What social networks are popular on the Internet? Social network - what is it?

VKontakte is perhaps the most large network not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. Its creator, Pavel Durov, initially planned in 2006 to create a place for students to communicate. But after some time it began to gain popularity and was no longer intended only for a specific category of the population.

Every year the site changed to suit modern trends. Free music gradually faded away due to subscriptions and various bans. Online broadcasts, advertising and even money transfer services began to appear.

A new round of development for the company was caused by the departure of Pavel Durov, the creator of the Network. Most of the controlling stake passed to MailGroup in 2014. And although many did not like the changes: design, availability of music and much more, the network continues to remain at the peak of popularity today. More than 80 million people visit it every day.

Network capabilities:

Odnoklassniki appeared in the same year as the giant VK. And they began to gain enormous popularity. At that time, it was the only place where one could find long-time friends and classmates from all over the world. That's why this domain name was chosen for the site.

After the surge in popularity of VK, Odnoklassniki began to be considered a social network for the older generation. Indeed, according to statistics, about 56% of users are people from 25 to 46 years old. In total, the site is visited every day by about 42 million users.

From 2008 to 2010 it was implemented paid registration. The account could have been accidentally deleted and you would have had to pay money to register. This caused a massive outflow of users to other social networks, including VKontakte. But by 2010, this practice was abandoned and returned to the free mode.

Odnoklassniki moved to a more concise OK domain, similar to VK. The site is still owned by the same MailGroup.


  • Sending messages between users, adding to contacts.
  • Creation of forums and groups, participation in them.
  • Money transfers.
  • Search for people using certain parameters.
  • Live broadcasts.
  • Messenger OK Messages.

The portal appeared much earlier than its competitors, but was never able to gain popularity. Today, only 18 million people are registered in it.

Belongs to the company "Cyril and Methodius", which produces multimedia educational products, teaching aids and various reference books. During the entire period of work I changed three domain names: classmate.km.ru in 2003, odnoklassniki.km.ru in 2007 and vkrugudruzei.ru in 2008.

Because of the use of the word “oddnoklassniki,” the company’s owners had to sue representatives of the OK website. Some users expected the two services to merge into one, but the merger never happened.

The site positioned itself as a service for finding old acquaintances and classmates. It does not have any special capabilities compared to popular social networks.

[email protected] - developed by MailGroup in 2007. Initially it was intended as a service that would unite many Mail projects under a single interface. But very quickly, literally in a few months, the development grew into its own social network.

Almost every year, new functions were added to the interface that corresponded to trends: listening to music, microblog, news comments, messaging. It is obvious that the company focused primarily on the industry giants - VK and OK.

The fifth most popular site in Russia and the first in Kazakhstan. According to statistics, it is the only service where the female audience exceeds the male one.

The project appeared on the Internet back in 2006. On this moment unites 16 million users throughout Russia. It is a social media platform where you can communicate with people, create websites using a website builder, and share news.

The owners of the site are the Olanola company. They own 100% of the shares.

Initially, the service was created with the idea of ​​finding classmates and old acquaintances. The idea was the same as other social networks. But the project did not gain popularity because the creators did not pay enough attention to its development.

As a result, It’s a Small World changed the concept of the site twice. In 2008, they refocused on the geolocation principle. Now every network member could be found on general map Google service. But the maps were undeveloped, and own system there was no website.

Since 2012, a new development idea came - to implement a recommendation network, where each user will be able to create their own website. And even make money from it.


  • Self-learning recommendation service Neuron.
  • Built-in website builder.
  • Earning money on the site, subject to its popularity.
  • Maintaining a thematic blog.

Since the service is a dating site, in addition to a social network, you can find a lot of paid services: Various casual games. The emphasis is on posting photos. The user can create entire galleries for viewing. Basically, this is what attracts many users to Photo Country.


  • Dating service.
  • Casual games.
  • Photo galleries.

The service has been developed since 2007. And it first appeared on the Internet in 2008. It is a simple social network for schoolchildren, teachers and parents. The purpose of the service is to modernize education for the better.

The emphasis is on education. Here you can post the class schedule, homework and monitor its implementation. Teachers can write messages to students, send schedules and homework. Children - share news with each other, make their own schedule, do homework. Well, parents should monitor their child’s progress.

At the moment, more than half of Russian schools have joined the project and mandatory register students.

Continuing the topic of social networks that I raised the other day (by the way, if you haven’t read the post about Russian social networks), I offer you a translation of the article “33 places to hang out in the era of social networks,” published on the rev2.org blog. The article is an impressive list of foreign social networks and gives a good insight into this rapidly growing market. Over the past two years, the popularity of social networks has increased significantly. Everyone can find a network to their liking; there are networks for dogs, parents, book lovers and shopaholics. In my opinion, it is very useful and interesting to spend time on social networks. It is because of the growing interest in social networks that I created this list. I think that it will be useful for those who, despite existing profiles on MySpace or Bebo, are ready to look for something new and interesting.

Please note that I did not include services aimed at social bookmarks, as well as systems “with a hint” of social networks (YouTube or Flickr). I have also divided the list into two categories - general and special. The list covers only those services that are available to a wide range of users (no closed beta by invitation).

MySpace is the largest social network in the world. It conquered the United States with tremendous speed; MySpace now has about 80 million users. In 2005, it was bought by Newscorp for $580 million. MySpace continues to develop rapidly and at the moment it is she who determines the development of social networks.

Bebo - unlike the Americanized MySpace, Bebo is designed for other English-speaking countries such as England, Australia and New Zealand. Bebo is very similar in functionality to MySpace. Initially, Bebo was created in order to communicate between friends, but subsequently the network has grown and currently has about 40 million users.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Tagworld – founded in the fall of 2005. Direct competitor to MySpace. It stands out for its excellent implementation of Web 2.0 (tagging, AJAX). Tagworld also has a search engine for music and an IM client with video chat capabilities.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Orkut is a product created by a Google programmer in his free time(You know, every Google programmer has the right to spend 20% of his working time on his own projects). Orkut began its development in the USA, but subsequently became widespread in Brazil (about 65% of users).
Recommended for: Brazilian youth.

AIM pages – The youngest social network among the most popular. This is AOL's attempt to supplant MySpace in the social networking market. It was believed that AIM Pages would be a real breakthrough, but it still has a long way to go.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Hi5 has about 40 million users. You have to pay to participate in this social network. One of distinctive features system is that you can download music from iTunes for money and add it to your profile. On free account You can upload a whole gigabyte of photos. Hi5 has profiles for Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson, and Tyra Banks.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Panjea is a social network with an economy founded this year. Offers several ways to get paid for your creative work. Eat unique system points.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults

Cyworld appeared in Korea and grew to phenomenal proportions. The daily income of this network is about $300,000. Cyworld is now gradually expanding to the US. The network has its own currency (acorns), and each user also has his own “minihompy” (profile). Users can decorate their "minihompy" and keep in touch with each other.
Recommended for: teenagers, young adults, Koreans

Tagged – intended mainly for teenagers. main idea– be tagged, create tagging teams and earn points in order to become the coolest tagging team. Tagging is slowly gaining popularity among teenagers in the United States, but is always secondary compared to MySpace.
Recommended for: teenagers

Popist is very similar to MySpace, both in interface and focus. Offers users a large number of open functions, such as the ability to integrate with other social networks.
Recommended for: teenagers

Friendster, one of the first networks launched as a “social experiment”, just recently acquired a “social networking” patent. The network grew very quickly, but today has completely dropped and currently occupies less than 1% of the social networking market.
Recommended for: teenagers

Tribe - NBC recently acquired this network. The main task of Tribe is not so much in dating and communication, but in uniting users’ own social networks. Provides the opportunity to create so-called “clans”, and is also very well localized due to these same clans.
Recommended for: teenagers

Facebook- a startup from Silicon Valley. Widely used among colleges and universities in most English-speaking countries. It is the second most popular network after MySpace in the United States. This network is not yet available in many countries, but is developing and growing steadily.

ConnectU is very similar to Facebook. Also designed for college and university students. ConnectU, unlike Facebook, covers a much smaller number of colleges and universities around the world.
Recommended for: College and university students

Yahoo! 360 – launched in early 2005, a Yahoo product that provides the ability to combine blogs and photo albums. Only for those over 18 years old - this significantly reduces the list of potential users.
Recommended for: adults

PeopleAggregator is Marc Canter's attempt to carve out his niche in the social media space. Based on open standards and functionality. One of the distinctive features is that this is just a demo version of the software, which can be purchased later.
Recommended for: adults

MommyBuzz – Launched just a couple of months ago, MommyBuzz is designed to allow moms to connect online, share and exchange thoughts and ideas with other moms. A wonderful place for such a target group.
Recommended: Moms

MuslimSpace – created by a former student of the faculty computer technology American University of Sharjah, MuslimSpace fully lives up to its name - MySpace for Muslims. Today the site has about 15,000 users, and its goal is to be a cleaner and more secure site than MySpace and, of course, only for Muslims.
Recommended: Muslims

Stardoll – Would you like to dress up celebrities as paper dolls? Originally called Paperdoll Heaven, Stardoll does just that. With a strong social network at its core and almost a million users, Stardoll is gaining mega popularity in the world of children and teenagers in much the same way as Neopets did a few years ago.
Recommended for: children/teenagers

Imbee – There are so many sites for teenagers, but what about children? Imbee's goal is to provide a safe and secure social network for children. So now if your big brother is bragging about his MySpace profile and teasing that you can't get one, go to Imbee!
Recommended for: children

Dogster is a place where dogs (and their owners) can meet and socialize. On Dogster, each dog has its own web page. The subtitle reads: post dog photos, tell dog stories, make new dog friends!
Recommended for: dogs and their owners

Catster is practically the twin brother of the Dogster site, developed by the same people, Catster is Dogster for cats. Post photos of cats, tell cat stories, make new friends (cats)! Does anything else need to be explained?
Recommended for: cats and their owners

Fuzzster – Being somewhat of a combination of Dogster and Catster, Fuzzster is the place for your cats, dogs and other furry pets. Launched in early 2004, it has grown to become a fairly large community of animal lovers.
Recommended for: furry animals and their owners

BookCrossing – In the real world, bookcrossing works like this: someone leaves a book in a public place for others to pick up and read, and then do the same. The goal of the BookCrossing site is to launch the same process in the virtual world.
Recommended: Book lovers

Boompa is a site for car enthusiasts, and there are certainly a lot of them on the Internet. The goal of the network is to become your online garage. Car enthusiasts can show off their cars here, find recommendations for improving them, meet other car enthusiasts, view videos and photos, and much more.
Recommended for: car enthusiasts

Spout is a database of over 250,000 movie titles, Spout is a social network for movie fans. Here you can find reviews and recommendations, meet other film fans. Spout is a good place to visit before you rent a movie.
Recommended: Film buffs

MOG is a startup from Silicon Valley, MOG's goal is to unite music lovers with the same interests. A very interesting way to meet new people, and here you can discover new musical trends that you didn’t know about before.
Recommended: for music lovers

Gusto. There are sites about cars, films, music, books, animals, but what about travel? Gusto is precisely a place that unites travelers based on their lifestyle (expressed in preferences). You can also find tons of travel information, recommendations, and reviews here.

Yub.com – combines a social network and shopping. Yub.com's goal is to provide a smart online shopping experience. The system is used cash back", where if one user helps another or vice versa, both users have the opportunity to receive CashBack. Interesting way do shopping.
Recommended for: lovers of (online) shopping

Yelp (from the makers of PayPal) - This site is much like Yub, designed to help shoppers make decisions by showing them reviews from other users. However, unlike Yub, Yelp is more focused on commercial activities and services rather than consumer-facing products. Currently only available in the US.
Recommended for: Any US resident (especially in big cities)

– according to surveys, the most popular business network, the purpose of LinkedIn is to unite colleagues and business partners and help find new ones. With nearly 5 million users, LinkedIn remains popular among business audiences.
Recommended for: mercenaries and businessmen

biddingBuddies – Often on auction sites like eBay you have to deal with a lot of people. BiddingBuddies can help you with this. This is the only social network exclusively for eBay users. Now, if you are participating in an auction, why not make friends with your opponents.
Recommended for: eBay users (buyers and sellers)

Faqqly – There are so many things you'd like to know about your friends, so why not ask them through Faqqly? Faqqly creates an FAQ (frequently asked questions) page for each user and allows friends to ask each other anything.
Recommended for: curious people – teenagers, young people

In this article, I would like to talk about such a massive phenomenon on the Internet as a social network. What means Social network ? Read a few more sensible publications, for example, who is a Misanthrope, what is Metaphor, what does Mainstream mean? In general, such a service was invented in the West, which is quite natural; in fact, they created the Internet, but that’s another story. The most popular bourgeois social networks are Twitter , Facebook YouTube, Google+, Flickr, MySpace and so on.
Much later, seeing the popularity of such resources in Russia, they decided to go this route, and then they appeared Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, [email protected] and so on.
And it began popularization Similar sites appeared in Russia relatively recently, five to six years ago. This was partly due to the fact that many did not have unlimited internet, and not everyone had smartphones, but now almost half of all visits come from a smartphone.

Social network- these are sites created with the goal of gathering people with common interests and providing them with the opportunity not only to communicate with each other, but also to share new photos and videos, add their acquaintances as friends, and strictly ban their enemies, listen to music and even watch videos, etc. d.

On similar websites many spend almost all their free time, and some manage to communicate with friends through social networks at work. On these resources people are not only stupid like other people's photos, but also receive last news, although in some places unreliable and one-sided, since many of them are written by specially trained liberal bots.

The biggest social network In the world, Facebook is rightfully known, which was brought to life by the American intelligence services, but the official creator is considered to be an American of Jewish origin, Mark Zeckerberg. Another, but not so popular, is the Twitter network, designed for sending short and succinct messages to its subscribers. In addition, we haven’t forgotten about photography lovers; another mega popular network Instagram, where the CIA and NSA are rumored to get all their intelligence information, according to at least That's exactly how they talk about it at the State Department. You can often hear them say at briefings that they receive most of their information through social networks.
In Russia there are only two coolest social networks, these are Classmates, intended for middle-aged and older people, and In contact with, for those who are especially knowledgeable, but the rest of the Russian resources need not be mentioned, because they are boring and useless to anyone.

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  • Social network

  • Instagram

    Attendance: 15 | Transitions: 2158
  • In contact with

    In contact with - universal remedy for communication and finding friends and classmates, which is used daily by tens of millions of people. We want friends, classmates, classmates, neighbors and colleagues to always remain in contact.

    Attendance: 16 | Transitions: 2680
  • Tumblr

    Tumblr is a microblogging service with elements of a social network that allows users to post text messages, images, videos, links, quotes and audio recordings in their Tumblog, a short-format blog. Post whatever you want. Share photos, videos, quotes, chats, links and text posts.

    Attendance: 74 | Transitions: 1945
  • Badoo

    Fill your life: communicate, flirt, meet new people and have fun! Among millions of users, find those you like. Chat with new friends! Badoo is already the world's largest and fastest growing social network for meeting new people.

    Attendance: 1001 | Transitions: 2386
  • World is Small

    Attendance: 2056 | Transitions: 2076
  • Foursquare

    Foursquare helps you and your friends discover new and exciting places and... maximum benefit spend time in each of them. Get personalized recommendations, find what you're looking for, and use tips and special offers, wherever you are!

    Attendance: 2280 | Transitions: 703
  • 2ch.hk (Two.h)

    Two.ch is a forum system where you can communicate quickly and freely, where any point of view has the right to life. There is no registration and no need to subscribe, although this does not relieve you of the need to follow the rules. All forums (except for /B/red), and their list is below, have their own clearly limited topics. In a word, everything that is not prohibited by the rules of a particular forum and relates to its topic is permitted on this forum.

    Attendance: 3342 | Transitions: 932
  • Surfingbird

    Attendance: 25774 | Transitions: 552
  • MillionStatus

    The most funny statuses for classmates, new and funny statuses VKontakte, statuses about love, life and mood. Only the best and new statuses for icq or qip.

    Attendance: 32316 | Transitions: 556
  • Get-Styles

    The service allows you to easily and quickly change your design theme for the VKontakte social network, without any specific knowledge! More than 800 different designs, themes. Choose any!

    Attendance: 36126 | Transitions: 354
  • PinME

    Attendance: 42577 | Transitions: 706
  • Nekto.me

    Attendance: 44503 | Transitions: 1024
  • Full of energy

    Attendance: 56714 | Transitions: 469
  • Classmates

    Attendance: 178135 | Transitions: 1747
  • eNeighbors

    Neighbors noted many places. Very different, believe me. Sights around the world, illegal dumps, cities and towns, secrets. But why did they do this? Why are these places being discussed?

    Attendance: 179171 | Transitions: 546
  • Friend around

    Convenient service for communication and finding new friends, which will show who is near you. Here you can download the FriendVokrug app for free on your phone or computer.

    Attendance: 229773 | Transitions: 1019
  • FileCloud

    FileCloud.me - social network synchronization service! Upload, copy and synchronize your photos and files from different social networks. networks in 1 click. Do you want to conveniently upload or download music on VKontakte using the program? Copy all your albums and photos from Facebook to Odnoklassniki? Synchronize files on all social networks with each other and with your computer?

    Attendance: 255055 | Transitions: 264
  • Nirvana.FM

    Attendance: 312637 | Transitions: 655
  • Netlog

    Netlog is a young community through which users can stay connected and expand their social network. On Netlog you can create your own own page blog, upload photos, watch videos, find events and play games.

    Attendance: 330964 | Transitions: 313
  • No collective farm

    Attendance: 583918 | Transitions: 943
  • Flirchi

    Attendance: 630007 | Transitions: 886

This article discusses several key resources by functionality, target audience and main focus.


The essence

The main goal of such a service is to enable online communication between distant friend from each other by users as simple as possible.

Some such sites operate only within one country or are popular among a certain language segment, others have international format and people from different countries.

Principle of operation:

  • Creating a page or account;
  • In it, he may or may not indicate his interests, hobbies, place of work and study, place of residence and other data;
  • Using site search, integration with or phone number, account in others, he can find other people he knows;
  • You can also find people who share the same interests and hobbies as the person you register;
  • Now you can easily communicate with these people, and to simplify this process, you can add them as friends;
  • After registration, he can also use other additional functionality.

Communication via CC is available only to registered members, although information from some groups is also available for reading by people who are not registered on the site.

Only the person who has an account, or only the one who is added to Friends (depending on the page), can write to you personally.

Advice. When registering, please give great attention privacy settings. It depends on them who will be able to see your page on the Internet, who will be able to write to you and see your photos.


  • Microblogging. Most known variant– , where users make small text notes in real time. Sorting is carried out mainly using hashtags ( keywords, written in the format #keyword);
  • Acquaintance. Created for people who want to find a partner for one purpose or another. Examples are Tinder, Grindr, Mamba, etc. Depending on what type of dating she is targeting, her profiles may be detailed or contain only key information;
  • Photos. The services seem to be designed for posting photos; a profile in them requires a minimum of information. In addition to the function of posting photos, you can carry out personal correspondence. Navigation is also done using hashtags;
  • Video. Not too common yet, especially in Russia, most. It has the same operating principle as Instagram, but users post videos rather than photos. They are especially good because they are convenient for organizing live broadcasts;
  • Communication. Widespread in Russia (VK and are popular, at the global level -). They allow you not only to find friends and communicate with them, but also to post photos, videos, join groups, etc.

Depending on the type, they have one or another target audience.

Thus, it was statistically revealed that the majority of Snapchat and Instagram users are under 35 years old, while the majority of Odnoklassniki’s audience is 40+.


The main goal of SS is to organize convenient communication for people. This is achieved in several ways:

  • Dialogues– this is the format personal correspondence, in which you can write a message to any user who does not have this feature disabled. At the same time, such correspondence is strictly confidential and is seen only by you and your interlocutor;
  • Conversations or Chats– this is correspondence, created on the same principle as dialogues, but you can add an unlimited number of people to it;
  • Commenting– a comment can be left under any photos, microblog entries, etc., unless this option is disabled;
  • Microblogging, Walls and other services for posting posts on your account that all your friends see (or a specific list of them, depending on the settings);
  • Groups, public pages and other methods for uniting by interest, in which a topic is created for discussion (like outdated forums).

Almost any service provides the opportunity for personal correspondence, but it is social networks such as Facebook and VK that make such correspondence especially convenient.

Media files

Some services also allow you to upload and distribute various non-personal media files. Thus, VK actively operates the My Videos service.

The user can choose a movie that interests him among thousands of downloaded ones, save it to his page, tell his friends about it by sharing it on a microblog, etc.

Facebook carefully monitors compliance with copyright and does not allow the distribution of feature films.

You can only upload short videos that you have shot yourself; you can also share them from other services.

A similar situation arises with music.

While there is an extensive library of audio files, songs and audio books, it does not allow the downloading of non-personal audio recordings.