and try the system restore again).

Last Known Good Configuration.

For particularly lazy users, there is another interesting option in case Windows does not boot. This method used to really lift my spirits.

When you turn on the PC, press hard on F8, as in the case of safe mode, just select the “Last Known Good Configuration” option. The computer will boot in normal mode and without a lengthy Windows recovery.

How to create a rescue disk image?

A backup image of the operating system can be useful in case none of the above options worked positive results. First, it is recommended to create this image for emergencies. To do this, you need to open the “Backup computer data” option in the “Control Panel”.

Then select “Create a system image”, as shown in the screenshot. The next window will prompt you to select the partition to be archived on the hard drive and the type of media where the emergency image will be stored.

Then, we will be kindly offered to include the remaining sections in the archiving.

The last window will look like this.

By clicking “Archive”, the OS will begin burning the disc.

Rollback using a boot disk.

Restoring a Windows 7 system can be done with a 100% guarantee, provided that you have the original boot disk with the operating system or the system recovery disk, which we talked about in the last chapter.

First you need to insert installation disk or flash drive, then launch through them. This is done through the BIOS (we open it by continuously pressing ESC or F5), after which we find ourselves in the holy of holies of the computer.

Then, we need to set the boot priority to the media where the Windows 7 installer is located. Go to “BOOT” and install that same media in first place, in this case, I plan to launch via a USB flash drive.

But let's get back to our sheep! After the system boot failed HDD, as is the default, and through temporary media (flash drive), we will see the classic interface for installing Windows. However, we do not need any settings; instead, select “System Restore” in the lower area of ​​the window.

After selection necessary system, if, of course, you have several of them, the following menu will appear.

As you can see, there are many options available here. The first option (startup recovery) is necessary for quick launch operating system if it unexpectedly fails. Second - standard recovery Windows 7 systems with a reboot and selecting a rollback point, which we discussed at the very beginning of the article.

The third method is to restore the Windows system from a disk image. Well, what about “memory diagnostics” and “ command line“, then we shouldn’t have any questions here.

Let's stop working with the image. You can use it both with a working operating system and with a faulty one. Let's imagine the worst-case scenario and perform a system restore using the created image. By the way, this image can be stored not only on removable media, but also on their own hard drives. In the latter case, Windows will automatically find them and start the recovery.

So, we boot our system from the “image” or select this item in the “System Restore” menu. We select the desired image or trust Windows itself to search for it, then click “Next”.

As soon as you select the required image, system recovery will start.

For laptops.

Many laptop models running Windows 7 have a unique Recovery function Management. This is the same rollback program that can return the laptop to factory settings. It is launched in the same way as a regular recovery - through the “System Recovery Options”.

As soon as we select the function with the appropriate name, as in the screenshot, the following menu will be displayed:

Several actions are proposed that are necessary in individual cases. Usually, to return the laptop to working condition, a simple “resuscitation” with saving user files is enough.


So, here we are with the wonderful System Restore program on Windows 7, and we also looked at many ways that will help bring your computer back to life. All these methods are quite simple and do not require additional costs.

If attempts to restore the system did not lead to anything, I recommend saving all important data using, and then. Happy work!