How to clean your phone screen from scratches. How to remove small and deep scratches from a phone screen (folk methods, professional means)? – text and video instructions

Mobile devices are becoming more and more part of our lives and are firmly entrenched in it. Just 10-15 years ago, many of us only dreamed of owning mobile phones, but now even children have them. When using a phone or any other device that has a touch screen, scratches appear on it. Some time passes and the phone no longer looks in the best possible way. To return the device to pleasant appearance without scratches, it is not necessary to take it to a service center, this can be done at home using improvised means. There are several simple ways to remove scratches from your phone screen. But before you start this procedure, you need to prepare the device.

Preparing your phone

How should you prepare your phone?

  • First, turn off your mobile device completely.
  • Wipe it thoroughly from dirt and dust.
  • To prevent water or cleaning agents from getting inside, it is necessary to seal all external connectors with tape or tape.

Professional scratch removers

How to polish the glass on your phone? There are different ways to polish the screen - from professional means to simple methods accessible to everyone. Let's look at proven options with positive reviews for ease of use and effectiveness:

  • The Hama Displex set includes polishing paste and two napkins. The paste is rubbed onto the screen with one napkin, and polished with the other. The product eliminates minor scratches and has an antistatic effect.
  • The Polirun set consists of paste, cloth and felt pad for polishing. Thanks to the nano-components included in the paste, scratches on the screen become completely invisible, and the felt pad will make the surface even and smooth.
  • Disc Repair polishing paste was originally intended for polishing discs, but then found application in the care of touch screens. The product is applied to a cotton pad and rubbed over the surface. Thanks to its composition, it fills microcracks. After drying, you need to polish the surface of the screen with a napkin.
  • GOI paste got its name in honor of the State Optical Institute, where it was created for polishing optical instruments and jewelry back in Soviet times. It's easy to use - apply a little paste to a cotton pad, rub the surface, and then add a few drops of machine oil and rub again. The surface of the screen will become smooth and even without scratches or cracks.

Available means

If you are unable to purchase professional products To remove scratches, you can make do with improvised means that are found in every home. How to get rid of scratches on your phone using traditional methods?


The dental care product will also help the touch screen. Here you need to clarify that you can use the classic version of toothpaste - gel will not work.

Important! The principle of operation of toothpaste is the same as that of professional screen care products. Fine abrasive particles polish the glass, and scratches on the screen disappear or at least are reduced.

Rules of application:

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the display.
  2. Rub the paste onto the screen with a napkin or soft cloth.
  3. Remove residues with a soft, damp material.

Important! Toothpaste only works on minor scratches.

Baking soda

Every home has this universal remedy, like baking soda. It can help you efficiently remove scratches from your phone screen:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda and 2 parts water until smooth.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture onto a piece of soft cloth and rub it into the screen with light movements.
  3. Use a damp cloth or napkin to remove any remaining product.

Important! Remove any remaining product with a slightly damp cloth; a cloth that is too damp can cause problems.

Baby powder

Polishing paste can also be made from baby powder, which contains talc. It will act as an abrasive, but a rather gentle one.

How to proceed:

  1. Dilute the powder with a few drops of water.
  2. Stir until smooth.
  3. Apply to a napkin or soft cloth and gently rub over the surface of the display.
  4. Remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.

Vegetable oil

How to hide scratches on your phone? Vegetable oil will come to the rescue, which will hide minor irregularities, abrasions and micro-scratches. Simply apply a drop of oil to the surface and rub in thoroughly.

Car polish

This composition is intended for car care, but will also help eliminate minor scratches and microcracks on the display of your mobile phone.

Important! This product will effectively polish the surface without damaging it.


  1. Apply a small amount of product to the screen and rub it over the surface with light circular movements using a napkin or soft cloth.
  2. Remove any residue with a damp cloth.

Important! When using a high-performance polish, there is a risk of removing part of the screen coating. Therefore, before you start polishing your screen, think carefully.

A mixture of egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate

What else can you use to polish the glass on your phone? — There is a way for those who don’t like simple solutions, but strives to experiment with various interesting chemical processes:

  1. Mix one egg white and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate. Potassium sulfate can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  2. Heat in an aluminum container to a temperature of 65 degrees.
  3. Soak a microfiber cloth in this solution.
  4. Wrap the moistened napkin in aluminum foil and place in the oven, which must be preheated to a temperature of 150 degrees. Leave there until the napkin is completely dry.
  5. Dip the napkin in cold water for half a minute.
  6. Repeat the procedure 3 times, then leave the napkin to dry for two days.
  7. Now you can polish the display with this cloth.


You can use fine sandpaper and polish the surface of your mobile phone with it.

To ensure that your phone lasts a long time and pleases you with its appearance, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not carry your phone in your pocket with keys, coins, or other hard objects that could scratch the device's screen.
  • Buy protective film and a cover.
  • Handle the device carefully, try to prevent the phone from falling or hitting other objects.
  • Leave your phone out of the reach of children.
  • Clean your screen regularly. Use special microfiber cloths for this. This care is important for your sensory “friend,” as the accumulation of greasy fingerprints and stains, as well as dust and dirt, leads to minor scratches. In addition, such a screen will become less responsive to touch over time.
  • If you frequently scratch your phone, then you should consider purchasing a self-healing phone. For such models, the plastic coating can be restored after minor scratches.

Important! We've all encountered the problem of our phone turning off at the most inopportune moment. There are times when the battery does not have a full charge until the evening. On our portal there is useful tips About,

Modern smartphones have made real possibility control all actions using the touch of your fingers. However, this gadget can be easily damaged by careless touches and sharp manicures. Great solution involves attaching a special film to the phone that protects its screen. But what if it is already damaged? How to remove scratches from your phone screen at home? This will be discussed below.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen

When using a phone that has a touch screen for its intended purpose, it is very difficult to avoid damaging it. It's quite a shame when new smartphone, for which a considerable sum was given, quickly loses its visual appeal. Therefore, solving the question of how to remove scratches from a phone screen comes to the fore.

Before you start troubleshooting the problem, you need to prepare your mobile device:

  • turn off the phone;
  • close the external connectors with tape so as not to damage them due to moisture or cleaning substances;
  • Be prepared for painstaking work; polishing the screen may take some time.

Ways to remove scuffs from a smartphone:

  • Apply a little product to the fabric;
  • add machine oil;
  • Rub the resulting composition into the phone screen with light movements;
  • Wipe your smartphone dry with a cloth.

  • In an aluminum bowl you need to pour a teaspoon of alum (which can be purchased at the pharmacy) and egg white;
  • heat the mixture to 65 degrees;
  • Apply the product to a microfiber cloth, then put it in the oven to dry, placing it on foil;
  • after the fabric is removed from the oven, it must be placed in a container with cold water;
  • This ritual will need to be repeated three times;
  • The fabric should dry on its own within 2 days, after which it can be used for polishing.

How to remove scratches from a phone case

Using GOI paste, it is possible to polish the phone body by wiping it with a felt cloth.

The appearance of abrasions on a brand new mobile phone can ruin your mood, but don’t be upset, it’s better to get down to business and find a way to remove scratches from the phone’s body. As a rule, every person will definitely have tools at hand that will significantly update the appearance of the device.

When removing damage to the case, you must first remove this panel from the device. There are 3 most popular methods:

  • Remove abrasions using an electric razor. To do this, you need to place a small piece of soft material on its blade with the mesh removed and fix it. After this, simply plug in the device and polish the phone body with gentle movements. It is important to ensure the safety of the material in the place where it was originally located in order to prevent damage to the mobile phone.
  • You can polish the smartphone body for 20–30 minutes with a soft cloth (ideally felt) on which GOI paste has been applied.
  • The polish that is used for computer disks. It needs to be applied to the body and rubbed with a cotton swab.

If you are going to remove scratches from the case, you should make sure that it has a metal base. Otherwise, starting to process the plastic surface can only worsen its appearance.

How to remove scratches from a phone camera

When planning to solve the question of how to remove a scratch from a phone camera, you need to make sure that the problem is in external abrasions, and not in the functioning of the device itself.

In order to put the camera in order, you need to do the following:

  • remove the glass from the surface of the phone camera;
  • take a cotton cloth and carefully polish the glass with toothpaste;
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that the paste should not contain large particles, so as not to damage the surface even more by such exposure;
  • To remove scratches from the camera, you can use a manicure file to polish your nails. She must have good degree abrasiveness. First you need to treat the screen, and then take a soft file and rub the camera screen with it.

How to remove scratches from phone film

The film, which is made from polymer and glued to the smartphone screen, is intended to protect against minor damage and scratches, as well as global troubles in the form of a broken screen. True, its rare appearance can protect the phone from damage if it falls.

On store shelves you can find a wide variety of similar films, which are created from the most different materials. In addition, they differ in both size and characteristics (they can be matte or mirrored).

It is best to entrust the application of the protective film to a sales representative at a communication store, but this process is quite possible to carry out independently:

  • Before gluing, you need to thoroughly clean and degrease the phone screen;
  • the surface of the applied film should be smooth, like a mirror surface;
  • you need to carefully ensure that no specks or lint get under the film, which will reduce all your efforts to nothing;
  • Before gluing, you need to align one and then the other ends.

The protective film can be cleaned with wheel polish.

So, the film is glued to the screen of the device and can serve the good cause of protecting it from all kinds of damage, preventing small scratches from nowhere. Over time, the user may have a question about how to remove scratches from the phone, or rather, from the film covering it.

It would be best to use a substance that is used to polish discs. True, the process of such processing will have to be repeated at least once a month. Otherwise, if scratches on the phone screen that appeared on the film do not go away, it makes sense to purchase a new protective coating.

How to remove scratches from a metal phone case

Owners of smartphones enclosed in a metal case who neglect to use protective cases may sooner or later face the inevitable appearance of scratches.

You can polish the phone case using a soft cloth and an electric razor.

You can remove damage to the phone cover, but to do this you need to do the following:

  • First you need to remove the panel from the device.
  • The first method of polishing the display, as well as the phone cover, involves using an electric razor, on which a soft cloth will be attached instead of a mesh. The device is plugged in and smoothly polishes the body.
  • Another method involves the use of manual labor: you can polish the metal surface by applying GOI paste or ordinary toothpaste to a soft material. Both of these substances remove microcracks and abrasions on the metal body of a smartphone with equal efficiency.

How to remove scratches from a tablet screen at home

It is recommended that you close all connectors on the tablet before using automotive polishes.

Tablets, which are widely used and often given into the hands of children for a pleasant pastime, quite often receive scratches or other damage to the screen. It is possible to remove such abrasions from a tablet, and the methods will be almost identical to those used to remove scratches from smartphones:

  • The use of GOI paste, so valued by jewelers, is considered the most effective method. The only drawback of this method is the duration of exposure, because polishing the device with a paste applied to a soft cloth takes at least half an hour.
  • The polishes that car enthusiasts use give a good effect: the main thing is to first seal all the connectors, after which you can clean the surface of the screen by applying these substances.
  • Ordinary toothpaste or powder copes well with scratches that have settled on tablet screens. The product must be applied to a soft cloth and thoroughly rubbed into the surface of the device.

If the tablet has tempered glass, it is unlikely that you will be able to influence it; it is better to worry in advance and cover the surface of the screen with a protective film. Any friction will only add to the screen matte shade, and will significantly spoil the picture.

How to remove scratches from iPhone screen

Just like baking soda, baby powder will remove scratches from iPhone screen.

Almost all modern mobile devices are susceptible to scratches because they are controlled directly with your fingers. Expensive iPhone gadgets are not free from this problem.

How to glue protective glass or film on the phone screen

How to remove a scratch from an iPhone screen? You can do this using one of the following methods:

  • polishing using toothpaste that does not contain abrasives;
  • a special cream for cars that can remove scratches;
  • minor damage can be easily removed with baking soda, which must be mixed with water and rubbed gently over the screen, then wipe off any remaining product with a dry cloth;
  • treatment with powder for baby skin gives an effect comparable to the effect of soda;
  • You can try to smooth out very minor screen abrasions on your iPhone using a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil.

How to remove scratches from your phone with toothpaste

Gel toothpastes are not suitable for polishing.

The most famous method for removing damage from screens mobile devices requires the use of toothpaste as a means that is always at hand, and also has a low cost.

To remove scratches using this method, proceed as follows:

  • first you need to prepare a paste or powder to clean your teeth (you should not take a gel paste, it may not cope with the task);
  • the composition needs to be squeezed onto a piece of cloth or a cotton swab;
  • use gentle circular movements to rub the substance into the surface of the screen in those places where there is damage (do not press too hard on the screen so as not to damage it);
  • as soon as the result is visible, the procedure can be completed;
  • Remains of the product must be removed with a dry cloth or napkin.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that special protective glasses, films and cases are created not only to give the mobile phone additional attractiveness. Their main purpose is to protect gadgets from damage and scratches. You should not neglect the purchase of these devices, so as not to waste your time on removing scuffs that spoil the appearance of your favorite smartphone.

The aesthetic appearance of an object of affection and, to some extent, pride, which for some of the users is mobile phone or maybe something else digital device, can sometimes significantly underestimate its indicative “Wow”! The reason why this can happen is due to some point in operation. Agree, a mobile phone is a device that is at great risk of being mechanically damaged. Therefore, the question of how to remove scratches is most often of interest to users of modern devices equipped with a touchscreen. Today, this difficulty can be resolved in several ways, read how.

Increasing the “efficiency” of friction force

It’s probably no secret that today there is a huge range of polishes, rubbing compounds and abrasive pastes on the market. Such products allow you to restore the original condition of surfaces made from almost any material. In our case, this is an indispensable tool for effective solution question "how to remove scratches from touch screen". In order to hide damage in the form of microcracks and other minor consequences from mechanical impact, it is enough to apply polish to the display, body parts or other surface area with a flaw. Using microfiber, wipe the “affected” element of the device in a circular motion. The effect will not be long in coming. The only and, perhaps, significant disadvantage of this restoration method is the unpleasant moment - soiling. So, you see: how to remove scratches from a touch screen is a solvable issue. By the way, the use of abrasive pastes is highly not recommended, since the risk of damaging the “damaged” one is incredibly high, but still work panel management. However, for glass touchscreens it is advisable to use the main thing, do not overdo it during the grinding process, since careless actions or excessive pressure can nullify all efforts!

A trick worthy of being considered a universal solution

In the event that it is not possible to remove scratches from the touch screen with polish and other means of grinding, you should use an incredibly simple and at the same time effective method masking the damaged area. “Nail polish dryer” is a fairly common and generally inexpensive substance. Using a brush, apply the above product to the “sore” area, then remove chemical residues with a soft cloth. The fact is that this method The “rehabilitation” of a touchscreen panel does not quite correspond to the restoration of surfaces with anti-glare technology used today. Therefore, you will have to get used to some moments of overexposure.

Film that revives and protects perfect condition

Scratches on the touch screen will become completely invisible if you cover the front area of ​​the device. Of course, this should have been done earlier, or rather, immediately after purchasing a phone, tablet or other electronic device. Pay special attention to the positioning of the protective element directly in the area of ​​damage. The edges of the groove need to be “rubbed” more thoroughly so that an air bubble does not form in the place of its joining space. By the way, today a “PVC guard” glued to a “touch” can have truly unrealistic properties and even be a competent shockproof guarantor of safety for your gadget.


For those who are interested in a high-quality answer to the question “how to remove scratches from a touch screen,” we can recommend an effective absolute solution to such an unpleasant situation. Contact a specialized service center. Replace the “charming” touchscreen. Firstly, significant defects on the screen are a predetermining factor of an obviously “dying” sensor module. The second argument is the almost imperceptible cost of repairs. Be reasonable!

Modern smartphones with large screens, despite the enormous functionality, they have fairly low wear resistance.

Phones are dropped, and this is normal, but if the case is protected by a special decorative case, then with a screen that more often suffers from falls, similar solution impossible, and protective film does not always help.

As an alternative to protective film, protective glass is used, but this method also has several disadvantages:

  1. Not every smartphone model can have the right protective glass;
  2. For licensed phones the price may be inflated;
  3. It also gets scratched.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen at home

There are many ways to “update” a smartphone on the Internet: from completely useless to quite realistic. You should be careful when using such “folk” remedies so as not to completely ruin the screen. Below is a list of tools that may not help all phones, but certainly won’t harm them:

  1. Toothpaste.
  2. Scratch removal creams (car).
  3. Baking soda.
  4. Baby powder.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Glass polish (for glass screens only).
  7. Special means for polishing the screen.

Some sources also suggest using fine-grained sandpaper, but even if this method can help deal with scratches, it requires very painstaking work, which the owner of the phone most likely will not be able to handle.

The simplest and most famous way is to remove scratches with toothpaste. There may be no soda in the house or even vegetable oil, but every conscious person brushes his teeth. But even this method, which is understandable at first glance, has its own nuances.

Pay attention to the product description. You need toothpaste, not gel paste. The packaging should indicate that the paste has abrasive properties.

Do not apply toothpaste to the screen. Squeeze a little paste onto a piece of cloth, paper towel, or, for smaller scratches, use a Q-tip. You can only use a toothbrush if it is soft enough.

Using circular motions, begin rubbing the toothpaste into the screen. Don't press too hard to avoid ruining it. Continue the procedure until you see results.

Remember that toothpaste will help get rid of small scratches and reduce large ones. Remove any remaining toothpaste with a damp cloth or paper towels moistened with warm water.

This method is a little more expensive, but helps get rid of deeper scratches. Choose the product carefully - do not use creams that are too strong or too cheap, so as not to damage your smartphone.

Apply the product to a piece of soft cloth, rub and begin treating the screen. Try to move in a circle, applying minimal pressure on the display. It is better to work with gloves.

After treating the screen, wipe it with special wipes.

Using baking soda

Those who want to remove scratches from their phone screen at home often resort to help baking soda. If used correctly, it is safe for the screen and is highly likely to help restore it to its former luster.

You cannot use baking soda in powder form. Dilute two parts baking soda with one part water and mix them until a thick paste forms. After that, apply it to the screen in the same way as toothpaste and begin to gently rub it into it. The soda is removed with a damp cloth or napkins.

Baby powder

This method is the most gentle on the screen, but it can only be used to remove minor scratches and restore the screen's shine. Make a paste from the powder by diluting it with water (for different powders the amount of water required may vary, but on average it is better to use two parts powder to one part water).

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil also fights even the smallest scratches, but quickly returns the phone to its former shine. For this procedure, literally one drop of vegetable oil is enough. After processing, it is better to remove the residue with a napkin or paper towel. Do not leave the screen with excess lying around.

Glass polish

Owners of phones with glass screens are a little luckier - they have alternative way removing scratches. At the same time, baking soda or toothpaste may not help their screens.

First of all, carefully read the composition of the polish - it should contain cerium oxide. It is sold both in the form of a powder, which must then be diluted, and in the form of a paste. It is best to use powder to regulate the thickness of the paste. You will need approximately 100 grams.

Dilute the powder with water until it resembles thick cream. Mix the solution well so that its mass is homogeneous. Leave a soft cloth to soak in the polish.

Close the phone case. You can do this with tape or wrap it tightly with cellophane. Pay special attention to the speakers, connectors and camera.

Using the prepared cloth, begin rubbing the area of ​​the screen with scratches in a circular motion. After every 30-40 seconds of treatment, rinse off the polish and check the scratch. Don't overdo it with cleansing. Once the scratch is removed, wipe it with a polishing cloth and remove the protective coating.

An unusual remedy for those who want to remove scratches from their phone screen at home is goyim paste. This material is abrasive and has been used for polishing since Soviet Union, but nevertheless quite effective.

Buy a jar of this paste and use it to remove small scratches from your phone. It is much more effective and safer than even toothpaste or soda.

Phone screen polishes

Of course, the first thing you should think about when removing scratches is special gels, especially if you have an expensive smartphone. Most often, this method is put off by its price, but if you are the owner Apple technology, then it’s better to contact him.

Screen polishing products should be used in accordance with the instructions supplied with them.

All kinds of gadgets with touch screens have become an integral part of our Everyday life. And along with them appeared various problems, which are simply necessary to solve in order to maintain a high-quality image of the monitor or its response when touched. One of the most frequently asked questions all owners of modern household appliances How to remove scratches from touch screen? Different ways You will learn solutions to such a problem from this article.

Types of scratches

Before you get rid of scratches on the screen, you need to understand how extensive the damage is. Such damage can be of two types:

  • Small ones. These are scratches that you can't feel if you run your fingernail over them. They are visible only from a certain angle.
  • Large ones. This type of damage to the touch screen can be easily felt and visible from any angle.

Of course, the appearance of even very small scratches can upset the phone owner. But it’s not at all necessary to start looking after yourself new gadget. You can remove scratches from the touch screen even without specialists from a repair shop, on your own.

How can you solve the problem?

IN service centers The problem of a scratched display is solved in most cases by replacing the screen. And this can cost a lot of money. Therefore, it is logical that the question arises: is it possible to get rid of scratches on a phone screen at home? Sometimes this is quite possible. Below are several possible ways, but you should use them very carefully so as not to completely damage your smartphone.

Unfortunately, none of the methods listed will give you a 100% guarantee that scratches from your phone’s screen will disappear without a trace. The result depends, first of all, on the degree of damage to the screen.

What should you do if these problems appear on the display, and how to care for your phone so that even after a long service it looks like new? These and others useful recommendations you will find further in the text.

The most common causes of damage

The most common cause of large cracks is the phone falling onto a hard surface from a height. This usually happens by accident, for example, when the owner, trying to get a gadget out of a purse or pocket, drops it on the asphalt or tiles.

Important! Scratches can occur when the screen comes into contact with hard objects - a lighter, keys, or even small change. Therefore, always carry your smartphone in a separate pocket in a special case.

You should not take your fashionable gadget with you to the beach, where it can quickly be lost marketable condition. Even the smallest grains of sand are quite hard and can leave damage on the surface if they come into contact with the display.

Preventing scratches on the display

In order to prevent even the smallest scratches and other damage to the screen, it is necessary to properly care for it from the first days of use.

Follow a few simple rules:

  • Keep your phone in a silicone, plastic or rubber case from the first day of use. We have prepared a separate review that will tell you.
  • Be sure to put a protective film or glass on the screen. Follow the link to find out how to do it yourself.
  • Do not carry your smartphone in the same pocket with various metal objects.

How to get rid of scratches on the screen?

Removing scratches from a touch screen yourself at home is always risky. Before you begin such an operation, consider whether you can carry out the necessary procedures with extreme caution.

So, if you still decide to get rid of scratches on the screen on your own, you should carry out preparatory work.

Preparing your phone:

  1. Turn off your phone.
  2. Cover the external connectors with electrical tape or masking tape. This is done in order to prevent water and other foreign substances from entering the gadget.
  3. Please be patient, as some scratches are very, very durable. You may need hours rather than minutes of painstaking work.

Now that your phone is ready for the procedure, you can choose a method that is convenient and suitable for you and get to work.

Toothpaste or powder

Using tooth powder or toothpaste is the most common way to remove scratches from a touch phone screen.


  1. Apply a thin layer of paste or powder onto the display and rub in in a circular motion.
  2. Wait until the product on the screen is completely dry.
  3. Wipe the display with a moistened cotton pad or cloth.

Important! After this procedure, minor damage will become less noticeable. But if your touch screen has deep scratches, you won’t be able to get rid of them this way.

Baby powder or baking soda

The methods of using these two products can be combined into one, since the difference is only in the ingredients, and the principle of application is the same.


  1. Mix baking soda or baby powder to a mushy consistency.
  2. Using a cotton pad or sponge, apply the mixture to problem areas of the screen.
  3. Wipe off any remaining product with a napkin.
  4. Wipe the display dry.

Sunflower oil

This method is less effective than others. Using vegetable oil can only get rid of minor scratches, and only for a short time. But it also has its advantages: after you apply oil to the screen, it will regain its former shine.

Furniture and car care products

Special furniture care products and polishes can also be used to remove scratches from the touch screen.


  1. Apply your chosen product to your phone screen.
  2. Polish the surface with a cloth.

Important! The effectiveness of using furniture polish depends on the depth of the damage and the quality of the chosen product. This method helps get rid of shallow, superficial scratches.


Abrasive fine-grained sandpaper Great for polishing. To remove scratches from the touch screen, it must be used as a roller.

Important! You need to be very careful when using sandpaper to remove scratches from your touch screen. This method is only suitable for patient and careful people.

In no case should you rush into the process of polishing the screen, so as not to completely ruin it.

Important! After this procedure, you will notice that the touch screen has become dull and matte. Sandpaper gives this effect. To restore the screen's shine, you need to apply a little GOI paste to it, and then wipe the screen with microfiber.

Paste GOI

GOI paste is a fairly soft abrasive material that is used for polishing metal, ceramic and optical products. It is also suitable for polishing smartphone displays.

Important! Before buying GOI paste, consult the seller, as there are 4 various types of this substance.


  1. Apply a small amount of paste to a cloth.

Important! Apply the paste to the surface of the touch screen using a special napkin or cotton cloth.

  1. Wipe the touch screen slowly and without applying too much pressure.

Important! The paste should be applied in layers, one after another. For better effect, take short breaks, letting the paste dry.

  1. After completing the procedure, wipe the screen with a previously used cloth, rinsing it in clean water.

Important! Wash your hands thoroughly after completing this procedure.

You may not see the effect immediately.

Special products for polishing displays

You can buy such products at any hardware store. Special means are provided to get rid of scratches on the touch screen better than other means. They will not help you completely eliminate the damage, but it will be possible to hide it. Scratches on your display will be less noticeable.


How to get rid of scratches on a tempered glass screen?

The main disadvantage of Gorilla Glass is that it is not only difficult to scratch, but also to get rid of any damage. This material is stronger than usual, but unfortunately, it is not immune from all kinds of damage. In this case, you will have to use more radical methods; toothpaste certainly will not help here.

Below is a method that is ideal for removing scratches from screens made of protected Gorilla Glass.

Important! Worth thinking about polishing touch glass Gorilla Glass is only used as a last resort when the display is damaged to such an extent that scratches prevent you from using the smartphone.

Try polishing the screen before replacing it. Polishing your display at home can save you a lot of money, and the risk of worsening the damage is minimal.

Grinding machine and GOI paste

GOI paste and a grinding machine will help you remove scratches from Gorilla Glass.

Using a sander, you can remove scratches from your touchscreen more “smoothly.” You can polish your screen with high quality thanks to high speed rotation of this instrument, and eliminate even the most noticeable and large defects.

Important! If you do not have a grinder, you can use a simple drill with an appropriate attachment.


  1. First, make a buffing wheel using a microfiber cloth or sponge (called a roller).
  2. Apply a thin layer of paste on it and start polishing.

Important! You need to start with low speeds. It is necessary to constantly monitor the process. To avoid overheating the glass, there is no need long time polish one area of ​​the display.

How to prevent scratches on your touch screen?

To protect the screen, you can use either stationery tape or special film. The first option is more budget-friendly.

Important! When you glue a strip of tape to the screen, you need to act extremely carefully. It is very important to cut the piece accurately the right size. If you apply the tape sloppily, your phone will look terrible.

The best option, of course, is to use a special protective film. You shouldn't skimp on buying it.

Important! If you want to hide all scratches, use a film with a silicone base. Its peculiarity is that it will fill small scratches on your screen, and they will become completely invisible. It is worth doing this immediately after purchasing a smartphone, because replacing the screen will cost you much more.

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