Selecting a programming environment. The best programs for creating games

Greetings to all readers of the site! There is one wonderful free one on the Internet, and that’s what it’s about. we'll talk in today's article.
Many users sometimes think about creating a computer program on their own, and there are various reasons, For example:

Despite the diversity of these reasons, they all share one difficulty - to develop a program, you need to know programming languages. To study the syntax of any programming language, a couple of months is enough, but to understand the logic of the language and learn how to apply it in practice, it will take years. But, as you know hopeless situations doesn't happen! In our case it will help us program for creating computer programs, which you can download absolutely free!

Looking ahead, I will say that after reading this article to the end, in just a couple of hours you will be able to create your own simple programs. So let's get started.
Our program for creating computer programs called HiAsm.

HiAsm is powerful visual system application development, with which you can develop your program without using programming. With HiAsm you can create various audio and video players, browsers, online chats and much more. You can create all these applications without writing a single line. program code, the visual environment will do everything for you!

Before you start working with software for creating programs for your computer, I suggest downloading and installing it.

After downloading, you need to go through standard procedure installation of this application.
1 . Choose desired language, in my case it’s Russian.

2. Continue with the installation.

3. We accept the terms of the license agreement.

4. Select a location on your hard drive to install the program for creating programs for your computer.

5. Indicate the name and address email(since email confirmation is not required, you can specify any email)

6. We complete the program installation process.

Once you have installed HiAsm, you can proceed to launch. Having launched ours, we will see the following window:

In order to start creating your application, you need to click on the main menu item “File”, then “ New…", choose " Windows"(if we want to create an application for Windows OS) and click " OK”.
Thus, we will get a form for our future program, which for now contains a single element called MainForm.

The form is the foundation of the program on which the various elements will be based. To add elements to our program, click on the item of the same name in the upper left part.

A tab has opened with a huge collection various elements. Thanks to such a large arsenal, you can create a very serious application that will meet all your requirements.
To show how HiAsm works, I'll create a simple program, which will have one button, clicking on which will change the title of the form from “ Form" to " Hello».

How to install an element on a form?

So, we find the button in the elements panel (when you hover the cursor over an element, a tooltip with its name will pop up), click on it with the left mouse button, then move the cursor to the part of the form in which we want to place it.

How to change element settings?

In order to configure our button, go to the right top part programs and click " Properties" Now we see a tab with all the properties of our button. Now we are interested in the property " Caption", which is responsible for the label on the button. By default it has the value " Push", we will change it to " Click».

How to set an action for an element?

Now we have the most the hard part in creating an application using programs for creating computer programs- we need to make the button of our program start working. Once you understand the meaning of this operation, it will become simple and logical for you.
In order for our button to change the name of the program form, we need to establish a connection between the button and main form(MainForm element). To do this, move the mouse cursor over the green dot located on our button, then hold down left button mouse and start drawing a line to the center MainForm.

Now you need to double-click on the laid segment and set the name of the form, which will appear after clicking on the button. After double clicking on the segment, “ Data editor».

If you want to set a text name for the form, then select String, and if numeric, then select Integer or Real. Select the data type " String" and enter the word " Hello».
At this point our program is ready and now we need to test it. To do this, we save our project - “ File", then " Save as" and select a location to save. To start we need to click on the green arrow or press the key F9.

Our program has launched, now we check its functionality - click on our button.

How can we replace the form title has changed and this means that the program is working! So that you can run the program without HiAsm, you need to create exe file. To do this, click on the main menu item “ Launch" and click " Compile».
Congratulations, you have just created a program for Windows! To make the process of creating programs easier, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the following programming concepts:

  • data types;
  • the concept of events in object-oriented programming;
  • properties of Delphi programming environment components.

Knowing these concepts will greatly facilitate the process of creating programs in HiAsp. In this article we looked at an excellent free program for creating computer programs, also created their first application and tested it for functionality. To make it easier for you to understand the HiAsp program, I have selected several quite good videos lessons dedicated to this wonderful program creation environment. I wish you pleasant viewing!

Undocumented features of HiAsm

HiAsm Settings

Graphics in HiAsm

Do you know which ones are free?

All of you have used computer programs such as a word processor, spreadsheets and even Microsoft Windows 95. Computer programs, or software, are files containing instructions that tell the computer what to do. If you work in MS-DOS environment or Windows, then, for example, files with the EXE and COM extensions contain commands that the computer can execute. In other words, files contain special instructions that the computer executes, usually one after another, to perform a specific task. When you create a program, you specify instructions for the computer to execute. In this lesson, you'll learn how to specify such statements using C++ statements. Towards the end this lesson You will master the following core concepts:

When creating a program, use text editor to enter C++ operators into source file programs.

To convert the statements of a C++ program into an executable program, into ones and zeros that the computer understands, use a special program called a C++ compiler.

To change or correct the program, use a text editor.

If one (or more) C++ programming rules are violated, the compiler will display messages about syntax errors. You should edit the program to correct errors and then run the compiler again.

Programming is the process of determining the sequence of instructions that a computer must execute to solve a specific problem. To specify these instructions you use programming language, for example C++. Using a text editor you enter program statements V source file. Next, you use a special program - compiler - to convert statements from a format you can read and understand into ones and zeros that a computer can understand.

The best way to understand the process of creating and compiling a program is to build a simple C++ program. Let's get on with it!


As you might expect, your first C++ program is called FIRST.CPP. When creating C++ programs, use the CPP extension to help others understand that the file contains a C++ program. When you later run this program, it will display the message Learning to program in the language C++/The following example output shows a tooltip command line(V in this example C:\>), the command line you enter (the program name is FIRST followed by ENTER) and output the program to the screen:


Let's learn to program in C++!

As you know, when programming, you can work in a command line-based environment such as MS-DOS or UNIX, or in a Windows type. To simplify the output, this book assumes that you are working from the command line. In this case, to run the FIRST.EXE program, you must enter the program name FIRST at the system prompt and then press ENTER.

To begin, you should use a text editor such as EDIT (which comes with MS-DOS) to create a file that contains the program statements, called a source file. Do not use a word processor such as Word or WordPerfect to create the program source file. As you know, word processors allow you to create formatted documents that can contain bold text, aligned margins, as well as other features. To format documents in this way, the word processor inserts special (hidden) characters inside the document. Such characters can turn italics on or off or select a specific margin width. Despite the fact that such special characters make sense for word processor, C++ will not understand them and these symbols will lead to errors.

Using a text editor, type the following C++ program statements (exactly as they are depicted, using upper and lower case) as shown below:


void main(void)

cout<< «Учимся программировать на языке C++!»;

Don't worry if the C++ operators don't make sense to you. You'll learn the purpose of each in Lesson 2. For now, pay close attention to your input. Make sure, for example, that you enter the correct number of quotation marks, semicolons, and parentheses. Check your program statements more carefully again. If they are correct, save the statements in the FIRST file. SRR

What does the name mean?

When you create a C++ program, you write program statements in a source file. Use the CPP extension to help other programmers understand that the file contains a C++ program. Next, use a file name that indicates the purpose of the program. For example, if you are creating a financial program, you could use the name BUDGET.CPP. Similarly, you can call a program that calculates salaries in a company SALARY. SRR. To avoid confusion, never use the name of an existing MS-DOS command, such as COPY or DEL, to name a program.


A computer works with combinations of ones and zeros (called machine language), which represent the presence or absence of electrical signals. If the signal is one (present), the computer can perform one operation, and if the signal is zero (absent), the computer can perform another operation. Fortunately, however, there is no need to write programs in zeros and ones (as programmers did in the 1940s and 50s). Instead special program- C++ compiler - converts program statements (your source code) into machine language.

In other words, the compiler looks at the source file containing the statements of the C++ program. If your statements don't violate any rules of the C++ language, the compiler converts them into machine language (1s and 0s) that the computer can execute. The compiler stores machine language in an executable file, which usually has the EXE extension. If the EXE file exists, you can run the program by typing its name at the command prompt.

Depending on the compiler you use, the commands you use to call it will be different. For example, if you are using Borland C++, you should compile the FIRST.CPP program using the BCC command:


If you are using something other than Borland C++, consult the documentation that came with your compiler to determine the correct command to run it. When finished, the compiler will create an executable program and save it to a file on disk. In the MS-DOS environment, the file is executed

my program will have an EXE extension, for example FIRST.EXE. If the compiler generates error messages when compiling a program, edit your source file and compare each symbol in the source file with the symbols shown in this book. Correct any errors, save your changes, and then compile program for the second time. Once you have successfully compiled your program, run it by entering the program name at the command prompt as shown above.

Understanding the Compiler

When you create a program, you use a programming language (such as C++) to specify the instructions that the computer will execute. When you use a text editor, you write program statements into a source file. Next, a special program is used - a compiler, which converts your source file into machine language (ones and zeros understood by the computer). If compilation is successful, the result will be an executable program file. However, if you make one or more mistakes or break any C++ rule, the compiler will display error messages and you must re-edit the source file to correct them.

If you work on a mainframe or minicomputer, you must have a compiler available to you and other users of your system. If you are using a PC, you should purchase and install a compiler such as Borland C++ or Microsoft Visual C++.


Hopefully you were able to successfully compile and run the FIRST program. CPP. If so, use your text editor to create a second one program file with the name EASY. CPP, which contains the following program statements:


void main(void)

cout<< «Программировать на C++ просто!»;

As before, save your C++ program statements in a source file and call the compiler by specifying the program file name on the compiler command line. For Borland C++, use the following command to compile the program:


If the program compiles successfully, the compiler will create an executable program named EASY.EXE. When you run this program, the following message will appear on your screen:


Programming in C++ is easy!

cout<< «Программировать на C++ очень просто!»;

Save your change to the source file and compile the program. After successful compilation, run the program as shown below:


Each time you change the source file, you must compile the program again for the changes to take effect. For example, use a text editor to change the original file again. This time add new line to your program:


void main(void)

cout<< «Программировать на C++ очень просто!»;
cout<< endl << «Можно расслабиться!»;

Save your changes to the original file. Then run the program as shown below:


Programming in C++ is very easy!

As you can see, the program does not print a new line to the screen. For changes to the source file to take effect, you must compile the program. In this case, you need to compile the program as described above and then run it. So As the compiler used the changes to your source code, a new line will be printed on the screen as shown below:


Programming in C++ is very easy!

You can relax!


Every language - English, French, German and even C++ - has a set of rules called syntax, which you must follow when using this language. In English, for example, sentencesusually end with a period, exclamation point or question mark. You also use capital letters at the beginning of sentences. C++ syntax uses semicolons, parentheses, curly braces, and many other symbols. When you forget or misuse these symbols, the C++ compiler displays an error message that describes the error and its corresponding line number in the source file.

The C++ compiler cannot produce an executable program until all syntax errors have been corrected. To understand the process of detecting and correcting syntax errors, create the following program named SYNTAX. CPP:


void main(void)

cout<< Заключайте сообщение в кавычки;

If you look closely, you'll notice that the messages output by the previous two programs are in quotes in your source file. C++ syntax (rules) requires quotes. When compiling a program, the compiler will display syntax error messages. In the case of Borland C++, the compiler will output the following messages:


Borland C++ Version 4.00 Copyright (c) 1993 Borland

International syntax.cpp:

Error syntax.cpp 5: Undefined symbol ‘Conclude’ in function main()

Error syntax.cpp 5: Statement missing; in function main() *** 2 errors in Compile ***

In this case, the compiler produced two syntax errors. Both errors refer to line 5 of the source file. Edit the file and put the message in quotes as shown below:

cout<< «Заключайте сообщение в кавычки»;

Now you can successfully compile the program and get an executable file. When you first start using any programming language, you can expect to encounter a few syntax errors every time you compile a program. Once you've created a few programs yourself, you'll be able to quickly identify and correct these types of errors.

Learning about syntax errors

When creating a C++ program, you must adhere to certain rules called syntax rules. For example, you need put text messages in quotation marks and put a semicolon after most statements in your program (you'll learn later which statements require a semicolon and which don't). If a program violates syntax rules, the C++ compiler displays an error message on the screen. You must correct any syntax errors before the compiler can produce an executable program.


For simplicity, each of the previous examples assumes that you are working in a command line-based environment such as MS-DOS or UNIX. Today, however, most C++ programmers program in a Windows-type environment such as Visual C++ or Borland's integrated development environment. When programming in an environment such as Windows, the program statements are no different from those shown here. In other words, the C++ statements in the FIRST.CPP program written on Windows are identical to those you would use in a command line-based environment. What changes in Windows is the process of compiling and running a program.

Figure 1, for example, illustrates the Windows programming environment. Within such a programming environment, you can create source files using the built-in editor, and then compile the program by selecting a menu item or clicking on a toolbar button. If a program contains syntax errors, the programming environment displays error messages in a special window. Once you have successfully compiled your program, you can usemenu item (or toolbar button) to launch the program. The software environment can open a separate window that displays the program's output.

Fig.1. Windows programming environment.

A programming environment is so called because it provides all the tools needed to create, compile, and run programs.


In this lesson you learned how to create and compile C++ programs! In Lesson 2 you will get a more detailed overview of the operators that were used in the programs created in this lesson. You will learn the use of curly braces (), keywords such as void, and also how to teach programs to direct output to the screen.

Don't worry too much about which language you should choose to learn. Many novice programmers find it difficult to choose a language when they first start learning to write software codes. The actual language you choose does not matter when it comes to learning the structures and logic of constructing information. These skills are much more important and can be learned with any programming language.

  • When choosing a language, focus on the purpose for which you want to create program codes, and only then choose a starting language. For example, if you want to develop websites, then you should start by learning HTML and then supplement it with CSS, JavaScript and PHP. If you want to create programs for computers, then start learning C++ or any other basic programming language.
  • If you become a professional programmer, you will quickly realize that you will never use the language you originally learned for your work. Instead, you will continue to learn new languages ​​through documentation and experimentation all the time.

Find free online resources specific to your chosen language. The Internet is a treasure chest of free tutorials, courses, and videos dedicated to the language you choose to learn. You can learn the basics of almost any introductory language in a day.

  • Here are just a few popular sites: Bento, CodeAcademy,,, Khan Academy, Udacity, W3Schools and many others.
  • wikiHow also has a wide variety of starter tutorials for different languages.
  • You can find educational videos for almost any language on YouTube.
  • Stack Exchange is one of the most popular forums where professional programmers answer any questions from users.
  • Download a good text editor. Many programming languages ​​allow the use of external text editors to write programs. Find a text editor that will display indentation and code markup.

    • Popular programs include Notepad++ (Windows), TextWrangler (OS X), and JEdit (any system).
  • Download any necessary compilers. Some programming languages ​​require a compiler to display the source code you have written. Compilers translate source code into an equivalent low-level language program, which is then processed by the computer. Many compilers are open source and free software. Languages ​​that require the use of compilers include:

    • BASIC
    • Fortran
    • Pascal
  • Start your first project. Choose a good introductory project that will allow you to try out your new skills. There are many offers and tutorials on this topic on the Internet; for example, you can start by creating simple websites with HTML, simple databases and functions with PHP, or simple programs in any of the languages ​​that require the use of compilers.

    Who doesn't like to play on a computer or smartphone? There are probably only a few such people.

    For some gamers, their love for games goes so far that they begin to understand the entertainment itself and dream of creating games themselves. Well, today there are many opportunities to make this cherished dream come true!

    If you want to create your own toy at your leisure, check out the list of special free programs for this.


    A free package of professional programs for creating interactive games and 3D computer graphics.

    There are enough tools for work for both beginners and professionals. Blender contains tools for modeling, animation, video and sound processing.

    The program is a full-fledged editor, which already contains the main textures, event handlers and models. If you need additional features, you can download plugins: they are created by both official developers and users.

    But you will find lessons on working in this program.

    Go ahead, create new universes!

    Unity 3D

    This is a powerful environment for developing applications and games, including for mobile devices. Games created with Unity 3D run on Windows, iOS, Android, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii. You can create games of any genre; Textures and models are easily imported, and all popular image formats are supported.

    Scripts are primarily written in JavaScript, but code can also be written in C#.

    You will find training materials on working in the environment (in English) on the official website here.

    Construct Classic

    Open source 2D and 3D game builder. No programming knowledge is required to operate. All you have to do is add an object and turn on the animation.

    There is no Russian-language version, but the interface is very clear, so you can work even with basic knowledge of English.

    The designer is not only free - it is open source, and if you wish, you can customize it and edit it as you wish.

    You can watch Construct Classic lessons.

    Game Maker Lite

    A free program for developing simple games of any genre: platform, puzzle, action and 3D games. Suitable for beginners. You can use your own images and effects, or built-in programs. To access a larger selection of images and effects, you need to register.

    No programming knowledge is required to work, but some scripts can be written independently, if desired. So this program can also be used to teach programming.

    Lessons on working in the program for beginners are on this site.

    Unreal Development Kit

    Free engine for creating games. Very powerful, with tons of features and tools for advanced visualizations and detailed simulations. You can create games for many modern platforms.

    The program already includes textures, models, sounds, sprites, and scripts. All that remains is to combine and create your own game.

    Video tutorials and manuals for working with the program can be viewed.

    Game Editor

    An editor for creating simple two-dimensional games for the operating systems Windows, iOS, Android, Linux.

    There are built-in sets of animations that are responsible for the appearance of the characters. You can use your own graphic elements. The program also provides a standard set of reactions that determine the character’s behavior in the game. But you can also create your own, using the special scripting language Game Editor.

    3D Rad

    Free program for developing 3D games and interactive applications. There is no need to use code, so creating your own games is quite simple.

    The game is created by selecting various objects and setting up the interactions between them. There is a function for importing models, a large number of examples and samples. You can distribute finished games as a full-fledged web application or program. It is possible to embed games on web pages.

    Game Maker: Studio

    A free set of tools for creating mobile games. A simple, intuitive interface that makes developing games quite simple. No programming knowledge is needed, since you don't have to write code manually.

    There is nothing superfluous in the working window of the program. Games developed with Game Maker: Studio are cross-platform, and ready-made applications can be integrated with Steam.

    NeoAxis 3D Engine

    A universal environment for developing 3D projects.
    This is a ready-made engine with its own models, textures, physics, templates and graphics. There are even 24 ready-made, full-fledged cards!
    It can be used to create not only games, but also single models and complex software visualizations.

    All that remains is to turn on your imagination and create.

    Are you itching to create your own game? No problem. Choose a program and go towards your dream!

    Almost all PC users have thought about writing their own program. Even if it is incredibly simple, but useful and made by you personally. Naturally, this requires certain knowledge and skills in programming. However, if you regularly practice and study materials on how to create a program for a computer, then in the future you can learn how to create useful software, post it on the Internet and even make money from it.

    Creating a program

    1. If you are determined to make the dream of your own program a reality, then initially decide what it will be dedicated to (what problems it will solve). Much will depend on your imagination and personal preferences. It is quite possible that you have already encountered the fact that there are no suitable programs on the Internet to solve a specific problem, so you wanted to write your own. At this stage, you need to understand what audience it will be aimed at.
    2. In the future, make a choice in favor of a specific operating system. Every programmer, before creating a program, thinks about the environment in which it will function. Today, Windows OS is considered the most popular and widespread. That is why it is recommended to choose this system.
    3. Decide on programming tools. For example, to create a simple cheat program, you can use the following programming languages: Borland Delphi, MS Visual Basic, C++ Builder. They provide the opportunity to write programs using the principle of a constructor - from ready-made elements you form a single whole.
    4. In addition, you can download special programs. For example, “Algorithm” (you can download it from the website). Install the program on your personal computer and you can try to create your first simple applications. The interface of the “Algorithm” is Russian. Understanding this program will not be difficult.
    5. When writing your application, try to highlight a certain “zest” - something that will distinguish the program you wrote from its analogues. Work on the interface. If this is your first program, then it is recommended to give preference to the typical Windows interface. You can use designer shapes. With their help, you will not only understand what the application interface will be like at the construction stage, but you will also be able to set the characteristics of various objects, which will greatly facilitate the process.
    6. Try to formulate your own ideas into an algorithm. If the application is quite serious (for example, you decided to create a hacking program) and operates with its own file type, then it must be registered with the program. A specialized installer is used for this.
    7. Create a help file. For this it is advisable to use special compilers. They come with various visual programming environments (Visual Basic, Delphi, etc.).

    Of course, doing all this without proper preparation is extremely difficult. That is why it is worthwhile to first undergo a little training and understand the basics of programming before you start creating your own applications.