Unpleasant features of the Yandex browser (Internet browser). ❝ Yandex

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you are not familiar yet, I would like to introduce you to one of the most popular online service ov of Runet called Yandex. It has existed since 1996 and at the dawn of its formation it was exclusively .

Let’s put aside the question “what is Yandex today” for a moment, and let’s talk about where such a strange name came from. Why Yandex? There are several interpretations on this matter and they all answer the question posed.

True, only one of them reflects the real train of thought of the author of this now super-popular word, who was one of the founding fathers of this search engine - Ilya Segalovich(unfortunately, he left us in the middle of last year).

Why is Yandex called Yandex?

In the above photo he is on the far left. Standing next to him is his comrade-in-arms and the second fundamentally Yandex - Arkady Volozh. Well, on the right are Sergey Brin and Larry Page - . This photo was taken at the beginning of our century, when Google company planned to buy our domestic search engine and its leaders came to Russia for negotiations, but the deal never took place.

So, Ilya was faced with a difficult task - choose a name for the future search engine(not yet available at that time via the Internet) and at the same time not lose face in the dirt. The keyword index for the search was taken as a basis (read about how important the index is for them, and what it even is).

It was decided that the word-forming phrase would be “yet another indexer,” which translated means “another indexer.” In general, quite modestly and without any claims for future stunning success. English language then in Russia there was "" and, naturally, that search system originally received its name in Latin: YANDEX(Yet Another iNDEXer).

However, the main feature of Yandex at that time (and even now) was that it searches for answers on the Internet. Besides him, at that time the only one doing this was , which is now no longer a full-fledged search engine. In general, the founding fathers decided that they needed to add the Russian letter I at the beginning instead of the English Y and it turned out YANDEX. This could already be interpreted as a Language INDEX.

At that time, its home page looked like this (design by Tema Lebedev):

In 2008, the fashion for writing company names with Latin letters faded away and YANDEX began to be called simply Yandex.

There are several other interpretations, why Yandex is called Yandex, and despite the fact that they are quite logical and concise, they appeared after the official name was approved. I have already mentioned one of them - Language iNDEX.

Well, the second one says that if you take the first letter “I” and “I” in the word index, then you will get the pronoun “I” - hence YANDEX. The version is beautiful, but somewhat different from what happened in reality.

What is Yandex and what does it represent today?

As I already mentioned, at the dawn of its formation, this online service was exclusively a search engine. He still is, and his share of the RuNet market is very significant and amounts to more than sixty percent.

But time passed and everything changed. With each new year of its existence, Yandex acquired more and more new services and opportunities. Some of them have reached our time unchanged, some have changed, merged or even closed, such as.

Now, if you are looking for a product, you probably turn to to find the store that is optimal in terms of price and reviews. If you are going somewhere, then go to the one that displays the road conditions (traffic jams).

For many, this online service has become the portal from which they start surfing the Internet every day. This is especially convenient because, like the desktop in Windows, it has the ability to add widgets, customize the appearance through the use of themes, and all other services of this mega-portal are available from it.

So what is Yandex? You can’t answer in one word. Let me list all the services collected under his wing, which I had the opportunity to write about in detail. It will probably be much simpler and more visual.

  1. — unlike Google, the RuNet mirror initially decided to use its main (start) page for the convenience of users.

    Well, by analogy with, a Passport was introduced, which is valid throughout the entire territory of all the possessions of this search engine.

  2. - the place where all site owners add their resources to monitor their indexing and visibility in this search engine.

  3. - probably the second most popular after payment system in RuNet. Although, if we take into account, it turns out that it is the third.

  4. — here you can order advertising of your products or services on search pages (advertising is displayed at the top or bottom of the search results).

  5. is a very popular service among Russians, because it provides information about traffic jams, allows you to plot routes and create your own (folk) maps.

  6. - This reverse side Direct. The fact is that Yandex has a well-functioning system for working with contextual advertising, so why should it limit itself to just its own SERP (search results page)?

    In general, if you have your own website with daily traffic greater than or equal to 300 unique visitors per day, then register with Profit Partner (the official YAN partner service center) and earn money, receive prizes and affiliate rewards. Without any nonsense, this is .

  7. - a system that differs from a similar Google tool (Analistics) in that it has an intuitive and elegant interface, and is also easy to learn.

  8. — in the Runet market it successfully competes with, and also attracts some users from Jimail.

    In terms of functionality, a new incarnation Yandex Mail not much inferior to the latter, and in some aspects even superior. For example, there is free opportunity receiving, which in Google has now become worth a pretty penny ().

  9. file storage, which is intended to become a real alternative to Dropbox (read about that) or.

  10. new service offering users a fresh selection of materials on topics of interest to them. The selection is generated automatically based on the preferences of each individual user. Read more about the service at the link provided.
  11. search engine any SMS on which your site will work will always be worse than this tool. Therefore, do not install it, or its equivalent from Google.
  12. - these are not services, but important tools with which the company evaluates the static weight of all indexed documents, and regular users can estimate at what price it is worth selling or buying links from certain sites (read about, eternal links or)
  13. - deceased in God (or rather in Yukoza) free constructor people's sites. Previously, it was possible to create free websites or store and transfer files (the latter function was taken over by the Disk described just above)
  14. is a fairly popular add-on for browsers, which, however, is much more necessary for the search engine itself than for users (setting search by default, home page, collection of user preferences, etc.).

    Yes, all this is not implemented as aggressively as in , but there is something in common.

  15. — previously there was a similar thing in Opera (express panel), but thanks to our hero, now these bookmarks can be used in any browser (installed).

  16. - made on the same engine as Google Chrome, but has a number of individual characteristics, which competitors do not have.

  17. — a set of buttons for adding announcements of articles on the site to popular social networks. The statistics of this block can be tracked in Metrica.

  18. is not a service or a tool, but simply a statement that this search engine is not yet capable of real-time and updating search results discretely at certain unequal time intervals, which are usually called up.
  19. - can search not only by those entered in search bar words or phrases, but also carry out, which you download from your computer or indicate its location on the Internet.

  20. - an online service similar to .
  21. - well, of course, this is not far yet Google translate, but also gives a very good translation, albeit into a much smaller number of languages.

  22. — will help you measure the speed of the Internet channel you are using.
  23. — the service is very convenient and quite claims to be the best in RuNet.

  24. - most popular catalog sites all over the RuNet, but, unfortunately, not everyone manages to get there even on a paid basis.
  25. - the first assistant to those who have already mastered them, because it allows them to collect them and then write articles about them.
  26. - a very specific thing that cannot be explained in a nutshell, but you can read the article given at the link.

I think that now, at least general outline, it became clear to you what Yandex is and how big and powerful it is. Thank you.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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The Yandex browser is developed using source code Chromium is based on the WebKit engine, which makes it very similar to . However, we found many advantages that can put the program from Russian developers head and shoulders above its popular analogues.



The main feature of this Internet Explorer is its integration with Yandex services itself. Search engine, cloud storage, maps, language translations, mail and other services are on the toolbar and can be accessed with one click. It will also seem to someone useful additions for Yandex browser - services such as weather forecasts or traffic jams.

Integrated technologies can be considered a big “plus” for users Adobe Flash to watch videos and Adobe Reader- for reading PDF files.


You can continue web surfing started on a laptop at any time - on a tablet or smartphone. Bookmarks and browsing history are automatically transferred when you launch the browser on another device.


The protection system it has is a separate reason for pride for Russian developers. Innovative technologies The company's programmers combined anti-virus attacks and anti-spam with the achievements of Kaspersky Lab. When loading, pages are immediately checked for malicious code, and files - to a potential threat of infection of the computer. In addition, the authors have implemented antispam and a data theft detector.


Like the developers, the creators of Ya.Browser implemented the Turbo mode in the program, which allows you to speed up the loading of images, videos and other media content when slow speed Internet connections. The results for queries in the omnibox even before pressing Enter are also worth attention. As soon as you start typing “weather in Tel Aviv” or “ruble exchange rate”, you will immediately see the answers.


With all this, the browser interface looks surprisingly minimalist. As its creators assure, they sought to eliminate elements that distract users and disperse attention. Here you can test a small innovation and “get a scoreboard.” This means that when we open a new tab, we are given a display in which we can pin eight popular tabs.

Moreover, unlike other browsers, in Y. Browser you will see recognizable site logos, not screenshots last visits. This allows you to navigate much faster visual bookmarks. And also - you can change the positions of the thumbnails yourself (which, by the way, is not available, for example, in Chrome - there they are arranged according to the frequency of visits). In addition, the “Forward” arrow has been removed from the browser window; it appears only when the page is already open.


Have you often noticed that when you open new tab with a YouTube video in Chrome and Firefox, it automatically starts playing. But this is not very convenient if you were going to watch the video later? So - in the browser we are considering, everything is thought out. You can open a video link in a new tab, and playback will not start until you activate that tab.

Weak sides

Let me finish this praise and move on to that very “fly in the ointment.” Users who have already tried it new browser, express mixed opinions. Along with the positive characteristics, the Yandex browser has received its share of criticism. Feedback from active Runet users who expressed dissatisfaction with this matter consisted mainly of the following:


The address bar, outlined in a poisonous yellow outline, seems too bright to some. However, you can get rid of the frame by going to the Yandex Browser settings. In general, a number of users reacted positively to the ideology of minimalism. In their opinion, other reviewers do have unnecessary buttons and bookmarks.

As you can see, the developers were not lazy and also made a version for MAC, which is good news - I have this particular operating system installed on one of my laptops. There is such a sign: if a black cat crossed the road... and so on. So, having clicked on the “Download” button, I calmly began to go about my business, and only after a couple of minutes I noticed that nothing was happening. That is, I was redirected to a page with a download link, where the download should, as always, start automatically. But for some reason this did not happen. I thought that there was something wrong with my browser settings (on my computers I mostly work in Firefox, and for tests there are all other browsers), but I didn’t bother to figure it out, but tried to do everything again on another computer - the result was the same, Unfortunately, the download never started automatically. This is where the “black cat” effect came into play. I thought that the beginning of communication with a new browser was not very impressive, but I didn’t want to be upset in advance, you never know. I decided to continue further, I really wanted to work with Yandex’s new toy.

Immediately after installation, or rather, during installation, the new Yandex.Browser will offer you to import all the settings of your current browser, which is very good, because you don’t have to worry about importing later. You will also be kindly informed that all passwords will also be saved and transferred to the new browser. It turned out to be somewhat of a joke - they are saved and transferred, but not all. On some services you had to manually enter your password. This already upset me a little; I expected such a serious guy like Yasha to keep his promises.

Well, okay, let's move on. The bookmarks were all transferred safely, but here’s what I didn’t like: if in Mozilla all my bookmarks fit on one line and were always visible, then in Yandex.Browser they were so stretched out that more than half of all my bookmarks began to appear in the list with right side browser window. It’s a little inconvenient not to see what you’re used to seeing, and constantly clicking on the drop-down arrow to find the bookmark you need isn’t comme il faut either. This is what the bookmarks bar looks like in Firefox:

And here it is in Yandex.Browser:

As they say - feel the difference. The bookmarks bar has stretched twice, and this is not good for work. It’s not for nothing that the developers made a reservation that there are a minimum of buttons and a lot of space for viewing - there really are no extra buttons that are familiar in Opera or Mazilla, and are not expected. And I’m so used to checking third-party sites at the bar...

By the way, when transferring bookmarks, I expected that in addition to passwords, certificates would also be transferred, but I hoped in vain - a miracle did not happen. So I had to re-confirm my certificate. However, I didn’t expect a different result; too good is also not good.

Go ahead. At the top right are settings you can play with. I was immediately surprised new feature– “New window in incognito mode.” I still don’t understand the meaning of the title - a new one is opening clean window, and you can enter whatever you want into the address bar. Basically, all the settings are the same, so it’s not difficult to figure them out, except that they are located in an unusual way. But in each browser they are located differently; you can’t expect developers to completely copy each other.

I was pleasantly surprised by the developer toolbar already built into the browser, because in many browsers such a plugin needs to be installed separately, but here it’s all at once. For webmasters and designers this is very handy tool, and I use it all the time in Firefox, so I find it useful. I won’t describe the details of the panel - it’s a whole epic. Anyone who has worked in other browsers knows that the possibilities here are truly endless.

Here, in the settings, you will find a help page from Yandex, where everything is described in detail on how to work with the browser, what to do and how to configure, and a settings page that looks like this:

Isn't it something familiar? Bah, yes, this is a page from Chrome! So for Chrome lovers, all the cards are in hand - everything is familiar and easy, but for other users I will say that all the settings are described in detail and simply, there will be no difficulties. It’s just a pity that the developers of Yandex.Browser weren’t too concerned with creating their own original page, and copied everything from Google Chrome, as well as all appearance browser. Or maybe this is how the friendship between Yandex and Google begins? Just against whom, I wonder, will they be friends? However, these are lyrics, and we continue to study Yandex.Browser.

Another one interesting opportunityfull screen mode. It is available in all browsers, but here it is simply beautifully designed, one to one, like in Chrome:

You can enter this mode only in the settings, and exit it using F11. When you move the cursor to the top of the page, this appears: beautiful message, which immediately disappears if you move the cursor away. Otherwise, all the settings are standard and do not differ in any way from other browsers, so the new Yandex.Browser was not noticed as particularly original in its design.

Well, now about the most interesting thing, for the sake of which this test was started. Such an interesting moment. I think all new Internet users will like this. IN address bar browser, after entering the address, a link like this is displayed: http://webmaster.yandex.ru>Yandex.Webmaster-My Sites. Easy to understand and read. And if you need to copy it, then the link will be copied in the usual form for the browser - http://webmaster.yandex.ru/sites/(Chrome in its purest form).

As you yourself know, any user expects from his browser not some designs or super features, but, above all, speed. Agree, the proverb “@ Internet Explorer… and let the whole world wait!" is relevant now more than ever. The speed of working with the Internet is increasing, the volume of information is growing, and the browser must correspond to our rhythm of life. So I decided to test our new Yandex.Browser regarding the speed of its operation - directly loading the browser itself and loading pages from this browser in particular. The results are below.

In order not to be accused of subjectivity, I will conduct a test on well-known services - Facebook, Google search And Yandex search. The Internet connection speed at the time of testing was 15,000 Kbps. Conducted testing with all other programs disabled.

For testing I took an old Pentium (CPU - 1.7 GB and RAM 768 MB, OS – Windows XP3) and comparatively new laptop Lenovo G575 (two 1.7 GB CPUs and 4 GB RAM, OS – Windows 7). Compared with four well-known browsers– Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Chrome. Before starting testing, I cleaned both the computer and the laptop completely (Tune Up). Here's what I got.

As you can see, Internet Explorer is still ahead of the rest. He confidently holds his position behind him new Yandex.Browser, then Firefox, Opera and Chrome. So I was once again convinced that one thing is written on the fence, but completely different things are happening behind it. But I just started testing. Now I want to show you the results of loading the browsers themselves on Personal Computer. This data is also interesting:

All clear. Draw your own conclusions. Personally, I've been using Firefox for about 5 years now. Lately I also actively use Google Chrome, and while I have no reason to change them, I'm used to the settings, their quirks, etc. Although, judging by these tables, for example, Firefox is far from first place. But what’s most offensive is that the browser that Yandex unobtrusively offers us is even further from the leader’s yellow jersey. Well, the first place in the ranking of the most leisurely browsers, as usual, is firmly held by Internet Explorer. There’s no need to be surprised here - I didn’t expect anything else from him. Well, at least he's a leader in something.

But that's not all. To ensure the reliability of the results, you need to run all the tested browsers on your laptop, then it will be possible to draw final conclusions about the product that I presented today. So, Lenovo laptop G575 and work Chrome browsers, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer and the new Yandex Browser in it:

Under the proud name of Yandex.Internet. The browser is based on Chromium browser, and therefore open source.

The daily audience of this browser is not so small: Chrome (Yandex) 1,027,563 1.3%

Now let’s remember several scandals related to the “leakage” of data on the Internet, namely shopping lists in intimate stores, data on tickets sold and SMS messages from a megaphone, and see what we can dig up about this in the license agreement of this browser. And maybe after this all the questions about how this could end up in public access, will disappear by themselves.

6.3. The User is hereby notified and agrees that when using the Program the Copyright Holder in automatic mode The following information is transmitted anonymously (without reference to the User): type operating system the User’s computer, version and identifier of the Program, statistics on the use of Program functions, as well as other Technical information.

What is "technical information"? Is the session number technical information? For comparison, Google in its user agreements lists everything he collects, and there are no phrases “other technical information” there.

3.1.1. Apply the Program directly functional purpose, for the purpose of copying and installing (playing) it on the User’s personal computer(s). The User has the right to install the Program on an unlimited number of personal computers. When installed on a personal computer, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number, which is automatically communicated to the Copyright Holder.

Is the program number technical information?

Read further paragraphs 5.1-5.7. They are long, but the meaning can be formulated very briefly:
by default, everything that happens inside the browser is transferred to Yandex servers, including entered texts (except passwords), URLs of viewed pages, page contents, etc.

This can be turned off, but did those whose data floated into the network know about this? And would they have the computer skills to do it?

In addition, it is extremely interesting:
1. and numbers credit cards are they also transferred to Yandex servers?
2. what about phone numbers?
3. a unique pages, generated when sending SMS or for shopping lists in online stores?

And when viewing a government services website, will all the content of the pages and what is entered be transferred to the Yandex servers?

But that's not all! They will install software of unknown purpose for your load, without the possibility of refusal, the list of which you do not know when signing this user agreement:

5.11. The User is hereby notified and agrees that when installing the Program, additional components (buttons) for the Program that interact with popular social networks, postal services and other tools, and such selection is carried out fully automatically and without transferring data outside the User’s computer.

Well, about open source browser (and some components were under GPL). He stayed with his ancestor:

4. Limitations

4.1. With the exception of use to the extent and in the ways expressly provided for by this License or the legislation of the Russian Federation, the User has no right to change, decompile, disassemble, decrypt or perform other actions with the object code of the Program aimed at obtaining information about the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, or create derivatives works using the Program, as well as to carry out (permit to carry out) other use of the Program, without the written consent of the Copyright Holder.

PS: For Yandex bar