How to change login in Odnoklassniki. Complex password for Odnoklassniki: how to come up with it

A unique login for the Odnoklassniki network - a unique business card user. Complex password - reliable protection confidentiality of personal information. However, one beauty for network name few. You need to make your login easy to remember. If you suddenly forget your password, you will have to recover it using your login.

Requirements for creating a login on Odnoklassniki

The login needs to be long enough, no shorter than 6 characters.

To create a login, you need to use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and special characters.

The login register on Odnoklassniki does not matter.

How to come up with a login for Odnoklassniki

It is most convenient to call yourself on social networks the same way as in real life. Given name a person is unlikely to forget. However, our names, despite their beauty and sonority, are not unique. Logins maria or serega will probably be busy.

It makes sense to use a nickname or other bright and rare word as a name on a social network, diluting the Latin letters with numbers or signs. Logins that are difficult to understand look elegant. in English sounds are replaced by numbers. The Russian letter Ch corresponds to the English combination of letters Ch or the number 4. The sound Z is perfectly replaced by the number 3, and the letter O - by two brackets ().

Sometimes users type their common first or last name in Russian, but English layout. The result is a unique, but not very elegant monster. In this way you will achieve uniqueness, but it is unlikely to achieve beauty.

A nickname can be created using a play on words. You can add letters or syllables to the name to create a new and unusual sound. Olya, loving music, easily becomes a user bem _()l, and Kolya with an unyielding character can take the name: ras_ k()l. There are many options for people with imagination and a well-developed sense of humor.

Adding a number to the name, which is the year or birthday, most often helps to make the login unique, but it looks simple and unoriginal.

It’s worth trying a little to come up with an exclusive name, so that later with a feeling of deep satisfaction you can read the address to yourself using a beautiful and sonorous login. Remembering a name created as a result of deep thought and a flight of fancy is easier than a primitive and meaningless set of the first keys that come across your fingers.

To ensure the safety of your login, you can write it down in your diary, record it in a file, or use the “remember me on this computer” function. Last action it is reasonable to perform only if access to your PC or mobile device limited.

How to come up with a password in Odnoklassniki

The password is secret information, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your personal space on a social network. Odnoklassniki requires creating a password from the combination Latin letters, numbers and signs in any register. The number of characters should not be less than 6 and not exceed 12.

Network developers are sensitive to natural human weaknesses. If you suddenly forget your password, the login recovery procedure is always available.

4 Rules for Creating a Strong Password

1. The main condition for reliability is length. A set of letters, numbers and symbols up to 6 characters is cracked within a few minutes. An 8-character password will make it difficult for attackers to work from several days to several months. And it’s hard to imagine how long it will take to crack a 12-character password.

2. No patterns or stable combinations in secure password must not be. Simple combinations of numbers in order are checked first. The number π and other numerical constants are known to everyone who went to school. But our education is still universal and free. So you shouldn’t count on the illiteracy of villainous hackers. Russian words in the English layout are absolutely not suitable for creating a password, since attackers will already recognize your simple cunning by the first letters. Date of birth, mobile phone number and other personal data cannot be secret. Just remember how many times you have listed them online!

3. The automatic password reproduction function does not relieve you of the need to remember a complex and multi-character secret code. Firstly, some manipulations to clean the computer “reset” memorization. Secondly, such a “convenient” function is convenient not only for the user, but also for hunters of personal data.

4. Let your password be unique, inimitable and unique. Under no circumstances use the same password for different social networks and Internet resources.

An unpredictable and complex combination of numbers, Latin letters and symbols can be created using a special password generator. True, remembering a random set of characters is more difficult than a meaningful and independently invented chain of symbols. For reliable memorization, use a variety of mnemonics and associative connections. As a last resort, record a complex password in notebook. Records on paper should be stored carefully, not leaving them within easy reach of strangers places.

Experts and simply experienced Internet users advise changing your password a couple of times a year. This simple procedure on the “settings” page will increase the level of security of your account on social networks and will protect you from troubles associated with hacking. Naturally, the change secret code should occur if your account on Odnoklassniki has already been hacked or your password has been lost.

Password recovery is possible using the login or phone number you provided during registration. Just follow the instructions step by step.

Changing your password in Odnoklassniki can be useful in the following situations:

  • if you doubt the strength of your password;
  • if you are using an old and simple password that is insecure;
  • if your password is known to someone else (third party);
  • if you suspect that your page has been hacked;
  • if you have any difficulties logging into your account;
  • if you entered the password on a public or someone else’s computer (in a club, with a friend);
  • if you haven't changed Old Password more than a year;
  • if you have used your Odnoklassniki password on other sites;
  • if you unknowingly entered personal data into a dubious program or service.

Good password for Odnoklassniki

Changing your password in Odnoklassniki is really easy, and the whole changing procedure takes no more than a minute. Thus, having learned how to change your password in Odnoklassniki, you could do it at least every week.

The main thing is not to forget your login password and not to give it to strangers. At the same time, your Odnoklassniki password must be complex.

Examples of strong and good passwords:

  1. 96O3wFMzx)
  2. O>k+,hD6(>
  3. /idjPUsyb/
  4. F2d:\VPCTD
  5. i1V(,o
  6. 5>MK,H(H!~
  7. e)(Uz8tJDV
  8. 02gr91,-N:
  9. ;rLIS1u

To use these passwords, take any one and change it. You can use it. BUT you cannot copy these particular passwords!

Use them as a basis to create your own unique password in Odnoklassniki. Your Odnoklassniki password must contain both upper and lower case letters, numbers, and signs (as in the examples above).

Note: The above passwords were created in a password generator

What you need to change your password in Odnoklassniki

To change your personal data on, you must log into the site. If you cannot get into Odnoklassniki, then:

  1. Check your computer for viruses (especially if they ask you to send an SMS);
  2. Write to the support service (copy and paste into the browser) – “Contact the support service” (below under the system rules);
  3. Try to recover your password via SMS or email;
  4. Take care to indicate alternative ways access restoration (SMS or mail).
  5. Check the accuracy of the page address. Odnoklassniki is now available at OK.RU and forget all other addresses!

How to change your password on Odnoklassniki: what to do

  1. Log in (Login and Password).
  2. Go to profile settings.

1. Go to settings.

2. Find the PASSWORD field on the Odnoklassniki settings page and hover your mouse over it. When the “Edit” option appears, click on it.

3. To change your password in Odnoklassniki, here you will have to first enter the old password (i.e. the current one), and then enter the new one 2 times. All settings are saved with the “Save” button.

IMPORTANT: to make entering your password easier, we recommend writing it down in Computer Notepad, in a Word or Excel file, and then simply copy and paste into the form. Copy and paste helps protect against password theft by tracking your keyboard.

If you didn't know, there are special virus programs, remembering everything you type on the keyboard. Therefore, before starting any work, CHECK YOUR COMPUTER FOR VIRUSES!

In a good way antivirus protection should work all the time! We strongly do not recommend disabling your antivirus. Then there will be significantly fewer problems with logging into Odnoklassniki or changing your password.

When a user registers on any Internet portal, he will need to come up with a password to access the created account. The password combines letters and numbers, the sequence of which is unknown to anyone except the creator. It must be entered every time you visit a resource, this guarantees the security of your account and prevents hacking. In this regard, the creation of a combination should be approached thoroughly.

The password should have maximum reliability, so it should not be short, but it should not be too long either, so that it is easy to remember. When registering, many users are faced with the problem of what password to come up with for the Odnoklassniki website.

Password generator

If imagination fails, and coming up with a password for the user looks like challenging task, then he can use special online services. These programs are called password generators. You can do this search query – « online generator passwords" and select any of the proposed sites. Then you should select required options and start generating.

The program will display several password options from which you can choose the most suitable one.

However, a significant disadvantage of such combinations is that they are arbitrary, so such passwords are difficult to remember.

Using associations when creating a password

Passwords with which the user can associate any associations are much easier to remember. For example, date or year of birth, telephone number, passport, initials, favorite football club, name loved one or pet, etc. True, it is worth excluding a complete coincidence of the association. The password should be diluted with other numbers or letters, uppercase or lowercase.
For example: Anton, 1992 birth.

  • Weak password: Anton1992
  • Strong password: Ant19on92
  • Very reliable: aN92To19n

It is acceptable to use dates, but in this case the day chosen for this purpose should not be known to a wide circle of people. For example, the day of school graduation or parents' wedding. At the same time, it is important not to forget the date of which event is the password.

Using the simplest combinations, such as the number series “1234...” or the “olge” keyboard buttons, is not safe. More weak password it's hard to come up with.

There is one tricky trick when creating a password: you can enter any Russian word or a phrase, but on an English layout. For example, “password” is “gfhjkm”.

You can save your password in your browser at desktop computer, but if the user completely trusts his loved ones. It is not recommended to do this on mobile phones and devices, since if lost, there is a possibility that the account could be used by attackers.

Many hacks occur when a user visits social networks through a proxy server. Therefore, if possible, you should stop using a proxy server or change your password periodically.

Today, almost all Internet users have accounts in various in social networks. We spend quite a lot of free time on these sites - communicating with friends, colleagues, viewing and commenting on photos, and conducting business.

In the proposed article we'll talk about safety. You will learn how to change your password in Odnoklassniki and learn how to do the same operation with your phone number and login.

As you know, quite often pages on social networks are hacked by hackers. Of course, this may not affect the average user, because, as a rule, attackers are interested in the accounts of famous personalities. However, if a massive attack is carried out, then your page may also be under threat.

How to change the password in Odnoklassniki?

To indicate New Password login to your Odnoklassniki account, you will need to complete several very simple actions. It is worth noting that it is recommended to change the password at least once a month. However, do not use an easy combination of numbers or letters. Remember that a complex password also includes special characters.

So, here is an algorithm of actions that will help you change the password for your Odnoklassniki page:

    on the page that opens you need the “Password” item, hover over it and click “Change”;

    enter your current password in the appropriate field, enter a new one and confirm it;

Now you know how to change your password in Odnoklassniki, so by setting complex combination characters, you can significantly increase the security of your account.

How to change login to “OK”?

Changing your login on Odnoklassniki is as easy as changing your password. However, your actions here will be slightly different. The login can be any word or phrase, but most often people indicate their E-mail address or mobile number.

So, go back to the “Change Settings” section. In this case it is necessary mouse pointer navigate to the “Login” item and click “Change”. Now you need to request special code, which you will receive via SMS message. Enter it in the appropriate box, after which you will be asked to indicate your current password and new login. The final stage- saving changes.

By the way, if your browser is set to automatically remember passwords, you will need to log out of your account and log in again, specifying a new password and login.

How to change your phone number?

Of course, “linking” the account to mobile number has its own positive sides. Firstly, in the event of an unauthorized attempt to enter your page, you will be notified about this, and secondly, you will be able to set up notifications that you will receive on your mobile phone.

You already know how to change your login and password in Odnoklassniki, so you can easily do the same operation with a phone number, you just need to remember the sequence of actions:

    open the “Change settings” section;

    refer to the item “Phone number”;

    indicate your mobile number and enter a 6-digit code;

    confirm your actions by clicking the appropriate button.

That's all! The phone number has been successfully changed. As you can see, this procedure will not take much of your time.


So, now, knowing how to change the password in Odnoklassniki, as well as your mobile number and login, you can significantly increase the security of your account on this social network.