1000 unique visitors per day, how many articles. What do we have to do

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today will not be ordinary, but guest post from one of them, in which he will talk about his experience of achieving this attendance mark. What was done? What worked and what didn't? More on all this below.

Representatives Etxt They try to maintain warm relationships with their clients, so it is not surprising that one of them shared the story of the development of their Internet project. True, for money - since the exchange buys customer stories with payment of up to $200 per story. So, welcome :)

How did I increase website traffic to 300 people per day?

“Like you, when creating a new website, I encountered a problem such as zero attendance or lack of traffic. This issue is especially acute for young projects. Therefore, many of their owners begin to look for resources on the Internet on “how to promote a website.”

I felt sorry for those people who spend hours studying various articles and videos, and I decided to reveal my secrets, which helped increase the traffic on my site to 300 people per day. However, it just so happened that when I finished writing this article, the traffic of my brainchild had already exceeded 500 unique visitors per day. Therefore, I ask you to read this article, and then wait for the continuation, in which I will tell you how to increase website traffic to 500 visitors.

First steps

The first thing I started promoting was adding the site to the most popular search engines - Yandex, Google. You can immediately forget about other search engines, because only Yandex and Google are sources of Russian-language traffic in 90% of cases.

Then I added a link to my project to various website directories. The purpose of links is to help the resource be indexed (many people think that this is not effective - well, this is my experience and my result). This way, there will be a high chance that Yandex or Google will detect and use your link. But this step did not bring results. All my counters and indicators remained unchanged. In addition, some custom registrations in catalogs were dummies.

The next thing I took advantage of were thematic forums. After I found the forums I needed, I registered on them, filled out a profile and started posting. Then, having selected the required topic, I left a link to my website there. I believe that visiting 15 forums is enough. The main thing is that they are “live” and that external links to them are not closed with the nofollow tag. All these steps will bring you your first traffic.

Many people think that creating a website is the only thing they have to do. But I assure you that the first six months will have to be devoted to the project entirely and free of charge. Almost all efforts will be in vain, due to the fact that the young resource will be blocked by the search engine with a “sandbox” filter, which immediately weeds out empty and useless projects.

Website directories

A little later I tried it myself, and when it didn’t work out very well for me, I ordered a run through website catalogs from specialists. As a result, I got nothing but wasted my time and threw money down the drain. It turned out that almost all links (99%) were not indexed. And this kind of specialists assured me that all sorts of indicators would increase for my resource and indexing would speed up, although they themselves had projects with only 15 people per day traffic.

Social bookmarks

Then I decided to take a social bookmarking run. But as it turned out, about 80% of all social bookmarks were useless and empty. The remaining bookmarks still provide links, but only Google accepts them, but for some reason Yandex does not index them.


The first surprise for me was that from some Twitter accounts links to my site began to leak into Yandex. Therefore, I advise you to take advantage of Twitter.

Article directories

I continued to experiment and decided to try using article directories. Overall I was pleased, but it took me a long time. Therefore, in order to save effort and time, I advise you to use a paid service that will allow you to publish your article on almost any site.

Links in profiles on trust forums

At one point, I learned that you can promote a site using links in user profiles on trust forums. I immediately ordered a run. The result did not take long to arrive: after two weeks I already felt it, and after just 1 month, the Yandex search engine recorded a popularity of 1 thousand mentions. However, after some time, Yandex begins to clean up its index system, as a result of which your mention rates will stabilize and acquire their range. For example, after a month, my popularity indicators consistently ranged from 200 to 250 mentions. Therefore, I recommend this method to everyone to increase website traffic.

Answer services

A little later, I also came across another way to promote a website on the Internet - the answer service in Google, Mail.ru, etc. As a result, I was disappointed in it. After killing a lot of time, I received penalty points from the moderators, and my answers turned out to be “spam” and were deleted from the system. I still didn’t understand what the problem was, because I answered only factually, and all the answers were written by me personally without using templates.

What is the secret to increasing traffic? Internal linking and regularly updated content

After I created my website myself, I had no idea how to promote it or what filters meant. Therefore, in the first year of the life of my resource, its popularity grew very slowly (70-100 people per day). As it turned out, it’s all about filters that block and throw out new projects from search engines.

But I found one way for you to get around them. Since my domain was young and without history, I advise you to purchase a domain with history at any auction. Then your site will gain traffic much faster.

rice. Shows slow growth in traffic with little site update

Such a domain will cost you about 10-15 dollars.

But then I got tired of it, and I decided to radically change the situation. I started writing about 15 articles a month (about 4 articles a week). Then I ordered articles for low-frequency queries (from 100 to 300 queries per month). I ordered texts from the content gods, as they specialize in texts to increase traffic. And only from them I found stories of clients who also had 300-500 people a day in attendance over 4-5 months.

A little later, when I had 50 published articles on my site, I started using internal linking. I started using Wikipedia because I consider it the best in using internal linking.

My Iron Formula for website traffic growth

If we combine everything into one and derive some kind of efficiency formula, it will look like this:

  1. High quality and good content. Helped me with this Etxt .
  2. Constant updating and addition of content.
  3. Analyze and identify the right (i.e. low-frequency) queries for writing articles.
  4. I advise beginners to read this book: “15 tips on how to order texts for a significant increase in website traffic.”
  5. I recommend text size of 2500-3500 characters - they will collect more users and will collect more information for you.

How to allocate time to increase traffic?

  1. 30% of the time is spent on choosing the right keywords and topics for articles. As a rule, this takes from half an hour to 2 hours. Over time, I began to order this service from Etxt. For a small fee you can contact them via Skype and they will help you find keywords and suggest a topic if you are feeling lazy.
  2. 30% of the time is spent on writing articles. One article is 1 or 2 hours. This is, of course, if you write it yourself. There is another way: spend 2 minutes on the order, and the article will be ready. Your site is profitable because you have good traffic, and it’s articles like this that increase traffic :)
  3. 30% of the time is spent on publishing and designing articles. About an hour to two hours if you do everything yourself.
  4. 10% are all sorts of little things that haunt you during the process.

So now about the costs.

300 people/day = 3 hours * 70 articles (average time to create one article multiplied by the number of required articles) = 210 hours (2-4 months of work). For about three months you will need to acquire 50 articles. For each month you will spend from 60 to 90 dollars on texts, as a result, traffic to your site will grow very rapidly.

Don’t think that this is a lot, because the income from it will be many times greater than the costs that go into maintaining it. Only a little time will pass and you will see this for yourself. Such an investment of money becomes a good additional income for many people, because the site can generate income for years.

rice. Dependence of the number of users on the frequency of site updates

Once you establish this system, the results will come very quickly. Using my personal example, you can see how the traffic to my site grew: texts to increase traffic from god content + internal linking + good keywords + regular resource updates.

rice. Active growth began after frequent site updates.

rice. General information about the site

I also recommend the laziness killer program from Etxt - it helped me achieve good results, especially with my strong webmaster laziness.

How do you like the post? Have any of you already worked with Etxt? Share your opinion about the exchange and the format of today's publication in general. I'm waiting for your comments 😉!

It is possible that this bourgeois vision of successful blog promotion will be useful to you (the author of the most popular blog on SEO in the bourgeoisie speaks):

I decided to do a little research on the topic of quantitative indicators of website profit linked to traffic. The indicators from this blog are used as a basis. Since he reached stable traffic of approximately 500 unique visitors and about 1000 views per day, and I just hung up as many advertising blocks as I could, it will be convenient to count.

So, a little finstrip from Alice: you’re wondering how long my hobby will last me?

1 Banner from Rotaban – 80 fixed rubles per month after deducting the exchange commission

2 Teasers - approximately 100 rubles per month based on current traffic

3 Runner - about 50 rubles, but it is somehow unstable - sometimes for several days at zero, sometimes one expensive click misses

4 Adsense - the exact numbers are prohibited from being disclosed by the rules, but I can tell you the order: for every thousand views it comes out in the region of a dollar, per month it should be about 900 rubles

All this is still hypothetical, because the minimum amounts for withdrawal are large and I placed advertising not so long ago - so far the payments have only come from Tethernet. so let's summarize: Theoretically, a website or blog with 1000 views per day should bring 1130 rubles. And I focus on views, and not on followers, because the audience’s involvement can be different, I have two views per visitor, someone has one, someone has 5. Thus, with 1000 visitors per day there may be different profitability– advertising is refreshed with every viewing!

What conclusions can be drawn from the above:

1. If you reach 1000 unique visitors per day, this particular blog can generate about 2260 rubles in income per month. Let's round up to 2000 so as not to be disappointed later.

2. To achieve an income of 100,000 rubles per month (this is exactly the goal I set for myself), I will need to increase traffic by about 100 times, or buy sites - I will need 99 more of them, which will cost from 1,200,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

3. This blog can already be sold today in the range from 13 to 35 thousand rubles.

4. A universal formula for calculating income from the site similar topics (finance) can be represented as: 1 view per day = 1 ruble per month. Or, less precisely, 1 unique visitor per day = 2 rubles per month.

I have already shown how much large sites earn. I think I'm on the right track. The site's income from advertising grew very quickly at first.– I added more and more new methods of monetization. At the moment there are enough ad units. You can play around with their location and try to increase the number when the attendance is huge and this will make a noticeable difference. I think you can squeeze out another 30 percent of profitability above the indicated figures if you approach the matter wisely.

On the Internet you can find a lot of theoretical discussions about how and how much you can earn on sites. But there’s a problem with specific examples. Webmasters really don’t like talking about their earnings.

If the income is small, they prefer to remain silent and not disgrace themselves. And if the income is large, they do not want to “burn” their golden niches, so as not to raise competitors. And in this article we will look at several real examples of how much you can actually earn on your website today.

Moreover, at the end of the article I will show you one interesting example of how I make money on a site with only 40 visitors per day. And it brings me more money than most sites with daily traffic of 9-10 thousand people. So you, too, can start earning money quickly literally from scratch.

And first, let's look at the three main options for making money that website owners have today. Let's look at it as it should be - with examples and screenshots.

Three main ways to make money on the site

In general, there are a lot of ways to make money on websites.

For example, you can trade links from your website. Or simply create niche sites, promote them a little and sell them. In the end, you can create a thematic forum and periodically collect donations “for the development of the project.” There are many options.

But here are the three main options for making money on websites today:

  • Advertising
  • Partnership programs
  • Selling your goods and services

In this article we will look separately at contextual and direct advertising. That is, technically there will be four ways. And let's start with a specific example of advertising.

contextual advertising

But how much time and money will it take? How much will this advertising bring in later? “To the maximum” is how many visitors are needed per day in order, for example, to calmly leave a permanent job and not fear for the future? Most people don't know the answers to these questions. And when they find out the whole truth, they are very disappointed.

Here's a concrete example.

Example of a site with an income of 30,000 rubles. per month on contextual advertising

I “borrowed” this example from one very famous expert in the field of promotion of information sites. He posts it in the public domain and, I hope, won’t be offended by me for retelling it here =)

He shows this case as an example of the fact that you can actually make money from “content”. This means, most likely, this is far from his worst site in terms of indicators.

So, there is a site on the topic “Construction tools”. This is the site, you can watch and read if interested.

This site has been in the works for quite some time. The domain was purchased and designed as a website at the beginning of 2014, and only in mid-autumn did work begin on its promotion. The site was promoted by copywriters writing articles for given key queries, and incoming links to the site were also purchased.

The main ways to earn money are contextual advertising and teasers (also advertising, only more blatant =) Average earnings from the site are 30,000 rubles per month. Attendance is about 300,000 people per month (9 – 10 thousand per day).

Here is a screenshot of the costs of writing articles cited by the author of the case:

As we can see, 900 articles were written with an average length of 6500 characters with spaces. 209,000 rubles were spent on all this. Plus here add the costs of hosting, domain, article placement, design and layout. It took (according to the author) 18,000 rubles to purchase links. Total expenses are approximately 250,000 rubles over a little over 2 years.

The main income source is contextual advertising from Google - Adsense. The screenshot shows how much the site earns from this advertising.

From October 2014 to December 2016 (for 27 months) only 360,657 rubles were earned. And now the site in passive mode continues to bring in about 30,000 rubles a month (but I can no longer check this).

That is, approximately 10 kopecks are earned from each unique site visitor. How do you like this result? Some people will say little, but others will say fine.

In fact, usually sites that work with contextual advertising earn a little more. On average in the market today, contextual advertising brings in 50–60 rubles for every 1000 unique visitors. That is, 50 - 60 kopecks per person.

And I brought this case solely so that you can plunge a little into reality. To achieve an income of 30,000 rubles (not such a great result, frankly) - you first need to persistently promote it for a couple of years and invest money.

And it will take you much more money than the author of the above case, believe me. Because out of the 5 niches you have chosen, only one will “shoot”, and you will have to spend money and time on all projects.

Thank God, you can make money not only from contextual advertising.

Direct advertising - how to make money?

You don't have to contact Yandex or Google in order to make money from advertising. You can easily take money from direct customers. Here are some options.

This is the most profitable option. For one “custom” article you can easily charge from 10,000 rubles. But for this you need to be sure that people will read the article. That is, you can write it so that it occupies some positions in the search results for the necessary queries. Then you don’t even need to have a lot of traffic on your site - a potential advertiser will still be happy to pay you.

By the way, many large sites make money this way. For example, the AdMe website mainly specializes in writing custom advertising articles. And he charges approximately 200,000 rubles for one article. Not bad, would you agree?

This is where size matters. No one will want to advertise on your site if it has 100 - 200 visitors per day. According to my observations, the prices on the market now are approximately the following: you can charge 50 – 70 rubles per day of displaying an advertising block in the sidebar of your site. If your attendance is around 3 – 5 thousand people per day.

If you hang a banner in the header of the site or in a special fixed block (like mine on the right), then the price per day of “hanging” can be 120 – 150 rubles.

Option #3 – Paid placement in directories

You can write thematic articles and promote them to the TOP, and separately attach to the site a list of companies that do something in this area.

For example, a website about tourism and a catalog of travel companies (or hotels and restaurants in a particular region). Or a website about furniture and a catalog of furniture companies. And many other options.

Here, the level of earnings will also greatly depend on how well promoted your site is. If you have several thousand hot “uniques” per day, you can take 2,000 rubles per month from each company. And if there are 100 – 300 people per day, then you will be paid the same amount within a year.

Example of earnings from direct advertising - 100 thousand for 4 days of work

I know the numbers for this site because its owner wrote to me himself. Alexander is a member of our. He leads blog about the sights of Kazan.

This is what his website looks like now.

Pay attention to the banner at the top of the site and the review article, which is pinned at the very top of the post feed. This is direct advertising.

As for making money, Alexander himself shared his successes with me. He sold an advertising space in a hookah bar in his article for 6 thousand rubles. Plus 26 thousand - one excursion company. Then they bought advertisements from him for 45 thousand rubles. And all this in 4 days of not the most intense “work”.

Please note that Alexander writes articles himself, so blog readers trust him. Advertisers receive good traffic from his recommendations. Accordingly, they don’t mind paying that kind of money.

If you give people interesting and useful content, then another option for earning money opens up for you. You can collect site visitors to your subscription, and then advertise directly on your subscription for some money.

If you have a warm and loyal audience, then even for one letter to 1000 people you can easily charge 10 – 12 thousand or more.

Earning money from affiliate programs on the site

Affiliate programs are a risky and unstable thing. You could make hundreds of thousands a month, or you could make nothing. The essence of affiliate programs is that you earn money only at the moment when a visitor from your site goes to the partner’s site and buys some product.

I personally see two negative points in making money on affiliate programs:

  1. Affiliate programs must be constantly monitored (enable profitable ones and disable unprofitable ones);
  2. You are not in control of the entire sales process. That is, you can get a lot of traffic, but the sellers will not work well, and you will not earn anything.

In addition, good affiliate products do not exist in all niches. Therefore, you need to think about this in advance when you first choose a topic for your article site.

Good point - we get our traffic for free. There are such people - arbitrators. They buy traffic through contextual advertising in order to send it to an affiliate product and earn more. So they have to constantly think about how much they paid and how much they earned.

We are in a better position. Even if our offer is clicked on a little and people don’t buy very well, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, we don’t pay anything and we don’t lose anything.

As for specific examples of making money on affiliate programs, here’s what I can show you.

Affiliate programs - how much do I earn with one click?

I’ll say right away that I am involved in affiliate programs not for the sake of money, but for the sake of sporting interest. Therefore, I cannot give you any stunning cases here. Just the general order of numbers.

The first affiliate program that works on my website is the sale of an information product on cryptocurrencies. I have an article about Bitcoin and it gets a decent amount of traffic every day.

Approximately 10% of all visitors to this article follow this link. Between November and December I had a total of 175,000 visits to this page. There were 16,500 clicks on the link. The total income was 15,300 rubles.

That is, for each click on this affiliate link I earn approximately 1 ruble (give or take). As you can see, the result is completely funny. But I wrote this article not for earnings, but for the soul. And I didn’t plan to monetize it. That's why I'm happy with it this way.

In addition, this is a service with monthly payments. That is, they collect monthly payments, and I earn monthly commissions. Accordingly, here I manage to get as much as 3 rubles from each click on my affiliate link.

It’s just a pity that the topic is very narrow and there are very few clicks =)

To summarize, I will say this. If you simply advertise for some affiliate program and do not actively follow trends, then your income will not differ much from income from contextual advertising. With a traffic of 5,000 people per day, you can earn 20 – 50 thousand rubles per month, depending on the type of affiliate program and options for placing links.

For dessert is my favorite way to make money on sites.

Selling your goods and services

If you don’t want to wait several years for your website to reach 5–10 unique visitors per day, but want a lot of money and quickly, then your option is to make money on your products and services.

If you are well versed in a certain topic, then you can:

  • Conduct paid consultations;
  • Sell ​​records of your information products;
  • Conduct online training on the topic;
  • Sell ​​your own products;
  • Provide turnkey services;

The main thing is not to be afraid. You write quality feature articles that people come to read. They see that you understand the topic, which means they can trust you. And they see that you can offer something else, but for money. Why not? (as one business consultant I know says).

You can earn hundreds of thousands per month, even if you have a very narrow topic for your blog, and you will never be able to get thousands of “uniques” per day (simply because your topic does not have so many requests).

Of course, there is some complexity here. You need to sell your products. And then also provide services (or create these products). That is, we are not talking about passive income.

But here is an example of one of my sites, where I make money completely automatically. And the traffic on this site is simply ridiculous. You can do this in a couple of months.

How do I make money on a site with 40 visitors a day

In general, I am a translator by profession. And at the beginning of my Internet activity, I made a special training course for those who want to start making money through translations.

To promote the course I did special site. There are now only 10 articles on it, which in total bring about 40 - 50 visitors per day.

As a result, on average per month I earn 25 - 30 thousand rubles per month from this site.

That is, from each site visitor I earn approximately 23 rubles. Remember, when we talked about contextual advertising and affiliate programs, we had 10 kopecks per visitor. And we needed 9-10 “uniques” per day to get the same 30 thousand per month.

As you can see, this is a very simple scheme that you can easily repeat.

I hope you found this honest review of how much you can earn on the site helpful. Don't forget to download my book. There I reveal the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (personal experience).

See you later!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

Hello to all my readers!

Today I want to review with you the achievement of my goal No. 1: " as of 04/01/12."

Goal achieved 06.03.12.

Yandex metrics - main page.

Yandex metrics - statistics page.

In fact, this achievement was unexpected even for me and caused a little bewilderment. But it was a useful bewilderment that forced me to figure out how it happened.

I obtained all my data from four sources, namely: 1. Yandex metrics. 2. Yandex WebMaster Panel. 3.Statistics from liveinternet. 4. Tools for Webmasters from the PR-CY.ru service. These services complement each other and I consider them the main tools in analyzing my site.

Why was I surprised by reaching the goal of 100 visitors per day?

Surprised menot the figure itself of 100 visitors. Aqueries - for which I randomly ended up in the TOP search engine Yandex.

Let’s just say that I won’t give complete statistics; I will show only the basic statistics from which the first conclusions can be drawn.

And here are the queries for which my site received so many visitors:

This is what liveinternet recorded:

As you can see, all requests relate to the holiday of March 8th. It turned out somehow strange - the site is about making money on the Internet.

Based on these requests, two articles written by my wife made it to the TOP. She is a beginner amateur photographer, and every self-respecting photographer should have knowledge of Photoshop. So she described several possibilities for using this knowledge.

It also caused surprise that these articles and key phrases were not promoted anywhere. But the articles themselves were not linked. This effect can only be attributed to pure luck and coincidence of circumstances.

After looking at these statistics and thinking a little, it became obvious thatthe more queries you promote to the TOP - the more visitors you will have.

In fact, I only approached this stage in the section " "This situation only played a positive role and confirmed my previous observations which I described in the article""The purpose of this article, in brief, was as follows:

1. Create an interesting title for the article.

2. Correct presentation of the material.

3. Correct selection of keywords.

4. Creating an attractive “Snippet” - a description of what this article is about.

But let's consider one more factor: you did everything right, you have an interesting title for the article, an interesting article itself, and a well-chosen snippet. But alas, according to requests, this article ranks at the very bottom of the TOP 50 or 100, it doesn’t matter, it’s still a gallery, so to speak.

And now everything becomes clear. Having done all the above steps, we only have one thing left to do, namely:Promote your request - which will bring this article to the first positions in search results.

In conclusion:Although the goal was achieved, I consider it partially completed. Since the holidays are over. Traffic has slowed down again. I will strive for stable traffic. So I leave the goal.

That's probably all for today.

See my" Lessons on SEO ", I plan to post there soonStages of page promotion to the TOP . These stages are directly related to both, so with

Hello dear readers! In 2015, I thought about how to promote a website in search engines to reach at least 1000 visitors per day. By the end of 2016, my thoughts came true. The results exceeded expectations.

What did it take to achieve your goals? Initially, I built a blog promotion strategy from scratch. Then I implemented the planned activities step by step. He periodically spoke about them in his publications. Have you already seen it?

Due to limited finances, I try to promote the site on Yandex and Google on my own - this is one of the main advantages of my work and at the same time the main mistake. I’ll tell you why today.

I have bright hopes for 2017 in terms of increased traffic to the resource. I believe that it is realistic to increase it by at least 2-3 times. If you are not lazy, everything will work out. What do you think?

In many topics, it is possible to reach 1000-2000 attendance within 1-1.5 years. This is considered fast for my topic niche. You can do more and faster. Can you guess how to do this?

I would like to please you right away by mentioning one working moment. It happens that you actively develop an information site for 1-6 months and the traffic hardly grows. This is fine. I'll tell you how it was for me.

A sharp increase in traffic is what happened after a few months.

I'll show you right away what it might look like.

At first, the indicators slowly accelerated, and then the resource traffic began to increase rapidly. This is a completely expected event if you promote sites correctly. How will be correct? I talked about one of the successful, practically proven approaches in previous publications. I will also provide links to key information within the current article.

Results of website promotion in Yandex and Google

In June 2016, daily traffic for the first time increased to 500 transitions from search engines (organic traffic). After about 4 months, traffic reached the level of 1000 clicks for the first time. Most likely it would be faster if it weren't for .

Let's take a look at the graph.

As you can see, I did not rush into writing this material. To begin with, I wanted to make sure that the levels achieved were stable. I also waited until, as a result of website promotion, search traffic from Google and Yandex dropped below the 1000 click mark.

Considering that I was blogging much less than at the very beginning, the indicators are excellent. This is not the first time I have been convinced that at the very beginning of promoting a project it is advisable to work thoroughly so that later it becomes much easier. It’s better, of course, not to relax too much, so that the results are much higher than in my case.

Another good news.

By devoting at least 1-3 hours a day to the site, you can really achieve such results.

This is practical observation over two years. Moreover, it is not necessary to work on the resource every day without exception. For example, a day to rest, and the next day you need to make up for the planned amount of work.

Naturally, some do everything faster, others more slowly. But what about beginners? You know, at first it will take more time, then experience and skills will appear that will allow you to quickly do the necessary work. Have you ever thought that understanding search engine promotion techniques might be much easier than it seems at first glance? Everything is quite logical there.

Website promotion work: my step-by-step plan

Initially, I thoroughly thought about how to independently promote a website with minimal expenses and get impressive results. If you have already studied my previous articles, then you know that I acted sequentially step by step.

Now I’m thinking: on this blog I provide information completely free of charge, which allows you to either promote an information site yourself without much help, or find out where to find proven professionals and get practical training. Which way to go is an individual choice.

So, I will seriously think about transferring some of the information publications to a paid basis. If you want to explore them, don't delay while they're free. The prices for such information are not small, since their use allows one to obtain impressive results.

A brief analysis of the shortcomings in increasing website traffic

Sooner or later, the realization comes that this type of analysis is still worth doing. This has its advantage - adjustments are made to the development of the project and higher performance is achieved. I hope the information below will allow you to move past this stage and get results faster.

I will list the main shortcomings in the promotion of this site, which somewhat slowed down its development.

I tried to do the work myself as much as possible, saving money on many paid services.

For example, there are just over 300 articles on the blog, but there could already be 500, 1000 or even 2000 if we had constantly collaborated with. In principle, I initially realized that you couldn’t achieve huge traffic and income in a short period of time solely through your own efforts. Therefore, it is better to invest, get decent traffic to the resource, recoup all expenses and finally enjoy the profit with a decent number of zeros.

An article of similar quality to my writing will cost about 100-150 rubles per thousand characters. I didn’t have the opportunity to pay such sums, so I wrote mostly myself. It turns out to be of high quality and free of charge - this was an advantage. However, it takes time, you can’t do too much with your own hands - this has become a drawback. Similar situations apply to other types of work.

I fully realized this about six months after I started blogging. There were several adjustments. Now I know exactly what is best and what will really work.

This blog has chosen a very competitive topic niche.

It is very difficult to promote projects from this thematic niche. I don’t regret my choice at all, so it’s only a drawback. However, I will say this: if you choose a less competitive and narrower topic, for example, from the field of knowledge about beauty and fashion, then in a year or a year and a half you can realistically reach 5-10 thousand unique traffic from search engines.

This completes the main series of reports on how to promote your information site in Yandex and Google. Of course, there are visits from other search engines, it’s just that the most transitions come from these two.

I continue to work on my project and will soon prepare new materials. Subscribe to thematic newsletters of the blog.

I wish you great success in life and most importantly - simple human happiness! See you later.