What is the best way to register in contact. Registration and login to your page in Contact - what to do if you can’t log into VK

Dear users, I welcome you to today's article. Nowadays it is quite difficult to meet a person who does not have a page on VKontakte. In the most popular Russian network there are people of different ages.

Well, if you just came to Russia and want to know how to register in contact, and also understand how registration generally takes place, then I will explain everything to you in detail. The process is quite simple and takes no more than 5 minutes. However, in addition to the usual registration, I want to look at a more complex question - how to register in a contact without a phone, that is, make an account without specifying a mobile phone number.

Reference! In Russia, SIM cards are sold per passport, that is, one SIM card per person. But sometimes we need to create a second page on a social network, but the work number is already taken. Reasons to create additional account I won't describe it. The process will follow my example.

Method No. 1

It is assumed that your mobile number is free and the page is not linked to it. So, let's move on to the instructions.

We go to the website vk.com of the social network. On the right side of the screen you will see a window for authorization - entering your login and password. We don't have it yet, so look at the bottom right side– there is a registration window there, it looks like this:

Looking ahead, I will just say that I will describe the login process via Facebook later. Enter your first and last name - it is recommended to provide real data; according to the rules of the social network, you cannot enter pseudonyms instead of first and last names. You may be asked to change this information in the future. Next, enter your date of birth. If necessary, this item can be hidden after creating an account. Now click the “Register” button.

All you have to do is enter your mobile phone number and click the “Request Code” button. Please provide a real number. In a couple of seconds you will receive a message with a code on your phone - enter it in the appropriate field. After this, the site will redirect you to the created page. Done, master the social network, but don’t forget about real life! Next, I suggest you consider how to register with a contact through a mobile application.

It is not necessary to register in the browser on personal computer– you can perform the process in mobile application. First, download it from the desired store. For Android it will be " Google Play", for iOS - " App Store", for Windows Phone - " Windows Store" Just type in search bar VK. After that, download and install the application on your phone or tablet.

We go into it, the system will prompt you to enter your login and password. Since we don’t have an account yet, we click the “Register” button. Enter real data - first name, last name, year of birth. We confirm our actions and go to the second window - here you should enter your phone number. In a few seconds you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. Enter it and go to your account, you're done! Now it’s the turn to find out how to register in a contact without specifying a phone number

Method No. 2

Don't be intimidated by the number of steps - just follow the instructions and compare your steps with the screenshots.

I’ll say right away that now you won’t be able to register via email. To improve security, the developers decided to remove this feature. And this approach brought positive result– the level of fraud has decreased, as has the level of fake accounts. As a result, the load on the servers dropped significantly.

You can’t register by email, one page is already linked to your SIM card, what should you do?

You can use a server for this virtual telephony to receive an SMS with a confirmation code. I recommend using the “Pinger” service for this; accordingly, an example will be shown there.

Registering with Pinger (Textfree Web)

We go to the service website http://www.pinger.com/tfw/ Click on the “Create account” button. After this we will need to enter the data.

As you can see, there is no Russian version, so here is the filling scheme:

Username – This is what you will then enter to log into Pinger.

Password - everything is simple here.

Password confirmation

Email - please indicate real address, since a confirmation code will be sent to it.

Gender (male – man, female – woman).

Captcha is a code that confirms that you are not a robot.

Confirm button.

Now look at your own virtual number - it is on the right top corner:

Select this number and click on it right click mice - in context menu you must select the “Copy” item. You can also press “Ctrl+C” on the highlighted number. Great, now we have a phone number to register another page, let's move on to the social network site.

VK registration process

We go to the page of the social network VK. Here you need to go through the usual registration procedure - in the lower right corner there is a window for entering personal data - first name, last name, date of birth. Fill out all the fields and click the “Register” button.

Now we will be taken to the page for specifying a phone number - copy our virtual number received from the Pinger service into this window. Next, click the “Get code” button. Go to the Pinger website. An SMS from the social network should appear in the message window - enter this code in the appropriate field and click the “Confirm” button.

Done, now you can fully use it new page. As you can see, the process is quite simple, if you have any difficulties creating a page on VK, then read the first instructions - the screenshots will help you quickly create a page.

Additionally – use Facebook to log in

You've probably noticed that you can log into VKontakte without registering - to do this, you need to click the "Log in via Facebook" button. Click on this button and then log in to your Facebook account. After this, a window will appear in which it is written that the VKontakte social network will have access to email and other data of your account, click on the “Continue” button.

Your first and last name in VKontakte will be exactly the same as on Facebook. As for Pinger, you can also log in via Facebook - the process follows exactly the same pattern. But as practice shows, even logging into VK via Facebook requires linking a mobile phone. Accordingly, your American social network account is most likely linked to current number mobile I am attaching the following video to today’s article:

So, concluding today’s post - How to register on VKontakte, it is worth saying that before the authorization process was much simpler. But if you try, you can get around the restrictions today. In addition to Pinger, there are other services that allow you to get a virtual mobile phone number. Pinger seemed the simplest to me, so I decided to make instructions on it. Now I have a second page, it definitely won’t be superfluous. In any case, I know that you can have more than one page on the VK social network.

Hello, dear blog readers! Today we’ll talk about how to register in VK correctly. VKontakte is one of the most popular Russian-speaking segment social network. On this moment the number of registered users is more than 140 million people.

Let's answer this question! Many of you, especially those who are encountering this service for the first time, are wondering how you can register on VKontakte and why?

By creating your profile on this social network, you will be able to communicate with your friends, classmates, classmates, and make new friends. In addition, in this social there are many interesting communities online where you will find something for yourself useful information on a variety of topics.

It is important to know that VKontakte registration is free!

Below will be presented step by step instructions, through which you can easily register on this site.

Creating a new page

To do this, go to the site from any device: desktop computer, mobile phone or tablet. Until 2011, you could register your account via email.

Today there is no such option, and the VKontakte page is linked only to your mobile phone number. One number – one profile. This is done in order not to fill the resource with many accounts. Of course, many do not want to indicate their mobile phone. But you can activate the page only by entering your cell phone number.

To create a new page right now, just follow the link vk.com, where you will be asked to register.

Step 1. Enter your data.

In the window that opens, you need to enter your first name, last name and date of birth. Data must be entered with a capital letter and without errors. By clicking on the “Register” button, we proceed to the next step.

Of course, you can use fictitious data. But then, if your page is blocked, you will not be able to restore it, since the support service often asks you to send a spreadsheet of your passport with your photo and full name to unfreeze it.

Step 2. Enter mobile phone.

Step 3

Enter the received numbers into the special field and click “Send code”. Linking to your phone is necessary so that, if necessary, you can restore access to your profile.

It happens that the first SMS does not arrive various reasons. You may have made a mistake when entering the phone number, then click “Enter another number”, correct the numbers and ask to send the code again. If everything is correct, then click “I did not receive the code.”

You will be sent another message. And in open window select either “No need, SMS has arrived,” if it does appear, or select the second option. If you do not wait for the message, the support service offers a call from a robot that can dictate the required series of numbers. Then click on the “Yes, let the robot call” button.

Step 4. Enter your password and enter the site.

Once you submit the code, a field will appear that says “Password.” We come up with our own safe and reliable set of Latin letters and numbers. We enter the invented code into a special cell and be sure to write it down in some safe place so as not to forget. There are even special programs to save passwords.

Please note that under the “Password” box there is a colored ruler that turns bright green if it is secure. At the same time, an inscription about its quality even appears.

After completing all the steps, click “Log in to the site.” You will be congratulated and asked to enter Additional information About Me. You can read about how to set up a VKontakte page and how to design it on our website, but for now click on “Skip”.

After this, a window will open asking you to enter an address. Email. I would recommend doing this to strengthen the security of your profile. But you don’t have to provide an e-mail. Select “Specify later”.

Are you on your profile? Almost. The service provides you with another service “Beautiful address for your page”. You can come up with it yourself or choose from those presented.

Now you can log in to your VKontakte page. You can safely use the social network: edit your profile, upload photos, listen to music, you can also add your own audio and video files, and join communities, subscribe to notifications from them, look for your friends and make new ones.

Registration without phone number

Some people want to create a VK profile again. Often one of them would be desirable to have without real name, but use a nickname.

Having analyzed information from different sites about whether it is possible to create a second page in VK without a phone number, and having tried some of the proposed methods, I came to the following conclusions.

Through Facebook and anonymizer

The developers of VKontakte offer to register via Facebook, where you can create a profile using e-mail.

But alas! A mobile phone is required again.

Particularly advanced ones claim that using an anonymizer, you can deceive the system, and VK will recognize you as a foreign guest. Then you can only register via Facebook using your email address.

Using a virtual mobile number

It may also be that you need to create a second VKontakte page. IN in this case you can purchase a virtual one phone number through different services.

I've read a lot of reviews trying to find one that works for you. free service virtual numbers, but realized that no one provides such a service.

But there is good news - the registration number costs very little. Among paid services the most popular is Smska.net.

You can register for the service by filling out simple form. After confirming your email and payment, you can select the network or site in which you intend to use it. Please note that the cost varies for each site.

In the cell for the social network VKontakte there is often “0 pcs.” Don't be scared! You just have to wait a little (20-30 minutes), the situation will change. But then don’t yawn! And act quickly. Virtual numbers They are actively selling like hotcakes.

Having received the coveted set of numbers, we very quickly register a new user in VK. We have 20 minutes at our disposal. So, go to the VKontakte page, use the number received on the service and click “Get code”.

On this page we are waiting for the confirmation code.


Creating an account using a virtual mobile number is considered one of effective methods. This number cannot be tracked. Its main advantage is anonymity. It should be noted that there are also disadvantages. If you lose access to the service you used, you will not be able to restore access to the page.

To summarize, I will say that previously the VKontakte registration process was simpler than it is now. But, of course, even now you can get around some restrictions. In any case, this is prohibited by the rules of the VK social network, and the page may be blocked.

I hope you found it interesting and useful this article. If suddenly something was unclear or you still have questions, you can always ask them in the comments. I'll be glad to answer. Good luck to all!

In order to register on VKontakte for free right now, you need to go to the main page of the VK social network at https://vk.com/. The VKontakte social network will automatically open in a new window. After this it will load home page In contact with. This is where you log in and register. In this case, you are registering, so pay attention to the center of the screen, where instant registration is written. Under this heading we see fields that need to be filled out - these are your first and last name. After filling out, click register.

If you don’t have time to search for classmates and fellow students now, then you simply select Complete registration. Next, you need to read the article from the Completion of registration section.

Search classmates

In order to find your classmates, we indicate the country, city, school, year of graduation, class. Afterwards a list of registered classmates on VKontakte will appear. To view the list of classmates, scroll the mouse wheel or move the Internet browser slider on the right side. In order to add a classmate as a friend, click next to the photo and name. Then move on to the next step.

The next window is a search form for classmates. There is an option not to search for classmates, choose to skip this step, or complete registration. Then we read from the heading Completion of registration.

Search for classmates

To find your classmates, select the country, city of the university, year of graduation, faculty, department and add friends by clicking next to the photo add as friends. To view the list of classmates, you need to scroll with the mouse wheel, or move the slider of the Internet browser. Once you have added friends, click go to the next step.

Completing registration

The last point is linking a mobile phone number to your account. This is for page security. Select the country and enter your mobile number phone. After that, click get code. On specified number phone you will receive a message with a code. This SMS is free.

Enter the confirmation code and password and enter the site. This password must be entered every time you enter the page on the VKontakte social network.

That's it, you are registered!

  • Video on registration without a phone

If you were unable to register on VKontakte

It was not possible to register on VK right now according to those instructions, write to us at . Write down the actions completed. We will answer individually.

You can count on one hand the social networks that can compete in popularity with vk.com in the Runet network space. Proof of this is one of the many memes dedicated to this site. It reads: “They used to take photos “for memory”, but now they take photos for VKontakte.”

This guide will tell you step by step how to register on VKontakte and find old and new friends, like-minded people, and work colleagues.


Attention! Get your cell phone ready. According to the new rules, you cannot register on VKontakte via email (without specifying a number).

1. Open the VKontakte website in your browser - vk.com.

2. In the fields of the section “ Instant registration» Please indicate your first and last name. Click the “Register” button.

Attention! Without a last name, you will not be able to proceed to the next step of filling out your personal application form. It is also recommended to provide real personal information (correctly!) so that your friends can quickly find you on the social network.

3. In the “Country” line, click the mouse to open the drop-down menu and select the state in which you live.

4. Enter your mobile number (without international code; the service system inserts it into the field automatically).

5. Click “Get code”. Within 1-2 minutes an SMS message with a 5-digit verification code will be sent to the specified number (sending is free). Enter it in the bottom line and click the “Send code” button.

6. Create a long password (12-15 characters) from English letters, numbers and special characters.

Attention! Do not use your first name, last name, patronymic, date of birth, or phone number as a password. As well as trivial character combinations that are easy to predict: for example, “my_parol”, “121212”, etc.

7. Click on the “Login to the site” button. Actually new page VKontakte registration has been created and completed. All that remains is to provide additional information about yourself.

Entering personal data

1. “Country of school”, “City of school” - location of the general education educational institution where you studied.

2. “School”: you can select the name from the drop-down list (it displays all schools in the city you specified) or simply indicate only the school number.

3. Indicate the year of graduation and the class in which you studied (A, B, C, etc.).

4. On the same page, you can immediately add your classmates as friends (they will appear automatically in the lower block “You may know these people”). Click the corresponding button located next to your friend’s avatar.

5. Click the “Go to next step” button.

6. In the same way, provide information about the university where you studied: fill in the fields “Country”, “City”, “University”, “Year of graduation”, “Faculty”, “Department”. If you wish, add classmates as friends whom the social network system found during the data entry process.

7. On next page, VKontakte invites a new user (that is, you) to find friends on other social networks: Facebook, Google (via Gmail and Google+ email), Odnoklassniki, Twitter. If you don't want to use this function, click the “Go to my page” link.

Page design

1. Click “Select photo” in the message that appears. In the system window, go to the folder where your pictures are stored, and then click on your photo (which is best suited for an avatar).

2. Edit the photo size by moving/extending the borders of the portrait with the mouse. When you are finished editing, click “Save and Continue.”

3. Click “Edit Page”.

4. In the form that opens, you can optionally indicate your Family status, date of birth (and customize its display), the city in which you live, first and last names of relatives (parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers).

Note. To remove entered data from the field, click the “Delete” option (located at right side from the line).

6. To find a friend on a social network, click on the “People” section, and then type his first and last name in the search bar. If necessary, additional panel on the left, set up a search filter (by age, place of residence, education, etc.).

  • open the “My Settings” section;
  • in the “Your email address” block, enter your email;
  • click “Save address”;
  • return to the top of the page and go to the “Alerts” tab;
  • Click the “Link Email” option.

That's all! Account created. To access your page, you must enter your mobile number and password.

Additionally, look at this interesting video about VKontakte:

Not everyone today has a VKontakte account, despite its very high popularity social networks. Or someone has lost access to their account and is about to create a new one. Therefore, I simply must tell you about all the stages of registration on this site, especially for those who are planning to create a page right now. After all, the blog is about the social network VKontakte, so you need to describe the process of creating a new page.

So, let's dial in address bar vk.com and get to the login page. We look down and in the For the first time on VKontakte block, fill in the fields with your last name and first name, as well as your date of birth and press the button Register:

Without filling out these fields, you will not be able to proceed to the next step; the fields are required. Next, VKontakte asks us to confirm registration:

Enter real number phone - an SMS will be sent to it - a message with a code. I would like to definitely note the fact that registration on the site is completely free. After clicking Get code, a field for entering the code will appear. Within two minutes you need to enter the received set of numbers, or request a second SMS if for some reason you did not have time to enter it.

After sending the code, the system will prompt you to create a password that you will use when logging into Vkontakte. It is better to come up with a complex password to ensure maximum security of your future page from hacking.

We came up with a password and went to the site. The registration process is complete, congratulations on creating your VKontakte page. The system prompts you to upload a photo so that users whom you will subsequently add as friends recognize you.

You can also look for your future friends from other social networks - in case some of them have been on VKontakte for a long time.

Next, if you wish, fill out all the necessary fields in which you talk about your hobbies, relatives, place of study and everything like that. I advise you to attach an email address to the page. To do this, go to Settings (in the upper right corner of the menu under your name) and add your email.

If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to register on VKontakte without a phone number, please contact us. I periodically post all sorts of interesting news, updates and events on this site. Add my blog to bookmarks, share articles with friends, all the best. Congratulations to the female part of the audience on March 8th. I wish all your wishes come true and more smiles. Spring mood and positive emotions!