How to distinguish a real iPhone 5s from a fake. How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original

It is incredibly popular not only among mobile technology users, but also among numerous Chinese manufacturers. Copies of Apple gadgets (often of extremely low quality) are common in Russia - you can be sure that if a seller offers an iPhone for next to nothing, there is no question of the original.

It is better to buy an iPhone from cellular networks or large electronics stores - in this case, fraud is excluded. However, if you think that paying 50 thousand rubles for a gadget in a salon is too much, and you prefer the option of buying it “from hand”, remember that you are taking a risk. In such a transaction, special attention must be paid to inspecting and checking the iPhone.

Visual inspection is not always effective, because the “Chinese masters” have already become accustomed to constructing fakes that are externally identical to the original. However, there is no need to neglect the inspection - checking will protect you from purchasing the lowest quality “fake” and will not take much time.

Signs of a Chinese iPhone are:

Availability of two or three slots for SIM cards

A genuine iPhone supports only one SIM card, which is placed in a special tray that is removed from the device using a needle.

Removable battery

This sign echoes the previous one. If you see a seller remove the iPhone battery to install under it"Sim cards", end the deal immediately.

Screen diagonal that does not match the original

Remember these characteristics:

You shouldn’t be too pedantic in measuring the diagonal: the same iPhone 5 has a diagonal, to be precise, not 4 inches, but 4.065. If you are too picky, you may miss out on a good deal.

Availability of antenna

Sellers present the antenna as an advantage - supposedly it will be possible to listen to the radio without connecting a headset. In fact, the presence of a retractable antenna is a sign of a “fierce” fake.

Screen grain

If you can turn on your iPhone before purchasing, that would be great. An experienced Apple user will always distinguish the original from the fake by the gadget’s screen alone - the original has a display created using RETINA technology, characterized by a very high pixel density.

Poor quality logo

If the legendary “bitten apple” on the back of the device is a sticker or applied with paint, there can be no two opinions - they are trying to sell you a copy.

Stylus included

Not a single modern manufacturer (including Apple) currently produces gadgets with resistive displays. Among the originals, the included stylus can only be found in Samsung Note series.

Sticky sensor

If you have to make an effort to, for example, swipe from right to left to go to another screen, you are dealing with a “fake”.

Availability of touch buttons

On the front edge of a real iPhone there is only one button - “ Home”, and it is physical.

Hieroglyphs in large quantities

Even though iPhones are assembled in China, they are still developed in the USA. You should encounter hieroglyphs only once - when, after the first launch, the smartphone greets you in different languages. The interface of the original device is Russified.

Please note: the inscription on the back of the gadget “ Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China"shouldn't scare you! Both real iPhones and fakes are assembled in China - the difference is that the originals come from special Apple factories.

How to distinguish an iPhone from a fake: other ways

If the iPhone does not outwardly show any signs of a Chinese counterfeit, use other verification methods:

Check the Settings menu

Follow the path " Settings» — « Basic" and try to find the section " Software Update" In original devices it is located directly under the “ About this device».

There is no this section in the settings of Chinese fakes.

Pay attention to the quality of the Russification of the menu. Russian is considered one of the most difficult languages, so spelling errors in the names of sections and items of Chinese iPhones are not uncommon.

Check Siri

The presence of the Siri voice control program distinguishes the original iPhone from a fake - the Chinese have not yet learned how to integrate this program into their “fake” ones. Just hold down the " Home"for a few seconds and look at the result.

Go to the AppStore

The iOS operating system is closed source, so third-party developers cannot install it on gadgets. All Chinese fakes operate on Android or simple home-written platforms. You can check which OS is on your gadget by visiting the application store. If you are using Android, then clicking on the AppStore icon will take you to Google Play - this is another sure way to distinguish a “natural” Apple product from a fake.

If your smartphone runs on a proprietary operating system, you won’t be able to access any of the app stores at all.

Connect your gadget to iTunes

This way to distinguish an original iPhone from a “fake” one is the most effective and simple, but it requires a computer or smartphone at hand. When connecting the original iPhone via USB cable iTunes will accurately try to recognize and synchronize it. If iTunes remains indifferent, most likely, this is a fake.

You can also check your Apple smartphone for originality by serial number and IMEI - read how this is done.

Is it possible to distinguish an original from a copy by its packaging?

When purchasing an iPhone, the object of inspection should also be the package contents. Remember: iPhone equipment has never changed. The box should contain:

Envelope, inside of which there is a color instruction. The instructions have a high-quality appearance and two stickers with the Apple logo on the cover. The same envelope should also contain a pin for removing the SIM.

SZU white weighing approximately 60 grams, produced in factories Foxlink or Flextronix. There is no need to take a scale with you to check your iPhone: all the information should be present on the charger itself.

USB cable. The original cable can be distinguished from a fake by the inscription “ Designed By Apple..." — on the real product it is barely visible, but on the copy it is applied with thick paint. The cable is also white.

Headphones. It is most difficult to distinguish them from a fake - in appearance they are likely to be completely copied. A “fake” can be detected by touch - the wire of the original headphones is softer - however, such a check only makes sense when there is something to compare with.

The absence of one of the elements of the kit, as well as the presence of an extra one, is a signal to cancel the iPhone purchase deal.

Pay attention to such a small detail as the packaging of accessories: all components must be neatly placed in a box and wrapped in transparent film. The absence of film and “chaos” in the opened box do not always indicate that the iPhone is fake or used - perhaps the sellers simply used the accessories for personal purposes, which, however, is also unpleasant for the buyer and unacceptable. If possible, request the iPhone from the warehouse in a sealed package.


The huge number of Chinese iPhone counterfeits can be explained simply: Apple does not fight plagiarism in the Middle Kingdom. There are two reasons: firstly, there are many small industries located in China, from which it will still not be possible to sue large sums; secondly, to be at enmity with Chinese manufacturers means to set the largest sales market against oneself. The Americans themselves do not suffer from Chinese counterfeits: their standard of living allows them to purchase original devices and not look for savings. But for Russians, who traditionally strive for cheap prices, the “Chinese flood” is a problem. To avoid being scammed, you need to buy smartphones only from reputable dealers, avoid gamble offers, and when checking, pay attention to the aspects described in this article

In today's article I would like to tell how to distinguish an original iPhone 8 from a fake one. Hopefully, if you read this article before buying an iPhone, you can avoid buying a fake phone or get your money back for a fake one. But let's hope this never happens.

How to distinguish an iPhone 8 from a fake? To do this, always pay attention to the following:

1. Carefully inspect the box: its design and appearance. This box is well made and has some unique design features.

2. Accessories must look like Apple accessories and have the company's shape and design.

3. During startup, if you see any Chinese language or Android logos, it is definitely fake. Don't be fooled by the Apple logos during boot, as fake ones usually add those for effect.

4. There should not be any third party apps pre-installed like Twitter, Facebook or whatsapp out of the box. Also, if your device skips the installation process, then it is a fake.

5. Fingerprint Scanner - This is usually fake, you can also register with your finger and then try using another finger to unlock. The fakes will open from any finger and only pretend to scan fingerprints.

6. The display quality is poor compared to the real iPhone 8.

7. In fakes, everything moves slowly and sluggishly, especially in transition animation and performance. The real iPhone 8 has no such problems.

8. Remove and examine the charger. There must not be any hieroglyphs, and its weight must be at least 60 grams.

9. Carefully inspect the headphones. Distinguish them from fakes the most difficult thing, because outwardly they almost do not match. But there is one caveat: the original iPhone has a soft headphone wire.

10. Pay attention to the appearance of the device. As a rule, a fake is lighter and does not have any sound channels, so the volume level is low.

11. Open the back cover of the phone. In fact, the original is a solid candy bar; a non-specialist cannot remove the back cover or somehow disassemble the phone.

12. Study the software part of the device. Differences fakes From the original to the face, due to the lack of many functions, it offers a TV tuner, which is missing in the original iPhone.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check the operating system version

This is the easiest way to find out whether you are dealing with a fake iPhone 8 or not. Out of the box, the phone runs iOS 11, while Chinese copies, in most cases, run Android 5.0 lollipop or 6.0 Marshmallow, along with a skin that makes them look like iOS.

On the home screen, tap settings > general > volume. Your device's iOS version should appear on the screen. If it's not iOS 11.

Another sign that may mean that the phone is running Android is the color of the charge percentage. A real iPhone 8 should show it in white, while a fake one running Android shows it in blue.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Registration 3D Touch Display

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check screen

The original iPhone's screen should be clear. The iPhone 8 screen uses an OLED display, which has a higher pixel density, making the screen more contrasty, vibrant, and full of color. Fake iPhones have dull color screens due to the low cost of their parts.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check the welcome screen

This is also necessary, especially if you cannot distinguish a fake from an original by looking at the physical characteristics. Try turning off then turning on your iPhone. The fake iPhone will have a welcome screen like the words “Welcome”, while the original one will show you the logo on the iPhone. On the Home screen, you will see the iPhone Store icon. Try clicking on it. If it takes you to the Google store, then you know what you need to do...

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check Siri

The Siri app can only be launched on the original iPhone. Siri doesn't work on fake iPhone.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Try checking your operating system

If you see any other apps that don't look like iOS apps, it's 100 percent fake. Apple only uses iOS as its official operating system.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Connect it to iTunes

Another simple step that can easily help you spot a fake iPhone 8. If you connect it to iTunes and it doesn't show anything or you get an error message, it's clear that you have a cheap fake on your hands.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check the serial number on the Apple website

Go to your phone's Settings menu, then General > About, which will show the serial number. Go to the site and enter it in the specified field. This should tell you whether the phone is genuine or a fake.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Can you add to the home screen on iPhone?

Most iPhone clones on the market run on Android. While iPhone clones are designed to mimic the real iPhone, thereby disallowing additional home screens, you can download launcher apps that will allow you to change your phone's default interface. Download launchers to your phone and use them as the default launcher.

Final Thoughts

I hope the tips above were helpful. And you learned how to distinguish an original iPhone 8 from a fake! If so, please share on social media. networks and write a comment.

The iPhone is a mass device, used by all segments of the population, including children, old people and women, most of whom handle technology at the level of an insecure user. It is these people who often become victims of scammers who sell counterfeit Apple smartphones online or in person. In this article we will tell you how to 100% distinguish an original iPhone from a fake.

In contact with

Taking advantage of the lack of fundamental differences in the design of some generations of iPhone (5/5s/SE, for example), scammers often try to pass off one model as another, or at least sell a device with a memory capacity that does not correspond to the declared one. In this case, a thorough check, which we talked about, will be required.

However, often attackers act even more brazenly, offering people Chinese (mostly) Android counterfeits under the guise of an iPhone, which differ from the original like a tank from a slingshot. Naturally, an experienced user will easily detect a fake, but a person who does not understand the technical intricacies may well purchase a “fake”, especially if the deal is concluded at a meeting - a trained fraudster has a strong psychological impact on the buyer. However, it is quite easy to expose the seller to clean water; this can be done using the recommendations described below.

How to distinguish an original iPhone from a Chinese counterfeit

Currently, Chinese craftsmen have reached incredible heights in the production of high-precision copies of Apple smartphones. We will not describe in detail the external distinguishing features between the original and the fake, because... There are very high-quality fakes, but we will focus on the main verification methods, which should not be neglected in any case.

Appearance and accessories

Often, a cheap replica can be identified “by eye” - it will be identified by a plastic case, a box made of “toilet paper” instead of the high-quality cardboard that Apple uses, a connector and, accordingly, a MicroUSB connector instead of Lightning, etc. In addition, some large manufacturers avoid confrontation with the lawyers of the apple confrontation and indicate on their replicas the names with a mistake (iPhone, iPhone, Spacve Gray, etc.) or draw the Apple logo with an apple bitten on the wrong side.

But we repeat, the market is full of very high-quality fakes that look very similar to the original iPhone. Here is an example of a high-quality Android copy of the iPhone 6.

Please note that externally (design, materials, buttons, graphical interface) the smartphone looks exactly like an Apple product. Even the menu About this device V Settings looks like the real thing.

Even the settings are faked

There is a special page on the Apple website where you can enter the serial number and check the warranty for the original iPhone, while the system, of course, will not accept a fake one. However, you should be careful here - scammers may provide documents and a box from a real iPhone with the correct serial number. It can also be viewed in the phone settings, but even there it can be faked.

Specified Serial number on the above-mentioned fake refers to a real iPhone 6. As you can see, Asian craftsmen very skillfully use original Apple devices to create fakes.

However, even on the above page with Settings, an experienced user would have discovered a catch. Pay attention to the line Capacity- 64 GB and Available - 63.98 GB. The difference between these values ​​is only 20 MB, which is impossible to achieve in practice.

In other words, on a real iPhone, the difference between the declared and actual storage capacity indicated in the settings will always be significantly different. We explained in detail why this happens.

Actually, here we come to the description of the necessary actions that must be performed without fail.

Apple ID is a universal account for many Apple services. You can create an Apple ID even without an iPhone, iPad or Mac. The thing is that counterfeit iPhones operate on the Android operating system, carefully disguised as iOS - the graphical interface will not allow an inexperienced user to detect the deception. However, the Chinese device does not have the functionality of the original.

We described in detail how to create an Apple ID without Apple devices (any computer with one installed is required) and showed it in the video.

Having your own Apple ID, you are 100% guaranteed to detect a fake, for this:

1 . Launch the application Settings and go to the section .

2 . If such a section is present and no one’s account is indicated in it (button To come in), enter your details. If nothing prevented you from logging into your account, it means you have an original iPhone. It should be like this:

3 . To be sure, go to the App Store and search for iMovie or Garage Band. These are Apple apps that are not available on Android. It is logical that if such applications are available in search results, then the iPhone is original.

We are already accustomed to the fact that the mobile phone market is regularly replenished with new models. Each of the copies boasts an original design, excellent characteristics and innovative developments. The most anticipated new product is always the Apple smartphone. These gadgets are known all over the world. They are also popular in Russia. It has already happened that it is the iPhone that sets new trends in fashion.

Of course, the latest developments cost a lot of money, so not everyone can buy them. Sometimes buyers prefer previous models, the prices of which have decreased slightly. For example, thanks to good technical equipment, it still copes with all tasks perfectly. However, there are also pitfalls here. The popularity of these devices has led to the appearance of many fakes on the market. Most often, duplicates are made in China. It is worth noting that they are equipped with different technologies. It is very difficult for an ignorant person to distinguish a branded product from a fake, since these companies try as much as possible to achieve similarity.

Anyone can purchase a counterfeit device, even those who regularly use phones of this brand. How to check iPhone 6 for originality? Every buyer can do this. This article will present several ways to help you avoid being scammed. So, let's look at the main distinguishing features of Apple smartphones.

We check the packaging and set of components

The very first thing to start with is to study the set of components and the appearance of the packaging. The branded box is distinguished by its design. First of all, all the inscriptions are printed in a clear font. No blurred details on the original packaging are allowed. At the point of sale, the mobile operator must provide a warranty card. The smartphone comes with a data cable, power adapter, headset with microphone and control button. All of these accessories must have the Apple logo. This indicates that the iPhone 6 is original. It is imperative to check the set of documents. In addition to the manual, there must also be a certificate.

It is equally important to pay attention to the availability of information printed in Russian. All original devices intended for sale in Russia are Russified. An equally important point is the iTunes and Apple Store programs. If they are installed on a smartphone, then you can be sure of its authenticity.


Before purchasing a phone, you need to study its features. To begin with, it is recommended to pay attention to the operating system. All Apple devices are based only on iOS. There can be no talk of any others. If Android is installed on the iPhone, then this is 100% evidence of a fake. Users have also encountered the fact that some devices have a stylus. In the original models it is not included in the package, since all phones are controlled using a finger.

How to check iPhone 6 for originality? It is enough to try to set the Russian language. In original devices it is integrated automatically. To select it, you need to go to settings. But in “gray” devices this will be very problematic.

Those who want to check the authenticity of the iPhone need to pay attention to the back panel. In original devices it is cast. If the purchased device has a removable cover, then this indicates a fake.

iPhone 6, as well as S and Plus modifications, are equipped with only one SIM card slot. It is located on the side edge. Equipped with a special lock that can be opened using a paper clip provided in the kit.

Are you interested in how to check the originality of the iPhone 6 plus and other modifications? Pay attention to the diagonal of the display. In the sixth version it is 4.7 inches. The Plus version is equipped with a 5.5-inch screen. has a diagonal of 4.7 inches. Based on this data, you need to enter the phone menu, open the settings item and view the information. If discrepancies of even 0.1ʺ are found, this indicates a fake. You can also check the matrix type and resolution. Sometimes inconsistencies can be noticed precisely in these characteristics.


If you are interested in how to check iPhone 6 for originality, pay attention to the warranty. All iPhones from Apple are certified. They go on sale with a warranty card, which will provide free maintenance. Repair or replacement of the device is carried out by official Apple representatives.

IMEI. How to check iPhone 6 for originality?

You can use the IMEI code to establish the authenticity of your iPhone 6 smartphone. This code is a unique combination of numbers. It is located on the back cover and on the SIM card tray. You can also find it out using the command #06#. In this case, the IMEI will be shown on the smartphone screen.

If you go to the resource and enter www in front of this combination, you can get a detailed summary of any phone. On the site, the owner will be able to check the Wi-Fi, modem, and Bluetooth tabs. All data must be identical both on the resource and in the gadget.

How to check iPhone by serial number?

Any device intended for sale has a serial number. It is duplicated on the packaging box, body and in the phone menu. Naturally, the number must be identical everywhere. If inconsistencies are found, the gadget can be considered non-original.

With help you can easily determine whether a smartphone is a fake. The code must be used on the official Apple website. By entering a combination consisting of a number and a letter, you can obtain information about the warranty status, the activation date of the device, as well as technical support for the phone.

It is important to pay attention that there is a green mark next to the “Date of Purchase” item. This guarantees the originality of the purchased device. If this tab contains information about the need to activate the device, then the phone is still new.

Step-by-step instruction

How to check originality by serial number? For your convenience, we provide step-by-step instructions. Let's start directly with identifying the number.

  • Go to the menu on your smartphone.
  • In the settings, go to the “Basic” tab.
  • Find the “About device” item.
  • Go to it, see the line “Serial number”. It contains a combination of numbers and letters. They are the serial number of the smartphone.


  • Go to the official Apple website.
  • Go to the page to check your phone by serial number.
  • Enter the code in the line there and click “Continue”.

Information about the smartphone will become available after reloading the page.

Apple ID. Gadget lock

In order to protect yourself from all sorts of troubles when buying a smartphone from Apple, you need to check whether the device is locked. To do this, go to Apple ID, where in the settings select iCloud. If it has already been linked, then the phone can be blocked at any time. Only the owner can remove restrictions. Ideally, you should be prompted to register when you first log into your account.

How to protect yourself from meeting scammers?

If for some reason the phone is not purchased at official points of sale, it is necessary to check the authenticity of the iPhone 6. In order to protect yourself from counterfeits, you need to pay attention to some nuances.

  • Seller reputation. This criterion is important when purchasing on online resources.
  • Smartphone price. If a phone is offered at a reduced price by more than 20%, you need to think about whether it is original. As a rule, Apple products rarely drop significantly in price. The exception is factory refurbished models, such as the iPhone 6S.
  • Checking the device. It is advisable to have the opportunity to test the smartphone before purchasing. An Internet connection is required for this. To determine authenticity, you must use the methods described above.


You can find many different iPhone topics on the Internet. “How to quickly spot a fake?” - one of the most discussed. As mentioned above, you need to pay attention to the Russian-language interface. The iTunes program will also quickly help you identify a fake. If the device syncs automatically, then it is 100% original.