What is the r wallet number on webmoney. What is a WebMoney number: WMID and wallet

Modern electronic systems for payment and transfer of funds allow their clients to exchange “title units” after setting up a WebMoney wallet.

This wallet is an account of a participant in the payment system, linked to a specific user, who can manage the balance on it using his own mobile phone and at his own discretion.

When starting to work with the WebMoney system, users often confuse the meaning of WMID and wallet number. And if the latter is not of particular value, then the combination of numbers that makes up WMID is personal and important information. In order not to transfer it instead of real details of your own account, determine exactly what data you need.

A WMID number is assigned to each user and is a unique identifier for all clients of the WebMoney system. But not only the account owner can know the wallet number; this data may well be published without compromising the security of the funds.

The WebMoney wallet number is a combination of characters, in which the first place is a letter indicating a specific currency (for example, R - Russian rubles, B - Belarusian rubles). The letter is followed by 12 digits, which make up the number that you need to know to transfer or withdraw funds.

Types of wallets

Today, the WebMoney electronic payment system provides clients with several types of wallets that take into account different property rights:

A participant in the system has the right to open any wallet with any Guarantor, subject to signing an acceptance agreement.

All wallets of one user are combined into a storage under a single registration number (WMID). Important!

Property rights held by the Guarantor are measured in the corresponding WebMoney (WM) title units.

But what if you need to indicate your wallet number? There are several ways to find out.

Find out the number of WebMoney wallets

This payment system has several versions that differ significantly from each other, so the first thing you need to do is find out which wallet number you need and where it is located.

Method 1: WebMoney Keeper Standard

This version is familiar to most Webmoney clients, because it is the one that opens as soon as the user logs in to the official website of the system.

  1. To do this, you need to go to the offsite using the “login” button located in the upper right corner.
  2. Then fill in the “password” and “login” fields, enter the captcha and enter the page.
  3. We confirm authorization using one of the proposed methods (by entering E-NUM or requesting a code via SMS).
  4. We get to the main page of the service, where information about recent transactions and accounts will be provided.
  5. To find out the number of a specific wallet, you just need to click on it and in the window that appears at the top, you can see the number you are looking for.

WebMoney wallet number

Method 2: WebMoney Keeper Mobile

Finding out the wallet number in the mobile version of Webmoney is easy; this can be seen in the example of the Android application:

  1. The first step is to launch the application and log in to it.
  2. After this, information about the latest transactions and the status of all user accounts will appear on the main page.
  3. If you click on any wallet of interest, a window will open in which information about its number and balance will be provided.

Method 3: WebMoney Keeper WinPro

The main version of WebMoney, designed for PCs, is also constantly updated and actively developed by the payment system team. To find out the wallet number in WinPro, you need to download and install the current version of the program on your device, then you need to open it and view all the necessary information.

Beginning users of payment systems often confuse the concepts and cannot figure out what information needs to be provided.

A lot of questions are related to WMID and wallet numbers in the Webmoney system. Both numbers contain several numbers, and not everyone knows which of them should be indicated on websites and passed on to other users.

How to find out your Webmoney number? First you need to figure out what these numbers mean. Each registered user is assigned a unique number, this is WMID.

You don’t need to tell anyone about it (if they find out, it’s okay). You need to transfer exactly the account numbers (WMU, WMZ, WMR, and so on).

Where can I see my Webmoney wallet number?

There are detailed instructions on our website. It talks not only about creating a profile in the payment system, but also about how wallets are created. After logging into your personal account, each user independently creates accounts for different national currencies.

You can also open accounts for gold, this was discussed in more detail in the article, create a WMG wallet and invest in gold. Depending on how you visit your wallet, wallet numbers appear in different places.

To make sure there are no problems, we decided to tell you how to find out your WebMoney number using all available methods:

  1. Webmoney Keeper (WebPro).

The most convenient and safest way to connect to a wallet is to use a client. It can be downloaded from the official website. After authorization, a window will appear showing the numbers of all wallets:

The first letter of the Webmoney wallet number indicates what currency is used in it. To indicate an account number on a website or transfer it to someone, just right-click and select copy to clipboard.

  1. Mini Webmoney (Standard).

Many people use the lite version, managing their account directly through the official website (mini.webmoney.ru). This is the easiest way, and when you use it, you can also see all the wallet numbers:

Log in to the site, then select the menu item with the image of the wallet. A page will open showing all account numbers as well as recent transactions. From here the numbers can be copied like regular text on the Internet.

  1. Mobile app.

Now everyone has smartphones and tablets, which make it even more convenient to manage electronic money. To find out the account number of WMR Webmoney (or another type), you need to go to the section with wallets (first tab):

The Webmoney application for Android is convenient and simple, with its help you can carry out money transactions from anywhere.

It is impossible to find out account numbers without logging into your wallet. Alternatively, look for them on sites where payment information was indicated, or look for letters by email.

It is not difficult to find out the Webmoney wallet r number, and this information is indicated on the websites. Don’t confuse the numbers, because you won’t be able to transfer funds using WMID, the employer or service administration must know the number of a specific account, not an account.

First, we need to clearly define what we mean by the term “WebMoney number,” since there is simply no such definition in the system itself. Under this phrase there can be two completely different things: a WMID number or a wallet number (details). Next, we will find out and describe what they are, how they differ from each other, and what they allow you to do or learn.

WMID (WebMoney IDentificator or VMID) is the personal number of a system participant. Each user of this electronic money operator has his own unique number. It is possible to draw parallels with the familiar passport of a citizen of some country, but along with the similarities, there are also differences: one person (individual or legal entity) can have more than one. Therefore, it is more correct to draw an analogy here not so much with a passport, but with a login, for example, on a forum. This number looks like a twelve-digit number, for example 123456789012. The main feature here is that if you know the WMID of another person, then you will not be able to transfer money to him; for this you need to know the wallet number (a description will follow). But you can send him a message via internal mail or view the person’s personal data that he wished to make public. Usually you can easily find out a person’s name, his age, and some details (say, email or phone number). Sometimes people even make their passport details and place of residence public, although this is rare.

Conclusion: knowing WMID we can get information about a person or contact him. It will not be possible to transfer money to him.

The wallet number (details) is actually the wallet number. One person (read, one WMID) can have as many wallets as they want, even of the same types. To make it clear, the easiest way is to compare a wallet with a bank account: this is a number where you can transfer funds, and one person can have as many such accounts as he wants and in different currencies. If you know the wallet number of another person, then you can transfer funds to him, and also easily instantly find out his WMID - both on the special webmoney service “Passport”, and right during the transfer process. The wallet number looks like this: first there is one capital English letter, and after it there are 12 digits, for example: R987654321098. In this case, the letter means the type of currency: if it is R, then it is a ruble wallet (WMR) and there are rubles on it. If it's Z, it's a dollar wallet. E is Euro, U is Ukrainian hryvnia and so on. There are also special wallets with the letters C and D - they are used for working with loans. If you want to transfer WMR to another person, then you need to know the number of his wallet of this particular type, that is, it must begin with the letter “R”. If you want to transfer dollars, the beginning should be the letter "Z" and so on.

Of course, you can easily find yourself in a situation where you need to transfer one currency, but you only have another in your wallets. In this case, you must first exchange it for the one you need and only then transfer it. This is where the ChangeTime website will come to your aid: with us you can easily

Before you find out your WebMoney wallet number, you need to register on the site. This will allow you to access your personal account and use all the necessary services.

After registration, a new client is given the opportunity to create the required number of wallets. The most commonly used are the ruble wallet (wmr) and the dollar wallet (wmz). But the system does not prohibit account holders from opening accounts to use any other currency.

In fact, the wallet consists not only of numbers (there are also 12 of them), but also of letters. Moreover, the letter indicating the type of currency is placed in front. For example, R12345679123. Without the letter, it will be difficult for the system to recognize the code as a wallet. Therefore, for any financial transactions you must indicate the number in full.

This data is necessary to carry out financial transactions. With their help, the user can easily view the balance, transfer money to a bank account or pay for a purchase online. The owner must know the account number, since it often has to be presented to transfer funds. If we talk about where you can see the wallet number, then it’s very easy to do.

If account data needs to be transferred to third parties to receive funds, then this can be done without fear. Having only a wallet does not provide any information about the owner, much less access to his account. But you don’t need to provide any other data to transfer funds, since only your wallet is enough.

Instructions for determining your wallet number

Every user of the WebMoney payment system knows what Keeper Standard is. This is a special program that allows you to log into the system. Most often, account owners use this application. To find out your wmr wallet, for example, you need to:

  • go to the site and enter the data required to log in (password, login, etc.);
  • go to your personal account, where all data should be located;
  • a list of accounts will be provided on the home page.

In an earlier version of WebMoney, in order to find your wallets, you had to go to the “Finance” tab.

Help: now any user of the WebMoney service, when logging into their page, can immediately see all open wallets.

In the same way, you can find out the details of a ruble or dollar account if the client uses his mobile application to log in. In addition, the payment service allows you to change some data. Subject to replacement:

  • passport details;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • Email;
  • security question (if asked during registration).

But the type of wallet cannot be changed. In return, the client will be asked to get a new one.

The use of payment systems is becoming increasingly popular. For many, such storage of their own funds seems to be the safest way; others use electronic money for online purchases. Indeed, wherever the owner is, he can use his money. To do this, you just need to know your wallet details and have access to the Internet.

Electronic money has become a part of the lives of most people. The WebMoney service, which is one of the oldest electronic money circulation systems, is the most popular. Since this is a depository of money, you need to know how to find out the WebMoney wallet number in order to carry out transactions.


Types of wallets

The WebMoney service offers users a wide range of convenient services, from paying for goods purchased via the Internet to the opportunity to obtain borrowed funds.

This requires flexibility from the system, which determines the variety of WebMoney wallets.

In total, there are 8 types of electronic accounts for storing funds or performing transactions:

  1. WMR. The BMR wallet contains funds equivalent to the Russian ruble; this type is the most common in the Russian Federation.
  2. WMZ. The second option of WebMoney is the equivalent of American currency. It accumulates funds in US dollars.
  3. WME. Since all of Europe uses the euro, it is logical to have a wallet where funds are stored in eurocurrency.
  4. W.M.U. Ukrainian hryvnia are placed here. It is for service users from Ukraine.
  5. W.M.B. Wallet with Belarusian rubles.
  6. WMK. A cash vault for residents of Kazakhstan, since its purpose is to record currency equivalent to the tenge.
  7. WMG. This type of wallet is the “gold” reserve of the system user, because it accumulates funds equivalent to the precious metal.
  8. WMX. A relatively new type of WebMoney, gaining popularity due to the growing demand for cryptocurrencies and their value. This account accumulates funds equivalent to Bitcoin.

For comfortable use of the service, one WM account is enough, maximum two. For example, You may need to find out your WMZ wallet number when making purchases from foreign online stores or paid services. Then the funds are first transferred from the ruble account in dollar equivalent to WMZ, and after that the settlement takes place.

How to create a wallet in another monetary equivalent can be seen in the video from the “Test” team.

Where to see your WebMoney wallet number

There are several ways to find out your WebMoney wallet number. Mostly the problem is faced by new users who do not yet know the intricacies of working in the system. They are the ones who are interested in where to look up their account number and find the identifier of their own WMR wallet.

To accurately understand what an account number is and what it looks like, you should familiarize yourself with the registration system for the service.

After filling out the form during the process of creating a new wallet, the user is automatically assigned an identifier that will serve to log in to the system and allow him to carry out transactions.

Knowing only this information, you will not be able to make purchases or payments through the service. Additionally, you need to create a wallet on which cash or cash equivalents will be stored. Each WebMoney wallet has its own number, consisting of 13 characters: 12 numbers and one alphabetic character as a prefix.

It is useless to look for this data immediately after registration. They are not generated automatically. They appear after the wallet is created.

The service offers users three ways to find out their account number:

  • using the WebPro shell;
  • through a mini version of the storage, called Mini WebMoney;
  • using a mobile application.

WebMoney Keeper (WebPro)

This shell is a special application that includes generalized services for managing operations via WebMoney Transfer. It is not so widespread, since it requires logging in through the official website of the system, but it offers users reliable protection of personal data.

Mobile app

An easy way to determine your account number is to use a mobile application, which can be downloaded for free from PlayMarket or the AppStore.

After installation, you will need to enter your username and password, come up with a PIN code, or set up a fingerprint login if your phone has a fingerprint sensor.

When you log into the application, all wallets are displayed on the screen, and you can check them by swiping with your finger. Wallet miniatures do not have numbers. To view the alphanumeric account code, you will need to click on the selected wallet with your finger, the picture will enlarge, and a number will be visible next to the symbolic image of the storage type.

It can be copied to the smartphone’s clipboard by long tapping on the identifier. This will help you avoid mistakes if you need to send the number via SMS or in the body of an email.

How to change your data in your wallet

There is a help center on the official WebMoney website, named after the famous Wikipedia Wiki. It contains instructions for performing most actions, including if users need to change data in the system.

Allowed to change:

  • passport data when clicking on the passport link;
  • mobile phone number, which is also contained on the user registration data page;
  • E-mail address;
  • change the security question if it exists.

Additionally, you can contact the Certification Center by sending a written request to resolve the problem.

You cannot change the type of wallet. The system does not provide the ability to change one type of storage to another. The only way out is to create a new wallet.