Where to sell drawings to a beginning artist. Art for money, or how I started making money by drawing portraits

They say that a true artist must be hungry. But, for sure, none of them will agree with this. There are many ways to do what you love and still make good money. Many people just don’t know how to do it. Or they are too lazy to look for options. For them and all other artists, we offer 7 ways to make money on the Internet.

Services website

The easiest way to introduce yourself to a wide audience and show your talent is a personal website where your portfolio will be posted and the services offered will be described. Of course, you can’t do without competent promotion of a web resource, but Internet marketing can bring quite significant results. Don't forget about groups on social networks and your personal blog!

Freelance exchanges

If, in addition to artistic talent, you know how to express your thoughts clearly, then you should think about writing specialized articles. To do this, you need to register on freelance exchanges, fortunately, there are a great many of them, for example, fl.ru. There are always orders on the topics of drawing, photography, art workshops and the like. Your personal experience, knowledge and, of course, desire will help in revealing any of them. So, we find the order, write the text and receive payment! Such services also post advertisements for the search for web designers, illustrators, as well as private advertisements: many are looking for craftsmen who can draw a portrait from a photograph or a reproduction of a painting.


These are special services where any artist can offer their works for sale in electronic form. In this case, the same drawing can be sold several times, but the photo bank itself will take a small commission from you.

Creation of information products

Websites selling hand-made works

There are a lot of online platforms where you can sell handmade works. The most popular on the Russian Internet is the Crafts Fair. In addition to your personal online store, you can maintain your own blog, share news, and publish your own master classes. Among foreign sites, it is worth taking a closer look at Etsy.com, which is the largest in the world. The “live” community includes more than 30 MILLION (!!) of your potential buyers. In addition, the Russian interface allows you to quickly figure out what’s what.

No one will argue that the creative process is fascinating. So why not show the world how you create masterpieces? Shoot a video for 2-3 minutes, add some special effects, music and don’t forget to indicate your website or group. A large number of views and “likes” are guaranteed to you.

Specialized sites

Probably, this point should have been put first, since specialized sites for selling artwork are the easiest and fastest way to make money from your creativity. But we act on the principle “Through thorns to the stars” and do not look for easy ways, right? So, the three most popular resources where you can post your works for sale: Illustrators.ru, Hiero.ru and artmagazin.ru. Don't thank me) You're always welcome!

To successfully operate on the Internet, self-promotion is necessary. Register on forums, join communities, post your work, comment, discuss - become noticeable! And don't forget to draw!

Many people have probably heard the saying that a real artist must be hungry. Do you agree? We don't! And why, but because most real creators simply do not know how to make money as an artist on the Internet, which “doors” to knock on and where to start. And, in fact, this is pure income from your hobby. Most likely, it's time to change something...

Work for an artist on the Internet

It goes without saying that talented artists on the Internet are a rarity. And it follows from this that the extent to which they are in demand can explain why the category of people in this specialty is the highest paid on the World Wide Web. And this applies not only to those who work in 3D graphics, but also to representatives of ordinary “classical” techniques, such as those who write in watercolor, pencil or oil.

Although, there are some people who graduated from art school, but instead of trying to make money from drawings, they go into other areas. Those. They studied by vocation, but work for money. And this, in fact, is far from uncommon. Parting with your money job is naturally stupid. But at the same time, doing your favorite hobby and also getting paid for it will certainly be pleasant and useful.

Why do people buy drawings and pictures?

Thousands of new projects, blogs, etc. appear on the Internet every day. And their owners need, in addition to unique texts, photographs, pictures, videos. Therefore, there is a demand for such products.
Of course, it is quite difficult to list all the niches for an artist, so we will touch only on the most popular ones where an artist can make money, which from the very beginning will allow you to make a profit, albeit a small one.

What do you actually know?

When choosing a niche for yourself, first decide what exactly you do best: draw landscapes, caricatures or portraits, and what tool are you fluent in? Because all pictures will need to be in digital format.

Firstly, we will start with the fact that if you work with 2D or 3D digital graphics, then you can easily get a job at various specialized exchanges, which for the most part have a narrow specialization. Although here I need to warn you that most of them are international, so working as an artist there requires knowledge of the English language. But in order to communicate with customers on these exchanges, a high school level of knowledge will be sufficient, and this will not be an obstacle for you.

Secondly, it’s generally great if you know Photoshop or can draw in CorelDraw. If you haven’t yet thoroughly studied these applications, today there are many different tools that greatly facilitate the lives of artists by helping them convert pictures into digital format.

Below we list some of them:

    1. The simplest one. Make a sketch of the picture on paper, clearly outline its outline. Scan and finish it in CorelDraw or Photoshop on your computer. That's all, this picture can be put up for sale.

Now, directly, we will tell you about some niches where you can earn money as an artist, and you can choose on your own, the main thing is that your soul is in this work:

1. Emoticons and avatars. Someone also creates such animations or pictures for the same social networks, forums or chats. If you have a passion for animation, then you can offer your new products even to large sites or portals that distribute such icons with emotions, i.e. those same graphic images that convey expression in the content (text). The cost, of course, of such products can vary greatly, it all depends on how you can negotiate.

2. Portraits to order. But to do this, you will need to create at least a small blog, place on it a description of your services, the best samples and set an initial low cost. And then everything follows the same well-trodden SEO path: promotion and promotion of your project in social networks, communities and forums. Such portraits are usually painted electronically from submitted photographs, since reference to a specific territory is not required. Money is usually transferred to or to.

3. Pictures for websites. Here, in first place in terms of sales are headers for web resources of various types. In the next place in the option of how to make money as an artist are original images, among which special attention is given to illustrations of a commercial nature, namely banknotes, household appliances, various symbols, etc. Such orders can be easily found on special exchanges for webmasters; entire sections are organized there for this purpose.

4. Banners for advertising. There are also many relevant exchanges on the RuNet for executing such orders. Successful promotion on the stock exchange and search for orders is guaranteed by your portfolio, which, as usual, includes the work already done, consisting of your images, illustrations and the same banners.
You can create a portfolio, as well as register on the exchange, completely free of charge. Let us add that all such projects are commercial projects, and therefore the exchange will charge you a commission for completing orders, which ranges from 10 to 25%.

5. Logo creation. There are approximately 20 exchanges on the Internet that specialize in this type of business, offering cooperation to experts in this field. This demand is natural, since every day about several thousand firms, companies, etc. are born throughout our land. And each of them requires its own “company logo”.

6. Sale of reproductions. If you have such skills in your arsenal, feel free to go to the popular Deviantart exchange. On the project you place photographs of your works (a noteworthy fact is that the exchange does not care what technique they are written in) and then any user who likes your creations can print them out on a postcard, on canvas, or on paper, having first paid for this pleasure from 25 dollars. Such work for the artist and the opportunity to earn money is ensured by the fact that copyrights are respected throughout civilized society, which is considered the norm for any person using the Internet.

It should also be added here that every author, like a copywriter, must check his works for uniqueness. There are special services for checking images as well as for checking texts, here is one of them. The service is absolutely free, so you can use it, the main thing is not to copy other people's images.

Earning money from drawings - where you can sell them

Selling your works is not difficult, the main thing is to know the “fishing” places. And this, firstly, i.e. exchanges of drawings, illustrations, photographs and other things, on which photographers and artists post the results of their work for sale. The cost is not high and the exchange takes a certain percentage of sales. But despite this drawback, photo banks will be an excellent option for beginners in this field as a starting point. This will make you feel like you can earn money for your hobby.

In conclusion, we would like to add that the question of how to make money as an artist is accessible not only to a narrow circle of professionals, but also to beginners. Specialists in this area are always in demand, and this does not depend on whether you are a painter, an abstract artist, or a graphic artist... Wide opportunities open up for you to make money from creativity, all you have to do is find an order to your liking...
Good luck to you and good earnings!

Creativity has been in fashion since ancient times and to this day interest in it has not diminished. Bright and dedicated representatives of art were generously rewarded with honor and universal love of ordinary people. Good artistic skill is something that rests the eye. Almost everyone can gain something from a well-written piece of work.

The role of artistic art in people's lives

The role of art in people’s lives is difficult to overestimate, because it inspires, evokes previously unknown feelings, helps to rethink some categories, and teaches us to understand the author and history as a whole.

Almost all children have been interested in drawing since childhood. After all, this is a simple and very interesting way to spend time. Young children go through the most important stage for them of getting to know the environment, life, nature, and matter. Then they themselves find it true for themselves that visualizing what they see is extremely interesting and unusual, and also simple to the point of genius. But not for everyone this becomes the main hobby, and certainly not for everyone this hobby turns into the main source of income. So, how can a beginning artist make money? This article and the tips below will tell you about this.

How can an artist make money?

What ways are there for artists to make money? There are actually a huge number of them. All options for earning money should first be divided into three main categories, and then each one should be considered in all possible variations and manifestations.

How to start earning money as an artist? The work of a creative person should bring peace, aesthetic pleasure and means for existence and replenishment of possible costs for materials. This list illustrates the three main ways an artist can make money:

  1. To work for someone, fulfilling orders for monetary compensation.
  2. Working for yourself. Finding ways to realize your potential, creating your own name, image and reputation.
  3. Creative implementation related to information technology.

Everyone can choose an activity to their liking. When asking the question of how to make money as an artist, you should understand that today there are many talented people in the world, and with the advent of the Internet, there are many more platforms for development and creative expression. Many employers need workers today. And if a person also has creative potential, he will be in demand more than others.

Having determined the ways to earn money, you can move on to the options themselves. In reality, there are plenty of them, so a truly talented person can easily find applications for his creativity.

How can an artist make money as a hired worker? The occupation of the vast majority of modern brush artists is associated with hired labor and the fulfillment of a wide variety of orders. Below is a detailed description of creative directions for people who want to realize their potential through paid work.


Is it possible for an artist to make money doing makeup exclusively? Of course, yes, and quite a lot! This profession is for those who like to create images using makeup, fine connoisseurs of all colors and their shades, and experts in human facial expressions. This profession can be very lucrative, but it is quite responsible and requires long-term, hard training and a lot of patience. To create beauty looks at the proper level, you need to be diligent and patient, as well as have a good imagination.


This is a profession for those who like to decorate the human body with drawings. In order to become a good tattoo artist, you need to have excellent knowledge of the technique of drawing on the body, because any mistake can be costly. This work requires high concentration and patience.

Creation of a website with offers to create paintings/drawings to order

First, you need to create your own online platform for convenient direct communication with customers, then post your drawings or paintings there, that is, create a portfolio of your work. You can also provide an estimated price for each piece of art. With the help of self-promotion and online communication with potential customers, you can create portraits, drawings, paintings, landscapes to order, while receiving good money.

Reproductions of famous paintings to order

Due to current life circumstances, some artists have become the most important historical figures, and their paintings have become legendary masterpieces that have gained a huge number of fans around the world. There are among them who want to see a reproduction of a work of art that will come to life during their era. Reproduction of legendary paintings can be very profitable for a talented author.

Logos and corporate styles for companies

This profession is for those who have artistic talent, able to hide important meaning in a simple and exquisitely outlined image. It is important to have a good imagination and to be a good psychologist in the field of manipulating people.

How can an artist make money by working for himself?

Illustrating books, creating comics, drawings for children's books - this activity is suitable for lovers of the caricature genre, various cartoons, and connoisseurs of animation. Artists with good imagination and boundless imagination who love children, understand their psychology and share children’s impulses and dreams can create entertaining pictures.

Street painting master

This is definitely suitable for those who love to work outdoors, drawing inspiration from nature, scenery and the beauty of the environment. The visual image of a street artist is often this: a small man with a neatly trimmed beard, a hat slid to one side, and an original scarf carelessly wrapped around his neck. When such a person sits in front of an easel, drawing someone’s portrait from life, squinting his eyes, trying not to lose sight of all the important details and features, you can safely be sure that the artist is trying to create a masterpiece and please the visitor one hundred percent.

Be that as it may, a master of painting is a creative person who cherishes within himself all the impulses and beginnings of artistic thought, he is a creator and creator who knows how to convey concrete and abstract concepts with colors and paints. It is very important for him that no one limits him in this, otherwise his talent may dry up. How can an artist working for himself make money? Examples of this type of earnings are described below.

Art dealer

Another answer to how to make money as an artist in modern conditions. This profession is directly suitable for a person who has the means to rent premises or has the opportunity to use his personal property. This is also a good option for where an artist can make money without having any work experience behind them. But art dealers are mostly experienced fans of artistic craftsmanship. They must understand this art and have a good sense of true talent.

People in this profession buy paintings from artists at one price and sell them at another to gallery visitors at auctions. That is, in fact, they perform a kind of intermediary function. Also, this activity is well suited for those who, in addition to all of the above, want to promote themselves as an artist and connect their professional life with contemporary art. Paintings that are bought by art dealers are subject to strict moderation before being included in exhibitions or shows, because quite high standards for work are set there.

Creating your own works for the purpose of selling on the Internet, on advertising platforms, on your own website

This work is for those who do not want to deviate in any way from their creative worldview. In this case, you need to be ready to create something unique, original, new, and to some extent ingenious. This option is also very suitable for beginners in the art industry who want to find out what they could stand in this environment and what potential buyers of drawings or paintings value.

Contemporary artists experiment with various styles, genres and trends - from classics, expressionism, impressionism to modern pop art, cartoons, caricatures.

How can an artist make a good living by combining his hobby with the IT field?

In the modern world of widespread globalization and the flourishing of a market economy, when marketing, advertising, competition are flourishing, when you need to surprise people, win the trust and favor of consumers, artistic talent is very necessary, and modern technologies are able to bring memorable compositions, graphics, images, pictures into reality. How can an artist who loves to draw and work on the computer make money? For representatives of this type of occupation, the specializations presented below are perfect.

Website creation

When creating Internet sites, you need to be an experienced user of various special programs, as well as have originality in your work, and have a good understanding of artistic styles. Graphic design is booming today, so it is a decent way to earn a living.

Working with Photoshop

Photography today is also considered an art, especially when this genre skillfully combines the right angle, a lively spontaneous moment and high-quality processing at the appropriate level. Good photography is very expensive, but talented photographers will always and everywhere be in value.

Online training, webinars for those who want to learn

Do artists make money by teaching people how to draw? Naturally! Conducting teaching classes online using the Internet or working on location is also a worthy and well-paid activity that is suitable for those who can and love to teach others how to draw. In order to succeed in this business, you need to master various drawing techniques and have a detailed and consistent approach to work. With the acquisition of experience in this area, it will be possible to prepare and publish specialized educational literature with detailed supporting illustrations, as well as create video tutorials on YouTube, which can also allow you to make a good living.

Now for the reader the question of how to make money as an artist is not so incomprehensible and vague. There is always a place for talented people to use their capabilities.

Just a few decades ago, it was prestigious to receive a higher education and work in a large government agency in a “decent” position. In the process of activity, experience was gained and self-esteem grew. Nowadays you don’t need a lot of intelligence to get a higher education diploma. And the skills and knowledge themselves acquired while studying at a university are no longer so valued.

Time passes very quickly, new technologies change and emerge, and, accordingly, it is necessary to adapt to new trends so as not to drown in a sea of ​​innovations. So, now it has become popular (due to many problems, including financial ones) to “be a free artist” - i.e. freelancer. Moreover, this means not only copywriters, programmers and translators, but also builders, actors, engineers, etc. A special place is occupied by artists, illustrators and those who simply know how to draw well.

Ways to make money for artists/photographers

Among the most popular methods, the most successful ones can be identified:

  1. Pictures via photo banks/microstocks. After registering on the portal, you need to pass a short simple exam. When the task is successfully completed, the artist is able to upload his work to the portal. The most successful images are purchased more often, and, accordingly, income increases significantly. Copyright issues are considered at the stage of uploading a photo/painting. We have an article about how our friend
  2. Vector graphics.

    To do this, you need a special program (CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator), a computer and the desire to spend a little time on learning. Creating vector files (for example, logos) has its own characteristics, nuances, as well as basic requirements: closed contours, EPS 8 // EPS 8 format, no raster objects.

    To earn money you should:

     post your vector works on microstocks, choosing one of the proposed cooperation options (full exclusive, exclusive, non-exclusive);

     register on freelance exchanges + create your own portfolio of work;

     participate in thematic competitions.

  3. Creation of logos, corporate identity, naming. It is necessary to have special skills. programs. It’s better to register on freelance exchanges.
  4. Portraits, paintings on canvas. The search for customers takes place via the Internet, and finished works are sent by mail or other convenient methods.
  5. Posters, covers, book illustrations, font design.

Hello! In this article we will talk about making money for artists.

  • How much can you earn: from 10,000 rubles per month for beginners.
  • Minimum Requirements: ability to draw, self-discipline, free time.
  • Is it worth it?: Yes .

General information about earning money for artists

A good artist should no longer be hungry: on the Internet you can easily find income for those who can draw coolly.

Artists who know how to work with graphic editors are in great demand.

In graphic arts, a portfolio plays a huge role. In programming and other freelance professions, you can test an employee’s skills in literally 20 minutes. This cannot be done in graphics simply because each performer has his own style, vision and execution.

If you want to start earning money quickly, make sure you have a good portfolio.

Method 1. Images for microstocks

Microstocks are sites where you can sell your illustrations for a fee.

Working with microstocks is convenient because after downloading the image remains in the system, and each time you receive a percentage of its purchase. This is peculiar.

There are also image trends on microstocks. That is why the illustrator will have to find a compromise between “I can draw” and “This is in demand.” On top of that, it is constantly growing, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for beginners to get started. You will have to draw 6 - 8 hours a day to build a good database of images.

In order to work with microstocks, it is best to master Adobe Illustrator.

Method 2. Custom design

- a very in-demand profession. In any field, you need a person who can convey graphically what the client wants.

Specialization works best in design. If you really want to earn a lot, you will have to choose a certain direction and work only in it. This could be a design:

  • multi-page sites.
  • one-page sites.
  • PC applications.
  • applications for mobile.
  • advertising banners.

The workflow for a novice designer is as follows:

choosing a direction -> several invented orders for the portfolio -> searching for clients -> work -> replenishing the portfolio.

The most difficult thing in design is to adapt to the client's requirements. You can see the idea from one angle, the customer from another, and he will be right because it is his project.

Method 3. Paintings to order

This is already full-fledged. I think many of you have come across such communities on social networks “Portraits to order”, “Paintings to order”, etc. This is a great business for artists.

It is best to promote through communities on social networks. You can use VKontakte with store functionality as a platform, and Instagram for publishing your portfolio.

Portraits to order are in great demand. This is an original gift that can please almost any person. It is more difficult to make money from painting, paintings are in less demand, but nevertheless you can find a buyer.

I have a friend whose great-grandfather was a famous artist in our city. And now his grandson makes money by creating replicas of his paintings and selling them at low prices to those who cannot afford the originals. The demand is such that it allows both him and his wife not to work.

It is very difficult to make money from your paintings. Simply because no one knows you as an artist, and your work is of no value to collectors and art connoisseurs.

Method 4. Selling designer postcards

You won’t surprise anyone with ordinary postcards. Lovers of original gifts often order unique cards to show how much they are interested in the idea.

If you know how to work with a graphics tablet, you can easily collaborate with stores selling unique postcards.

Stores are a great place to start. They provide access to a large audience and allow you not to reduce prices to attract customers. There is also the opportunity to run this business yourself. But for this you will need to draw an idea, come up with the right words, and carry out your plans.

I have seen more than once how modern poets collaborate with good artists and create atmospheric postcards, and then sell them in their own communities.

Method 5. Drawing comics

Internet comics are many individual images that are connected mainly by the main character, habits and general mood.

There are two options for working with comics: post them in the public domain or publish them in publications. Monetization methods depend on this. If you work with groups on social networks or a personal blog, you can make money from advertising integrations: advertising inserts in social networks, pictures with advertising, etc.

If you work with full-fledged publications, you will need to create a comic book: a big story, an illustration of a certain story. In order to earn money in this way, you need to either constantly catch competitions in large print or online publications, or get a permanent job as an illustrator.

Method 6. Private lessons

This is a great way for those who can not only draw, but can also teach it. There are more and more self-taught artists. And that means those who want to realize themselves in a certain profession. You can give private lessons via Skype to:

  • Those who want to learn how to draw.
  • Those who want to master graphics programs.

There are a lot of free drawing lessons available online. But your main advantage is individual work. You will be able to explain, show and tell something to your student much faster.

Method 7. Creating your own information product

The most promising way to make money on the Internet is to create your own information products. You are selling what you have already learned. In the case of artists, this could be:

  • Drawing lessons.
  • Graphic design lessons.
  • Ways to find clients.
  • Ways to earn money for designers.

You can come up with many options. It is very important that you yourself understand what you can teach.

How can an artist find clients?

Let's talk about three current ways to find clients. Each of them is worthy of attention and they are still working today.


In order to register on most microstocks, you will have to pass an exam. Let's look at the list of the most profitable microstocks.

Shutterstock— the largest microstock. Accepts photos, illustrations and vector graphics for uploading. There is an exam: it is enough to accept at least one job out of 10 proposed.

For experienced users there is a bonus program: the more works sold, the higher the deductions.

This is a great starting point for beginners. Images are checked very quickly, and the works of beginners are exhibited on an equal basis with professionals. The minimum withdrawal is $35, but not earlier than 3 months after registration.

IStock— one of the oldest microstocks. Accepts photos, illustrations and vectors.

Part of Getty Images, the largest professional photo bank.

A normal starting point for beginners. The main disadvantage: the high withdrawal threshold of $100. The service also does not show sales statistics well: it will be possible to update the data only after a month.

Fotolia is a microstock that integrates with Adobe products in the form of Adobe Stock. There is no exam here.

Built into Adobe products. There are quite a lot of buyers.

The minimum withdrawal threshold is $50. Among the majority of authors, it is one of the five most profitable microstocks.

Freelancing sites

- the most profitable way to earn money for designers and everyone who works with computer graphics. But every year it becomes more and more difficult for newcomers to break through. Almost all projects will require starting investments: from 800 rubles to purchase a premium account. Without it, you can only access basic orders.

List of freelancing sites:

  • Freelance.ru.
  • Fl.ru.
  • Freelansim.
  • Work-Zilla.
  • Kwork.

You can find orders for both graphic rendering of images and drawings on canvas.

Social media

The option is suitable for running a business and making money on comics. The best social network for this is VKontakte. There is full functionality for attracting clients.

You can use the VKontakte community either as a group in which work will be posted, or as a personal store.

You can use Instagram to create a portfolio. This social network has the best format for working with images. You can post photo reviews from clients or a list of completed work.

How much can an artist earn?

Now let's talk about which direction is most profitable to work in. To do this, let’s look at the income figures, the minimum threshold and the time/money spent on each type of income.

Pictures on microstocks— top users earn from illustrations from $1,000 every month. A beginner can count on an income of 100 - 200 dollars 2 - 3 months after starting work. But at first you will have to work really hard to gain a base of regular customers and build a portfolio.

Custom design- a good designer with an average workload (3 - 4 hours a day with 20 working days a month) can freely earn from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. But this will require a good portfolio. A beginner will have to make several orders for himself, invest in a portfolio and work for some time with orders at low pay.

Paintings to order— It is very difficult to predict income. From what I was told, you can earn up to 50,000 rubles a month by selling replicas. There is no information on copyright works.

Sale of original postcards- a very difficult way to make money. By collaborating with a modern poet, you can secure good sales. But the monthly income will still be low - from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

Making money from comics— there is no information about illustrators who make money from full-fledged drawing of comics. Creative companies often keep this secret. Internet comics are not created to make money. In the Russian segment, this is more a way of creative self-realization and small earnings on advertising.

Private lessons— individual lessons on the Internet are quite expensive. An hour costs from 500 to 1,000 rubles. But there won’t be a workload of 20-30 hours a week, so you can count on 5-7 thousand rubles a week.

Creation of an information product- income depends on the value of the product. A large initial investment of time and effort is required for training (from a week to a month) and promotion costs - the minimum level is 20,000 rubles.


The Internet provides a huge number of earning opportunities for people with creative professions. It’s enough to take the issue of earning money seriously, start studying and don’t stray from your path.