Windows 7 hall dll won't load. Quick solution to “Windows can’t start because the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\config\system file is corrupted or missing” error in Windows XP

Sometimes when starting the system even before the appearance loading screen In various versions of the Windows operating system, messages may appear indicating problems with the system component hal.dll, but they do not say anything about how to fix the hal.dll error.

This is the wrong approach, because even if the work is disrupted system files The OS can be successfully restored without any consequences.

How does the hall.dll file work?

Before giving specific step by step guide To solve this problem, you need to understand a little about the specifics of how this Windows component works.

The name hal is an abbreviation and stands for hardware abstraction layer.

Under this obscure name lies a part of the operating system code that ensures the interaction of high-level components (software) and low-level components (hardware).

In essence, this component is an intermediate element that facilitates the work of any programs with physical devices such as hard drive, video card, motherboard etc.

It was created specifically to provide maximum versatility of the operating system, which can effectively work with any of thousands of existing models computer components.

The interaction of high-level and low-level components is depicted in a simplified manner in the following diagram.

The dll extension indicates another feature of this file - its relationship to the class of dynamic link libraries (dll is also an abbreviation of the English expression dynamic link library).

There are hundreds of components with the same extension in the Windows operating system. This prevalence is explained main feature of these components – connectivity on demand.

All dll files are code fragments that perform common universal tasks.

To avoid unnecessary repetition in each component that requires similar code, the Windows operating system created a plug-in system that has a positive effect on overall speed work.

Fixing hal.dll component errors for Windows 7, 8, 10

System messages provide clear indications that the file is missing or damaged, but this is not always the case. The problem may be related to a malfunction of the sector of the hard drive on which this component is recorded.

Therefore, before trying to restore hal.dll, you must try to solve the problem using the following methods:

  • Reboot. In case of one-time failures and errors in the system, the problem may be caused by a random failure, which can be resolved by a normal system restart.
  • Checking the order of storage media. BIOS allows you to set connection priority hard drives, USB flash drives and optical disks.
    If the first place is something other than the hard drive with the system, then the bootloader will look for hall.dll not in the Windows folder. Therefore, if such a problem occurs, the hard drive should be given maximum priority when starting the system.
  • Boot area fix. Despite the error text, the problem may not be with the hal.dll file, but with the boot area. You can restore this component using installation disk with OS.

If none of the above gives positive result and the system still fails to boot up, then the most obvious solution is to replace the damaged file.

Restoring hal.dll from the installation disk for Windows Xp

An installation disk or flash drive, with which most users solve various errors with Windows, is an archive of a full-fledged OS containing everything necessary files.

Obviously, hal.dll will also be present on such media. The algorithm of actions will be discussed at Windows example XP, but for later versions it is not much different.

  • Set the BIOS to the highest priority for bootable media. To do this, immediately when the system starts, after the system speaker beeps, you need to press, or better yet, hold down the key responsible for calling the BIOS.
    On various models on computers and laptops these can be keys from F1 to F12, as well as Delet. After this, a menu will appear on the screen basic system input/output (translation into Russian abbreviation BIOS), in which you need to find the BOOT (download) tab.
    It is here that the priority of launching storage media changes.
  • After the reboot, the computer will begin to load Windows components, as indicated by changing messages at the bottom of the screen.
    Then the installer menu will appear, in which you need to select the system recovery function using the console.

  • After loading the console, you need to use the dir command, which allows you to view all the files in a particular directory (folder).
    Search required component it is necessary on the installation disk or flash drive, and not on the hard drive with the operating system installed. To do this, type the following command: Drive letter:\i386>dir.

  • Now this component must be extracted from the archive. The expand command can help with this. Full instructions will look like this: expand Installation media letter:\i386\hall.dl_ Drive letter on which the OS is installed:\windows\system

Advice! To find out for everyone the capabilities and syntax of any command(dir, expand, rootetc.) you can call a system prompt using an instruction of the form: command name /? (the slash must be preceded by a space).

This instruction does the following: the required hal.dll file is extracted from the installation archive and placed in the system32 folder located in Windows directory. This is where the damaged component will be located and will be replaced.

This concludes the procedure. After a reboot, if the problem was damage to the component in question, the system will be fully operational.

Working at the computer long time, sometimes you may encounter various problems that may arise for one reason or another. Today we will talk about one of these malfunctions.

Imagine, you turned on your computer, but instead of the usual boot, you see a black screen with a creepy-looking message in white letters. This message says that Windows will not start because hal.dll file is missing. What do most people do in a situation like this? That's right, reboot the computer. But for some reason this does not help, the message still appears and there is no way to load the operating system. It is this problem that we will examine further.

For clarity, the hal.dll file will be deleted manually. And then, step by step, we will restore normal work systems. After such light vandalism of the OS, when the computer is rebooted, we will see such a message on the screen. Due to damage or lack of key files boot, the system will not be able to start. You can correct this situation by replacing the damaged file, or returning it to Right place. Next, we will take a detailed look at the entire process of bringing the Windows operating system back to life. But first, let's figure out what hall.dll is for?

Why is hall.dll needed?

The abbreviation HAL itself can be deciphered as Hardware Abstraction Layer. If translated into Russian, it will sound like “Layer of hardware abstractions.” A similar layer of abstraction is located between the physical hardware of the computer and its software. It sounds scary, but everything is not as difficult as it seems. Such a layer, an intermediate link, greatly simplifies the “communication” between programs and hardware. For example, when developing programs, you can not take into account many of the features and functions of the physical part of the PC, because an intermediary like HAL converts all this into the required format.

An operating system that has well-implemented support for hardware abstraction can run very stably on a variety of hardware, with different characteristics(from tablets to ATMs). At the same time, there is no need to separately make major changes to the system for each case. For clarity, we can build the following hierarchy of program interactions in which HAL participates.

IN in this example shows a case where some application (let it be a game) interacts with a video card. After all, the game cannot take into account all the features of absolutely all video adapters. But any such program must work adequately for different computers, With different cards. This is where HAL comes to the rescue, acting as an intermediary and interacting with the device through the driver. It should be noted that Direct3D, which also takes part here, is a component that helps applications work with graphics. I think we’ve already figured out a little what HAL is. Now you need to figure out what the DLL extension means?

What is the purpose of the DLL?

You can decipher the DLL as Dynamic Link Library, in Russian it will sound like “dynamic link library” or “dynamic link library”. Such libraries use any programs from time to time if such a need arises. But this element is not assigned to one specific application. Any program can use it, even when it is already loaded into RAM by another program. Which also allows you to save RAM and other important resources. Libraries of this kind are very helpful when creating new applications. After all, part of the previously written code does not need to be rewritten. It is simply placed in the library and subsequently used as needed.

Let's do a little experiment. Launch any application, such as a browser or text editor. After that, close it and launch it again. Do you feel the difference? The second time the program started faster. And all thanks to the libraries it uses. After closing the program, dynamic libraries continue to remain in RAM, in the form of a cache. The second time you don’t need to download them, so the application launches faster.

If you compare the two types of files.exe and .dll, you will notice their similarity in many respects. The main difference between libraries is that they cannot be run independently. They are like a puzzle, or a building block, which is put into place into a complete program when such a need arises. Any program can be created without using dynamic link libraries. But many applications consist of separate modules, and if each of them is constantly launched, then the program itself will take a long time to load, or even the computer will completely freeze from overload.

But not all program modules may be necessary for the user. That's why dlls help us out in such situations. Only what is needed is launched, thereby streamlining and saving the time and energy spent on running the program. Dynamic link libraries can have a completely different extension. For example, this type includes elements that are located in the control panel (cpl extension). On this short review The theory should be completed and go directly to solving the problem with the HAL.dll file

What to do when the hal dll file is missing or damaged?

Let's take a closer look at the case of the missing or damaged HAL.dll file error, which was already mentioned above. If there are any problems with this file, it will be impossible to start the operating system. But restore this element It's still possible, no matter how scary the black screen with an error message may seem. To do this we need the recovery console.

To use the console, take the installation disk with Windows XP. We boot from it, setting the necessary settings in the BIOS (as when installing the OS).

Now pay attention to the bar where initialization takes place at boot time.

We also noticed that the HAL component is loaded even before Windows installation begins. However, this is just an interesting observation, which once again proves the importance of this element. Next, you need to open the recovery console by pressing the letter “R” on your keyboard. When the next window appears.

Now you need to replace the damaged or missing hal.dll with a fully functional copy.

In general, such libraries can be downloaded from the Internet (for example, from the site If necessary, install required file, just download it and copy it to the system folder as a replacement for the damaged old one. But in our case, the damage concerns a very important dynamic library and loading the operating system is impossible. Consequently, downloading a file from the Internet also presents difficulties.

What do we do in such a situation? That's right, find hal.dll on the installation disk of the operating system and copy it to the desired folder already on the computer. After logging into the recovery console, you need to go to the installation disk directory. To do this, enter the following command into the console (in in this case Windows installation directory (I386).

It is worth noting that the drive may have a completely different letter, unlike the “D” shown here. You can use the command “dir /p” (no need to enter quotes) and thereby display the contents of the directory by pressing any key.

We are looking for our lost file.

Well, it seems we have found it. But pay attention to the strange extension DL_ (instead of DLL). Don’t be scared, this is the file we need, it’s just in the cab archive. Such archives often store various components Windows before installing on your computer. But we still need to unpack it. For these purposes we use the command "expand".

A useful point: if you want to learn more about the capabilities of any command, simply enter it into the console, then a space and a slash with a question mark.

The system will show a short help for this command, with various parameters for it. In the meantime, let's continue to put Windows in order. File hal.dll we have already found it and it is in the archives. Now all that remains is to unpack it and copy it to the desired folder. You can do this literally at the same time by writing the following command:

expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32

Do not forget that the drive letter in your case may be different.

Let's decipher this command:

  • expand- unpacking command;
  • d- disk, drive name;
  • i386- folder;
  • hal.dl_- archive with library file

the second part of the command shows where the unpacking is done:

  • c:\ - logical drive on a hard drive;
  • windows and system32 - system folders, the second is the final destination where our file will be stored.

After the command has been executed, you can check that hall.dll is in its place. Go to C:\Windows\system32, then execute the command “dir /p”. The contents of the directory will be shown on the screen, we are looking for our file.

In this article I will tell you what ways you can eliminate the error associated with the hal.dll file that may frighten you.

Windows XP Troubleshooting Guide

Blue screen Hal.dll is missing

The error “hal.dll is missing or damaged” can appear in several variations, here are the most common ones:

  • \system32\hal.dll.
  • "\System32\Hal.dll is missing or damaged:
  • "Cannot find hal.dll"

The hal.dll error appears shortly after turning on the computer. Windows XP has not yet had time to boot completely when this message appears.

Causes of Hal.dll

Additional reasons:

Damage to the boot.ini file or possibly physical damage to the hard drive.

Also, if you see the inscription hall dll (with two lls), then the cause may be a virus. In this case, just scan the system antivirus program, and the problem can be solved.

This problem sometimes occurs with the Msvcr110.dll missing error.

How to fix the “Hal.dll is missing” error yourself?

  1. Restart your computer. It is possible that the hal.dll error occurred accidentally. Note: Because hal.dll errors appear before Windows XP has fully loaded, you may not be able to restart your computer properly. Instead, you will need to force it. On the system unit, you will see a forced reboot button.
  1. Check that the boot order in the BIOS is correct. The hal.dll error may appear if the boot order in the BIOS is broken: first looking at a hard drive other than the main one hard drive Note: If you recently changed your boot order or saw the BIOS flash, this may be the cause of your problem.
  2. Launch recovery Windows systems XP from the command line. If this solution did not help and you continue to see a blue screen and hal.dll error on it, move on to the next step.
  3. Correct or replace the boot.ini file. This will help you if the problem was actually the boot.ini file, and not the hal.dll file, which is more often the culprit of the error. Note: if restoring the boot.ini did not fix the hal.dll error, and it appears again after a reboot , And you recently installed Internet Explorer 8(IE8) in Windows XP, uninstall it. In that specific case, IE8 may be the root cause of the hal.dll error.
  4. Create new boot sector in Windows XP. If the boot sector is damaged or not configured correctly, a dll error appears.
  5. Data recovery from bad sectors on your hard drive. If physical part If your hard drive storing any part of the hal.dll file has been damaged, then you will most likely see a system32 hal.dll error.
  6. Recover hal.dll file from CD Windows disk XP. If the hal.dll file is causing the problem, restoring it from the original Windows XP CD will resolve the issue.
  7. Install Windows XP by recovery. This type of installation will replace missing or damaged files. Continue troubleshooting if this does not resolve the problem.
  8. Perform a clean installation of Windows XP. This type of installation will completely erase your Windows XP from your computer and reinstall it. Note: Although this is an almost 100% way to resolve any hal.dll errors, the process is very time consuming due to the fact that all your data must be secured and then restored. Important: If you cannot access your files to back them up, you must understand that you will lose them completely if you install clean Windows XP.
  9. Check HDD. If ALL of the previous options for fixing the hal.dll error did not help, including installing a clean Windows XP, then the problem most likely lies with the hard drive. Test it for errors to make sure.
    If the hard drive fails any of the tests, replace it and then install a new Windows XP on your computer.

This issue applies to Windows XP, including Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Home Edition.

In other operating systems, such as Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, the hal.dll error can also occur, but the reasons for it are so different that it is a completely different troubleshooting guide (see below).

How to fix Hal.dll errors in Windows 7, 8 and Vista

Guide to Resolving "Missing Hal.dll" Error in Windows 8, 7 and Vista

Hal.dll error message

Since we have already discussed the hal.dll error in Windows XP above, I will briefly remind you in what form these errors can appear in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Vista, which occur in the middle of the system boot:

  • "Windows cannot start because next file missing or damaged:
    Reinstall a copy of the above file."
  • "Cannot find \Windows\System32\hal.dll"
  • "C:\Windows\System32\Hal.dll is missing or damaged:
    Reinstall a copy of the above file."

Causes of Hal.dll

Cause of error" windows root system32 hal dll" is - corruption, removal or movement of the hal.dll file from its intended location.

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Let's talk a little about this interesting file - HAL.DLL. When decrypted, it is listed as Hardware Abstraction Layer and without it the OS cannot boot, in particular WIndows XP. This is a kind of intermediary between hardware and software. Needed by program developers for compatibility of device functions.

Well, that's it restore hal.dll file We will need the installation disk from the OS. From it we launch the recovery console (see the link for how to do this). Next we write in the console:

expand X:\i386\hal.dl_ C:\windows\system32

If this trick fails, you may still need to replace the file ntoskrnl.exe. We also restore it in the console using the command:

expand X:\i386\ntoskrnl.ex_ С:\windows\system32

Where X: is the letter of your CD ROM, C: is letter hard disk on which it is located operating system. And we reboot.

If this did not work, probably you yourself or some applications without your knowledge (this happens when the bootloader is overwritten when reinstalling from Win 7 or Vista to XP or when two systems are installed) replaced or corrected a file such as boot.ini. To correct these changes, also through the recovery console, enter:

bootcfg /rebuild

Then answer “Y” to the system request “Add system to the download list?”, to the request “Enter the download ID”, answer something so that you can then recognize this restored system in the list of suggested ones. At the next prompt, “Enter operating system boot parameters,” you don’t need to enter anything, just press the enter button and restart the computer. Voila, after the reboot, the system started asking for something.
Select the item that we called when entering the download ID. We are happy that Windows is loading normally.

Well, if after all the operations performed, the computer still continues to show that there is another solution to the issue, but it is related to damage to your hard drive. It happens that a hard drive fails, but in some places, that is, bad sectors appear. Apparently the hal.dll file was located in this bad sector. You can also solve this issue using the console by running the command:

This command will check your hard drive for errors and fix them. If none of the above options helped you, all that remains is to do with the computer as shown in the picture on the right or still call

HAL.dll is missing or corrupted on Windows XP. What to do?

Surely, when you booted up your computer, you saw an inscription that would indicate that the file hal.dll is missing or damaged? If - “yes” and you want to learn how to eliminate this problem, then this article will help you with this!

A similar error occurs for many users. But when they encounter it, they immediately begin to reinstall Windows without understanding the problem as such.

In this article I will tell you the reasons for this error and also propose a solution to eliminate it. Thus, you will understand why these errors occur, learn how to diagnose and fix them, and also avoid reinstallation Windows. I would also like to note that similar errors occur with other files. After studying this article and understanding the recovery scheme, you will successfully cope with the recovery of other damaged files.

So, why does it happen? this error? The answer can only be given after diagnosing the system, but the reasons are obvious:

  • As a result of the action of viruses;
  • hal.dll
  • As a result of file corruption boot.ini caused by user actions or hard drive malfunction disk;

For clarity, the missing file hal.dll I'll give you a screenshot:

Naturally, after this, the system does not start, since its boot is damaged, and restarting again does not give anything. The “cure” procedure is that the damaged or missing file hal.dll returns to its place quite easily using the recovery console Windows. And below we will analyze this point in detail.

Attention: A similar error can be caused by a malfunction of the hard drive, namely: damage file system, the presence of bad blocks or bad sectors On him. To prevent your system from starting again after file recovery, carry out the procedure for diagnosing and recovering errors on your hard drive in accordance with the file recovery measures.

If, after checking and correcting errors on the hard drive, the problem remains, then these files are probably damaged or missing altogether. Arm yourself with a glass of beer and patience, as we will be dealing with the Windows console :)

But for now, let's remind ourselves what kind of file this is " hal.dll»?

What is HAL.DLL?

HAL- Hardware Abstraction Layer - level (layer) of hardware abstractions. This is a layer of program code that hides (abstracts) the nuances of the hardware implementation of computer components (its hardware) from upper levels operating system and application programs, launched by its user.

This is a kind of intermediate link between software and hardware. It, for example, allows the program developer to access various functions devices without knowing its brand, model and operating nuances.

Operating systems in which the level of hardware abstractions is well implemented can be easily transferred (ported) to various equipment (ATMs, tablets, phones, etc.) The HAL layer virtualizes all hardware of the platform, so device drivers can also be transferred with minimal changes.

HAL.dll is missing or damaged

We're done with the necessary theory, let's get back to practice! We need to use the recovery console to fix this situation. I will not describe working with the console itself, but I will show the whole process from the very beginning.

Note: further actions I will perform file recovery using hal.dll as an example. But the solution described below also applies to other files (ntoskrnl.exe), the difference comes down only to the file names and extensions.

Take the installation disk with Windows XP (or 2000), set the BIOS to boot from it and reboot. Having carefully observed the initial initialization process, we can see this interesting inscription at the bottom of the window:

As you can see, the operating system loads the HAL before it even begins installation.

But let’s not get distracted, let’s move forward! We enter the recovery console by pressing the " R" in the corresponding installer window.

Because the file hal.dll is missing or damaged, then we need to replace it with an identical but working copy.

Where can I get it? One way is to go to a very useful site: There are literally sorted alphabetically various dynamic libraries that we may need to restore the system. You can download any one directly from there and substitute it for the missing or damaged one.

But we are not looking for easy ways! At the beginning of the article, I said that you need to learn to understand how to recover files, and then choose the most suitable way. That's how we are the easy way We won’t use it, but we will “honestly” restore Windows, gaining additional experience.

We need to think something like this: since all components of the operating system were installed from the installation disk, then most likely missing hal.dll file that's where it is located. And you can copy it directly from there.

Let's check this assumption. Let's go to the recovery console to our DVD/CD disk in the installation directory Windows (I386) and execute the command to review its contents - "dir"(without quotes).

Note: my drive has the letter “D”, yours may be different. You can also enter a command in the format “ dir/p"(without quotes). This will allow you to “scroll through” the contents of the directory one screen at a time with one press of any key.

At its root we find what we need:

As you can see, the file name looks like: HAL.DL_ (not DLL). Why? This is a packed cab archive (Windows Cabinet File); this type of archive is often used to install components of the Microsoft OS itself and a set of drivers for it onto the computer’s hard drive.

To unpack it, we can successfully use the command “ expand", which is used by the OS itself.

Note: in order to see all the possibilities for using one or another console command, type it, put a space, then a right slash and a question mark.

Unpack and copy our file to the desired path hal.dll we can now literally in one command line:

expand d:i386hal.dl_ c:windowssystem32

Naturally, instead of “d” you substitute the drive letter of your optical drive.

Let's look at the set format itself. Unpack (expand) from where - drive "d" folder "i386" - file "hal.dl_" - where: drive "c", folder "windows" and in it - "system32" (exactly where this file should be located ).

Let's check the results of our labors. Let's go to the path: C:Windowssystem32 and, using the command “dir /p”, look for the file we copied hal.dll

As you can see, he is in the right place. Now let’s reboot and look at the overall result:

The operating system boots successfully. Our problem is solved!

So, we have successfully solved the problem when hal.dll missing or damaged. I repeat that this scheme also works for restoring other files, the only difference is in the file names and extensions.

If a similar situation happens to you or your friends, you know how to solve it :) If you have any questions or difficulties, I am, as always, ready to help you with advice in the comments.

If suddenly your Windows XP stops starting and displays something like: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: C:\Windows\System32\hal.dll" then the hal.dll file was corrupted or deleted .

Step-by-step instruction:

For , you need to do the following:

  1. Of course, make sure that when Windows startup XP you see one of the following errors on the screen:

    * Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
    * C:\Windows\System32\hal.dll missing or corrupt:
    Please re-install a copy of the above file.
    * Windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem.
    Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware.
    Please check the Windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information.
    These errors mean that the system cannot start due to corruption or deletion of the hal.dll file. It is also possible that some changes have been made to the configuration and Windows is looking for this file in a different location.

  2. Find on your shelf, among the pile of disks, a boot disk with Windows XP and boot from it.
  3. When you see an invitation to Windows installation, press the R key.
  4. Next point Windows recovery(usually this is the first item that appears on the screen).
  5. When prompted for the administrator password, enter it.
  6. A command line will appear, in which you must, in turn, execute all the following commands: ATTRIB -H -R -S C:\BOOT.INI then: DEL C:\BOOT.INI then: BOOTCFG /REBUILD FIXBOOT
  7. Remove the Windows disc from the drive and restart your computer.

If after these steps the same error appears on the screen, try repeating steps 1-5 and, in command line, perform hal.dll recovery from boot disk Windows XP. To do this, run the command: EXPAND F:\I386\HAL.DL_ C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\HAL.DLL (here F is the name of my CD/DVD drive)

After this, restart your computer again.

I hope this advice helped you a lot in your decision. repairing hal.dll in Windows XP.

Hello dear readers, today I would like to tell you what to do if Windows XP won't start due to a corrupted or missing file, in my case today hal.dll.

When you turn on Windows, it says that the hal.dll file is corrupted or damaged, try restoring it by pressing the r button.

First you need to download the archive, I collected files that may be useful to fix the error. This is the hal.dll file itself (for windows xp and windows 7).

Now here's what we need to do:

1. The first way is to start Windows, if it boots and the hal.dll file that you download needs to be copied and replaced in the C:\Windows\system32 folder (If your operating system is on drive C, if not, select another drive). Reboot and look... If the error remains, see below...

2. The second method, if suddenly Windows does not start, then we will need any... Well, accordingly, if you have Windows XP, then the disk should be Windows XP.

We wait for a while, a window like this should appear, in which we press R.

After you press R the recovery screen will appear. This is where we can repair damaged hal.dll

In the window, select your operating system, in my case the first one.

Now we use a clever trick for copying files. There is of course one command, but it may not be as secure, so we'll go the safe route.

First, unpack the file we need using the command expand e:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\

Those. we unpack the file from the hal.dll disk from the hal.dl_ archive to the C: drive. I have a beech e: the letter of my sidiroma, yours may be different, so try different ones if it doesn’t work.

Now we need to place the hal.dll file in its place, this is done with the command copy c:\hal.dll c:\windows\system32\ press Y (replace).

Those. we copied the file from the directory where we unpacked it to the one where it should be located. And then they confirmed the replacement.

Windows should now start. I tested it personally, everything works stably for me.

3. Method three if it doesn’t start.

The problem here is errors. It turns out we copied the working file, but it broke again... So the problem lies in random access memory or on your hard drive. You need, if it doesn’t work, then check and fix it bad sectors on your hard drive.

If you did everything correctly, there shouldn't be any problems. windows should start with a working hal.dll file.

hal.dll- this is one of the most important dynamic libraries Windows, since it is the core of the system. The main task of which is to provide and process communication data between program code and computer hardware. That is, to perform any commands, actions or operations, the computer uses an intermediate link - the hal.dll module, which, like a bridge, connects the actions of applications, programs or games with the actions of the equipment.

Exist different versions this file and they are suitable for certain operating systems and applications installed on them. Installed in the operating system by default, it is also possible to install this module along with the software, in the form of updates or installing a new operating system over the old one. If there is no anti-virus software, it may be infected with viruses and Trojans.

Library description:

File language: English
Size dll file: 0.31 MB
Archive size: 0.17 MB
Version: 6.2.9200.16442
Document format: .zip archive
OS version: Windows 8 | Windows 7 | Windows Vista | Windows XP

Errors related to the hal.dll file.

Although Windows support XP ended on April 8, 2014, many users still use this operating system. Consequently, errors associated with the incorrect operation of Windows XP appear among users to this day. In this article we'll talk error: "hal.dll". If the hal.dll module is damaged due to an incorrect update or was overwritten during the installation of OS updates, programs or patches for them, as well as if it was infected with a virus or is completely missing on your computer, then the operating system, when accessing this file , will crash and not load. Types of error messages associated with this dll:

  • "Windows cannot start because the following file is missing or corrupt. Windows\System32\Hal.dll"
  • "Winnt_root\System32\Hal.dll is missing or corrupt"
  • “the program cannot start because hal.dll is missing”
  • "hal.dll not found"
  • "hal.dll file is missing"
  • "The file hal.dll could not be registered."
  • "hal.dll access violation."
  • "failed to start this application, because the file hal.dll was not found. Reinstallation apps can solve this problem."

Most often, problems associated with this module occur among users running Windows XP, a little less often on Windows 7 and 8. This error also appears among those who like to install several operating systems and edit configuration files Windows boot. Why does Windows OS report the error: "hal.dll"? The fact is that when Windows OS boots, the hal.dll file is accessed and when the operating system does not find it, it generates an error. This may happen if one of the following problems occurs:

  • V configuration file The correct partition is specified or the boot records are damaged.
  • File system or hard drive corruption causes a major error boot entry hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe files.
  • A mismatch between the ntoskrnl.exe and hal.dll files was detected.
  • The Default value in the boot section of the Boot.ini file is missing or corrupted.
  • The Ntoskrnl.exe file is missing or damaged.
  • The path to the partition in the Boot.ini file is incorrect.
  • general equipment failure.

How to fix hal.dll error?

  1. First you need to download hal.dll, suitable for our Windows OS. To do this, if you have everything installed Latest updates Windows and you need the version of the hal.dll file 6.2.9200.16442, click on the “download hal.dll” button, which is located just below the post, and download the archive with the dll. If you need another version of the hal.dll module, click on the “Download” button, all currently available versions of this library are collected there. In order to find out which version you need, you need to access the files on your hard drive. This can be done using a Live-CD or by connecting the HDD to another computer. Then we do the following: go to the %systemroot%\system32 folder (for example, c:\windows\system32), then click right click mouse on HAL.DLL and in context menu Click on the “Properties” line, then select the “Version” tab.
  2. The answer to the question: “Where to put it and how to install hal.dll in Windows?” You will find in the archive that you downloaded from our website. In addition to the library itself, it contains detailed instructions for installing dll-(ok), it is also on the site pages
  3. following the instructions we do everything necessary actions and reboot
  4. Conduct a full scan of your computer for malware using an antivirus. If it is not available, download it from the Internet and install it on your computer. Without good antivirus and regular scanning for malware software Your system will eventually collapse
  5. check for errors in the registry. Of course, doing this yourself is not recommended without proper experience. We recommend finding a program on the Internet to check and correct Windows registry, download free version Software or purchase it if it is paid. Then install and use it to identify possible problems.

How to fix this error if your operating system does not boot?

So, how can you work from under an installed but not bootable operating system in order to fix a damaged module? There are several ways to make our Windows OS work:

  • First. Using the recovery console and having media with bootable version Windows installed on your PC:

1. In Bios, select boot from bootable media (from which you installed Windows OS)
2. After booting the PC from bootable media (DVD, CD - disk, flash drive or floppy disk), select the item in the menu that appears "REPAIR" by pressing the "R" button.
3. Select the item in the new menu "RECOVERY CONSOLE" by pressing "C".
4. A question will appear, which installation needs to be “repaired” - and a list installed copies Windows. Select the copy we need and click - "1".
5. Enter the administrator password, if necessary.
6. At the command line, you can enter the command "HELP" to see a list of all available commands, or the command we need "FIXBOOT". After which the boot sector along with the OS selection menu will be restored. To restore the master boot record, you must enter the command "FIXMBR", which can be changed, for example after Linux installations(The Linux boot loader will be removed).
7. Enter the command “EXIT” - the PC will reboot

load the recovery console and run the following commands: - copy c:\windows\system32\hal.dll C: \windows\system32\hal.dll.bak - expand X:\i386\hal.dl_ C: \windows\system32 (X - CD-ROM letter, if Windows is not installed on drive C, change the path);

  • Second . Use a Live-CD and replace damaged or missing system files and, if necessary, edit the boot.ini file. If in the section file Boot.ini missing value Default, will appear in the Windows XP boot menu new entry Windows (default), and the corresponding operating system will be loaded by default. Windows Recording(default) defines the following path to boot Windows XP: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS
  • Third. Connect the hard drive to a running computer and replace damaged or missing system files and, if necessary, edit the boot.ini file
  • Fourth, unlikely. Try to boot into safe mode and replace damaged or missing system files and, if necessary, edit the boot.ini file