Withdrawal of WebMoney by Russian Post. Mailbox (email email) from WebMoney

WebMoney mail service. You know, but don't use it. Frankly, I never paid enough attention to him on the pages of WebMoney.Ru. I was sure that the reader would not use a service where, in order to access his mailbox, he needed to open a browser, launch and log into Keeper using the required WMID, load the site, and log in. Very much in the spirit of WebMoney - security comes first. But, alas, the game was not worth the candle.

But everything changed when, before the New Year, the developers made it possible to receive mail via POP3 and send it via SMTP, which means that we can customize our mailbox [email protected] in your favorite mail program- Outlook, The Bat! etc. Let's take advantage of the free minute before the holidays are over and figure out what's what.

First, let's activate your mailbox [email protected](here instead of wmid - your WMID, for example, mine [email protected]). To do this, you need to go to the website https://wmkeeper.com and log in with Keeper (cookies and javascript must be enabled in the browser). From this moment on, the box is active and can be used. Naturally, no one but you can occupy your “personalized” (or rather, “wmid-shny”) box and use it. Hence the conclusion: mail like [email protected] perfect for business correspondence with other WebMoney users, counterparties, business partners. I think the developers were guided by this goal when they created the service. Your interlocutor will know for sure that you are exactly you, and the WMID specified in the mailbox name is exactly your WMID.

Keeper receives a message with your account and password:

Now we set up a mailbox in our mail program. I think you know how to do this. We specify mail.wmkeeper.com as POP3 and SMTP servers, Account - your-wmid@wmkeeper.com, the password is the one that just came to Keeper. You also need to enable authorization for SMTP. What is very important, WebMoney Mail uses secure sending and receiving of mail using a secure connection (encryption). WebMoney is again in its spirit: security comes first :-) Therefore, both POP3 and SMTP need to enable SSL. How all this is done in Outlook is shown in the pictures. Please note that for POP3 you need to set port 995, and for SMTP - 465.

That's all, the box can be used. There are a few more manipulations left. The WebMoney Mail server is designed in such a way that all incoming letters end up in the “Doubtful” folder if the sender is not found in the address book on the site. Messages from "Doubtful" messages are not transferred to the mail program via POP3. Adding a new person to your address book every time is inconvenient, so we bypass “Doubtful” as follows. On the website, go to "Settings - Filters on the server" and create the following filter: if "To" contains " your_wmid"then move it to your inbox.

This filter will always work when any letter arrives. And since the “Doubtful” rule is executed only when no user filter has worked, all letters will go directly to the “Inbox” and be delivered via POP3.

If you want to receive mail not via POP3, but via IMAP, then this is also possible. IMAP server you need to install this: mail.wmkeeper.com, and also enable SSL (port 993) and set the INBOX folder as the root folder. Naturally, for IMAP the filter to bypass “Doubtful” does not need to be configured, because you will already see this folder with all the letters in your mail program.

Update from 02/06/2006
Due to popular demand, I also provide settings for The Bat!

Sending mail
SMTP server: mail.wmkeeper.com
SMTP authentication enabled (RFC-2554)

Port: 465

Receiving mail
Post. server: mail.wmkeeper.com
Authentication: normal
User: [email protected]
Password: *************
Protocol: POP3
Connection: Secure on spec. port (TLS)
Port: 995

When the program asks you to install a certificate upon receiving mail, click “Add”.

Often you can encounter an extremely funny situation: even if you take a very experienced users who have been working with WebMoney for many years, and tell them about some of the interesting opportunities system, in response you can quite easily hear a sincerely surprised “oh well!” Among these features, which are actually basic and somewhat self-evident, but about which the vast majority of users have no idea, is the ability to receive a mailbox from a VM. Absolutely free, by the way. Let's say more: every WMID owner already has this box by default, it’s just that few people not only use it, but even just know about its existence.

Don't believe me? Try going to wmid.com right now (this is the official website of the System postal service) and log in there with your WMID. And you will be taken to... the inbox of your mailbox. The email address that can be used to exchange correspondence will look like [email protected], where instead of “YOUR_VMID” there are 12 digits, for example, [email protected]. Of course, you can choose another, more convenient name for the box, but we will mention this below. Below we list the main features this service provides you with:

  • The ability to send and receive email is the most basic and basic feature any postal service. The received message, of course, can be read, replied to, created a new one, saved, or edited and sent.

  • Organization comfortable work: address book with saved correspondents, labels, templates, signatures, “drafts”, “spam”, “inbox”, “sent” folders and others. All this allows you to provide access to any functionality, message or template in literally one or two mouse clicks.

  • Ability to encrypt messages using a password; Please note this is absolutely unique opportunity ensuring the confidentiality of correspondence! An encrypted message cannot be read by an attacker even if he gains access to it - a great way to protect and transmit truly important information.

  • Messages as in text format, and in the format HTML markup- for experienced users. It allows you to use all the advanced markup features: different colors, fonts, formats, insertion of images, hyperlinks and other elements, and so on.

  • Full compatibility with any email clients: POP3, SMTP, IMAP protocols, including secure encrypted channels. You will be able to use mail via this client program, to which we have long been accustomed: Outlook, Thunderbird, The Bat or any other.

  • The presence of a convenient and deep configurable web interface that allows you to use all the capabilities of email directly on the service website. If you don't have an email client, this is perfect solution, allowing you to avoid unnecessary complications, settings and other waste of time.

  • Access control that allows you to track all previous authorizations (including authorizations through postal protocols). As is known, the information in financial sector needs to additional protection, and here considerable attention is paid to this issue.

  • The ability to automatically collect mail from other mailboxes, including those located on other services. This is very convenient when new letters from a dozen different other mailboxes are automatically collected into one!

  • Possibility of receiving automatic notifications about new letters directly to the keeper. If you receive something new, you will never miss it and will receive a direct notification directly in the form of a message on WMKeeper of any type.

In addition, the system allows you to obtain and configure so-called “aliases” for a mailbox, that is alternative addresses, which will be a complete analogy of the main one - there can be exactly two such additional “aliases” for each WMID. Accepted formats:

...Where instead of "ANY_WORD", as you already understood, there can be any word that this moment is free, that is, not occupied by someone else.

Agree, for absolutely any user of the system, especially those who have any kind of business or actively use VM wallets, the opportunity to receive such a unique “soap” is an excellent and attractive opportunity. But, as we have already indicated, for some reason not everyone knows about this possibility. You, dear reader, are not one of those people now and, it is possible, you will have time to register a mailbox for yourself with some beautiful address before someone else takes it! By at least, such a service is absolutely in no way inferior to any other, including the one you are using right now, and in some ways even surpasses them - for example, in terms of notifications about new messages on Keeper or the ability to encrypt messages. And all this splendor, we emphasize once again, is absolutely free and without any additional conditions has already been provided to absolutely everyone!

Please note one more note.

It was put into effect in February 2004. Mail could be sent either using WM Keeper or through the web interface (in this case, you still had to log in to the WebMoney website using the same Keeper). Using the service, it was possible to create a mailbox in the WMKeeper.com domain. Users of the service were provided with an address like [email protected].

However, despite quite fast work mail, the presence of mandatory attributes such as the ability to send letters in the form of HTML or an address book, at that time the WebMoney mail service did not enjoy any significant popularity.

The fact is that there was no support for the POP3 and SMTP protocols, not to mention IMAP. That is, there was no opportunity to work with the mailbox using your favorite email client. In addition, to access the mailbox, it was necessary not only to launch the browser, but also to launch WM Keeper and log in, which made access to mail even more inconvenient, although more reliable (as we see, the developers here also ensured traditionally high security for working with their services) .

With the introduction of support for the POP3, SMTP and IMAP protocols, WebMoney Mail became a full-fledged mail service

The situation changed at the end of 2005, when postal service WebMoney finally has the ability to receive mail via POP3 and send it via SMTP. In addition, there is support IMAP protocol. Thus, a WebMoney mailbox is essentially no different from corporate mailboxes or mailboxes provided by Internet providers. Furthermore– the WebMoney email service also has advantages over them, but more on that below.

To start working with the mailbox (let me remind you, its address [email protected]) you need to activate it. Activation is carried out on the service website. Before entering the site, you need to launch WM Keeper and join the WebMoney server (log in); Cookies and execution of java scripts must be enabled in the browser - all these actions are necessary for successful authorization on the service website. It is also possible to log in using WM Keeper Light and .

After authorization, a page for managing the mailbox, which is already activated, will appear in the browser window. The stage of selecting the name of the box in in this case, naturally, is absent, because it is already known in advance.

Now you can configure access to your mailbox through your email program. The settings are as follows:

WebMoney Mail developers tried to ensure traditionally high security of the service

SMTP(TLS) server: mail.wmkeeper.com, port 465; enable the options: "Require SSL", "SMTP requires authorization".

POP3(TLS) server: mail.wmkeeper.com:995; enable the option: "Require SSL".

IMAP4(TLS) server: mail.wmkeeper.com, port 993; enable compatibility mode with the Courier-IMAP server (optional); enable the option: "Require SSL"; The root folder: INBOX.

As you can see, the WebMoney email service uses secure sending and receiving of mail with secure connection, which is quite in the spirit of WebMoney.

After setting up the mailbox in the user's mail program, the an unpleasant surprise– test letters stubbornly do not arrive. As it turns out, the fact is that the following rule is enabled by default: if the sender of the letter is not found in the address book, then the letter is moved to the “Doubtful” folder, which is quite inconvenient. After all, letters from this folder are not delivered via the POP3 protocol.

When accessing a mailbox from an email client address book, as a rule, are not used. Adding each correspondent to it is also inconvenient... The solution is to create a new rule, with the help of which all letters containing the string "wmkeeper.com" in the "To" field would be moved to the "Inbox" folder. You don’t have to do this when using the IMAP protocol, because the “Doubtful” folder with all the letters will already be visible in the mail client.

By choosing a nickname, you can make the name of the mailbox more “human”

It is also worth mentioning the ability to create aliases, which will be much easier to remember than WMID. For example, [email protected]. You can also use an alias when sending letters from an email client by entering it in the "To" field.

System participants with entry level and above, you are allowed to set an alias at any time. Users with a formal certificate or nickname certificate will be able to set an alias only 30 days after registering with WebMoney.

WebMoney Mail also supports message encryption with a password. For decryption, the password is transmitted to the recipient by any alternative way: icq, sms, by phone, etc. In order to encrypt a letter, you need to log into the mailbox via the web interface, select the “Write” item in the main menu and fill in the fields in the “Encryption” block on the form that opens, and then click "Encrypt" button. Messages with attachments can also be encrypted.

The recipient of the letter will only be able to read it by entering the password. If the letter was sent to an address not from the wmkeeper.com domain, then you can decrypt it by going to the page https://mail.wmkeeper.com/decrypt, where you need to enter the text of the letter and password in a special form.

Encryption is available only to those users who work with the mailbox via the web interface. The same users who use a WebMoney mailbox using mail clients, most likely, will prefer to encrypt letters using email programs.

Finally, I note that quite often users confuse the WebMoney Mail service with the WebMoney Messenger service, that is, with the internal WebMoney chat, also known as internal mail.

In addition, many system participants have no idea that they have a full-fledged mailbox at their disposal, even though support for the POP3 and SMTP protocols has been available for about a year.

Mailbox from WebMoney will be useful active users systems

A mailbox with a name in the form of the user's WMID will be useful to those WebMoney participants who regularly use this payment system, deal with many customers, clients, partners. For example, owners of online stores, exchange offices electronic currencies etc.

I would like to cover such a pleasant and necessary topic, how to withdraw money from a Webmoney wallet.

Every day, people make thousands of transactions with money on the Internet: they buy goods in virtual stores, pay for various services, games, accounts, and buy goodies on social networks.

And many of them are used for these operations electronic wallets, the most popular of which are Webmoney.

There are dozens in various ways replenishment of these wallets, and with completely different currencies: dollars, euros, rubles.

The most common method so far is to deposit cash through quick payment terminals into your virtual account.

In addition, bank accounts are used for this purpose. plastic cards, as well as recharge cards electronic wallets for a certain amount (purchased at kiosks, banks, post offices). Another option is transfers from other users, for example, for work.

How to withdraw money from Webmoney - postal transfer.

But against the backdrop of all these operations, a very painful and pressing question arises for thousands of users - how to withdraw money from Webmoney?

In fact, there are a huge variety of ways to withdraw funds, as well as deposit them. But, unfortunately, not all of them are available to residents of small towns and those who do not yet have bank cards and accounts.

But alone universal method, which is suitable for everyone, still exists - this is the withdrawal of funds using Russian Post.

There are a number of conditions after which withdrawal of funds by mail will become possible:

  1. Availability formal certificate(minimum, if higher – even better).
  2. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles.

And then the first condition may seem very difficult and impossible to fulfill. In fact, everything is simple: you just need to confirm your passport data and TIN by sending scanned copies of them in the appropriate section on the Webmoney website - passport.webmoney.ru.

I will explain the uploading and confirmation of documents step by step:

Step 1. Go to the page passport.webmoney.ru, when you go to it, the webmoney keeper must be enabled, click on the “login” link and go through the “authorization” procedure.

Step 2. On this page at the bottom we find the section “uploading documents to the server” and click the link “upload new document»:

Step 3. We get to the page where you need to upload pre-scanned documents (TIN and two pages of the passport - with registration and home page with photo).

Everything is very simple, click on the “select file” button, select it on your computer and click on the “upload file” button:

Step 4. Now all you have to do is wait for the documents to be confirmed; if everything goes smoothly, then each one should have a green check mark:

After confirming the documents, you should receive the following message on your keeper:

What about the security of your data? Webmoney is a serious server. It is unlikely that employees have any dark intentions to use your data in for selfish purposes. By the way, your data will only be available to the administrator, who will verify its authenticity.

At this stage, it is very important to understand that deceiving service administrators, hiding your data and being cunning in every possible way is not a very good option.

All your data must be reliable. Keep in mind that when you provide the details of your friends/spouses/parents, you will then have to take them with you to the post office to get cash.

Next, we move on to the algorithm for withdrawing funds from a ruble wallet (wmr). There is nothing complicated or incomprehensible here either. But remember that withdrawals will only be possible after your details have been confirmed!

  1. Go to https://www.guarantee.ru/services/users/postperevod
  2. Select the item “postal transfers”.
  3. We fill out the forms in the protected WM zone, enter the amount we want to receive (commission 2%, withdrawal within 2-5 business days).
  4. We pay the invoice that will be issued by Agency of Guarantees LLC in our Keeper (WM Keeper). This must be done within 3 days, otherwise the transfer will not be made.

That's all! Now, to track your money withdrawal, you can visit transfer.guarantee.ru. There, in the list of withdrawals, all requests for withdrawal of funds are displayed.

So I ordered a withdrawal of a small amount:

After this, will you receive a message on your keeper that you must confirm? that is, click on the “pay” button:

If next to the application there is “paid”, it means that your money is already processed at the post office, and in a couple of days you will receive the coveted receipt of the transfer.

To get money in post office, you must have your passport with you.

When withdrawing funds by mail, the question of taxes arises: do you need to pay and how to pay. In general, when transferring small amounts, you have to rely only on the conscience of the individual.

After all, every conscientious citizen must independently make contributions to the tax office in the amount of 13%. But, as a rule, tax officials have no time to deal with petty violators, whose amounts do not amount to hundreds of thousands.

However, when we are talking about transfers in amounts of more than 600,000, and it does not matter - in a bank or at the post office, then they are obliged to warn the tax office about such receipts to the accounts of individuals.

Then it will be hard if the tax authorities come after your soul. Still, it’s better to live according to the law and sleep peacefully. And for this you need to register an individual entrepreneurship, regularly and regularly pay taxes. And there will be no problems, but your nerves will remain intact.

Here's a video of how else you can withdraw money from Webmoney:

But here I would like to add that it is not always appropriate to carry out transactions with such amounts of money at the post office. It's at least a little dangerous for your life.

In general, the topic of taxes is very exciting and controversial. But it’s clear that life is easier when they know about your income! There is no need to wait for scary letters from the tax office or, even worse, a visit from inspectors.

Yes, and registered entrepreneurship in itself provides more opportunities and, most importantly, ensuring work experience.

That's all I wanted to tell you about today. It seems that everything is clearly and clearly described, I look forward to your feedback and comments.

Live by the law, work conscientiously, take care of your own electronic resource and, of course, pay taxes. And everything will be fine with you, good luck!