How to become invisible in real life. Invisibility in the official client

Ways to become invisible are of interest to many fans of the supernatural. After all, the ability to disappear at the right moment would sometimes be very useful. Stories about artifacts, potions and spells that help one become invisible are present in various myths and fairy tales. Is this really possible?

Methods to gain invisibility

There are many rituals that help achieve what you want. These are methods, methods, and others.

Before you begin performing rituals that will allow you to become invisible, you need to understand what the principle of such manipulations is.

One way to become invisible is to increase the transparency of the human body. Another option is that the light should be distorted to such an extent that it bends around the object, hiding it from prying eyes. The technology is really being developed.

If we look at fairy tales and legends, they mention special attributes. Our ancestors had amazing artifacts that helped hide from others (invisibility hat, magic cloaks).

Another method involves the ability to remain undetected without using spells or things. The effect is achieved through special behavior and gaze. This can be achieved using techniques that “avert someone else’s gaze.”

There are several techniques that will allow you to avoid being reflected in mirrors. The first one is . From ancient beliefs it is known that these magical entities are not visible in mirror surfaces.

You can turn into it by performing a special ritual. To achieve the effect, you need to transform into a bloodsucker monster, and not into.

This method has many disadvantages. You will have to look for victims and drink blood (it will be hard to live without this), hide from sunlight, renounce good higher powers. It is possible that you will become the target of a vampire hunter.

There is a simpler option for turning invisible, but it doesn't last long. To carry it out, prepare a large mirror and a wax non-church candle.

Opening hours are during the full moon, on Wednesdays. At midnight in a dark room, stand in front of a mirror, light a candle, look at your reflection, try to see something that is behind it. Then say:

I hide from human eyes, I am no longer reflected in the mirror.

Put out the candle. Count to 10, light it again. If everything is done correctly, flames and objects in the room are visible in the mirror; but your reflection will be missing.

Rituals that allow one to become invisible came to us from ancient times, when witches tried to hide from people. They could take on a different form and become invisible. Few rituals have survived to this day, but some remain effective to this day.

The spell will not work if, having become invisible, you want to hide a crime, a bad deed, or have insufficient energy potential. Only an experienced magician who is familiar with the techniques will be able to become invisible.

If you master your skill, you will be able to use this spell. When you find yourself in a situation where you need to disappear, fold your arms across your chest and say:

A wisp of fog, a dragon's eye and a chameleon pattern. I weave, I twist, I confuse and I reflect. Where the light will now be shed, there is no trace of me.

If you believe psychics and bioenergetics, then this method will help you become invisible: not in the sense of “transparent” (like ghosts from cartoons and films), but invisible to human eyes. Remember, the spell does not last long, but the time can be increased if you practice every day.

In the twenty-first century, most people believe that invisibility hats and cloaks are fiction. However, they are mentioned in the legends of peoples all over the world.

According to the famous magician Papus, a cat bone can serve as an invisibility cap. It is important to find a truly black animal. This color should be the fur, skin, nose.

Important: if the animal has even a hair of a different color, the magic will not work. You can only choose one cat bone as a magical artifact. They check it this way: put it on your head and look in the mirror to find out the result.

The effect of a cloak or boots of invisibility cannot be explained, since magical knowledge that could shed light is lost or carefully hidden.

There are several recipes for decoctions that will help you become invisible. For the most effective, prepare rosemary oil, in equal parts: burdock root, rice grains, dry peas. Take large capacity, pour water, add 20 drops of oil. Bring to a boil, stir counterclockwise, adding dry chopped root little by little.

Add soaked, peeled and crushed peas to the mixture. Throw some rice in there too. The potion should boil again, then you can use it. While cooking, repeat the spell:

Things visible and things invisible, allow me to walk freely among you.

One teaspoon of decoction is enough to become invisible after a while.

Usually we remember people with flashy makeup, wearing bright clothes, outrageous, and talking loudly. Accordingly, in order to become invisible, you need to behave quietly and calmly, making your appearance as unmemorable as possible.

Additionally, engage in meditation practice. Every day, taking a comfortable position and relaxing, imagine that you are enveloped in a gray fog. You can create it from surrounding flows or by making your energy field so dense that it resembles fog.

Visualize this cocoon, think that such a barrier will close you. Classes on initial stage can last about five minutes, overwork should not be allowed. In the future, increase the time.

There are situations in this life when a person wants to remain unnoticed. Often only heroes of fairy tales and films get this opportunity. However, there are many stories in which people tell how they themselves became invisible for some time or felt the presence of an invisible person next to them.

Let's see if it's possible to become invisible in real life.

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History and theories

Some books mention that the peoples of South and North America, some yogis, Australian aborigines and members of the Rosicrucian Order (a society of scientists, philosophers and mystics founded in medieval Europe), practiced through the regulation of their consciousness and some psychological training the so-called “controlled invisibility” .

Physicists from Britain also worked on the issue of invisibility. They tried to explain this phenomenon through a "holographic quantum model of the perception of reality." Edgar Mitchell, one of the authors of this model, stated that human mental activity is of a quantum nature, and the perception of surrounding objects is a two-way process. When a person observes an object, his consciousness enters into “resonance” with this object. The result is recognition of the proportions, shapes and density of the object. If there is no “resonance”, the brain cannot identify this object, even if the person being tested sees it with his eyes.

Theoretical studies by British scientists have also shown that a “cloud” of free electrons can absorb light rays. A person or object located in such a cloud can become invisible because the rays of light will not be reflected from it or refracted. However, today it is impossible to create such a cloud.

"Invisibility" can now be created thanks to various technical means, providing camouflage. These are various kinds of electronic tricks, special materials and a combination of both together.

Practice from the book

Another option for achieving invisibility is psychological training. A certain Eric Dege wrote a book teaching this to anyone. He divided the entire learning process into three stages, each of which requires an impressive amount of time allotted for training.

First stage

The first stage includes the following steps:

  • A person needs to sit in convenient location where there are no external stimuli and close your eyes.
  • You need to try to feel the body invisible to others. You can also imagine being immersed in events from the past, while positioning yourself as invisible. Now you need to imagine future events in which you need to feel invisible.
  • After five minutes, you need to focus on one part of your body, for example, your fingers. At the same time, you must keep your eyes closed. Imagine that your fingers become transparent; over time you will be able to see what is behind them.
  • When you manage to imagine your fingers as completely transparent, you need to try to fix this situation as much as possible. for a long time. Your thoughts may become confused and there is a possibility of discomfort. Don't be upset if this happens - rest and try again. At first, imagining a body part invisible will be difficult and will take several seconds. You need to practice until you can maintain this state for more than five minutes. It all depends on specific person, for some, a few weeks are enough, and for some, even a few months are not enough.

Second phase

The second stage of training should begin after you have learned to hold the state of transparency of the fingers in your imagination for five minutes. A small note: it is recommended to perform the following exercises on an empty stomach.

  • It will not be superfluous to consolidate the material learned from previous actions. That is, you need to imagine your fingers invisible for as long as possible. Perhaps you can improve this exercise by trying to spread imaginary invisibility from your fingers to the rest of your body. Try to involve your entire body in this process.
  • If you do everything correctly, you can imagine yourself completely invisible within about five minutes.
  • The exercise should be repeated approximately 15 times a day, for three weeks in a row. All thoughts should be focused only on performing these exercises. If someone interrupts you, you must start the exercise from the very beginning.

Third stage

When 3-4 weeks of diligent and diligent training are behind you, you will be able to fix your perception on thoughts of the invisibility of the body. This will mean that it is time to move on to the third stage.

  • To complete the exercise, you need to find a close friend or relative. The person should treat you with understanding and be tactful and polite. You must trust this person completely.
  • When such a person is found, ask him to be with you, but not to interfere in any way. That is, a person should behave as quietly as possible. His task will be to record those moments in time when it seems to him that his ability to see you is changing.

Thus, we found out that with due persistence there is a chance to become invisible, at least to the people around you. Since the technique described above cannot teach you how to hide, for example, from video cameras.

People have always been fascinated by the ability to be invisible. From H.G. Wells' Invisible Man to Harry Potter's Invisible Mantle, science fiction writers have speculated about what they could do while invisible.

Invisibility is often portrayed as absolute transparency - a la the Invisible Man - but this contradicts the laws of nature as we understand it. In addition, a transparent person would face difficulties that seemed insurmountable. Any ingested food or drink would be completely visible, as it would be visible through the gastrointestinal tract, and this visible food would begin to unite with the body before the eyes. In addition, there would undoubtedly be clothing problems and social problems.

A competing approach to invisibility is to use some sort of blanket that redirects photons around an object. This method is more feasible in a practical sense, but, of course, it also has its difficulties. For example, if all the external light somehow does not reach the object, then it cannot penetrate to the observer inside, who because of this will not be able to see anything himself.

Because of these and other difficulties, scientists have long abandoned all serious plans to achieve invisibility and postponed them until the distant future. But now everything has changed. In October 2006, Professor Sir John Pandry of King's College London announced the successful creation of a rudimentary invisibility blanket that brings the idea a little closer to reality. Perhaps what's most surprising here is that the entire concept is based on an extremely simple physical quality of light that requires no electricity, which every high school student learns in physics class.

Essentially, Sir John's invisibility cloak works on the principle of refraction, that very property of light when a ray passing through a prism is transformed into a rainbow. Refraction can also be seen by dipping a pencil into a glass of water. The underwater part will appear to point sideways due to the refraction of light as it moves from one medium to another - from water to air.

A few years ago, Sir John and a group of his physicist friends were puzzled by the idea of ​​using refraction to refract the entire flow of light around an object. If this became possible, then the light would appear unchanged on the other side of the object, as if the object were not there at all.

Of course this one simple idea not at all easy to implement. The first obstacle for the researchers was the precision of light refraction that this method requires. There simply were no materials that could cause the refraction of rays along the required semicircular trajectory, and there were no materials of natural origin that would be suitable for this. Therefore, scientists paid attention to metamaterials - substances whose electromagnetic properties do not depend on chemical composition, but from a precisely designed external structure.

Following a theoretical design previously published, and working with Duke University researchers, Sir John and his team invented a five-inch circular blanket. To create it, a metamaterial designed in a special way for this purpose was used, composed of concentric circles located in two dimensions. The unique configuration is considered one of the most complex metameric structures ever created. The scientists' first goal was to create a material that would be "invisible" to microwave radiation, since microwaves are longer than visible light and measured in millimeters rather than nanometers and are therefore easier to control.

In the laboratory, the scientists placed their blanket inside the test chamber, turned on the microwave emitter, and watched the detector from the side. Their new metamaterial worked flawlessly. The contents of the small blanket remained completely unaffected by the microwaves directed at her, while the instrument readings indicated that there was no blanket in the chamber at all.

Of course, the need to select the right material- not the only difficulty in creating a real invisibility cloak. If they want to develop their prototype into something easier to use, Sir John's team must address a number of issues. The first is the problem of ray length. The blanket they created only works for a narrow spectrum of wavelengths. When applied to visible light, this means that it is invisible only in red light, but clearly visible in blue light. To expand the boundaries, the blanket must be made much thicker, which can significantly limit the scope of application. In addition, creating metamaterials that could do the same in visible light is much more difficult, since the light-refracting structures of the material must be as small as the wavelength at which they are directed, and light wavelengths are in the order of millions fractions of a millimeter.

Another weakness in the current design is that the object is only visible in one plane. If an object wrapped in a blanket is invisible from the side, it is perfectly visible from above or below. To remedy this, Sir John and some of his co-authors at Duke are trying to make the blanket work in the third dimension. If they cope with both tasks, then new difficulties will arise: since the object under the blanket is absolutely invisible to the outside world, no light can penetrate inside, therefore, the occupier under these conditions will become literally blind. This is, in principle, not a problem if one wants to hide a stationary object, but creates problems if one wants to hide a person or a video camera. Other difficult task– allow the raincoat to work effectively while moving.

Naturally, the military shows interest in the developing technology and even supports the project financially. In particular, they are interested in the fact that radar frequency wavelengths are very close to microwaves, which means that a blanket invisible to radar will be accessible much sooner than a blanket invisible to the eye. This will provide the armed forces with anti-radar technologies, much more High Quality than those possessed by modern stealth aircraft.

While all those wrinkles have yet to be ironed out, the major breakthrough proves that the concept has merit. The invisibility cloak exists. Protection Agency research projects hopes that in the near future Sir John will be able to find solutions to many problems associated with the invisibility blanket, which will make it interesting not only for the military, but also for civilians. In any case, it is now definitely known that the invisibility cloak will one day appear, regardless of whether there will be a need to put it into practice.

Translation: Nikonov Vladimir

Many people think about how to become invisible. I want to hide from prying eyes, be alone, or, on the contrary, come to the people and feel an unprecedented strength in myself: you see everyone, but no one sees you. Who didn’t want to become invisible in order to come to their friends, classmates and just acquaintances and listen to what they had to say about you. If you really like a boy or girl, then the desire to make an invisible hat or simply learn to be invisible increases several times. You want to know what the person you like is doing and thinking about you. Maybe you just want to fool around in the same school, laugh at the way the teacher and students look with their mouths open at the class magazine moving in the air. They don't know that you are above it.

There are several ways to become invisible, but they are all expensive. You will have to put in a lot of effort and be patient.

How to become invisible at home?

  1. A long way that can help you become invisible. After school, you need to go to university, preferably to a faculty related to physics. When you receive the necessary knowledge, you can conduct your own research, do experiments, and conduct experiments. Scientists around the world have long been struggling with the mystery of invisibility. Some even managed to become invisible, but from a certain angle, i.e. the front of a person is invisible, but his sides are visible - this is the maximum that scientists have achieved to date. Perhaps you will be the one to do more.
  2. A simple way to become invisible in 1 second. No invisibility cap is needed here. Imagine that no one sees you. Maybe you initially have this ability. Just try it!
  3. Visualization method. Here you will need more time. Imagine becoming invisible in every last detail. Think about where you would go in a similar state, what you would do. You can write all the details on a piece of paper or draw.

How to make an invisible hat at home?

In all fairy tales and stories, a person becomes invisible when he puts on an invisibility cap. You can try making it at home.

  1. Buy a new hat. It is better if they give it to you, but if there is no other alternative, then buy it yourself. You should definitely like the hat. You can try to sew an invisibility hat yourself.
  2. When you sew, imagine, visualize that you will soon become invisible.
  3. Put on your invisibility cap and wait for the result. Maybe you can become invisible.

Ways how to become invisible, have not been verified by us. However, miracles happen, maybe you can do it too.

IN this material I will try to correct the flaw in VK, I will tell you, how to be invisible on VKontakte, and I will also list various auxiliary sites and programs that will help us enable stealth mode in VK.COM.

Of all the social networks in Russia and neighboring countries, VKontakte remains one of the most convenient and popular. High multimedia capabilities and a rich selection of content, a simple and friendly interface, a wide variety of settings and much more attract tens of millions of devoted users to the network every day. At the same time, many users want to use the social network without being noticed “online”, but, to my regret, it is not possible to make invisible on VKontakte by default; you can remove the Online label only by using roundabout methods.

Online status - Online

Method 1. The easiest way to make your stay on VK invisible is to change the login page and the “VKontakte” bookmark of our browser.

  • To do this, we edit it so that you can use it not to go to your main page (“My Page”), but, for example, to “My News.”
  • Using such a tab, VKontakte will not display your Online status until you go to the “My Page” page or to another person’s page.

Method 2. Another option is to go to your VK page through your main address (“My Page”), go to private messages, and then do nothing for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the site will close your session and show your status as “offline”. And at this time, the invisible mode will turn on, and you will be able to use the functionality of the site in offline status. Of course, you should also avoid going to “My Page” and other people’s pages.

Offline VKontakte from a computer in Mozilla Firefox

Method 3. Owners of the Fox browser can change the settings of their browser to activate the invisible mode in VK and be offline.

  1. In order to be invisible to other VKontakte users, type in address bar browser about:config and press “Enter”;
  2. After confirmation, your browser settings will open;
  3. In the Search field, enter network.http.redirection-limit, and then double-click on the resulting line, changing its value from “20” to “0”;
  4. Open another tab, follow the link in it, enter your username and password;
  5. An error message will appear, but don't pay attention to it, that's how it should be;
  6. Go to any other section of your account, for example, to “My News”;
  7. We return to our tab with browser parameters, set its previous value there (20).

Now your status in the VK network should change to “offline”, and you will be able to use the network functionality in the invisibility enabled status. But, just like in the previous paragraph, you are prohibited from going to the main page of your profile and the pages of other users.

How to make it invisible in VK using Opera

Method 4. In order to choose the best way for you to turn on invisibility in social network VKontakte explore all options.

  1. IN this browser Opera go to “Tools”, then to “Settings”;
  2. Select “Advanced” there and then click on “Network”;
  3. Uncheck "Enable" automatic redirection»;
  4. Then go to the link, enter your login and password;
  5. An error message appears, ignore it.
  6. Now you can anonymously use the capabilities of the VK network, but do not go to “My Page”, otherwise users will see you Online.
  7. Yes, and don’t forget to check the “Enable automatic redirection” box again.

Stealth mode using alternative resources and programs

Methods 5 and 6. Exist alternative resources for working with VKontakte with expanded functionality, in which, among other things, you can turn on or off the invisible mode. Among them I would mention APIdog and VkLife.

To use, you just need to go to this address on the Internet, enter your account information, and you will be able to work with the advanced features of your account, including invisible mode. The service has taken over all the advantages mobile version“VK”, working anonymously with it is easy and convenient.

You can see how to work with in the video:

To work with the alternative - VkLife– you just need to download and install this program from the official website (currently the third version is current). After launching the application, you will need to launch the settings and check the invisible box. That's it. Everything is ready.

Invisible VK on Android and iOS

For users of gadgets on the Android OS, I would recommend using a special VKontakte client called “Kate Mobile" to launch invisible. In the application settings you can enable the invisibility option, and user reviews rate this product higher official application

For iOS there is a similar one Kate Mobile software entitled Vk Offline Changer, which also allows you to enable stealth mode. I suggest that Yabloko people use it.

VKinviz for Google Chrome

In the official Chrome Store you can download this application, which, according to the developer, will help you get invisibility status on VKontakte.

You can see how to do this here:


As you can see, there are a set of tricks and software, allowing you to remain invisible on the VKontakte social network. At the same time, the developers themselves do not want to include this option in the user account settings, although there is public demand for this functionality.

Fortunately, the alternatives discussed above allow you to bypass this shortcoming, making it possible to enjoy the capabilities of VKontakte in invisible status. Try the techniques suggested above and you will appreciate their usefulness.

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