How to delete a twitter page permanently. How to delete a Twitter page

Social networks are actively used modern users PC. With their help, people earn money, work, relax, have fun and just communicate. IN lately Twitter is extremely popular. This service allows you to maintain your own microblog and leave short messages. Very convenient, especially for work purposes. Sometimes circumstances or a person’s personal desire makes you think about how to delete a page on Twitter. From a phone or computer - it's not so important. The main thing is that the user decides to get rid of the existing page on the network. And then we have to figure out how to cope with the task. Actually, it's not that difficult. Only a few things need to be done simple actions. Even a schoolboy can complete the task in a couple of minutes.

Removal methods

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone or computer? There are different options solving the problem. Today every user can:

  • completely delete the profile;
  • temporarily block the profile.

In addition, it is possible to block access to a social network through a ban. But this is not the most best option developments of events. Although it is also worth talking about.

What is temporary blocking

What does it mean to disable "My account"? If a person does not know whether he will return to the social network in the future, it is recommended to use temporary blocking of the profile. The process is called deactivation.

After bringing the idea to life, the user will be able to log into Twitter at any time for his further use. Your account data will be restored.

Important! Choosing complete removal profiles, the person will not be able to restore the profile. It will be erased forever.

Twitter app and deletion

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone permanently? Some users work with the official Twitter application. It greatly facilitates the process of communication on the relevant social network.

It’s worth noting right away that it is impossible to delete a profile from the Twitter application. You will only have to act through the settings of the mobile device you are using. But more on that a little later.

If you want to delete your Twitter profile from mobile phone, we recommend using an Internet browser. Then the algorithm of actions will be exactly the same as in the case of a PC.

Deactivating a profile

Now we delete the page from Twitter. As we said, it's quite simple task. Let's start by deactivating the profile.

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone? To achieve the task, a person needs:

  1. Connect your phone to the Internet. Without this, you can forget about further actions.
  2. Launch mobile browser and go to Twitter.
  3. Log in. To do this you will have to use your username and password.
  4. Click on the right top corner to the user's avatar.
  5. Click on the line that says “Settings”.
  6. Scroll the page that appears to the very end.
  7. Select the "Disable my account..." option.
  8. Click on the "Delete..." button.
  9. Confirm the procedure. Usually this requires entering the word from the captcha.

It's done. The profile is now deactivated. You can restore it at any time.

Complete removal via browser

How to delete a Twitter page from your phone once and for all? Instructions for deactivating a profile were previously provided. How can I delete a profile completely?

The thing is that the Twitter administration allows you to restore deleted profiles only within 30 days from the date of confirmation of the relevant request. In order for your account to be completely erased, you will have to not log into Twitter for a month.

Is it possible to completely get rid of my profile immediately? Yes, but only by blocking it. There are no corresponding options in Twitter settings.

Account blocking

What to do? It is blatant to violate the current rules of “conduct” on the social network Twitter. For example, insult other users, post prohibited content or spam.

Over time, other users will complain about your account. And the Twitter administration can permanently block the profile. It is almost impossible to bring him back to “life”. This means that in this way a person can get rid of his Twitter profile.

Important: use this technique It’s possible, but it’s worth thinking a hundred times about its feasibility. As already mentioned, it will be impossible to restore access to the resource.

Removing a profile from your phone

As already mentioned, through official application Twitter will not be able to completely delete your profile. But the settings of your mobile device will help you cope with the task. Let's look at the procedure using an iPhone as an example.

Step-by-step instructions for deleting Twitter look something like this:

  1. Connect to the Internet. For example, via Wi-Fi.
  2. Open the main menu of the mobile device.
  3. Go to "Settings".
  4. Click on the line that says "Twitter".
  5. Select the appropriate account from the list that appears. To do this, you need to tap on the corresponding line.
  6. Click on the "Delete..." button.
  7. Confirm processing of the transaction.
  8. Wait until the procedure is completed.

It's done. Now it’s clear how to delete a Twitter page from your phone forever. There is one more secret that we haven't talked about.

Saving data

We are talking about saving posts and messages from the Twitter page. Each user can receive the data archive before deleting. This way you can get rid of your profile on a social network without losing information from the page.

The Twitter data archive can be downloaded in "Settings". The corresponding button will appear above the hyperlink. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible about this. The operation has nothing to do with deleting a profile. Users can download archives of their posts at any time. And, if you want, delete your profile without losing information.

Now it’s clear how to delete a Twitter page from your phone in one case or another. The suggested recommendations will help you cope with the task in just a few minutes!

It happens that you need to delete your Twitter account. The reason may be either too much time spent on the microblogging service, or a desire to focus on working with another social network.

The motive as a whole does not matter. The main thing is that Twitter developers allow us to delete our account without any problems.

Let's be clear: deactivating your Twitter account using the app on your smartphone is not possible. No mobile Twitter client allows you to delete your account.

As the developers themselves warn, the account deactivation function is available only in the browser version of the service and only on

Removing a Twitter account from your computer

The procedure for deactivating a Twitter account is absolutely not complicated. However, as in other social networks, account deletion does not occur immediately. First, it is suggested to disable it.

The microblogging service continues to store user data for another 30 days after account deactivation. During this time, your Twitter profile can be restored without any problems in a couple of clicks. After 30 days have passed from the moment the account was disabled, the process of permanent deletion will begin.

So, we have become familiar with the principle of deleting a Twitter account. Now let's begin to describe the process itself.

  1. First of all, of course, we must log in to Twitter using a username and password that correspond to the “account” we are deleting.

  2. Next, click on our profile icon. It's located next to the button "Tweet" at the top right home page service. And then select the item from the drop-down menu "Settings and Privacy".
  3. Here in the tab "Account", go to the very bottom of the page. To begin the process of deleting your Twitter account, click on the link "Deactivate your account".

  4. We are asked to confirm your intention to delete your profile. You and I are ready, so press the button "Delete".

  5. Of course, such an action is unacceptable without specifying a password, so enter the treasured combination and click "Delete account".

  6. As a result, we receive a message that our Twitter account has been disabled.

As a result the above actions the Twitter account, as well as all associated data, will be deleted only after 30 days. Thus, if desired, the account can be easily restored before the end of the specified period.

Have you decided that you've had enough of all this fuss about retweets? Or just decided to start new page your Twitter life? Find out how to delete your Twitter page now.

No matter how attractive social network, sometimes you have to give it up. We will not consider the reasons that prompt you to delete your own profile; instead, we will tell you how to delete your Twitter page, as well as what to do if, after deleting, you suddenly come to your senses and decide to return.

Step #1. Preparation

If you are looking for a way to remove yourself from Twitter, that is, leave Twitter forever, we will immediately warn you that this will require some patience. The fact is that account deletion occurs after a month, so you will have to do your best to resist the urge to tweet or retweet anything.

However, if you are determined to find the answer to the question of how to delete an account on Twitter, then we have not been too lazy to prepare for you simple and illustrated instructions, starting with the second step.

Step #2. Settings

How to delete a Twitter profile? Let's start with the fact that first you need to get into this profile, namely, go to its settings. To do this, go to your Twitter account and click on the red egg icon (this could be your avatar instead).

In the menu that opens, select “Settings”. Congratulations, you're one step closer to answering the question of how to delete yourself on Twitter.

Step #3. Removal

Scroll to the very bottom of the settings page. There you will find two buttons circled in the picture:

Let's start with the “Request archive” button - before saying goodbye to Twitter, we recommend clicking on this button and waiting for the link to the archive that will be sent to your inbox. This way you can download all your tweets in case there is something useful in them.

Now, let’s move on directly to the question of how to remove yourself from Twitter - the page ends with the second inscription: “Deactivate my account,” which you need to click on.

Step #4. Confirmation

Now that you have almost found the answer to how to delete an account from Twitter, the following window should appear before your eyes:

Think again about whether you should delete your account and, if you are sure of your actions, click on “Delete account”. Congratulations. The answer to the question of how to delete a Twitter page has been found!

What if I change my mind?

So, now that you know how to delete a Twitter page, it’s worth saying a few words in case, after taking this fateful step, you suddenly changed your mind and realized that life without Twitter is no longer sweet for you.

In other words, let's try to understand how we can restore deleted page. In fact, restoring a page is much easier than deleting it. All you have to do is log back into Twitter. As soon as you enter your name and password, your account will be completely restored.

However, do not forget about the main rule - if you want to restore your Twitter account, you only have 30 days to do this - if during this time you never log into Twitter, your account will be lost forever and All you have to do is register again, losing your subscriptions, subscribers and tweets.

IN hello seven. Hundreds of thousands of new users appear on the Internet every day. Half of which becomes active audience various social networks. In parallel with this, a certain part of people already registered in communities from time to time decide to completely erase traces of their activities on a particular project.

It is almost impossible to guess what exactly motivates users of the social network Twitter to part with their personal pages forever. However, with the growing popularity of the microblogging community, I am constantly asked: and there are more and more such users. I must admit, the creators of the network made sure that the treasured deletion link was as far as possible from the eyes of users. In this article we will present detailed instructions and we will try to highlight as much as possible all the nuances of complete erasure personal profile from the above-mentioned social network.

Instructions on how to delete a Twitter account

note that further actions will lead to complete erasure all profile data and loss of followers! Before you begin following the instructions, make sure you need own actions. Check whether you will erase the necessary data stored only in your profile, for example, contacts of friends and acquaintances.

It is worth noting that you can only be in full version social network, i.e. the one that is available when opening the resource with personal computer or laptop. is lightweight and stripped down, so it does not provide most of the standard functions.

The whole process can be divided into several simple steps:

  • Open your account page using any suitable browser. Click on the symbol indicating “Profile and Settings”. In the drop-down menu that appears, select the “Settings” sub-item. A page with personal profile settings will be displayed on the screen.
  • On the left side of the page there are many sections, find the “Account” tab among them. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the “Deactivate my account” message that appears once.
  • A window will appear confirming the selected action. Click on the “Delete account @/your nickname/” button and fill out the field that appears by entering your current password. After identification is completed, a message will appear indicating successful account deletion, a copy of which will be sent to the email specified in the existing profile.

Other removal methods personal page Twitter does not exist on the network. For any unclear issues, you can always get advice from specialists from the department. technical support resource.

Possibility of recovery and registration of a new user

Let’s say right away that Twitter takes care of its own users in its own way. The service stores your data for 30 days from the moment you delete your account, so that you can come to your senses at any time and restore your profile. To do this, just log into it using your current login and password until the end of the data storage period. After the 30-day period, it will be impossible to restore the account.

Plus, during this “trial period” allotted for reflection, it will be impossible to register a new user using the previously specified data, in particular, such as nickname and e-mail. If you still plan to use them again, the easiest way is to replace the information in advance, even before deleting your account.

Did you know that...

Because data about traces of your activities on the Internet is stored not only on the resources you visit, but also on special servers search engines, some information about you and your tweets, and your profile in general, may be available to various users for some time after being removed from the index. This is due to the rather slow re-indexing (updating) of information published on the Internet by robots search engines. In other words, even after the account data is completely erased, you will not be able to log into it, but saved copies of its pages may still be visible.

If all you need is to change your username or your profile address, don't bother. Similar changes are available under the “Account” tab. To save the changes you have made, you must enter the active profile password. If you don't remember your password, use the form to reset it.

Change email address mailbox, is possible only if you have access to an already linked e-mail address. To confirm the changes, you will need to provide your account password and follow the link sent to the old one. email. If unexpected situations arise, contact the site support service.

Twitter is a popular social network where users communicate through sharing short messages. But many people quickly get bored with communication on social networks and lose interest in short texts. If you haven’t visited your Twitter page for a long time and don’t want to communicate through this social network, delete it, because confidential information may become accessible to hackers.

Quickly delete a Twitter page

First, go to your profile. Click the "Login" tab on official page social networks and enter your username and password. Study the page interface carefully - you will not see a “delete” button anywhere. But this tab exists! Next, your actions are as follows:

  • go to the "Settings" section. The button for this section is located in the upper right corner;
  • You will be taken to your personal account settings page. Here is the information user specified during registration;
  • Scroll down the settings page. You will see the “Delete Account” tab;
  • click on the above button. First, a warning will appear that the account will be deleted. Confirm deletion;
  • A window appears asking you to enter your username and password. This is necessary to confirm that it is you who want to delete the account, and not attackers. Enter your information and confirm that you want to delete your Twitter page. That's it, you are no longer a user of this social network!

After deleting an account, recordings from it may continue to be broadcast for some time. This is normal.

Deleting a Twitter Page Using Help Materials

Have you not figured out how to use the resource correctly? Please review the information provided in the Help Desk carefully. Find the “Help” menu - this is the second inscription on the left side on your personal page. Click the tab and the help center will appear. A long-term account may provide you with some benefit and change your mind about deleting it. IN help center there are answers to all your questions.

In the Search field, enter relevant question and get an answer. If you want to delete your account, enter the appropriate question. The center will tell you in detail how to do this. The entry becomes in automatic queue for deletion. Nose mobile devices You will not be able to delete your account using this method.

Deleting a Twitter page using special services

To disappear from Twitter forever, use special services– or They are presented on English. Use electronic translator to work with services. Read the instructions for deleting your account and do everything as you are asked. This method allows you to delete the page forever and no information will remain on it.

What to do if your Twitter page is deleted for no reason?

You deleted your Twitter account and regretted it more than once. A deleted account is restored within thirty days from the date of its deletion. The page is available for recovery in in the same form. Just log into your account using your previous username and password. But do this within the above time, after 30 days the entry is permanently deleted and there is no return.

If you want to change your username or address email– do not delete your account. Do this through settings. All subscribers and subscriptions on the page will remain.

Use any of the above methods to delete your personal Twitter page. But when using the first two methods, the page will be deleted after some time. The third method will allow you to immediately get rid of the annoying account.