Black loading windows 7 ctrl alt delete. Checking BIOS settings

During operating room startup Windows systems 7 and later versions, unexpected failures occur that “spoil” the overall popularity of the OS. Most often, for some reason, the “seven” may not start, despite the fact that there is no damage. During startup it may appear Bootmgr is missing. What to do with Windows, in this article we will try to understand these reasons.

Something like this appears on the user's screen:

What does this entry mean? Is it possible to solve this issue independently, without the help of specialists?

An entry appearedBootmgr is missing. What to do in Windows 7

First, you need to decide what caused the appearance of the ill-fated recording.

  • Your computer has bad sectors hard drive, as well as non-working computer SSD cells. In most situations Bootmgr recovery possible without the intervention of specialists;
  • Perhaps the PC spontaneously turned off or you accidentally pressed the “Reset” key during the reboot process;
  • Viruses have become active on a personal computer; this phenomenon is extremely rare;
  • The user uses it ineptly installed utilities which lead to system failure.

There are several ways to solve the problem Bootmgr how to remove on your PC. Let's try to solve this problem with little expense.

- “bootrec.exe /FixMbr” – MBR entry that will redirect to the system partition;

- “bootrec.exe /FixBoot” - creates a special boot record on the current system volume of your PC.

  • Now all that remains is to restart the computer and turn it on again.

Perhaps there is a general stalemate when none of the above actions solves the problem of using Bootmgr is compressed in a given situation for the user. The most optimal, according to computer specialists, would be to perform the operation using the command line and the command bootrec.exe with the "RebuildBcd" attribute algorithm in effect.

A full scan of the operating system of the personal computer will be carried out. If during the scanning process a list of “useful” programs for the “seven” is revealed, the program will offer to download to a special attribute of the download list.

There is a recordingBootmgr is missing. what to do in Windows 10

If you have tried all of the above steps and nothing really helps you, you can go to extreme measures. Let's try to reserve old folder BCD, which is responsible for starting your personal computer during operation and we create a new Bootmgr when installing from a flash drive directly to your personal computer(PC). note that further actions with this command you must follow the chain indicated below.

In some cases, the user does not know what the entry means Bootmgr is compressed. Let's try to explain the main criteria for this function.

  • The device you are using to run the OS is not system unit. We disconnect all existing flash drives, phones, mobile devices, disks, including external hard drives and begin to forcefully reboot the OS.
  • We check the basic BIOS settings, which indicate the priority for booting the computer. It is possible that the disk that is in in this case is not systemic. Check also through BIOS or special utility whether your operating system sees the hard drive (this phenomenon may be sudden on a PC).
  • Let's try to reconnect the HDD cable; it may fail due to unreliable contact of the cable with the PC. Most likely the cable is bent and the signal is not reaching the motherboard.

The most critical type of computer failure, which allows you to understand what Bootmgr is missing means, is the banal absence of an operating system on your computer. Perhaps you spent full formatting, and your computer decided to show its “character” and completely confused you. We try to additionally restore the OS or the corresponding partition to computer technology. As a last resort, try to check if the hard drive on your PC is damaged.

Hello! I will now talk about how to remove the error in Windows 7. This error is somewhat similar to the one I already wrote about. But in this case, the reasons for the occurrence and the way to solve the problem with BOOTMGR is compressed are slightly different.

So, you turn on the computer, and there is a black window with white writing that looks like this:

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

Or it could also be:

LOADMGR is compressed
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

Well, we’ll decide what to do. If you press Ctrl+Alt+Del, the computer will simply reboot, and this error will appear again. Let's first find out what could cause this problem.

Reasons why BOOTMGR is compressed

This all usually occurs through enabling the data compression function to save space on the system drive, usually drive C. Now if in properties system disk If you check the box opposite, you can very easily catch the error. Never do this.

Another error like this may appear if there are problems with your hard drive. Although if there are problems with the hard drive, anything can pop up :).

BOOTMGR is compressed appears. What to do?

We will need an installation disk with Windows 7. If you don’t have one yet, then you need to make one; I wrote in detail about how to create such a disk in the article.

Let's try to boot from disk. Insert the disc into the drive and restart the computer. If the message appears:

Press any key for boot from CD/DVD

Then press any key and continue. And if the error appears again, then you need to boot from the disk again.

We wait until a window with a choice of language appears on the screen. Click “Next”.

A window will appear in which we click on.

Launch the command line by clicking on the item.

A black window will open, in which first (attention!) enter in English:

And press “Enter”.

After this, the command line should look like this:

Then, we write the commands one by one (one command and press “Enter”):


If confirmation is needed, then enter the English Y and “Enter”.

Let's go to “My computer” And right click Click on the system drive C. Select “Properties”. In the window that appears, uncheck the item (if you have it installed) “Compress this disk to save space”(there is a screenshot at the beginning of the article). Click “Apply”.

Now you know how to solve the problem with the “BOOTMGR is compressed” error in Windows 7. I hope everything worked out for you. Good luck!

Also on the site:

Error BOOTMGR is compressed in Windows 7. What should I do? updated: January 10, 2013 by: admin

How to overcome a system crash at startup, with the message “Bootmgr is compressed press” and a suggestion to use the magic key combination “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Del”? Let’s say right away that using this combination most likely will not help - the computer will simply restart and an error message will again appear before the user’s eyes. So you will have to work with other tools - specifically the command line (or as it is also called - the “console”). However, let's not get ahead of ourselves, but let's figure it out in order.

Why does the error occur?

Since the days of Windows 2000, the system has had options to save hard disk space by deleting files unused by the OS and by the user (for example, temporary files created by the OS itself) – “Disk Cleanup” or archiving the contents of a partition – “File Archiving”. And already in the “seven” all these functionality were brought together and implemented in the form of the “Compress contents to save disk space” checkbox. It is easy to find the checkbox in the “Additional Attributes” window, which is called up by clicking on the “Other...” button on the “General” tab of the properties window of any section. As soon as the “tick” is activated, the entire contents of the disk are compressed.

Checkbox to compress files on disk

By running compression algorithms for an entire partition, the user can free up an impressive amount of disk space. However, this idea has its pitfalls:

  • The function is not universal - compression is only possible on partitions in NTFS format.
  • The packing/unpacking process takes time. That is, moving files between disks with compression enabled and disabled means we waste time.
  • The same goes for reading/writing data from files. Since most programs interact with the disk, this means a decrease in software performance.
  • When you try to shrink the system partition (that is, the one where the “OS” is installed), you can affect the so-called “ boot sector" Now we get to the cause of the error!

The boot sector contains the startup address of the entire system. If the BIOS cannot read this address, then Windows will not start. But he won’t be able to read it, because the sector is subject to compression. This is what we observe in the form of the error described in this article.

So, we figured out that bootmgr is compressed press ctrl alt del to restart, but what to do about it - that’s the question!

Fixing the error “Bootmgr is compressed press ctrl alt del to restart”

In fact, having understood the cause of the problem, we also found a way to solve it. We need to either disable the unfortunate “flag” or unpack the boot sector. The first can be done if you have a LiveCD with the system at hand. Secondly, if you have an installation disk with Windows at hand. According to the first scenario, we boot from the LiveCD, enter the OS in the usual way, and uncheck the box. The other scenario is a little more complicated. Let's describe it in more detail:

  • We boot from the distribution kit (CD or flash drive), having previously adjusted the .
  • In the “Windows Installation” window, we refuse the installation, instead clicking on the “System Restore” inscription.

Restoring Windows during installation

  • In the next window, select the damaged OS from the list.
  • Next, select the “System Restore” option and find yourself in command line.
  • We sequentially enter two commands: bootrec /fixmbr and bootrec /fixboot.

commands: bootrec /fixmbr and bootrec /fixboot

  • We extract the distribution, reboot and dance for joy.

As you can see, eliminating the error “Bootmgr is compressed press ctrl alt del to restart” is not that difficult. The only possible difficulty is the presence bootable LiveCD or installation disk Windows.


The other day I encountered a rather unpleasant error “BOOTMGR is missing...” that appeared when I turned on the laptop (by the way, Windows 8 was installed on the laptop). We managed to fix the error quite quickly, simultaneously taking several screenshots from the screen to show in detail what to do in case of a similar problem (I think that more than a dozen/hundreds of people will encounter it)…

In general, such an error can appear for several reasons. reasons: for example, you install another hard drive into your computer and do not make the appropriate settings; resetting or changing BIOS settings; improper shutdown of the computer (for example, during a sudden power outage).

The following happened to the laptop on which the error appeared: during the game, it froze, which angered the user; they did not have enough patience to wait a little, and they simply disconnected it from the network. The next day, when I turned on the laptop, Windows 8 would no longer boot, showing a black screen with the error “BOOTMGR is...” (see screenshot below). Well, then the laptop ended up in my possession...

Photo 1. Error “bootmgr is missing press cntrl+alt+del to restart” when turning on the laptop. The computer can only be restarted...

Fixing the BOOTMGR error

To restore the laptop's functionality, we need a bootable USB flash drive with the OS. Windows version that you had installed on your hard drive. To avoid repetition, I will provide links to the following articles:

1. Article on how to create bootable USB flash drive:

2. How to enable booting from a flash drive in BIOS:

Then, if you successfully booted from the flash drive ( in my example, Windows 8 is used, with Windows 7 the menu will be slightly different, but everything is done in the same way) - you will see something like this picture (see photo 2 below).

Photo 2. Beginning Windows installations 8.

There is no need to install Windows 8; in the second step, we should be asked what we want to do: either continue installing the OS, or try to restore the old OS that was on the hard drive. Select the “recovery” function (in the lower left corner of the screen, see photo 3).

Photo 3. System recovery.

In the next step, select the “OS diagnostics” section.

Photo 4. Windows Diagnostics 8.

Go to the additional parameters section.

Photo 5. Selection menu.

Now just select the function “ Startup Repair - Troubleshoot problems that prevent Windows from booting«.

Photo 6. Restoring OS boot.

In the next step, we are asked to specify the system that needs to be restored. If Windows OS is installed on the disk in the singular, then there will be nothing to choose from.

Photo 7. Selecting an OS for recovery.

But this is not so important, in most cases, with such an error and after such a “recovery operation” - after restarting the computer, it will work (do not forget to remove the bootable USB flash drive)! By the way, my laptop started working, Windows 8 was loaded as if nothing had happened...

Photo 8. Restoration results...

Another reason for the BOOTMGR is missing error The problem is that the hard drive for booting was incorrectly selected (perhaps the BIOS settings were accidentally lost). Naturally, the system is not found on the disk boot records, gives you a message on a black screen that “error, there is nothing to load, press the following buttons to reboot” (however, it displays in English)

You need to go into the BIOS and look at the boot order (usually there is a BOOT section in the BIOS menu). To enter the BIOS, buttons are most often used F2 or Delete. Pay attention to the PC screen when it boots, there are always buttons for entering the BIOS settings.

Photo 9. Button to enter BIOS settings - F2.

Next we are interested in the BOOT section. In the screenshot below, the first thing is loading from a flash drive, and then only from the HDD. In some cases, you need to change and put booting from the HDD in first place (thus correcting the “BOOTMGR is ..." error).

Photo 10. Laptop boot section: 1) loading from a flash drive comes first; 2) on the second boot from the hard drive.

You might find it useful article about resetting BIOS settings (sometimes it helps):


Sometimes, by the way, in order to fix such an error, you have to completely reinstall Windows (before this, it is advisable to save all user data from the C: drive to another disk partition using an emergency flash drive).

That's all for today. Good luck everyone!

There are times when when you turn on or restart your computer, instead of the usual loading of the Windows OS, you see the message “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart” on Windows 7. In this material I'll tell you what this BOOTMGR file is when it happens this error and how to fix the BOOTMGR is missing problem.

BOOTMGR or Windows Boot Manager is a Windows boot manager that is housed in a small system partition, hidden from the user's eyes.

The main function of this file is to control the start of loading the operating system and launch the winload.exe file, which starts total load Windows OS.

The BOOTMGR file began to be used in the Windows family of versions Windows Vista and later, in earlier versions Windows OS this file absent. Also, before this error, lags may occur with .

When the error “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart” occurs

Usually this error BOOTMGR is missing occurs when the computer starts, when system bios does not find the specified boot file on the disk. OS loading automatically stops and the user receives a black screen with a message that the BOOTMGR file is missing.

In most cases, the error “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart” does not occur by chance; when you reboot, it repeats again and again, and it is necessary to take a certain set of actions to solve this problem.

Causes of the error “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart”

In the list of reasons for the “BOOTMGR is missing” error, I would name the following:

  • Broken boot files;
  • Operating system files are damaged;
  • Problem with hard drive;
  • Bios problem.

What to do to fix “BOOTMGR is missing”

Let's consider the most effective options solutions to the error with the absence of BOOTMGR.

Option 1. Install the correct boot disk

There are situations when, due to incorrect installed settings in the BIOS, your computer does not start from the boot system disk (usually C:\). And from a flash drive connected to the computer or inserted into DVD-ROM disc with some game. Since the system does not detect the necessary boot file at startup, the user receives the error message described above. Therefore, first of all, remove the flash drive connected to the computer, or remove the disks from your CD or DVD-ROM.

Option 2. Fix boot using a standard recovery tool

If you encounter the error “BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart” on Windows 7, you can fix it using standard remedy recovery.

Option 3. Use a Windows 7 boot disk or flash drive

If you have a boot disk or flash drive with Windows installation 7, you can use their tools to fix the BOOTMGR problem.

How it looks is clearly shown in the video:

If the problem BOOTMGR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart was resolved successfully, do not forget to go into the PC BIOS again and set your hard drive as bootable by default, otherwise the system will again prompt you to boot from the disk or flash drive.

Option 4. Use the command line (CMD) capabilities

Good and convenient option solutions BOOTMGR is missing.

Option 5. Make the desired disk active

If the BOOTMGR is missing problem is not resolved, then it is possible that the wrong disk or hard disk partition has the active boot status.

  1. To fix this, boot again from the boot disk or flash drive, select the command line again, use again diskpart command, then list disk.
  2. We fix the drive letter with the one installed on it operating system, then type the command select 0 (or 1), depending on the disk we need.
  3. Then we need to display a list of the partitions available on our disk. Type list partition on the command line, find our disk there with a capacity of about 100 megabytes, and if this is the first partition, then type select partition 1, and then active.
  4. After receiving an activity message of this disk Click exit and reboot the computer.

Option 6. Check the performance of the hard drive

It happens that this file is damaged due to the failure of the hard drive itself. The clusters in it begin to crumble, and this has the most destructive effect on the integrity of the files on it.

Therefore, I recommend that you first go into the system BIOS and look. If yes, and you see your disk in the list of hard drives, then use special hard drive cluster recovery tools (for example, HDD Regenerator).

Option 7. Use special programs

To restore the boot partition BOOTMGR is missing, you can use the functionality special programs MbrFix, Bootice, Acronis Disk Director and others. At the same time, if your computer knowledge is superficial, then do not rush to use them, since errors in commands can completely delete the necessary data from the hard drive you are using, then you may need to complete reinstallation systems. It is better to use the algorithms I described above, and if they did not help, use the functionality of these programs, after consulting with specialists.


As you can see, there are several proven methods for dealing with the BOOTMGR is missing error Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart. Usually there are enough built-in boot disk OS Windows system tools for convenient and quick solution Problems with missing BOOTMBR. If they did not help, then check the general performance of your hard drive or use special programs, they will help you completely resolve the issue with successful loading system files your operating system.