Tariff “Signal” from Beeline for “smart” devices: detailed description. Tariff Reception for GSM signaling Beeline

The devices presented in our range are controlled by via GSM channel. For this purpose, the devices are equipped with a module cellular communications and a connector for installation SIM cards in mini-SIM format(not to be confused with micro and nano). For reliable operation device and reducing maintenance costs, you should choose mobile operator and carefully choose the tariff. But how to choose the right tariff and operator for your GSM device?

If the device is installed outside the countryside, then pay attention to the level of signal reception in the area. If the operator reception on your phone is problematic, ask your friends or neighbors nearby how their reception is going. On the Internet you can find coverage maps of cellular operators or a map base stations. Remember - a stable and strong signal level will allow the GSM device to notify you in time if an emergency situation occurs.

After choosing a mobile operator, you should decide on a tariff plan. There are many tariffs here, but we will try to help.

Let's see what to look for when choosing a tariff:

  1. Subscription fee. Currently, all operators offer many package connections with subscription fee, but they always have one or two tariffs without a subscription fee, which they try not to advertise. You should pay attention to such tariffs; they will help you significantly reduce costs.
  2. SMS messages. The most important parameter for us. It is through SMS commands that communication with our devices occurs, for example. Through messages, the device will notify you about a power outage, on/off various sensors, about the temperature leaving the range. Each operator has SMS packages among its services. The cheaper these packages are, the better. They can be beneficial if the device sends you a large number of messages (about 100 messages per month), which real life unlikely.
  3. Incoming calls. Currently, almost everywhere is free. The only exceptions are cases when the SIM card is not in the home region and roaming tariffs apply. It would seem, why do we need incoming calls? OPERA-GSM can be controlled by calling the device and typing commands in tone mode.
  4. Outgoing calls. If you use or for a boiler, then pay attention to this parameter as well. For alarm notifications, the device can make a voice call to your phone. Calls are made in extreme cases, so their cost can be neglected in favor of a tariff with cheaper SMS.
  5. Internet. Completely unnecessary and not used in our devices. Please note that the operator does not connect you to any Internet package with a subscription fee. This common reason exhaustion of the SIM card balance and, as a result, blocking of the number.

Thus, we have figured out the main nuances that are worth paying special attention to. Next we will consider current position cases among the proposed tariff plans.

All goods

Tariff forGSM equipment from Megafon

When using the Megafon operator, you should opt for the tariff "Go to zero". The cost of SMS in the tariff is 2 rubles, and voice calls to Megafon numbers home region and completely free. The tariff does not have a subscription fee. If you disable all the imposed service packages from it, the cost of communicating with a GSM device will ultimately amount to several tens of rubles per month. If, in your case, you actively communicate with the device, and the number of SMS messages sent to you exceeds 50 per month, then you can use the option "SMS S". The subscription fee for the service is 100 rubles per month. For this money you can send 100 SMS to numbers in your home region.

Tariff for GSM equipment from MTS

If you use MTS, pay attention to the tariff "Second-by-second". The cost of SMS on these tariffs will be 2 rubles. It is possible to connect a package of 100 SMS, costing 120 rubles.

Tariff for GSM equipment from Beeline

Among the tariffs of the Beeline mobile operator, we can highlight such tariff plans as "Signal" And "Zero doubts". The first tariff has an SMS price of 3 rubles (after the package of 50 SMS is exhausted) and an expensive cost for a minute of voice call (3 rubles/min). Calls can be used by our devices in any emergency situations. For example, OPERA-GSM makes a voice call when an alarm is triggered on the protected perimeter, and GSM-Thermometer can notify with a call about a drop in temperature in country house. With the “Zero Doubts” tariff, an SMS costs 1.5 rubles. and also 1.5 rubles per minute of a voice call. In this case, you will not need to pay a daily subscription fee.

Tariff for GSM equipment from TELE2

In tariffs of this operator There is a “Beneficial Set” tariff. Its advantage will be the absence of a subscription fee, the cost of a message is 1.5 rubles, fairly cheap calls are 0.90 rubles / min. But there are also several disadvantages: in Moscow and the Moscow region, the Tele2 operator works only in 3G and/or 4G standards. IN GSM standard Tele2 does not work in Moscow and the region (and will not work in GSM!), but it is in this range that most GSM devices operate. Also, if you do not use a SIM card, after 4 months a subscription fee 30 rub/month.


"Go to zero"





"Zero doubts"

Subscription fee

3 RUR/day

SMS cost

Calls to Megafon numbers in your home region

1st minute - 1.85 rubles,

from 2nd - free

0.05 rub/sec

1.5 rub./min

Additional options
, which can be connected if you use big amount SMS messages:

This article uses current tariffs and options as of 04/28/2018

It is also worth noting that some operators block the operation of a SIM card inserted into a GSM device. This happens because the operator perceives the device as a 3G modem and stops working. If you use a plan for tablets, difficulties may also arise due to device mismatches and lead to blocking by the operator.

Choosing a tariff plan is a very individual matter. This process depends on many factors: what kind of device you have, for what purposes you use it and what operating modes you have set for it. In our article, we tried to tell you what to look for and what are the nuances in choosing a tariff.

High-tech technology is increasingly being introduced into all areas of our lives. The day is not far off when every kitchen will have advanced toasters and coffee grinders with operating system on board, monitoring its work. Especially for users of advanced household appliances and various smart devices, the telecom operator Beeline has prepared special rate called “Signal”, which allows you to effectively control modern advanced household technologies using mobile gadgets and the Internet.

We will tell you in this article what is remarkable about this tariff and how you can switch to it.

It is noteworthy that you can connect to the “Signal” tariff only in one of the Beeline offices by purchasing a special starter kit. The features included in the tariff plan allow you not only to control household appliances, but also track devices via GPS using an additional software. It can also be effectively used as a monitoring tool for security systems and meters.

Subscription fee

For the use of services included in this tariff, a subscription fee is charged, the amount of which is 1 ruble per day.

Call costs:

  • Inbox is free.
  • Outgoing calls to any numbers throughout Russia - 5 rubles per minute of conversation.

Cost of SMS and MMS:

The cost of 1 megabyte of Internet traffic is 2 rubles.

Note! Prices for mobile Internet are valid throughout Russia, even if the subscriber is roaming. However, Internet prices in international roaming are replaced by roaming prices.

How to connect

The first thing you need to understand is that Beeline subscribers cannot switch to Signal from their current tariff plan, since it is closed for connection standard methods. Therefore, to use the capabilities of “Signal” you must:

  1. Go to the nearest operator’s office with your passport and fork out for the purchase starter kit. Its cost is 30 rubles.
  2. After starter pack will be purchased, it must be manually activated (information about SIM card activation can be found on the operator’s website or read on the SIM card packaging).
  3. When the package is activated, you need to top up your balance.

That's all. Now you can use all the features of the “Signal” tariff from Beeline!

Important! If you have any problems connecting and using the services included in the package, you can call 0611 and ask a specialist your question.


Overall, Signal is a good choice for those who often need to remotely control various devices using a smartphone or tablet.

It is strongly recommended not to use this tariff as the main one. The fact is that its main purpose is to send SMS, remotely control devices and determine their GPS coordinates. If you need profitable terms for calls and the Internet, it is better to choose something else from large quantity offers from the Beeline operator.

Ideal for GSM alarms, GPS trackers, online cash registers, smart watches...

Tariff parameters:

Valid throughout Russia - without roaming*.

Subscription fee - 3.3 rubles. per day

All incoming calls within Russia - 0 rub.

Package of outgoing calls to all numbers in Russia - 60 minutes per month

Package of outgoing SMS for everything mobile numbers Russia - 200 SMS per month

Mobile Internet package - 1 GB per month

Cost of minutes, SMS and Internet above the package: 3 rubles. in a minute; 3 rub. for SMS; 1 rub. for 1 MB.

Billing is per minute. A connection less than 3 seconds is not charged. The included Internet traffic is consumed by kilobytes. The cost of outgoing MMS is 9.95 rubles. The included package is provided monthly, on the first day in full. Unused minutes/SMS/Internet traffic are not carried over to the next month. The included 60 minutes/200 SMS and 1 GB of Internet traffic are provided monthly, on the first numbers in full. The validity period of the minutes/SMS/MMS/Internet traffic included in the subscription fee is until the end of the calendar month. Unused minutes/SMS/Internet traffic are not carried over to the next month. On the “Reception” tariff plan, services that give a discount or increase packages by voice calls, SMS MMS and internet are NOT AVAILABLE for connection.

* The tariff is valid throughout Russia with the exception of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district, EMO of Norilsk and Igarka. In these regions the cost is: outgoing and incoming call– 9.95 rub. in a minute; inbox SMS messages– 0 rub., outgoing SMS message – 4.95 rub. for SMS; Mobile Internet– 9.95 per 1 MB. The cost of outgoing MMS is 9.95 rubles. For tariffs outside Russia, please contact your operator by phone: 8 800 700 0611.

The Beeline Signal tariff is a special offer from the provider for subscribers who want to remotely control smart devices. This is possible using GSM. Such gadgets are actively spreading, so the tariff from Beeline turned out to be very useful. In order for the operator to help control the equipment from a distance, the user only needs to purchase a SIM card with the provided service or switch to the option independently.


Tariff plan Beeline Signal is a contact offer that provides for the conclusion of an agreement between the service provider and the subscriber. According to the provider, the subscriber's priority will be outgoing calls from telephone numbers. In addition, one of the areas within the tariff plan is telematics options, that is, receiving and transmitting data via GSM channels.

  • The cost of connecting to the Beeline Signal tariff plan is only 30 rubles, and no guarantee fee is required.
  • The daily subscription fee is available - for using the option the payment is only 1 ruble.
  • Incoming calls are free, for outgoing calls the subscriber pays 5 rubles per minute within home network, as well as to international numbers.
  • Internet cost is 2 rubles for 1 MB of traffic.
  • 2 rubles for SMS messages in all regions of the country.
  • Behind text messages on foreign license plates RUR 5.95 will be charged.
  • The cost of MMS messages is 6.45 rubles.

The presented tariff plan is considered one of the most profitable options from the provider.

Features for users

Tariff "Signal" from Beeline suitable for those subscribers who are used to controlling various Appliances and smart devices. Leaving home or office, you remain confident in your capabilities, because you can always quickly find out and quickly respond to changes in indicators.

Signal tariff users can remotely control the following devices:

  • Cell phones;
  • "smart watch;
  • tablet computers;
  • video surveillance and alarm systems;
  • radio and video baby monitor;
  • heating boilers;
  • electricity meters;
  • navigators, as well as other types of gadgets.

Note! The service is valid only in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, and when traveling around the country or abroad, all tariffs are calculated according to the cost of intra-system or international roaming.

Watch the video review:


Are you interested in the Beeline Signal tariff, but don’t know how to activate the offer? Many users who actively use smart services ask this question. We'll talk about how to activate the Beeline Signal tariff below.

Important! This operator offer was introduced in 2014, in given time the option is closed for connection.

To connect to the Signal tariff, it was enough to contact the company’s service center or post office. It is available to individuals and legal entities. If you do not have a SIM card, you will need to buy one, since any tariff option is available only for new subscribers.

It is impossible to connect it by command or call, since the service has its own characteristics.

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Emerging computer and software technologies allow us to provide remote work and user management of devices and equipment located over significant distances. Often such smart devices are controlled using mobile and GPRS technologies connected to a telecom operator and a SIM card via the Internet. You can manage them thanks to the Beeline “Signal” tariff plan, which provides advanced and practical functionality.

Tariff advantages

The operation of the control system is based on the M2M principle, which presupposes a system of machine-to-machine interaction. A technological feature of this connection is the possibility of practical exchange of information between devices. During use innovative technology, the user can remotely control:

  1. Operation of the heating system in a residential, country house or office, receiving data from installed meters.
  2. Connecting to a video recording system, monitoring what is happening indoors or on the territory online.
  3. Single or autonomous system alarm installed in a house, country house, or vehicle.

Original mobile platform designed for effective organization work with smart devices, so it is not recommended to be used as a means of communication and telecommunications.

Device management

Who is the tariff intended for?

Often, a tariff plan is activated by users who want to be fully aware of what is happening, and who have equipped their own lives with such types of equipment as:

  • heating systems and boilers using any type of fuel;
  • energy consumption meters;
  • effective security alarm systems;
  • CCTV cameras with unified system control.

The main feature of the proposed tariff package lies in its specialization, which is designed for certain capabilities. The advantages include sending SMS messages, necessary GPRS coordinates and carrying out certain manipulations via the Internet.

Cost of tariff plan services for users

Availability of services

The entire range of services under the package offer is included in a single invoice, which includes:

  • fee from the subscriber in the amount of 1 rub. - charged daily;
  • free incoming calls from all mobile network operators;
  • Outgoing tariffs for calls within the country and intercity are 5 rubles per minute;
  • the cost of Internet traffic per 1 MB is set at 2 rubles;
  • unpaid incoming text messages;
  • single price for SMS messages for all regions - 2 rubles;
  • cost of SMS to foreign subscriber numbers 5.95 rub.;
  • For MMS messages the tariff is set at 6.45 rubles.

The SIM card received as part of the connected program provides an excellent opportunity to use it as the main one, but for significant savings family budget it can be used as an additional one. Rounding up to 1 KB of allocated Internet traffic allows you to reduce Internet costs and ensure ease of use, with the ability to control the financial budget and resources used.

It is important to remember: this offer is valid only in Moscow and the Moscow region, and when traveling around the country or abroad, all tariffs are calculated according to the cost of intra-system or international roaming.

Connecting to the “Signal” tariff plan from Beeline

To switch to a package offer or connect to it, just contact specialized service centers Beeline or post offices. Maybe a cent for subscription services. The cost of connection for users is separately allocated, set at 30 rubles.

For information: the amount is paid by the connected subscriber at a time and is not permanent; the subscription fee is 1 ruble per knock. The tariff is activated immediately after payment for connection.

This offer is available to both individuals and legal entities; it contributes to the effective organization of all business processes.

Video review of the tariff

Additional features and benefits of the offer

Comfortable and available conditions, simplicity and accessibility of service allows you to use the capabilities of the tariff plan to increase comfort at home and in the workplace, strengthen the safety measures taken, and optimize the arrangement of functional structures. The package of services provides effective management and control installed systems heating, alarm and video surveillance systems for residential, private houses, garages, office and utility premises used for functional purposes.