What is a gadget - in simple and understandable words. What is a device and how does it differ from a gadget?

The word “gadget” comes to us from the English “gadget”, translated as “device, device”. Such a device can be seen in the figure on the left - a fan with a clock, which is connected to the laptop via.

Currently, gadgets include any digital devices whose dimensions allow them to be connected to a personal computer, smartphone, or worn on a hand.

Gadgets are compact and designed to perform specific, highly specialized tasks. Distinctive feature gadgets is that they are new, that is, an unusual, creative solution to certain problems compared to existing standard technologies.

Often gadgets cannot work independently; their main task is to expand functionality devices to which they are connected. I would like to note that calling all “advanced” gadgets technological devices, such as, for example, a tablet, an e-reader or, will not be entirely correct.

After all, these devices may well work in offline mode without connecting to any other device. Therefore, on the one hand, they are gadgets, and on the other hand, they do not quite fall under the category of gadgets. This is the confusion surrounding the release. large quantity new gadgets and, especially, with escape velocity their appearance.

More specifically, what is a gadget?

I’ll say right away that there is no catalog or list of devices that are gadgets. There are also no standards for gadgets. In general, gadget manufacturers are trying “to the best of their ability,” as they say, “as best they can.”

The following examples of gadgets can be given:

  • iPod,
  • Mp3 player,
  • digital camera,
  • smartphone,
  • communicator,
  • a lot of useful, as well as useless, comic, “cool” devices connected to the computer via USB port, and so on.

USB gadgets

These are small devices that connect via a USB port. I do not classify such devices (which have already become familiar to many) as USB gadgets, such as a keyboard, mouse, printer, external HDD, although they all connect to a computer, usually via USB.

I will give examples of USB gadgets that, alas, do not always perform their functionality conscientiously:

  • mug with USB heater,
  • USB ashtray,
  • USB mini-fridge (for example, for cooling one can of drink),
  • USB keyboard vacuum cleaner for crumbs and dust,
  • USB heated mouse pad,
  • USB heated foot mat,
  • USB heated slippers,
  • USB backlight for keyboard,
  • USB finger mouse
  • USB laptop stand,
  • USB fan, etc.

iPod as an example of a gadget

I’ll tell you a little more about such a gadget as the iPod - small device to listen to music and audio files in good quality. The idea was to combine a hard drive with a processor in a compact form for listening to music.

Used to work with iPod iTunes programs, which is pre-installed on your computer for free from the official website. When you connect your iPod to your computer, this program allows you to synchronize music (more precisely, any audio files) on your computer and on your iPod. You can download new music files on iPod, deleting them and other necessary actions.

It is possible to charge via USB from a computer, then charging ipod depends on the availability of a computer. Or you can use your own Charger, which charges the iPod via regular socket from 220V.

iPod provides the opportunity not only to listen to music, audio books and audio casts, but also to use an organizer, listen to FM radio, and watch videos. True, I find it difficult to say what can be seen in a video clip on the tiny iPod screen, but if manufacturers have included this feature, it means that someone needs it.

What is a widget?

The well-known formula is computer = hard + software (or in Russian: ). In accordance with this formula, or perhaps according to the Russian tradition, “they wanted the best, but it turned out as usual,” but for some reason on the Internet the word “gadget” is used not only in relation to hard (hardware), but also in relation to software (software).

That is, gadgets are found in various software(there they are also called widgets) in the form of applications that make it easier for users. Widgets provide various types of information, such as:

  • weather forecast,
  • Exchange Rates,
  • time,
  • date and so on.

Widgets can also be:

  • alarm clock,
  • calendar,
  • notebook,
  • show Current state computer, etc.

In general, widgets are everything that allows you to as soon as possible get the information you personally need without using a browser to search for this information on the Internet.

Widgets are sometimes called informers (Russian version), which more clearly reflects the essence of such small programs. Words borrowed from in English(V in this case– widgets), more accurately express this or that concept, but for “” they often serve as a barrier to the perception of information.

If you were to ask me again what a gadget and a widget are and what they are needed for, then I would answer that a gadget is a small electronic device for adding variety and convenience to everyday life, and a widget is a small program for quick access to frequently used information. Although there is no consensus yet on the use of the new terms “gadget” and “widget”. Over time, perhaps everything will fall into place.

Widgets can also include applications, small programs that perform highly specialized functions and expand the capabilities of the main program.

On this site (and on millions of other sites), widgets are all the windows in the side columns of the main text that you are currently reading, for example, the “Search” windows for the site, “Start with a course”, “Popular articles”, “Categories” and etc. Such widget windows on the site are convenient for users to quickly access useful information.

Windows Gadgets

I wonder what Windows developers called mini-applications for quick access to necessary information gadgets. And the domestic search engine Yandex similar applications in relation to its search engine, it calls it widgets. Would you like to see this for yourself? Then take a look at the official Windows and Yandex websites using the links below.

Yandex widget “Weather” on your desktop

Yandex Widgets

If you prefer domestic search engine Yandex, then take a look at the Yandex widgets catalog:

Yandex offers two types of widgets:

1) widgets for Yandex (the subject of widgets is extensive: Auto, Business, Home, Games, Culture, News, Education, Announcements, Work, Entertainment, Sports, Help, Technologies, Tourism),

2) widgets for the Desktop (Search, Weather, Traffic, News, Clock).

Other meanings of the word "gadget"

The term "gadget" has other meanings. For example, the first atomic bomb. In literature, this word is found most often in spy films (the James Bond series). Cartoon fans may remember Inspector Gadget, whose power lies in his collection of gadgets.

It is interesting to know that at the beginning of the 20th century, sailors in the English Navy called gadgets all technical devices whose names they did not remember, did not know, etc. From point of view computer literacy It turns out very convenient if you “in conversation” use the word “gadget” every time you forgot (or don’t know) the name of a new technical device or the name of a new application. Not entirely competent, but maybe sometimes it’s better than saying, “that thing whose name I don’t know (or don’t remember).”

Without gadgets, life would not be so interesting. Humanity is constantly striving for something new and more perfect, for something that could make its life easier, thereby moving forward new technologies.

To make it interesting for us, I ask you to take part in the voting. If there is no gadget in the voting list below, please write in the comments to the article, and I will add it to the existing list of gadgets.

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? What are gadgets? IN modern world We often hear these concepts, sometimes we use them and not always in the correct form. Now everything will fall into place and we will understand what devices and gadgets are.

How to correctly device or device

Using English words in Russian colloquial speech We often make mistakes in pronunciation, not to mention the spelling of words. The word “device” is no exception; it is pronounced and written differently, device and device, which is correct?

In order to understand how to pronounce and write correctly, you need to check the transcription of the word device |dɪˈvaɪs| reads like a device. I think we've sorted this out, we can move on.

Devices what are they

You can find it on the Internet different definitions and the meaning of the word device, but they all agree on one thing.

Device,-A; m. (noun) [English] device - device, device] is a device, device that is used in many areas, designed to perform a particular, special task. Standalone device not requiring additional connections to other devices.

In English, this word is used much more widely than in Russian, but in our country, historically, devices include only such devices as computers, laptops, smartphones, Appliances and other smart machines.

Gadget and device, most are accustomed to considering these words as synonyms, but alas, this is not entirely true. Indeed, both can be called a device that helps a person, but not every device is a gadget and not every gadget is a device. Let's look at the definition of a gadget.

Gadget(English) gadget - gizmo, device, device, bauble) is a small device created for auxiliary purposes in order to make a person’s life easier. Gadgets include smart bracelets, fitness trackers, electronic patches, glasses virtual reality, players.

If the word gadget is used in the slang of programmers and Internet users, then gadgets can mean small applications (weather, informers, news announcements).

What's the difference between devices and gadgets?

When to use the word gadget and when to refer to a device or device. Let's look again at what a device is, but in simple words.

Device- independent, multifunction device powered by battery or mains power. The device does not require any auxiliary devices to operate.

gadget- an auxiliary device that performs one or more primitive functions, the operation of which may require additional devices.

The reason for raising this issue is largely due to the “crossfire” of some devices. How to call them devices or gadgets. Such devices include:

  • Computers;
  • laptops;
  • tablets;
  • smartphones;
  • smart watch;

These and similar devices can lead a person to contradictory conclusions and force them to use words incorrectly.

How to determine what is a device and what is a gadget

What I will offer you now will help you avoid getting into awkward situations. Just as there is a rule in the Russian language “what to do or what does it do”, something similar can be used in our case only a little differently.

If an electronic device performs one or two functions, it is a gadget; a multifunctional device is a device.

Ask a question:

  1. “What can a computer, tablet, laptop do?” The list of answers can be very long. This is the first and main sign of the device.
  2. "What can they do? Digital Watch? If your watch shows the date and time, perhaps also a compass or stopwatch and it is modern, then it is a gadget. If they also have access to the Internet, have GPS, or tell you about your pulse and heartbeat, then this already applies to devices.

The devices do not require any other devices to operate, as we have already found out. But flash drives, USB gadgets, and headphones cannot work independently; they need devices.

Conclusion. In conclusion, I would like to say that the concept of gadget and device are so intertwined and so mixed up in the minds of “indigo children” that I would not advise you to argue with anyone about it what is a device or what is a gadget? Not everyone and not always can and should prove something. The main thing is that you know the difference! Moreover, the one who will argue most likely did not look for information on this matter or his sources are not competent enough.

Question for thought: what would you call this device, device or gadget?)

Word "gadget" translated from English means “device”, “device”. It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the last century, sailors of the English fleet called gadgets all technical devices and devices whose names they did not know or could not remember.

Nowadays the term "gadget" applied primarily to various electronic devices designed to improve and make human life easier.

Some gadgets are designed to expand functionality and provide comfortable work when connecting to more complex technical devices. For example, Bluetooth headsets or Bluetooth bracelets connected via wireless channel to mobile phones. Others are able to work independently: smartphones, e-books, car navigators, audio players, etc.

Gadgets have become widespread in the most various areas. In sports, electronic bracelets are used that measure the length of a run, heart rate and calories burned, digital jump ropes that remember the number of jumps performed, and other so-called fitness gadgets.

Various electronic patches, exoskeletons, tricorders, etc. are used in medicine. The gadget, made in the form of an elegant bracelet, can constantly monitor the blood sugar level of a diabetic; in addition, it can have a built-in syringe and a capsule with insulin.

A huge number of gadgets are designed for entertainment: gaming consoles, music players, virtual or augmented reality glasses and much more.

Gadgets are designed for a variety of purposes. According to statistics, for every person in the world there are at least three technical devices. They not only prevent a person from getting bored, but also make his life much easier. As a rule, gadgets are small in size and weight and are designed to solve highly specialized problems.

Electronics manufacturers are constantly competing with each other to release new gadgets, offering new non-standard solutions various tasks. For example, Canadian specialists from Deanmark Ltd presented computer mouse, made in the form of a glove. It fits onto the user's hand and provides access to the computer using wireless connection. The American company Nicola Labs has developed a case for iPhone that converts radio waves into electricity and uses it to charge the battery. A smartphone with such a case will simply “pump” electricity from the air.

The most common gadgets are those that connect to a personal computer via a USB port. These devices can expand the functionality of a computer or simply use it as a power source. They are portable and low power consumption.

USB gadgets include flash drives, TV tuners, and USB modems. A USB light or a mouse with a built-in card reader may be useful. Unusual USB gadgets include such trinkets as a mini-vacuum cleaner for your keyboard, a mini-fridge for one can of drink, or heated slippers.

Another group of widely used gadgets is mobile devices communications. A modern mobile phone is not limited to just voice communication. Even in the most simple models There is a function for sending messages, a calculator, an alarm clock, and games. More complex devices can replace a voice recorder, camera, radio, mp3 player, e-book etc.

IN separate group Gadgets include devices that are also called “spy gadgets.” They are designed for spying, eavesdropping, secret video recording, as well as for detecting similar electronic devices. Of these types of gadgets, they are the most common and accessible to everyone. miniature video cameras, which can be built into pens, calculators, ties, belt buckles, hats, etc.

There are also gadgets whose usefulness is very controversial issue. These are “prank your neighbor” devices that can simulate the presence of viruses on a PC or scare passers-by with spoken phrases.

It is quite difficult to list all the types of electronic gadgets, since new high-tech devices appear every day. And most of us will no longer be able to refuse to use our favorite gadgets that make our lives more comfortable.

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Widget is small helper application, which performs a specific function.

Modern widgets can provide any information, complement the desktop, and provide messaging. To understand what a widget is, think about the signal that indicates that you have received another letter. This is the most common example of a widget.

Let's figure out what widgets are and how to use them. From a formal point of view, a widget is a small application designed to implement some useful task. Understanding what the word “widget” means is not entirely easy, because for a long time this is what various gadgets were called, but over the past 20 years they have appeared special applications, written in HTML or JavaScript, and performing a specific function.

Widget can show weather on home screen mobile phone or big clock on the computer. But you can often hear another description, more generalized. This is how an icon (graphic or text symbol), which launches the program itself.

Today, most widgets are used on operating system Android, social networks and almost everyone Opera browsers, Yandex, Chrome, etc.


By appearance

Widgets are classified by appearance, functionality and installation location. Based on their appearance, the following types of programs are distinguished:

  1. Toppers located at the top of the screen and look like a strip with a field and a button. They perform an informational function, informing about promotions and discounts, and can also be used to collect contacts.
  2. The flor performs the same functions as the topper, but is located at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Pop-up windows that overlap a website page. They are used for messages about various kinds of promotions or for offers to leave contact information.
  4. Shortcuts are located on the side of the screen and are used to get feedback from site visitors.
  5. Embeddable widgets.

All widgets can also be divided into groups for the desktop (desktop widgets) and . Developers can place a variety of visual and text programs on website pages. The user can only interact with them.

According to the installation location

Web widgets

This type of widget is built into a website. To understand what a widget is on a website, we must take into account that programmers divided this type applications on:

  • interactive – those with which you can interact;
  • non-interactive, working autonomously, regardless of the consumer’s wishes.

A more accurate name for the second type is informer. Classic example- this is a display of a weather forecast or a display of changes in exchange rates.

An example of interactive widgets are widgets social networks and message widgets. Social network widgets are familiar buttons with Facebook logos,

Gadgets - what are they? Nowadays, this concept is increasingly found in Everyday life, not to mention specialized electronics stores or computer forums. The word “gadget” itself came to us from the English language and is translated into Russian as “device.” In other words, gadgets are electronic devices. Their main purpose is to help to modern man in his life, giving it additional brightness and richness, simplicity and comfort.

The first gadgets appeared in the middle of the twentieth century. However, over time, and also thanks to the rapid development of technology, these devices changed and improved: the speed of operation, functionality, and practicality increased, while they became lighter and more compact. For example, everyone remembers how cassette player replaced its predecessor - a bulky tape recorder, then devices appeared that reproduced the mp3 format. And nowadays we already have the opportunity to store gigabytes of music using a small but very capacious flash memory card. A similar story happens with personal computers: The original bulky devices that took up several rooms were replaced by small PCs, then laptops, ultrabooks, and now everything more people use compact tablets and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Cars are already equipped with not just music players, but real media combines, and now passengers have the opportunity not only to listen to music, but also to watch videos.

Continuing the automotive theme, one cannot fail to mention another important gadget - a GPS navigator. If the driver does not know the area well, use of this device he can easily find the easiest and most optimal path to his destination. And street video recording cameras have become indispensable assistants traffic police officers, allowing you to quickly track the coordinates of the offender.

Many have already appreciated all the benefits that gadgets bring to our lives - that they are devices that can perform the most unexpected functions. For example, there are special thermal mugs that allow you to brew tea when connected to your PC via a USB port. Or glasses with a built-in camera, allowing you to view videos in 3D format and much more. In general, the imagination of gadget creators knows no bounds!

IN Lately popularity increases various types communicators. With their help, you can not only make a call anywhere in the world, but also watch photos, TV programs, listen to music or work in any application. And thanks to their small size, they can easily fit into a purse or pocket. Of course, in order to use a gadget, a person must understand the latest digital technologies, otherwise it's smart device It will become just a useless, expensive toy in the wrong hands. However, it is worth noting that fewer and fewer people are asking the question: “Gadgets - what are they?”

It is worth mentioning separately such an important class of devices as office gadgets. After all, these little helpers allow you to dilute the melancholy of gray everyday life and fill the most dull and ordinary working day with colors. Each employee strives to make his personal space the most original, to the envy of his colleagues. And gadgets are perfect for this. Exists great amount devices that allow you to do this. For example, a personal air freshener that connects to a computer and creates a nice smell, protecting against other, not always pleasant, aromas. Or a soft animal dancing to the music that is turned on on the computer - great entertainment for you and your colleagues in And for those who like to sometimes get distracted during the working day, you just need to install a miniature spy camera that tracks all movements near your workplace and warns about the approach of, for example, a boss.

So, now you know the answer to the question: “Gadgets - what are they?”, what they are, and what benefits they can bring. Although, of course, we have mentioned only a few devices in this class. In fact, there are many more of them, and each of them is unique in its own way. We are sure that in the endless sea of ​​gadgets you will also be able to find a device that is suitable for you, which will bring a lot of joy or will become an indispensable assistant.