How to add a new contact to Skype. How to add a person on Skype? Adding new contacts

Many users are familiar with a program called Skype. She has been pleasing people with her stable and high-quality work for a long time. Many people think about adding it to their contact list. Today we will definitely find the answer to this question. Adding contacts to a friend list is one of the most common initial functions, without which it is impossible to work normally with the program. So what will help bring your idea to life?

Contact lists and Skype

Skype is a new generation messenger. With its help, users can create lists of friends, exchange data and messages, create conferences and even make video calls. Very convenient and useful!

Sooner or later, every user thinks about how to find a friend on Skype and add him to his contact list. We will have to answer this question later.

First, you should understand that Skype has several categories of contacts. Namely:

  • friendlist;
  • contact list subcategories;
  • "black list".

In the first case, we are talking about displaying all the conversations and users with whom a person has ever communicated. Contact subcategories allow you to classify your existing friends into groups. The distribution is visible only to the profile owner. "Blacklist" is a menu that displays all blocked contacts.

Search methods

Let's focus on the first point. How to find a friend on Skype and add him to your friend list?

There are a huge number of search methods. For example, you can find a specific contact by:

  • username;
  • login;
  • mobile phone;
  • email;
  • surnames;
  • city;
  • country.

The most commonly used search is by nickname or login, as well as by email. These are the most accurate methods that will allow you to find a specific person with 100% probability. Otherwise, you may add the wrong user to your friends list.

By first and last name

How to find a friend on Skype? Let's start by searching by person's last name and first name. Let's look at the process using an example computer version programs.

To find a contact by first and last name, you will need:

  1. Log in to Skype using your username and password.
  2. In the right menu (above the contact list) in the search bar, type the user's first and last name.
  3. View the results provided.
  4. With the help additional information(city, avatar, country, login) can be found in the list that appears for a specific person. After all, Skype often meets users with same names and last names.

Phone number

How to find a friend on Skype? The following advice will only help when the interlocutor indicated a phone number in the questionnaire.

To search for contacts in this way you will have to:

  1. Open Skype.
  2. In the search bar, dial the phone number. It must have an international format.
  3. Press Enter on your keyboard and wait.

The contact that has appeared is a friend with this or that mobile phone. It’s not a fact that the user will be able to find a friend this way, but it’s worth a try.


How to add a friend to your contact list on Skype? More on this a little later. First, let's look at another interesting approach to finding people on Skype.

One of the most reliable techniques is to implement the task using the login of the interlocutor. Then the probability that you will be able to find a specific person will be 100%.

To search for friends on Skype by login, you will need:

  1. Log in to the messenger you are studying.
  2. IN top line actions, click on “Contacts” and go to the “Add contact...” section.
  3. In the menu that appears, click on “Search in the directory...”.
  4. Type the username of your interlocutor into the search bar.
  5. Click on the "Search" button.

In the end, the user will see a contact that is registered under one or another login. All other search methods are carried out in the same way. It's time to think about how to add a friend to your friends list on Skype!

Adding as a friend

Implementing the task is easier than it seems. As in the previous case, you can solve this in several ways.

Let's assume that we ourselves decide to find a friend and add him to our friends list. To do this you will need:

  1. Search for a contact in any convenient way.
  2. Click on the user profile (search result).
  3. Click on the "Add to contact list" button.
  4. Write a comment for the user. This is the letter that a person will see along with the friend request sent.
  5. Click on the "Submit" button.

After the conversation

How to add friends on Skype? The following advice will help those who have already talked to their friend.

In this case the user will appear in the list Skype contacts, but a program icon with a question mark will be drawn next to the corresponding line. This means that the conversation (user) is not added to the contact list.

To correct the situation, just press RMB ( right click mouse) by user and select “Add to contact list...” there. As in the previous case, you need to write a comment when adding to the friend list and submit a request for processing.


Sometimes the need to talk with specific person disappears. Or you just don’t want your “friend” to ever write. In this case, you will have to think about adding the contact to the “black list”.

How to add a friend to "ignore" on Skype? Need to:

  1. Select the victim in the friends list with the cursor.
  2. Right-click on the desired line.
  3. In the function menu, click on "Block user...".
  4. Confirm the operation.

Ready! After this, the “friend” will disappear from the friends list and will be put on “ignore”. He will no longer be able to write messages or exchange data.

So we figured out how to find a friend on Skype and add him to your friend list. In addition, we were able to get acquainted with the “black list”. All of the tips listed will help you manage your messenger contact list without much difficulty!

", who actively use and love Skype - How to add a contact to Skype for Windows. Let's start with the fact that if Skype does not add new contacts, you should reinstall the program by downloading it from the official website, then everything will work fine.

IN Skype program you can add new contact in three ways:

First way:

1. From your account's contacts list, click Add contact:

2. A new “Add Contact” window will open, where you need to enter the details of the new contact: login or email, phone number, first and last name. When the found contact is highlighted, press Add:

3. In the next window, send a request to the contact to exchange data. You can change the request text to your own or leave it as default. Click - Send request:

4. A new contact appears in your contact list, but until he confirms your request, he will be inactive (you will not see the online status and photo of the contact) and some Skype functions will be unavailable (N: you cannot send a file to the contact):

The second way to find a friend on Skype:

1. B top menu open account click Contacts and go to Add contact:

  • If, after sending a request to exchange data to a new contact, you suddenly change your mind, then you should remove the contact from your list and on Skype. If the contact did not have time to respond to your request, the request will be permanently deleted and the contact will never see it.
  • You can always do it if you wish.

The third way to add a contact to Skype:

Use the opportunity to import contacts into Skype from Facebook, from address mail to,, etc.

1. To do this, in the top menu, click Contacts, go to Import contacts:

2. In the new window, select where the import will be from, enter your username and password and import necessary contacts on Skype.

Many people use Skype computer users. Its popularity is well deserved, because the application allows people who are at a distance from each other to communicate, thereby bringing them closer together. Due to this feature, children often install Skype on their parent’s desktop and at the same time organize all the icons using it for convenience if the former, for example, study in another city. Often, even grandparents take the opportunity to call their family via Skype.

In most cases, inexperienced users only know how to launch the program and which button to press to make a call. But what to do when you need to add, say, a relative to your contact list? And in general, how to add a new contact on Skype? Let's figure it out together.

Method No. 1

So, in order to create a new contact on Skype, first of all, you need to know under what login the person you need is registered. Once you find out his name, you can start searching. Sign in to Skype and notice the horizontal strip of icons on the left side of the window. The last icon you need is a silhouette of a person with a “+” written next to it. After clicking on it, an active search line appears in which you need to write the login of the person you are looking for.

Next will appear a list of all people who have the same nickname that you need. Find the person you need and right-click on the login. A menu will appear, almost at the very bottom of which you need to click on the line “Add to contact list”. Done, now the person you are looking for will see your desire to add him as a friend, agree, and then appear in your contacts list. And now you can chat with him, make video calls and much more.

Method No. 2

Sometimes the first way is various reasons difficult to use, fortunately, there is an alternative that you can also use. Reopening Skype window and look at the top one horizontal stripe with various parameters. We find there “Contacts” - “Add contact” - “Search in the Skype directory”.

You will see the same line as in method No. 1, respectively, further actions are similar. By the way, if you want to add a contact on Skype on Android, you will have to do the same thing, because there is absolutely no difference in the interface between a computer and a tablet.

Thus, choose the method that suits you best or the one that is possible on your laptop, and look for people near and dear to you! Have a nice chat!

Video to help

Replenishment process address book Skype is very simple and fast. If you have friends who use this application to communicate, you can find them in a matter of seconds, and then write messages, make voice and video calls, and also send various files at any time of the day. Read short instructions on how to add a contact on Skype and expand your circle of friends.

How to add a friend on Skype

  1. In the upper left corner of the program’s working window there is an “Add contact” button. It looks like a plus sign - you should click on it.
  2. Find the user you want to “call” to your contact list. There are several ways to search, depending on the information you know. The first thing you should try is to find a person by his first and last name; if the results do not contain the required option, try searching by login or email address.
  3. Watch the results carefully: not all people prefer to add their real photo to their profile or indicate their real city of residence. If the search caused you difficulties, be sure to ask your friend for more detailed information.
  4. When the required user is found, you need to click on his name and click on the “Add to contacts” button. A window will appear in front of you with a text to send, which will say that you want to add this person to your contact list. If desired, the standard notification can be changed.
  5. Before you can see the status of your future interlocutor, he must accept your invitation. Once your request is approved - picture question mark in place the status will change.

All users of this messenger can use the import of contacts from programs or social networks(Facebook, Outlook, etc.). To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Click on the “Contacts” menu and select the “Import” command.
  • Decide on the location from which you want to move the data.
  • Enter your username and password to log into that service (Skype does not save this data).
  • The application will show all accounts that have their own account on Skype. For bulk import, just click the “Add contacts” button, and for selective import, uncheck the boxes next to unnecessary names.
  • For users who are not yet familiar with this service, you can send a message inviting them to register with Skype. This step can be skipped by selecting the command with the appropriate name.
  • As with standard addition, the statuses of new contacts will only be visible when they accept your application.

I think you won't have any problems with this lesson either. Now that you are Skype user, you will definitely want to find your friends, relatives or just new acquaintances. And today we will take a closer look at how to add a contact on Skype?

How to add a new contact to Skype.

First you need to log in. To do this, open the program and enter your username and password. Then in the window that opens, click on Contacts and at the bottom you will see the Add contact button. (You can also click on the contacts menu at the top of the window and select Add contact).

By clicking on it, a new window will open in front of you, where you need to enter the data by which you want to find the person (phone number, name or Skype login):

In our case, I entered the name Jonny and the program found 200 matches with that name (this can be seen to the right of the active field). To choose from the options provided the right person, click View. A new window will open in front of you:

Here you need to find the person you need. Please note that the number of pages with similar results is displayed at the bottom of the window. If you didn't find what you were looking for, click New search and enter other information you know. If the search gave the desired result, click the Add contact button.

In the next window it will be written

That the request was sent successfully:

By going to the main Skype window, you will see this user in your contacts and can immediately call him (of course, if he is online).

That's all for today! Let me remind you that we looked in detail at how to add a contact on Skype. I hope you don't have any difficulties and this article turned out to be useful.