Call service scenarios. Telephone etiquette of a call center operator: how to speak correctly with a client

If the reader has just set out on the path of a specialist in the field of designing telephone conversations, then most likely he is wondering whether it is worth making this very script at all? Some people think that they can get by with the operator’s “bottomless” memory or a note with the main points...

There is no need to write a script for the work of a call center operator if the amount of information is reduced to 1-3 monosyllabic answers to several questions. In all other cases, the script is necessary, at a minimum, so that if questions arise regarding the operator’s work, there is always an official source that can be referred to. Otherwise, any words of the manager about the competence of the call center operator will be groundless. the main task script – let the call center operator know what to do at any time.

Than a list of questions and answers (FAQ) is different from the script?

A script or script for an operator’s work is a text construction that contains answers to all subscribers’ questions. But how do simple notes in the margins differ from an organized script for the operator's work, and at what point does a list of questions with answers become a script?

The script guarantees a 100% confident answer from a contact center specialist to any question. And this does not mean that the operator will provide information on any request of the subscriber, the point is that the script clearly structures all types of requests and generates responses to them.

The answer can be informative or stating the problem. In the first case, the subscriber has no questions for the operator. In the second case, the subscriber simply receives feedback, understands that he has been heard, his problem has been accepted, and then the mechanism for solving the problem will be launched. In such a situation, in fact, the answer did not solve the subscriber’s problem, but solved the operator’s problem - to answer the person’s question.

An example of an informative answer to a question in a script:

Subscriber: Tell me, is delivery included in the price?

Operator: Included when ordering over 100 kilograms of products.

An example of answering a question by stating a problem:

Subscriber: When will the Internet be turned on?

Operator: Na this moment coming in your area engineering works, which can last all day. If you require more exact time, I will record your request, and our manager will inform you within 4 hours.

In both examples, it is clear that thanks to the script, the operator listened to the person and satisfied his request by providing an answer. Therefore, a script is any logical structure that contains a complete set of questions, answers and, most importantly, methodologies for the operator’s behavior during telephone conversation. Thanks to the script, the operator knows what to say to the person in any situation.

Professional script or script for operator work call center differs from the usual list of questions and answers (FAQ) primarily in that, in addition to everything else, it contains a non-informative part for working with the subscriber. As part of this part, the operator can simply reassure the subscriber, advise a source for solving the problem, provide a link to another person, connect with another operator, suggest alternative method resolving the issue, etc.

Why do you need a telephone conversation script?

Of course, a professional operator will always be able to carry on a conversation, however, today’s subscriber is improving every year. People are increasingly dissatisfied common phrases, so it’s better to develop a script with answers to specific questions for each specific business.

In practice, the script decides how the conversation will be structured and how it will end. A high-quality script uses non-verbal tools to guide the subscriber to make the right decision or form the “correct” opinion about the company’s reputation.

There is no universal script, but it does exist systems approach in this area, which is based on the fact that the subscriber's needs are always clearly structured and fit into standard classes. The nuance here is what kind of script you are going to write - for incoming or outgoing call, selling or informational and consulting... Also keep in mind that the script for working online consultant has a slightly different format, as does the activity itself of this type of contact center specialist. We wrote about this earlier in the material "", which outlines not only the differences in job responsibilities but also given guidelines on the topic of customer service via online chat.

We will definitely talk about each type of script in the following materials on the website pages

Operator:— Hello, This is a repair and maintenance service plastic windows. Within three days, a free technical inspection of plastic windows will be carried out on your street. Please tell me, do you have any complaints?

If the client does not have time

Client:- I have no time.

Operator:- When can I call you back? (at what time) (fix and call back at the appointed time).

1. option (application/interest)

Client:- Yes, I have

Operator:— Do you have wooden or plastic windows?

Client: ________________

Client: I don't need windows / I don't need anything

Operator: We do not offer installation, but free prevention (this includes lubrication of fittings and rubber seals). Did you know that window maintenance must be carried out once every six months in order for them to serve you for a long time. Will we carry out prevention?

Client: date Time

Operator: Can I clarify what exactly your complaints are? (We clarify what bothers the client in his windows and fix it)

Client: ___________________

Operator: Can I clarify your address/house number/apt. (Fixing the address) Thank you, we have recorded the application, wait for the specialist, all the best, goodbye! (We record the application)

Client: What is included in free prevention?

Operator: free prevention includes:

Option 2 (if the windows are new/plastic)

Client:— I have new windows, I don’t need anything.

Operator:— How long have you had them?

Client: _______________

As an operator, we do not offer installation, but free prevention. Did you know that window maintenance must be carried out once every six months in order for them to serve you for a long time. Will we carry out prevention? Our master will also be able to advise you on further proper care behind the windows so that they serve you for a long time!

3.option (failure/wooden windows)

Client:- we are not interested/need it

Operator:— What kind of windows do you have, wooden or plastic?

Client:— Wooden

Operator: Are you planning to install plastic windows in the near future?

Client:- Yes, it’s possible

Operator, we can send you a specialist to measure and calculate the cost. A specialist’s visit to your home is free and carried out at a time convenient for you. (we fix it if no later than a week) If not soon, then we leave the phone number.

Client: Don't know

Operator:(offer to call back, give time to think)

Client: No

Operator: In this case, if you have any questions or problems with windows, you can call ___________or ______________. The visit of a master to our home is free.

Operator: All the best, goodbye!

4.option (refusal)

Client:- we are not interested/need it, hung up.

Operator:— We call back and carefully repeat the phrase, we do not offer installation, but free prevention. Did you know that in any case it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance on windows, as well as provide advice on further care for them. You are interested in this, so that your windows serve you for a long time.

Client:- consent or refusal.

Operator: Sorry. All the best!

5.option (if children or guests have the phone)

Client:- nobody is at home

Operator:— What time/when will it be possible to call back to discuss window maintenance? (we’ll fix it and call back)

Client: — _________________

Operator: Thank you, good bye!

Additional questions!

  1. Why free prevention??? This campaign is being held to inform the population about proper window care.
  2. Where did you get my number? From the city directory. It is in the public domain. Or we hung advertisements on your street, and now we’re calling.
  3. What is included in free prevention? Free prevention includes:
    1. Lubricating fittings, all moving elements are lubricated (so that they can be easily opened and closed)
    2. Lubrication of rubber seals (this is so that in winter or summer it remains in working condition and does not freeze or come apart).
  4. If the euro windows are wooden (new). We also offer preventive maintenance, they have the same fittings as on plastic ones!


“Colleagues, greetings! I ask you to conduct an audit of the proposed version of the conversation module for the call-center, which operates around the clock as part of the leader in providing communication services for the purposes of television cable broadcasting in the city of Ulan-Ude, and in the field of providing “Internet access” is among the leading operators of the Republic of Buryatia, LLC "BIKS+"

Thank you in advance!

If you have any questions, please contact us!


For our audit, we were sent a recording of a telephone conversation between one of the employees of the Ryazan branch of the federal bank (Viktor) and a potential client (Anna). The role of the client is a “mystery shopper”. For the Master Class, the recording has been truncated and “legal details” have been omitted.


“Colleagues, good day!

I present speech modules for your consideration.

A little about our organization. Our Call Center is designed to inform individuals and legal entities about government and municipal services provided by executive authorities and local governments in order to improve the quality and accessibility of public services.

The call center is at the stage of formation. The speech modules cover the following situations:

Nowadays, heads of sales departments often come to us with a request to systematize all the experience that the company has accumulated in working with clients and to collect all valuable solutions, speech modules, and “tricks” into one Book of Sales Scenarios or Corporate Sales Algorithm. At the beginning of work, we always formulate a plan for such a Book, write down all the content blocks, adapting them to the specifics of the company’s product and taking into account the company’s “reaching out to the client” mechanism.

A professional Call Center operator quickly resolves typical situations and has a flexible approach to non-standard customer questions. Have you ever talked to an operator who stuttered from excitement, was nervous, arrogant, arrogant or indifferent?

The reason is that it is difficult for Call Center employees to manage a conversation with a client and maintain composure in a conflict if they have to come up with an answer “from scratch” literally ON THE WALK for each phrase the client says. The result is uncertainty or aggression in the voice, breaking contact with the client, illiterate work and... the client’s bad impression of the company as a whole.

Using corporate speech modules, your Call Center receives undeniable advantage: it begins to work as a single integral “organism”. As a result, the quality of service increases several times. Your clients will not want to part with a company where the work is streamlined and the employees focus exclusively on the interests of their clients.

Block “Speech modules for Call center" includes:

1. Greeting and ending the conversation.

2. 2-3 variants of speech modules for each of 15 - 20 typical and non-standard situations in working with clients.

3. Preparation of speech modules for working with customer complaints.

4. Development of speech modules for working with customer complaints.

5. Algorithm for dealing with conflicts.

6. List STOP phrases, prohibited or not recommended for use in dialogue with the client, and a list of effective “substitutions”.

7. 3 - 4 dialogues as an example of how to use speech modules in the context of a real conversation with a client.

What are you paying for?

  • Speech modules for Call Center are your contribution to customer retention and stable client base. Quality of service and after-sales support are one of the key criteria by which buyers now choose services, products and the company that provides them.
  • Your Call Center operates according to uniform quality standards.
  • Newcomers quickly get involved in the work, because they have a clear guideline for talking with the client.
  • Your operators and managers will have great tool in order to avoid conflict situations and quickly resolve customer complaints.
  • Employees will stop asking their manager the same thing 10 times a day, because now everyone will have several options for answering most of the standard and non-standard requests from clients.


We do not send standard speech modules, you can find them on our website at open access V

When developing speech modules, we not only take into account the specifics of your business and product, we create speech blocks that will be used only by your managers and operators.

We analyze specifically those requests that clients regularly contact your Call Center with. Therefore, the answers are compiled specifically for your employees, so that they can answer the client’s question by simply reproducing the finished module and using it flexibly and creatively depending on the situation.


Speech modules are assistant phrases that are effective in negotiations, sales and customer service. We develop speech modules for the most important and complex stages of working with a client, as well as in a complex for sales and service.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Which sales stage is the most slippery? Of course, working with objections. Sometimes the sale begins with them, and not at all with establishing contact.

Do you want managers and salespeople to not “slip and fall” in the same place? To do this, we develop multiple response options for every objection your employees face. Having competent arguments in their arsenal, managers are not afraid of objections and answer “to the point.” And the percentage of successful transactions is growing.

Regular customers and high quality service.

What phrases and words will help your managers remove the client’s negativity and convince him to act according to the regulations? How to ensure that managers do not provoke conflicts themselves and easily get out of the most difficult situations? difficult situations without the help of a manual?

It is for these purposes that we compose speech modules for working with customer complaints and conflict situations.

ABOUT from a cold call to money in the account

It is known that when there is no personal contact, the role of words in negotiations increases several times. Therefore, unclear arguments, inappropriate questions or doubts in the seller's voice pose a real danger to the transaction. And, conversely, when salespeople have phrases in their arsenal to start a conversation with an interlocutor of any rank, well-developed clear arguments, and questions to “seize the initiative,” the conversation is easily directed in the right direction. And the number of successful transactions is increasing!

What do Call Center clients value most? Fast decision their requests, competent advice, politeness, interest and individual approach. Moreover, all operators should have this approach to the client, no matter who was reached first. How to ensure this? Using uniform corporate standards, 90% of which are speech modules. And to prevent operators from turning into robots, we offer several wording options for each situation.

All speech modules are designed in accordance with the corporate style of your company. Additionally, we can provide a free template of the Regulations and Orders for the implementation of speech modules as basic corporate standards.

Corporate Sales Book (Sales Script Book) is an algorithm for working with a client from the first call to signing the contract and implementing its terms. It is a document containing practical solutions for standard and non-standard situations that arise for a manager (seller) when working with a client.

The book contains descriptions of situations, objections that may arise potential client, as well as recommended behavior strategies in a given situation, speech modules, answers to client questions, rules of behavior in difficult (conflict) situations.


If you'd like our opinion on the speech modules your employees are currently using, check out our free service

____________________ The last notes in Master class ____________________


Good afternoon I accidentally found your site on the Internet, and I hope that you can help me. The company is engaged in cargo transportation; there are standards for communication with clients that are carried out in bad faith by the company’s employees.

I would like to evaluate the existing speech modules from a professional point of view and receive your recommendations regarding their revision.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Best regards, Olga.

1. A client who raises his voice and swears.

Invite the angry Client to go to a quieter place: -

- If you don’t mind, let me go with you to a quieter place.

Recently I received a letter in the text of which there was a seemingly innocent phrase: “And you also promised me...”. Usually it is not included with basic list stop phrases, do not focus attention on it. However, it often occurs in the process of negotiations in the b2b sphere, for example, when information is exchanged during the making of a purchasing decision or already in the process of customer service.

When a client says, “You promised me,” this is a signal to us that the situation is becoming tense. The person makes it clear that we did not fulfill what we promised, worries that we have forgotten about it, and begins to doubt our commitment. Sometimes this is a tiny and yet the first step towards losing the client’s trust. An experienced specialist will not miss such a signal and will respond immediately. You can apologize, make it clear that we remember our promise and are just preparing a proposal, documents, etc.

Magazine "Call center helper"

Are your scripts depressing your clients?

Scripts can be in a simple way get operators to say the right things in right time. But they can also depress customers. If your scripts are guilty of one of the seven deadly sins listed below, then it may be time to rewrite them.

1. Scripts can be too long

Avoiding lengthy scripts is critical to preventing your customers from being overwhelmed. By the time the operator successfully completes the order or service, the customer is ready for additional sales. Effective scripts can guide your operators through best offers increase sales for this client.

At the same time, operators should hold off on key product benefits until the end of the presentation. This allows the operator to appeal to the customer's emotional need for the product and close the upsell at the highest possible value.

2. Trying to do more than is possible with scripts

Scripts are useful for tier 1 call handling, where support is less complex, and where you have a better opportunity to introduce new customers to a full range of products.

Scripts for more challenging levels- Level 2 and 3 calls - can have a catastrophic impact on the customer experience.

New operators, processing 1st level calls, extract maximum benefit from scripts and call flows as they learn to navigate calls for the first time, and find their approach to customer service and sales.

As agents become more experienced, they can be given some freedom in their language and sales approach based on each customer's needs.

Rigorous testing of new scripts with control groups, regular monitoring of operator calls and focus groups with the best operators, will also lead to the most successful results for your scripts.

Leslie Hafer, Director of Program Management, Convergys (

3. Scripts that are too obviously scripts

In order for employees to feel confident when calling, they need scripts as a backup to either initiate a conversation or deal with unexpected turns in the conversation.

The problem occurs when the client can detect the script. How to avoid this situation? Offer your employees mini-scripts and customer service training. Mini-scripts give employees possible conversation directions, but do not show the exact answer. Precise answers are a clear sign that your employees have no idea what they are talking about.

Training ensures your employees know how to steer conversations in the right direction.

Sarah Hedaiti, Customer Experience Specialist, Impact Learning Systems (

4. Lack of general assessment of the script's performance

Taking the question of the extent of scripts out of the way, it is important that call patterns are regularly assessed.

Traditionally, call structure has been assessed in terms of average handle time (AHT) and call management. At our center, we call this a “Plan B” approach, where we have made adjustments to improve the customer experience when there is an unexpected influx of calls.

This approach attempts to reduce the call to the most important call required to reduce AHT overall while maintaining the customer experience. He may simply replace some open questions with closed ones, or separate out some pieces of irrelevant data.

More interesting is the idea behind the "Plan A+" approach, which attempts to identify the key drivers for clients and builds them into a perfect call guide to deliver top scores. This approach has been used in outbound sales for many years, because the structure of calls there is easier to predict.

On basic level We listen to customer feedback on their satisfaction and feedback with operators in focus groups and meetings, and also continually review the building blocks of calls, the order in which everything is done, how queues and transfers are handled, phrases that are used, and the opening and closing of a call.

Paul Miller, Deputy Director - Contact - Centers, Prolog (

5. Strict adherence to the script

What makes someone more likely to buy? Reading a series of clumsy statements, without any beliefs or feelings, is unlikely to help. Most likely, the client will buy if he has some kind of contact with the operator.

First, the scripts should be renamed call guides. Secondly, let's support the needs of the business with training and knowledge, and thirdly, let's do it from the customer's point of view, not from the business's point of view. Of course, scripts are needed, not as a prescriptive nature of the dialogue, but as a guide and route to allow operators to do their jobs, engage the client and achieve their goals.

Siobhain Goodall - Business Development Director - Outsourcing, MPL Systems (

6. Scripts that only interfere with operators

In telemarketing, establishing contact with the client is vital important to close the sale. The script only hinders this and serves to make the customer feel unimportant, like they are just a number on a sales sheet. Opting for a looser presentation structure allows the operator to know what to say to the client to close the deal, on time, making him feel like the product was created especially for him!

Of course, certain rules must be followed, and some things must be read verbatim to the caller. In such cases, our operators, as a rule, warn the subscriber that a series of statements will now be read out.

Gemma Leighton, Account Manager, RSVP (

7. Inability of the operator to present information from the script

There needs to be more focus on how statements represent information from scripts, because in my experience any script can be made to work. I don't think there is a specific type of script that people should stick to or that works in every situation.

It all depends on how you present the information and how much attention and feedback your agents receive. I am confident that any script given to me, be it for sales or an outbound campaign, I will make it work in a way that I can present to the client.

Andrea Haralambides, Training Manager, Call Britania (

Answering customers on the phone is a skill, especially when responding to a complaint. But before you move on to “forbidden” phrases for a call center operator, you need to think and make sure that you (or your subordinates) have chosen the right profession. Sometimes no rules or knowledge can save you from the desire to be sarcastic to the client...

Well, for those who sincerely want to improve their skills in conducting dialogue with “difficult” clients, the top 15 phrases that irritate:

1. I don't know...

The standard reaction: “So why are you sitting there then?” Therefore, prepare a couple of alternative phrases.

For example:

Is it convenient for you to wait a minute while I clarify the question?

2. I can’t promise anything...

Sounds reassuring. It seems that you have no intention or interest in helping the client. Need to rephrase.

For example:

I will do my best to resolve your issue.

3. We'll sort this out...

Sounds vague. The client gets the impression that they want to get rid of him. Instead, state exactly what you are going to do and set a time frame.

For example:

I need to look into some points in more detail. I'll call you back today at two.

4. You must...

It sounds quite harsh and drives the subscriber into a corner. It is better to replace the word “must” with “necessary”. But by and large, the thought should be clothed in a softer form.

For example:

In order for me to resolve your issue as quickly as possible, you can, for your part...

5. You are wrong...

Forget this phrase as such, there are many ways to get around it, and at the same time show the client that there is another way to look at the situation.

For example:

Yes, I agree with you, there is such an opinion, and at the same time...

6. Are you sure?

Of course he's sure. Even if you are not sure, it is difficult to admit it, so do not force the client to say it out loud. Try to help him remember the necessary information.

For example:

Let's recap so I can make sure we've got everything covered.

7. I'm sorry, but no….

There is nothing worse than the word “no”. When the client hears him, he instantly “switches off” from the conversation. Use synonyms, while offering other options for solving the problem.

For example:

We do not provide such services, but we can offer the following...

8. I can’t help you with anything...

There is always something to help the client, even just to listen and understand.

For example:

I understand your frustration/Yes, it’s really unpleasant. How can I help you?

9. Let me correct you/explain you again...

The client gets the impression that he is considered not smart enough. Such formulations automatically cause negativity. But if you are not afraid to take the blame on yourself, he will appreciate it.

For example:

I should have explained this question to you, my omission.

10. It seems you didn’t understand me...

By doing this, you seem to be trying to shift the blame onto the client, again pointing out his incompetence. Such a response will only heat up the atmosphere and will not contribute in any way to solving the problem. Instead, try to assume that you yourself misunderstood some information.

For example:

It seems I didn’t fully understand your request, let’s clarify...

11. This question is not within my competence...

If this is really the case, quickly transfer the call to someone who is in control of the situation or promise to clarify the issue by a certain date.

For example:

I cannot answer your question, but my supervisor will be happy to help you. Let me connect you? / To resolve this issue, I need to contact... Can I call you back in an hour?

12. Sorry, sorry, sorry...

If you really made a mistake, do not overuse apologies; it is better to offer specific ways to solve the problem.

For example:

We apologize for the current situation. Don't worry, we'll fix everything.

13. I have a 2nd line, could you “hang”?

The client is the center of the Universe, or at least that’s how he should feel. And with such phrases he will feel unimportant. If you need a distraction, explain to the client that this need is dictated by the desire to quickly and effectively solve his problem.

For example:

If you don't mind, hang on the line while I resolve your issue.

14. We do not have information about your account...

This is a catastrophe. The client experiences a feeling of powerlessness mixed with irritation and anger. Let him know that you are not leaving him.

For example:

You may have indicated a different phone/email during registration. While I'm looking for your account, please tell me how I can help you.

15. I'm telling you...

In fact, when a client repeats a question or complaint over and over again, this does not mean that he did not understand or hear you. Almost always, this means that he is not satisfied with the answer he received. Therefore, try to rephrase the answer in a way that satisfies/convinces the client. Or the client is very hurt by a certain situation, then you need to share his indignation with him, and again convince him that the problem will be solved.

What should a call center operator remember?

This is not a personal insult

The client expresses dissatisfaction with the company, not with you personally. Don't get upset, and especially don't get annoyed.

Thank you for your complaint

You will immediately put the client in a friendly mood if you thank him for his complaint. Many clients are accustomed to feeling like a stick in the wheel, a misunderstanding that promises problems... And you - say thank you: for the fact that the client pointed out a weak link in the work, for noticing a breakdown, etc.

Be kind

Be humane, show concern. Sometimes you can tell a joke, if appropriate.

Sometimes it's better to end the conversation

If you are threatened, insulted, or simply harassed, politely end the conversation. There is a good joke about this:

Client: - The client is always right!
Operator: - You know, we discussed it and decided that you are not really a client...

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