How to open ports on a computer. Forwarding a port with changing its value

For some software products to function correctly, certain ports must be opened. Let's establish how this can be done for Windows 7.

Before opening the port, you need to have an idea of ​​why you are performing this procedure and whether it needs to be done at all. After all, this can serve as a source of vulnerability for the computer, especially if the user gives access to unreliable applications. At the same time, some useful software products For optimal performance require the opening of specific ports. For example, for the game Minecraft it is port 25565, and for it it is 80 and 433.

This problem can be solved using built-in Windows tools(Firewall and Command Line settings), and using separate third party programs(eg Skype, Simple Port Forwarding).

But you should remember that if you are not using a direct connection to the Internet, but a connection through a router, then this procedure will bring results only if you open it not only in Windows, but also in the router settings. But we will not consider this option, since, firstly, the router is indirectly related to the operating system itself, and secondly, the settings of certain brands of routers differ significantly, so it’s difficult to describe a certain model it makes no sense.

Now let's look at specific opening methods in more detail.

Method 1: uTorrent

Let's start looking at ways to solve this problem in Windows 7 with an overview of actions in third-party programs, in particular in the uTorrent application. It must be said right away that this method is only suitable for those users who have a static IP.

  1. Open uTorrent. Click on the menu "Settings". Move by position in the list "Program settings". You can also use a button combination Ctrl+P.
  2. The settings window opens. Move to section "Compound" using the side menu.
  3. In the window that opens, we will be interested in the parameter block "Port Settings". To the region "Incoming connection port" enter the number of the port you need to open. Then click "Apply" And "OK".
  4. After this action, the specified socket (port bound to a specific IP address) must be open. To check this, click on the uTorrent menu "Settings", and then go to the item "Setup Assistant". You can also use a combination Ctrl+G.
  5. The Setup Assistant window opens. Check off the item "Speed ​​Test" can be removed immediately because this block is not needed for the task at hand, and checking it will only take time. We are interested in the block "Net". There must be a check mark next to its name. In field "Port" should be the number that we opened earlier through uTorrent settings. It is pulled into the field automatically. But if for some reason a different number is displayed, then you should change it to the desired option. Next click "Test".
  6. The procedure is running to check whether the socket is open.
  7. After the verification procedure is completed, a message will be displayed in the uTorrent window. If the task is completed successfully, the message will be as follows: "Results: the port is open". If the task cannot be completed, as in the image below, the message will be as follows: . Most likely, the reason for the failure may be that the provider provides you with a dynamic IP rather than a static one. In this case, you will not be able to open the socket via uTorrent. How to do this for dynamic IP addresses other methods will be discussed below.

Method 2: Skype

The next way to solve the problem involves using a program to Skype communication. This option also suitable only for those users to whom the provider has allocated a static IP.

Method 3: "Windows Firewall"

This method involves performing manipulations through “ Windows Firewall", that is, without using third party applications, but only with the help of the resources itself operating system. This option is suitable for both users using static IP address, and those using dynamic IP.

  1. To launch Windows Firewall, click "Start", then click on "Control Panel".
  2. Next click "System and safety".
  3. After that press "Windows Firewall".

    There are more quick option transition to required section, but requiring memorization of a specific command. It is carried out using a tool "Run". Call it by clicking Win+R. Enter:

    Click "OK".

  4. Any of these actions will launch the Firewall configuration window. IN side menu click « Extra options» .
  5. Now use the side menu to navigate to the section "Rules for incoming connections".
  6. The Inbound Rules Management Tool opens. To open a specific socket, we have to form a new rule. In the side menu, click "Create a rule...".
  7. The rule generation tool is launched. First of all, you need to choose its type. In the block “What type of rule do you want to create?” set the radio button to position "For the port" and click "Further".
  8. Then in the block "Specify the protocol" leave the radio button in position "TCP Protocol". In the block "Specify ports" put the radio button in position . In the field to the right of this parameter, enter the number of the specific port that you are going to activate. Click "Further".
  9. Now you need to specify an action. Set the switch to position "Allow connection". Click "Further".
  10. Then you should specify the type of profiles:
    • Private;
    • Domain;
    • Public.

    There should be a check mark next to each of these items. Click "Further".

  11. In the next window in the field "Name" you need to specify an arbitrary name for the rule being created. In field "Description" You can optionally leave a comment on the rule, but this is not required. After this you can click "Ready".
  12. So the rule for TCP protocol created. But to provide a guarantee correct operation, you also need to create a similar entry for UDP for the same socket. To do this, press again "Create a rule...".
  13. In the window that opens, again set the radio button to the position "For the port". Click "Further".
  14. Now set the radio button to position « UDP protocol» . Below, leaving the radio button in position "Certain local ports» , we set the same number as in the situation described above. Click "Further".
  15. In the new window we leave the existing configuration, that is, the switch should be in the position "Allow connection". Click "Further".
  16. In the next window, again make sure that the checkboxes next to each profile are checked, and click "Further".
  17. At the final step in the field "Name" enter the name of the rule. It must be different from the name that was assigned to the previous rule. Now you should press "Ready".
  18. We have created two rules that will ensure that the selected socket is activated.

Method 4: "Command Line"

You can complete the task using the Command Line. It must be activated with administrative rights.

Method 5: Port Forwarding

Let's finish this lesson a description of the method using an application that is specifically designed to perform this task - Simple Port Forwarding. Application the specified program is the only option of all those described, by performing which you can open a socket not only in the OS, but also in the router parameters, and the user does not even have to go into its settings window. Thus, this method is universal for most router models.

  1. After launching Simple Port Forwarding, first of all, for greater convenience of working in this program, you need to change the interface language from English, which is installed by default, to Russian. To do this, click on the field in the lower left corner of the window in which the name of the current program language is indicated. In our case it is "English I English".
  2. A large list opens different languages. Select in it "Russian I Russian".
  3. After this, the application interface will be Russified.
  4. In field "Router IP address" Your router's IP should automatically appear.

    If this does not happen, then you will have to drive it in manually. In the vast majority of cases this will be the following address:

    But it’s still better to make sure it’s correct through "Command line". This time it is not necessary to run this tool with administrative rights, and therefore we will launch it more in a fast way than we considered earlier. Dial Win+R. In the field that opens "Run" enter:

    Click "OK".

    Into the opened window "Command line" enter the expression:

    Click Enter.

    This will display basic connection information. We need the value opposite the parameter "Main gate". This is what should be entered in the field "Router IP address" in the Simple Port Forwarding application window. Window "Command line" We don’t close it yet, since the data displayed in it may be useful to us in the future.

  5. Now you need to find the router through the program interface. Click "Search".
  6. A list with the name opens various models more than 3000 routers. In it you need to find the name of the model to which your computer is connected.

    If you don’t know the model name, then in most cases it can be seen on the router case. You can also find out its name through the browser interface. To do this, enter in address bar any web browser the IP address that we previously determined through "Command line". It is located near the parameter "Main gate". After it is entered into the address bar of the browser, click Enter. The router settings window will open. Depending on its brand, the model name can be viewed either in the window that opens or in the name of the tab.

    After this, find the name of the router in the list provided in the Simple Port Forwarding program and double-click on it.

  7. Then in the program fields "Login" And "Password" standard for specific model router data account. If you previously changed them manually, you should enter the current ones on this moment login and password.
  8. Next, click on the button "Add Entry" ("Add a note") in the form of a sign «+» .
  9. In the window that opens for adding a new socket, click the button "Add special".
  10. Next, a window opens in which you need to specify the parameters of the socket to open. In field "Name" write down any arbitrary name, not exceeding 10 characters in length, by which you will identify this entry. In area "Type" leave the parameter "TCP/UDP". This way we won't have to create a separate entry for each protocol. In area "Start Port" And "Terminal port" Enter the number of the port you are going to open. You can even enter a whole range. In this case, all sockets of the specified number interval will be opened. In field "IP address" The data should be pulled up automatically. Therefore, do not change the existing value.

    But just in case, you can check it. It must correspond to the value that is displayed next to the parameter "IPv4 address" in the window "Command line".

    After everything specified settings produced, click the button in the interface of the Simple Port Forwarding program "Add".

  11. Then, to return to the main program window, close the add port window.
  12. As you can see, the entry we created appeared in the program window. Select it and click "Run".
  13. After this, the socket opening procedure will be performed, after which the following message will be displayed at the end of the report "Adding complete".
  14. So, the task has been completed. Now you can safely close Simple Port Forwarding and "Command line".

As you can see, there are many ways to open a port, both using built-in Windows tools and using third-party programs. But most of them will only open the socket in the operating system, and opening it in the router settings will have to be done separately. But still there are individual programs, for example Simple Port Forwarding, which will allow the user to cope with both of the tasks mentioned above simultaneously without manual manipulation of the router settings.

Often windows users 7 are having trouble opening a port in the firewall. This situation occurs during installation new program or to be able to play games online. If you don’t know exactly how to do this, you can waste a lot of time and nerves on this activity. So, to open the port, first go to the Start menu - select Control Panel. In the left top corner Click System and Security.
In the menu that opens, select the Windows firewall item - it is second on the list.
The firewall menu will open in front of you, where you can see its status: whether it is open or closed, active networks, notifications. On this page, select the “Advanced settings” item in the upper left corner - the window “Windows Firewall in mode” will open in front of us. increased security».
Here also on the left top menu select the item “Rules for incoming connections”, in the window that opens you can see a list of rules allowed for incoming connections. Next, in the upper right corner, click “Create a rule”, after which the wizard for creating a rule for a new incoming connection will open in front of us. Here we select the type - the rule that controls connections for the TCP port( Transmission Control Protocol - transmission control protocol) or UDP( User Datagram Protocol- user datagram protocol). Select the port and click next. A window will open where you need to select a protocol and specify ports: you can choose all ports or manually enter a specific one local port- This a certain amount of numbers and dots. This figure can be individual for each specific task. Click next again. A window will open in front of us where we need to select the Allow connection option and click Next again. A window will open in front of us: “For which profiles the rule applies” - domain, private, public. You can select all and click next. Then we enter the name and description of the rule and that’s it – click ready, the port is open. You can see the name of this rule in the list of rules.
The port remains open at all times, so close ports when they are no longer needed.

On routers, many people know. But there are often situations when the user does this, but an external check shows that the port is still closed. Some run into this problem and don’t understand what to do next. One common reason is the security system personal computer. The fact is that, having learned how to open ports for a router, a person does only half the job. They also need to be opened in the firewall rules on the computer. Next, we will describe in detail how to open ports on Windows 10 and lower versions of the operating system.

How to get into the firewall settings

These settings are located in the Control Panel, where there is a “System and Security” section. In new versions of the operating system, you can use a desktop element such as search. In it you need to start typing the word “firewall”, and the user will see the desired link in the results. Another very quick and convenient method for getting into the settings is to press the Win+R combination. A line will appear in which you should write: “firewall.cpl” and click OK.

How is the computer in the firewall?

In the built-in firewall settings, you need to go to “Advanced settings”, after which the section with settings in enhanced security mode will open. On the left there is a field with rules for incoming connections. You need to open it and create a rule. To do this, in the “Actions” window on the right, click the corresponding item, and the “Wizard for creating a connection rule” will open. The rule type must be selected for the port. Next, the protocol type is selected and the port is specified. As a rule, TCP is chosen as the protocol, and less often - UDP. The port number is also indicated here. How do you know which port to open? Each game and program requires its own specific number. It can be found using search engine. After this, the checkbox is checked to allow the connection, a name is created for the rule, and that’s it. The port is now open. You can check its availability from the outside using special program PFPortChecker. If the check shows that the port is closed, you can resort to this option: allow the program any type of network activity. How to open ports this way? Again you need to go to the settings and create the rule again. But now it is created not for the port, but for the application. In the window that opens, you need to select the program you need access to. The checkbox is checked again to allow the connection, and a name is invented. Now the rule has been created for the program.

If this step did not help, then how can I open more ports? You can try to completely disable the firewall built into the system.

How to disable the firewall?

To disable it, you need to select the item called “Turn on and off” in the settings. A window will open with parameter settings for network types. For each, you need to check the box that disables the firewall. After confirmation, it will become inactive, and the operating system on the current computer will become completely open to threats from the external network. Therefore, it is recommended to disable the security system either for a short period of time to check for problems related to port availability, or if migrating to a third-party packet filter. And it is highly undesirable to constantly work on the network with the firewall disabled.

How to open ports for the server?

To do this, you need to open the router settings, log in, and then go to the “ Firewall" Here you select the option " Virtual servers" It is worth noting that the names may differ on all routers. A window will open where you need to fill in all the fields in accordance with which server is needed. There is nothing difficult here.

How to open a port in Ubuntu?

It's no secret that Windows is aimed even at inexperienced users. That is why in this system all operations are performed using GUI. In Ubuntu, all operations are carried out using special commands written on the command line. How to open ports in this system?

The answer may surprise you: not at all. The thing is that here no ports are blocked at all by the default firewall. The user, on the contrary, can block them if he wishes. If somehow the port turns out to be closed, then you can use the Nmap program to check it. It is able to recognize different port states. Thus, the Open state means that the application is ready to receive packets on this port. Filtered means that a filter or firewall is blocking a port on the network. The program cannot determine whether it is open or closed. Closed means that the port is not currently associated with any application, but can be opened at any time. Finally, the Unfiltered state means that the port is responding to the utility's request, but there is no way to determine whether it is open or closed.

If you press the space bar while scanning, the progress will appear.

If the user is closer not to text, but graphics programs, then there is a Zenmap utility that is graphical shell for Nmap. She knows how to build a network map.


Thus, in order to open ports on computers, there are many in various ways. Some are suitable for some operating systems, others for others. The user must decide for himself by suitable means, and the operation itself will not take much effort. In addition, it is useful to get to know the work computer equipment in more detail. Such skills will always come in handy.

Opening the port may be necessary for almost anyone using a computer with established ten or any other operating system.

In this guide, we'll show you how to open ports on your computer using the built-in Windows firewall, through a router, and by changing the settings of your antivirus software.

Why do you need to open ports?

There are many applications and games that connect through a specific port when using the Internet.

, for security reasons, blocks their free use. Also, such connections are impossible without the appropriate settings of the router or, if it is set to. The user must allow access himself by setting the appropriate settings. Port check You can check whether a particular port is open on your PC using special services

or command line systems. To do this online, you will need to do the following:

The service will issue Current state port.

To check the port using

special team

you will need:

  1. You will see a list of currently open ports. "Control Panel" Opening a port in the firewall
  2. To configure ports using the firewall built into the system, you will need to set connection rules. This can be done by performing the following operations: Open via search in the start menu. » .
  3. In the next window, go to

"Defender Firewall"

  1. Windows "Rules for incoming connections" Click . In most cases, you need to create 2 rules - one for incoming connections and the second for outgoing connections. .
  2. Select link "For the port" .
  3. and click "Further" .
  4. "Create Rule"
  5. In the next window, select the option Click .
  6. Select the protocol through which the application for which you are opening the port will operate.
  7. Check the option "Further" .
  8. "Specific local ports"
  9. and click "Further" .
  10. Enter the port number.
  11. Click on the button "Ready" .

Select the profiles to which the created rule will be applied.

Give the rule a name and enter its description.


  1. Open a browser and enter the IP address of your router.

Typically this is or (the exact address of the router can be found on its panel or in the instructions).

After completing the setup, you need to reboot the router, after which the ports will become available.

This operation can be performed different ways, depending on the router model.

Opening a port in antivirus

Providing access in the firewall and router settings may not be enough, as the connection may be blocked.

  1. Let's look at how you can open a port using an example.
  2. To do this you will need to do the following: Go to the application settings by clicking on the gear button. Choose a section "Net" .
  3. "Additionally" and go to the tab .
  4. Next click "Add" .
  5. "Choose"
  6. Click on the button "Add" .

From the list that appears, select
Enter a description of the rule and specify the port number.

After this, it is advisable to reboot the system. Additionally, you can add the application for which you are configuring the port to exceptions so that the antivirus does not block it. The procedure for accessing a specific port is not a particularly complex operation. By acting in accordance with these instructions, you will be able to carry out your plans without any problems. Majority

computer programs

or servers interact with each other during operation of the device, and are also used to enter the global network.

These operations are possible due to the activation of numerous ports that allow access, invitations and connections.

If the port is temporarily unavailable, then invitations, naturally, do not arrive, but are lost along the way.

As a rule, PC users call such a port inaccessible and recommend some steps to open them. We will review how to open ports on windows 7. Opening ports on windows 7 However,

  • this manual
  • useful for those who have a firewall installed by default.
  • The user needs to open the PC control panel through the Start menu located in the lower left corner.

In the screenshot we see the folder “Windows Firewall”, the viewing option must first be changed, including “Small icons”, or even “Large”, in order for the Firewall icon itself to be displayed.

The following screenshot will appear in front of you.

  • In the upper corner we see an inscription that ensures that ports are opened for connections in compliance with the enhanced security mode. In this window, the user needs to select the “Rules for incoming connections” tab.

  • After the image that we see in the screenshot appears, the user follows the rule itself. You can perform this action in the “Wizard for creating new connection rules” tab.

Note! During further work the wizard will constantly prompt the user further actions, ask questions and offer answer options. The only thing the user needs is to carefully read the prompts in the pop-up windows and click on the “Continue” button if he agrees with the next sentence.

So, at the first stage, the wizard asks the user what type of rule he needs.

You need to check the box “For port” and tap on the “Next” button. After that, select the line “Incoming connection”.

After these simple manipulations, you can begin the second stage of work.

At this point, the user must select a port number or a range of multiple ports that he needs to open for seamless access to various servers and connections to other programs and applications.

You will see the line “Specified local ports”, which should be filled in with the selected number.

If you want to open several ports, then simply put a hyphen between the numbers and press the “Next” key.

After entering the number to securely open the firewall port, the program will prompt the user with various possible connections.

In order for the presented connections to become available to your PC, you must check the “Allow connection” line and then click on the “Next” button.

This rule applies to Domain, Private and Public profiles, so they must be checked when opening the port.

After creating the rule, click on the “Finish” button and the “New Incoming Connection Rule Creation Wizard” will complete its operation, and you will be able to receive messages or establish connections through the new available port.

In this screenshot we see a simplified step by step instructions on how to open ports through the firewall, which will be more acceptable among novice PC users.

How to open ports on windows 7 through a router

Today, the computer has become an integral part of our lives and an indispensable household item.

Housewives are looking for new recipes, students are reading books and looking for essays in in electronic format, and their parents are watching Latest updates world cinema.

In order to avoid disputes regarding the priority of any action, most users acquire their own PC.

Therefore, in one home there can be both a PC and, for example, a tablet and other gadgets that provide access to global network.

Connecting each device to the network is a troublesome and unnecessary task, since providers offer their consumers best option solution to the problem - router.

This device is a router that not only provides Free access to an Internet resource, but also allows its owner to open ports that allow receiving network messages or installing various connections, thanks to which the user has access to any information, programs or applications.

In essence, the procedure remains the same, only first you need to open the router. The first thing the user should do is open the browser they are using and log into the router.

You will see an address bar in which you need to enter the internal IP. In most cases, it is represented by the following code if it gives an error, then try

Opening ports on an ASUS router.

Opening ports on a D-link router

They are represented by login and password that your ISP uses. As a rule, login: admin, password: admin.

If the password is incorrect, then the user should look under the router. There is a sticker at the bottom with necessary information, which needs to fill in these fields.

Opening ports on a Netgear router

After this, a window will pop up on the monitor and display the navigation panel.

Opening ports on a Zyxel router

The user needs to go to the “Advanced Setup” tab, and then NAT and click on the “Add” button (“Settings” - “Add”).

In this window you will see the following fields: “Server Name” (user name), Server IP Address (PC address), External Port Start (external port) and Internal Port Start (internal port).

In the first field you need to enter the user name, and it should be as memorable as possible so that later you can remember for what purpose this port was opened.

In this case, you can enter a name from the provided list or select your own option (Custom Server).

The user must enter the internal IP of the device in the address bar, and the fields external port fill the following numbers 25565.

After this, the internal port line will be filled in automatically.

At the end of all the completed actions, click on the “Save” button and proceed to opening the port through the firewall of the operating system used.

How to quickly open ports on Windows 7?