Meanings and solutions to errors in the Play Market. Why does an error appear in Google Play services and how to fix it

Users of Android smartphones and tablets cannot do without Google Play Market. Where else if not from it to download applications, music, games? Yes, someone is using it third party resources, but they are not nearly as safe in terms of virus threats.

Startup problems Google Play make it impossible not only to install new programs, but also to update old ones. This means that without it, the device remains defenseless (updates close vulnerabilities in applications that can be exploited by viruses and hackers). In a word, if it doesn’t work for you Play Market, take immediate action to resolve this failure.

To make your task easier, we have divided the problems into several groups according to their causes and solutions.

Cache memory errors or failure in system application settings

Google Play, like many other applications, uses a cache (a special place for storing frequently used data for fast loading in memory). It contains information about recent actions in a programme. If an error has crept in, the Play Market will reproduce it until the data in the cache is updated.

To speed up this process, clear the Google Play cache manually:

  • Open Android Settings.
  • Go to the "Applications" section.
  • Find Google Play Market in the list of programs.
  • Tap the Erase Data and Clear Cache buttons.

If the Play Store still does not open, restart your device.

If you encounter errors updating installed applications, do the same with " Google Play Services«.

In addition, to download new programs and install updates to old ones, you need correct work « Download Manager" And " Application Manager. Normally, both should be in the list of running programs.

Update errors

If the problem with opening occurred immediately or a short time after installing a more recent version of Coogle Play, roll back the program to previous installation. Along with the Market update, remove the Google Play Services update.

The uninstall updates button is located in the same menu as the cache clearing options.

If there is no such button, it means that the program has never been updated ( previous versions are missing).

Problems with the user's Google account

The inability to access the Play Market often occurs due to problems with the user account. You may have recently changed your password mailbox, to which your profile is linked, or there was a failure on the Google server and Android stopped recognizing you.

To restore access to your account, connect your tablet or phone to the Internet (via a SIM card or Wi-Fi), go to “Settings” and open the accounts section. The screenshot below shows what the Gmail sync issue looks like.

If you see the same picture, open the menu of this section and tap “Sync now”.

If the error persists, delete your account Google entry on your phone (the button is located here) and create it again. Or get yourself another account and log in under it.

Installation errors or corruption of the program executable file

Often the failure is manifested by constant messages “An error has occurred in the Google Play Market application.” It pops up when the user tries to launch the application or perform any action in it (search, download). And in some cases - by itself, when some of installed programs decides to check for an update in the background.

You can try to deal with this error using the methods described above. If all else fails, the following options remain:

  • Restore the system from a backup copy (if you created it in advance, for example, in the Android gadget management program for Windows MyPhoneExplorer).
  • Remove Play Market from your device and install it again. For this you will need root rights(received in advance).
  • Perform a factory reset on your tablet or phone (Hard Reset/Wipe).

How to reinstall Play Store

  • Download or copy executable file Google Play Market in .apk format from a properly working Android phone or tablet.
  • Activate permission on the problematic device to install applications from unknown sources. The option is located in the Security or Protection menu of the Settings app.

  • Transfer the file to the problematic device and start the installation (touch it with your finger).
  • If nothing happens or you see the Play Market error message again, open the \data\app\ directory and place the file there.

By the way, to remove the faulty copy of the Market and reinstallation you can use the same MyPhoneExplorer. After synchronizing your phone with the program, go to the “Files” - “Applications” section, click the line highlighted in the screenshot and click the “Delete” button.

Next click on top panel"Download application" icon and specify the path to the .apk file.

Viral infection

There are modifications of malware that block the launch of the Android Market so that the user cannot download the antivirus, or even delete the original file and replace it with an infected copy. We talked about what to do in such cases in the article about ways to remove viruses on Android.

After scanning with an antivirus, when malware will be neutralized, you may have to replace the infected Play Market with a clean one.

Play Market is not installed

Today on Russian market Android smartphones appeared without pre-installed services Google. In particular, Chinese products manufacturer Meizu, for example, Meizu M3 Note, Meizu M3 Mini and other models. Devices purchased in our country make it possible to easily correct this shortcoming by installing the necessary equipment using another application.

So, to install the Play Market on Meizu device, tap the “Best” application icon. It contains a selection of available for fast download programs, including Google tools. Tap the "Install" button under the " Google Services" After installation, reboot the device.

Application conflict

Some users learned that some Android programs may not work well with Google Play after installing Freedom. "Freedom" is a bypass app official service authorization of users making purchases in game stores. Thanks to this, dishonest players have the opportunity to purchase virtual goods without paying.

If collaboration Freedom and Play Market on your device is impossible, you will have to give up something.

Blocking Google Play Market access to network resources

Sometimes Freedom does not block the launch of the Market, but prevents it from connecting to the Internet. When trying to download something, the user sees messages: “The program was unable to contact Google servers" or " Network connection missing, please try again later."

If you have root rights, solving the problem is not difficult - just make adjustments to system file Hosts (on Android it performs the same function as on Windows - it maps domains to IP addresses). The file is located in the \system\etc\ folder. You can get into it either through the Android root explorer (for example, “Root Explorer”), or through the already familiar MyPhoneExplorer running on a Windows machine.

Open hosts file using a text editor, such as notepad, and remove all entries from it except “ localhost”. Save without extension by selecting the file type - “All files”.

If network connection errors are not related to Freedom, check your security software settings. It's possible that Market's access to the network is blocked by a firewall.

Firmware corruption and hardware failure

Most difficult case. A fatal firmware failure or hardware malfunction of the device can be assumed in the following situations:

  • The problem arose after adverse effects to device: failed update firmware, falling, connecting to a faulty charger, etc.
  • Along with the Play Market, other applications have stopped working or the failure occurs haphazardly: the program sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t.
  • There are other symptoms of a malfunction - freezing, spontaneous reboots, shutdowns, overheating, inadequate load on resources.
  • The above tips did not help solve the problem. It remained even after resetting the settings to factory settings (wipe).

There are only two ways out of this situation - reinstall the firmware yourself or entrust diagnostics and repairs to service specialists.

Google Play Services is needed so that you can update Google applications or install new applications.

They ensure the functioning of important applications, among which we can highlight such as.

You can also configure privacy, access to necessary applications, which are responsible for energy saving.

Thanks to the application's services, a wide variety of games will become more convenient, searches without access to the Internet (in offline mode) can be speeded up several times, and maps installed on the gadget will look more realistic.

What Google Play services are responsible for

Google Play is pre-installed software on almost all devices.

Its main task is to ensure normal functioning critical applications your device.

Among them are the following: authentication in certain Google services, synchronizing contacts on your device with other gadgets, accessing energy saving and privacy settings.

Google Play Services: How to Update

Application developers are working tirelessly to updated versions, which try to remove errors found by users in previously released versions.

Updates are usually downloaded automatically if your device is connected to .

How to update applications if your device long time no connection to the Internet? To do this you need:

  1. Connect your device to the Internet. It is recommended to use unlimited Wi-Fi connection, since some applications draw a lot of traffic.
  2. Open, in the search type “Google Play Services”.
  3. A window with applications will open, under each of which two options will be offered: “update” and “delete”. When you click on the first one, your applications will be updated.

Google Play Services: Most Common Errors

What to do if your gadget shows "In Google app"An error occurred"?

It all depends on what kind of error it is. Let's look at the most typical of them and methods for solving them.

Most often it occurs as a result of bad things. Reboot the gadget and .

If the problem persists after rebooting your device, try visiting the store via Mobile Internet. You can also try cleaning Play data Market.

Most likely, your Google account has either been deleted or “banned.”

You need to delete the installed account, then first create it, then add a new one.

The path to uninstall is as follows: first select Settings, then the tab Common parameters, the next step is Accounts, select Google.

Most often it occurs if the application and Google services themselves are updated at the same time.

The best option The solution is to wait until Google Play updates, then set the application itself to update.

With this error, you cannot download this or that application, or update it.

This may occur when using multiple accounts on a gadget, or when trying to purchase the same applications for two or more accounts.

First, delete the app on one of your accounts.

If this step does not help, you need to clear your history Google search Play (the path is as follows: select the item Play Settings Market, then click Clear search history).

Such errors may indicate that this or that application cannot be downloaded due to problems with the account itself.

How to solve the problem: you need to start new account, having first deleted the old one.

The removal path is as follows: Settings – Accounts – delete account (non-working). After which you need to reboot the gadget, then go to accounts. Now log into the newly created account.

Then go to Settings, select Accounts, then Google, find, click All, then delete old data.

One of the most common mistakes. Indicates a lack of space where the application is downloaded and installed.

First, you need to free up space by deleting those applications that you no longer need or multimedia.

DF-BPA-09 Error Processing Purchase

An error may occur when trying to purchase an application.

To fix it, you need to follow the following path: go to Settings, select Applications, then the All button, the next step is to select Google Services Framework, then you should clear the data of the application that cannot be installed.

Error 941/927/504/495/413/406/110/rh01/rpc:aec:0

Such errors may occur when you try to download applications from Google Play. The causes of errors can be different, but the way to overcome them is universal.

First you need to start deleting all data installed application Google Play.

To do this, you need to go to Settings, then select Applications, go to the All tab, then select Google Play, click Clear data and.

If this method turns out to be ineffective and errors still remain, try completely deleting your account from the gadget, then reboot your device and try to log into your own again.

When this error appears, there is no need to worry about your gadget or software - the problem lies in the servers Google, which for some reason beyond your control have become unavailable for some time.

The only method to solve the problem is to wait a while until the servers are restored.

Google Play doesn't work: how can I start it?

In Google Play, just like in any other applications, certain errors are possible.

You can find a way to solve the problem different ways. Below are more details about the most effective ones.

Check your Internet connection. The first step is to check whether your device is connected to the Internet (Wi-Fi or ).

If you are connected to Wi-Fi but there is no network, rebooting the router may help.

Reboot your device. Effective way, which can help in almost any situation when it arises, both in Android system, and on Google Play in particular.

First clear cache, then you need to delete data in Google Play app.

Find the Settings section.

Owners of mobile devices running Android OS are well aware that to download any official content, you need to go to the Google Play service. Posted here different applications, helping to speed up the system, antiviruses for every taste, games and other very useful tools for work and play.

Sometimes it is simply impossible not only to download, but even to open this very important service For mobile gadgets on Android. A message appears on the screen that an error has occurred in the Google Play services application. Usually, along with this sad message, its code is indicated, and from it you can determine the reason why the service cannot work. Let's figure out what errors happen and how you can fix them yourself.

This is a very common reason that may arise due to a conflict between the version of the Google Play service and the version of the device OS itself, or due to a malfunction in the Market.

If your phone or tablet alerts you about unknown error, that is, without specifying the code, you can try to fix it yourself by following these steps:

In most cases, this method resolves problems with the service, but if this does not happen, then you can solve the problem simple removal it from the system, and after that you need to download and install latest version Marketa.

You can free cache entries from the service; it is located in the system settings menu under programs installed by default by the developers of your smartphone or tablet. Select it and scroll through the menu to find the cleaning functionality.

An unknown error very often occurs due to incorrect installation date and time. You can also eliminate the discrepancy from the system settings in the column of the same name - you can select synchronization with the Internet, in automatic mode or ask required values manually.

Also, the reason may be the lack of Internet access, and if you use wireless networks, then check the login password and your login, it is likely that after the correction you will be able to log into the Google Play service page.

Numbered errors

If you see a Google Play Services error number on the screen of your device, this will help the user identify the problem that has arisen and quickly fix it.

Here is a list of the most common mistakes and give specific advice on what to do in this or that case:

№ 24

This problem may be caused by incorrect installation service department, when the user decided to first remove and then install the Market service again. The fact is that in this case many traces remain in the system, not deleted folders, which don’t allow you to do it correct installation, that is, they cause conflict.

How to fix:

  1. First, from a third-party site, download to your phone or tablet any program with which you can easily get unlimited access to system settings, that is, root rights. Such a program could be, for example, Kingo Android ROOT.
  2. After gaining access to system folders, find the path to the sdcard/android/data/ folder, in which the old ones that have not been deleted remain Google files Play. Click on them and calmly remove them from the system.
  3. After these steps new installation the service should run without errors.

№ 101

Actually, this cannot be called a problem; the system simply tells you that there is not enough space in the memory of your device. Google Play - system application, and it must be installed in the memory of the device itself, and if there is not enough space, then a message about this error pops up.

To ensure the system runs smoothly, do the following:

  1. Go to the system settings menu.
  2. Find "Application Manager", open it.
  3. Choose the most voluminous programs and components, and transfer them using the device to a memory card.
  4. Check the sufficiency of space from the main menu in the "Memory" section: the free space should be marked green.

Cache entries also take up a lot of space, and it would be good to get rid of them; we explained how to clean the device in the example above.

№ 403

This problem may appear due to the presence of several Google accounts at once, both on the device itself and in services. To solve the problem, from the main account go into the settings and delete the service, and then install it again. There shouldn't be any problems.

Problems may also arise due to connecting to a proxy server (used to open sites prohibited in Russia); when redirected to another country, it is impossible to receive updates, so the number of this particular problem pops up. To get rid of the problem, you must first stop Google Services and then clear all data.

№ 481

This problem occurs when the created account is incorrectly identified, and to get rid of it, you first need to delete the incorrect account, and then create it again on your device. After deleting, be sure to restart your device for the changes to take effect!

№ 491

This Google Play services error is due to the inability to delete and reinstall an application from a specific account.

For solutions:

  1. First, delete cache entries in Google Play, reboot.
  2. After the system starts, go to the settings menu, select "Accounts and Sync".
  3. Find your account and click "Delete".
  4. Restart the device again, set a new account value or restore the old one. The service should work.

№ 492

In this case there was a failure virtual machine Dalvik, which uses software under Java control. And in this case, in principle, like the first action in all others, you need to clear all entries in the created cache in service departments Google Play and Play Market from the main settings menu. Clean and restart one by one.

If these steps do not lead to success, then you can reset all device settings to factory settings from the main settings menu. If there is valuable information, then transfer it to a memory card or computer, and only then reset it.

Error code rh-01

IN Lately this is a fairly common problem. It can be solved in several ways. We wrote about this in the article “”.


These and other types of errors are in most cases corrected by clearing cache entries. Well, a type like No. 911 is associated with an unsuccessful attempt to access the Internet via wireless network Wi-Fi, here you just need to check all the settings and set new login values.

Why do Android devices work with Google service Play Store having problems? Many users are familiar with such situations. The reason may be technical problems Google services or malfunctions of the smartphone (tablet) from which you operate. There are a great many options, but we have selected a dozen of the most common difficulties and described methods that make it possible to find a way out of the situation.
Rebooting your smartphone or tablet is the first thing to try if the Play Store suddenly refuses to work. Alternatively, the cause could be a system freeze (users encounter this situation quite often). The most interesting thing is that rebooting often helps not only in case of failures in working with Play Store, but also in case of problems arising with other services and applications. It also happens that the device has rebooted, but the market does not want to work. Then you can try other methods.

Method 2: Reset Google settings Play Store
Resetting service settings also helps quite often, and it is done in the following way:
1. Go to the settings menu of your smartphone (tablet);
2. Select the section " Applications" or " Application Manager»:

3. We find it in the list Google Play Store, select it;

4. In the application management window that opens, select “ Clear cache" or " Erase data", click on this button.

5. We reboot the Android device so that the system responds to the changes made to the settings.
6. If the Play Store doesn't work, try other methods.

Method 3: Uninstall Google updates Play Store
Everything is done in the same way as in method 2 described above, with the only difference that instead of “Clear cache” the button “ is selected Uninstall updates" The application will return to its original version, in which it worked normally before installing the updates. If the problem really is new version software or Android device, due to technical imperfections, does not support these updates, then the service will work in the mode familiar to the user. No new features, but fine.

Method 4: Reset Google Play Services app settings
Resetting settings is one of effective options solving problems with work Play Marketa. The procedure in this case is as follows:
1. Menu " Settings»;
2. Chapter " Application Manager" or " Applications»;

3. Choose " Google Play Services»;

4. Open the menu, select " Clear cache", press.

Method 5: Activating the "Download Manager"
It is possible that while using your tablet or smartphone, you accidentally turned off " Download Manager"and did not attach any importance to the fact that the service application stopped working. To reactivate it, you need to go to the settings menu of your Android device, then to “Applications”, then using the “All” swipe, then find “Download Manager” and turn it on by pressing the desired button. Restart your smartphone and check if the Play Store is working.

Method 6: Delete Google Account
We warn you right away: by deleting Google account, you may lose what you need and important information, so it is recommended to create a backup copy (sync data) in advance.

1. Go to the settings menu;
2. Select " Accounts» and find yours in the menu that opens, click;

3. In the synchronization menu that opens, click on your mailbox;

4. Select items to synchronize (save in backup). Usually this is “Contacts” and other personal information available in the device’s memory. To select sections, just click on them. If you value all the information contained in your Android device, click on “Options”, then select “ Synchronize"- you will receive backup copies of all existing applications.

Now you are ready to delete your Google account. When you log back into your device from it, you will be prompted to restore the information from the backup.

But let’s return to the procedure for deleting a Google account to normalize the operation of the market. After creating a backup, you need to return to the previous menu and this time select “ Delete", not "Synchronize". Click on the appropriate button, then restart your smartphone (tablet) and log in to your account again. Typically, deleting your account helps get rid of problems related to the operation of Google services. If this does not happen, try other methods.

Method 7: Remove incompatible applications
Sometimes users independently install applications, the presence of which negatively affects the work Play service Market, and in some cases can even lead to its blocking. The list of such programs is very long, but the most common culprit of problems is software popular among gamers Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free. Most likely, it is this application that will have to be removed to solve the problem with the market.
1. In the Settings menu, find Application Manager, then Installed.
2. Scroll through the list until you find it Freedom, select it.
3. Press " Stop" in the application menu that opens in front of you.
4. Uninstall Freedom. It is very important to first stop the program and only then uninstall the application.
5. Reboot your Android device.
6. Check if Google Play is working.
Did not help? Let's try other options for solving the problem.

Method 8: Setting up "hosts"
This system file in Android devices is located at /system/etc/hosts. It is used to block access to unwanted resources. Initially the file contains a single entry localhost Due to the actions of attackers who want to block your Google account and receive money for unblocking, the market address may also appear there. Remove this line, returning the hosts file to the initial state. For such actions, you may need to obtain root rights. How is this done on various devices We have talked about this many times on our website.

Method 9: Full reset all Android device settings
Full reset- the method is radical and effective, but it requires preparation. Otherwise you might lose valuable information. Sync your data - create a backup as shown in method 6. Make sure this procedure completes successfully. Now you can go to “Settings”, find the “Backup and reset” section, where you can perform “Reset settings”. After that, restart the device and restore the information using backup copy.

Method 10: Checking your Internet connection
Before setting up your Android device or deleting anything from it, make sure you have Internet access. Check your connection speed, restart the router and double-check the connection quality again.

Method 11: Google Account Activation
Quite often a Google account turns out to be disabled. This can be checked by going to the corresponding section of the menu. Find the Google Accounts application, activate it if it is disabled. The problem with the market will be 100% resolved.

Method 12: Adjusting the time and date
An incorrectly set date or time may cause problems with Google's work Play. This is due to licenses and other nuances of the operation of Google services, depending on time restrictions. If you have a network connection and its quality is satisfactory, reset the time and date. Do not forget specify the correct time zone. This is done in the “Settings” menu in the “Date and time”, “Network date and time”, “Network time zone” items by checking the desired option.

We hope that at least one of the methods we propose will be life-saving for you and will help normalize the operation of your Android device with the Google Play service. If you find your own, then send it to us - perhaps it will help someone else.

One of the most popular operating systems for mobile devices today is Android. It has a number of huge advantages over its competitors and is an almost undisputed leader. However, relatively recently, reports began to arrive about problems with one of the main services of Android devices, namely Google Play. When logging in, the application began to show an error: "Cannot install reliable connection". The help with the system provided by suppliers does not give anything. Then how to solve the problem that has arisen?

Fast and easy

To begin with, we will present a method that will not require you to perform any complex or dangerous operations with the gadget. The simplest solution to the "Unable to establish a reliable connection" error is based on system settings. You just need to check the system date and time in your Android device. They must coincide with the real ones within one minute. This is due to restrictions on the validity of program certificates. If the date is incorrect, the phone will consider that the validity period of the certificate has not yet arrived or has already passed.

Clean up

This method is suitable for those who do not have any important data saved on their device. Although, in fact, you can always transfer photos and videos to your computer and download applications again, especially if you have synchronized your data with your Google account. Then, even if you reinstall, all application data should be preserved. So, there are two ways to resolve the error "Unable to install reliable connection with the server."

  1. Reset your phone to factory settings. You can use special programs that application developers offer, or find instructions that are specific to your Android device model. After all, each manufacturer has its own tricks and protection mechanisms.
  2. Add a new account. As you understand, old data will not be copied to new versions of applications, but you can avoid problems with transferring other information that needs to be saved when complete cleaning phone. To add a new account, do the following:
  • Download the AddAccount application via your computer or phone browser.
  • Write the downloaded apk file to the initial directory on your phone's memory card.
  • IN standard browser enter: content://
  • Follow the link.
  • Launch the program. Enter your email on Google and click Add Account.
  • When a message appears about wrong password enter it and continue. That's it, you have a new account.

In addition to drastic methods, there is also a less dangerous solution. “A reliable connection to the server could not be established” is an error that is related to the temporary and personal data of the application. That's why possible exits From a problematic situation, you can look in another area.


Statistics show that sometimes problems with Google Play can be related to other applications. In particular, the Freedom program. She is responsible for purchases in the application we are considering. The problem where you can't establish a reliable connection to the server can occur if you downloaded and uninstalled Freedom without first forgetting to turn it off. As is clear from the above, to return everything back, download and install this utility. After that, enter it and stop it by clicking on the Stop button. Then you can safely delete it.


If previous method didn't help you, it's worth checking your Internet connection settings. Problems like “Cannot establish a reliable connection to the server” may occur with some providers, but incorrectly. Before trying to solve the problem using this method, try opening Google Play by connecting to another Internet source. If you still need to return to the initial option, download the Set DNS application. Install DNS address This should help in cases where Wi-Fi is used to connect to the Internet. In any case, first try to test your device on a different connection.

Another possibility for why a reliable connection to the server cannot be established is that the server may be blocked. In order to check this method, you will need superuser rights on your device. Open Explorer and find the file /system/ect/hosts. We need to open it with anyone text editor. By default, the file should only contain - localhost. We delete any remaining data.


The last method to solve the problem lies in additional programs. It is assumed that the user cannot log into Google Play due to incorrect addressing settings in the Google account.

A utility pre-installed on many Android devices for viewing videos from YouTube (or any other program that uses a Google account for registration) will help you cope with this problem. The bottom line is that you just need to launch the application and go through it to your GMail account.

other methods

And finally, it’s worth mentioning two more extreme measures. The first of them is “Hard Reset”. Complete device reset. To do this, go to the application menu, select "Settings" - "Backup and reset". After that in last window click "Reset". And delete everything. After which the device should come to its original condition. You will have to download all the programs again and set up an account.

Flashing. Update operating system or reflash the device. The second option is undesirable, since after it you may well be denied warranty service. It's best to just update the OS. Many manufacturers try to independently correct errors that occur to users.

That's probably all that we could tell you and advise you to do when the error “Cannot establish a reliable connection to the server” occurs. We hope our article helped you.