What to do if in the dispatcher. What is the Windows Task Manager for? Key Features! What to do if the task manager does not start

Task Manager (or Windows Task Manager) is a utility built into the Windows OS that displays a window with information about the resources consumed by the system and a list of currently running processes and tasks. Here you can also find out about the load on the central processor, RAM and the status of network connections. Most often, the task manager is launched to close an application if it does not want to close, or, in simple terms, is “frozen”. By going to the dispatcher panel, you can unload the program and end the process that is slowing down the entire operating system.

  1. In order to launch Windows Task Manager in the seventh version of the operating system, you can use the key combination “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Delete”.
  2. A panel will open asking you to “Lock your computer,” “Change your password,” or “Log out.” You need to select “Start Manager” (located at the very bottom of the list).
  3. Now all that remains is to confirm your choice by pressing the “Enter” key.
  4. There is an alternative keyboard shortcut to open Windows Task Manager - “Shift” + “Ctrl” + “Escape”.

The easiest way (without keyboard)

Hover your mouse over the taskbar, which in Windows 7 is usually located at the bottom of the desktop and right-click on the free space of the panel without icons and shortcuts (empty space). In the dialog box that opens, select “start dispatcher”.

Launching the dispatcher from the search bar

You need to open the “Start” quick access panel and enter “task manager” in the search bar. Next, when the search is completed, you just need to follow the link about “viewing running processes”.

Open from the command line

In order to open the task manager directly from the command line, you need to go to the “Start” quick access panel and select “Run” (or use the keyboard shortcut “R” + “Windows”). In the window that appears, you need to enter the following letter combination: “Taskmgr.exe” and confirm the selection by pressing the “Enter” key.

  • The Applications window displays all applications currently running on the computer. In order to close a program that does not want to close, you must end the process manually by clicking on “End task”.
  • In “Processes”, accordingly, you can familiarize yourself with all current processes. The list of them is much larger than the list of applications. You can optimize the operation of the operating system by calculating the most “gluttonous” process and ending it manually, or limit yourself to lowering the priority.
  • The “Services” window contains information with a list of Windows 7 OS services and a menu with which you can stop or start them.
  • The “Performance” section displays the current state of PC resources: CPU load, RAM load and the amount of unused memory. In “Seven”, unlike XP, the “Resource Monitoring” option has appeared, by clicking on which you can perform a detailed analysis of all the equipment on your computer.
  • The Network tab contains detailed information about the status of all network connections on this computer.
  • In "Users" you can find out how many users have access to this computer. By logging in as an administrator, you can connect, disconnect, or restrict access to any user.

What to do if the task manager does not start?

Some viruses and malware can damage, among other things, the task manager. And even if you installed good anti-virus software, carried out a thorough cleaning and removed all Trojans, worms and other pests, this does not at all guarantee the correct operation of the dispatcher.

If you are a typical Windows user, you probably launch Task Manager just to unload a stuck process from memory. This is quite normal and obvious, but this tool has much richer functionality that you need to know about.

In Windows 10, Task Manager has become a truly cool tool that allows you to find and fix many problems with the operation of programs in one place.

Let's take a closer look at what you might not even know about this amazing tool in Windows 10.

1. Launch “Task Manager”

There are several ways to launch the Task Manager. Moreover, you can choose any one that is more convenient for you. Some do this using the mouse, while others do it exclusively through hotkey combinations. Below you will find as many as 5 ways to launch the Task Manager.

Ctrl +Alt+Del. This is one of the oldest ways to launch Task Manager. After clicking on this combination, a menu will appear where you will need to select “Task Manager”.

Ctrl +Shift +Esc. My favorite combination, because it is the one that immediately launches the Task Manager, bypassing various menus and dialogs. Click and you immediately see the dispatcher window. Very comfortably.

Task bar. If you right-click on an empty space on the taskbar, you will see a menu with “Task Manager” among the items. Click on it and the desired application launches. All this is done exclusively with the mouse and there is no need to use the keyboard for this. So if you don’t want to reach for the keyboard, then this method is the best.

Start button menu. In recent versions of Windows, right-clicking the Start button opens the Power User Menu. You can also call it with a keyboard shortcut Win+X. It contains many items for setting up and managing the operating system, including the “Task Manager”.

Command line. For keyboard lovers, there is another way - launch via the command line. To do this, press the combination Win+R, in the window that appears, enter taskmgr and press Enter.

2. Why exactly did the application freeze?

A frozen application is bad. It can be unloaded and started again. But if the problem appears constantly, you can try to study the problem and find the cause of the freeze.

To do this, on the “Details” tab in the “Task Manager”, select the frozen process and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, select “Waiting Chain Analysis”.

3. Restart Explorer

Sometimes parts of Windows may freeze. For example: “Taskbar”, “File Explorer”, “Start Menu” and many other elements. It's all part of the Windows Explorer shell. In this case, restarting Explorer may help.

To do this, find Windows Explorer in the list of processes, right-click on it and select “Restart”.

4. Performance and resources

Another interesting tool in Task Manager is the Resource and Performance Monitor, which is available under the Performance tab. There you can evaluate the use of computer resources by processes and identify the most voracious ones, processes with memory leaks, see excessive load on the network or computer disks, and much more.

At the bottom of the Performance tab there is a text link that says “Launch Resource Monitor”. In the window that appears, you can see the use of memory, disk, network, and processor time by each individual process. All this allows you to identify processes that, for one reason or another, are not working correctly.

For example, the computer began to slow down a lot. You launch the “Task Manager” on the “Performance” tab and see that there is practically no free RAM. Then you run the Resource Monitor and can identify individual processes that are using more memory than others. Everything is quite simple.

In a simplified form, you can get the same information on the “Processes” tab if you sort the table by the “Memory” column.

5. Search the Internet for information about the process

Sometimes the list of processes can be quite impressive. This can scare off an untrained user, because many of the programs on the list are simply unknown. To prevent this from happening, Microsoft added the “Internet Search” context menu item.

Simply right-click on a process unknown to you, select “Search on the Internet” in the menu that appears, and a browser will open with search results for the selected process. From there you can find out all the information on the selected process.

6. Additional columns in the list of processes

Sometimes you want to see more information about processes than is initially available. For such cases, you can expand the number of columns in the list of processes.

To do this, right-click on the header of any of the columns and check the boxes for the columns you want to see.

7. Switch between percentages and absolute values

Resource consumption is useful to know. But in some cases it is also useful to know how much of the total available resources a particular application consumes.

For example, you may find out that Reg Organizer consumes 53Mb of RAM. Is it a lot or a little? If you know how much RAM you have in total, you can calculate it and roughly imagine it. But it’s much easier to just switch to the percentage display and see that it’s only 1.2% of the total RAM.

8. Manage application windows

If an application has multiple windows (for example, several Word documents are open), then using the Task Manager you can manage individual windows.

To do this, click on the down arrow next to the application you need and select one of the windows. Right-click on the selected item; the drop-down menu that appears will present window control items. You can minimize it, expand it to full screen, place it in front of other windows, or close it.

9. Open file location

Sometimes it is useful to see exactly where the file of a particular process is located. You can search for a folder in Program Files through Explorer. Or you can launch Task Manager, find the application you need and go to the location directly from the manager.

To do this, right-click on the desired program and select “Open file location.” “Explorer” will automatically open immediately in the desired folder.

10. Launch the command line

If you click on the “Run a new task” item while holding down the Ctrl key, a command line window (CMD) will open, where you can enter many different necessary commands.

It is not entirely clear why exactly it was implemented in this way, why exactly they added such a “hidden” method of launching via the Ctrl key, but nevertheless it is there and it works.

How do you use Task Manager?

Tell us in the comments how exactly you use Task Manager and do you use it at all? Perhaps you will reveal some other secrets that are not listed in the article, which will also be useful to other readers.

Hello again! Today I, Elena Nikitina, will talk about what areas of the economy a dispatcher works in, what qualities and skills he should have, and whether he can earn money remotely.

Dispatcher is a very diverse profession. Its representatives work in aviation, railways, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, taxis and freight transport. What they have in common is the function of a link between various departments of the organization. Let's look at each service separately and talk about the possibility of working from home.


The most responsible branch of dispatch work, the one where “airplanes come first.”

Functional: The air traffic controller is not only responsible for the timely takeoff and landing of aircraft, but also controls all ground movement of equipment around the airfield. Only at his command is it possible to start the engine of the aircraft, taxi to the runway, take off or descend.

He is in constant contact with the ship’s pilot and the airport engineer and resolves emergency situations. The lives of hundreds of people depend on his ability to keep in mind all the necessary information about the availability of free lanes and the technical characteristics of the car.

Peculiarities: work at large airports is stressful, because the density of takeoff and landing operations is very high - sometimes the interval between them is only a few minutes. The service is associated with stressful situations, so the dispatcher undergoes a strict medical examination, can take breaks from work every 2 hours (depending on workload), and has the right to preferential leave and early retirement.

Required Education: To obtain this specialty, a higher aviation education and knowledge of languages ​​are required.

Rail transportation

Essentially, these are the same maneuvers, but deployed in two-dimensional space.

Functional: the employee is responsible for the movement of trains: closing and opening traffic lights on the tracks, passage of train runs (sections between stations) and stations, arrival, readiness for departure and shunting work. All this must take place in accordance with the controlled traffic schedule to ensure efficient use of tracks and rolling stock and avoid collisions.

The dispatcher communicates with station attendants, train drivers, engineers and other technical services. Since only the dispatcher has a complete map of the site, the rest of the “movers” are obliged to obey his orders.

In turn, the control panel employee himself is subordinate to numerous superiors.

Peculiarities: Since trains run 24 hours a day, employees have a rotating schedule. As a rule, “day - night - sleep - day off”. Like any railway worker, the dispatcher undergoes a medical screening before being hired, and then a regular medical examination. The dispatcher's vacation is 35 days.

Required Education: To work on the railway, you must receive secondary specialized education.

Representatives of this profession face threats to human life every day.

Functional: The dispatcher (operator) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations receives calls from citizens, finds out the details of what happened and contacts the necessary services for further response, be it an accident on a pond, a fire or a gas explosion in apartment buildings.

The life and health of the victims depend on how timely, competently and thoughtfully the assistance is provided.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is a very branched structure, including fire safety service, ambulance service, emergency gas service and anti-terrorism service.

The emergency dispatcher who receives calls to 112 must, based on the victim’s message, make a decision on the composition and quantity of the necessary equipment and send it to the scene of the incident in a timely manner. At the same time, he keeps in his head information about its availability and serviceability, about all roads being repaired and detour routes for motor transport, about the work of related departments, etc.

Peculiarities: The work requires remarkable resistance to stress. Constant interaction with human grief leaves an imprint on the psyche. In addition, people in emergency situations are often influenced by emotions, which makes it difficult to respond.

Typically, a dispatcher's working day lasts 24 hours. Every year, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is entitled to 30 days of rest, and additional leave may be accrued. Preferential length of service is provided for military employees with military ranks.

Required Education: For junior positions in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, professional education is not required. But work experience and the nature of military service play an important role. Depending on the focus, medical education, work experience in a fire department, etc. may be required. On the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations you can find employment information.

Freight transportation

Proper movement of cargo across vast expanses and beyond the borders of our Motherland requires considerable effort.

Functional: The freight dispatcher performs the following duties:

  • finds a customer;
  • selects a vehicle of the required capacity and carrying capacity;
  • interacts with drivers, forwarders, retail outlets, warehouses;
  • controls the timeliness of loading, delivery and unloading, taking into account the characteristics of the goods (for example, perishable products);
  • fills out reporting documents.

Peculiarities: Depending on the company's work schedule, the dispatcher may work on a five-day or shift schedule. There is no preferential leave.

Required Education: they hire people with secondary education. PC knowledge required, experience preferred. Here is an approximate description of job responsibilities and requirements for employees in a vacancy at one of the companies.

It will take time to learn all the intricacies, but the advantage of the profession is that, having accumulated experience and developed a client base, you can go free and start working for yourself.


Have you heard the joke?

A tipsy man gets into a taxi and remains silent. The driver asks:
-Where are you going?
- No, I won’t go to the boa constrictors.
-Where do you want to go?
- Well, it’s necessary - it’s necessary. Let's go to the boa constrictors.

To avoid such confusion, there are dispatch services that clarify the client’s needs and direct the driver to the address without wasting time.

Functional: The dispatcher (aka operator) of a taxi works like this:

  • accepts requests from clients by phone or from the website,
  • distributes the load between drivers,
  • tracks vehicle movement,
  • notifies passengers about the arrival or delay of a vehicle (often this is done automatically via SMS).

Peculiarities: Taxi work schedule is variable. Most often, women go to work in taxis, because, firstly, complex technical knowledge is not required, and secondly, a pleasant female voice is more conducive to communication.

The degree of workload depends on the size of the company, staff, weather and time of day. Working conditions are regarded as normal, no benefits are provided.

Required Education: To become an employee of a taxi dispatch service, you need good knowledge of the city and good speech to communicate with the client. No special education required. As a rule, people are hired without experience.

Online stores

Today, delivery of goods via the Internet, which is controlled by delivery dispatchers (operators), is gaining popularity.

Functional: The dispatcher cooperates both with the client, stipulating the packaging and delivery times, and with couriers (on foot or by car).

An employee of an online store receives incoming calls or calls back customers who ordered a call.

Peculiarities: Operators work in the company’s office or remotely.

Required Education: A regular medium will do.

What qualities should a dispatcher have?

The work of a dispatcher requires precision, productivity and diligence.

Therefore, a specialist must have the following qualities:

  • observation;
  • attentiveness;
  • technical mindset to understand the intricacies of production and think through various options;
  • speed of response to ensure timely resolution of issues;
  • good diction for successful communication with clients;
  • high level of self-organization;
  • resistance to stress (especially important in such areas as the Ministry of Emergency Situations and aviation);
  • perseverance;
  • diligence.

Is it possible to work as a dispatcher from home? Most dispatchers work offline, but there is still an option for earning money remotely.

How to work as a dispatcher from home and what is needed for this?

Based on the specifics of their activities, not all dispatchers can work remotely. The main areas that allow you to work from home are logistics, taxis and online trading.

Remote vacancies can be found on the Internet on job search sites such as Avito, HeadHunter or GoUp (most often these are small companies or individual entrepreneurs recruiting employees to work on the phone), through friends who have their own online store or are employed in the field of logistics, or organize business on your own, however, this will already require some investments.

A delivery manager can collaborate with one or more online stores, receiving a percentage for their activities. To operate, he needs couriers who directly carry out delivery. It all depends on the agreement with the company.

A friend of mine calls people who have placed an order in an online cosmetics store, clarifies the convenient time for delivery of the goods and passes the information on to the store owner, who manages the couriers independently.

At the same time, she receives a fixed remuneration for each call - a good part-time job that can be combined with her main job.

Another friend found several regular clients on YouDo, hired couriers and is engaged in delivery. He works from home, but meets with couriers every day for payments.

Online stores with home delivery are in demand in large cities. But you can cooperate with them in a small city, although employment and working conditions will be slightly different.

To engage in cargo transportation at home, you will need contacts of several customer companies and truck drivers with their own cars. This is subject to personal acquaintance.

You can also find an order on the Internet, but keep in mind that not all drivers are registered there. Some people prefer to collaborate by phone - everyone chooses a more convenient method for themselves, and the dispatcher can combine both channels.

Having found the cargo, the logistician finds a free truck and provides the contractor with the maximum load both ways, helping him get the largest possible reward and take a percentage for himself.

To work remotely in a taxi, you will need a special program and uninterrupted access to the network. You can find vacancies on the Internet. Payment can be piecework or time-based. Shifts can last 12 hours or a day. The main difficulty is that you have to be online all the time.

Not often, of course, but sometimes you can encounter situations where, after closing a program in the Task Manager, the process responsible for its functioning does not end, or some additional (related) application services continue to work. In addition, the system may report that the user does not have enough rights to complete a certain process (access is denied). Why this happens and how to stop unnecessary or hanging programs, read the material below.

The process does not terminate in the Task Manager (access denied). Why?

To understand which solution to eliminate the problem that has arisen to use in each specific case, you first need to find out the reasons why they arise. Why doesn’t the process end in the “Task Manager” indicating a lack of access rights?

Indeed, sometimes this may be due to the fact that the user is not logged in as an administrator and is trying to terminate a critical system service or process started by another user. However, the inability to stop the operation of an application is mainly associated not even with system processes, but with programs that could be installed on the user’s computer spontaneously (viruses, advertising applets, etc.). Usually they are the ones that can block the shutdown. But dealing with such manifestations of behavior in both system and user programs or services can be quite simple.

Reboot the system

If a process does not end in the Task Manager, what should you do first? As a rule, ordinary users act quite simply. If for some reason the Windows 10 Task Manager does not terminate the process, they simply reboot the system. It is clear that a complete restart leads to a stop of all services. But what if after a reboot the process is activated again? But some processes launched along with the system cannot be tracked even in the standard startup section.

However, if the user is logged in not under the administrator account, but under his own account, as is already clear, you just need to change the user.

If you don’t want to constantly jump from one account to another, you can completely disable the administrator account by entering the command “net user Administrator active:no” (without quotes) in the command line. After this, all programs will start only with administrator rights (for some applications, even UAC security warnings, which are incredibly annoying to many users, will not be issued).

Terminating active processes via the command line

But the above actions may not always have a positive effect. What should you do if Task Manager does not terminate a process that is, say, overloading the central processor or using RAM too hard? In such a situation, the best tool available on Windows systems is the command console (cmd).

It must be run as an administrator (if the superuser account is not disabled), and then use the taskkill command (all information about additional attributes can be viewed by entering the line “taskkill /?”).

Of the entire list, we are most interested in the attributes “/F” and “/IM”, which are added after the main command. What does it look like? Let's assume that the Google Chrome process does not end in the Task Manager. The command to force stop the application will look like this: “taskkill /F /IM Chrome.exe” (again, without quotes). As is already clear, this solution is acceptable for executable program files. If you use the additional key “/T”, when you enter the main command to shut down the selected application, all child processes will automatically be terminated.

Stopping processes by specifying identifiers

If the process selected by the user does not end in this way in the Task Manager, for example, if the name of the executable file of a problematic program or service is entered incorrectly, the process can be stopped by specifying the identifier.

It can be viewed in the Task Manager itself, additionally activating the display of the column with the process ID. The main command in this case will take the following form: “taskkill /F PID 0000”, where 0000 is the process identifier defined in the “Task Manager”.

In principle, the problem associated with the fact that the Task Manager does not terminate the process of some program can be solved by following the advice of Microsoft specialists, which are published on the support page. The idea is to download a special archive from the website containing the PSTools toolkit, then unpack it to your hard drive and move the PsExec.exe file or the PsExec64.exe object, depending on the system architecture, to the root of the system partition (drive “C” ), and then through the command console run the command “c:\psexec -i -d -s taskmgr.exe” (without quotes). After this, in the “Task Manager” you will need to perform all the necessary actions related to stopping certain processes, then close the “Manager” and delete the source PsExec file from the system partition.

Note: It is recommended to use this method, even on the corporation’s website, only at your own peril and risk.

Using Process Explorer

It’s much easier to use a small application that is an alternative to Task Manager, but with advanced capabilities. The advantage of this program is that there is no need to install it on your hard drive, since the application is natively portable and runs from a single executable file. After starting the program, it is enough to select the desired incomplete process or even an entire tree of processes with child applets by selecting the Kill Process or Kill Process Tree commands from the RMB menu.

In addition to “killing” unnecessary processes and tasks, this utility also provides additional information. So, for example, if this is required, you can quite simply find out which program is running a particular process.

Unblocking access to process files

Finally, if it is impossible to terminate certain processes only because access to the file responsible for it is blocked, it may very well be possible to correct the situation by using the Unlocker utility.

First, as is already clear, access to the original file is restored (you can find it directly in the “Task Manager” by selecting view file location from the RMB menu), and then the process is completed in the usual way.

Problems of viral exposure

Viruses, unfortunately, can also limit access to stopping processes and services. And this is not always directly related to the virus applets themselves. If such a situation occurs, it is first recommended to check the system with some portable antivirus, and if it is impossible to neutralize threats, turn to the Kaspersky Rescue Disk program, with which you can boot even before the system starts from removable media, and then perform a deep scan, which includes even RAM itself.

Brief summary

That, in fact, is all that concerns the forced termination of processes in the “Task Manager”. As for the best tool, the alternative manager Process Explorer seems to be the simplest. If you don’t have such a program at hand, the command line will do. The only condition for executing all the above commands is to start the console itself with administrator rights.