What does a local account mean? Difference between Local and Microsoft Accounts in Windows

If you're using Windows 8 or 8.1, you're probably already quite familiar with the new user authentication mechanism. That is, in addition to the local account, these versions of the operating system support authorization through a Microsoft account. And although you can avoid using the latter, some features and modern applications still require you to log in using it - otherwise you simply will not be able to use them. This not only created a divide between the two types of accounts, but also led to dissatisfaction among users. Fortunately, sometimes Microsoft listens to the requests and expectations of its customers, and therefore in version 10 the company has relaxed its policies regarding user profiles.

Let's try to understand what the differences are between these two types of accounts in the new version of the operating system and what has changed compared to Windows 8.1.

What is a local account?

In the simplest terms possible, these are system resources with settings and programs for a specific user, accessed using a combination of username and password (although password protection is not necessary). If your OS version was released before Windows 8, then you are definitely a local profile user.

As the name suggests, a local account is created for only one system, so if you have more than one computer, then you use different accounts on each of them, note that you can always

In Windows 10, a local account allows you to install desktop apps, customize settings, and use the operating system the old-fashioned way. You can even browse the Windows Store, but you cannot download and install applications - for this, as well as for enabling synchronization of settings between user devices, a second type of account is required.

What is a Microsoft account?

This is a series of online accounts for the company's products that have simply been combined under one name. So, if you've ever used Hotmail, Windows Live and Outlook, or devices like Xbox or Windows Phone, then you already have such an account. By rebranding and merging these profiles, the company ensured that all of its services were fully integrated into one account. This means you can use it to access everything related to the Microsoft ecosystem.

Unlike local, you use your email address to sign in to the operating system with a Microsoft account, not your username. In this case, this could be an email from a software giant (hotmail.com, live.com or outlook.com), Yahoo!, Gmail, or even an address that was provided by an Internet provider.

This type of login does not allow you to disable password protection, but you can configure the system to enter it automatically each time you log in (see ). In addition, the Microsoft account has a two-step user identification system, which requires you to enter a security code when logging into your account from a device that is not on the trusted list.

Why should you use a Microsoft account?

Using such an account allows you to partially avoid the hassle of configuring all your computers “for yourself,” since some of the system settings can be synchronized between them automatically. In other words, certain changes made on one computer running Ten will be automatically reproduced on other computers with the same Microsoft profile.

The system allows you to synchronize the theme, web browser settings (in 10, the standard browser is Microsoft Edge, so synchronization of bookmarks, logins, etc. applies specifically to it), passwords for sites, applications and networks.

Another benefit of using a Microsoft account is the ability to download, install, and restore apps from the Windows Store. With a local profile, the app store will only be available in browse mode.

As the owner of a Windows 10 Mobile smartphone or other Windows 10 device, an online account will give you access to universal apps and games. This concept, which was originally introduced for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1, means that once purchased, an application becomes available on all devices running the Microsoft platform. That is, by purchasing an application from any device running Window 10, it will become available on your other devices. This eliminates the need to buy the same application for each computer, smartphone or tablet and thus helps save a lot of money.

A Microsoft account will also help you with using OneDrive, because with it you can conveniently sync any type of file - again, between all devices.

Another feature of Windows 10 that is only available with a Microsoft account, but still does not support the Russian language, is called Cortana. This is an application that acts as a digital assistant. The feature is closely tied to Microsoft account and needs access to calendar, email, contacts and even web browsing history to be able to respond to the user's needs. So if you want Cortana to be able to schedule your meetings, remind you of something important, or even find good restaurants, you'll have to sign in to your Microsoft profile.

Finally, using a Microsoft account in Windows 10, you can connect with your family. This is an expanded version of Family Safety, containing all the options that will help you manage everything related to your children's online lives. The function allows you to manage settings separately for each device, block sites for adults, control the child’s activities and time spent on the computer and allow him to download only those applications and games that are suitable for his age category.

Why should you use a local account?

In Windows 8.x, the local account has extremely limited capabilities and does not provide access to many functions of the operating system. In 10, these restrictions were relaxed, and the status of the local account was raised almost to the level of Windows 7.

For example, in the previous version of the operating system, you cannot use the Calendar, Mail, and People apps without an MS account. In Windows 10, you can work with any of these tools without any restrictions, using a regular, local account. Even a native email client will allow you to choose any account (Outlook, Gmail, etc.) and will not force you to use a Microsoft account just to launch the application. This change will probably appeal to those who only have one computer, for whom the settings sync feature is completely useless, and also to those who are not interested in apps from the Store.

In general, the company's policy regarding local accounts has changed in a fairly positive way; With Windows 10, the corporation tried to find a balance between the two types of accounts, and at the same time made another attempt to present the new operating system in a more favorable light.

If you made a mistake when creating a Microsoft account, it !

Have a great day!

When setting up a Windows 8.1 system for the very first time, you will be asked to use a Microsoft account to sign in and although you should not use it, it is not very clear at this point. If you used a Microsoft account when setting up your PC on Windows 8.1 and would like to use a local account instead, you can change the sign in.

Using a Microsoft account has some advantages over using a local account. For example, signing in with a Microsoft account allows you to sync settings between your different Windows 8.1 PCs. You can also use Microsoft's integrated cloud storage service, OneDrive (formerly called SkyDrive). To download apps from the Microsoft App Store, the Modern experience (Start screen) also requires a Microsoft account. But if you don't use any of these features and still want to switch to a local account, here's how to do it:

Step 1: Go to Settings > Change PC settings > Accounts > Your account, then under your name and Microsoft email account, click the Disable link.

Step 2: When prompted, enter your Microsoft account password to verify that this is your account.

Step 3: Now enter the local username you will use to log in, your password, and your password hint.

Step 4: Click on the "Sign Out and Finish" button to complete the transition to your local account.

You will now be able to log into your Windows 8.1 OS with the local account you created. If you ever change your mind and want to use your Microsoft account again, go back to your account settings and click the "Connect to a Microsoft account" link.

To work with local user accounts in Windows 2000, you should access the Local Users and Groups utility through the Computer Management utility. To do this, right-click on My Computer and select Manage from the pop-up menu. The Computer Management window opens. Expand the Local Users and Groups folder so you can access the Users and Groups folders.

Creating new users

To create users on a Windows 2000 Server computer, you must be logged on as a user with permission to create new users and be a member of the Administrators or Power Users group.

The only mandatory requirement when creating new users is to provide a valid name. Authoritative means that it must follow the Windows 2000 username rules.

The Windows 2000 rules for usernames are:

§ The name must contain from 1 to 20 characters.

§ It must be different from all other user and group names stored on this computer.

§ The username cannot contain the following characters:

* / : ; | = , + ? < > “

§ It cannot consist only of periods or spaces.

To create a new user, open the Local Users and Groups utility, select the Users folder and select Action New User. The New User dialog box opens.

In this window, fill in the Username field. All other window settings are optional. The text fields and switches of the New User window are described in Table 3.

Table 3. New User dialog box options




Specifies the username for the new account. This is the only required field. Names are not case sensitive.

Full name

Allows you to enter more detailed information about the user. This is usually the user's first and last name. By default, the same is specified here as in the User field.


Allows you to enter additional information. This is usually used to indicate rank and/or location.

Assigns an initial password for the user. Passwords can be up to 14 characters long and are case sensitive.


Serves to confirm the entered password.

Require a password change the next time you log in

Requires the user to change the password when logging in for the first time, which is done to increase security. By default, this checkbox is selected.

Prevent user from changing password

This is useful for accounts such as Guest and those used by multiple users. By default, the checkbox is cleared.

The password has no expiration date

This option can be selected for a service account when changing the password is unnecessary. By default, the checkbox is cleared.

Disable account

Indicates that this account cannot be used to log in. This option can be selected for an account that is not currently in use. It provides protection for inactive accounts. By default, the checkbox is cleared.

Users can also be created using the NET USER command line utility. For information about this command, type NET USER /? on the command line.

Email address and phone number. You may need this information to provide more secure two-step authentication when performing actions that involve changing key account settings.

What is two-step verification?

Why does Microsoft offer additional addresses and phone numbers?

In this case, you will receive a code for the second stage of authentication, even if you find yourself without a phone and/or forget the password to one of your email addresses.

In other words, providing additional information reduces the risk of account suspension. You can add up to 10 email addresses and/or phone numbers to your account.

ZIP code is not accepted when creating a Microsoft account. What index should I enter?

Before entering an index, enter your desired email address and make sure it is available.

  1. Make sure you select your country.
  2. Enter your postcode. If that doesn't work, enter any postal code for your country's capital or largest city. For example:
  • 121087 (Moscow)
  • 194100 (Peter)
  • 01001 (Kyiv)
  • 200400 (Minsk)

What requirements does Microsoft have for account password complexity?

The password must contain at least eight characters. Additionally, in your account settings on the Microsoft website, you can set the requirement to change your password every 72 days.

What should I do when I can't log into my account?

What to do if your account is blocked?

If these steps do not help you regain access to your account, create a temporary account and contact free Microsoft technical support

Trusted PCs

Strictly speaking, the concept of a Trusted PC is not new, as it relates more to the Microsoft account management aspects than to Windows. However, Windows 8 introduced features that only work on trusted PCs.

Why make your PC trusted?

The main point of a trusted PC is to simplify a number of actions related to changing and synchronizing confidential data.

On the one hand, only between trusted Windows PCs can you synchronize credentials. In Windows 8, you had to manually make the PC trusted, and in Windows 10 - only the first time you used a specific Microsoft account on this PC. In other words, in Windows 10, after reinstalling the system and logging in with the same Microsoft account, you no longer need to make the PC trusted again.

On the other hand, from a trusted PC you can change a number of account settings without additional authentication, although in some cases you may still need it.

Which PCs should be trusted?

Obviously, this must be your personal PC. You should not trust a public or work computer.

How to make your PC trusted?

In Windows 10, go to Settings - Accounts - Your data. If you do not see the option shown in the figure, your PC is already trusted.

You can also do this from the Microsoft Account Settings site by signing in from this PC. Instructions.

How to remove a trusted PC?

You can only delete all trusted devices at once. Go to this page (requires login).

Working with a Microsoft Account on Windows

Windows 8 was the first Microsoft OS in which you can create a Microsoft account and switch between it and a regular account without losing your familiar environment.

How is a Microsoft account different from a regular local account on Windows?

A Microsoft account in Windows is the most common local account where you sign in with your Microsoft credentials. She has exactly the same profile (%UserProfile%), she can also be a member of any groups (for example, Users and Administrators), etc. You can always link any local account to your Microsoft account, as well as break the link.

After installing the system

On Windows 10, go to OptionsAccounts and switch to a Microsoft account.

How do I switch from using a Microsoft account to a regular account?

On Windows 10, go to OptionsAccounts and switch to a regular account.

Can I sign in with a Microsoft account without an Internet connection?

Certainly! An Internet connection is only required when you create a Microsoft account or switch to using it from a local account.

Credentials are cached locally, just like in a domain environment, so you don't need an Internet connection at login.

Is it possible to log into Windows without a password if using a Microsoft account?

Sync settings and apps in Windows

In my opinion, synchronization is one of the most useful features of Windows, although it can be fraught with surprises.

Which applications are covered by settings synchronization?

Only for stores. This also applies to automatic login to Microsoft applications with a company account (Mail, Skype, etc.).

Traditional Microsoft applications do not know how to pull up their settings from the cloud and automatically recognize that you are working with a Microsoft account (OneDrive is rather an exception).

Is it possible to disable syncing for certain applications?

No, you can only disable groups, see the picture above

How to completely disable synchronization?

Use the very first switch in the picture above

Diagnosis of problems

If you're having trouble switching to or using your Microsoft account, follow these diagnostic steps one by one:

  1. Make sure you can sign in with your Microsoft account at https://account.live.com/
  2. Run Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter
  3. From a command prompt running as administrator, run sfc /scannow

    If you receive a message that your files cannot be recovered, archive the \Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log file.

  4. Remove third-party firewall and antivirus.

If the problem is not resolved, post a report of your actions, CBS.log and the result of the Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter in this forum thread.

Archive (outdated information)

The information in this section of the article has lost its relevance over time, as well as due to numerous changes in Skype.

I decided to devote a separate section to Skype because I am sure that many blog readers use it.

Skype versions

There are two versions of the application:

How do Skype and Microsoft accounts get along with each other?

You can:

  • link both accounts
  • log into Skype from either of the two accounts, regardless of whether they are linked

What benefits can you get from merging accounts?

You will be able to sign in to Skype with a Microsoft account. A traditional app doesn't require you to remember another password, and a modern app doesn't require you to enter credentials at all.

A shared list of contacts will appear in the traditional and modern Skype apps, allowing you to communicate with contacts from Windows Live Messenger. On the other hand, the same picture will be in the People application, which will extend all its capabilities to Skype contacts.

However, Skype cannot completely replace WLM in a number of aspects. Thus, it is impossible to transfer files from Skype to WLM and vice versa, and group chats do not work. In addition, it is not possible to link Skype and WLM contacts.

How to link your Microsoft account to your Skype account

Communication can be done in both traditional and modern applications.

Traditional Skype

The feature is available in versions 6 and higher. Sign in to the program with your Microsoft account (if you sign in to Skype automatically, sign out to see this option). You will see the window shown in the figure below.

Attention! Do not select the "Register" option if you have has already Skype account. Otherwise, your Microsoft account will be immediately linked to the new Skype account.

Modern Skype

Immediately after installation, you will be offered exactly the same choices as in the traditional application. Therefore read bold red warning above the text.

How to unlink your Microsoft account from your Skype account

I hope I answered all the questions you asked in the comments to the previous post. If you have new questions, feel free to ask them so I can add to this article. However, this offer does not mean that I undertake an obligation to resolve any issues you may have. Problems. With them you can contact free Microsoft technical support, creating a temporary account if necessary.

You must be tired of the process of logging into your system if it is organized using your Microsoft account password.

After all, the password creation policy requires a normal password, and you won’t be able to create a password like “123”.

There are two ways to reduce your suffering. The first is to use a pin. The second is to return the local account.

Returning a local account in Windows 10

Using a local account on your computer will allow you to expose less of your sensitive information to Microsoft servers.

Start-Settings-Accounts-Your Account-Sign in with a local account instead.

Here we will need to enter the password for your Microsoft account and click the “next” button.

In the window that appears, you need to enter your login and password for your account.

The next window prompts you to log out and log in locally.

Now, when logging into the system, you can choose the login method - local entry or pin.

How to set up Windows 10 login using PIN code

What is good about pin entry? The login password can be made even shorter. This is better than entering a complex password for your Microsoft account every time. I used a four digit combination.

We go along this path “Start-Settings-Accounts-Login Options” and click on the “add pin” button.

In the next window you will be asked to enter the password for your active account. This can be a Microsoft account or a local account.

In my case this is a local entry.

Then, the PIN code setup window will appear.

There you simply enter it twice and click on the “OK” button.

The only requirement is that the minimum length of the PIN code must be at least 4 characters.

That's all. Now you can log into Windows 10 by entering your PIN or password from your local account.